Secrets Revealed; The Mystical Rapture Cult and Its World-wide Power and Dominion

Is there a connection between Catholic and Modern Israel? What is the origin of the rapture theory? Does the rapture theory have any bearing on the politics of America or world politics? How does this theory affect the middle east conflict? There is no theological doctrine that has done more damage to the Christian cause then the doctrine of the rapture. This erroneous teaching, together with all the remaining links of the Futuristic School, form a chain that the prince of darkness has used to imprison multitudes of believers. Evangelical preachers and teachers like John Hagee, Chuck Missler, Morris Cerullo, Jack Hayford, Pat Robinson, Thomas Ice, Tim Lahaye, Hal Lindsey, C. Larkin, Mark Hitchcock, John Walvoord, Arno Froese, Charles Stanley, Joel Rosenberg, James Kennedy, Bennie Hinn, T.D. Jakes, C. Blake, Dewayne Rudd, Ken Hagin, Ken Copland, Creflo Dollar, James Dobson, J. Reyes, S. Lukens, Jerry Jenkins, John Ankerberg, Russell Bean, S. Keohane, Jack van Impe, Rod Parsley, Chuck Smith, Dave Hunt, Grant Jeffrey, Joe van Koevering,  and a host of other national and international preachers have been misleading Christian believer by teaching this diabolical doctrine and even munipulating millions of followers to send money to build a third temple in Jeruselam.. These preachers may be sincere and think that they are doing Gods bidding but they are instruments of the Kabbalist. This doctrine is from the pits of the kingdom of darkness. TV evangelists like Hagee, TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Ken Hagin and Jack van Impe and writers like Tim Lahaye and Hal Lindsey are pawns in a much wider conspiracy. The rapture theory was created as an anti-reformation tool and protestants have accepted it and made it their own.  The rapture theory has more to do with the racist, arrogant and diabolical concept of British Israel than anything pertaining to the Kingdom of God. The rapture theory is from the pits of hell, created by Luciferians, and promoted by agents of the prince of darkness. 

The Rapture theory is one of the biggest Hoax in history. How did these so called protestant christians get trick? What is the origin of the RAPTURE? What is the purpose of the dispensation theology? Who is behind it? Has it influence world events? I will give you some facts and let you decide. 

During the 1500s, when the reformation was blossoming and the reformers identified the papacy as the anti-Christ, the Holy Roman Catholic Church fought back with a series of doctrines design to confused the people and keep them in the old church of traditions.

The Catholic Church counters the reformation at the Counsel of Trent.. Ignatius Loyola the founder of the Jesuits was commissioned by the Pope to develop a new interpretation of Scripture that would counteract the Protestant application of the Bibles Antichrist prophecies to the Roman Catholic Church.
Who was Ignatius Loyola?
In 1491 San Ignacio De Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marrano Jews. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Alumbrados (Illuminati) Order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. (How the World Government Rules the Nations) He established theJesuit order. This secret society not only became a destructive arm of the Roman Catholic Church; it also developed into a secret intelligence service. Loyola, the Catholic hero and occult Illuminist who oversaw the torment and torture of thousands of Protestant and other groups who didnt agree with the Pope during the inquisition. The secret order he founded, the Jesuits, continues to this day to promote Communism, Zionism, dispensationalism, and the Illuminati agenda which include the total destruction of family, religion, government and the establishment of the New World Order.
A disciple of Loyola, Francisco Ribera (1537-1591), also a member of the Alumbrados took the challenge of defending the Catholic Church and in 1590, published a commentary on the Revelation as a counter-interpretation to the prevailing view among Protestants which identified the Papacy with the Antichrist. He fought against the concepts of the Protestant church which stated that the Catholic Church was the great whore of Revelation 17:1.
While the Reformers were pointing to Revelation 13 and declaring the Papacy as the Antichrist, Ribera explained that this Antichrist was some person who was to appear somewhere in the future. Here is a summary, of what Ribera said about the Antichrist:
1. The Antichrist is a political leader, and individual, who will appear some time in the future, 2. He will arise in the last days and make a covenant with the Jewish nation, 3. He will rebuild the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, and restore animal sacrifices for the Jews, ruling there for 3 ½ years. 4. He will emerge as a world ruler, with power and authority over all nations, using miracles to back his claims, and subdue the church under him during a great tribulation.
Ribera misquoted Daniel chapter 9 in his attempt to shift the focus away from the Pope. He changed the word confirm to make in Dan 9:27, saying that the Antichrist would make a covenant with the Jews. The reference is actually to the Messiah, who confirmed the New Covenant, and then died for his people. It should not surprise us to see how the Roman church twisted Scripture to bolster a lie. This was the beginning of the Rapture doctrine design as an anti protestant tool. This doctrine lay dormant for over 300 years until a man who went by Rabbi Ben Ezra (Jesuit Priest Emmanuel de Lacunza) wrote a book in 1791 outlining the pre-tribulation rapture. The book was translated in English by Edward Irvin in 1827. A year earlier the librarian to the Arch Bishop of Canterbury, S.R. Maitland found Ribera writings, translated and published them in English. This doctrine was preached through out England and America and influenced political leaders and law makers. I will cover how the rapture doctrine shape the political landscape in Europe, America and the Middle East. Is the rapture theory attributing to the crises in the Middle East? 

BritishIsrael Answers its Critics

“The BritishIsrael theory is a dead, God-dishonouring, anti-Scriptural …… we don’t need to emigrate, evacuate or prepare for a Secret Rapture;

History of British Israelism | Mistaken Identity

Getting in to more modern times, the Revival Centre position on BritishIsrael can be traced back to the one-time Assembly of God (’AoG’) preacher,

Daily Kos: A history of Dominion/”Kingdom Now”/Restoration Theology

In short, the British were “God’s Chosen People.” The BritishIsrael movement ….. FGBMFI is, much like the Assemblies of God itself and several other 

Christian Zionism, Left Behind and Rapture – Articles on the 

6th century AD) and the Venerable Bede’s Ecclesiastical History (735 AD) both saw theBritish as “the new Israel,” God’s chosen people, who were destined to


The Impact of Christian Zionism on American Policy and World Policy

British Israel, The Hidden Hand Behind The ‘Kingdom of God on 

 Billy Graham, Robert Shuller, Benny Hinn, Jack Van Impe, Jerry Falwell,  As subtitled in one of the chapters from The Union Jack below states– they 


Ravi Zacharias and Jack Hayford Joined Noted Pulpit Pimps John Hagee, TD Jakes And Joyce Meyer To Pull Off Pray For Peace Of Rothschild’s Jerusalem Event!


Revelation 13 talks about 2 beasts. This video will identify the 1st beast, the Beast that comes out of the water. 



Is Modern Israel in Bible Prophecy? The Master Plan and The Balfour Accord

666 – The Beast of Revelation Identified (chapter2 pt.1)- Video

The Third Jerusalem Temple, The Red Heifer and The Rock of Ages – NWO

John McCain Committed Adultery with Cindy and Divorce Wife Carol – McCaiBoard of Radical Group – Obama 


McCain Sat On Board Of Radical Group

 getting the likes of Lady DumbDumb De Rothchild to publicly support McCain Um, doesLady Lynn Forrester de Rothschild think she’s doing McCain a favor

Clinton dead-ender Lynn Forrester de Rothschild today takes to the Wall Street Journalto attack Barack Obama as an elitist. Forrester trots out the usual GOP/old Clintonite talking points — “his current campaign is based mainly on an assumption of his transcendence,” Greek columns, fake presidential seal, with no acknowledgement that Obama is giving meaty speeches filled with programmatic solutions keyed to middle-class and working-class voters.

Go to fullsize imagelady de rothschild houseBy wraithmx5 on Flickr

Go to fullsize imageBRothschild.jpg
Go to fullsize imagerothschild-founders.jpg

“Elitism,” Forrester assures us, “is a state of mind, a view of the world that cannot be measured simply by one’s net worth, position or number of houses.” That definition conveniently excludes Forrester, a millionaire businesswoman who became a billionaire socialite when she married into the Rothschild banking fortune. (Lloyd Grove has calledher the “flashiest hostess in London,” a position which I’m sure she attained due to her close touch with working-class mores.)

Forrester further explains that John McCain’s POW history proves that he’s not an elitist:
The Rothschilds had played a major role in the Bavarian Illuminati, (25) and it  Lionel deRothschild (the de was added by the French Rothschilds) was involved
The Rothschild’s are one of the top Illuminati bloodlines on the planet and they  TheRothschild’s, like the Illuminati in general, treat the mass of the Jewish The ILLUMINATI and the CFR

illuminati families secret society freemasonry conspiracy theory biblical prophecy masonic IlluminatiIlluminati NWO. Freemason IlluminatiRothschild 


 other name has become more synonymous with the Illuminati than the Rothschilds is believed that the Rothschild family used the Illuminati as a means to 




Vatican/Jesuit/Illuminati-Black Nobility occults control the world. A look in to the groups and secret societies that control the world. Also a look (more)


They started The Jesuits. They own Adam Weishaupt – paid hack of Rothschild who started theIlluminati.jesuits illuminati ormus talmud ecumenical




More in Education






Rothschilds build Occultic Israeli Supreme Court. Future seat of AntiChrist??666 NWO AntichristIlluminati.


Added: 1 month ago

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The Illuminati and the New World Order

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(2) USA in Bible prophecy | Second Beast of Revelation 13!

(2) USA in Bible prophecy | Second Beast of Revelation 13!

The Truth About the Rapture, Second Coming and The New World Order

Rev.21: 2 And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out . than help spread the truth according to Gods Word.

New Vedic Order -KKK – White Nationalism – British Israel

He also was the founder of the KKK. He writes about the plan and goal of the Illuminati or the Freemasons. Albert Pike wrote about how the Illuminati see

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John Hagee, Zionist-Illuminati Agent – New World Order- national chairman of Christians United for Israel, What is the truth behind the Rapture

Fail Prophecies and Hoax Books of the 20th Century – Sydney Watson, Salem Kirban, Dave Hunt, Tim Lahaye, Edgar Whisenant, Forrest Oilar, Dayton Manker – NWO – Fail, Fail Again!

Probably one of the most interesting left behind genre novels is Salem Kirban</strong>s 666, first published in 1970. By 1976, it had gone through fourteen


Do You know.. You are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God Knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise.. ( taken from Wayne Anderson book – Gods DNA)

Watch the 2008 Presidential debate on Youtube – Ron Paul, Hillery Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Mitt Romey, Mike Gravel, John Mccain, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Joe Biden, Sam Brownback, Tommy Thompson, and Barack Obama.

The Inquisition – A Pictorial History..
Historical Overview Of The Inquisition – Part 1

History Of The Roman Catholic Inquisition – Part 2
The Spanish Inquisition – An Overiew

council of trent here is a selection taken from that meeting

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The Truth About the Rapture, Second Coming and The New World Order- Sojourner Truth Speaks About The True Advent of Christ – – False Prophets – Senate’s Corruption Investigation of Televangelists

Many books have been written concerning the rapture and it is a billion dollar business. Is the rapture theory Biblical? or is it a mystical Harry Potter like fairy tale? What is Armageddon? Most of the books have little to do with the Second Coming or the truth relating to the events surrounding the second coming.

Story Books by Tim Lahaye, John Hagee, Pat Robinson, Jack Van Impe, Benny Hinn, Jerry Jenkins,THomas Ice, Hinson, Hal Lindsey, Kenneth Copeland, John Chambers, Dan Bohler, Kenneth Hagin, Rex Humbard, and most of the Armageddon and Last-days events are used to promote a Zionist and Rothschild’s agenda. The rapture and last-day events books are anti-reformation, anti-protestant, Anti-Christ and have little or nothing to do with Bible Truth. Yes these false teachers and preachers may use elaborate charts on prophecy, use scriptures and even historical events..but their goal is to seduce and, mislead the Gods children. They are the crusaders of error and unrighteousness. They appear to be ministers of light but their is hollow and full of darkness. They promote war and not peace, hate and not love. Ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.

What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second coming?

The Second Coming of Christ is mention or alluded to more than 1800 times. The Bible writers wrote about the Coming of Christ more than any other subject

The Second coming of Christ is often confused with the Rapture… The word rapture does not appear in the Bible but some people have often used the Greek word harpazo – caught up for the rapture.

Harpazo – caught up and second coming is the same event. Let me repeat…SAME EVENT1Thess.4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first, 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (GK. Arpaghsomeqa, harpazO v_ 2Fut Pas Ind 1 Pl SHALL-BE-BEING-SNATCHED) The Bible is clear.. When Jesus returns… He will return the same way as He left. Act 1: 9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.

Vs.10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel:

Vs.11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

Jesus was taken or caught up in a cloud… The Greek word for caught up in Acts 1:11 is analambanO, – one being taken up.

When Jesus returns, He will come in a cloud – Rev.1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Christ return will be not be secret, nor quiet, nor will only a select group see Him… The dead or those who fell asleep in Jesus will be resurrected,

And the righteous living will be caught up with the resurrected saints to meet the Lord in the air.

1 Cor.15: 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

What happens to the wicked when Christ returns?

Rev.6:15 and the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 2 Thess. 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

The Bible is clear… the wicked living will see Christ Second Coming, they will try to hide, and be destroy with the brightness of the Second Coming.

What happens to the wicked dead when Christ returns? Jn.5:28Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, 29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

There are two resurrections. One of life and the other is of damnation (death) The is a period of 1000 yrs that separate the first and second resurrection.

Rev.20:5-6 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years

How long will the righteous be in heaven and what will they be doing?

Rev. 21:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

What happens at the end of the Millennium?

Rev.21: 2 And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Rev.20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

2 Peter 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Rev.21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Rev.16:15-17 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

Armageddon is the place where the Lord will destroy the wicked once and for all. The whole earth will be cleansed with fire, and than it will be made new again.

Rev.21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 3And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Jesus will bring the Temple or the Tabernacle with Him at the end of the 1000 years.

In summary, the events that will take place at the Second Coming of Christ are:

The Dead in Christ will be resurrected;

The Righteous Living will is caught up;

The wicked living will be destroy with the brightness of the Second Coming;

Satan will be bound on earth with no one to tempt for 1000 years; (bound by a chain of circumstance – out of business)

The Righteous will live and reign with Christ for a 1000 years in heaven;

At the end of the thousand years,

The wicked will be part of the second resurrection, Satan will convince them to take over the New Jerusalem which they will see as the city come down from heaven;

Fire will destroy Satan, the wicked, and sin. The effects of the fire will be everlasting. Sin and sinners will be forever eradicated from the earth.

The earth will be cleansed and made new;

The Tabernacle of God (Jesus is the Tabernacle) will live with man.

The Righteous will live on the earth with Christ forever.

The Second coming is not the secret rapture, no secret snatch, no second chance, no third earthly Jerusalem temple, no seven year tribulation, no anti-Christ making a new covenant with Israel, no two plans for salvation (one for Jews and the other for non Jews), no eternal torment (the effects of the fire is eternal).

Yes beloved, in the beginning God took chaos and made cosmos… soon He will reverse His creation and take cosmos and make chaos, He will destroy this old sinful world with fire and than He will take chaos and make cosmos…

Rev. 21:4 and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away..vs.5 Behold I make all things new.

This is the New World Order… not as the man envision it but as God see it.

Study to show thyself approve… Ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.


Sojourner Truth and The Second Advent of Christ – Rapture Truth

Sojourner Truth (The Second Advent Doctrines)Sojourner Truth (Isabella Van Wagener), the famous abolitionist, was believed to be a Seventh-dayAdventist – through the efforts of Uriah Smith.Though her baptism by Smith is questioned by some historians, it is generally accepted that Sojourner Truth was acquainted with Advent teachings and accepted the Sabbath. She knew Ellen White, John Byington, Dr. J. H. Kellogg, and other prominent church leaders. She spoke at the Battle Creek Sanitarium and several other church gatherings. Her grave is in the Oak Hill Cemetery in Battle Creek, near the White family burial place.

In October of 1856, Sojourner Truth went to Michigan to address the Friends of Human Progress Association. It was there that she spoke about the injustice of slavery and its impact on families. She told the audience about her five children that she loved but lost to slavery. However, Truth believed in God and also believed that all the rights and love that were taken away from slaves in this life would be returned to them in heaven.

On June 12, 1863, the newspaper ran a version of one of Truth’s speeches from a meeting at the State Sabbath Convention in Battle Creek, Michigan. Here Truth spoke to the people about race relations and how God made everyone who they are, so it was not fair to degrade others based on their race because it was God who had made them that way. “Does not God love colored children as well as white children? And did not the same Saviour die to save the one as well as the other? If so, white children must know that if they go to Heaven, they must go there without their prejudice against color, for in Heaven black and white are one in the love of Jesus.”

In an October 29, 1864 letter dictated by Sojourner Truth to a friend, Rowland Johnson, Truth speaks of her meeting with President Abraham Lincon. Truth told God that she believed Lincoln was a good man, and if he were spared and not “thrown into the lion’s den and the lions did not tear him up,” then she would know that God had saved him for her to meet. Therefore, in his four years, she at some point had to meet him. They spoke about the end of slavery and how grateful she was to him for signing the treaty. In her letter, Truth said, “I must say, I am proud to say, that I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man, Abraham Lincoln, by the grace of God, president of the United States for four years more.”


The Narrative of Sojourner Truth
Written by Olive Gilbert, based on information provided by Sojourner Truth. 1850

(Excerpt of Narrative)


In Hartford and vicinity, she met with several persons who believed in the ‘Second Advent’ doctrines; or, the immediate personal appearance of Jesus Christ. At first she thought she had never heard of ‘Second Advent.’ But when it was explained to her, she recollected having once attended Mr. Miller’s meeting in New York, where she saw a great many enigmatical pictures hanging on the wall, which she could not understand, and which, being out of the reach of her understanding, failed to interest her. In this section of country, she attended two camp-meetings of the believers in these doctrines-the ‘second advent’ excitement being then at its greatest height. The last meeting was at Windsor Lock. The people, as a matter of course, eagerly inquired of her concerning her belief, as it regarded their most important tenet. She told them it had not been revealed to her; perhaps, if she could read, she might see it differently. Sometimes, to their eager inquiry, ‘Oh, don’t you believe the Lord is coming?’ she answered, ‘I believe the Lord is as near as he can be, and not be it.’ With these evasive and non-exciting answers, she kept their minds calm as it respected her unbelief, till she could have an opportunity to hear their views fairly stated, in order to judge more understandingly of this matter, and see if, in her estimation, there was any good ground for expecting an event which was, in the minds of so many, as it were, shaking the very foundations of the universe. She was invited to join them in their religious exercises, and accepted the invitation-praying, and talking in her own peculiar style, and attracting many about her by her singing.

When she had convinced the people that she was a lover of God and his cause, and had gained a good standing with them, so that she could get a hearing among them, she had become quite sure in her own mind that they were laboring under a delusion, and she commenced to use her influence to calm the fears of the people, and pour oil upon the troubled waters. In one part of the grounds, she found a knot of people greatly excited: she mounted a stump and called out, ‘Hear! hear!’ When the people had gathered around her, as they were in a state to listen to any thing new, she addressed them as ‘children,’ and asked them why they made such a ‘To-do;-are you not commanded to “watch and pray?” You are neither watching nor praying.’ And she bade them, with the tones of a kind mother, retire to their tents, and there watch and pray, without noise or tumult, for the Lord would not come to such a scene of confusion; ‘the Lord came still and quiet.’ She assured them, ‘the Lord might come, move all through the camp, and go away again, and they never know it,’ in the state they then were.

They seemed glad to seize upon any reason for being less agitated and distressed, and many of them suppressed their noisy terror, and retired to their tents to ‘watch and pray;’ begging others to do the same, and listen to the advice of the good sister. She felt she had done some good, and then went to listen further to the preachers. They appeared to her to be doing their utmost to agitate and excite the people, who were already too much excited; and when she had listened till her feelings would let her listen silently no longer, she arose and addressed the preachers. The following are specimens of her speech:-

‘Here you are talking about being “changed in the twinkling of an eye.” If the Lord should come, he’d change you to nothing! for there is nothing to you.

‘You seem to be expecting to go to some parlor away up somewhere, and when the wicked have been burnt, you are coming back to walk in triumph over their ashes-this is to be your New Jerusalem!! Now, I can’t see any thing so very nice in that, coming back to such a muss as that will be, a world covered with the ashes of the wicked! Besides, if the Lord comes and burns-as you say he will-I am not going away; I am going to stay here and stand the fire, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego! And Jesus will walk with me through the fire, and keep me from harm. Nothing belonging to God can burn, any more than God himself; such shall have no need to go away to escape the fire! No, I shall remain. Do you tell me that God’s children can’t stand fire?’ And her manner and tone spoke louder than words, saying, ‘It is absurd to think so!’

The ministers were taken quite aback at so unexpected an opposer, and one of them, in the kindest possible manner, commenced a discussion with her, by asking her questions, and quoting scripture to her; concluding, finally, that although she had learned nothing of the great doctrine which was so exclusively occupying their minds at the time, she had learned much that man had never taught her.

At this meeting, she received the address of different persons, residing in various places, with an invitation to visit them. She promised to go soon to Cabotville, and started, shaping her course for that place. She arrived at Springfield one evening at six o’clock, and immediately began to search for a lodging for the night. She walked from six till past nine, and was then on the road from Springfield to Cabotville, before she found any one sufficiently hospitable to give her a night’s shelter under their roof. Then a man gave her twenty-five cents, and bade her go to a tavern and stay all night. She did so, returning in the morning to thank him, assuring him she had put his money to its legitimate use. She found a number of the friends she had seen at Windsor when she reached the manufacturing town of Cabotville, (which has lately taken the name of Chicopee,) and with them she spent a pleasant week or more; after which, she left them to visit the Shaker village in Enfield. She now began to think of finding a resting place, at least, for a season; for she had performed quite a long journey, considering she had walked most of the way; and she had a mind to look in upon the Shakers, and see how things were there, and whether there was any opening there for her. But on her way back to Springfield, she called at a house and asked for a piece of bread; her request was granted, and she was kindly invited to tarry all night, as it was getting late, and she would not be able to stay at every house in that vicinity, which invitation she cheerfully accepted. When the man of the house came in, he recollected having seen her at the camp-meeting, and repeated some conversations, by which she recognized him again. He soon proposed having a meeting that evening, went out and notified his friends and neighbors, who came together, and she once more held forth to them in her peculiar style. Through the agency of this meeting, she became acquainted with several people residing in Springfield, to whose houses she was cordially invited, and with whom she spent some pleasant time.

One of these friends, writing of her arrival there, speaks as follows. After saying that she and her people belonged to that class of persons who believed in the second advent doctrines; and that this class, believing also in freedom of speech and action, often found at their meetings many singular people, who did not agree with them in their principal doctrine; and that, being thus prepared to hear new and strange things, ‘They listened eagerly to Sojourner, and drank in all she said;’-and also, that she ‘soon became a favorite among them; that when she arose to speak in their assemblies, her commanding figure and dignified manner hushed every trifler into silence, and her singular and sometimes uncouth modes of expression never provoked a laugh, but often were the whole audience melted into tears by her touching stories.’ She also adds, ‘Many were the lessons of wisdom and faith I have delighted to learn from her.’ . . . . ‘She continued a great favorite in our meetings, both on account of her remarkable gift in prayer, and still more remarkable talent for singing, . . . and the aptness and point of her remarks, frequently illustrated by figures the most original and expressive.

‘As we were walking the other day, she said she had often thought what a beautiful world this would be, when we should see every thing right side up. Now, we see every thing topsy-turvy, and all is confusion.’ For a person who knows nothing of this fact in the science of optics, this seemed quite a remarkable idea.

‘We also loved her for her sincere and ardent piety, her unwavering faith in God, and her contempt of what the world calls fashion, and what we call folly. ‘She was in search of a quiet place, where a way-worn traveller might rest. She had heard of Fruitlands, and was inclined to go there; but the friends she found here thought it best for her to visit Northampton. She passed her time, while with us, working wherever her work was needed, and talking where work was not needed. ‘She would not receive money for her work, saying she worked for the Lord; and if her wants were supplied, she received it as from the Lord. ‘She remained with us till far into winter, when we introduced her at the Northampton Association.’ . . . . ‘She wrote to me from thence, that she had found the quiet resting place she had so long desired. And she has remained there ever since.’


(An Excerpt) This Far by Faith – Sojourner Truth


While living in New York, Isabella attended the many camp meetings held around the city, and she quickly established herself as a powerful speaker, capable of converting many. In 1843, she was “called in spirit” on the day of Pentecost. The spirit instructed her to leave New York, a “second Sodom,” and travel east to lecture under the name Sojourner Truth. This new name signified her role as an itinerant preacher, her preoccupation with truth and justice, and her mission to teach people “to embrace Jesus, and refrain from sin.” Sojourner Truth set off on her journey during a period of millennial fervor, with many poised to hear her call to Jesus before the Day of Judgement.


Sojourner Truth first met the abolitionist Frederick Douglass while she was living at the Northampton Association. Although he admired her speaking ability, Douglass was patronizing of Truth, whom he saw as “uncultured.” Years later, however, Truth would use her plain talk to challenge Douglass. At an 1852 meeting in Ohio, Douglass spoke of the need for blacks to seize freedom by force. As he sat down, Truth asked “Is God gone?” Although much exaggerated by Harriet Beecher Stowe and other writers, this exchange made Truth a symbol for faith in nonviolence and God’s power to right the wrongs of slavery.

  1. Sojourner Truth, along with several members of her family, are buried in Oak  Town,” the more than 2,000 local church members observed the Sabbath on Saturday. 

Sojourner Truth's grave by .JAIMEE..

A frequent lecturer at the “Old San” was Sojourner Truth, shown in this portrait with President Abraham Lincoln.
A frequent lecturer at the “Old San” was Sojourner Truth, shown in this portrait with President Abraham Lincoln.

Sojourner Truth, nationally known as a charismaticSojourner Truthspeaker for abolition and women’s rights, visited Battle Creek in 1856. She was impressed with the people she met and moved here a year later. For the next 27 years, the illiterate ex-slave made Battle Creek her home, as she continued to travel the country, agitating for human rights for black and white alike.

Sojourner Truth gravesite at Oak Hill Cemetery, Battle Creek, MichiganFor the first ten years she lived in the area, Truth had a home in the village of Harmonia, a community of Quakers and Spiritualists a few miles west of Battle Creek (now the location of Fort Custer Industrial Park). In 1867 she and her family moved into town, where she lived until her death in 1883. Sojourner Truth, along with several members of her family, are buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, on the east side of the city.



Sabbath Truth -The Truth about the Sabbath

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The Remnant
Second Coming of Jesus

Remember – There is something God want you to know.. You are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God Knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise.. (taken from Wayne Anderson book – God’s DNA)

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Zie’l – Stellar Gospel Music Awards – Andrae and Sandra Crouch, TBN – Gladys Knight and Clifton Davis Video – Thomas Weeks Pleads Guilty in Beating Juanita Bynum – COGIC Bishop faces Prison for Molesting Children – Apostate TV Preacher and Agent for Rothchilds Israel John Hagee Endorse John McCain – Barack Music Video “Yes We Can” – Senate Corruption Investigation of Televangelists –

God is Able

COGIC Bishop Faces Prison for Molesting Foster Children

A Decatur pastor faces at least 25 years in prison after being convicted of aggravated sexual battery and child molestation of his 15-year-old foster child, authorities said.

DeKalb County prosecutors contend Bishop Frederick Kelley, who headed Greater New Macedonia Church of God in Christ, had a history of child molestation and rape involving family members going back 35 years.

Andrae & Sandra Crouch – I’m Not Afraid (TBN)

“I’m Not Afraid” on TBN in Sept. 2007! Andrae Sandra

State Dept. cites new forms of anti-Semitism (USA Today) New forms of anti-Semitism are emerging around the world, promoting prejudice against Jews by attacking Israeli policy and Zionism, the philosophic underpinning of a Jewish state, the State Department reported Thursday.

Is John Hagee A False Teacher and Agent of Zionist Israel? – The False Teaching of Christian Zionism

When God-fearing Judeo-Christians from thousands of churches nationwide realize they’ve been conned by political Israel’s agents, they will leave CUFI, Christian Zionism, and the hundred-year-old movement we call “Scofieldism”, to return to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Hagee…said that Katrina was a righteous heavenly punishment against New Orleans sent by God himself…False Teachers JohnHagee Heresy Lies about Jesus and promote the Illuminati and NWO agenda along with John Mccain and Hillary Clinton.

Apostasy: “Christian” Zionism and multi-faith False Unity Hagee has become one of America’s best known proponents of a movement with a contradictory name: Christian Zionism. It is a marriage of politics and current events as seen though particular interpretations of biblical writings,

Israeli forces have killed 120 people in the Gaza Strip, the bloodiest day for Palestinians since an uprising against Israeli occupation began in 2000
Reuters | Sunday, 02 March 2008

McCain backs Israeli Terrorist Attacts on Gaza
PRESS TV, Iran –
US presidential hopeful McCain lends support to Tel Aviv, saying that an attack on Israel threatens everything the West holds dear.
McCain: Israel’s enemies are ours
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, NY –
Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah are as much a threat to the West as they are to Israel, John McCain said. The Republican candidate for the US presidency voiced ..


THINK OF THE CHILDREN: Medics tend to a Palestinian girl after an Israeli missile strike on a house in Gaza.

Photo 1 of 4 next previous

DEVASTATION: Palestinians inspect a house after it was hit by an Israeli missile.

Photo 2 of 4 previous previous
A Palestinian woman inspecting her destroyed bedroom after an IAF strike on Gaza (Reuters)

IDF kills 20 Palestinians in Gaza, W. Bank, including 5 children

One of the many children killed in Lebanon by Israels’ Army during their invasion.. Hagee, Hillary and Mccain supported the invasion that left over 300 innocent people are now dead in Lebanon since Israel began its bombardment.


THINK OF THE CHILDREN: Medics tend to a Palestinian girl after an Israeli missile strike on a house in Gaza.

Photo 1 of 4 next previous

Christian Zionism is Deceitful Israeli Front The deceived American churches were infiltrated and new doctrine introduced unique to the 20th century which captured churches for the purpose of changing previous Christian resistance to a pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist political agenda,
Abbas: Gaza attacks ‘a holocaust’ and Terrorism
The Palestinian president has accused Israel of “international terrorism”, saying its assault on Gaza constitutes “more than a holocaust”
Saudi compares Israel Gaza offensive to Nazi crimes
RIYADH, March 2 (Reuters) – US ally Saudi Arabia compared Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip to Nazi war crimes on Sunday and called on the international

Rice concerned over humanitarian conditions in Gaza The U.S Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has stated that she “had concerns” over the Israeli attacks on the Palestinian Gaza Strip, due to the recurring deaths of Palestinian civilians during the attacks.

Zionist Starvation Plan

rOver 6000 Palestinian refugees from Gaza, including children, babies, pregnant women, the sick, the elderly, and unarmed civilians have been stranded on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border of Gaza for over one month now.


State Dept. cites new forms of anti-Semitism (USA Today) New forms of anti-Semitism are emerging around the world, promoting prejudice against Jews by attacking Israeli policy and Zionism, the philosophic underpinning of a Jewish state, the State Department reported Thursday.

Arthur Koestler’s Book The Thirteenth Tribe..Who Are Modern-day Jew? Are They Semitic? Truth

The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler refutes the idea of a Jewish “race.” Moreover, he says that most Jews of the contemporary world did not come from Palestine and are not even of Semitic origin. His research shows that most Jews originated in what today is the Soviet Union. And that a group of people there became Jews through conversion, on the orders of their king. “The bulk of modern Jewry is not of Palestinian, but of Caucasian origin,” Koestler writes. “Their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus.”

Arthur Koestler, a Jewish historian, in his work, “The Thirteenth Tribe”, …. they bow their knee to these super rich Kharzar Zionist communist Jews.

Israel threatens to unleash ‘holocaust’ in Gaza

NewWorldOrderResearch.Org and Campaign 2008

Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it. Bill; Hillary Clinton ; the Bushes serve the same masters. ZIONISM: A BLIGHT ON THE JEWISH PEOPLE

History of Modern Day Jews – Khazaria

The Christian Right: Not Right, Not Following Christ Christian Right pastors and spokesmen in thousands of churches swear that Israel has a biblical right to bomb Gaza and Lebanon. They teach that to resist Israel is to interfere with God’s Plan. The normally Israeli-sympathetic network

Christian Zionism: Religion as Law, Power, and Conquest Even among conservative and fundamentalist Christians, Christian Zionists represent some of the most extreme and dangerous ideologues in American religion. Unfortunately, they are also very influential in conservative Christianity; the. ..

SabbathSunday Bill Survey Shows Support – Sunday Becoming the Oficial Day of Rest in Israel Inside IsraelIsrael

MK Yitzchak Levy of the National Union party said the bill paves the way for further deterioration in the character of the Sabbath in the State of Israel. .

The Rapture Truth – Its Origin and Influence in World Affairs

Preachers and teachers like John Hagee, Jack Van Impe, Pat Robinson, Thomas Ice, Jesse Duplantis, Bennie Hinn, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop Charles Blake… Promote an Anti-Protestant, Anti-Reformation Doctrine


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The Illuminati and the New World Order

YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

YouTube – Interview with ex-freemason and illuminati:Leo

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Joyce Meyer teaches little godsMan as a “little god”

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Creflo Dollar Corruption Interview Part 1

The Third Jerusalem Temple, The Red Heifer and The Rock of Ages

WORD OF FAITH – ORAL ROBERTS – His Prophecies – 005

The Truth About the Lord’s Day – Saturday (7th day) or Sunday (1st day) TD Jakes Video

Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland FREEMASONS

Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland FREEMASONS

The Impact of Christian Zionism on American Policy and World Policy

Patti Roberts,Richard’s First Wife Exposes Heresy of Richard and Oral.

clipped from

Televangelists Living Like Kings?

Senate Inquiry Targets Six Televangelists, Including Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Eddie Long, Paula White, Kenneth Copeland…

U.S. senator to investigate televangelists, including Oral Roberts University regents (Tulsa World)broadcast-india.jpg

U.S. senator looks into televangelists’ finances Copeland, Hinn others(Fort Worth Star-Telegram)

$23,000 Holy Toilet

Joyce Meyer’s $23,000 Toilet: A Symbol Of The Prosperity Gospel

…Monday, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, asked Meyer to provide his staff with documents detailing the finances of the Joyce Meyer Ministries, including the religious group’s compensation to Meyer, her husband and other family members, as well as an…


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BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE C. Dollar Evangelical KABBALLAH theologymorris cerullo,E.V. Hill, Pastor Stephen F. Smith luis palau, Sabbath joseph stowell, kay arthur, Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Lords Day Billy Graham Charles Green conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Lyle Dukes Bishop Carver Poindexter Randy White Paula White Pentecostal qabalah Bishop Thomas Weeks Juanita Bynum Bishop Samuel Green Charels Capps Without Walls International Global Destiny Jack van Impe Joel Olsteen Joseph John Legend YES WE CAN Chambers rod parsley Steve Keohane, Fredrick Kelley, T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe murdock woodrow,bullinger meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Zie’l Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries Stellar Gospel Awards saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy Bishop Carver Poindexter online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President sherlock bally tal brooke ray brubaker robert campbell noah hutchings john cionci robert gundry alex reese john noe, arnold murray salem kirban c.s. lovett charles ryrie perry stone lester sumrall woody young larry wilson True Israel, sherman gordon art evans eric fooks franklin bell torrance jacko darrow perkins george mckinney bruce malone russ miller don perkins todd strandberg pat smith randy thomas ron graff ross taylor richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon Baal worship Lords Day Lyle Dukes megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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The New Rapture Cult – Its Power, Political Influence and Secret Agenda – TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon – John Hagee Denies Christ as Messiah – Senate Corruption Investigation of TV Evangelists – Video –

The rapture theory is not Biblical and was founded as an Anti-Reformation tool of the Catholic Church. The purpose of the rapture theory was to destroy the reformation or control protestantism, recapture the Holy Land and establish the New Word Order and the One world government.  The rapture theory has more to do with the racist, arrogant and diabolical concept of British Israel than anything pertaining to the Kingdom of God. The rapture theory is from the pits of hell, created by Luciferians, and promoted by agents of the prince of darkness.

Barbara Rossing said in her book The Rapture Racket,

” the Rapture is a fraud of monumental proportions, as well as a disturbing way to instill fear in people.

“Whether prescribing a violent script for Israel or survivalism in the United States, this theology distorts God’s vision for the world,” Rossing writes. “In place of healing, the Rapture proclaims escape. In place of Jesus’s blessing of peacemaking, the Rapture voyeuristically glorifies violence and war …. This theology is not biblical. We are not Raptured off the earth, nor is God.

Where did the rapture theory originate and why?

Reformers such as Luther, Calvin, Huss, Zwingli, Melanchthon, Bullinger and others had identified the Catholic Church as Mystery Babylon in Revelation and the Popes as the Anti-Christ. Millions of sincere Catholics were leaving the mother church and joining the reformation movement.. The church set out to neutralize and destroy the protestant movement.. What they could not do through brute force and the military inquisitions they did through political espionage, spiritual intrigue, and using mind control techniques by secret societies. Most of the books published on the rapture are brainwashing the readers mind. All of the books writen by Tim Lahaye’s, John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Jerry Jenkins , John Walvoord and movies such as the Omega Code and Megiddo are design for mind control. This anti-protestant doctrine is taught in many universities and seminaries such as Dallas Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southwestern Assemblies of God, Zion Bible College, Moody Bible Institute, Global University, Liberty and Regent University and well as a host of other leading colleges and universities The rapture cult has the largest following than any cult in the US or Europe.

Why were sincere Catholics, priests and monks leaving the Catholic Church.?

People were leaving because of corruptions in the church. If one look at the Babylonian sun worship, and the present Roman Catholic Mass there are many similarities. Baal worship seem to have taken over the Catholic Church. The icon of the virgin mother and child with halos (representing the sun), Mary as the queen of heaven, (Isis – queen of heaven) confessionals, wafer worship, transubstantiation, and priests as exclusive mediators of God were all derived from the Satanic Babylonian religion. Roman Catholicism became a mixture of witchcraft, Judaism, paganism, and perverted Christianity. When this corruptions was exposed by the reformers, Rome was outraged, and staged Holy Inquisitions, design to rid the world of heretics. The Inquisition included torturing and murdering people who didn’t not agree with the Catholic views. Ten of thousands of people were killed and some historians even put the numbers in the millions. Later, in response to the Vatican’s oppressive dogma, Martin Luther, a former Augustinian monk, nailed his 95 theses to the wall of a church in Germany, heralding Protestantism. . The Vatican was shaken as Protestantism spreads rapidly through Europe. In order to stamp out the spiritual rebellion, Pope Paul III ordered Ignatius de Loyola to found the Order of Jesuits, which would act as the intelligentsia and secret militia of the Vatican. Loyola had already founded the occult Illuminati, which he then placed under the umbrella of the Vatican ” Ignatius a Merovingian Jew from Loyola Spain was a member of the Alumbrados before he founded the Illuminati and the Jesuits. The Merovingian Jews claim to be decedents of Jesus and Mary of Magdalene. Thus you have books and movies like DaVinci Code, Prieure de Sion, Passover Plot, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, being produced and circulated by Hollywood Kabbalist movie studios and publishing houses controlled by the Illuminati. These books are blasphemous teachings design to nullify the true Gospel of Jesus. Many of the Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priest were Merovingian Jews whose agenda was to destroy true Christianity and pervert the true gospel.

The Jesuits Oath:

I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.”It was when Pope Paul III convened the Council of Trent that the church formally addressed the protestant reformation with edicts, dogmas and doctrines. A disciple of Ignatius, Francisco Ribera came up with a theory that would take the attention off the Pope as being the Anti-Christ and put it on some future individual. This was the beginning of the Rapture doctrine. The Jesuits infiltrated the protestant movement, developed protestant theology, and purposely mis interpreted scriptures relating to Bible prophecy. They also controlled the educational system and bribe and blackmailed governments of Europe and America to promote their agenda. Two other groups that were instrumental the origin and development of the rapture theory were the Knights Templars (Masons) and the Knights of Malta (Knights of Columbus).

Barbara Aho said in her article (The Merovingian Dynasty) “it was also the The avowed objective of the Templars was to protect the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places: their secret objective was the re-building of the Temple of Solomon on the model prophesied by Ezekiel.
“This re-building, formally predicted by the Judaizing Mystics of the earlier ages, had become the secret dream of the Patriarchs of the Orient. The Temple of Solomon, re-built and consecrated to the Catholic worship would become, in effect, the Metropolis of the Universe.”
In my up coming blog I will go into more detail about how the Jesuits and the Illuminati set about to implement the Rapture theory to achieve their goal.. Protestant churches, Evangelical seminaries, and bible talking and Bibleprobe preachers like John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Jack Hayford, TD Jakes, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robinson, Creflo Dollar, Bishop Charles Blake, Billy Graham, and masons who promote the rapture have been seduced by Jesuits theology and manipulated by the kabbalist practitioners, thus they are part of the world-wide Anti-Christ conspiracy.

If you are reading this document, I strongly suggest you print it out, send it to your friends and family members, because it would be taken off this web site by the workers of the prince of darkness. May the Spirit of God lead you into all truth. God Bless.

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The Illuminati and the New World Order

(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!

(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!

The Third Jerusalem Temple, The Red Heifer and The Rock of Ages

Roberts Sex Sermon – Video, Photos, Tapes – News – The Beasts of Revelation 13 – Identified

YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

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The Illuminati and the New World Order

Illuminati News: Inside Illuminati Lodge Skull and Bones 322 Yale

YouTube – Interview with ex-freemason and illuminati:Leo

YouTube – The Truth about Freemasons Secret Agenda part-1

YouTube – The Truth about Freemasons Secret Agenda part2

click here for TD Jakes Sabbath message RSVP Pt 1 TD Jakes Sermon Against The Sabbath and Gods Word

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

(2) USA in Bible prophecy | Second Beast of Revelation 13!

(2) USA in Bible prophecy | Second Beast of Revelation 13!

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John Hagee Denies Jesus Came as Messiah who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Now John Hagee, watch this video and see for yourself…

JOHN HAGEE BY STEVE LUMBLEY OF APOSTASY WATCH One of the credibility gaps with John Hagee are his associations within the Word of Faith Movement as seen in one of our photographs as he is featured along with Jesse Duplantis and Benny Hinn. In this post Steve Lumbley brings you even

John Hagee’s Dual Covenant Duplicity Part Three If John Hagee really loved the Jewish people he would tell then that the savior they seek was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. He would tell them that their adherence to the Torah is worthless without a sacrifice.

Jewwatch Critiques John Hagee’s Heresy Frank Weltner discusses John Hagee’s heresy. Will Christian Zionists listen? Not if they’ve chosen to worship Jews rather than Christ.

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Hagee Heresy

John Hagee spews heresy!…False Teachers John Hagee Heresy Lies about Jesus and promote the Illuminati and NWO agenda

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John Hagee is a Rothechilds – Illuminati agent for Military Propaganda

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BritishIsrael Answers its Critics

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Getting in to more modern times, the Revival Centre position on BritishIsrael can be traced back to the one-time Assembly of God (‘AoG’) preacher,

Daily Kos: A history of Dominion/”Kingdom Now”/Restoration Theology

In short, the British were “God’s Chosen People.” The BritishIsrael movement ….. FGBMFI is, much like the Assemblies of God itself and several other

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6th century AD) and the Venerable Bede’s Ecclesiastical History (735 AD) both saw theBritish as “the new Israel,” God’s chosen people, who were destined to

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Jack Hayford « Spiritual Pathways Ministries LibraryJack Hayford of the Church of the Way in Van Nuys, California, is the founding pastor. Two of his congregation just happen to be Paul and Jan Crouch of TBN (the Baloney Network). And, yes, he comes with all the frills and CHILLS of the Faith Movement with an emphasis on extra biblical revelation to the extreme. He has often cited that God speaks vocally directly to him to the point where he can “officially” say, “And, I quote”.

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How much false doctrine or practice does a false religious leader have to exhibit ….. (Catholic) Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, Jack Hayford,

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The Truth About the Lord’s Day – Saturday (7th day) or Sunday (1st day) TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon Video

Remember – There is something God want you to know.. You are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God Knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise.. ( taken from Wayne Anderson book – God’s DNA)

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BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE C. Dollar, Randy White,Paula White Evangelical KABBALLAH Joe Van Koevering Joe Aldrich Joe Garlington Gerald Falwell Ernest Angley Dave Breese Chuck Smith Bob Larson Sherlock Bally Dereck Prince David Pawson Lance Lambert Walter Riggans Pat Bridges Mike Evans Basilea Schlink British Israel Anglican Church AMF CCJ CZOA Paul Lelonde Peter LeLonde Jentezen Franklin Sky Angel John Ankerberg Larry Burkett theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green Phil Wogoman conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason, Syney Watson,Forrest L. Oilar, Pentecostal Larry Lea qabalah rod parsley Steve Keohane Oral Roberts T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake Bishop Dale Bronner, happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries, Salem Kirban, kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice R.W. Schambach John Holland Jack Hayford Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe murdock woodrow bullinger Joyce Meyers Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffrey history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute False Doctrine Rothechild mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University British Israel Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala Bishop Sam Green DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby Apostolic Church of God living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture sherman gordon art evans eric fooks franklin bell torrance jacko darrow perkins george mckinney bruce malone russ miller don perkins toddd strandberg pat smith randy thomas ron graff ross taylor richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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Left Behind – The Truth Behind the Secret Rapture Story – False Doctrine – New World Order


This may be the one of the most surprising, shocking, and thought provoking article that you would read today maybe this year. You did not come to this site by accident but by the Power of the Holy Spirit. If you are certain that its by accident, leave now. But on the other hand, if the Holy Spirit is leading you.. continue to read.

Many books have been written on the rapture esp. books by Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth, Tim Lahaye Lift Behind series – Nicolae, Apollyon, Armegeddon, Indweling, Terry James – The Rapture Dialogues , John Hagee’s -Jerusalem Countdown, From Daniel to Doomsday, Final Dawn, Lewis & Fletcher’s The Last War, Mark Hitchcock – Truth (lie) Left Behind, Ice & Demy – Truth (Lie) About The Rapture, Jeffery Grant – Prince Of Darkness, Jerry Jenkins – Silenced, Shadowed, just to name a few of the thousands of books about the rapture. Rapture books are a billion dollar business and millions of dollars have been made by these and many other authors concerning last days events and wars have been started and an untold number people have died based on the rapture theory. Movies such as The Omega Code & Megiddo by Good Times Entertainment, have had detrimental effects on both Christian and non Christian minds around the world. Christian Zionism headed up by John Hagee, pastor of the 18,000 member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio TX, has been advocating war in the Middle East for decades base on the his erroneous view of the rapture. Why? Because he thinks it is the rest of the world’s job to fight Israel’s wars and because he thinks such a showdown is a piece of the puzzle in regards to Bible prophecy. Rapture preachers like TD Jakes, Pat Robinson, Kenneth Hagin, Ken Copeland, Jack van Impe, Oral Roberts, Eddie Long, Charles Blake, Charles Stanly, Benny Hinn, are brainwashing their congregations to favor a Catholic anti-protestant theology. What is real truth behind the rapture story. If you want to know the truth continue reading.. if not go to an entertainment blog. This information might shock you

Modern Christianity has largely forgotten the importance of the Protestant Reformation, which took place during the 1500s. “The sixteenth century presents the spectacle of a stormy sunrise after a dismal night. Europe awoke from long sleep of superstition. The dead arose. The witnesses to truth who had been silenced and slain stood up once more and renewed their testimony. The martyred confessors reappeared in the Reformers. There was a cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary. Civil and religious liberty were inaugurated. The discovery of printing and revival of learning accelerated the movement. There was progress everywhere. Columbus struck across the ocean and opened a new hemisphere to view. Rome was shaken on her seven hills, and lost one-half of her dominions. Protestant nations were created. The modern world was called into existence.”1
For almost a thousand years, Europe had been ruled by the iron hand of Rome. Only a few Bibles existed then, and Christianity was largely permeated with superstition. Faith in Jesus Christ, heartfelt appreciation for His love, and a simple trust in His death on the cross, were almost unknown. The New Testament truth about grace, full forgiveness, and the free gift of eternal life to believers in the Son of God (Romans 6:23), had been buried under a mass of tradition. Then Martin Luther arose like a lion in Germany. After a period of tremendous personal struggle, Martin Luther began teaching justification by faith in Jesus Christ (being declared “just” by God), rather than through reliance on “creature merits,” or any human works (Romans 1:16; 3:26, 28; 5:1).
Luther’s Discovery
Eventually, Martin Luther turned to the prophecies. By candlelight, he read about the “little horn,” the “man of sin,” and “the beast,” and he was shocked as the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart. Finally, he saw the truth and said to himself, “Why, these prophecies apply to the Roman Catholic Church!” As he wrestled with this new insight, the voice of God echoed loudly in his soul, saying, “Preach the word!” (2 Timothy 4:2). And so, at the risk of losing his life, Martin Luther preached publicly and in print to an astonished people that Papal Rome was indeed the Antichrist of Bible prophecy. Because of this dual message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ apart from works and of Papal Rome being the Antichrist, the river of history literally changed its course. Hundreds of thousands of people in Europe and in England left the Catholic Church.
“‘There are two great truths that stand out in the preaching that brought about the Protestant Reformation,’ American Bible Commentator, Ralph Woodrow, reminds us, ‘The just shall live by faith, not by the works; and the Papacy is the Antichrist of Scripture.’ It was a message for Christ and against Antichrist. The entire Reformation rests upon this twofold testimony.’”2 It has been said that the Reformation first discovered Jesus Christ, and then, in the blazing light of Christ, it discovered the Antichrist. This mighty, Spirit-filled movement, for Christ and against the Antichrist, shook the world.
Guinness wrote these memorable words: “From the first, and throughout, that movement [the Reformation] was energized and guided by the prophetic word. Luther never felt strong and free to war against the Papal apostasy till he recognized the pope as Antichrist. It was then that he burned the Papal bull. Knox’s first sermon, the sermon that launched him on his mission as a reformer, was on the prophecies concerning the Papacy. The reformers embodied their interpretations of prophecy in their confessions of faith, and Calvin in his ‘Institutes.’ All of the reformers were unanimous in the matter, even the mild and cautious Melanchthon; was as assured of the antipapal; meaning of these prophecies as was Luther himself. And their interpretation of these prophecies determined their reforming action. It led them to protest against Rome with extraordinary strength and undaunted courage. It nerved them to resist the claims of the apostate Church to the utmost. It made them martyrs; it sustained them at the stake. And the views of the Reformers were shared by thousands, by hundreds of thousands. They were adopted by princes and peoples. Under their influence nations abjured their allegiance to the false priest of Rome.
“In the reaction that followed, all the powers of hell seemed to be let loose upon the adherents of the Reformation. War followed war: tortures, burnings, and massacres were multiplied. Yet the Reformation stood undefeated and unconquerable. God’s word upheld it, and the energies of His Almighty Spirit. It was the work of Christ as truly as the founding of the Church eighteen centuries ago; and the revelation of the future which He gave from heaven—that prophetic book with which the Scripture closes—was one of the mightiest instruments employed in its accomplishment.”3
A Counter-Reformation
In 1545, the Catholic Church convened one of its most famous councils in history, which took place north of Rome in a city called Trent. The Council of Trent actually continued for three sessions, ending in 1563. One of the main purposes of this Council was for Catholics to plan a counterattack against Martin Luther and the Protestants. Thus the Council of Trent became a center for Rome’s Counter-Reformation. Up to this point, Rome’s main method of attack had been largely frontal—the open burning of Bibles and of heretics. Yet this warfare only confirmed in the minds of Protestants the conviction that Papal Rome was indeed the Beast which would “make war with the saints” (Revelation 13:7). Therefore a new tactic was needed, something less obvious. This is where the Jesuits come in.
On August 15, 1534, Ignatius Loyola (in the title picture) founded a secretive Catholic order called the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits. The Jesuits definitely have a dark history of intrigue and sedition, that’s why they were expelled from Portugal (1759), France (1764), Spain (1767), Naples (1767), and Russia (1820). “Jesuit priests have been known throughout history as the most wicked political arm of the Roman Catholic Church. Edmond Paris, in his scholarly work, The Secret History of the Jesuits, reveals and documents much of this information.”4 At the Council of Trent, the Catholic Church gave the Jesuits the specific assignment of destroying Protestantism and bringing people back to the Mother Church. This was to be done not only through the Inquisition and through torture, but also through theology.
The Jesuit Commission
At the Council of Trent, the Jesuits were commissioned by the Pope to develop a new interpretation of Scripture that would counteract the Protestant application of the Bible’s Antichrist prophecies to the Roman Catholic Church. Francisco Ribera (1537-1591), a Jewish Jesuit priest and doctor of theology from Spain, basically said, Ribera also read by candlelight the prophecies about the Antichrist, the little horn, that man of sin, and the Beast. But because of his dedication and allegiance to the Pope, he came to conclusions vastly different from those of the Protestants. “Why, these prophecies don’t apply to the Catholic Church at all” Ribera said. Then to whom do they apply? Ribera proclaimed, “To only one sinister man who will rise up at the end of time!” “Fantastic!” was the reply from Rome, and this viewpoint was quickly adopted as the official Roman Catholic position on the Antichrist.
“In 1590, Ribera published a commentary on the Revelation as a counter-interpretation to the prevailing view among Protestants which identified the Papacy with the Antichrist. Ribera applied all of Revelation but the earliest chapters to the end time rather than to the history of the Church. Antichrist would be a single evil person who would be received by the Jews and would rebuild Jerusalem. Riberadenied the Protestant Scriptural Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2) as seated in the church of God—asserted by Augustine, Jerome, Luther and many reformers. He set on an infidel Antichrist, outside the church of God.”6 “The result of his work Ribera’s was a twisting and maligning of prophetic truth.”7
Following close behind Francisco Ribera Jesuit scholar, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) of Rome. Between 1581 and 1593, Cardinal Bellarmine published his “Polemic Lectures Concerning the Disputed Points of the Christian Belief Against the Heretics of This Time.” In these lectures, he agreed with Ribera “The futurist teachings of Ribera were further popularized by an Italian cardinal. His writings claimed that Paul, Daniel, and John had nothing whatsoever to say about the Papal power. The futurists’ school won general acceptance among Catholics. They were taught that Antichrist was a single individual who would not rule until the very end of time.” Through the work of these two tricky Jesuit scholars, we might say that a brand new baby was born into the world. Protestant historians have given this baby a name— Jesuit Futurism.
Defining the Issue
Before we go much farther, let’s define some terms. Historicism is the belief that Biblical prophecies about the little horn, the man of sin, the Antichrist, the Beast, and the Babylonian Harlot of Revelation 17, all apply to the developing history of Christianity and to the ongoing struggle between Jesus Christ and Satan within the Christian Church, culminating at the end of time. Historicism sees these prophecies as having a direct application to Papal Rome as a system whose doctrines are actually a denial of the New Testament message of free salvation by grace through simple faith in Jesus Christ, apart from works. Historicism was the primary prophetic viewpoint of the Protestant Reformers. In direct opposition to Historicism, and rising up as a razor-sharp counterattack on Protestantism, was that of the Jesuits with their viewpoint of Futurism, which basically says, “The Antichrist prophecies have nothing to do with the history of Papal Rome, rather, they apply to only one sinister man who comes at the end.”
Thus Jesuit Futurism sweeps 1,500 years of prophetic history under the proverbial rug by inserting its infamous GAP. This theory teaches that when Rome fell, prophecy stopped, only to continue again right around the time of the Rapture, thus the “gap” was created. The ten horns, the little horn, the Beast, and the Antichrist have nothing to do with Christians until this “last-day Antichrist” should appear. According to this viewpoint, there were no prophecies being fulfilled during the Dark Ages!
Inroads in Protestantism
For almost 300 years after the Council of Trent, Jesuit Futurism remained largely inside the realm of Catholicism, but the plan of the Jesuits was that these theological tenets be adopted by Protestants. This adoption process actually began in the early 1800s in England, and from there it spread to America. The story of how this happened is both fascinating and tragic. As I briefly share some of the highlights, I want to clarify that I am not judging the genuineness of these Christian men. They may have been sincere, yet at the same time deceived in some areas of their theological understanding.
“The Futurism of Ribera never posed a positive threat to the Protestants for three centuries. It was virtually confined to the Roman Church. But early in the nineteenth century it sprang forth with vehemence and latched on to Protestants of the Established Church of England.” Maitland (1792-1866), a lawyer and Bible scholar, became a librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury. It is very likely that one day he discovered Ribera’s commentary in the library. In any event, in 1826 he published a widely-read book attacking the Reformation and supporting Ribera’s idea of a future one-man Antichrist. For the next ten years, in tract after tract, he continued his anti-Reformation rhetoric. As a result of his zeal and strong attacks against the Reformation in England, the Protestantism of that very nation which produced the King James Bible (1611) received a crushing blow.
after Maitland came James H. Todd, a professor of Hebrew at the University of Dublin. Todd accepted the futuristic ideas of Maitland publishing his own supportive pamphlets and books. Then came John Henry Newman (1801-1890), a member of the Church of England and a leader of the famous Oxford Movement (1833-1845). In 1850, Newman wrote his “Letter on Anglican Difficulties,” revealing that one of the goals in the Oxford Movement was to finally absorb “the various English denominations and parties” back into the Church of Rome. After publishing a pamphlet endorsing Todd’s futurism about a one-man Antichrist, Newman soon became a full Roman Catholic, and later even a highly honored Cardinal. Through the influence of Maitland, Todd, Newman, and others, a movement was already arising, destined to sweep away the old Protestant landmarks, as with a flood.”
Then came Scottish Presbyterian minister, Edward Irving (1792-1834), the acknowledged forerunner of both the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Irving pastored the large Chalcedonian Chapel in London with over 1,000 members. When Irving turned to the prophecies, he eventually accepted the one-man Antichrist idea of Todd, Maitland, Ribera, yet he went a step further. Somewhere around 1830, Edward Irving began to teach the unique idea of a two-phase return of Christ, the first phase being a secret rapture prior to the rise of the Antichrist. Where he got this idea is a matter of much dispute. Journalist Dave MacPherson believes Irving accepted it is a result of a prophetic revelation given to a young Scottish girl named Margaret McDonald. In any case, the fact is, Irving taught it!
In the midst of this growing anti-Protestant climate in England, there arose a man by the name of John Nelson Darby (1800-1882). A brilliant lawyer, pastor, and theologian, he wrote more than 53 books on Bible subjects. A much-respected Christian and a man of deep piety, Darby took a strong stand in favor of the infallibility of the Bible in contrast with the liberalism of his day. He became one of the leaders of a group in Plymouth, England, which became known as the Plymouth Brethren. Darby’s contribution to the development of evangelical theology has been so great that he has been called The Father of Modern Dispensationalism. Yet John Nelson Darby, like Edward Irving, also became a strong promoter of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture followed by a one-man Antichrist. In fact, this teaching has become a hallmark of Dispensationalism. Dispensationalism is the theory that God deals with mankind in major dispensations or periods. According to Darby, we are now in the “Church Age,” that is, until the Rapture. After the Rapture, then the seven-year period of Daniel 9:27 will supposedly kick in, and this is when the Antichrist will rise up against the Jews. In fact, John Nelson Darby laid much of the foundation for the present popular removal of Daniel’s 70 th week away from history and from Jesus Christ in favor of applying it to a future Tribulation after the Rapture. Thus, in spite of all the positives of his ministry, Darby followed Maitland, Todd, Bellarmine, and Ribera by incorporating the teachings of Futurism into his theology. This created a link between John Nelson Darby, the Father of Dispensationalism, and the Jesuit Francisco Ribera, the Father of Futurism. Darby visited America six times between 1859-1874, preaching in all of its major cities, during which time he definitely planted the seeds of Futurism in American soil. The child of the Jesuits was growing up and was playing a major roll in shaping the political agendas in Europe and America and forging the agenda of the NWO.

The Holy Spirit must be leading in your life, if you have read this article…If you found this article informative and a blessing, send this blog and site to your friends and family members and you will be richly bless.

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“council of trent” …here is a selection taken from that meeting

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The Illuminati and the New World Order

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(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!


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John Hagee, Zionist-Illuminati Agent – national chairman of Christians United for Israel, What is the truth behind the Rapture?

YouTube – Rothchilds – Illuminati Agent – John Hagee

John Hagee is a Government Tool for Military Propaganda. 10 var mb4=ManyBox.register(‘4′,2,’tGFT4T58u8wJ’,”,’d4f0′,21,’Watch video’,’Hide video’)
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John hagee dual covenant – Antichrist Doctrine

John Hagee’s Dual Covenant Duplicity ….. This is a deceiver and an antichrist…………..If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine,

BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE C. Dollar, Randy White,Paula White Evangelical KABBALLAH Joe Van Koevering Joe Aldrich Joe Garlington Gerald Falwell Ernest Agley Dave Breese Chuck Smith Bob Larson Sherlock Bally Paul Lelonde Peter LeLonde Jentezen Franklin Sky Angel John Ankerberg Larry Burkett theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green Phil Wogoman conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Pentecostal qabalah rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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The Rapture Cult – Its Power and Influence – Senate Corruption Investigation of TV Evangelists – Benny Hinn, Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Ken Copeland and Paula White- Jack Hayford Dedicate Foursquare Conference to Israel and Jewish Restoration

This may be the most surprising, shocking, and thought provoking article that you would read today maybe this year. You did not come to this site by accident but by the Power of the Holy Spirit. If you are certain that its by accident, leave now. But on the other hand, if the Holy Spirit is leading you.. continue to read.

The rapture theory is not Biblical and was founded as an Anti-Reformation tool of the Catholic Church. The purpose of the rapture theory was to destroy the reformation or control protestantism, recapture the Holy Land and establish the New Word Order.

Reformers such as Luther, Calvin, Huss, Zwingli, Melanchthon, Bullinger and others had identified the Catholic Church as Mystery Babylon in Revelation and the Popes as the Anti-Christ. Millions of sincere Catholics were leaving the mother church and joining the reformation movement.. The church set out to neutralize and destroy the protestant movement.. What they could not do through brute force and the military inquisitions they did through political espionage, spiritual intrigue, and using mind control techniques by secret societies. Most of the books published on the rapture are brainwashing the readers mind. All of the books written by Tim Lahaye’s, John Hagee’s, Jack van Impe, Jerry Jenkins , John Walvoord and movies such as the Omega Code and Megiddo are design for mind control. The rapture cult has the largest following than any cult in the US or Europe.

Why were sincere Catholics, priests and monks leaving the Catholic Church.?

People were leaving because of corruptions in the church. If one look at the Babylonian sun worship, and the present Roman Catholic Mass there are many similarities. Baal worship seem to have taken over the Catholic Church. The icon of the virgin mother and child with halos (representing the sun), Mary as the queen of heaven, (Isis – queen of heaven) confessionals, wafer worship, transubstantiation, and priests as exclusive mediators of God were all derived from the Satanic Babylonian religion. Roman Catholicism became a mixture of witchcraft, Judaism, paganism, and perverted Christianity. When this corruptions was exposed by the reformers, Rome was outraged, and staged Holy Inquisitions, design to rid the world of heretics. The Inquisition included torturing and murdering people who didn’t not agree with the Catholic views. Ten of thousands of people were killed and some historians even put the numbers in the millions. Later, in response to the Vatican’s oppressive dogma, Martin Luther, a former Augustinian monk, nailed his 95 theses to the wall of a church in Germany, heralding Protestantism. . The Vatican was shaken as Protestantism spreads rapidly through Europe. In order to stamp out the spiritual rebellion, Pope Paul III ordered Ignatius de Loyola to found the Order of Jesuits, which would act as the intelligentsia and secret militia of the Vatican. Loyola had already founded the occult Illuminati, which he then placed under the umbrella of the Vatican ” Ignatius a Merovingian Jew from Loyola Spain was a member of the Alumbrados before he founded the Illuminati and the Jesuits. The Merovingian Jews claim to be decedents of Jesus and Mary of Magdalene. Thus you have books and movies like DaVinci Code, Prieure de Sion, Passover Plot, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, being produced and circulated by Hollywood Kabbalist movie studios and publishing houses controlled by the Illuminati. These books are blasphemous teachings design to nullify the true Gospel of Jesus. Many of the Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priest were Merovingian Jews whose agenda was to destroy true Christianity and pervert the true gospel.

It was when Pope Paul III convened the Council of Trent that the church formally addressed the protestant reformation with edicts, dogmas and doctrines. A disciple of Ignatius, Francisco Ribera came up with a theory that would take the attention off the Pope as being the Anti-Christ and put it on some future individual. This was the beginning of the Rapture doctrine. The Jesuits infiltrated the protestant movement, developed protestant theology, and purposely mis interpreted scriptures relating to Bible prophecy. They also controlled the educational system and bribe and blackmailed governments of Europe and America to promote their agenda. Two other groups that were instrumental the origin and development of the rapture theory were the Knights Templars (Masons) and the Knights of Malta (Knights of Columbus).

Barbara Aho said in her article (The Merovingian Dynasty) “it was also the The avowed objective of the Templars was to protect the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places: their secret objective was the re-building of the Temple of Solomon on the model prophesied by Ezekiel.
“This re-building, formally predicted by the Judaizing Mystics of the earlier ages, had become the secret dream of the Patriarchs of the Orient. The Temple of Solomon, re-built and consecrated to the Catholic worship would become, in effect, the Metropolis of the Universe.”
In my up coming blog I will go into more detail about how the Jesuits and the Illuminati set about to implement the Rapture theory to achieve their goal.. Protestant churches, Evangelical seminaries, and bible talking and Bibleprobe preachers like Hagee, Impe, TD Jakes, Hagin,Copeland,Pat Robinson, C.Dollar, C.Blake, Billy Graham, and masons who promote the rapture have been seduced by Jesuits theology and manipulated by the kabbalist practitioners, thus they are part of the world-wide Anti-Christ conspiracy.

If you are reading this document, I strongly suggest you print it out because it would be taken off this web site by workers of the prince of darkness. May the Spirit of God lead you into all truth. God Bless

Jack Hayford Son-in-law Dies – Dedicate Foursquare Church to Israel’s Restoration 

Jack Hayford  dedicated his whole conference to.. Israel and the Messianic Jewish restoration..  to my knowledge, has a denominational leader given his whole leadership conference to the subject of Israel and Messianic Jews.

YouTube – The Truth about Freemasons and Their Secret Agenda part 1



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The Illuminati and the New World Order

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(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!

YouTube – The Truth about Freemasons and Their Secret Agenda pt2

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Christian Updates – Freemasonry and The New World Order.

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The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Joyce Meyer teaches little godsMan as a “little god”

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Creflo Dollar Interview Part 1

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Creflo Dollar Interview Part 2

Spiritual Abortionist

It was in the days of Israel leaders wanted the adoration, homage of man, Hal Lindsey, Happy Caldwell, Hilton Sutton, Jack Hayford, Jack Van Impe,

israel today > Word from Jerusalem > Foursquare Church comes to Israel


How much false doctrine or practice does a false religious leader have to exhibit ….. (Catholic) Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, Jack Hayford,

False Prophets & Teachers

Ten Most Dangerous False Teachers In America

Kenny Hagin, Hendrick “Hank” Hanegraaff, Jack Hayford, Michael Horner, …. Like the rest of these false teachers Jack supports a false religion

Jack Hayford « Spiritual Pathways Ministries Library

Jack Hayford of the Church of the Way in Van Nuys, California, is the founding pastor. Two of his congregation just happen to be Paul and Jan Crouch of TBN (the Baloney Network). And, yes, he comes with all the frills and CHILLS of the Faith Movement with an emphasis on extra biblical revelation to the extreme. He has often cited that God speaks vocally directly to him to the point where he can “officially” say, “And, I quote”.


BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE C. Dollar Evangelical KABBALLAH theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Pentecostal qabalah rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Jack Hayford False Teacher Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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The Truth About the Lord’s Day…Is it Sabbath or Sunday? TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon – RSVP

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man.
Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6

A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

Leaders who are voicing their support for back to the Ten Commandments and their declaration are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .

Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.
By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God.

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

TD Jakes Sermon against God’s Law and Sabbath RSVP Pt 1

YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

Sabbath in Prophecy

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century

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