Happy New Year Celebration 2011 – Israel ex-President Convicted of Rape – From Sabbath to Sunday Re-Examine

Moshe Katsav arrives at court

30 Dec 2010: Moshe Katsav faces at least four years in jail on two counts of raping an employee when he was tourism minister

Gaza flotilla Istanbul

Gaza flotilla ship welcomed back to Turkey by thousands of activists

26 Dec 2010: Site of bloodshed and nine deaths during Israeli raid in May returns as activists promise more boats to beat blockade

Pope Benedict XVI holds up the host as he celebrates a mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Jan. 1, 2011. Pope Benedict XVI urged Christians to remain strong in the face of intolerance and violence in a New Year's appeal Saturday that came hours after a bomb blast outside an Egyptian church killed 21 people as worshippers left Mass. The pope condemned a widening campaign against Christians in the Middle East in his homily at St. Peter's Basilica, echoing comments last month in which he called a lack of religious freedom a threat to world security.
VATICAN CITY Pope Benedict XVI urged Christians to remain strong in the face of intolerance and violence in a New Year’s appeal Saturday that came hours after a bomb blast outside an Egyptian church killed 21 people as worshippers left Mass.

From Sabbath to Sunday Re-examine

The Sabbath was given to man on the 7th day of creation week.. It was the first day that Adam and Eve saw. They Worship the Creator on they day that God Blessed, and made Holy. The 7th day Sabbath is all mankind.

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

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God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man”. Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6
A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

If You Love Me Keep My Commandments.


Leaders who are voicing their support for back to the Ten Commandments and their declaration are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .The Lords Day Alliance.

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.
By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God

The Ten Commandments Commission Day

Bishop T.D. Jakes, Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, David Barton, Gary Bauer, Dr. James Dobson Jesus didn’t change the Sabbath; neither did His disciples, .

False Prophets – Sananda – Maitreya – St. Germaine – Benny Hinn

The Forgotten Commandment

videoAdded[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest”Pt. 1[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest”Pt. 1

Added[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest” Pt. 2[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest” Pt. 2

Added[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest”Pt. 3[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest”Pt. 3


Did Jesus Abolish the Sabbath Day?
The Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday – Does It Really Matter to God?


Sabbath in Prophecy


Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal
A Sign for Our Time
Keep It Holy Sabbath History




“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath (Reformers)


“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday


A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance


Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?


The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship


Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century

7th Century

8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century


‘Deception’: Christians war over worship day

Centuries-old clash continues over disputed Commandments


His sentiments echo a 1998 writing by Pope John Paul II in which the pontiff referred to the origins of Sunday-keeping.

“In the weekly reckoning of time, Sunday recalls the day of Christ’s Resurrection,” the pope stated.

But the idea Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday is not universal.

The Bible is actually silent on the precise moment of resurrection. Jesus’ followers came to His tomb before dawn on the first day of the week (Sunday), but they did not witness Him coming back to life. They merely found an empty tomb.

(Church of Christ vs. God’s True Sabbath

Christians worshipped on the 1st Day! (Sunday)

Adventists teach the MARK OF THE BEAST is the act of worshipping Jesus on Sunday! With the liberalizing and modernizing of the Adventist church, recent converts are either unaware, or unwilling to accept the current and historic position of their church!

Sunday worship is not of pagan origin!

Leo Schreven and other Seventh-day Adventists should be spanked for even quoting from these Bible trashers likeThe Paganism in Our Christianity, Arthur Weigall, because these same authors say BOTH Sunday and Sabbath are of pagan origin in the same books and articles! In fact we consider it dishonest to use Weigall’s Sunday pagan quotes, without telling the reader that Weigall says the Sabbath is also of pagan origin! Bible trashers are the only ones Sabbatarians can find who say Sunday is of pagan origin!)

A tomb with a view

“Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen,” is what an angel told the women. (Luke 24:5-6)

John Pinkston, Congregation of God Seventh Day

“Christ was already gone!” exclaims John Pinkston, a retired Air Force navigator who is founder and president of the Congregation of God Seventh Dayin Kennesaw, Ga. “So that shoots in the foot the belief that He was raised on Sunday.”

Pinkston is typical of many Sabbath-keepers, believing Jesus was neither killed on a Friday, nor raised on Sunday. He believes Jesus was actually put to death on a Wednesday, and remained in the grave 72 hours until Saturday evening. When the women came to the tomb early Sunday, they found it empty, indicating Jesus arose prior to their arrival.

Even the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, a Sunday-keeper and chancellor of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., agreed with that timetable, telling WND in 2001, “I personally believe He was crucified on Wednesday evening … and rose after 6 p.m. Saturday evening.”

Most Christians today think Jesus died on a Friday and rose on Sunday. They point to Scriptures indicating a Sabbath day followed Jesus’ execution. But Sabbath-keepers claim it was not the weekly Sabbath of Saturday approaching. Rather, they say it was an annual Sabbath, a “high” holy day in the Hebrew calendar known as the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which supposedly occurred on a Thursday the week Jesus was killed. The Gospel of John mentions that Sabbath was the annual type.

“The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) … .” (John 19:31)

In other words, Sabbatarians say there was more than one day of rest that week. Their timeline has Jesus slain on Wednesday – the day before the “high day” annual Sabbath on Thursday. They believe Jesus was in the grave for a full three days and three nights, finally arising Saturday evening, the second Sabbath of the week.

The mention of “three days and three nights” is important for many, as Jesus used that phrase to prove His divine identity:

“For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so I, the Son of Man, will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.” (Matthew 12:40, New Living Translation)

There’s disagreement if that phrase means a full three days and three nights – 72 hours – or merely parts of three days and three nights, leading many to stick with the Friday-evening-to-Sunday-morning timeline.

The last shall be first?

Beyond the resurrection issue, there are several Bible references to “the first day of the week,” none of which are clear on the Sabbath issue.

Prof. Margaret M. Mitchell

“The New Testament evidence is not conclusive, and nowhere ‘ordains’ or instructs [Sunday-keeping],” said Margaret M. Mitchell, professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature at the University of Chicago Divinity School.

Mitchell says the “evidence is, historically speaking, tantalizing but not absolutely clear.”

She notes the apostle Paul, for instance, in 1 Corinthians 16:2, “calls on the Corinthians to treasure up on the first day of the week.”

“He does not explicitly say there whether the envisioned context is a gathering of the assembly, or if this refers to what people do in their own homes,” Mitchell said.

Another mention of the first day is in Acts 20:7, as Paul is shown breaking bread with fellow believers in ancient Troas, a peninsula in modern-day Turkey: “And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them … .”

Mitchell told WND: “This text appears to show a particular Sunday eucharistic gathering, but it does not tell us if this replaced the Sabbath observance or stood alongside it, [i.e., people observed both].”

Interestingly, while most Bible versions use the phrase “first day of the week” in Acts 20:7, a 1990 word-for-word translation of the same Scripture by Greek experts Robert K. Brown and Philip W. Comfort in the New Greek English Interlinear New Testament from Tyndale House Publishers, actually renders it as “one of the Sabbaths.”

Their version reads: “And on one of the Sabbaths having been assembled us to break bread, Paul was lecturing them … .”

If the Tyndale translation is accurate, it could heighten the Saturday-vs.-Sunday controversy, since this alleged evidence for Sunday worship may not have been a Sunday at all, but the usual Saturday Sabbath.

‘The Lord’s Day’ – or is that ‘Day of the Lord’?

And then there’s something called “the Lord’s Day.” Though mentioned just once in the Bible, many today assume it means Sunday.

The Scripture, written by the apostle John on the Greek island of Patmos, says, “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet.” (Revelation 1:10)
“It’s not talking anything about Sunday,” he said. “It’s talking about the ‘Day of the Lord’ mentioned in the Old Testament. It’s prophecy about when Christ comes back. The Book of Revelation reveals the events of the ‘Day of the Lord.’ It has nothing to do with a worship day.”Some Sabbatarians like Pinkston believe the term has no connection to the first day of the week.

Others think it is indeed a worship day, but not Sunday. They suggest “the Lord’s Day” is actually a Saturday Sabbath, noting Jesus called himself “Lord of the Sabbath” (Mark 2:28) and that God referred to the Sabbath as “my holy day.” (Isaiah 58:13)

Thus, according to this reasoning, if any day of the week were really “the Lord’s Day,” it’s the seventh-day Sabbath, not Sunday.

However, Prof. Bauckham in Scotland believes there’s good evidence from early Christian sources the phrase does indeed refer to Sunday.

“John probably means that his visionary experience happened during the time when other Christians were gathered for worship,” he said.

“The other interpretation [equating it with the ‘Day of the Lord’] doesn’t really make sense because the earlier parts of the vision are not placed temporally at the end of history. That is only approached over several chapters [into Revelation].”

The Encyclopedia Britannica equates Sunday with “the Lord’s Day” in Christianity, stating, “The practice of Christians gathering together for worship on Sunday dates back to apostolic times, but details of the actual development of the custom are not clear.”

The New Testament, penned within the first century, never specifically mentions a Sabbath change.

“From a logical point of view,” says Pinkston, “if the New Testament had intended for us to start worshipping on the first day of the week, then we’d find ample evidence for it. Yet, it’s not in there.”

One example Sabbatarians point to is when Paul is shown preaching to both Jews and Gentiles (non-Hebrews) on a Sabbath, and not Sunday. He’s then asked to preach again on the following Sabbath.

“And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath. … And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.” (Acts 13:42-44)

The argument is, if there were some kind of worship on the first day of the week, then Paul would have just told the people – especially those with no connection to Jewish customs – to simply come back tomorrow (Sunday) to learn more, rather than wait an entire week for the next Sabbath to arrive.

Man of the Sabbath

A well-known expert on the Sabbath is Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi, a retired theology professor at Andrews University in Michigan.

Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi

Bacchiocchi earned his doctorate in Church History at thePontifical Gregorian University in Rome and was awarded a gold medal by Pope Paul VI for his summa cum laude class work and dissertation, “From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity.”

Bacchiocchi, a Seventh-Day Adventist, believes there’s no Scriptural mandate to change or eliminate Sabbath-keeping, and he singles out the Catholic Church for its role in changing the day.

“The Church of the capital of the empire, whose authority was already felt far and wide in the second century, appears to be the most likely birthplace of Sunday observance,” he writes.

In the 1876 book, “The Faith of Our Fathers,” James Cardinal Gibbons, the Catholic archbishop of Baltimore, agreed the shift to Sunday was not based on the Bible, but was solely the work of the Catholic Church.

“You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify,” Gibbons wrote.

Bacchiocchi also told WND: “Anti-Judaism caused the abandonment of the Sabbath, and pagan sun worship influenced the adoption of Sunday.”

He says evidence of anti-Judaism is found in the writings of Christian leaders such asIgnatius, Barnabas and Justin in the second century. He notes these three “witnessed and participated in the process of separation from Judaism which led the majority of the Christians to abandon the Sabbath and adopt Sunday as the new day of worship.”

Bacchiocchi also explains the influence of pagan sun worship provides a “plausible explanation for the Christian choice of Sunday” over the day of Saturn. Its effect wasn’t just limited to Sunday. It apparently led to the placement of Jesus’ birth in late December.

“The adoption of the 25th of December for the celebration of Christmas is perhaps the most explicit example of sun worship’s influence on the Christian liturgical calendar,” Bacchiocchi writes. “It is a known fact that the pagan feast of the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti – the birthday of the Invincible Sun, was held on that date.”

Christian fact, pagan Mithra

One of the Roman names for this “Invincible Sun” god in the days of the apostles was Mithra. There are striking similarities between the ancient worship of Mithra and today’s Christianity, leading some to think early Christians adopted Sunday worship from heathen customs.

The pagan sun god Mithra, also known as ‘the Invincible Sun’

For instance, Mithraism’s sacred day of Sunday was said to be called “the Lord’s Day.”

Donald Morse, a retired professor at Temple University, wrote a 1999 essay comparing the tenets of Mithraism to modern Christianity, explaining Mithra was worshipped on Sunday; was born of a virgin known as the “mother of God” on Dec. 25; was part of a holy trinity; and had a “Last Supper” with his 12 followers before his death and resurrection at Easter time near the spring equinox.

Mithraists were also taught they had immortal souls that went to a celestial heaven or an infernal hell at death.

“All of these religions intermingled in those days,” Morse, who is Jewish, told WND. “There’s no way to know who stole from whom.”

On the change from Sabbath to Sunday, Morse suggested early Christian leaders including Paul felt “the best way to convert pagans was to not have them change too much. Just accept their [pagan] holidays, as long as they accepted Jesus as Messiah. They didn’t really have to do much more than that.”

There’s no place like Rome

As Christianity spread through the pagan Roman Empire, it was finally given official toleration in the year 312 by Emperor Constantine, who purportedly had a vision that prompted his soldiers to fight under a “symbol of Christ,” leading to a key military victory. The emperor then restored confiscated church property and even offered public funds to churches in need.

Roman Emperor Constantine sees a symbol of Christ in the sky before the battle at Milvian Bridge outside Rome in A.D. 312

Sunday observance received a historic boost when Constantine – himself a pagan who is said to have adopted Christianity at least nominally – established Sunday as the first day of the week in the Roman calendar and issued a mandatory order prohibiting work on that day, in honor of the sun god.

On March 7, 321, he decreed, “On the venerable Day of the Sun, let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.” Farmers were given an exception.

“The importance of the actions of Constantine cannot be overstated,” says author Richard Rives in “Too Long in the Sun.” “During his reign, pagan sun worship was blended with the worship of the Creator, and officially entitled ‘Christianity.'”

Before the end of the 4th century, Sunday observance prevailed over Saturday.

At the Council of Laodicea in 363, the Church of Rome – today known as the Roman Catholic Church – declared: “Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honoring the Lord’s Day [Sunday]; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.”

In 380, Emperor Theodosius made Sunday-keeping Catholic Christianity the official religion of the empire, outlawing all other faiths:

We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title Catholic Christians; but as for the others, since in our judgment they are foolish madmen, we decree that the shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics.

While some went along with the decrees, others apparently did not. A letter from Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, reveals differences in Sabbath practices in his own city from those in Rome. It led to the well-known proverb, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

Once Sunday had the imperial power of the Roman Catholic government behind it, Saturday Sabbath-keepers became less visible, though some Sabbatarian websites havedocumented mentions of seventh-day observers through the centuries.

For example, the Catholic Church persecuted Sabbath-keepers in the 15th century. At the Catholic Provincial Council of Bergen, Norway, in 1435, it was said:

We are informed that some people in different districts of the kingdom, have adopted and observed Saturday-keeping.It is severely forbidden – in holy church canon – [for] one and all to observe days excepting those which the holy pope, archbishop, or the bishops command. Saturday-keeping must under no circumstances be permitted hereafter further that the church canon commands. Therefore we counsel all the friends of God throughout all Norway who want to be obedient towards the holy church to let this evil of Saturday-keeping alone; and the rest we forbid under penalty of severe church punishment to keep Saturday holy.

The Catholic Encyclopedia even refers to Sabbath-keeping as “the superstitious observance of Saturday,” noting it was forbidden by that council.

Coming to America

As Christianity headed west, the earliest settlers to America included both Sunday-keepers – such as the Puritans who landed at Plymouth, Mass., in 1620 – and Sabbath-observers like the Seventh Day Baptists, whose first church was founded in Newport, R.I., in 1671.

When the Puritan Christians used the word Sabbath, they would mean Sunday – “the Lord’s Day” – and passed rules enforcing its observance from sunset Saturday to sunset Sunday.

Connecticut’s so-called Blue Laws of the 1650s had strict codes of conduct said to include:

  • No one shall run on the Sabbath day, or walk in his garden or elsewhere, except reverently to and from meeting.
  • No one shall travel, cook victuals, make beds, sweep house, cut hair, or shave, on the Sabbath day.
  • No one shall read Common-Prayer, keep Christmas or saints-days, make minced pies, dance, play cards, or play on any instrument of music, except the drum, trumpet, and the Jews-harp.
  • Adultery shall be punished by death.

Instructions for colonists in New Haven, Conn., drafted in 1655 and published in London in 1656 became known as blue laws.

In her 1909 book, “The Sabbath in Puritan New England,” historian Alice Morse Earle documented “lists of arrests and fines for walking and travelling unnecessarily on the Sabbath,” regarded here from Saturday evening to Sunday evening:

A Maine man who was rebuked and fined for “unseemly walking” on the Lord’s Day protested that he ran to save a man from drowning. The Court made him pay his fine, but ordered that the money should be returned to him when he could prove by witnesses that he had been on that errand of mercy and duty. As late as the year 1831, in Lebanon, Conn., a lady journeying to her father’s home was arrested within sight of her father’s house for unnecessary travelling on the Sabbath; and a long and fiercely contested lawsuit was the result, and damages were finally given for false imprisonment.

Spring of 1642: Puritan settlers in New England observe the Sabbath on Sunday, Courtesy the Stamford Historical Society, Stamford, Conn.

Christians observing the Sabbath on Saturday also spread throughout America, but in fewer numbers than Sunday-keepers.

The teachings of the Seventh Day Baptists are said to be instrumental in the founding of the Seventh-day Adventist Church – which claims a membership today of 15 million – and the Church of God (Seventh Day) – which has more than 200 congregations in the U.S. and Canada and a worldwide fellowship of more than 300,000.

Other Christians promoting Saturday rest include many offshoots of the Worldwide Church of God, such as the United Church of God, Living Church of God, Church of God International, Philadelphia Church of God , Christian Biblical Church of God andIntercontinental Church of God.

Messianic Jews, including Dallas-based Zola Levitt Ministries, are also seventh-day proponents.

Some Sabbatarians, such as Richard Ames of the Living Church of God, produce TV shows like “Tomorrow’s World,” asking, “Which day is the Christian Sabbath?”

On one program, Ames points to Luke 4:16 in the Bible and says, “It was Jesus’ regular custom to worship on the Sabbath, and since that time, and centuries before, the Jewish community has very carefully documented their observance of the seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday. In other words, history demonstrates that time has not been lost, that the seven-day cycle has been accurately recorded to this day.”

In another episode, Ames’ colleague, Roderick C. Meredith, calls Sunday observance “the most flagrant error of mainstream Christianity” and “the most obvious deception of all.”

“Do you realize that this deception is blinding millions of people from knowing God?” asks Meredith.

Despite such rhetoric, many Catholic and Protestant Sunday-keepers reject Sabbath-keeping on Saturday.

Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie, a WND columnist and senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif., one of the eight largest Protestant churches in America, maintains it’s wrong for Christians to observe Saturday, claiming Jesus and the apostles never taught anyone to keep the Sabbath. He says it’s the only one of the Ten Commandments not specifically repeated in the New Testament.

“Of all the New Testament lists of sins, ‘breaking the Sabbath’ is never mentioned,” Laurie said. “That is because it was given to the Jews, not the non-Jews.”

Back in Florida, Sunday-keeper Roger Felipe thinks God is not overly concerned with the Sabbath issue.

“Paul is very clear that we Christians don’t use [one particular day] as a determining factor if someone is right with God,” Felipe said.

At the same time, though, the minister supports the idea of resting one day each week to stay on track with God.

“Humanity has forsaken the importance of Sabbath rest,” he said. “God desires us to be renewed spiritually. We should observe a day … to be consecrated and to be devoted to God, to be renewed and refreshed. In terms of affecting the human quality of life, it would do us very well to observe a Sabbath rest.”

Moses Laws vs. God’s Ten Commandments

Moses Law 10 Commandments
Called “the law of Moses”

LUKE 2:22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord.

Called “the Law of the Lord”

ISA. 5:24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Called “Law contained in ordinances”

EPH. 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.

Called “the Royal law”

JAMES 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

Written by Moses in a book

2 CHRON. 35:12 And they removed the burnt offerings, that they might give according to the divisions of the families of the people, to offer unto the LORD, as it is written in the book of Moses. And so did they with the oxen.

Written by God on stone

EXO. 31:18 And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone,written with the finger of God.

EXO. 32:16 And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tables.

Placed in the side of the ark

DEUT. 31:26 Take this book of the law, and put it in the side of the arkof the covenant of the LORD your God, that it may be there for a witness against thee.

Placed inside the ark

EXO. 40:20 And he took andput the testimony into the ark, and set the staves on the ark, and put the mercy seat above upon the ark:

Ended at the cross

EPH. 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.

Will stand forever

LUKE 16:17 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.

Added because of sin

GAL. 3:19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.

Points out sin

ROM. 7:7 What shall we say then? is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.
ROM. 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

Contrary to us, against us

COL. 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.

Not grievous

1 JOHN 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and hiscommandments are not grievous.

Judges no man

COL. 2:14-16 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

Judges all men

JAM. 2:10-12 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.


HEB. 7:16 Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life.


ROM. 7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.

Made nothing perfect

HEB. 7:19 For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.


PSALMS 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

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Anti-Judaism at root of ‘Sunday Sabbath’?

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Remember – There is something God want you to know.. You are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God Knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise..(taken from Wayne Anderson book – God’s DNA)


DAY ONE ALLIANCE – False Religious Teachings – Beware


We hope you will find information to help and encourage you in the vitally important issue of keeping the Lord’s Day – a principle laid down by God himself in creation. Sadly, in these days, too few Christians realise the importance of this issue in the health of the church and our nation at large.


Today, the organisation – previously known as the Lord’s Day Observance Society – under the name of Day One Christian Ministries campaigns for Sunday to be a day of worship and rest; our day of rest is increasingly under threat as retail businesses, sports events and entertainment seek to make Sunday just another day to make money.


Day One also has a very significant work in DayOne Publications as well as supporting the Daylight Christian Prison Trust. That’s why the whole organisation is now called Day One Christian Ministries.


Latest News – click on the headline to read more

From Sabbath to Sunday – Which Day is the True Sabbath? 7th Day or 1st Day?

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The Sabbath was given to man on the 7th day of creation week.. It was the first day that Adam and Eve saw. They Worship the Creator on they day that God Blessed, and made Holy. The 7th day Sabbath is all mankind.

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

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God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man”. Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6
A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

If You Love Me Keep My Commandments.


Leaders who are voicing their support for back to the Ten Commandments and their declaration are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .The Lords Day Alliance.

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Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.
By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God.

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The Ten Commandments Commission Day

Bishop T.D. Jakes, Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, David Barton, Gary Bauer, Dr. James Dobson Jesus didn’t change the Sabbath; neither did His disciples, .

False Prophets – Sananda – Maitreya – St. Germaine – Benny Hinn

The Forgotten Commandment

videoAdded[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest”Pt. 1[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest”Pt. 1

Added[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest” Pt. 2[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest” Pt. 2

Added[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest”Pt. 3[TRANSLATED] TD Jakes – Entering into “God’s Rest”Pt. 3

Did Jesus Abolish the Sabbath Day?
The Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday – Does It Really Matter to God?

Sabbath in Prophecy

Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal
A Sign for Our Time
Keep It Holy Sabbath History


“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath (Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century

7th Century

8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century


‘Deception’: Christians war over worship day

Centuries-old clash continues over disputed Commandments

His sentiments echo a 1998 writing by Pope John Paul II in which the pontiff referred to the origins of Sunday-keeping.

“In the weekly reckoning of time, Sunday recalls the day of Christ’s Resurrection,” the pope stated.

But the idea Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday is not universal.

The Bible is actually silent on the precise moment of resurrection. Jesus’ followers came to His tomb before dawn on the first day of the week (Sunday), but they did not witness Him coming back to life. They merely found an empty tomb.

(Church of Christ vs. God’s True Sabbath

Christians worshipped on the 1st Day! (Sunday)

Adventists teach the MARK OF THE BEAST is the act of worshipping Jesus on Sunday! With the liberalizing and modernizing of the Adventist church, recent converts are either unaware, or unwilling to accept the current and historic position of their church!

Sunday worship is not of pagan origin!

Leo Schreven and other Seventh-day Adventists should be spanked for even quoting from these Bible trashers likeThe Paganism in Our Christianity, Arthur Weigall, because these same authors say BOTH Sunday and Sabbath are of pagan origin in the same books and articles! In fact we consider it dishonest to use Weigall’s Sunday pagan quotes, without telling the reader that Weigall says the Sabbath is also of pagan origin! Bible trashers are the only ones Sabbatarians can find who say Sunday is of pagan origin!)

A tomb with a view

“Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen,” is what an angel told the women. (Luke 24:5-6)

John Pinkston, Congregation of God Seventh Day

“Christ was already gone!” exclaims John Pinkston, a retired Air Force navigator who is founder and president of the Congregation of God Seventh Dayin Kennesaw, Ga. “So that shoots in the foot the belief that He was raised on Sunday.”

Pinkston is typical of many Sabbath-keepers, believing Jesus was neither killed on a Friday, nor raised on Sunday. He believes Jesus was actually put to death on a Wednesday, and remained in the grave 72 hours until Saturday evening. When the women came to the tomb early Sunday, they found it empty, indicating Jesus arose prior to their arrival.

Even the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, a Sunday-keeper and chancellor of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., agreed with that timetable, telling WND in 2001, “I personally believe He was crucified on Wednesday evening … and rose after 6 p.m. Saturday evening.”

Most Christians today think Jesus died on a Friday and rose on Sunday. They point to Scriptures indicating a Sabbath day followed Jesus’ execution. But Sabbath-keepers claim it was not the weekly Sabbath of Saturday approaching. Rather, they say it was an annual Sabbath, a “high” holy day in the Hebrew calendar known as the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which supposedly occurred on a Thursday the week Jesus was killed. The Gospel of John mentions that Sabbath was the annual type.

“The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) … .” (John 19:31)

In other words, Sabbatarians say there was more than one day of rest that week. Their timeline has Jesus slain on Wednesday – the day before the “high day” annual Sabbath on Thursday. They believe Jesus was in the grave for a full three days and three nights, finally arising Saturday evening, the second Sabbath of the week.

The mention of “three days and three nights” is important for many, as Jesus used that phrase to prove His divine identity:

“For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so I, the Son of Man, will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.” (Matthew 12:40, New Living Translation)

There’s disagreement if that phrase means a full three days and three nights – 72 hours – or merely parts of three days and three nights, leading many to stick with the Friday-evening-to-Sunday-morning timeline.

The last shall be first?

Beyond the resurrection issue, there are several Bible references to “the first day of the week,” none of which are clear on the Sabbath issue.

Prof. Margaret M. Mitchell

“The New Testament evidence is not conclusive, and nowhere ‘ordains’ or instructs [Sunday-keeping],” said Margaret M. Mitchell, professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature at the University of Chicago Divinity School.

Mitchell says the “evidence is, historically speaking, tantalizing but not absolutely clear.”

She notes the apostle Paul, for instance, in 1 Corinthians 16:2, “calls on the Corinthians to treasure up on the first day of the week.”

“He does not explicitly say there whether the envisioned context is a gathering of the assembly, or if this refers to what people do in their own homes,” Mitchell said.

Another mention of the first day is in Acts 20:7, as Paul is shown breaking bread with fellow believers in ancient Troas, a peninsula in modern-day Turkey: “And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them … .”

Mitchell told WND: “This text appears to show a particular Sunday eucharistic gathering, but it does not tell us if this replaced the Sabbath observance or stood alongside it, [i.e., people observed both].”

Interestingly, while most Bible versions use the phrase “first day of the week” in Acts 20:7, a 1990 word-for-word translation of the same Scripture by Greek experts Robert K. Brown and Philip W. Comfort in the New Greek English Interlinear New Testament from Tyndale House Publishers, actually renders it as “one of the Sabbaths.”

Their version reads: “And on one of the Sabbaths having been assembled us to break bread, Paul was lecturing them … .”

If the Tyndale translation is accurate, it could heighten the Saturday-vs.-Sunday controversy, since this alleged evidence for Sunday worship may not have been a Sunday at all, but the usual Saturday Sabbath.

‘The Lord’s Day’ – or is that ‘Day of the Lord’?

And then there’s something called “the Lord’s Day.” Though mentioned just once in the Bible, many today assume it means Sunday.

The Scripture, written by the apostle John on the Greek island of Patmos, says, “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet.” (Revelation 1:10)
“It’s not talking anything about Sunday,” he said. “It’s talking about the ‘Day of the Lord’ mentioned in the Old Testament. It’s prophecy about when Christ comes back. The Book of Revelation reveals the events of the ‘Day of the Lord.’ It has nothing to do with a worship day.”Some Sabbatarians like Pinkston believe the term has no connection to the first day of the week.

Others think it is indeed a worship day, but not Sunday. They suggest “the Lord’s Day” is actually a Saturday Sabbath, noting Jesus called himself “Lord of the Sabbath” (Mark 2:28) and that God referred to the Sabbath as “my holy day.” (Isaiah 58:13)

Thus, according to this reasoning, if any day of the week were really “the Lord’s Day,” it’s the seventh-day Sabbath, not Sunday.

However, Prof. Bauckham in Scotland believes there’s good evidence from early Christian sources the phrase does indeed refer to Sunday.

“John probably means that his visionary experience happened during the time when other Christians were gathered for worship,” he said.

“The other interpretation [equating it with the ‘Day of the Lord’] doesn’t really make sense because the earlier parts of the vision are not placed temporally at the end of history. That is only approached over several chapters [into Revelation].”

The Encyclopedia Britannica equates Sunday with “the Lord’s Day” in Christianity, stating, “The practice of Christians gathering together for worship on Sunday dates back to apostolic times, but details of the actual development of the custom are not clear.”

The New Testament, penned within the first century, never specifically mentions a Sabbath change.

“From a logical point of view,” says Pinkston, “if the New Testament had intended for us to start worshipping on the first day of the week, then we’d find ample evidence for it. Yet, it’s not in there.”

One example Sabbatarians point to is when Paul is shown preaching to both Jews and Gentiles (non-Hebrews) on a Sabbath, and not Sunday. He’s then asked to preach again on the following Sabbath.

“And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath. … And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.” (Acts 13:42-44)

The argument is, if there were some kind of worship on the first day of the week, then Paul would have just told the people – especially those with no connection to Jewish customs – to simply come back tomorrow (Sunday) to learn more, rather than wait an entire week for the next Sabbath to arrive.

Man of the Sabbath

A well-known expert on the Sabbath is Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi, a retired theology professor at Andrews University in Michigan.

Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi

Bacchiocchi earned his doctorate in Church History at thePontifical Gregorian University in Rome and was awarded a gold medal by Pope Paul VI for his summa cum laude class work and dissertation, “From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity.”

Bacchiocchi, a Seventh-Day Adventist, believes there’s no Scriptural mandate to change or eliminate Sabbath-keeping, and he singles out the Catholic Church for its role in changing the day.

“The Church of the capital of the empire, whose authority was already felt far and wide in the second century, appears to be the most likely birthplace of Sunday observance,” he writes.

In the 1876 book, “The Faith of Our Fathers,” James Cardinal Gibbons, the Catholic archbishop of Baltimore, agreed the shift to Sunday was not based on the Bible, but was solely the work of the Catholic Church.

“You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify,” Gibbons wrote.

Bacchiocchi also told WND: “Anti-Judaism caused the abandonment of the Sabbath, and pagan sun worship influenced the adoption of Sunday.”

He says evidence of anti-Judaism is found in the writings of Christian leaders such asIgnatius, Barnabas and Justin in the second century. He notes these three “witnessed and participated in the process of separation from Judaism which led the majority of the Christians to abandon the Sabbath and adopt Sunday as the new day of worship.”

Bacchiocchi also explains the influence of pagan sun worship provides a “plausible explanation for the Christian choice of Sunday” over the day of Saturn. Its effect wasn’t just limited to Sunday. It apparently led to the placement of Jesus’ birth in late December.

“The adoption of the 25th of December for the celebration of Christmas is perhaps the most explicit example of sun worship’s influence on the Christian liturgical calendar,” Bacchiocchi writes. “It is a known fact that the pagan feast of the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti – the birthday of the Invincible Sun, was held on that date.”

Christian fact, pagan Mithra

One of the Roman names for this “Invincible Sun” god in the days of the apostles was Mithra. There are striking similarities between the ancient worship of Mithra and today’s Christianity, leading some to think early Christians adopted Sunday worship from heathen customs.

The pagan sun god Mithra, also known as ‘the Invincible Sun’

For instance, Mithraism’s sacred day of Sunday was said to be called “the Lord’s Day.”

Donald Morse, a retired professor at Temple University, wrote a 1999 essay comparing the tenets of Mithraism to modern Christianity, explaining Mithra was worshipped on Sunday; was born of a virgin known as the “mother of God” on Dec. 25; was part of a holy trinity; and had a “Last Supper” with his 12 followers before his death and resurrection at Easter time near the spring equinox.

Mithraists were also taught they had immortal souls that went to a celestial heaven or an infernal hell at death.

“All of these religions intermingled in those days,” Morse, who is Jewish, told WND. “There’s no way to know who stole from whom.”

On the change from Sabbath to Sunday, Morse suggested early Christian leaders including Paul felt “the best way to convert pagans was to not have them change too much. Just accept their [pagan] holidays, as long as they accepted Jesus as Messiah. They didn’t really have to do much more than that.”

There’s no place like Rome

As Christianity spread through the pagan Roman Empire, it was finally given official toleration in the year 312 by Emperor Constantine, who purportedly had a vision that prompted his soldiers to fight under a “symbol of Christ,” leading to a key military victory. The emperor then restored confiscated church property and even offered public funds to churches in need.

Roman Emperor Constantine sees a symbol of Christ in the sky before the battle at Milvian Bridge outside Rome in A.D. 312

Sunday observance received a historic boost when Constantine – himself a pagan who is said to have adopted Christianity at least nominally – established Sunday as the first day of the week in the Roman calendar and issued a mandatory order prohibiting work on that day, in honor of the sun god.

On March 7, 321, he decreed, “On the venerable Day of the Sun, let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.” Farmers were given an exception.

“The importance of the actions of Constantine cannot be overstated,” says author Richard Rives in “Too Long in the Sun.” “During his reign, pagan sun worship was blended with the worship of the Creator, and officially entitled ‘Christianity.'”

Before the end of the 4th century, Sunday observance prevailed over Saturday.

At the Council of Laodicea in 363, the Church of  Rome – today known as the Roman Catholic Church – declared: “Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honoring the Lord’s Day [Sunday]; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.”

In 380, Emperor Theodosius made Sunday-keeping Catholic Christianity the official religion of the empire, outlawing all other faiths:

We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title Catholic Christians; but as for the others, since in our judgment they are foolish madmen, we decree that the shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics.

While some went along with the decrees, others apparently did not. A letter from Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, reveals differences in Sabbath practices in his own city from those in Rome. It led to the well-known proverb, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

Once Sunday had the imperial power of the Roman Catholic government behind it, Saturday Sabbath-keepers became less visible, though some Sabbatarian websites havedocumented mentions of seventh-day observers through the centuries.

For example, the Catholic Church persecuted Sabbath-keepers in the 15th century. At the Catholic Provincial Council of Bergen, Norway, in 1435, it was said:

We are informed that some people in different districts of the kingdom, have adopted and observed Saturday-keeping.It is severely forbidden – in holy church canon – [for] one and all to observe days excepting those which the holy pope, archbishop, or the bishops command. Saturday-keeping must under no circumstances be permitted hereafter further that the church canon commands. Therefore we counsel all the friends of God throughout all Norway who want to be obedient towards the holy church to let this evil of Saturday-keeping alone; and the rest we forbid under penalty of severe church punishment to keep Saturday holy.

The Catholic Encyclopedia even refers to Sabbath-keeping as “the superstitious observance of Saturday,” noting it was forbidden by that council.

Coming to America

As Christianity headed west, the earliest settlers to America included both Sunday-keepers – such as the Puritans who landed at Plymouth, Mass., in 1620 – and Sabbath-observers like the Seventh Day Baptists, whose first church was founded in Newport, R.I., in 1671.

When the Puritan Christians used the word Sabbath, they would mean Sunday – “the Lord’s Day” – and passed rules enforcing its observance from sunset Saturday to sunset Sunday.

Connecticut’s so-called Blue Laws of the 1650s had strict codes of conduct said to include:

  • No one shall run on the Sabbath day, or walk in his garden or elsewhere, except reverently to and from meeting.
  • No one shall travel, cook victuals, make beds, sweep house, cut hair, or shave, on the Sabbath day.
  • No one shall read Common-Prayer, keep Christmas or saints-days, make minced pies, dance, play cards, or play on any instrument of music, except the drum, trumpet, and the Jews-harp.
  • Adultery shall be punished by death.

Instructions for colonists in New Haven, Conn., drafted in 1655 and published in London in 1656 became known as blue laws.

In her 1909 book, “The Sabbath in Puritan New England,” historian Alice Morse Earle documented “lists of arrests and fines for walking and travelling unnecessarily on the Sabbath,” regarded here from Saturday evening to Sunday evening:

A Maine man who was rebuked and fined for “unseemly walking” on the Lord’s Day protested that he ran to save a man from drowning. The Court made him pay his fine, but ordered that the money should be returned to him when he could prove by witnesses that he had been on that errand of mercy and duty. As late as the year 1831, in Lebanon, Conn., a lady journeying to her father’s home was arrested within sight of her father’s house for unnecessary travelling on the Sabbath; and a long and fiercely contested lawsuit was the result, and damages were finally given for false imprisonment.

Spring of 1642: Puritan settlers in New England observe the Sabbath on Sunday, Courtesy the Stamford Historical Society, Stamford, Conn.

Christians observing the Sabbath on Saturday also spread throughout America, but in fewer numbers than Sunday-keepers.

The teachings of the Seventh Day Baptists are said to be instrumental in the founding of the Seventh-day Adventist Church – which claims a membership today of 15 million – and the Church of God (Seventh Day) – which has more than 200 congregations in the U.S. and Canada and a worldwide fellowship of more than 300,000.

Other Christians promoting Saturday rest include many offshoots of the Worldwide Church of God, such as the United Church of GodLiving Church of GodChurch of God InternationalPhiladelphia Church of GodChristian Biblical Church of God andIntercontinental Church of God.

Messianic Jews, including Dallas-based Zola Levitt Ministries, are also seventh-day proponents.

Some Sabbatarians, such as Richard Ames of the Living Church of God, produce TV shows like “Tomorrow’s World,” asking, “Which day is the Christian Sabbath?”

On one program, Ames points to Luke 4:16 in the Bible and says, “It was Jesus’ regular custom to worship on the Sabbath, and since that time, and centuries before, the Jewish community has very carefully documented their observance of the seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday. In other words, history demonstrates that time has not been lost, that the seven-day cycle has been accurately recorded to this day.”

In another episode, Ames’ colleague, Roderick C. Meredith, calls Sunday observance “the most flagrant error of mainstream Christianity” and “the most obvious deception of all.”

“Do you realize that this deception is blinding millions of people from knowing God?” asks Meredith.

Despite such rhetoric, many Catholic and Protestant Sunday-keepers reject Sabbath-keeping on Saturday.

Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie, a WND columnist and senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif., one of the eight largest Protestant churches in America, maintains it’s wrong for Christians to observe Saturday, claiming Jesus and the apostles never taught anyone to keep the Sabbath. He says it’s the only one of the Ten Commandments not specifically repeated in the New Testament.

“Of all the New Testament lists of sins, ‘breaking the Sabbath’ is never mentioned,” Laurie said. “That is because it was given to the Jews, not the non-Jews.”

Back in Florida, Sunday-keeper Roger Felipe thinks God is not overly concerned with the Sabbath issue.

“Paul is very clear that we Christians don’t use [one particular day] as a determining factor if someone is right with God,” Felipe said.

At the same time, though, the minister supports the idea of resting one day each week to stay on track with God.

“Humanity has forsaken the importance of Sabbath rest,” he said. “God desires us to be renewed spiritually. We should observe a day … to be consecrated and to be devoted to God, to be renewed and refreshed. In terms of affecting the human quality of life, it would do us very well to observe a Sabbath rest.”

Moses Laws vs. God’s Ten Commandments

Moses Law 10 Commandments
Called “the law of Moses”

LUKE 2:22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord.

Called “the Law of the Lord”

ISA. 5:24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Called “Law contained in ordinances”

EPH. 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.

Called “the Royal law”

JAMES 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

Written by Moses in a book

2 CHRON. 35:12 And they removed the burnt offerings, that they might give according to the divisions of the families of the people, to offer unto the LORD, as it is written in the book of Moses. And so did they with the oxen.

Written by God on stone

EXO. 31:18 And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone,written with the finger of God.

EXO. 32:16 And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tables.

Placed in the side of the ark

DEUT. 31:26 Take this book of the law, and put it in the side of the arkof the covenant of the LORD your God, that it may be there for a witness against thee.

Placed inside the ark

EXO. 40:20 And he took andput the testimony into the ark, and set the staves on the ark, and put the mercy seat above upon the ark:

Ended at the cross

EPH. 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.

Will stand forever

LUKE 16:17 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.

Added because of sin

GAL. 3:19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.

Points out sin

ROM. 7:7 What shall we say then? is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.
ROM. 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

Contrary to us, against us

COL. 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.

Not grievous

1 JOHN 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and hiscommandments are not grievous.

Judges no man

COL. 2:14-16 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

Judges all men

JAM. 2:10-12 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.


HEB. 7:16 Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life.


ROM. 7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.

Made nothing perfect

HEB. 7:19 For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.


PSALMS 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

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Anti-Judaism at root of ‘Sunday Sabbath’?

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Remember – There is something God want you to know.. You are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God Knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise..(taken from Wayne Anderson book – God’s DNA)

DAY ONE ALLIANCE – False Religious Teachings – Beware

We hope you will find information to help and encourage you in the vitally important issue of keeping the Lord’s Day – a principle laid down by God himself in creation. Sadly, in these days, too few Christians realise the importance of this issue in the health of the church and our nation at large.

Today, the organisation – previously known as the Lord’s Day Observance Society – under the name of Day One Christian Ministries campaigns for Sunday to be a day of worship and rest; our day of rest is increasingly under threat as retail businesses, sports events and entertainment seek to make Sunday just another day to make money.

Day One also has a very significant work in DayOne Publications as well as supporting the Daylight Christian Prison Trust. That’s why the whole organisation is now called Day One Christian Ministries.

Latest News – click on the headline to read more

British Prime Ministers

As an election approaches, retiring Director of Day One, John Roberts, reflects on what previous Prime Ministers have thought of Sunday. Below is what the best known thought of Sunday.

Sir Winston Churchill-Prime Minister (1940-45; 1951-55).

“Sunday is a divine and priceless institution, the necessary pause in the national life. It is the birthright of every British subject, our responsibility, privilege and duty to hand on to posterity.”

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Michelle Obama’s Commencement Address at UAPB – Don’t Be Fool – TV Evangelists vs. God’s Word

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PINE BLUFF, Ark. – Michelle Obama told graduates Saturday to prepare to overcome adversity, building on Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1958 commencement address at the same university, when he told students to summon their courage to fight segregation.

The first lady gave an impassioned speech to 270 graduates of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff that referenced the legacy of their historically black school, which opened in 1873 with seven students, most of whom could barely read.

Full Speech

Thank you so much. I am so thrilled and so honored to be here today to help celebrate the extraordinary young men and women of the Class of 2010.

Thank you, Chancellor Davis, for that very kind introduction, and for continuing your family tradition of inspired leadership at this university.

I also want to recognize Governor Mike Beebe and Mrs. Ginger Beebe, Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor, Representative Mike Ross, Attorney General Dustin McDaniel and Mayor Carl Redus.

Thanks also to Carl L. Johnson, Vice Chairman of the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees, the members of the Board of Trustees and B. Alan Sugg, President of the University of Arkansas System.

And graduates, let’s all take a moment to thank the unsung heroes here today – your families: the folks who pushed you and believed in you, the folks who answered all those late night phone calls, even when you were just calling to ask for money, the folks whose love sustains you every single day.

Because today is their day too. So let’s give them a round of applause.

Finally, to the stars of today’s show, the class of 2010 – congratulations, we are all so proud of you.

You’ve worked so hard and invested so much of yourselves.

During your time here, your teachers have become mentors, your classes have become passions and career ambitions and your classmates have become lifelong friends.

From the day you arrived as freshmen, you have taken all this school has to offer and made it your own.

And in doing so, you’ve become part of a proud tradition – one that began 135 years ago, just a decade past slavery, on that September day when the Branch Normal College first opened its doors.

Things were very different back then.

There were no lecture halls or dorm rooms, no athletic facilities or libraries.

The first campus was little more than a run-down frame house in desperate need of repairs.

The first class consisted of just seven students, some of whom could barely read at a first grade level.

Life was full of uncertainty for these students.

There was no clear path to success – no guarantee of opportunity when they graduated.

Still, with hope in their hearts, and faith in their God-given potential, they came here anyway, they came to do the only thing they could – they came to learn.

Just imagine how those seven students would feel if they could see all of you here today?

If they could see how their tiny schoolhouse has become the Flagship of the Delta – a great university with a network of alumni across this country.

Imagine their pride in seeing all this institution has accomplished: the Vesper Choir performing at the Vatican; the ROTC program producing a U.S. Army General; the Golden Lions making it to the NCAA tournament; and generations of doctors, lawyers, educators and others who have gone on to improve the lives of millions.

And do you think they could ever have dreamed that their school band would be chosen to march at the inaugural parade of a United States President, and that President would be an African American man named Barack Obama?

Graduates, when you think about how far you’ve come, when you think about how far this university has come, it just once again reminds you that God is good.

And today, we celebrate not just your achievements, but the achievements of all those who came before you, those who poured everything they had into building this school and giving you opportunities they never could’ve imagined for themselves.

But even today, with all the progress that’s been made, and all that you’ve achieved, I know that for so many of you, the journey hasn’t been easy.

Many of you probably grew up like me in neighborhoods where few had the chance to go to college where being teased for wanting academic success was a fact of life, where well-meaning, but misguided folks questioned whether a girl with a background like mine could succeed at a school like Princeton.

But like me you knew you wanted something more.

Just like those first seven students at this school, something inside of you drove you to set your sights higher.

It was that internal drive that kept you focused, kept you out of trouble, and earned you admission to this University.

I’m sure you all remember the joy you felt when you opened those acceptance letters.

But I’m sure that some of you also remember the initial shock you experienced when you first arrived on campus – and realized that the expectations were perhaps a little higher and the work was harder than anticipated.

But that didn’t stop you instead, you dug deep, you stepped up your game – and ultimately earned yourself that diploma.

But now, after all you’ve done to get this far after all of your achievements and struggles a new set of challenges awaits.

Suddenly, you’re facing a future of debt in the form of tens of thousands of dollars of student loans – and you’ve got to find a job that will start paying the bills before the bill collectors come knocking.

I know the feeling. It wasn’t that long ago that my husband and I were still paying off our own loans.

It can start to feel like each time you overcome one obstacle and achieve something big, another obstacle is right there to take its place.

The bar is set, then you work as hard as you can to reach that bar, and just when you think you’ve finally reached it, the bar moves even higher – even farther out of reach.

And I know that can be frustrating – particularly for young people like you who’ve been raised in a popular culture that doesn’t always value hard work and commitment, a culture that instead glorifies easy answers and instant gratification, the fast food, the instant messaging, the easy credit.

Your generation has come of age in a culture that celebrates fleeting reality TV fame rather than the hard labors of lasting success.

It’s a culture that elevates today’s celebrity gossip over the serious issues that will shape our future for decades to come.

It’s a culture that tells us that our lives should be easy, that suffering and struggle should be avoided at all costs, and that we can have everything we want without a whole lot of effort.

But we all know that life really doesn’t work that way.

Despite all those promises of easy money and fast profits, how many businesses do you know that succeed without the hard work and serious investments to produce a quality product?

Despite all those expectations of instant progress and overnight change, how many leaders do you know that have made lasting contributions without major trials and setbacks along the way?

It took decades of struggle to end slavery, for women to earn the right to vote, and for us to free ourselves from the scourge of segregation.

And we all remember what happened to our economy when we succumbed to the lure of easy credit, too-good-to-be-true-mortgages, and assurances that it’s just fine to spend way beyond our means.

So graduates, I’d like to suggest that – contrary to what you might see on TV or in the tabloids -few things worth achieving happen in an instant, and there’s often great value in great struggle.

I’m here to suggest that it’s only by embracing, rather than shrinking from challenges, it’s only by setting and striving for our own ambitious bars that we become what we are truly meant to be.

Think for a moment about those first seven students at this school.

They arrived here at a time when newly freed people had few opportunities beyond sharecropping, when oppressive “black codes” still limited their freedom, and lynching and mob violence were facts of life.

They had been raised in a society that viewed them not as potential students, or professionals, or even citizens – but as property – unfit for, and undeserving of, an education.

But something inside of them rejected that notion.

Somehow, they were able to see beyond what they had been told.

Somehow, they held fast to their own vision of themselves – as scholars, as future teachers, as human beings with something worthy to contribute.

And that same defiant courage, that same spirit of self-determination, has fueled the success of countless students in every generation since.

Consider the example of Dr. Samuel Kountz, class of 1952.

He performed the first kidney transplant between people who weren’t identical twins.

And over the years, his pioneering research has made countless other transplants possible.

Believe it or not, back when he first applied to this school as a young man, he actually failed the entrance examination.

But he didn’t give up on his dream of an education.

He didn’t withdraw his application.

He simply decided that his test score didn’t reflect his true potential and he appealed straight to the university President, who agreed, and admitted him despite his scores.

And think about how many lives have been saved, and how much medical progress has been made, because Samuel Kountz believed more in himself than in some number on a page.

And people like Dr. Kountz are everywhere.

They are sitting among you here today.

Consider the journey of Quiana Childress who’s graduating today with a degree in biology.

Quiana grew up in a tiny town in a family that struggled just to keep the lights on and the water running – and at the age of 16, she became homeless.

In order to provide for herself, she found work as a nursing assistant.

And living out of a car, she’d go to school during the day, and she’d work late nights and weekends at her job, sometimes up to 16 hours a day.

Every day was hard. Every day was exhausting.

And one day at work, when she was just about ready to throw in the towel, Quiana thought for a moment, not about her own struggles, but about those of her patients.

She thought about how sick they were and how much pain they were in.

And at that moment she realized – as she put it, and I quote: “they needed me more than I needed to give up.”

At that moment, Quiana found herself, she found her true calling in life – to be a doctor.

And it’s not just her prestigious internships or her near-perfect GPA that will help her fulfill that dream.

It’s the compassion she has for others’ suffering that comes from having suffered so much herself.

It’s her burning desire to rise above her circumstances – her unrelenting belief that she can succeed despite all evidence to the contrary.

All of that will not just make Quiana a good doctor – but an extraordinary one.

And think for a moment about the improbable endeavor that was my husband’s campaign for President.

He’d be the first to tell you that he wasn’t the likeliest candidate for that office.

He didn’t start out with many connections or much money or name recognition.

And when he first began campaigning out in Iowa and New Hampshire, most folks whose hands he shook and homes he visited had no idea who he was.

But Barack Obama didn’t get discouraged.

He didn’t listen to the pundits who said that someone like him could never get elected.

Instead, he listened to his gut which told him that this country is less cynical, less divided, less selfish than some may think.

He listened to his heart, which told him he had an obligation to serve and to give back to this country that had given him so much.

And no matter how long those campaign days got, or how low his poll numbers dropped, that’s what motivated him, that’s what sustained him, that’s what saw him through to the end.

And ultimately, all those ups and downs, all those long hours on the campaign actually helped him build up the stamina that now serves him every day as President of the United States.

See that’s the thing about striving in the face of adversity – often, it’s the hardship and sacrifices that make you stronger.

Often, the harder you have to fight to achieve your goals, the more endurance you build up – not just physical and emotional, but spiritual as well.

Many of you know from experience that the moments of greatest trial and tragedy that shake our souls – those moments don’t shatter or weaken our faith, they strengthen and deepen it.

It’s easy to have faith when things are good – when everyone’s healthy, and you can pay the bills, and life is going according to plan.

But the faith that comes easy won’t always sustain you when times are hard.

The faith you need then – the bone-deep kind of faith that gets you through your darkest hours – that kind of faith is only earned when it’s tested.

Think about Dr. Martin Luther King, who spoke at this school’s commencement back in 1958.

He’d been arrested and put on trial for his work.

His house had been bombed, and his life had been threatened.

But he came here on a Spring day half a century ago and after all he had seen, and all he’d been through, Dr. King told that graduating class – and I quote: “Now we stand on the border line of the promised land.”

And he spoke of a day when “…all men can stand together, black and white, Jew and gentile, Protestant and Catholic and sing another song – ‘free at last, free at last’.”

Dr. King refused to let the world as it was dissuade him from his vision of the world as it should be.

And not just in spite of what he’d endured, but because of what he’d endured, Dr. King still had faith.

He still had, in the words of Scripture, the faith that is “…the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Now, I want to be clear: I’m in no way suggesting that hardship, injustice and inequality are somehow acceptable or justifiable because they can make people stronger.

And I’m certainly not suggesting that the only path to success requires overcoming obstacles thrust upon you.

Plenty of folks who’ve been raised in privilege have gone on to change the world because they had the discipline and drive to set high expectations for themselves, to use their resources to meet those expectations – and to pull others up along the way.

And I expect nothing less from those of you who’ve been fortunate in your lives.

My point is simply that life is complicated, human beings are imperfect and struggle and hardship will always be with us in some form or another.

But that has never been the end of our story – either as individuals or as a nation – but only the beginning.

For ours is a story of folks who traveled great distances to build a better life, folks who marched, and fought, and bled, folks who risked everything they had because they wanted something more for their children.

It’s the story of folks like your parents and grandparents who may not have had the chance to go to college themselves, but who saved, and sacrificed so that you could go, so that you could have opportunities they never imagined for themselves.

They didn’t do all that so that you could have it easy.

And they didn’t do all that so that you could spend your lives breathlessly reaching for whatever bars others set for you.

They did it so that you could set your own high bars.

They did it so that you could discover for yourselves that the things that truly matter in life are the bars that don’t move: families that love you, work that’s meaningful, a community that embraces you, the chance to make a contribution that is lasting.

Those are the bars that count.

I think that Dr. Dorothy Height – the godmother of the civil rights movement whose recent passing we mourn – put it best.

When discussing why she kept up the fight for civil and economic rights all throughout her life, she said, simply, “This is my life’s work. It is not a job.”

And that is what I wish for all of you graduates today.

I wish for you the kind of trials that help you discover your life’s work and give you the strength and faith to pursue it.

I wish for you a life lived not in response to the doubts or fears or desires of others, but in pursuit of passions, hopes and dreams that are your very own.

And whenever you get discouraged – and you will, when you start to lose heart and you want to give up – and you will, I want you to think about all those who came before you.

I want you to tell yourself that if Quiana Childress can go from being homeless to graduating with the highest GPA not just in the biology department, but in the entire School of Arts and Sciences then surely, you can overcome whatever adversity you face in your own life.

Tell yourself, if Dr. Samuel Kountz could appeal directly to this university’s President and insist that he deserved a place at this school, then surely you can see to it that your own gifts never go to waste.

And if those seven students could have the audacity to take their place here 135 years ago, if they could insist on fulfilling their God-given potential and staking their claim on the promise of this great nation, then surely, all of you can too.

May their legacy be your inspiration.

And I wish you Godspeed and every blessing on the road ahead. Thank you.

Don’t Be Fool – Is Sunday Really The Lord’s Day – History of the Sabbath

Remember the Sabbath day and Keep it Holy:
Charles Stanley Sabbath Sermon:

Does God want His children to Keep His Sabbath?

Does God want His children to Keep His Commandments?

Can God’s people worship Him the way they want to?

TV Evangelists vs. God’s Word – Who Is Right?

Who Do you Believe?

“The first four commandments set forth man’s obligations directly toward God…. But when we keep the first four commandments, we are likely to keep the other six….The fourth commandment sets forth God’s claim on man’s time and thought….The six days of labor and the rest on the Sabbath are to be maintained as a witness to God’s toil and rest in the creation…. No one of the ten words is of merely racial significance….The Sabbath was established originally (long before Moses) in no special connection with the Hebrews, but as an institution for all of mankind, in commemoration of God’s rest after the six days of creation. It was designed for all the descendants of Adam.” Adult Quarterly, Southern Baptist Convention series, Aug. 15, 1937.

“The Sabbath was binding in Eden, and it has been in force ever since. This fourth commandment begins with the word ‘remember,’ showing that the Sabbath already existed when God wrote the law on the tables of stone at Sinai. How can men claim that this one commandment has been done away with when they will admit that the other nine are still binding?”…..”I honestly believe that this commandment [the fourth, or Sabbath commandment] is just as binding today as it ever was. I have talked with men who have said that it has been abrogated (canceled), but they have never been able to point to any place in the Bible where God repealed it. When Christ was on earth, He did nothing to set it aside; He freed it from the traces under which the Scribes and Pharisees had put it, and gave it its true place. `The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.’ It is just as practicable and as necessary for men today as it ever was – in fact, more than ever, because we live in such an intense age.” D.L. Moody, Weighed and Wanting, pg. 47.

Bishop TD Jake Sabbath Sermon: “I Keep Every Day holy”

Lutheran Church Speaks:

“The observance of the Lord’s day [Sunday] is founded not on any command of God, but on the authority of the church.” Augsburg Confession of Faith, quoted in the Catholic Sabbath Manual, Part 2, Chap. 1, Sec.10.

They [the Catholics] allege the Sabbath changed into Sunday, the Lord’s Day, contrary to the Decalogue, as it appears, neither is there any example more boasted of than the changing of the Sabbath day. Great, say they, is the power and the authority of the church, since it dispensed with one of the Ten Commandments.” Martin Luther, Augsburg Confession of Faith, Art. 28, Par.9.

“But they err in teaching that Sunday has taken the place of the Old Testament Sabbath and therefore must be kept as the seventh day had to be kept by the children of Israel. In other words, they insist that Sunday is the divinely appointed New Testament Sabbath, and so they endeavor to enforce the Sabbatical observance of Sunday by so called blue laws…These churches err in their teaching, for the Scripture has in no way ordained the first day of the week in place of the Sabbath. There is simply no law in the New Testament to that effect.” John Theodore Mueller, Sabbath or Sunday, pp. 15,16

From Sabbath to Sunday – History of the Sabbath Through the Ages

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).

“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man. Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document

Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?

Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6

A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

Leaders who are voicing their support for back to the Ten Commandments and their declaration are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .

Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.

Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.

We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.

We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.

Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.

Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.

By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God.

Testimony From Leading Denominations on the Sabbath Issue



Christian Church

Church Of England

Church Of Christ



Disciples of Christ





Jehovah’s Witness



Moody Bible Institute



“It is quite clear that however rigidly or devotedly we may spend Sunday, we are not keeping the Sabbath.. The Sabbath was founded on a specific, divine command. We can plead no such command for the observance of Sunday.. There is not a single line in the New Testament to suggest that we incur any penalty by violating the supposed sanctity of Sunday.” Dr R.W. Dale, “The Ten Commandments,” pg. 106-107.

” The current notion that Christ and His apostles authoritatively substituted the first day for the seventh, is absolutely without any authority in the New Testament.” Dr Lyman Abbot, in the “Christian Union,” June 26, 1890.

“There is no command in the Bible requiring us to observe the first day of the week as the Christian Sabbath.” Orin Fowler, A.M., Mode and Subjects of Baptism

“The Christian Sabbath (Sunday) is not in the Scriptures, and was not by the Primitive Church called the Sabbath.” Dwight’s Theology, Vol. 4, pg. 401;

“The Bible commandment says on the seventh day thou shalt rest. That is Saturday. Nowhere in the Bible is it laid down that worship should be done on Sunday.” Philip Carrington, Toronto Daily Star, Oct. 26, 1949.

“Where are we told in Scripture that we are to keep the first day at all? We are commanded to keep the seventh; but we are nowhere commanded to keep the first day…… The reason why we keep the first day of the week holy instead of the seventh is for the same reason that we observe many other things, not because the Bible, but because the church has enjoined it.” Isaac Williams, D. D., Plain Sermons on the Catechism, Vol. 1, pp. 334-336.

“Sunday (Dies Solis, of the Roman calendar, ‘day of the sun,’ because dedicated to the sun), the first day of the week, was adopted by the early Christians as a day of worship. The ‘sun’ of Latin adoration they interpreted as the ‘Sun of Righteousness.. No regulations for its observance are laid down in the New Testament, nor, indeed, is its observance even enjoined.” Schaff Herzog, Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, 1891 Edition, Vol.4, art: ‘Sunday’

“The festival of Sunday, like all other festivals, was always only a human ordinance, and it was far from the intentions of the apostles to establish a divine command in this respect, far from them and from the early apostolic church to transfer the laws of the Sabbath to Sunday.” Neander, History of the Christian Religion and Church, p.186

“There is no word, no hint in the New Testament about abstaining from work on Sunday. The observance of Ash Wednesday, or Lent, stands exactly on the same footing as the observance of Sunday. Into the rest of Sunday no Divine Law enters.” Canon Eyton, in “The Ten Commandments”

“We must not imagine that the coming of Christ has freed us from the authority of the law; for it is the eternal rule of a devout and holy life, and must therefore be as unchangeable as the justice of God, which it embraced, is constant and uniform.” John Calvin, Commentary on a Harmony of the Gospels, Vol. 1, pg. 277.

“The Sabbath is a part of the Decalogue – the Ten Commandments. This alone forever settles the question as to the perpetuity of the institution… Until, therefore, it can be shown that the whole moral law has been repealed, the Sabbath will stand… The teaching of Christ confirms the perpetuity of the Sabbath.” T.C. Blake, D.D., Theology Condensed, pp.474,475

“And where are we told in the Scriptures that we are to keep the first day at all? We are commanded to keep the seventh; but we are commanded to keep the first.” Isaac Williams, “Plain Sermons on the Catechism,” pp. 334, 336.

“There is no direct Scriptural authority for designating the first day ‘the Lord’s Day.” Dr. D.H. Lucas, in the “Christian Oracle,” January 23, 1890.

“It is true that there is no positive command for infant baptism. Nor is there any for keeping holy the first day of the week. Many believe that Christ changed the Sabbath. But, from his own words, we see that He came for no such purpose. Those who believe that Jesus changed the Sabbath base it only on a supposition.” Amos Binney, “Theological Compendium,” pp. 180-181.

“No Christian whatsoever is free from the obedience of the commandments which are called moral.” “The Sabbath was made for MAN; not for the Hebrews, but for all men.” Methodist Church Discipline (1904), p.23

“But the moral law contained in the Ten Commandments, and enforced by the prophets, He [Christ] did not take away. It was not the design of his coming to revoke any part of this. This is a law which can never be broken…. Every part of this law must remain in force upon all mankind and in all ages; as not depending either on time or place, or any other circumstances liable to change, but on the nature of God and the nature of man, and their unchangeable relation to each other.”John Wesley, Sermons on Several Occasions, Vol. 1, Sermon XXV.

“There was and is a commandment to keep holy the Sabbath day, but that Sabbath day was not Sunday… It will be said, however, and with some show of triumph, that the Sabbath was transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week… Where can the record of such a transaction be found? Not in the New Testament – absolutely not. There is no scriptural evidence of the change of the Sabbath institution from the seventh to the first day of the week…’To me it seems unaccountable that Jesus, during three years intercourse with His disciples, often conversing with them upon the Sabbath question, never alluded to any transference of the day; also, that during forty days of His resurrection life, no such thing was intimated…’Of course, I quite well know that Sunday did come into use in early Christian history as a religious day, as we learn from the Christian Fathers and other sources. But what a pity that it comes branded with the mark of paganism, and christened with the name of the sun god, when adopted and sanctioned by papal apostasy, and bequeathed as a sacred legacy to Protestantism.”
Dr. Edward T. Hiscox, author of the Baptist Manual, in a paper read before a New York minister’s conference held Nov.13, 1893

“The Scriptures nowhere call the first day of the week the Sabbath. There is no Scriptural authority for so doing, nor of course, any Scriptural obligation.” “The Watchman.”

“The first four commandments set forth man’s obligations directly toward God…. But when we keep the first four commandments, we are likely to keep the other six….The fourth commandment sets forth God’s claim on man’s time and thought….The six days of labor and the rest on the Sabbath are to be maintained as a witness to God’s toil and rest in the creation…. No one of the ten words is of merely racial significance….The Sabbath was established originally (long before Moses) in no special connection with the Hebrews, but as an institution for all of mankind, in commemoration of God’s rest after the six days of creation. It was designed for all the descendants of Adam.Adult Quarterly, Southern Baptist Convention series, Aug. 15, 1937.

“Therefore God gave his law through Moses to the Israelites and which applies to all who want to do right, and the first in order and first in importance of his commandments or fundamental law is this, to wit.’ Exodus 20:1-6,”..”which is the first part of the Ten Commandment law…’The law of God never changes, because God never changes. (Malachi 3:6). His law points out the way to everlasting life. No creature will ever be given life everlasting who willfully, that is, intentionally, violates God’s law….For a man to violate the fundamental law of God means that that man puts himself on the side of the devil, who therefore leads him to destruction.” Enemies, Watchtower publications, 1937, pg. 94.

“Not any ecclesiastical writer of the first three centuries attributed the origin of Sunday observance either to Christ or to His apostles.Sir WILLIAM DOMVILLE, Examination of the Six Texts,” pages 6, 7. (Supplement).

“There is no word, no hint, in the New Testament about abstaining from work on Sunday. . . into the rest of Sunday no divine law enters. . . The observance of Ash Wednesday or Lent stands exactly on the same footing as the observance of Sunday.” CANON EYTON, “The Ten Commandments,” pages 52, 63, 65

“Is there any command in the New Testament to change the day of weekly rest from Saturday to Sunday? None.” Manual of Christian Doctrine,” page 127

“The Lord’s day did not succeed in the place of the Sabbath … The Lord’s day was merely an ecclesiastical institution It was not introduced by virtue of the fourth commandment, because for almost three hundred years together they kept that day which was in that commandment…. The primitive Christians did all manner of works upon the Lord’s day even in times of persecution when they are the strictest observers of all the divine commandments; but in this they knew there was none.” BISHOP JEREMY TAYLOR, “Ductor Dubitantium,” Part 1, Book II, Chap. 2, Rule 6 Sec.51,59.

“Sunday being the day on which the Gentiles solemnly adore that planet and called it Sunday, partly from its influence on that day especially, and partly in respect to its divine body (as they conceived it), the Christians thought fit to keep the same day and the same name of it, that they might not appear causelessly peevish, and by that means hinder the conversion of the Gentiles, and bring a greater prejudice than might be otherwise taken against the gospel.T. M. MORER, “Dialogues on the Lord’s Day,” pages 22,23.

“Where are we told in Scripture that we are to keep the first day at all? We are commanded to keep the seventh; but we are nowhere commanded to keep the first day…. The reason why we keep the first day of the week holy instead of the seventh is for the same reason that we observe many other things, not because the Bible, but because the church has enjoined it.” ISAAC WILLIAMS, B.D., “Plain Sermons on the Catechism,” Vol. 1, pages 334-336.

“Dear Madam:
“In reply to your letter of May 7th, I am asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury to say that from the first century onward the Christian church has observed the first day of the week as the weekly commemoration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many of the early Christians . . . deliberately substituted the first day of the week for the seventh on the ground that it was on the first day that our Lord rose from the dead. [Italics ours.]
“Yours faithfully,

“The Puritan idea was historically unhappy. It made Sunday into the Sabbath day. Even educated people call Sunday the Sabbath. Even clergymen do.

“But, unless my reckoning is all wrong, the Sabbath day lasts twenty-four hours from six o’clock on Friday evening. It gives over, therefore, before we come to Sunday. If you suggest to a Sabbatarian that he ought to observe the Sabbath on the proper day, you arouse no enthusiasm. He at once replies that the day, not the principle, has been changed. But changed by whom? There is no injunction in the whole of the New Testament to Christians to change the Sabbath into Sunday.” –D. MORSE- BOYCOTT, Davy Herald, London, Feb. 26, 1931.

“The Christian church made no formal, but a gradual and almost unconscious transference of the one day to the other.” F. W. FARRAR, D.D., “The Voice From Sinai,” page 167.

“Take which you will, either of the Fathers or the moderns, and we shall find no Lord’s day instituted by any apostolical mandate; no Sabbath set on foot by them upon the first day of the week.” PETER HEYLYN, History of the Sabbath, page 410.

“Merely to denounce the tendency to secularize Sunday is as futile as it is easy. What we want is to find some principle, to which as Christians we can appeal, and on which we can base both our conduct and our advice. We turn to the New Testament, and we look in vain for any authoritative rule. There is no recorded word of Christ, there is no word of any of the apostles, which tells how we should keep Sunday, or indeed that we should keep it at all. It is disappointing, for it would make our task much easier if we could point to a definite rule, which left us no option but simple obedience or disobedience…. There is no rule for Sunday observance, either in Scripture or history.” DR. STEPHEN, Bishop of Newcastle, N.S.W., in an address reported in the Newcastle Morning Herald, May 14, 1924.

“It has reversed the fourth commandment by doing away with the Sabbath of God’s Word, and instituting Sunday as a holiday.” DR. N. SUMMERBELL, “History of the Christian Church,” Third Edition, page 415.

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NOTE: The current official position of the Church of Christ is that the Sabbath was abolished entirely and Christians need not keep either Saturday or Sunday as a day of worship.

“There is no direct Scriptural authority for designating the first day the Lord’s day.” DR. D. H. LUCAS, Christian Oracle, Jan. 23, 1890.

“The first day of the week is commonly called the Sabbath. This is a mistake. The Sabbath of the Bible was the day just preceding the first day of the week. The first day of the week is never called the Sabbath anywhere in the entire Scriptures. It is also an error to talk about the change of the Sabbath. There never was any change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. There is not in any place in the Bible any intimation of such a change.” First-Day Observance, pages 17, 19.

“To command … men … to observe … the Lord’s day … is contrary to the gospel.” Memoirs of Alexander Campbell,” Vol. I, page 528.

“It is clearly proved that the pastors of the churches have struck out one of God’s ten words, which, not only in the Old Testament, but in all revelation, are the most emphatically regarded as the synopsis of all religion and morality.” ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, “Debate With Purcell,” page 214.

“I do not believe that the Lord’s day came in the room of the Jewish Sabbath, or that the Sabbath was changed from the seventh to the first day, for this plain reason, where there is no testimony, there can be no faith. Now there is no testimony in all the oracles of heaven that the Sabbath was changed, or that the Lord’s day came in the room of it.” ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, Washington Reporter, Oct.8, 1821.

“During this indefinite time a considerable amount of a sort of theokrasia seems to have gone on between the Christian cult and the almost equally popular and widely diffused Mithraic cult, and the cult of Serapis-Isis-Horus. From the former it would seem the Christians adopted Sunday as their chief day of worship in- stead of the Jewish Sabbath.” H. G. WELLS, “The Outline of History” (New and Revised), page 543.

“The first who ever used it [the Sabbath to denote the Lord’s day (the first that I have met with in all this search) is one Petrus Alfonsus-he lived about the time that Repurtus did (which was the beginning of the twelfth century)-who calls the Lord’s day by the name of Christian Sabbath.PETER HEYLYN, “History of the Sabbath,” Part 2, Chap. 2, Sec. 12.

“Bear in mind that the substitution [of the first for the seventh day] was not a coerced happening; it could not be a sudden, but only a very slow development, probably never anticipated, never even designed or put into shape by those chiefly interested, but creeping almost unconsciously into being.” WILLIAM B. DANA, “A Day of Rest and Worship,” page 174.

The first direct reference to Sunday as a day of rest from physical toil we find in Tertullian, in about A.D. 200 in his Liber de Oratione, chapter 23. “We, however ( just as we have received ), only on the day of the Lord’s resurrection ought to guard not only against kneeling, but every posture and office of solicitude; deferring even our businesses lest we give any place to the devil.TERTULLIAN, “Ante-Nicene Fathers,” Vol. 111, page 689.

“The early Christians had at first adopted the Jewish seven- day week with its numbered week days, but by the close of the third century A.D. this began to give way to the planetary week; and in the fourth and fifth centuries the pagan designations became generally accepted in the western half of Christendom. The use of the planetary names by Christians attests the growing influence of astrological speculations introduced by converts from paganism. … During these same centuries the spread of Oriental solar worships, especially that of Mithra (Persian sun worship) in the Roman world, had already led to the substitution by pagans of dies Solis for dies Saturni, as the first day of the planetary week…. Thus gradually a pagan institution was ingrafted on Christianity.” HUTTON WEBSTER, Ph.D., Rest Days, pages 220, 221.

Eusebius, fourth-century bishop and friend of the wicked Emperor Constantine, whose Sunday law is the first on record, flatly says: “All things, whatsoever that it was duty to do on the Sabbath, these we have transferred to the Lord’s day [as they had begun to call Sunday].” –“Commentary on the Psalms.”

“Opposition to Judaism introduced the particular festival of Sunday very early, indeed, into the place of the Sabbath…. The festival of Sunday, like all other festivals, was always only a human ordinance, and it was far from the intentions of the apostles to establish a divine command in this respect, far from them, and from the early apostolic church, to transfer the laws of the Sabbath to Sunday. Perhaps, at the end of the second century a false application of this kind had begun to take place; for men appear by that time to have considered laboring on Sunday as a sin.” AUGUSTUS NEANDER, General history of the Christian Religion and Church” (Rose’s translation), Vol. 1, page 186.

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The Seal of God and The Mark of the Beast – 666

The Seal of God for Last Days Events – TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon – The Cost of Christian Zionism – Is it Christian?

The price of gas is higher than ever, cost of living is at a all time high, profits for wall street is soring and every thing is going up except wages. This economy is about to collapsed.

In the last days one will either have the Seal of God or the Mark of the Beast. We are living in the last day.

What is the Seal of God?

The official seal of any county or official, always contain title, name, and dominion. Ex. official seal of the United States…Title – President;   Name – Barak Obama; Dominion – United States of America.  Every law will have the official seal before it can becomes law.

God has an official seal. His seal is imbedded in His Law. It is the 4th commandment which said… Ex. 20:8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Ex. 20:9 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:
Ex. 20:10 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God (name): in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
Ex. 20:11 For in six days the LORD made(title – creator) heaven and earth, (dominion)the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Name – Lord thy God; Title – Maker; Dominion – Heaven and earth

It is the 4th commandment that makes the Ten Commandment official… The Sabbath Commandment is Gods seal and signature.
Ezek 20:12 Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them.
Ezek 20:20 And hallow my Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the LORD your God.
Ex. 31:13 Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.

Ex. 31:16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.
Ex. 31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

The intent of this seal is to establish the authority of God and that no man can change His Law. The seal of God is not a literal seal. It is affixed to, and obtained by, those who worship the one true God on the day he specified in His Law. Those who worship on the 7th day Sabbath (Saturday) and believe it to be a continuing testament to the Creator, have the seal of God on the forehead (they know the truth and follow the Law of God).
Sabbath (7th day = Saturday) is the Creators Day. (Lords Day). The day He blessed and made Holy before sin enter the world. Gen.2:1-3… Sunday is Lucifer’s day (Baal)… the day he wants mankind to worship on so they will be ultimately destroy. The main symbol of Lucifer is the sun disk. It is Luciferian agenda is to destroy all mankind. Chose you this day who you will serve. Give God the glory and worship Him in spirit and truth.

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath (Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday

The Cost of ChristianZionism – Is it of God? Is it Chrsitian?

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), ChristianZionism- New World Order

The Mystical Rapture Cult – Secrets Revealed -Video – Senate Investigation of Televangelists Creflo Dollar, Ken Copeland, Paula White, Eddie Long – Oral Roberts 89 Returns as ORU President amid Scandal

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century

Sabbath Questions

TD Jakes Speaks – Warning.. Sermon could be hazardous to your rest, health and salvation.

click here TD Jakes Sabbath message RSVP Pt 1

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

Sabbath Purpose
Which Day?
Sabbath in Prophecy

The Sabbath Day
Is Sunday Sacred?
Did Jesus Abolish the Sabbath Day?
The Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday – Does It Really Matter to God?
How to Keep the Sabbath Holy
The Sabbath as a Sign
Seal of God – And the Mark of the Beast

YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

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The Illuminati and the New World Order

Illuminati News: Inside Illuminati Lodge Skull and Bones 322 Yale

YouTube – Interview with ex-freemason and illuminati:Leo

YouTube – The Truth about Freemasons Secret Agenda part-1

YouTube – The Truth about Freemasons Secret Agenda part2

The Ten Commandment Commission is dedicated to bring Christian back the the Law of God.(Ten Commandments Commission members. Founding Members
Blackie Gonzalez, Chairman Ron Wexler, President
Dr. Myles Munroe, Pastor John Hagee, Cornerstone Church, Dr. Paul Crouch, Trinity Broadcasting Network , Bishop T.D. Jakes, Potter’s House of Dallas , Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg , Jerome Edmondson , Senior Partner – Edmondson Associates Maurice Starr – Maurice Starr Productions, Benny Hinn, Founder of Benny Hinn Ministries , Richard Shakarian, Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship , Bishop George McKinney, Executive Board – Church of God in Christ , Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty, Tulsa Victory Christian Center , Dr. Mark J. Chironna, The Master’s Touch International Church, Richard Roberts
President – Oral Roberts University, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Founder of the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship, Dr. Charles Phillips, United Nations Non-Government Official to the Economic Council, Bishop Harold Ray, Redemptive Life Fellowship, Dr. Charles Green, Faith Church of New Orleans, Bishop Eddie L. Long, Jerry Horner, Th.D., Beacon University. Floyd Flake, Pastor and former Congressman, Susan Zahn, President – WDC Media Public Relations, Jason T. Christy, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, The Church Report, David W. Clark, Ph.D., President of Palm Beach Atlantic University, Pastor George Morrison – Chairman, Promise Keepers, Congressman Bill Danne Meyer, Mathew Straver, president – Liberty Council, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, President – Toward Tradition, Maureen Bravo, Orlando – NDP, Jerome Rhyant, President – The Love Center, Florida, Jane A. Hansen – President/ CEO of Aglow International. Lord’s Day Alliance

RememberThere is something God want you to know.. You are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God Knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise..(taken from Wayne Anderson book – God’s DNA)

Help spread the Gods Word.. send this article to your friends and co-workers.. You will be blessed..

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richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon Baal worship, Day One, Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulationscientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall LutherOxford University Press Southern Baptist America ValuesAnti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonismTemple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBIsecrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph ChambersMystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith

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From Sabbath to Sunday – Your Questions Answers Concerning the Change of God’s Sabbath into Sun-day – Who changed It and Why? TD Jake Speaks

The Sabbath, God’s rest day, was transferred from Saturday to Sunday. ….Pope Sylvester I (314-335 A.D.) Decrees the Transfer of Sabbath Rest toSunday:

Q. When was the Sabbath instituted?
A. From the creation of the world; for then God blessed the seventh day, and on it rested from all his works.
Q. When was this commandment renewed?
A. In the old law, when God gave the commandments of Moses on Mount Sinai.
Q. Why was the Jewish Sabbath changed into the Sunday?
A. Because Christ rose from the dead, and the Holy Ghost descended on a Sunday.
Q. By whom was it changed?
A. By the church in the Apostle’s time.

Mark of the Beast


TD Jakes Sermon Against The Sabbath and Gods Word

Sunday Sabbath!

Sabbath Study

Bible Studies
A SunDay Worshiper
Watch Videos
3 Angels’ Messages
Earth’s Final Warning
Rome’s Challenge
Weekly Cycle
Chart of Week
Ten Sabbath Facts
Your Questions

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man. Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance, Lord’s Day Observance Society [LDOS] have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6
A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23


Pope John Paul II Advocates Sunday Keeping

For several centuries, Christians observed Sunday simply as a day of worship, without being able to give it the specific meaning of a Sabbath rest….

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

A History Of Sunday

A controversial new Scientology center that opened two weeks ago in one of Berlin’s upscale neighborhoods won’t be open on Sundays like Christian churches in the German capital – the government considers the group a business rather than a church and, as such, it falls under the country’s rigid Sunday closing laws. Read the latest now on WND.com.

Day One Christian Ministries

Historians tell us how sunday sacredness began….

Sunday is NOT the Sabbath!

The Sabbath, God’s rest day, was transferred from Saturday to Sunday. ….Pope Sylvester I (314-335 A.D.) Decrees the Transfer of Sabbath Rest toSunday: …

Basketball champs refuse to play on Sabbath – WorldNetDaily

“Sports aren’t at the top of the list by any means,” he told the newspaper. God is First

The 101-year-old academy teaches strict adherence to the Ten Commandments, including the 4th, which is “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” It defines the Sabbath as the traditional Jewish day from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. The result? No games on Friday night or Saturday.

Sabbath-Sunday Bill Survey Shows Support – For Sunday Day of Rest- Inside Israel – Israel…

MK Yitzchak Levy of the National Union party said the bill paves the way for further deterioration in the character of the Sabbath in the State of Israel.

Sunset to Sunset: God’s Sabbath RestIntroduction

From Sabbath to Sunday · The Rest of the Story: The Story of Rest … Join us for a journey through the Bible to discover God’s Sabbath Rest. .

.. Sabbath observance rooted in Africa, says Adventist historian

From Sabbath to Sunday

The results of this investigation are presented in From Sabbath to Sunday, which is a translation and an adaptation of his Italian doctoral dissertation, …

ENDTIME ISSUES – Bishop David Hill – Testimony No 19

Sabbath in Prophecy

Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

A Sign for Our Time
Keep It Holy Sabbath History

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath(Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday


A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping.

Historical References to Sabbath Observance

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath Rest:What Religious Groups say about the Sabbath:Catholic

In Samuele Bacchiocchi, From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical … Catholic Church that changed the day of rest from Saturday, the seventh day, toSunday, …

The True Bible Sabbath

What is the Truth about Saturday and Sunday Sabbath? What are the major differences between observing a Sunday or Saturday day of rest?

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century

Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.

Samuele Bacchiocchi: 7th Day or 1st day – Which day Does God Truly Support?

“To find the answer to these questions, Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi spent five years at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, examining the most ancient …

Rome and the Origin
of Sunday

Rome and the Origin
of Sunday

Sabbath Booklet

The role of the Bishop of Rome in pioneering and promoting the change from…. Bacchiocchi, Sa

Catholicism Frequently Asked Questions (No. 8)

That is the vacation of a diocese by its bishop either on resignation, ……Look at Samuel Bacchiocchi From Sabbath to Sunday, Pontifical University Press …

Sabbath Vs. 1st Day Debate: Samuele Bacchiocchi

It was Samuele Bacchiocchi. And now he will have me to know that he is willing to make an exception for me! Let’s be sure to keep the story straight…“From Sabbath To Sunday: How Did It Come About? …

VICARIVS FILII DEI@Everything2.com

In 321AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine ordered that the Sabbath be changed from Saturday to Sunday. This change propagated through the Catholic Church into …

The Keeping Of The Sun Day

Sunday Sacredness In Roman Paganism by Robert Leo Odom (1944)

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BIBLEPROBE CatholicUncategorizedBIBLE Creflo. Dollar Bishop David Hill Evangelical Samuele Bacchiocchi KABBALLAHtheologymorris cerullo,E.V. Hill, Pastor Stephen F. Smith luis palau, Sabbath joseph stowell, kay arthur, Charles BlakeCharles Stanly church Eddie LongPolitics Vicarius Filii Dei benny hinn Lords DayBilly Graham Charles Green conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Lyle Dukes Bishop Carver Poindexter Randy White Paula White Pentecostal qabalah Bishop Thomas Weeks Juanita Bynum Bishop Samuel Green Charels Capps Without Walls International Global Destiny Jack van Impe Joel Olsteen Joseph Chambers rod parsley Steve KeohaneT.D. Jakes Billy Joe DaughertyBishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell D.Dewayne Rudd, Harold Ray Kenneth HaginPat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.LahayeSABBATH TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasyjesse duplantis Mark Chironnaministry Pope John Paul II Freemasonjoel olsteen robert Schuller Russell BeanS. Lukens babylon BULLINGER IlluminatiMUNROE NWO true worshipWOODROW clarence larkin cliff forddaniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionismMURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ DoctrineH.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee MinistriesKenneth copeland ministrieskenneth hagin ministrieslighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinsonKnight of Columbus Knight of Malta worshipFrank Wright knights templar Thomas IceBishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe murdock woodrow,bullinger meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition David FreddosoAssemblies of God branch of davidChristian Word Ministries Doug Kreigerfrontier research publications Golden Dawnice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggardJonah Immanu Morning Star MinistriesNRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN CatholicismChristian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonchGJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Rob Bell Grant Jeffery historyInTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoachJames Kennedy Jeruselam Battle Cry john macternan teen mania john walvoord lawlogos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral RobertsSouthwestern Assemblies of God UniversitySouthwestern Baptist Theological SeminaryStephen Smith Terry RisenhooverTony Smith truthnet van kampenblackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty UniversityMessianic Ministry Moody Bible Institutemormanism New World Order prophecyRegent University Rick Warren Robert TiltonCabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurismhilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occultPriory Sion Reformation Rex Humbardroberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minotDale Bronner Armageddon books cultfalse-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama GravelHarpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam TempleJoe Biden John Edwards John MccainMiddle East Conflict Mike Huckabeemind control Mitt Romey mystical rapturerapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behindnew thought prophecy Bishop Carver Poindexter online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days eventsnews Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Popetribulation True Israel YouTube Presidentsherlock bally tal brooke ray brubaker robert campbell noah hutchings j.r.church john cionci robert gundry alex reese john noe, arnold murray salem kirban c.s. lovett charles ryrie perry stone lester sumrall woody young larry wilson True Israel,sherman gordon art evans eric fooks franklin bell torrance jacko darrow perkins george mckinney bruce malone russ miller don perkins todd strandberg pat smith randy thomas ron graff ross taylor richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon Baal worship Lords Day Lyle Dukes megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientologySecond Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope bookChristian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonismTemple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum MinistryLarry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn HickeyMEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek MinistriesSabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froesegrace new age prayer presidential debate second adventBishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacyBnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge deathAl-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moodyend-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnationAdam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacrednessThird Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEYwealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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The Seal of God: What is it? How to Obtain It

The price of gas is higher than ever, cost of living is at an all time high, profits for Wall Street is soaring and every thing is going up except wages. This economy is about to collapsed.In the last days one will either have the Seal of God or the Mark of the Beast. We are living in the last day.What is the Seal of God?

The official seal of any county or official always contain title, name, and dominion. Ex. official seal of the United States…Title – President; Name – George Bush; Dominion – United States of America. Every law passed will have the

God has an official seal. His seal is imbedded in His Law. It is the 4th commandment which said… Ex. 20:8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Ex. 20:9 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:
Ex. 20:10 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God (name): in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
Ex. 20:11 For in six days the LORD made(title – creator) heaven and earth, (dominion)the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Name – Lord thy God; Title – Maker; Dominion – Heaven and earth
It is the 4th commandment that makes the Ten Commandment official… The Sabbath Commandment is Gods seal and signature.
Ezek 20:12 Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctifies them.
Ezek 20:20 And hallow my Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the LORD your God.
Ex. 31:13 Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.
Ex. 31:16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.
Ex. 31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

The intent of this seal is to establish the authority of God and that no man can change His Law. The seal of God is not a literal seal. It is affixed to, and obtained by, those who worship the one true God on the day he specified in His Law. Those who worship on the 7th day Sabbath (Saturday) and believe it to be a continuing testament to the Creator, have the seal of God on the forehead (they know the truth and follow the Law of God).
Sabbath (7th day = Saturday) is the Creators Day. (Lords Day). The day He blessed and made Holy before sin enter the world. Gen.2:1-3… Sunday is Lucifer’s day (Baal)… the day he wants mankind to worship on so they will be ultimately destroy. The main symbol of Lucifer is the sun disk. The Sun disk can be seen in the Vatican, Catholic Cathedrals, Mason’s Temples, Mormon Temples, on the Pope Benedict XVI official staff and above his seat, and used in most pagan/occult ceremonies. It is the Luciferian agenda is to induce mankind to worship Lucifer, and destroy all of mankind. The two trees in the Garden if Eden were there only to test Adam and Eve loyalty. One was the Tree of Life and the other was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Chose you this day who you will serve. Give God the glory and worship Him in spirit and truth.

Leaders who are voicing their support for Back to Gods Ten Commandments are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .

Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.
By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God.
Watch the Presidential debate on Youtube – Ron Paul, Hillery Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Mitt Romey, Mike Gravel, John Mccain, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Joe Biden, Sam Brownback, Tommy Thompson, and Barack Obama.

YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

RSVP Pt 1 TD Jakes Sermon Against The Sabbath and Gods WordSabbath in Prophecy

Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

A Sign for Our Time
Keep It Holy Sabbath History

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath(Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century

The-Ten Commandments.orgThe-TenCommandments.org

The-Ten Commandments.orgThe-TenCommandments.org

Ceremonial Law.netwww.Ceremoniallaw.net




Gods Sabbath Truth.comwww.GodsSabbathTruth.com





Sabbath Seventh Day.comwww.SabbathSeventhDay.com

Sabbath Seventh Day.orgwww.SabbathSeventhDay.org

666 Mark Of The Beast.orgwww.666MarkOfTheBeast.org

666 Mark-Of-The-Beast.comwww.666Mark-Of-The-Beast.com

666 Mark-Of-The-Beast.netwww.666Mark-Of-The-Beast.net

666 Mark-Of-The-Beast.orgwww.666Mark-Of-The-Beast.org

666 Mark Of The Beast.netwww.666MarkOfTheBeast.net







BIBLEPROBE Catholic UncategorizedBIBLE C. Dollar Evangelical Christianity Church Religion Gospel BibletalkKABBALLAH theologymorris cerullo,E.V. Hill, Pastor Stephen F. Smith luis palau, joseph stowell, kay arthur, Charles BlakeCharles Stanly church Eddie Long Politicsbenny hinn Billy Graham Charles Greenconspiracy current events Jack Van ImpeJohn Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Lyle Dukes Bishop Carver Poindexter Randy White Paula White Pentecostal qabalah Bishop Thomas Weeks Juanita Bynum Bishop Samuel Green Charels Capps Without Walls International Global Destiny Jack van Impe Joel Olsteen Joseph Chambers rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe DaughertyBishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flakehappy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth HaginPat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylonBULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWOtrue worship WOODROW clarence larkincliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michaelFredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCKRussell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.LindseyJane Hanson – Aglow International JesuitsJohn Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministrieslighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worshipFrank Wright knights templar Thomas IceBishop Charles Blake end-time-eventsmunroe murdock woodrow,bullinger meyer Roberta Combs Christian CoalitionAssemblies of God branch of davidChristian Word Ministries Doug Kreigerfrontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN CatholicismChristian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgeeJames DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselamjohn macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God UniversitySouthwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillipsDaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry roseJesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphinLiberty University Messianic MinistryMoody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent UniversityRick Warren Robert Tilton CabbalaDISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occultPriory Sion Reformation Rex Humbardroberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minotZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrineOmega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery ClintonJeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East ConflictMike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romeymystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy ThompsonArmageddon cult rapture end-timesHaaretz Hope of the World Left Behindnew thought prophecy Bishop Carver Poindexter online SECRET RAPTUREThe-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President sherlock bally tal brooke ray brubaker robert campbell noah hutchings j.r.church john cionci robert gundry alex reese john noe, arnold murray salem kirban c.s. lovett charles ryrie perry stone lester sumrall woody young larry wilson True Israel, sherman gordon art evans eric fooks franklin bell torrance jacko darrow perkins george mckinney bruce malone russ miller don perkins todd strandberg pat smith randy thomas ron graff ross taylor richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon Baal worship Lords Day Lyle Dukes megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulationscientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-ProtestantBlessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L MoodyFranklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern BaptistAmerica Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and JewsMillennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The RaptureWilliam Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy LandInternational Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries InternationalJoyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple MountCyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBIsecrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph ChambersMystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbaththe-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese gracenew age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacyBnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledgedeath Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan KohlerLords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob JonesDwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslemjustification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprahprosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Grahamprosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

Passion of Christ – Truth About the Sabbath – TD Jakes and the Sabbath- Vatican Blocks Caroline Kennedy


via CNN

WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Obama lifted all restrictions Monday on the ability of individuals to visit relatives in Cuba, as well as to send them remittances.
The move represents a significant shift in a U.S. policy that had remained largely unchanged for nearly half a century. It comes days before Obama leaves for a key meeting of hemispheric powers, the Summit of the Americas, in Trinidad and Tobago.

“President Obama has directed that a series of steps be taken to reach out to the Cuban people to support their desire to enjoy basic human rights and to freely determine their country’s future,” White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said.

Obama also ordered new steps to promote the “freer flow of information among the Cuban people and between those in Cuba and the rest of the world, as well as to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian items directly to the Cuban people,” Gibbs added.

The president took “these steps [in part] to help bridge the gap among divided Cuban families.”

Continue reading ‘Obama eases Cuba travel restrictions’

The Lords Day – Sabbath (Saturday) or Sunday? TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon

The Sabbath was given to man on the 7th day of creation week.. It was the first day that Adam and Eve saw. They Worship the Creator on they day that God Blessed, and made Holy. The 7th day Sabbath is all mankind.

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man. Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6
A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

Leaders who are voicing their support for back to the Ten Commandments and their declaration are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .The Lords Day Alliance.

Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.
By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God.

The Ten Commandments Commission Day

Bishop T.D. Jakes, Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, David Barton, Gary Bauer, Dr. James Dobson Jesus didn’t change the Sabbath; neither did His disciples, .

False Prophets – Sananda – Maitreya – St. Germaine – Benny Hinn

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

Did Jesus Abolish the Sabbath Day?
The Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday – Does It Really Matter to God?

Sabbath in Prophecy

Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal
A Sign for Our Time
Keep It Holy Sabbath History

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath (Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century

Remember – There is something God want you to know.. You are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God Knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise..(taken from Wayne Anderson book – God’s DNA)

BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE C. Dollar Evangelical KABBALLAH theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Pentecostal qabalah rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye SABBATH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President todd strandberg george gunn pat smith david demas’ jimmy deyoung lee gaymon richard vizzutti frank cawsherman gordon art evans, eric fooks, franklin bell, torrance jacko, darrow perkins, george mckinney, bruce malone, russ miller, don perkins, todd strandberg, pat smith, randy thomas, ron graff, ross taylor, richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon sherlock bally tal brooke ray brubaker robert campbell noah hutchings j.r.church john cionci robert gundry alex reese john noe, arnold murray salem kirban c.s. lovett charles ryrie perry stone lester sumrall woody young Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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Everything You Want to Know About the Sabbath (Lord’s Day) – Is It Saturday or Sunday?

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.
God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27
The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.
The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man. Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).
Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6
A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.
“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14
“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23
Leaders who are voicing their support for back to the Ten Commandments and their declaration are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .
Ten Commandments Commission
We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.
By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God.


The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

click here for TD Jakes RSVP Pt 1 TD Jakes Sermon Against The Sabbath and Gods Word

Sabbath in Prophecy

Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

A Sign for Our Time 
Keep It Holy Sabbath History

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath(Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century

BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE Creflo Dollar SABBATH Evangelical KABBALLAH theology morris cerullo E.V. Hill, Pastor Stephen F. Smith luis palau, joseph stowell, kay arthur, Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Randy White Paula White Pentecostal qabalah John Holland Joe van Koevering Bishop Thomas Weeks Juanita Bynum Bishop Samuel Green Charels Capps Without Walls International Global Destiny Jack van Impe Joel Olsteen Joseph Chambers rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson - Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe murdock woodrow,bullinger meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical



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Is Sunday the Lord’s Day? Your Questions Answered – Ten Commandments Commission

Sunday Sabbath!

The Sabbath, God’s rest day, was transferred from Saturday to Sunday…. Pope Sylvester I (314-335 A.D.) Decrees the Transfer of Sabbath Rest to Sunday:

Q. When was the Sabbath instituted?
A. From the creation of the world; for then God blessed the seventh day, and on it rested from all his works.
Q. When was this commandment renewed?
A. In the old law, when God gave the commandments of Moses on Mount Sinai.
Q. Why was the Jewish Sabbath changed into the Sunday?
A. Because Christ rose from the dead, and the Holy Ghost descended on a Sunday.
Q. By whom was it changed?
A. By the church in the Apostle’s time.


TD Jakes Sabbath Message RSVP Pt 1 TD Jakes Sermon Against The Sabbath and Gods Word

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man.
 Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance, Lord’s Day Observance Society [LDOS] have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, man made bishops, Illuminati backed TV evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness..For they are the  wolves in sheep clothing, evil workers of unrighteousness and agents of the Prince of Darkness.   Hosea 4:6 – My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.


A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

Pope John Paul II Advocates Sunday Keeping

For several centuries, Christians observed Sunday simply as a day of worship, without being able to give it the specific meaning of a Sabbath rest

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

Sunday is NOT the Sabbath!

The Sabbath, God’s rest day, was transferred from Saturday to Sunday…. Pope Sylvester I (314-335 A.D.) Decrees the Transfer of Sabbath Rest to Sunday

Basketball champs refuse to play on Sabbath – WorldNetDaily

“Sports aren’t at the top of the list by any means,” he told the newspaper. God is First

The 101-year-old academy teaches strict adherence to the Ten Commandments, including the 4th, which is “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” It defines the Sabbath as the traditional Jewish day from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. The result? No games on Friday night or Saturday.

SabbathSunday Bill Survey Shows Support – For Sunday Day of Rest- Inside Israel – Israel 

MK Yitzchak Levy of the National Union party said the bill paves the way for further deterioration in the character of the Sabbath in the State of Israel.

Sunset to Sunset: God’s Sabbath Rest Introduction

From Sabbath to Sunday · The Rest of the Story: The Story of Rest  Join us for a journey through the Bible to discover God’s Sabbath Rest.

.. Sabbath observance rooted in Africa, says Adventist historian

From Sabbath to Sunday

The results of this investigation are presented in From Sabbath to Sunday, which is a translation and an adaptation of his Italian doctoral dissertation, 

ENDTIME ISSUES – Bishop David Hill – Testimony No 19

Sabbath in Prophecy

Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal

A Sign for Our Time 
Keep It Holy Sabbath History

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath (Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday


A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping.

Historical References to Sabbath Observance

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath Rest:What Religious Groups say about theSabbath:Catholic

In Samuele Bacchiocchi, From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical  Catholic Church that changed the day of rest from Saturday, the seventh day, to Sunday

The True Bible Sabbath

What is the Truth about Saturday and Sunday Sabbath? What are the major differences between observing a Sunday or Saturday day of rest?

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century


Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.

Ten Commandments Commission 
Boards of Members & Supporters

Back to God’s Law

Ron Wexler – Myles Munroe – John Barker

Founding Members
Blackie Gonzalez, Chairman
Ron Wexler, President

Dr. Myles Munroe, Pastor John Hagee, Cornerstone Church, Dr. Paul Crouch, Trinity Broadcasting Network , Bishop T.D. Jakes, Potter’s House of Dallas , Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg , Jerome Edmondson , Senior Partner – Edmondson Associates Maurice Starr – Maurice Starr Productions, Benny Hinn, Founder of Benny Hinn Ministries , Richard Shakarian, Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship , Bishop George McKinney, Executive Board – Church of God in Christ , Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty, Tulsa Victory Christian Center , Dr. Mark J. Chironna, The Master’s Touch International Church, Richard Roberts, President – Oral Roberts University, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Founder of the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship, Dr. Charles Phillips, United Nations Non-Government Official to the Economic Council, Bishop Harold Ray, Redemptive Life Fellowship, Dr. Charles Green, Faith Church of New Orleans, Bishop Eddie L. Long, Jerry Horner, Th.D., Beacon University. Floyd Flake, Pastor and former Congressman, Susan Zahn, President – WDC Media Public Relations, Jason T. Christy, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, The Church Report, David W. Clark, Ph.D., President of Palm Beach Atlantic University, Pastor George Morrison – Chairman, Promise Keepers, Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, Mathew Straver, president – Liberty Council, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, President – Toward Tradition, Maureen Bravo, Orlando – NDP, Jerome Rhyant, President – The Love Center, Florida, Jane A. Hansen – President/ CEO of Aglow International.


TCC Media Committee

Blackie Gonzalez, President – SON Network 

Dr. Frank Write – President NRB, Dr. Ron Hembree, President – Cornerstone TV, Dr. Richard Roberts – President ORU, Dr. David Clark , President – PBAU, Richard Shakarian, President -FGBFI, Dr. Bruno Camaano, President – Alma Vision, Warren Trumbly, President KAXT TV, Larry Bates, President Information Radio Network, Ruth Schofield, President – The Washington Report , Jerry Rose, President – TLN, Dr.Garth Coonce, President – TCT. Robert D’Andrea, President – CTN, Glen Plummer, President – CTN Detroit. 

Board of Legal advisors

Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) Mathew Staver, President, the Liberty Counsel, Steve Beik, Chief Counsel GOD TV 

Advisory & Supportive Board

Mrs. Roberta Combs, Christian Coalition, Washington, DC, Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, Rev. Jerry Falwell, Liberty Alliance, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. William Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition, Rev. Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcasting Network , Dr. Rick Scarborough, Vision America, Dr. Fredrick Price, Judge Roy Moore, Pastor Rod Parsley, Center of Moral Clarity, Pastor Tommy Barnett, The Dream Center.

Reprint from The Sabbath.Net


What is the real historical and Biblical truth about who changed the Sabbath to Sunday. Where in the Bible do we find one single legitimate scripture stating the Sabbath is changed to Sunday?

quote The truth on who changed the Sabbath to Sunday unquote

What is it about the Sabbath Commandment truth that meets with so much opposition? Why are there tens of thousands of Churches that observe the Seventh day Sabbath? Did you know that there are now more than five hundred denominations that keep the Seventh Day Sabbath? America are about to hold their third Ten Commandments Commission day now in 2008, and because of this yearly event, many Churches started doing studies on the Ten Commandments between the first and second Ten Commandment days, which resulted in another 100 different denominations switching back to the Seventh Day Sabbath. What is it that they found that made them change back to the Seventh day Sabbath? There are hundreds of excuses floating around to choose from as to why the Seventh Day Sabbath is no longer relevant – or is it?

In the Bible we find that there are over 40 verses from Paul alone as to why circumcision is not done anymore. How important are the Ten Bible Commandments in comparison to circumcision? If Paul says that the Ten Commandments are what matters and Circumcision is nothing, and we have more than 40 verses and up to 10 verses at a time explaining that Circumcision of the flesh is not relevant anymore, then how many scriptures should we expect to have telling us that the Sabbath is changed to Sunday.

1 Corinthians 7:19 “Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the Commandments of God.

The fact of the matter is that there is not one scripture that says, “The Sabbath is now Sunday.” After all, this is theONLY thing that God spoke in such incredible fiery majesty, thundering His voice from the mountain top as everyone below trembled in fear and then personally wrote this magnificent law into stone tablets, yet there is not one clear scripture. Just assumptions! One of God’s Commandments supposedly goes and we do not have even ONE clear scripture. Why not? The answer is simple. It was never changed to Sunday by the authority of God so no such scripture exists. It was actually changed in favour of SUN worship, hence the name SUN-day. The English names for the days of the week are pagan names. In over 100 other languages in the world, Saturday is still called the Sabbath just as it was named at creation. This dates right back to Babel in Genesis 11 where Saturday was recognized as the Sabbath day and was incorporated into the very name of the day. The following is the origin of the pagan names in day order.

Symbol of the Sun1. Sunday – Dies solis (Latin) which means “day of the sun” from which we get Sunday. Sun worship was marked by the use of the halo, or nimbus, which originated with the pagan Greeks and Romans to represent their sun god, Helios. It was later on that artists then adopted it for use in Christian images.

The halo is actually the sun behind the person’s head, as shown in the illustration. It’s easy to recognize once one realizes what it is, although it’s also often stylized to make it less obvious. Originally a very devious way of mixing idolatrous sun worship with Christianity by converts who were not all that converted, and as a result the pagan halo became a very misleading tradition in Christian art.

2. Monday – Dies lunae (from which comes the word lunar), means moon day, from which we get the shortened version, Monday.

3. Tuesday – Dies Martis, means mars day, after Mars, the Roman god of war. The day was known to the pagan Germans after their own god of war, Tiw (pronounced too) as Tiw’s (pronounced tooz) day, from which we get Tuesday.

4. Wednesday – Dies mercuri, means mercury day. Woden (pronounced woe-den) was the Germanic version of the pagan god mercury, and they named the day Woden’s day, from which we get Wednesday.

5. Thursday – Dies Jovis means Jove’s day, or Jupiter’s day. Thor was the Germanic version of the god Jupiter, so they called the day Thor’s Day, from which we got Thursday.

6. Friday – Dies Veneris means Venus Day. The Germanic version of this female god was Frigg, or Freyja (pronounced fry-yah), so they called the day Freyja day, from which we got Friday.

7. Saturday – Dies Saturni means Saturn day, from which came Saturday. The pagans also observed their Saturnalia festival in the last week of December, a time when work ceased, gifts were exchanged, and slaves feasted with their masters.

Sun worship infects ancient Israel
In the ancient world, ‘sun worship’ was one of the most common forms of pagan idolatry. Immediately after Israel left Egypt, God warned His people against being “driven to worship … the sun.” Deuteronomy 4:19. Yet Israel later yielded to temptation, compromised with the nations around them, and dedicated their “horses … to the sun.” 2 Kings 23:11. During a time of revival, King Josiah purged much of Israel and “burned the chariots of the sun with fire.” 2 Kings 23:11. Before the Babylonian captivity, many Israelite leaders rejected their Creator, yielded again to idolatry, and “worshipped the sun toward the east.” Ezekiel 8:16. At the same time, God declared that they “hid their eyes from My Sabbaths.” Ezekiel 22:26. Thus ancient Israel shifted from Sabbath keeping to sun worship. In 1 Corinthians 10:1-11, Paul warned the Church against repeating the sins of ancient Israel.

Sun worship, “the day of the sun,” and “Sunday”
The Romans called the sun god “Mithra” and “Apollo,” and they especially worshiped the sun on “the first day of the week,” also called “Dies Solis” (Latin), which means, “day of the sun.” The name “Sunday” was adopted “because this day was anciently dedicated to the sun, or to its worship. The first day of the week.” Webster’s Dictionary; 1929 edition.


Samuele Bacchiocchi: 7th Day or 1st day – Which day Does God Truly Support?

“To find the answer to these questions, Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi spent five years at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, examining the most ancient 

Rome and the Origin
of Sunday

Rome and the Origin
of Sunday

Sabbath Booklet

The role of the Bishop of Rome in pioneering and promoting the change from ….BacchiocchiSa

Catholicism Frequently Asked Questions (No. 

That is the vacation of a diocese by its bishop either on resignation, …… Look atSamuel Bacchiocchi From Sabbath to Sunday, Pontifical University Press 

Sabbath Vs. 1st Day Debate: Samuele Bacchiocchi

It was Samuele Bacchiocchi. And now he will have me to know that he is willing to make an exception for me! Let’s be sure to keep the story straight. ..“From Sabbath To Sunday: How Did It Come About? 

VICARIVS FILII DEI@Everything2.com

In 321AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine ordered that the Sabbath be changed from Saturday to Sunday. This change propagated through the Catholic Church into 

BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE Creflo Dollar Randy White Paula White Evangelical E.V. Hill KABBALLAH Joe Van Koevering R.W. Schambach Joe Aldrich Joe Garlington Gerald Falwell Potter’s House Ernest Agley Pastor Stephen F. Smith Council of Trent Jack Hayford Dave Breese Chuck Smith Bob Larson Sherlock Bally Paul Lelonde Peter LeLonde Jentezen Franklin Sky Angel John Holland John Ankerberg Larry Burkett theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green Phil Wogoman conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Pentecostal qabalah rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty, Joe Van Koevering, Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order Adolfo Nicolas Jesuits General Bloodline prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. 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A Day To Remember – From Alpha to Omega

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man. Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6 
A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

Leaders who are voicing their support for back to the Ten Commandments and their declaration are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .

Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.
By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God.

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

TD Jakes Sermon against God’s Law and Sabbath RSVP Pt 1

YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

Sabbath in Prophecy

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century

BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE Creflo Dollar Randy White Paula White Evangelical E.V. Hill KABBALLAH Joe Van Koevering R.W. Schambach Joe Aldrich Joe Garlington Gerald Falwell Potter’s House Ernest Agley Pastor Stephen F. Smith Council of Trent Jack Hayford Dave Breese Chuck Smith Bob Larson Sherlock Bally Paul Lelonde Peter LeLonde Jentezen Franklin Sky Angel John Holland John Ankerberg Larry Burkett theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green Phil Wogoman conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Pentecostal qabalah rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty, Joe Van Koevering, Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order Adolfo Nicolas Jesuits General Bloodline prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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Phillip Britton Condolences Guest Book – Yes We Did, Watch Night from King’s Ebenizer Baptist Church – KKK Killed Woman near New Orleans – KKK and Illuminati Connection – Gay COGIC Pastor Murdered – Is God on Obama Side?- COGIC Lawsuit – AIDS and The Black Community – Genocide? – COGIC Bishop Frederick Kelley Guilty of Child Molestion – Is John Hagee an Agent of Rothschild Israel? History of Modern-day Jews – Pics of Obama Parents and Grandparents – Video – John Hagee and Christian Zionism – Paula Business Partner Bishop Rick Hawkins Caught in Sex Scandal – Bishop Earl Paulk Child Molestation Sex Scandal-

UN: US-Led Airstrike Killed At Least 90 Afghan Civilians, Most Of Them Children

Read HuffPost’s Big News War Page

Homosexual COGIC pastor murdered; new details surface « Gay

Aug 22, 2008 You’re so right that’s it’s going to take a major lawsuit against COGIC for them to get the picture. COGIC has several sexual abuse lawsuits . We reported to you earlier this year that the presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), Bishop Charles Blake promised he would make it a priority of his administration to deal with what appears to be numerous cases of clergy sexual abuse and criminal sexual activity. So far, nothing has been done. Meanwhile, the devastation caused by wolves pretending to be pastors continues. And their primary target: young boys who are seduced into their web of sexual terror. A Memphis CBS news today aired new revelations on the story of Pastor Ronald Paige who was murdered in his home in April. Now, the man’s 21 year old killer has confessed and told the reason why. The pastor was attempting to forcibly rape him. What’s more, the pastor has a long history of molesting teen boys at his church. Six other victims have already made statements to police.

MyFox Memphis | Widow of Bishop Patterson Files Suit Against

Temple of Deliverance in Memphis, TN – founded in 1975 by Bishop G.E. Patterson.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WHBQ FOX13 myfoxmemphis.com) — The widow of COGIC Bishop G.E. Patterson is suing the pastor who replaced her husband at Temple Of Deliverance Church Of God In Christ. Patterson filed a lawsuit against her nephew Pastor Milton Hawkins June 13.


EURweb.com – MARY J. BLIGE LAWSUIT IS A BIG ‘PAIN’: Singer sued

Aug 8, 2008 GREATER MILLER MEMORIAL COGIC HOLDS REVI. *A $2 million federal lawsuit against Mary J. Blige claims a song on her current album,

Televangelist Juanita Bynum and Bishop Thomas Weeks III have gone through many troubles since last year.

Just a few days prior Prophetess Juanita Bynum lost her father, Elder Thomas Bynum. According to David Wright and other close sources, after a Church of God …
AP ATLANTA (AP) – Lawyers for the ex-husband of Juanita Bynum are suing the televangelist, claiming that she has not paid the first installment of a $40000 .

National evangelist Juanita Bynum was threatened with jail time or a fine Monday in a court document alleging that she failed to live up to the terms of her divorce settlement.

Chris Stephen: How Obama dazzled Europe -God is with Obama

Jul 28, 2008 Tuesday, 29th July 2008. Map of the UK inside every copy of Saturday’s Scotsman IT’S official: God is on Barack Obama’s side.

Torch of Truth International: The Rapture Truth – Its Origin and Worldwide InfluenceIs there a connection between Catholic and Modern Israel? What is the origin of the rapture theory? Does the rapture theory have any bearing on the politics of America or world politics? How does this theory affect the middle east conflict? There is no theological doctrine that has done more damage to the Christian cause then the doctrine of the rapture. This erroneous teaching, together with all the remaining links of the Futuristic School, form a chain that the prince of darkness has used to imprison multitudes of Christian believers.



Do the Elite, through government and private sector scientists, create and distribute deadly viruses to world populations Do the Elite, through government and private sector scientists, create and distribute deadly viruses to world populations? Duh. http://www.drlenhorowitz.com/ http://www.tetrahedron.org/ (more)

“AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213” President Nixon Sign Law to Create AIDS for Genocide and Depopulation

“AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213” by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.. It is hard to believe the public law that authorized AIDS will be thirty one years old

  About Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s AIDS Comment ” Think On These Things UNCENSORED ” Depopulation Linked Merck Announces African … 1970, President Nixon signed PL91213 and John D. Rockefeller, III 95.10.52/racism/pooaa1. thinkonthesethings.wordpress.com/2008/03/17/about-rev-jeremiah-wrights-aids-comment/ More from this site
  down with murder inc In 1970, President Nixon signed PL91213 and John D. Rockefeller, III became the ” The AIDS Debate. The depopulation agenda part 1. The depopulation agenda http://www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/site/aids.html
provide advice to a troubled couple when you are one half of a troubled couple yourself? This is simply too irresponsible.…Juanita Bynum Divorce Court The entertainment continues as Ms. Bynum profits from what should be a tragedy in any family — divorce. Since when does going through a divorce become a springboard for “success?” This is so sad. I wonder if Paula and Randy are going to ask for cameos now?Is it appropriate to provide advice to a troubled couple when you are one half of a troubled couple yourself? This is simply too irresponsible. (more)
part 2 part 3
  • The stormy marriage of national evangelist Juanita Bynum and Bishop Thomas W. Weeks III —- temporarily calmed by a night of passion —- was dissolved Friday in a Gwinnett County courtroom.Both Bynum and Weeks expressed relief and a measure of joy that their marriage, marked by an elaborate televised wedding, a high-profile ministry and a parking lot fight, was over.Bynum filed for divorce in September. On Friday, about a month shy of her sixth wedding anniversary to Weeks, Bynum said she was at peace with the divorce.
  • Sex issue resolved: Bynum-Weeks marriage over

Greater St. Stephen church ravaged by fire – Breaking News from

Jul 7, 2008 this just another excuse paul morton needs to get the hell otta here …they the st. stephens church could have rebuilt the east new orleans

Child Sexual Molestation by Bishop Paul Morton Minister of Music Phillip Britton

Phillip Britton–music minister at Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship founder Bishop Paul Morton–denied the .

Bishop Thomas Weeks and Juanita Bynum’s Excessive Cash Flow « Cash

May 30, 2008 Bishop Thomas Weeks III and Dr. Juanita Bynum’s cash flow is growing more before they ..

  • The Elements

    By D. AILEEN DODD Just when the media spotlight was fading on national evangelist Juanita Bynum, the pastor found a new forum where her star could shine

  • ATLANTA – The estranged husband of evangelist Juanita Bynum says in a new book that she has tried to use a highly publicized physical altercation to revive her own flagging ministry.The self-published book by minister Thomas Weeks III includes chapters with titles such as “I Would Rather Push You Now Than Punch You Later” and “She Wanted to Be Oprah at Any Cost” and says it was Weeks

  • http://jesus-messiah.com/apologetics/pentecostal/dakes.htmlJakes: Negative press distracts churches

  • Hang Right Politics » Dirty Politics

    Posted by Kathy on March 21st, 2008 in Dirty Politics, Democrats, Culture of Corruption. Don’t tell this news to Rev. Wright. He’ll blame it on white people

  • Former Sens. Nunn and Boren join Obama’s team
  • (CNN)—Former Senators Sam Nunn and David Boren endorsed Barack Obama’s candidacy Friday and accepted the invitation to serve as advisors on his National Security Foreign Policy team.
  • Obama vs Wright and HIV/AIDES and the media. The Observer, UK There are also apparently a number of HIV/Aids experts who claim to have evidence to support Wright’s view. It’s understandable that people would question

    HIV/AIDS The Untold Story. The Genecide Theory

    An early version of the AIDS-as-biowarfare theory was based on the work of two East German scientists, Jakob and Lilli Segal, published by the Soviet news agency Tass on March 30, 1987. The Segals claimed that HIV could not have evolved naturally, being in fact an artificial splice between visna virus (a retrovirus that infects the nervous system of sheep) and HTLV-1 (the first retrovirus known to infect humans). This splice, they asserted, was created at the notorious CBW lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and then tested on prisoners in the area.

Critics chide Warren, ‘pastor’ of Murdoch, over porn channels

Author-pastor Rick Warren is under fire for failing to discipline media giant Rupert Murdoch for owning and expanding pornographic channels for satellite TV ..

Pastor to a Pornographer                              

Purpose Driven Pornography: Murdoch and Warren

Fox Network owner Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. is a major owner of DirecTV, which sells more pornographic films than [Hustler magazine founder and porn film . Rick Warren as Murdochs’ pastor, has a Biblical duty to call Murdoch to repentance and/or put him out of the church..Murdoch also is publishing Warren’s book Purpose Driven Life. Revelation talks about 2 beasts. WorldsLastChance productions reveals the mystery of the two beasts on two separate videos. This is the first video revealing the identity of the Revelation talks about 2 beasts. WorldsLastChance productions reveals the mystery of the two beasts on two separate videos. This is the first video revealing the identity of the First Beast! (more

Hillary, Rupert, and the Culture of Corruption

Hillary, Rupert, and the Culture of Corruption – The Huffington Post. By having Murdoch host her fundraiser, Hillary Clinton seems to be signaling to Hillary Clinton: A Bilderberg -Rothschild and New World Order Presidency When asked by Grove if Clinton will be “good for business,” Rothschild replies,. “First of all, Hillary will be good for America. Rupert Murdoch and Clinton Connection Senator Hillary Clinton has also taken $54, 618.00 from Pro-Israel PAC donors between 2005-2006 [page 22, July 2007, The Washington Report On Middle East Affairs] “New York’s junior senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is expected to snare the lion’s share of the Jewish community’s substantial political donations in the race for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination…money from Jewish donors constitutes about half the donations given to national Democratic candidates…Clinton will get most of the Jewish community’s money, “first, because she’s going to receive the lion’s share of all [Democratic] political money, and second, because she and her husband are enormously popular with the Jewish community,” said Democratic strategist Steve Rabinowitz, a Clinton supporter…Clinton, he said, “has personally proved herself to the Jewish community on Israel


Pope, in US, Is ‘Ashamed’ of Pedophile Priests New York Times, United States – Pope Benedict XVI chose to address bluntly the sex scandal that has torn at the church here even before he arrived.“It’s difficult for me to understand how it was possible that priests betrayed in this way their mission to give healing, to give the love of God to these children,” the pope said, adding that the church would work to exclude pedophiles from the priesthood.

Catholic World News and Vatican News; Eternal Word Television Network

Apr. 16, 2008 (CWNews.com) – Over 10000 people were on hand as President George W. Bush formally welcomed Pope Benedict XVI (bio – news) to the US in a http://www.ewtn.com/news/index.asp –

Update: Paula draw Senate scrutiny – Still begging for money- Deep

After a month-long investigation, NBC News has learned that some former staffers and members have left the Whites’ church after becoming disillusioned with its increasing focus on donations. Several former Without Walls insiders with years of experience working for the church told NBC News the same thing: in the past few years, the church started to become more and more about making money and fame for the Whites. They claim the Whites’ constant appeals for donated money has helped enrich the Whites themselves.
Cardinal: Pope To Apologize For Sex Abuse Cases WDSU, LA – CHICAGO — The president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops said he’s “quite sure” that Pope Benedict will apologize for the church sex-abuse crisis Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George told C-SPAN that Benedict is deeply troubled that “children have been abused by priests or bishops.” George calls it “a complete betrayal of our own office and of Jesus Christ and of our Catholic people.” He added that Benedict likely will express “deep pastoral concern for the victims,”

Mystical Rapture – It’s Catholic (Jesuits); Secret Society Connection –

This expose’ is a continuation of the Origin of the Rapture.. the rapture theory was an invention of the Catholic Church as an Anti-Reformation and Anti-Protestant doctrine.

Jesuits to Elect a New ‘Black Pope‘ – TIME

Jan 4, 2008 When one man has received the necessary majority, rather than white smoke, we’ll know there is a new “black pope” by the sound of applause

New Black Pope Pledges Obedience to White Pope « Aftermath News

In this photo released by the Vatican newspaper ‘L’Osservatore Romano’, Pope Benedict XVI meets Spanish Reverend Adolfo Nicolas, the new Superior General of the Jesuits Roman Catholic order, at the Vatican Saturday, Jan. 26, 2008. Rev. Adolfo Nicolas is the 29th successor to St. Ignatius Loyola, who founded the Society of Jesus, as the order is formally known, in 1540. With nearly 20,000 members worldwide, it is the largest Catholic religious order.

The Black Pope – The Most Powerful Man In The World…NWO

the Khazarian Zionists (who invented the word “Jew” to disguise their adopted heritage, as distinguished from the biblical Judeans), or the role played by the Banksters (banking gangsters) controlling the economies of the world, by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Committee of 300 (the 17 wealthiest so-called “elite” families)—the Rothschild’s in England and Bronfman’s in Canada, and on and on, comprising the physical power structure of the New World Order puppets under the direction of darkly motivated, other-dimensional “master deceivers” commonly known as Lucifer or Satan and their “fallen angel” cohorts...The “Jesuit-Vatican connection” to the unfolding New World Order agenda.

What is Pope Benedict XVI, and The Ten Commandment Commission agenda? Are they going to bring back God’s True Sabbath? Or are they going to enforce Sunday

The Lords Day – Sabbath (Saturday) or Sunday? TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon…Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.

Benedict and Public Perception – Pope Watch –

I was stunned when Benedict XVI was elected. Yet now I cannot conceive of a ….. and Sunday sacredness,

40th anniversary of King assassination – News

The National Civil Rights Museum is seen in Memphis, Tenn. in ...

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The National Civil Rights Museum, built around the motel where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968, is sponsoring a variety of events to mark the 40th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination.

King Assassination


01:16 From: ct91rs


Paula White Will Answer Senator’s Questions Tampa Tribune, FL – The founders of Without Walls International Church and Paula White Ministries apparently have decided to cooperate with a US

After admitting to grabbing his wife by the throat, throwing her to the ground and kicking her last summer, Thomas Weeks III turned to Juanita Bynum and apologized to her in open court.
Paula White GREATLY Abuses The Gosepl of Christ NBC Nightly News should now begin Apostle Doyle Davidson because Paula White is nothing compared to him when it comes to fleecing the flock. NBC reported that in just one event in 2005 ovedr $43000 in personal checks were written to ..
REV. JEREMIAH A. WRIGHT, JR.: Pastor inspires Obama’s ‘audacity Jeremiah Wright Jr. was a maverick pastor with a wardrobe of dashikis and a militant message. Obama in pictures Multimedia .

9/11 Conspiracy – Is there Evidence to Support Pastor Wright claim that Israel Airport Security Firm gave the terrorist a free pass? Did Israel Play a part in 9/11? What is the Truth

in the 9-11 terror case in which an Israeli security company is a key defendant and in which individuals from Israeli military intelligence are suspected of being involved, was Hellerstein chosen to preside over all 9-11 victim lawsuits – and who chose him? Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company.

Israel Connection to 9/11 | Wake Up America …Don’t be Duped

This Israeli-run company is the owner of Huntleigh USA, the airport security firm that ran passenger screening operations at the airports of Boston and .. Apostasy: “Christian” Zionism and multi-faith False Unity Hagee has become one of America’s best known proponents of a movement with a contradictory name: Christian Zionism. It is a marriage of politics and current events as seen though particular interpretations of biblical writings,

History of Modern Day Jews – KhazariaThe Christian Right: Not Right, Not Following Christ Christian Right pastors and spokesmen in thousands of churches swear that Israel has a biblical right to bomb Gaza and Lebanon. They teach that to resist Israel is to interfere with God’s Plan. The normally Israeli-sympathetic network                               


COGIC Bishop Frederick Kelley Guilty of Child Molestation Face 25 yrs in Prison..| Latest News, Videos, Pictures, Blogs

COGIC Bishop Guilty of Child Molestion


More than $1 billion annually was illegally funneled through ORU to Board Members Dollar, Hinn, and others lawsuit claims (Tulsa World) A former Oral Roberts University accountant revised his lawsuit on Thursday to allege that more than $1 billion annually was funneled through the university, possibly to individual regents. “It appears that many of the former board members were actual participants in the funneling of money through the university for their own eventual personal use, and thus, the foxes were watching the hen house,” says former accountant Trent Huddleston’s lawsuit



Add Video to QuickList Is John Hagee A False Teacher and Agent of Zionist Israel? – The False Teaching of Christian Zionism When God-fearing Judeo-Christians from thousands of churches nationwide realize they’ve been conned by political Israel’s agents, they will leave CUFI, Christian Zionism, and the hundred-year-old movement we call “Scofieldism”, to return to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Hagee…said that Katrina was a righteous heavenly punishment against New Orleans sent by God himself…False Teachers JohnHagee Heresy Lies about Jesus and promote the Illuminati and NWO agenda along with John Mccain and

Israel kills 120 Palestinians as Gaza ‘buries’ peace process…Rice urge Restraint AFP – GAZA CITY (AFP) — Israeli forces killed more than 50 Palestinians in a land and air blitz in the Hamas-held Gaza Strip on Saturday, medics said,
Israel began its bombardment.



THINK OF THE CHILDREN: Medics tend to a Palestinian girl after an Israeli missile strike on a house in Gaza.

Photo 1 of 4 next previous

Rice concerned over humanitarian conditions in Gaza The U.S Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has stated that she “had concerns” over the Israeli attacks on the Palestinian Gaza Strip, due to the recurring deaths of Palestinian civilians during the attacks.

A Palestinian woman inspecting her destroyed bedroom after an IAF strike on Gaza (Reuters)

IDF kills 20 Palestinians in Gaza, W. Bank, including 5 children One of the many children killed in Lebanon by Israels’ Army during their invasion.. Hagee, Hillary and Mccain supported the invasion that left over 300 innocent people are now dead in Lebanon since Israel began its bombardment.


Arthur Koestler, a Jewish historian, in his work, “The Thirteenth Tribe”, …. they bow their knee to these super rich Kharzar Zionist communist Jews.

Arthur Koestler’s Book The Thirteenth Tribe..Who Are Modern-day Jew?

The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler refutes the idea of a Jewish “race.” Moreover, he says that most Jews of the contemporary world did not come from Palestine and are not even of Semitic origin. His research shows that most Jews originated in what today is the Soviet Union. And that a group of people there became Jews through conversion, on the orders of their king. “The bulk of modern Jewry is not of Palestinian, but of Caucasian origin,” Koestler writes. “Their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus.” Israel threatens to unleash ‘holocaust’ in Gaza ZIONISM: A BLIGHT ON THE JEWISH PEOPLE

Hillary Clinton’s Culture of Corruption: The Scandal Queen ] Bishop Weeks Maintains His Innocence (CBS 46 News Atlanta) At the last hearing before his trial, Bishop Thomas Weeks says he did not assault his wife, a well-known televangelist.            

Bishop Weeks sticks to not guilty plea (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)Evangelist Bynum skips divorce meeting (Atlanta Journal-Constitution) Bishop Thomas W. Weeks III got stood up at the negotiation table Monday when his estranged wife evangelist Juanita Bynum failed to show for a mediation of their divorceEvangelist Bynum skips divorce meeting (Atlanta Journal-Constitution) Bishop Thomas W. Weeks III got stood up at the negotiation table Monday when his estranged wife evangelist Juanita Bynum failed to show for a mediation of their divorceNY Mayor Bloomberg: “Fraud” Behind Low Obama Vote In New York..Mayor Bloomberg charged yesterday that “fraud” was behind the unofficial results in the New York Democratic presidential primary that produced zero votes for Barack Obama in many Black districts.”If you want to call it significant undercounting, I guess that’s a euphemism for fraud,” said the mayor.                              

Voting irregulaities in NY (Clinton District) Worse Than Florida: NY Results Say Obama Got Zero Votes In 80 Districts

Black voters are heavily represented in the 94th Election District in Harlem’s 70th Assembly District. Yet according to the unofficial results from the New York Democratic primary last week, not a single vote in the district was cast for Senator Barack Obama. Obama Says GOP Will Have Dirt on Clinton

National poll boosts high-flying Obama Euronews.net, France – After two more election victories for Barack Obama the US presidential hopeful has been further boosted in his battle with Hillary Clinton by a new ..
Commander-In-Chief Barack Obama Yahoo! News – The Nation — Every time Barack Obama wins, the Republican National Committee sends out the same email: “BARACK OBAMA NOT READY TO BE COMMANDER IN CHIEF.



Washington PostObama Lands Arizona Gov.’s Endorsement Hillary Hot Flash Tears wins NH primaries, trailed by Obama

A young Barack Obama is shown with his mother, Ann, in Hawaii shortly after his father, Barack Obama Sr., left the two to pursue his studies at Harvard. Barack's mother was given the name Stanley Ann Dunham because of her father's strong desire to have a son.
Image 6 of 26

A young Barack Obama is shown with his mother, Ann, in Hawaii

Barack Obama Sr. poses with his son in the Honolulu airport during Obama Sr.'s only visit to see his son while he was growing up in Hawaii. Young Barack was in the 5th grade when the photo was taken.
Image 12 of 26

Barack Obama Sr. poses with his son in the Honolulu airport during Obama Sr.’s only visit to see his son while he was growing up in Hawaii. Young Barack was in the 5th grade

At his high school graduation, Barack Obama gets a hug from his grandmother Madelyn as his grandfather Stanley beams. His maternal grandparents raised Obama in Hawaii

Obama Had Multiethnic Existence in Hawaii – Politics

Obama’s parents, Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr., met and married in she sent Obama, then 10, back to Hawaii to be with his maternal grandparents mostly .


YouTube – Paula White’s Friend Bishop Hawkins Caught In A Sex Scandal




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Rick Hawkins is a showman. He’s a charismatic and powerful preacher saving souls in the name of the Lord. He also shapes the lives of students at his School of Excellence, a charter school bearing his name. Hawkins is the author of several books, including advice on relationships. Hawkins is also a preacher with a problem. Hundreds of followers have made a mass exodus, leaving his Family Praise Center church recently because of word that he has been caught up in a sex scandal.










The Gospel Of Money; Biblical or Greed? Megachurch Pastors And Broadcast Ministries …

Paula White’s 1st Interview Since the Divorce Announcement

Paula White: Secret Video – This video should refute Paula White’s claim from last night’s Larry King show that her teachings aren’t about materialism. In fact, her teaching in this video is straight from the teachings of the popular “The Secret”: CREFLO DOLLAR REFUSES TO ANSWER QUESTIONS IN SENATE INVESTIGATION A lawyer for preacher Creflo Dollar of World Changers Church International in College Park, Ga., has asked Sen. Charles Grassley to either refer the matter to the IRS or get a subpoena, according to a letter from Dollar’s attorney Comment on Creflo Dollar refusing to comply with Congressional … You don’t know what old Creflo or Jakes contribute outside of his tithes. You don’t know what business ventures he has outside of his church paycheck. God has a history of establishing a protocol for how well priests and prophets should High Profile S Add Video to QuickList

Paula White Announces Divorce From Husband ” Prayer Rally “


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(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!

(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!

YouTube – Fox5 News Earl Paulk Accused of Molesting Grand-daughter

Earl Paulk: Sex Scandal Hits Atlanta-Area Megachurch The 80-year-old leader of a suburban Atlanta megachurch is at the center of a sex scandal of biblical dimensions: He slept with his brother’s wife and fathered a child by her. Sex Scandal Rocks Atlanta Church Community (CBS 46 News Atlanta)

Latest Juanita Bynum News – Life In Turmoil Before Attact

Child Molestor Earl Paulk Launched Juanita Bynum To Stardom! …. God that all the female ministers she knew had been to Rhema or Oral Roberts universities.

For the love of God: Religion and Charisma often a volatile

The Paulks, especially Earl Paulk, are gifted orators, skilled in making It had been two years since Earl Paulk had molested her, according to the

Latest Juanita Bynum News – Interview – Life In Turmoil Before Attact

Senate Inquiry Targets Six Televangelists, Long, Dollar, Meyer, White, Copeland and Hinn Televangelists Living Like Kings?



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Televangelist Loot – Creflo Dollar



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Creflo Dollar Interview Part 1



Add Video to QuickListlling Supposed Favor With God. More Scams By Eddie Long, Paula White Plus Jimmy (And Donnie) Swaggart!

The Third Jerusalem Temple, The Red Heifer and The Rock of Ages

The Truth About the Lord’s Day – Saturday (7th day) or Sunday (1st day) TD Jakes Video The Mystical Rapture Cult – Secrets Revealed -Video – Dual Covenants Christians & Zionism




YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

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Kenneth Copeland 33rd Degree Freemason Exposed

Bill Clinton Connection to the Jesuits-NWO

Christian-linked companies at centre of fraud squad investigation

The Unacceptable Cost of ChristianZionism – Is It Of God? Is it Christian?

Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), ChristianZionism- NewWorld Order



Bishop Weeks countersues Bynum

Juanita BynumJuanita Bynum: “I Forgive My Husband” Thomas Weeks For Beating MeMaking mistakes in marriage


Bishop Thomas Weeks: ‘I walked away that night’ Latest Weeks News – Juanita Speaks on Tom Joyner Show- Husband Won Bishop Thomas Weeks? Press Conference! Bishop Thomas Weeks Press Conference! Bishop Thomas Weeks III Breaks Silence and Tells His Side of the Story Bishop Thomas Weeks Agrees To Divorce From Juanita Bynum (WDEF Chattanooga) Bishop Thomas Weeks Holds Press Conference on Breakup with Wife Juanita Bynum (WDEF Chattanooga) Weeks ‘Walked Away’ From Bynum (WXIA-TV Atlanta) Bishop Weeks: ‘I’ve Always Loved My Wife’ (WSB-TV 2 Atlanta) Bishop Thomas Weeks Changes His Mind, He’ll Accept Divorce From Juanita Bynum (WDEF ChattanoogWho Is To Blame? The Evolution of New Thought Into The Faith Movement and Possibility Thinking FALLING AWAY FROM THE FAITH vs. ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED and WAR BLOOD, LAND, & INJUSTICE Facts

Thomas Weeks News

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blog it Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Bishop Paul Morton Charles CappsChristian Zionism, Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham, Gary Bauer, Haram, al-Sharif, Janet Parshall, Luther, Oxford University Press, Southern Baptist, America Values, Anti-Reformation, Ignatius Press, Ignitius Loyola, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, Millennium, pagan, Ralph Reed, rapture cult, Return of Jesus, Ten Commandment Commission, The Rapture, William Blackstone, Bridges for Peace, Holy Land, International Christian Embassy, Israel Christian Advocacy Council, Jerry Savelle Ministries International, Joyer Meyer Ministries, Life, mormonism, Temple Mount, Cyrus Scofield,, Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries, Sabbath, the-Bible, Wm. E. Blackstone, zionism, Arno Froese,

The Real Truth About Sabbath and The Lord’s Day – TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon – Bishop David Hill Testimony –

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man.
Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6

A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

Leaders who are voicing their support for back to the Ten Commandments and their declaration are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .

Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.
By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God.

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

TD Jakes Sermon against God’s Law and Sabbath RSVP Pt 1



    “I was hoping to post Pastor David Hill‘s personal testimony, … Seventh-day Adventist Book Store in La Sierra, California to ask about Bacchiocchi’s book. …”

YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

Sabbath in Prophecy

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century

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Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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The Truth About The Beast of Revelation – Beast Identified – 666

By Roy Allen Anderson D.D.

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Revelation 13:1,2.

Here is the beast that has the dreaded mark. This mark we definitely don’t want! The most awful warning of all time is directed against it (see Rev. 14:9,10). But before we learn what the mark is, we must discover who the beast is. And it won’t be hard. In fact, the Bible makes it so clear that I’ll simply list the characteristics of it and you’ll be able to tell me who it is! Are you ready?

1) A “beast” in prophecy represents a kingdom, a nation, a power. The prophetic book of Daniel tells us – ‘Thus he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth.” Daniel 7:23.

2) This beast comes up out of the “sea.” When a beast arises from the “sea,” it always represents a power rising in a highly populated area; amid “peoples, multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” Revelation 17:15. It would have to conquer the existing government.

3) This beast has seven heads and ten horns. A head represents the headquarters of a government. The head of a county is called the “county seat” you remember.

A “horn” represents a king, a ruler. “And ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise.” Daniel 7:24. The beast is a power with a man at the head of it. You’ll find that the Bible explains itself!

4) The beast has “the name of blasphemy’ (Rev. 13:1). What is blasphemy?
Again the Bible gives its own definition. In John 10:32,33, it tells how the Jews were going to stone Jesus. He asked them why they were about to stone Him and they said, “For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.”

Amazing! Blasphemy is for a man to claim to be God! Of .course Jesus didn’t blaspheme because He is God. But for someone less than God – it would be. But there’s more.

In Mark 2:5-11 it tells the story of how a paralyzed man wanted to come into a house where Jesus was, but it was just too crowded. He finally persuaded his friends to carry him up on the roof of Peter’s house and break it up so they could let the man down into the room where the Saviour was teaching.

Down he comes.

Jesus looks into those pleading eyes and knows that the poor man needs to have forgiveness and peace with God even more than physical healing. Jesus says to him, “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.”

Can you imagine the wonderful peace and joy that flooded his soul? But the religious leaders didn’t care a thing about the man’s soul. They were just trying to catch some words of Jesus that they could use against Him to have Him put to death. The Bible says that they thought, “Why does this man thus speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?” The Saviour knew their thoughts and said, “Why reason ye these things in your hearts?” Then He asked them which is easier to say, “thy sins be forgiven,” or to say, “rise and walk?” Jesus healed the man before their eyes, and, to the people’s utter amazement, he got up and walked out of the house.

Again, Jesus didn’t commit blasphemy by forgiving the man’s sins because He is a member of the Godhead and had a perfect right to do just that, To whomever He pleased He could say those sweet words of forgiveness, and the very peace of heaven would flood the soul. He could say, “Go and sin no more,” and the guilty, the depressed, the sad, the empty, would rise up with peace of mind. They would begin a new and unselfish life of obedience to God – a happy life of peace.

They could slap Him in the face and press a crown of thorns onto that holy brow; they could beat Him until His back was like raw meat, but they couldn’t rob Him of His royal right to forgive the chief of sinners. Wonderful Jesus!

But for anyone less than God to claim to forgive sins – it’s blasphemy.

Concerning the beast it says, “and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Revelation 13:1. The very leaders of this power would both claim to be God on the earth, and claim to have power to forgive men’s sins!

5) “and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2.

It’s clear that the beast gets its “seat” and “authority” from the dragon. But who’s the dragon?

Here it is. “And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.” Revelation 20:2. The dragon is Satan. But there’s more.

“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour
her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.” Revelation 12:3-5.

Some years ago, a man in Chicago claimed that he was the man child! Could he have been?


Revelation 19:15,16 shows us that the “Man Child” is Christ.

So the “dragon” represents not only Satan, but also a kingdom through whom Satan worked to try to kill baby Jesus as soon as He was born, Now what kingdom was it whose king decreed the destruction of the babies in Bethlehem?

Of course! It was King Herod. He was employed by, and a representative of Rome. So here’s another clue. The beast gets its power, seat, and authority from Rome!

It’s coming clear. The dragon represents Rome. Rome was the empire used by Satan to try to destroy the Saviour of the world! Now let’s take a closer look.

The dragon (Rome) had “ten horns.” A horn grows out of the head of an animal. A horn, you remember, is a king. When the Roman empire collapsed, ten divisions resulted. Barbarian tribes hammered at the Roman empire for many years until it fell apart and the ten divisions were ruled by ten kings! The were: the
Alemani (Germany), the Franks (France), Burgundians (Switzerland), the Suevi (Portugal), the Anglo-Saxons (Britain), the Visigoths (Spain), the Lombards (Italy), the Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Heruli. The last three were destroyed by the Pope of Rome because they refused to, become “Christian.” The armies of Emperor Justinian, in cooperation with the Pope, thrust the Ostrogoths out of the city of Rome. They have become extinct. In 538 A.D. the Pope took possession of the city after the Emperor decreed that he should be the head of all the Christian churches. These ten divisions of Rome are the ten horns on the “dragon.” (For more detail see Appendix 1).

Now look at this next amazing point.

6) “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Revelation 13:8.

This is not only a political power but a religious power as well. It demands worship and gets it.

7) It is a world-wide power. “All the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3.

Maybe you already know who the “beast” is.

Can you think of any world-wide political and religious power with a man at the head of it who claims to be God on earth and to be able to forgive sins? Who received its “seat” and authority from Rome? Of a church government whose leader is “wondered after” by the whole world?

Let me say something now that’s very important. You see, the reason why God speaks as strongly against worshiping the “beast” as He does is because He loves the people. He loves all people. Reader, He loves you. He knows that a person can’t possibly be happy who follows this power and receives its mark. He knows that “. . . they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:11. In following this power there’s no rest. He loves us so much that He warns us in the strongest language known to man. Listen to this,

“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice; If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.” Revelation 14:9,10. Strong language. Language of love is always strong when it’s a question of life and death to the one it loves.

I ask you, what more could He do? God sent His own Son to die a hell death in our place, Not one need experience the awful fate of those who follow the beast and receive its mark. Jesus made a way of escape. He suffered the agony of Gethsemane, and the torture of His mock trial where they beat Him until His back was like raw meat. They bowed down in mockery and hit Him in the head with a
stick, driving the thorns into His brow and sending blood running down His face. Watch Him stagger on His way to Calvary. The Son of God falls on His face in the dirt. He endures the horror of our sins while His blood runs drop by drop to the foot of the cross. Look at His quivering lips as He cries “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”

There He hangs – like a snake on a pole, writhing in agony, drinking the last drops of the wrath of God against sin. “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,” Jesus was lifted up – for you. Do you see? He did it for you. He took what you and I deserve. Do you see why our Heavenly Father is so anxious that we not follow the beast or receive its mark? We need not receive that awful penalty. Jesus paid it all. When they were pounding the spikes through His tender flesh, and Jesus prayed “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” – He was praying for you and me then also. He was praying for you! Will you choose Him now as your personal Saviour and follow Him all the way?

You’ll be so happy that you did.

Trusting Him; obeying Him – even unto death; abiding in His love through prayer and Bible study; total surrender and a loving, happy relationship, only then will you be safe from worshiping the beast and receiving his “mark’ – only then. Soon you’ll see why.

Another thing we must understand is that in identifying the beast, God is not talking about sincere people who are involved with it “ignorantly.” Do you know what I mean? When He identifies it He is talking about “the system;” the leaders, who know what they are doing and deliberately disobey and change the word of
God. Do you see? Our God is a tender Father. He only holds accountable those who understand what the Bible commands and knowingly disobey, or, those who turn away from bearing His word and are “willingly ignorant.”

The beast exists now. Many honest Christians who are now involved with it will soon learn the facts about it, They will hear God’s call to come out of it. And they will respond. Don’t be fooled by thinking that the “beast” is a computer in Europe
somewhere. That is only a smoke screen to get people off the track that the Bible points out. God’s word makes it so clear that even an honest child can see it. The next point in identifying the beast is amazing.

8) It has characteristics of the four beasts (nations) which existed before it. Look carefully.

“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2.

What nations are these? Again, the Bible tells us. The same four beasts are found in Daniel 7. ‘These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.” Daniel 7:17. These are the four world empires, ruling consecutively from the time of Daniel down to the time of the fall of Rome. They are Babylon (605 – 538 B.C.), Medo-Persia (538 – 331 B.C.), Greece (331 – 168 B.C.), and Rome (168 B.C. – 476 A.D.). Now let’s get the full description of these in Daniel 7.

“Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold,, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.

“The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it. And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. After this I beheld, and lo another,, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it. After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” Daniel 7:2-8.

What a picture. Here they are, beginning with Daniel’s day.
The Lion – Babylon,
The Bear – Medo-Persia,
The Leopard – Greece.
The Terrible Beast – Rome.

Since the beast with the mark has similarities of these four, let’s take a close look at them.

Babylon, represented by the two-winged lion, ruled the world when Daniel was alive. In the ruins of ancient Babylon, broken statues of lions with two wings can still be seen in modern times.

The lion – a fit symbol of Babylon. It was the greatest of all the ancient kingdoms. The two wings tell us of the swiftness in which the “golden kingdom” conquered the civilized world of that time.

How is the “beast” of Revelation 13 like Babylon?

Ancient Babylon, founded by Nimrod (See Genesis 10) the great-grandson of Noah, more than two thousand years before Christ, was one of the wonders of the world. It was laid out in a perfect square with a great and high wall eighty-seven feet thick. Its two hundred and twenty-five square miles of enclosed surface was laid out in beautiful symmetry and interspersed with luxuriant pleasure grounds and gardens. With its sixty miles of moat, its sixty miles of outer wall, its gates of solid brass, its hanging gardens, its subterranean tunnel under the River Euphrates, its perfect arrangement for beauty and defense – this city, containing in itself many things which were themselves wonders of the world, was itself another and still mightier wonder.

The emperors of Babylon claimed worship as gods. For man to be appreciated is great, but to be worshiped by other humans is blasphemous. The leader of the “beast” does this very thing!

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(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!

666, The Number of the Beast

Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Note that according to verse 17, there are three different characteristics that distinguish the beast:

  • his mark (of authority)
  • his name
  • the number of his name (666).

It might be argued by some that 666 must be applied to one man’s name, and that this will then help identify him as the antichrist. I would offer the following verse to show that 666 need not apply solely to a man’s name:

Rev 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

The same Greek word translated as name (onoma: G3686) that appears in Revelation 13:17-18 is also used in chapter 19:16, so clearly the word can also apply to a title, and not just one man’s name. Now, we are told that it takes a certain understanding and wisdom to discern just how this number is actually applied. Based on the fact that 666 can apply to a title, below are several words and phrases that have been put forth over the centuries as probable solutions to the enigma of 666.

The Vicar of Christ (Vicarius Christi)

“Vicar of Christ . . . Title used almost exclusively of the Bishop of Rome as successor of Peter and, therefore, the one in the Church who particularly takes the place of Christ; but used also of bishops in general and even of priests. First used by the Roman Synod of A.D. 495 to refer to Pope Gelasius; more commonly in Roman curial usage to refer to the Bishop of Rome during the pontificate of Pope Eugene III (1145-1153). Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) asserted explicitly that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ; further defined at the Council of Florence in the Decree for the Greeks (1439) and Vatican Council I in Pastor Aerternus (1870). The Second Vatican Council, in Lumen Gentium , n.27, calls bishops in general “vicars and legates of Christ.” All bishops are vicars of Christ for their local churches in their ministerial functions as priest, prophet, and king, as the Pope is for the universal church; the title further denotes they exercise their authority in the Church not by delegation from any other person, but from Christ Himself.”

Source: Catholic Dictionary, Peter M.J. Stravinskas, Editor, published by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., Huntington, 1993, pp. 484-485.

So the Papal title of VICAR OF CHRIST which in Latin is VICARIUS CHRISTI, means a SUBSTITUTE FOR CHRIST, which is synonymous with Antichrist, i.e., assuming the power of God on earth! This blasphemous claim is made repeatedly by various Popes and is the very foundation of Roman Catholicism and it’s Papacy.

The MAN of Sin

2 Thess 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2 Thess 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

Scholars generally agree that the “man of sin” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is the same entity described in Revelation as the beast whose number is 666, the “little horn” power of Daniel 7, and the harlot riding the beast in Revelation 17. See the table in The Catholic Origins of Futurism and Preterism. To my knowledge, no Catholic or Protestant scholar has ever proposed that this “antichrist” entity could potentially be a woman. So who then is a likely candidate?

V = 5 F = no value D = 500
I = 1 I = 1 E = no value
C = 100 L = 50 I = 1
A = no value I = 1 ————-
R = no value I = 1 501
I = 1 ————–  
U = 5 53  
S = no value    

Add these together and the result will be 666.

The letters inscribed in the Pope’s mitre are these: Vicarius Filii Dei, which is the Latin for the Vicar of the Son of God. Catholics hold that the church which is a visible society must have a visible head.

Pope John XXIII
wearing a triple tiara.
Pope John Paul II
wearing a papal mitre.

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

The Dark Side Of Vatican



Vatican inspired Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet.

Bush a Closet Catholic In the White HouseRick Santorum, former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and a devout Catholic, who was the first to give Bush the “Catholic president” label. “He’s certainly much more Catholic than (Ted)Kennedy.”

Bush has also placed Catholics in prominent roles in the federal government and relied on Catholic tradition to make a public case for everything from his faith-based initiative to antiabortion legislation. He has wedded Catholic intellectualism with evangelical political savvy to forge a powerful electoral coalition.



together much of the information that is going to be presented here.…vatican assassins eric jon phelps pope illuminati knights of malta conspiracy new world order So, you thought you were pretty well informed by now about all of the main players on the ‘conspiracy’ playing field? You’ve maybe been hearing for years about the various elements of society who control our world from behind the scenes.You’ve gotten familiar with the role played by, for instance, the Khazarian Zionists or the role played by the Banksters (banking gangsters) controlling the economies of the world, by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Committee of 300 (the 17 wealthiest so-called ‘elite’ families)–the Rothschild’s in England and Rockefellers in America and Bronfman’s in Canada, and on and on, comprising the physical power structure of the New World Order puppets under the direction of darkly motivated, other-dimensional ‘master deceivers’ commonly known as Lucifer or Satan and their ‘fallen angel’ cohorts. 

While all of those details contribute to understanding the Larger Picture, what you are about to listen to fills in a most important Missing Link in this entire structure. And I don’t mean a little side issue; I mean a link so central-yet so well hidden from general public view, and for so long-that even the most studied of ‘conspiracy theory’ scholars probably have not put together much of the information that is going to be presented here.




the Illuminati, the highest rung of Freemasonry. The Illuminati represent an longterm conspiracy against God and mankind consisting of an alliance of German Jewish bankers, Jesuits and Here is link to my song “Girls Like Stars” (Andrei Gubin cover):http://youtube.com/watch?v=fgTqpvNkRMM 

Here another my video “Crop Circles and Occultic, Masonic & Illuminati Symbols” (this video was nominated for broadcast on Flix55!!!):


Here another my video that was deleted YouTube (by user’s flags) “Masonic Lodges & Satanism”:

Israel’s Descent Into a Moral Abyss
By Henry Makow Ph.D.

Mightier than the nuclear bomb, the Lie is Satan’s most powerful weapon. The bomb merely devastates. The Lie steals souls. It enlists millions of naive people to Satan’s cause.

“God’s chosen people” have been Satan’s favorite targets. Zionists took control of them using Lies about the Holocaust and the 1948 “War of Independence.”

1) Jews did not need a “national homeland” because of the Holocaust. Instead, Jews were sacrificed in the Holocaust so they would build Israel. The Illuminati want it as capital of their New World Order. The blatant Masonic symbolism in the Rothschild-built Israeli Supreme Court is a tip-off. Also, Israel is the fortress for their invasion of the Islamic world.

2) In the “1948 War of Independence”, Israelis did NOT face a second Holocaust from blood- thirsty Arab armies, as Jews are taught. The war was in fact a brutal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Zionists, the “Nakba” (”Cataclysm”), reminiscent of what Nazis did to Jews.

Without the Holocaust there would have been no Nakba which has grown into a monster stalking the whole human race: the 9-11 hoax, and the War Against Islam and Freedom.

(For new readers: Satan’s agents on planet earth are the Illuminati, the highest rung of Freemasonry. The Illuminati represent an longterm conspiracy against God and mankind consisting of an alliance of German Jewish bankers, Jesuits and the aristocratic families of Europe (especially England) and America. The Illuminati is the force behind British and American Imperialism, Nazism, Communism, Zionism, Neo Conservatism, Feminism and the New World Order.)

I’ll deal with the second lie first.


According to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, 1948 was a pretext and cover for the preplanned expulsion of a million mostly defenseless Palestinians from their ancestral homes, orchards, fields and businesses. (”The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine,” 2006)

The Zionist leadership knew the neighboring Arab states did not constitute a threat. The Palestinians did not flee willingly as Jews are taught, but were driven out.

The British and UN were accomplices. With 75,000 soldiers present, the British permitted the massacres and pillage in spite of their promise in the Balfour Declaration to uphold Palestinian rights.

The UN ceded to 600,000 Jews a territory containing one million Palestinians, leaving them at the mercy of David Ben Gurion who said, “Only a state with at least 80% Jews is a viable and stable state.” (Pappe, p.48)

Eighty-nine percent of the cultivated land in the UN designated Jewish state belonged to Palestinians. (30)

General Sir John Bagot Glubb, the British chief the (Jordanian) Arab Legion called 1948 “a phony war.” Like most wars the outcome was determined in advance. The leader of Arab forces, King Abdullah of Jordan, had a secret deal with the Zionists to offer only token resistance in return for the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In addition, the English controlled the Arab armies and curtailed supplies.

Far from being “a rag tag group of defenders”, Israel had 50,000 soldiers, half of whom had served in the British army. It had a small air force, navy, tanks, armoured cars and heavy artillery. Facing them were the real “rag tag defenders,” perhaps 10,000 poorly trained and equipped Palestinian paramilitary outfits and volunteers from the Arab world. (44)

Despite rhetoric from Arab capitals, there was never any chance of driving the Jews into the sea. The Palestinians were passive and underestimated their danger. They had lived under Ottoman and British rule, and somehow would manage under the Jewish regime. Many villages made “non-aggression pacts” with the Jews.

In March 1948 Ben Gurion told the Jewish Agency Executive: “I believe the majority of the Palestinian masses accept the partition as a fait accompli…[they] do not want to fight us.” (61)

The (British-controlled) Arab Legion was the only potential real opposition. It was used to repulse the Zionists when they reneged on their bargain and attacked the Old City of Jerusalem.



The Associated Press –
ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, Md. (AP) — Pope Benedict XVI stepped onto US soil for the time as pontiff Tuesday, arriving to a presidential handshake and wild ..


The Pope Kissing The Qu’ran




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(2) USA in Bible prophecy | Second Beast of Revelation 13!

‘The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast.’

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Prophecy of the Century II

Prophecy of the Century II



by the illuminati is now found clearly amplified and exemplified in the Jesuit “society of Jesus” IHS order. The highest level Illuminati members are Jesuits.. There is much argument today about the origin of the illuminati satanic government that controls this world. The satanic illuminati existed long before the Jesuit order was founded by Ignatius Loyola from Spain, but it is undeniable that babylonian egyptian priestcraft spread and furthered by the illuminati is now found clearly amplified and exemplified in the Jesuit “society of Jesus” IHS order. The highest level Illuminati members are Jesuits… The Lord Jesus Christ will expose these devils by the brightness of His appearing and slay them with his sword when Judgment is executed by Him at the final battle.The soundtrack is from the group called: “Libana” from their CD “A Circle Is Cast” 


Added: 11 months ago

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The Illuminati and the New World Order

The Great Controversy Between Christ & Satan

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

TD Jakes Sabbath Message RSVP Pt 1 TD Jakes Sermon Against The Sabbath and Gods Word



Vatican/Jesuit/Illuminati-Black Nobility occults control the world. A look in to the groups and secret societies that control the world. Also a look Vatican/Jesuit/Illuminati-Black Nobility occults control the world.A look in to the groups and secret societies that control the world. Also a look at religion, symbolism, occult and Satanism 




They started “The Jesuits“. They own Adam Weishaupt – paid hack of Rothschild who started the “Illuminati“.…jesuits illuminati ormus talmud ecumenical Pope John Paul II shows just who he worships.This same man called the Talmudic Rabbi’s…”elder brothers in the faith”. 

The Vatican was infiltrated by “Marano Jews” outta Spain who turned the Church into Jewish Mystical Kabbahla for Gentiles. They started “The Jesuits”. They own Adam Weishaupt – paid hack of Rothschild who started the “Illuminati”.






More in Education





Rothschilds build Occultic Israeli Supreme Court. Future seat of AntiChrist??…666 NWO Antichrist Illuminati.


of Zion” is the NWO Blueprint http://www.savethemales.ca/000205.html The New World Order (NWO) http:/ Rothschild Zionist Jews Temple Mount Israel 666 WWIIIThe source of most if not all our woes, revealed (from the present to the past): Connecting the dots through 5000 years of revisionist human history, spanning from the time of the pharaohs, all the way up to the present dynasties creating the New World Order, in a quest to perfect the enslavement of mankind. From pirates to banksters, to the ruling elite, who run the world’s finances, the media and cover both side of nearly every conflict or war: the world may make more sense after watching this. 

About the Producer:
As a child, she had many arguments between her parents over her father’s ring, inscribed with “G”, a compass and square. At a later age, years of intensive research led her to the identity , history and plans of a power “so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocking, so complete, so pervasive” that even the known ‘leaders’ of the world are careful not to speak in “condemnation” of it.

“Protocols of Zion” is the NWO Blueprint

The New World Order (NWO)



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http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/the_rothschil d_bloodline.htm

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The Truth Seeker – The Rothschilds

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http://www.the7thfire.com/new_world_order/illuminati/Henry_M akow/did_rothschild_write_the_protocols.htm

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The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America

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Added: 1 month ago

YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

A Sign for Our Time
Keep It Holy Sabbath History

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath (Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

The Beast
The Mark of the Beast

PS – Remember – God want you to know that you are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise..(taken from Wayne Anderson book – God’s DNA)

Reprint from Truth in Prophecy


“It has often been charged…that Catholicism is overlaid with many pagan incrustations. Catholicism is ready to accept that accusation – and even to make it her boast…The great god Pan is not really dead, he is baptized.” -Theodore Maynard, The Story of American Catholicism

Babylon is described in Revelation 17 as the mother of harlots (apostate religious systems or churches), Mystery and the abominations of the earth. Obviously if God’s people are the chaste woman faithful to her husband, then Babylon is the opposite of this symbol or that system of worship which is unfaithful to God, and has a mystery religion and teaches and practices abominations. The harlot daughters of Rome must represent those churches that follow her false teachings and thus subject themselves to her rule, or even worse, officially accept the Roman leadership as authoritative.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) repeatedly refers to the Catholic Church as “Holy Mother Church.” In September 2000 the Vatican issued a statement titled “Dominus Iesus,” where CardinalJoseph Ratzinger stated:

Cardinal Ratzinger

“It must be always clear that the one, holy, catholic and apostolic universal church is not the sister, but the mother of all the churches.”

The Washington Post reported on this church decree:

“A new Vatican dictum issued today declares that individuals can attain full salvation from earthly sin only through the spiritual grace of the Catholic Church and that other faiths—including Protestant Christian ones—have defects that place their followers in a “gravely deficient situation” in seeking salvation. The goal, according to a top Vatican official, is to combat the “so-called theology of religious pluralism,” which suggests that Catholics are on a par in God’s eyes with, say, Jews, Muslims or Hindus.”

Vatican coin
Vatican coin

The word Vatican literally means Divining Serpent and is derived from Vatis=Diviner and Can=Serpent. Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latinvaticanus mons or vaticanus collis, which means hill or mountain of prophecy. Coins minted in Vatican City often bear the inscription“CITTÁ DEL VATICANO”, which means City of Prophecy. The Church of Rome thus applies the title of “City” to its structure and as we shall see, lays claim to all the other attributes of Mystery Babylon as well. In the coin shown here, minted in 1963, Pope Paul VI is shown together with his title Pontifex Maximus and the inscription on the reverse side reads “CITTÁ DEL VATICANO.” The full title of the Vatican State is “STATO DELLA CITTÁ DEL VATICANO” which is the combination of Church and State. There is also a woman on the reverse side of the coin, and at her feet is her title, FIDES, which means faith. This woman is symbolic of the Roman Catholic faith, or Roman Catholic Church, which claims power over all governments on earth.

“The right hand has in all ages been deemed an emblem of fidelity and our ancient brethren worshipped Deity under the name ofFIDES or Fidelity, which was sometimes represented by TWO RIGHT HANDS JOINED, and sometimes by two human figures, holding each other by the right hands…..Numa was the first who erected an altar to FIDES, under which the GODDESS OF OATHS and honesty was worshipped. Obligations taken in her name were considered as more inviolable than others.” –Albert G. MackeyThe Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.-Revelation 17

  • A Brief History
  • False Doctrines
  • Priory of Sion
  • Society of Jesus
  • Opus Dei

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. –Revelation 12

Just as it was prophesied in Revelation 12, the pagan Roman Empire vigorously persecuted the Christians until the rule of Constantine I. Prior to the time of emperor Constantine’s so-called conversion, the Christians were persecuted because they would not honor the pagan gods. The Catholic Church was formed as a means to Christianize the pagan religion. The pagan gods were gradually replaced by saints of the church, the necessary religious sacraments were re-introduced as Christian ritual, the pagan holy days were reclassified as Christian holidays; the Saturnalia celebrations turned into Christmas celebrations; the ancient festival of the dead (Halloween) became All Souls Day;Lupercalia, the feast of the purification of Isis (the mother-child religion), became the Feast of the Nativity and so on.

“We are told by Eusebius, that Constantine, in order to recommed the new religion to the heathen, transferred into it the outward ornaments to which they had been accustomed in their own.” –John Henry NewmanDevelopment of Christian Doctrine

“Christianity became the established religion in the Roman Empire and took the place of paganism…Christianity as it existed in the Dark Ages might be termed baptized paganism.”Church History

When Pope Gregory the XIII introduced the solar Gregorian calendar in 1582, each day of the week was given a new name in honor of a deity. The first day of the week was named Sunday, The Lord’s Day, and the venerable day of the sun.

The observance of months was changed and the new months (moons) were renamed after the gods. The name for the month of February comes from the Latin februum which means purification. This month is reserved for purification ceremonies in honor of the goddess Isis.

July is named in honor of the Roman emperor Julius Caesar and August is named in honor of Augustus.

“The LORD commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments, that you might perform them in the land where you are going over to possess it. So watch yourselves carefully, since you did not see any form on the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire, so that you do not act corruptly and make a graven image for yourselves in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any animal that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the sky, the likeness of anything that creeps on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the water below the earth. And beware not to lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and be drawn away and worship them and serve them, those which the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven. But the LORD has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace, from Egypt, to be a people for His own possession, as today. –Deuteronomy 4

And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. –Luke 11

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. –Matthew 6

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2000 ft
500 m

Vatican City is the smallest sovereign state in the world (less than 110 acres) located within the city of Rome, Italy; governed by the Pope who acts (for a life term) as the supreme executive, legislative and judicial authority. The hub of the Catholic Church has its own army, bank, post office, market, electrical plant and much more within its city walls. The city has its own citizenship and has established embassies in countries all around the world, which means Vatican officials are granted diplomatic status in foreign countries.

It is no secret the Vatican possesses one of the world’s largest hoards of treasures; Catholic Churches all over the world are richly decorated with precious metals and jewels. Standing in the center of Saint Peter’s Square is an ancient Egyptian obelisk which was carefully transported from Heliopolis to Rome in 37 AD. The Vatican was built so the Pope faces east (toward the sun & the obelisk) whenever he addresses the crowd in St. Peter’s Square.

And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. –Matthew 8

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.” Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” –John 18 

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The obelisk is not a solitary remnant of ancient paganism found at the Vatican. Take a close look at the bird’s-eye view of St. Peter’s Square. The star of Ishtar is clearly visible stretching across the entire square, but look more closely at the center and you will see the 4-pointed symbol of the sun god, orBaal. Inside St. Peter’s Cathedral stands a statue the church claims is a likeness of St. Peter, although the statue closely resembles the Roman deity Jupiter; hence the sun wheel on top of his head.

Watch the Presidential debate on Youtube – Ron Paul, Hillery Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Mitt Romey, Mike Gravel, John Mccain, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Joe Biden, Sam Brownback, Tommy Thompson, and Barack Obama.

BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE C. Dollar Randy White Paula White Evangelical KABBALLAH Ron Wyatt Sky Angel Donald Hilliard Derek Prince morris cerullo,E.V. Hill, luis palau, joseph stowell, kay arthur Vatican Catholicism David Pawson Lance Lambert Walter Riggans Mike Evans Basilea Schlink Anglican Church AMF CCJ British Israel theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie LongPolitics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green conspiracy D.Dewayne Rudd, current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Pentecostal qabalah rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican BishopDale Bronner WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe murdock woodrow bullinger meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President sherlock bally tal brooke ray brubaker robert campbell noah hutchings j.r.church john cionci robert gundry alex reese john noe, arnold murray salem kirban c.s. lovett charles ryrie perry stone lester sumrall woody young larry wilson True Israel, sherman gordon art evans eric fooks franklin bell torrance jacko darrow perkins george mckinney bruce malone russ miller don perkins todd strandberg pat smith randy thomas ron graff ross taylor richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. 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Sex Issue Resolved: Juanita Bynum- Bishop Thomas Weeks Marriage Over – CNN Uncovers Depopulation Program Using AIDS Virus – R.Kelly Child Pornography Trial Latest News – Acquitted -Video – Alabaster Box Cece Winans – COGIC Bishop Found Guilty of Child Molestion – Dr. Jeremiah Wright Blames Devious Forces – Iraq War Launched to Protect Israel, Bush Adviser – Pope Addresses Priests Sex Abuse of Children – Bishop Thomas Weeks Pleads Guilty – Who Is Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr.? Any Truth to Pastor Wright Claim of Israel Involvement in 9/11? Facts You Should Know – John Hagee Endorse McCain – History of Modern-day Jews – OBAMA “YES WE CAN” Music Video – Obama Family Pictorial – Bishop Eddie Long Paid Himself $3 Million – Creflo Dollar CNN Interview- TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon – Senate Investigate TV Evangelists – John Hagee’s Heresy – Video


The stormy marriage of national evangelist Juanita Bynum and Bishop Thomas W. Weeks III —- temporarily calmed by a night of passion —- was dissolved Friday in a Gwinnett County courtroom.

Both Bynum and Weeks expressed relief and a measure of joy that their marriage, marked by an elaborate televised wedding, a high-profile ministry and a parking lot fight, was over.

Bynum filed for divorce in September. On Friday, about a month shy of her sixth wedding anniversary to Weeks, Bynum said she was at peace with the divorce.

Do the Elite, through government and private sector scientists, create and distribute deadly viruses to world populations Do the Elite, through government and private sector scientists, create and distribute deadly viruses to world populations? Duh. http://www.drlenhorowitz.com/ http://www.tetrahedron.org/ (more)

“AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213” President Nixon Sign Law to Create AIDS for Genocide and Depopulation

“AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213” by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.. It is hard to believe the public law that authorized AIDS will be thirty one years old


R. Kelly acquitted

A Cook County jury today acquitted R&B superstar R. Kelly of child pornography charges, marking the end of a high-profile trial rich in courtroom drama and celebrity intrigue.

R. Kelly witnesses testify

R. Kelly defense continues efforts to discredit IDs 6-5-2008

Witness: I saw R.Kelly film sex acts with girl

The witness identifed R. Kelly and the alleged victim as the people shown in the video that is central to the trial, while the defense painted her as a schemer with a penchant for shady boyfriends.

Surprise witness halts R. Kelly trial for the day :: CHICAGO SUN

the Chicago Sun-Times reported the Atlanta woman would testify she had a three-way sexual encounter with Kelly and the underage girl who allegedly appears in the videotape.

R. Kelly trial: Sparkle’s revenge. – ..

If there’s a life lesson to be taken from the R. Kelly trial, it’s that when you’re trying to help your niece launch a music career, perhaps it’s best to


Relative of alleged R. Kelly victim cries on stand

A singer and one-time artistic collaborator with R. Kelly cried on the witness stand Thursday at Kelly’s child pornography trial as she described introducing the R&B superstar to a relative of hers — the alleged victim in the case — when the girl was only around 12 or 13 years old.

Testimony in R. Kelly’s trial ends for week
The Associated Press –
CHICAGO (AP) — Testimony in R&B star R. Kelly’s child pornography trial has adjourned until after the Memorial Day holiday. Prosecutors spent the week

R. Kelly featuring Usher – Same Girl
R. Kelly featuring Usher – Same Girl
(C) 2007 Zomba Recording, LLC




my favorite song…. Ten Stars

cece winans–alabaster box

COGIC Bishop Faces Prison for Molesting Foster Children

A Decatur pastor faces at least 25 years in prison after being convicted of aggravated sexual battery and child molestation of his 15-year-old foster child, authorities said.

DeKalb County prosecutors contend Bishop Frederick Kelley, who headed Greater New Macedonia Church of God in Christ, had a history of child molestation and rape involving family members going back 35 years.

Rev. Wright Speaks
Truthdig, United States –
Jeremiah Wright’s sermons as hate speech, without ever having heard more than snippets of them. As Wright tells the great Bill Moyers, the meaning of his

Wright blasts foes who try to portray him as ‘fanatic’
Chicago Sun-Times, United States – 1 hour ago
Jeremiah Wright told PBS’ Bill Moyers that snippets from his sermons at Trinity United Church of Christ, on the South Side, have been taken out of context

mentor Jeremiah Wright giving a sermon at Trinity United Church of Christ in which he discusses Israel as being responsible for 911 and most of the problems

9/11 Conspiracy – Is there Evidence to Support Pastor Wright claim that Israel Airport Security Firm gave the terrorist a free pass? Did Israel Play a part in 9/11? What is the Truth in the 9-11 terror case in which an Israeli security company is a key defendant and in which individuals from Israeli military intelligence are suspected of being involved, was Hellerstein chosen to preside over all 9-11 victim lawsuits – and who chose him? Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company.

Israel Connection to 9/11 | Wake Up America …Don’t be Duped This Israeli-run company is the owner of Huntleigh USA, the airport security firm that ran passenger screening operations at the airports of Boston and ..

If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

COGIC Bishop Faces Prison for Molesting Foster Children

A Decatur pastor faces at least 25 years in prison after being convicted of aggravated sexual battery and child molestation of his 15-year-old foster child, authorities said.

DeKalb County prosecutors contend Bishop Frederick Kelley, who headed Greater New Macedonia Church of God in Christ, had a history of child molestation and rape involving family members going back 35 years.

National Catholic Register,
Cardinal: Pope To Apologize For Sex Abuse Cases
CHICAGO — Cardinal Francis George said he’s “quite sure” that Pope Benedict will apologize for the church sex-abuse crisis Pope Benedict is deeply troubled that “children have been abused by priests or bishops.” George calls it “a complete betrayal of our own office and of Jesus Christ and of our Catholic people.” He added that Benedict likely will express “deep pastoral concern for the victims,”
Pope’s US visit could have political ripples
Los Angeles Times, CA –
Though Benedict XVI isn’t likely to talk about the presidential campaign, the candidates may seek to tap the influence he wields with Catholic voters.

New Black Pope Pledges Obedience to White Pope Benedict XVI Aftermath News

The Black Pope – The Most Powerful Man In The World…NWO

the Khazarian Zionists (who invented the word “Jew” to disguise their adopted heritage, as distinguished from the biblical Judeans), or the role played by the Banksters (banking gangsters) controlling the economies of the world, by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Committee of 300 (the 17 wealthiest so-called “elite” families)—the Rothschild’s in England and Bronfman’s in Canada, and on and on, comprising the physical power structure of the New World Order puppets under the direction of darkly motivated, other-dimensional “master deceivers” commonly known as Lucifer or Satan and their “fallen angel” cohorts...The “Jesuit-Vatican connection” to the unfolding New World Order agenda.

What is Pope Benedict XVI, and The Ten Commandment Commission agenda? Are they going to bring back God’s True Sabbath? Or are they going to enforce Sunday

The Lords Day – Sabbath (Saturday) or Sunday? TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon…Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.

Who is Pastor Jeremiah Wright?

Wright was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His father, Jeremiah Wright, Sr, was a Baptist minister. In 1959, Wright entered Virginia Union the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, which Wright pastored for 35 years until he retired in February, continued to be a beacon of light to people in the surrounding community, providing drug and alcohol recovery, marriage counseling, prison outreach and other community services. As in most Black churches, the members of Trinity engage in the Christian rituals of baptism and communion, as well as baby dedications and rites of passage ceremonies. The church’s Afrocentric focus, which teaches the principles of self-reliance and self-determination that conservatives claim to embrace, is designed to build its members’ self-esteem and solve some of the intractable problems within the African-American community. Wright himself spent six years in the military, has four earned degrees and has been the recipient of eight honorary doctorates. He is the author of several books, including two titled What Can Happen When We Pray? and Good News!: Sermons of Hope for Today’s Families. He was born in 1941, came of age during the crucible of the Civil Rights Movement and, as do many Black pastors, speaks to the pain and suffering many African Americans feel from the nation’s legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and discrimination.
Rev Jeremiah Wright is a leader. He is a real “man of the cloth”, known throughout this Creflo Dollar, T.D. Jakes, Benny Hinn and the Dali Lama

Words from the pulpit: faith in a foreign land. -Dr. Jeremiah Wright

Any people who lose their story are a dead people. And the established authority, the empire, knows that, so it makes every deliberate attempt to take away the exiles’ history. The empire tells them that they have no history prior to the Babylonians introducing them to civilization; the empire tells them outright lies and blatant distortions so that they will disown any linkage that they once had with Africa and they become more Babylonian than the Babylonians.

Dr. Wright served in both the Navy and Marines. Dr. Wright served in both the Nave and Marines. Pastor Wright was part of a mission to Libya led by Rev. Jesse Jackson in 1984 which resulted in the freeing of Navy pilot Lt. Ronald Goodman who had been shot down over Lebanon — a service to the country recognized by then-President Ronald Reagan. As a cardiopulmonary technician in the Navy he attended then-President Lyndon Johnson during a medical procedure — and was duly thanked by LBJ.

Wright (foreground far right) attending LBJ, and LBJ's letter of thanks addressed to Wright.

Wright (foreground far right) attending LBJ, and LBJ’s letter of thanks addressed to Wright.

Israel | Protocols: Chapter of Controversy of Zion

Doug Reed describes how Zionism and the New World Order took control of England during WWI. World Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann lobbied Prime Minister Herbert Asquith and Army Chief Sir William Robertson to divert soldiers from the Western Front to conquer Palestine. When the British leaders demurred, Weizmann used money and control of the press to install Lloyd George and Sir Henry Wilson in their place.
More than a million men were then diverted to the Middle East. Palestine was conquered and promised to the Zionists in a letter to Lord Rothschild in November 1917 (the Balfour Declaration). During the same week, the Bolsheviks took power in Moscow. American soldiers replaced the British troops on the Western Front. The conspiracy was firing on all cylinders.
The other people in Lloyd George’s pro-Zionist government — Lord Milner, Philip Kerr (later Lord Lothian), Robert Cecil — were all members of the “Round Table”, Cecil Rhode’s secret society dedicated to world government.

State Dept. cites new forms of anti-Semitism (USA Today) New forms of anti-Semitism are emerging around the world, promoting prejudice against Jews by attacking Israeli policy and Zionism, the philosophic underpinning of a Jewish state, the State Department reported Thursday. Apostasy: “Christian” Zionism and multi-faith False Unity Hagee has become one of America’s best known proponents of a movement with a contradictory name: Christian Zionism. It is a marriage of politics and current events as seen though particular interpretations of biblical writings,

Israeli forces have killed 120 people in the Gaza Strip, the bloodiest day for Palestinians since an uprising against Israeli occupation began in 2000
Reuters | Sunday, 02 March 2008

McCain backs Israeli Terrorist Attacts on Gaza PRESS TV, Iran – US presidential hopeful McCain lends support to Tel Aviv, saying that an attack on Israel threatens everything the West holds dear.
McCain: Israel’s enemies are ours Jewish Telegraphic Agency, NY – Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah are as much a threat to the West as they are to Israel, John McCain said. The Republican candidate for the US presidency voiced ..


THINK OF THE CHILDREN: Medics tend to a Palestinian girl after an Israeli missile strike on a house in Gaza.

Photo 1 of 4 next previous

DEVASTATION: Palestinians inspect a house after it was hit by an Israeli missile.

Photo 2 of 4 previous previous
A Palestinian woman inspecting her destroyed bedroom after an IAF strike on Gaza (Reuters)

IDF kills 20 Palestinians in Gaza, W. Bank, including 5 children One of the many children killed in Lebanon by Israels’ Army during their invasion.. Hagee, Hillary and Mccain supported the invasion that left over 300 innocent people are now dead in Lebanon since Israel began its bombardment.


THINK OF THE CHILDREN: Medics tend to a Palestinian girl after an Israeli missile strike on a house in Gaza.

Photo 1 of 4 next previous

Christian Zionism is Deceitful Israeli Front The deceived American churches were infiltrated and new doctrine introduced unique to the 20th century which captured churches for the purpose of changing previous Christian resistance to a pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist political agenda,
Abbas: Gaza attacks ‘a holocaust’ and Terrorism The Palestinian president has accused Israel of “international terrorism”, saying its assault on Gaza constitutes “more than a holocaust”
Canada.comSaudi compares Israel Gaza offensive to Nazi crimesRIYADH, March 2 (Reuters) – US ally Saudi Arabia compared Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip to Nazi war crimes on Sunday and called on the international

Bishop Paul Morton’s Minister of Music charged with Child Sexual Molestation and Intentionally Exposing boy with AIDS – Morton Denied charges

Phillip Britton–music minister at Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship founder Bishop Paul Morton–denied the

Hagee Endorsement of McCain Has Risks

Catholic League: Hagee’s endorsement of MccainThe Catholic League is demanding Republican presidential frontrunner John McCain retract his decision to accept the endorsement of pro-Israel evangelical John Hagee

Obama Family Pictorial

Video- TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

click here for TD Jakes RSVP Sabbath Pt 1 TD Jakes Sermon Against The Sabbath and Gods Word

U.S. senator to investigate televangelists, including Oral Roberts

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Televangelist Loot – Creflo Dollar

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Creflo Dollar Interview Part 1

(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!

(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!

(2) USA in Bible prophecy | Second Beast of Revelation 13!

(2) USA in Bible prophecy | Second Beast of Revelation 13!

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The Illuminati and the New World Order

Latest Juanita Bynum News – Life In Turmoil Before Attact

New Birth’s Eddie Long got $3 million New Birth’s Eddie Long got $3 million. In 1995, Bishop Eddie Long established a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity to help the needy and spread the gospel. But it was Long, leader of the largest church congregation in Georgia, who became the

Child Molestor Earl Paulk Launched Juanita Bynum To Stardom! …. God that all the female ministers she knew had been to Rhema or Oral Roberts universities.

Paula And Randy White Divorce Update

the endorsement of pro-Israel evangelical John Hagee…

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Is John Hagee A False Teacher and Agent of Zionist Israel? – The False Teaching of Christian Zionism

When God-fearing Judeo-Christians from thousands of churches nationwide realize they’ve been conned by political Israel’s agents, they will leave CUFI, Christian Zionism, and the hundred-year-old movement we call “Scofieldism”, to return to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Hagee…said that Katrina was a righteous heavenly punishment against New Orleans sent by God himself…False Teachers JohnHagee Heresy Lies about Jesus and promote the Illuminati and NWO agenda along with John Mccain and Hillary Clinton.

Apostasy: “Christian” Zionism and multi-faith False Unity Hagee has become one of America’s best known proponents of a movement with a contradictory name: Christian Zionism. It is a marriage of politics and current events as seen though particular interpretations of biblical writings,

Israel kills 101 Palestinians as Gaza ‘buries’ peace process…Rice urge Restraint
GAZA CITY (AFP) — Israeli forces killed more than 50 Palestinians in a land and air blitz in the Hamas-held Gaza Strip on Saturday, medics said,
Christian Zionism is Deceitful Israeli Front The deceived American churches were infiltrated and new doctrine introduced unique to the 20th century which captured churches for the purpose of changing previous Christian resistance to a pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist political agenda,
Abbas: Gaza attacks ‘a holocaust’ and Terrorism
The Palestinian president has accused Israel of “international terrorism”, saying its assault on Gaza constitutes “more than a holocaust”

Saudi compares Israel Gaza offensive to Nazi crimes
RIYADH, March 2 (Reuters) – US ally Saudi Arabia compared Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip to Nazi war crimes on Sunday and called on the international

Rice concerned over humanitarian conditions in Gaza The U.S Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has stated that she “had concerns” over the Israeli attacks on the Palestinian Gaza Strip, due to the recurring deaths of Palestinian civilians during the attacks.

Zionist Starvation Plan

rOver 6000 Palestinian refugees from Gaza, including children, babies, pregnant women, the sick, the elderly, and unarmed civilians have been stranded on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border of Gaza for over one month now.
A Palestinian woman inspecting her destroyed bedroom after an IAF strike on Gaza (Reuters)

IDF kills 20 Palestinians in Gaza, W. Bank, including 5 children

One of the many children killed in Lebanon by Israels’ Army during their invasion.. Hagee, Hillary and Mccain supported the invasion that left over 300 innocent people are now dead in Lebanon since Israel began its bombardment.


Arthur Koestler, a Jewish historian, in his work, “The Thirteenth Tribe”, …. they bow their knee to these super rich Kharzar Zionist communist Jews.

Arthur Koestler’s Book The Thirteenth Tribe..Who Are Modern-day Jew?

The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler refutes the idea of a Jewish “race.” Moreover, he says that most Jews of the contemporary world did not come from Palestine and are not even of Semitic origin. His research shows that most Jews originated in what today is the Soviet Union. And that a group of people there became Jews through conversion, on the orders of their king. “The bulk of modern Jewry is not of Palestinian, but of Caucasian origin,” Koestler writes. “Their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus.”

Israel threatens to unleash ‘holocaust’ in Gaza

NewWorldOrderResearch.Org and Campaign 2008

Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it. Bill & Hillary Clinton & the Bushes serve the same masters. ZIONISM: A BLIGHT ON THE JEWISH PEOPLE

History of Modern Day Jews – Khazaria

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Hillary, Rupert, and the Culture of Corruption
Hillary, Rupert, and the Culture of Corruption – The Huffington Post. By having Murdoch host her fundraiser, Hillary Clinton seems to be signaling to Hillary Clinton: A Bilderberg -Rothschild and New World Order Presidency

When asked by Grove if Clinton will be “good for business,” Rothschildreplies,. “First of all, Hillary will be good for America.

HILLARY CLINTON WEARS NEW LAPEL PIN THAT PROVES SHE IS Illuminist and Part of NWOThis proves our contention that Hillary and Bill Clinton are practicing Illuminists . This pin also proves the New World Order is very, very close.

Hillary Clinton, Rupert Murdoch and John Hagee Connection – NWO Hillary Clinton was given a big fundraising party by Rupert Murdoch and then Hagee’s evangelical enterprise because “we’re bringing into a pro-Israel

Bill and Hillary Clinton are Agents of the Jewish PAC and Hillary have received more than $54 million from PRO-Israel PAC
Senator Hillary Clinton has also taken $54, 618.00 from Pro-Israel PAC donors between 2005-2006 [page 22, July 2007, The Washington Report On Middle East Affairs]

Senate Inquiry Targets Six Televangelists, Including Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Eddie Long, Paula White, Kenneth Copeland…

The Cost of ChristianZionism – Is it of God?

The Impact of Christian Zionism on American Policy and World Policy

British Israel, The Hidden Hand Behind The ‘Kingdom of God on

Billy Graham, Robert Shuller, Benny Hinn, Jack Van Impe, Jerry Falwell, As subtitled in one of the chapters from The Union Jack below states– they

House of Rothschild – New World Order – Israel and Masonry – Illuminati-Politics

Jack Hayford « Spiritual Pathways Ministries Library

Jack Hayford of the Church of the Way in Van Nuys, California, is the founding pastor. Two of his congregation just happen to be Paul and Jan Crouch of TBN (the Baloney Network). And, yes, he comes with all the frills and CHILLS of the Faith Movement with an emphasis on extra biblical revelation to the extreme. He has often cited that God speaks vocally directly to him to the point where he can “officially” say, “And, I quote”.

JOHN HAGEE BY STEVE LUMBLEY OF APOSTASY WATCH One of the credibility gaps with John Hagee are his associations within the Word of Faith Movement as seen in one of our photographs as he is featured along with Jesse Duplantis and Benny Hinn. In this post Steve Lumbley brings you even

Jewwatch Critiques John Hagee’s Heresy Frank Weltner discusses John Hagee’s heresy. Will Christian Zionists listen? Not if they’ve chosen to worship Jews rather than Christ.

John Hagee’s Dual Covenant Duplicity Part Three If John Hagee really loved the Jewish people he would tell then that the savior they seek was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. He would tell them that their adherence to the Torah is worthless without a sacrifice. ..

Jesuits infiltration of Protestant Churches – by Ex-Jesuit Priest

Christian Updates – Freemasonry and The New World Order.

Albert Pike teaches that Freemasons of the 30-32 Degrees are to be told that Lucifer Roman Catholic spiritual The 700 Club Oral Roberts Baker tribulation.

Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), ChristianZionism-NewWorld Order

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Zionism and AIPAC a danger to everyone on earth

israel today > Word from Jerusalem > Foursquare Church comes to Israel


How much false doctrine or practice does a false religious leader have to exhibit ….. (Catholic) Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, Jack Hayford,

False Prophets & Teachers

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The Truth About the Rapture, Second Coming and The New World Order

Mystical Rapture – It’s Catholic (Jesuits) & Secret Society Connection

YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

News results for church shooting new life

Church shooting: ‘I prayed for steady hands’

Jeanne Assam, 42, was in the congregation at the New Life Church, Colorado Springs, when Matthew Murray opened fire on the crowd, killing two.

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Special Blessings for Lord’s Day Observance – TD Jakes Sabbath Video

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man.
Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6

A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

Leaders who are voicing their support for back to the Ten Commandments and their declaration are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .

Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.
By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God.

Is The Lord’s Day Alliance trying to make Sunday sacred instead of God’s true Sabbath?

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

click here for TD Jakes sabbath sermon RSVP Pt 1 TD Jakes Sermon Against The Sabbath and Gods Word

The Cost of ChristianZionism – Is It of God? Is it Christian?

Sabbath in Prophecy

Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

A Sign for Our Time
Keep It Holy Sabbath History

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath (Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century
Sabbath Purpose
Which Day?
Sabbath in Prophecy
Sabbath Questions
Keep It Holy
Sabbath History

Watch the Presidential debate on Youtube – Ron Paul, Hillery Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Mitt Romey, Mike Gravel, John Mccain, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Joe Biden, Sam Brownback, Tommy Thompson, and Barack Obama.

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The Lord’s Day and Sunday Sacredness – TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon – Pope Benedict XVI Mass for Sunday Sacredness – Bishop David Hill Testimony – Samuel Bacchiocchi, From Sabbath to Sunday

Sunday Sabbath!

The Sabbath, God’s rest day, was transferred from Saturday to Sunday. …. Pope Sylvester I (314-335 A.D.) Decrees the Transfer of Sabbath Rest to Sunday:

Q. When was the Sabbath instituted?
A. From the creation of the world; for then God blessed the seventh day, and on it rested from all his works.
Q. When was this commandment renewed?
A. In the old law, when God gave the commandments of Moses on Mount Sinai.
Q. Why was the Jewish Sabbath changed into the Sunday?
A. Because Christ rose from the dead, and the Holy Ghost descended on a Sunday.
Q. By whom was it changed?
A. By the church in the Apostle’s time.


 TD Jakes Sermon Against The Sabbath and Gods Word

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man.
Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance, Lord’s Day Observance Society [LDOS] have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6

A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

Pope John Paul II Advocates Sunday Keeping

For several centuries, Christians observed Sunday simply as a day of worship, without being able to give it the specific meaning of a Sabbath rest.

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

Sunday is NOT the Sabbath!

The Sabbath, God’s rest day, was transferred from Saturday to Sunday. …. Pope Sylvester I (314-335 A.D.) Decrees the Transfer of Sabbath Rest to Sunday:

Basketball champs refuse to play on Sabbath – WorldNetDaily

“Sports aren’t at the top of the list by any means,” he told the newspaper. God is First

The 101-year-old academy teaches strict adherence to the Ten Commandments, including the 4th, which is “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” It defines the Sabbath as the traditional Jewish day from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. The result? No games on Friday night or Saturday.

SabbathSunday Bill Survey Shows Support – For Sunday Day of Rest- Inside IsraelIsrael

MK Yitzchak Levy of the National Union party said the bill paves the way for further deterioration in the character of the Sabbath in the State of Israel.

Sunset to Sunset: God’s Sabbath Rest Introduction

From Sabbath to Sunday · The Rest of the Story: The Story of Rest Join us for a journey through the Bible to discover God’s Sabbath Rest. .

.. Sabbath observance rooted in Africa, says Adventist historian

From Sabbath to Sunday

The results of this investigation are presented in From Sabbath to Sunday, which is a translation and an adaptation of his Italian doctoral dissertation,

ENDTIME ISSUES – Bishop David Hill – Testimony No 19

Sabbath in Prophecy

Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

A Sign for Our Time
Keep It Holy Sabbath History

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath (Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday


A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping.

Historical References to Sabbath Observance

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath Rest:What Religious Groups say about the Sabbath:Catholic

In Samuele Bacchiocchi, From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical Catholic Church that changed the day of rest from Saturday, the seventh day, to Sunday,

The True Bible Sabbath

What is the Truth about Saturday and Sunday Sabbath? What are the major differences between observing a Sunday or Saturday day of rest?

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century

Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.

Samuele Bacchiocchi: 7th Day or 1st day – Which day Does God Truly Support?

“To find the answer to these questions, Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi spent five years at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, examining the most ancient

Rome and the Origin
of Sunday

Rome and the Origin
of Sunday

Sabbath Booklet

The role of the Bishop of Rome in pioneering and promoting the change from …. Bacchiocchi, Sa

Catholicism Frequently Asked Questions (No. 8)

That is the vacation of a diocese by its bishop either on resignation, …… Look at Samuel Bacchiocchi From Sabbath to Sunday, Pontifical University Press

Sabbath Vs. 1st Day Debate: Samuele Bacchiocchi

It was Samuele Bacchiocchi. And now he will have me to know that he is willing to make an exception for me! Let’s be sure to keep the story straight. ..“From Sabbath To Sunday: How Did It Come About?

VICARIVS FILII DEI@Everything2.com

In 321AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine ordered that the Sabbath be changed from Saturday to Sunday. This change propagated through the Catholic Church into

BIBLEPROBE Catholic UncategorizedBIBLE Creflo. Dollar Bishop David Hill Evangelical Samuele Bacchiocchi KABBALLAH theologymorris cerullo,E.V. Hill, Pastor Stephen F. Smith luis palau, Sabbath joseph stowell, kay arthur, Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics Vicarius Filii Dei benny hinn Lords DayBilly Graham Charles Green conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Lyle Dukes Bishop Carver Poindexter Randy White Paula White Pentecostal qabalah Bishop Thomas Weeks Juanita Bynum Bishop Samuel Green Charels Capps Without Walls International Global Destiny Jack van Impe Joel Olsteen Joseph Chambers rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell D.Dewayne Rudd, Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye SABBATH TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe murdock woodrow,bullinger meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition David Freddoso Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Rob Bell Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam Battle Cry john macternan teen mania john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot Dale Bronner Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy Bishop Carver Poindexter online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President sherlock bally tal brooke ray brubaker robert campbell noah hutchings j.r.church john cionci robert gundry alex reese john noe, arnold murray salem kirban c.s. lovett charles ryrie perry stone lester sumrall woody young larry wilson True Israel, sherman gordon art evans eric fooks franklin bell torrance jacko darrow perkins george mckinney bruce malone russ miller don perkins todd strandberg pat smith randy thomas ron graff ross taylor richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon Baal worship Lords Day Lyle Dukes megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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Law and Order – Don’t be deceive – TD Jakes Speaks on God’s Law

Today people are being entertained by TV shows like American Idol, Law and Order, Deal or no Deal, The Simpson, that they are unaware of the great deception that is taking place in the religious and political world. God’s Law and Order isn’t a TV show.

“From the very beginning of the great controversy in heaven it has been Satan’s purpose to overthrow the law of God. It was to accomplish this that he entered upon his rebellion against the Creator, and though he was cast out of heaven he has continued the same warfare upon the earth. To deceive men, and thus lead them to transgress God’s law, is the object which he has steadfastly pursued. Whether this be accomplished by casting aside the law altogether, or by rejecting one of its precepts, the result will be ultimately the same. He that offends “in one point,” manifests contempt for the whole law; his influence and example are on the side of transgression; he becomes “guilty of all.” James 2:10.

In seeking to cast contempt upon the divine statutes, Satan has perverted the doctrines of the Bible, and errors have thus become incorporated into the faith of thousands who profess to believe the Scriptures. The last great conflict between truth and error is but the final struggle of the long-standing controversy concerning the law of God. Upon this battle we are now entering–a battle between the laws of men and the precepts of Jehovah, between the religion of the Bible and the religion of fable and tradition.” GC p532

In my last blog dealt I with The Ten Commandment Commission declaration of turning the Christian churches back to the Law of God. For many years pseudo Christian preachers have been advocating that the Ten Commandments were done away with and were no longer binding on Christians. Their motto was “Grace has freed people from the Law of God.”

Why is it that today these same preacher are now preaching and uplifting The Ten Commandments. What brought about the change? Are these pastors, teachers, and evangelists going to bring Gods flock back to the real truth about Gods Law? Will the Ten Commandments Commission become the Sunday Sabbath Commission? The Sunday Blue laws are already on the books but they are not being enforced. The day is coming when strict Sunday keeping will be enforced. The dignitaries of church and state will unite to bribe, persuade, or compel all classes to honor the Sunday. The lack of divine authority will be supplied by oppressive enactments. Political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth; and even in free America, rulers and legislators, in order to secure public favor, will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance. Liberty of conscience, which has cost so great a sacrifice, will no longer be respected. In the soon-coming conflict we shall see exemplified the prophet’s words: “The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 12:17.” GC p592.
Let us examine what the Bible has say on the subject of law and grace, but even though it is true that Christians are saved by faith in Christ, nowhere in the Bible does it say God’s laws are not binding upon man. Keeping the commandments of the Decalogue is not the method of salvation, but the fruit of it. Obedience to God is the test of the genuine Christian.
1 John 3:4 “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and SIN IS LAWLESSNESS.”
This scripture defines sin as the “breaking of God’s law”. You see, if the law is abolished, then so is sin and if sin is abolished, then the need of a Saviour becomes unnecessary. Why did Christ die on the cross? To save us from our sins, which are transgressions of God’s law. If it were possible to do away with the law, Christ need not have died, but the fact that He was prepared to make this supreme sacrifice proves the unchanging character of God’s law that shows us how to love God and man. Romans 3:20 “Therefore BY THE DEEDS OF THE LAW NO FLESH WILL BE JUSTIFIED in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.”
. This scripture in no way says it is unnecessary to obey Gods 10 commandments.
Romans 6:14,15 “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for YOU ARE NOT UNDER LAW BUT UNDER GRACE. What then? SHALL WE SIN BECAUSE WE ARE NOT UNDER LAW but under grace? CERTAINLY NOT!”

We are not under the condemnation of the law because of the grace (Gods unmerited favour) of Christ. His blood covers our sins so that the law cannot condemn us. The question is asked by Paul; “Shall we sin (or break the law) because we are not under the law but under grace?” and the reply is most definite – “God forbid”. God’s forgiveness to us does not give license to sin.
Romans 3:31 “Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, WE ESTABLISH THE LAW.”

Genuine Christians will not seek to break God’s law, instead they establish it; uphold it and keep it.
What was done away with at the cross? How many of the Commandments are binding? In time past most preacher taught that Christians were not unter the Law and that it was nailed to the cross.. Good to know that most ministers of the Gospel consider God’s Law essential.. But many preachers are still leading Gods children astray.

The Ten Commandment Commission is dedicated to bring Christian back the the Law of God.

(Ten Commandments Commission members. Founding Members
Blackie Gonzalez, Chairman Ron Wexler, President
Dr. Myles Munroe, Pastor John Hagee, Cornerstone Church, Dr. Paul Crouch, Trinity Broadcasting Network , Bishop T.D. Jakes, Potter’s House of Dallas , Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg , Jerome Edmondson , Senior Partner – Edmondson Associates Maurice Starr – Maurice Starr Productions, Benny Hinn, Founder of Benny Hinn Ministries , Richard Shakarian, Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship , Bishop George McKinney, Executive Board – Church of God in Christ , Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty, Tulsa Victory Christian Center , Dr. Mark J. Chironna, The Master’s Touch International Church, Richard Roberts
President – Oral Roberts University, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Founder of the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship, Dr. Charles Phillips, United Nations Non-Government Official to the Economic Council, Bishop Harold Ray, Redemptive Life Fellowship, Dr. Charles Green, Faith Church of New Orleans, Bishop Eddie L. Long, Jerry Horner, Th.D., Beacon University. Floyd Flake, Pastor and former Congressman, Susan Zahn, President – WDC Media Public Relations, Jason T. Christy, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, The Church Report, David W. Clark, Ph.D., President of Palm Beach Atlantic University, Pastor George Morrison – Chairman, Promise Keepers, Congressman Bill Danne Meyer, Mathew Straver, president – Liberty Council, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, President – Toward Tradition, Maureen Bravo, Orlando – NDP, Jerome Rhyant, President – The Love Center, Florida, Jane A. Hansen – President/ CEO of Aglow International.

YouTube – False Apostles, and Prophets – and Antichrists

(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!

(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!

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Prophecy of the Century II

Prophecy of the Century II(2) USA in Bible prophecy | Second Beast of Revelation 13!

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment

click here for TD Jakes RSVP Pt 1 TD Jakes Sermon Against The Sabbath and Gods Word

Remember – There is something God want you to know.. You are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God Knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise.. (taken from Wayne Anderson book – God’s DNA)

BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE C. Dollar Evangelical KABBALLAH theology OJ Simpson Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Rhema Bible Training Center Pentecostal qabalah Rod Parsley Noel Jones Paul Cho Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes Randy White Paula White Donald Hilliard Charles Capps Ron Wyatt CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President sherman gordon art evans eric fooks franklin bell torrance jacko darrow perkins george mckinney bruce malone russ miller don perkins toddd strandberg pat smith randy thomas ron graff ross taylor richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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The Lords Day – Saturday (Sabbath 7th day) or Sunday – TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon (1st day)


God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. “It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man.
Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week..(Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance have been formed, and church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the Sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6

A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14

“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

Leaders who are voicing their support for back to the Ten Commandments and their declaration are: Pastor T.D. Jakes ( The Potter’s House ), Dr. Paul Crouch of TBN, James Dobson (Focus on the Family)Richard Shakarian ( Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship ), Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty ( Tulsa Victory Christian Center ), Benny Hinn ( Benny Hinn Ministries ), Ted Haggard ( National Association of Evangelicals ), Dr. Mark J. Chironna ( The Master’s Touch International Church ), Richard Roberts ( Oral Roberts University ), Marilyn Hickey ( Marilyn Hickey Ministries ), Bishop Paul S. Morton ( Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral ), Dr. Jerry Horner ( Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University ), Dr. Charles Phillips ( Official Representative to the United Nations as a Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias ), Bishop Harold Ray ( Redemptive Life Fellowship ), Bishop Eddie L. Long ( Bishop Eddie Long Ministries ), Billy Graham, Charles Stanly, Dr. Charles Green ( Faith Church of New Orleans ), Floyd Flake ( Pastor and former Congressman ), and Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg and many more. . .

Ten Commandments Commission

We, the members of the Ten Commandments Commission and supporting people of faith, proclaim The Ten Commandments Day on the first Sunday in the month of May, commencing on Sunday, May Sixth of 2007.
Furthermore, we proclaim the Ten Commandments Day to be a day dedicated for the display, awareness, commemoration and celebration of the Decalogue which we know to be the divine foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith.
We, the members of the commission, serve as a cohesive group of spiritual leaders representing millions of followers who affirm the beauty and the uniqueness of our differences. We believe that rooted in the Ten Commandments is a Divine plan that transcends color and diversity in cultural expression, sanctions brotherhood of man and respects expressions in all of God’s children.
We, who serve as a council of leaders, are committed to utilizing our united passion to provide purpose and direction for reversing the enormous tide of immorality continuing to be released throughout the United States of America, and on all continents of the world. This unified voice will culminate annually on the Ten Commandments Day and provide for a united, global, spiritual platform based on the Ten Commandments. This platform will respond to the call echoed throughout creation for a true expression love, harmony and reconciliation among all nations, ethnic diversities and genders through education and rededication to the moral standard as given by our Loving Creator.
Therefore, we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders; churches, synagogues, fellowships, ministries, organizations and all who care about moral values, to celebrate the annual Ten Commandments Day by hosting local events in support of the Ten Commandments and what they represent.
Finally, we proclaim the need to heal the wounds of history through strategic and practical objectives, proactive love and obedience to the commands of God.
By signing this document, I hereby give my commitment of support to the ideals brought forth by the Ten Commandments Commission in the establishment of the annual Ten Commandments Day, and to the moral standard we acknowledge and seek to uphold by the grace of Almighty God.

A billboard on Danville Road Southwest, the work of a Florida church, has upset some local people who worship on Sunday. It is not connected to a local Seventh-day Adventist Church. 
DAILY Photo by Corey Wilson
A billboard on Danville Road Southwest, the work of a Florida church, has upset some local people who worship on Sunday. It is not connected to a local Seventh-day Adventist Church.

















PS – There is something God want you to know.. You are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God Knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise.. ( taken from Wayne Anderson book – God’s DNA)

Watch the Presidential debate on Youtube – Ron Paul, Hillery Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Mitt Romey, Mike Gravel, John Mccain, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Joe Biden, Sam Brownback, Tommy Thompson, and Barack Obama.

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment


The Fourth Commandment MovieSabbath Flash Movie


Did Jesus Abolish the Sabbath Day?
The Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday – Does It Really Matter to God?

Sabbath in Prophecy

Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal
A Sign for Our Time
Keep It Holy Sabbath History

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath (Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent The Christian day of worship

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century



Remember – There is something God want you to know.. You are infinitely valuable to Him. He needs you. You did not come into this world by accident. You are no mistake but you are here by Divine design and for a purpose that He has best suited for you and you alone to perform.. You are His first and best choice to do what He has design for you. God Knew you before you were born, He knows all about you. You may not realize your value yet, but He does. He knows that you are worth every bit of the price that He paid for you. There is no way to convince Him otherwise..(taken from Wayne Anderson book – God’s DNA)


BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized Sabbath C. Dollar Evangelical KABBALLAH theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Pentecostal qabalah rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andrea Rosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Code rapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Pope tribulation True Israel YouTube President todd strandberg george gunn pat smith david demas’ jimmy deyoung lee gaymon richard vizzutti frank cawsherman gordon art evans, eric fooks, franklin bell, torrance jacko, darrow perkins, george mckinney, bruce malone, russ miller, don perkins, todd strandberg, pat smith, randy thomas, ron graff, ross taylor, richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon sherlock bally tal brooke ray brubaker robert campbell noah hutchings j.r.church john cionci robert gundry alex reese john noe, arnold murray salem kirban c.s. lovett charles ryrie perry stone lester sumrall woody young Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern Baptist America Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cult Return of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The Rapture William Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy Council Jerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonism Temple Mount Cyrus Scofield Juanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn Hickey MEMBI secrets ron paul Sunday Creflo Dollar World Changers Ministries JINSA Joseph A Seiss Joseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek Ministries Sabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayer presidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie Long Dan Bohler sunday-day of rest apostacy BnaiBrith Napolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledge death Al-Aqsa Mosque Dave Hunt John Chambers Secret Dan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob Jones Dwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditation Muslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperity Self Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Graham prosperity,wealth,money soul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvation the Secret law of attraction Luciferian MONEY wealth Dr. Quimbys Hermes Hinduism Jacob Boehme Budda Theosophical

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The Lord’s Day and The True Sabbath – A Historical Expose’ – Video (TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon) Sunday Sabbath Bill in Israel

God knew that man will forget about His Sabbath that is why He said remember..Before the children of Israel was given the Ten Commandment on MT. Sinai, they knew about Gods Sabbath. Before there was an Israel or Hebrew, or Egyptian, or Syrian or any nation, there was the 7th day Sabbath.

Worship GOD in Spirit and Truth.

The Forgotten Commandment

The Forgotten Commandment
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.” Genesis 1:1;2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).
“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:” Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God’s purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God’s plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man’s primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God’s purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. It is a sign,” He says, “between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 31:13; 20:11.

The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue–across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God’s written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken..

Mark 7:7 said ” in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrine the commandments of man. Yes beloved, the worship of many is in vain because they worship God according to tradition and the commandment of man.. In other words they worship the way the man of sin (Lucifer)want them to worship. They worship the Sun God or Baal on the first day of the week.. (Sunday)Lucifer is using religious leaders to champion his cause of getting Gods people to forget the true day of worship (7Th day) and worship on the wrong day..Many books have been written, organizations such as the Lords Day Alliance and Lord’s Day Observance Society, have been formed, church doctrines forged, sermons preached, to perpetrate the hoax of Sunday being the Sabbath. False prophets like TD Jakes preaches that we keep the Sabbath in Jesus Christ and He keep the sabbath every day. Pope Benedict XVI at the world youth day celebration in Germany told the people of his commitment to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: Sunday. He knows that to popularize religion in Europe, he has to reintroduce a means of promoting what marketers call brand loyalty. The most historic brand the pope can offer to bond the people together is the ancient day of worship, fashionable since Babylon, the old day of the sun—Sunday. Hence his promotion of that old Roman brand in his recent addresses. Look at the official Catholic document
Pope Benedict XVI, call himself the Shepherd of Truth. But is he?
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Sunday remains the fertile foundation and … the fundamental nucleus of the liturgical year which originated in Christ’s Resurrection, thanks to which the features of eternity were impressed on time. Thus, Sunday is … a fragment of time imbued with eternity, for its dawn saw the Crucified and Risen Christ enter victorious into eternal life.” He further stated “Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized. Christians, not without reference to the meaning of the Sabbath in the Jewish tradition, have seen in the Lord’s Day a day of rest from their daily exertions. … — Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS, February 22, 2007. Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, (traditionally called Dies Domini, the Lord’s day) is the sanctified holy day of rest, “with regard to the work of creation.” This directly contradicts scripture: How can the Pope call himself the sheperd of truth when he contradicts Gods Word? Scripture never designates the first day of the week as the Lord’s day, however, God calls the sabbath “my holy day” (Isa. 58:13) and refers to Himself as Lord “of the sabbath day” (Matt.12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5).

Beware of the lies that the apostate popes, bishops, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.. Prove all things by the Word of God. Is.8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.
“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6

A special blessing is given to those who keep the Sabbath.

TD Jakes preaching against God’s law and Sabbath


How to Keep the Sabbath Holy
The Sabbath as a Sign“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:13-14
the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

The Mark of the Beast | Exposed

The Mark of the Beast | ExposedIs Sunday Sacred?

TD Jakes Sabbath sermon RSVP Pt 1

Hidden Knowedge Exposed – COGIC Bishop Guilty of Child Molestation

Did Jesus Abolish the Sabbath Day?
The Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday – Does It Really Matter to God?

Chuck Smith Jr. Resigns at Phoenix Preacher

Please accept my apologies for not reading all of this the fisrt time: “How …… I keep seventh day Sabbath, not to be saved, but because I am saved and .

SabbathSunday Bill Survey Shows Support – Inside IsraelIsrael

MK Yitzchak Levy of the National Union party said the bill paves the way for further deterioration in the character of the Sabbath in the State of Israel. ..Sabbath in Prophecy

Pagan Sun Worship And Catholicism
The Pagan Sun Wheel, The Obelisk And Baal
A Sign for Our Time
Keep It Holy Sabbath History

“Mother of all Churches” Christians Must Observe the Saturday Sabbath (Reformers)

“Lord of the Sabbath” Summary of the Holy Days From Sabbath to Sunday

A Look at the Pope’s Reason for Sunday-keeping. Historical References to Sabbath Observance

Rome’s Challenge … Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

The Sabbath and the Council of Trent

The Christian day of worship

Newman Is the Sabbath Still Important? Samuele Bacchiochi…

Since they are godly men, why does God not reveal the Sabbath truth to them …… Bacchiocchi, Samuele, The Sabbath Under Crossfire (Berrien Springs, Mi.

Discussing the Law and the Sabbath Questions

THE SABBATH AND THE SAVIOR. Samuele Bacchiocchi, Ph. D. …… So, that criticism against the Sabbath truth became a blessing to show the error of such


James IngramJAMES INGRAM DOES ‘BLESSED ASSURANCE’ SUNDAY: Singer to perform song on Schuller’s ‘Hour of Power.’
James Ingram will end the weekend with a television appearance performing the classic Gospel favorite “Blessed Assurance” this Sunday, February 8, 2009 on Rev. Robert Schuller’s “Hour of Power.” The show will be broadcast from the beautiful Crystal Cathedral in Orange County, California. Read Full Story

STELLAR AWARD WIN FOR BISHOP MORTON: Bishop and choir of Full Baptist Church Fellowship won ‘Traditional Choir of the Year.’
Bishop Paul S. Morton and the Full Gospel Baptist Church Choir took home the golden Stellar Award statuette for “Traditional Choir of the Year” on their release of “Embracing the Next Dimension” (Tehillah Music Group/Light Records) during the 24th Stellar Gospel Music Awards held recently at the Grand Ole Opry House. Read Full Story

DAMITA & CHRISTOPHER LEWIS APPEAR SUNDAY ON TV ONE: Jeff Majors’ show features two of Gospels aspiring artists.
Urban Contemporary Gospel artists, Damita and Christopher Lewis, will be featured on “The Gospel of Music With Jeff Majors” this Sunday, February 8, 2009 on TV-One 9:00 a.m. EST. Read Full Story

CHRISTIAN POP TOUR TO BEGIN IN MARCH, 2009: The North American Rock & Worship Roadshow features performances by Jeremy Camp and MercyMe.
On the heels of Winter Jam ’09 comes another North American Christian-Pop tour: the Rock & Worship Roadshow. Read Full Story

In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes. Read Full Story

February 4, 2009

BLACKS MORE RELIGIOUS THAN OVERALL POPULATION: Study shows African Americans belong to more churches, pray more, etc.
*An analysis by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life suggests that blacks are considerably more religious than the overall U.S. population, reports Reuters. View the whole report here. Read Full Story

Mike TomlinSTEELERS HEAD COACH TALKS ABOUT HIS FAITH: Mike Tomlin, in front of hundreds of reporters, spoke of his relationship with Jesus Christ.
In an article by Art Stricklin (Baptist Press), he reports that the head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Mike Tomlin, went public about his Christianity.Read Full Story
LaShell GriffinLASHELL GRIFFIN, JOINS ‘BLANKETS FOR THE HOMELESS’ TOUR: Eleven-city free church-concert outing hits Cleveland on Friday.
Award-winning national recording artist LaShell Griffin and TV One’s television personality Jeff Majors highlight the Friday, February 6, 2009 “Blankets for the Homeless” concert at 7 p.m. at the Word Church, 18909 S. Miles Road, Cleveland, OH (44128). Read Full Story

BISHOP WALKER AWARDED MOST ‘INSPIRATIONAL’: StreamingFaith.com presented its coveted 2008 award to senior pastor of Mt. Zion Church of Nashville.
StreamingFaith presents its 2008 Awards & Honors to the most inspirational and outstanding members of the faith community. Partner ministries and leaders were nominated by StreamingFaith.com viewers, while online voting took place during the month of December. Read Full Story

A BLACK HISTORY MONTH CELEBRATION WITH GREEN, FANKLIN, ADAMS AND MORE: Gospel Music Channel will air 28-days of music and artists.
Gospel Music Channel (GMC) will celebrate Black History Month this February with 28 days of music and artists that have inspired the world. Highlights of GMC’s Black History Month Celebration include Read Full Story

PASTOR BEGINS CRUSADE TO SAVE MARRIAGES: Rev. Mike Peterson says spouses have to learn to love God.
Spouses have to learn to love God and then model their marriage on that relationship, Rev. Mike Peterson said. Peterson, 42, is pastor of the 20-member One Flesh Covenant Ministries, based in an office building in Dublin. Peterson and his wife of 18 years, Lori, 43, have launched a crusade they hope will save 200 marriages in 2009. Read Full Story

And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. Read Full Story

A scholarly exposition of Hebrews chapter four

This truth, right from the heart of Jesus Sabbath teachings, truly opened ….. Samuele Bacchiocchi, Ph. D. Retired Professor of Theology and Church History

God’s Church Through the Ages – by John H. Ogwyn

Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi, in his book, From Sabbath to Sunday, Those who remained loyal to the truth were soon shunned as a source of “division” by a


The truth is that God’s Sabbath day has always been the seventh day of the ….. assert these powers” (From Sabbath to Sunday, Samuele Bacchiocchi, 1977, p.

Who Changed The Sabbath? – In Their Own Words

When we are led by truth and carefully examine the Bible, we are compelled to conclude that there is no authority in the Holy Scriptures for the observance

Lord’s Day Sabbath – Is Sunday The Lord’s Day?


alchemical tradition the author speaks of the truth for which Enoch, Nature (which, at seeing God’s Sabbath is closing in and the time has come,

Words – Kabbalah

Hebrew Kabbalah tells that the Letters were the first thing He made, …. THE CHURCH AND NOMINAL ADVENTISTS, as they could not refute the SABBATH TRUTH.

Kabbalah of Life – Spiritual Knowledge, Personal Transformation

Kabbalah of life is an authentic source and educational center for the study and The Torah was given on the Sabbath – the seventh day of the week,

Seventh Day Sabbath Truth made Simple

The Bible Sabbath truth made simple. A short and easy to understand document on the Seventh day Sabbath truth.

Sabbath Truth – The Truth About The Sabbath

Everything you want to know about the Sabbath day but were told not to ask.
www.sabbathtruth.com/ – 12k –

Gods Sabbath TruthSabbath & Antichrist Truth

Gods Sabbath truth about the Antichrist and His Seventh day Sabbath. Covers all the truth on the fourth Commandment.

Sabbath through the Centuries:

1st Century
2nd Century
3rd Century
4th Century
5th Century
6th Century
7th Century
8th Century
9th Century
10th Century
11th Century
12th Century
13th Century
14th Century
15th Century
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century

Leaders who support the Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments Commission
Boards of Members & Supporters

Ron Wexler – Myles Munroe – John Barker

Founding Members
Blackie Gonzalez, Chairman
Ron Wexler, President

Dr. Myles Munroe, Pastor John Hagee, Cornerstone Church, Dr. Paul Crouch, Trinity Broadcasting Network , Bishop T.D. Jakes, Potter’s House of Dallas , Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg , Jerome Edmondson , Senior Partner – Edmondson Associates Maurice Starr – Maurice Starr Productions, Benny Hinn, Founder of Benny Hinn Ministries , Richard Shakarian, Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship , Bishop George McKinney, Executive Board – Church of God in Christ , Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty, Tulsa Victory Christian Center , Dr. Mark J. Chironna, The Master’s Touch International Church, Richard Roberts, President – Oral Roberts University, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Founder of the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship, Dr. Charles Phillips, United Nations Non-Government Official to the Economic Council, Bishop Harold Ray, Redemptive Life Fellowship, Dr. Charles Green, Faith Church of New Orleans, Bishop Eddie L. Long, Jerry Horner, Th.D., Beacon University. Floyd Flake, Pastor and former Congressman, Susan Zahn, President – WDC Media Public Relations, Jason T. Christy, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, The Church Report, David W. Clark, Ph.D., President of Palm Beach Atlantic University, Pastor George Morrison – Chairman, Promise Keepers, Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, Mathew Straver, president – Liberty Council, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, President – Toward Tradition, Maureen Bravo, Orlando – NDP, Jerome Rhyant, President – The Love Center, Florida, Jane A. Hansen – President/ CEO of Aglow International.

TCC Media Committee

Dr. Frank Wright – President NRB, Dr. Ron Hembree, President – Cornerstone TV, Dr. Richard Roberts – President ORU, Dr. David Clark , President – PBAU, Richard Shakarian, President –FGBFI, Dr. Bruno Camaano, President – Alma Vision, Warren Trumbly, President KAXT TV, Larry Bates, President Information Radio Network, Ruth Schofield, President – The Washington Report , Jerry Rose, President – TLN, Dr.Garth Coonce, President – TCT. Robert D’Andrea, President – CTN, Glen Plummer, President – CTN Detroit.

Board of Legal advisors

Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) Mathew Staver, President, the Liberty Counsel, Steve Beik, Chief Counsel GOD TV

Advisory & Supportive Board

Mrs. Roberta Combs, Christian Coalition, Washington, DC, Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, Rev. Jerry Falwell, Liberty Alliance, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. William Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition, Rev. Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcasting Network , Dr. Rick Scarborough, Vision America, Dr. Fredrick Price, Judge Roy Moore, Pastor Rod Parsley, Center of Moral Clarity, Pastor Tommy Barnett, The Dream Center. Lords Day Alliance.

Watch the Presidential debate on Youtube – Ron Paul, Hillery Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Mitt Romey, Mike Gravel, John Mccain, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Joe Biden, Sam Brownback, Tommy Thompson, and Barack Obama.

BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE C. Dollar, Randy White,Chuck Smith III, Paula White Evangelical KABBALLAH Joe Van Koevering Samuele Bacchiochi Joe Aldrich Joe Garlington Gerald Falwell Ernest Agley Dave Breese Chuck Smith Bob Larson Sherlock Bally Paul Lelonde Peter LeLonde Jentezen Franklin Sky Angel John Ankerberg Larry Burkett theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie Long Politics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green Phil Wogoman conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Pentecostal qabalah rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell,Kabbalah Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist,Sabbath,Truth Vatican WORD pastorssmith apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries, Calvin Butts, Christian Science hinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe,murdock,woodrow, bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggart Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPELBishop Charles Ellis III, Richard Young, Norman L. 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