Dr.ML King 48 Assassination Anniversary – King betrayed and Killed by Masonic Brothers

King Remembrance Week 2016 – Martin Luther King Jr …

The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site and Ebenezer
Baptist Church will commemorate the annual observance of King
Remembrance Week which honors the life and legacy of the Reverend Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. April 4-8, 2016. To commence the Park’s week
long series of public activities, a special Wreath-Laying Ceremony will
take place at Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, Heritage Sanctuary in
Atlanta, Georgia on Monday April 4, 2016 at 5:30pm. This year marks the
48th anniversary of the death of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 at the Lorraine
Motel in Memphis, Tennessee and was brought home to be buried in the
Sweet Auburn community. On April 9, 1968, his funeral took place at
Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church and Morehouse College. To reflect upon
that solemn occasion in history, the National Park Service along with
members of Ebenezer Baptist Church will place a replica of the 1968
wreath on the historic location of Ebenezer Baptist Church, Heritage
Sanctuary as it appeared on April 9, 1968. There will be a brief program
with remarks by National Park Service officials and other dignitaries
before laying the wreath upon the church’s façade.


Dr. King is assassinated – Apr 04, 1968 – HISTORY.com


April 4th Commemoration | National Civil Rights Museum

National Civil Rights Museum

The annual April 4th Commemoration at the National Civil Rights Museum is a … life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the anniversary of his death at the Lorraine Motel on April 4, 1968. … music selections, a ceremonial wreath laying and a

 The King Assassination Conspiracy: Betrayed by Judas

On March 28 1968 King was leading a march
in downtown Memphis when a masonic planned riot broke out and two Negro Masonic
assassins chased King and Abernathy with the intent to assassinate both King
and Abernathy on March 28.

King and Abernathy were able to find
refuge at a white business until the white print shop owner was able to safely escort
King and Abernathy out of town.  

On April 3, 1968, Loree Bailey, the co-owner of
the Lorain Motel received a call from a member of Kings inner circle in Atlanta
requesting that a specific room on the second floor be reserve for King.
(King had always stayed in a secure room on the 1st floor.) On April 4,
Loree Bailey overheard a member of Kings entourage asking him to come out of
his room and speak to a small group that had assemble in the parking lot.
Loree Bailey knew that King was in bed suffering from a severe headache but
this member of Kings inner circle insisted that King come out and talk to the
people. King reluctantly came out of his room to speak to the small crowd when
he was shoot. Loree knew the identity of the Judas who had Dr. King set-up
to be assassinated. There
were Negro masonic assassins  in Memphis the day of
the assassination
one from Forrest City Arkansas. Were these  the same assassins who attempted to kill King a week earlier?  According to testimony from eye witnesses from the King
family vs. US government trial, the gun smoke came from the bushes across from
the motel and not from the bathroom window at the boarding
house where Ray had stayed. 

Dr. ML King and Loree  Bailey were killed by Negro Masonic Assassins doing the dirty work of their white masonic slave masters.

Photographer Ernest Withers doubled as FBI informant

Was the Judas who betrayed King following orders from his Masonic White Master?
Bailey was killed, hung in the stairwell of her motel only hours after
the King assassination. The official cover-up statement said that Loree
Bailey had a stroke on April 4th and died a few days later.
was the Judas who set-up King? Was King assassination a Masonic hit?
Was a beer distributorship part of the payoff?Steve Cokley said it best
in his video.




Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (4 April 1968)



Posted: April 4 2015 3:00 AM

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964World Telegram & Sun by Dick DeMarsico/Wikimedia Commons


The 47th
anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination should
inspire us all to reimagine this political revolutionary’s final act as a
statesman and civil rights leader.
In the afterglow of the March on Washington and the
Selma-to-Montgomery march, King became a pillar of fire, rejecting the
course of political moderation and social reform that had made him
palatable to white leaders and a hero to African Americans.
King’s final years
found him linking the struggle for racial justice to a wider crusade to
end war and poverty. Tellingly, his comprehensive approach, which
focused on changing America’s foreign and domestic policies as well as
hearts and minds, found him under attack by critics who claimed that he
was in over his head on the subject of Vietnam and foolish to break with
former ally President Lyndon B. Johnson.
The radical King formed an anti-war political alliance with black
power leader Stokely Carmichael. On April 15, 1967, in New York City, King and Carmichael
headlined the largest anti-war rally in American history to that date,
placing two of the era’s leading black political activists at the
forefront of a still-unpopular anti-war movement.
King had also publicly repudiated the war in Vietnam exactly one year
to the day before his death in a speech at Riverside Church in New York
City. His speech, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence,” announced
his formal break with both the Johnson Administration (he would never
visit the White House again) and political moderation.
Journalists and newspapers immediately attacked King for going beyond
his civil rights portfolio into the world of foreign policy and
international politics. Many publicly denounced him for having
irrevocably damaged the black freedom struggle by linking it to the
Vietnam War. King’s public approval ratings dropped precipitously among
whites and blacks for his uncompromising stance.
His final speech, in Memphis, Tenn., where he aided 1,000 striking
black sanitation workers, concluded with biblical references to having
seen the “promised land,” and is noteworthy for its rhetorical and political combativeness.
In words that would not sound out of place at contemporary #BlackLivesMatter protests, King asserted that “the greatness of America is the right to protest for right.

King’s political evolution remains unacknowledged by most of the
American public, leading to the irony of critics of the
#BlackLivesMatter movement asserting that contemporary protesters would
do well to follow in the footsteps of King and other heroes of the civil
rights era. Missing from such criticism is the reality of the later
King, the prophet who, after being recognized in his own lifetime, was
thoroughly disregarded by past allies, politicians and the public for
speaking truth to power in a manner that made the entire nation

At the end of his life, King asserted that racism, militarism and materialism represented the greatest threats to humanity that the world had ever seen. History has proved King’s words to be prophetic.
The massive protests that erupted last year in the wake of grand jury
decisions not to indict police officers in Ferguson, Mo., and Staten
Island, N.Y., represent, in both symbolic and substantive ways, a
continuation of the radical King’s political work.
Updating King’s “triple threat” means understanding the ways in which
the militarism of which he spoke has invaded our domestic sphere
through mass incarceration; how materialism promotes the largest income
and wealth gap between the rich and poor in American history; and how
institutional racism contours our current social, political and economic
King spent his whole life preaching an unusually eloquent message
that black lives mattered. His two most famous political sermons (at the
March on Washington in 1963 and in Montgomery, Ala., in 1965) were
broadcast by every major television network.
Yet there were many more radical speeches to be made, ones that
linked political revolution to radical policy changes that went beyond
the vote, that advocated economic redistribution and an end to war,
along with a “revolution in values
designed to transform the very foundations of American democracy. It is
this King whom #BlackLivesMatter demonstrations most accurately reflect
and honor, even as he’s the one our nation continues to ignore.

Peniel E. Joseph, a contributing editor at The Root, is founding director of the Center for the Study of Race and Democracy


Assassination Conspiracy Trial

Reprint from the King Center:

After four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses in a civil trial in
Memphis, Tennessee, twelve jurors reached a unanimous verdict on
December 8, 1999 after about an hour of deliberations that Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. In a
press statement held the following day in Atlanta, Mrs. Coretta Scott
King welcomed the verdict, saying , “There is abundant evidence of a
major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin
Luther King, Jr. And the civil court’s unanimous verdict has validated
our belief. I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel
that justice has been well served in their deliberations. This verdict
is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for
America. It is a great victory for truth itself. It is important to know
that this was a SWIFT verdict, delivered after about an hour of jury
deliberation. The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence
that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the
conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies,
were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband. The jury also
affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James
Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.
I want to make it clear that my family has no interest in retribution.
Instead, our sole concern has been that the full truth of the
assassination has been revealed and adjudicated in a court of law… My
husband once said, “The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends
toward justice.” To-day, almost 32 years after my husband and the father
of my four children was assassinated, I feel that the jury’s verdict
clearly affirms this principle. With this faith, we can begin the 21st
century and the new millennium with a new spirit of hope and healing.”

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Across from the Lorraine Motel was Fire Station no. 2. Who ordered … to the question did Loyd Jowers participate in a conspiracy to do harm to Dr. Martin Luther King, your …

the complaint filed by the King family, “King versus Jowers and Other
Unknown Co-Conspirators,” the only named defendant, Loyd Jowers, was
never their primary concern. As soon became evident in court, the real
defendants were the anonymous co-conspirators who stood in the shadows
behind Jowers, the former owner of a Memphis bar and grill. The Kings
and Pepper were in effect charging U.S. intelligence agencies —
particularly the FBI and Army intelligence — with organizing,
subcontracting, and covering up the assassination. Such a charge
guarantees almost insuperable obstacles to its being argued in a court
within the United States. Judicially it is an unwelcome beast.

I can
hardly believe the fact that, apart from the courtroom participants,
only Memphis TV reporter Wendell Stacy and I attended from beginning to
end this historic three-and-one-half week trial. Because of journalistic
neglect scarcely anyone else in this land of ours even knows what went
on in it. After critical testimony was given in the trial’s second week
before an almost empty gallery, Barbara Reis, U.S. correspondent for the
Lisbon daily Publico who was there several days, turned to me
and said, “Everything in the U.S. is the trial of the century. O.J.
Simpson’s trial was the trial of the century. Clinton’s trial was the
trial of the century. But this is the trial of the century, and who’s here?”

qualifiers have been attached to the verdict in the King case. It came
not in criminal court but in civil court, where the standards of
evidence are much lower than in criminal court. (For example, the
plaintiffs used unsworn testimony made on audiotapes and videotapes.)
Furthermore, the King family as plaintiffs and Jowers as defendant
agreed ahead of time on much of the evidence.

these observations are not entirely to the point. Because of the
government’s “sovereign immunity,” it is not possible to put a U.S.
intelligence agency in the dock of a U.S. criminal court. Such a step
would require authorization by the federal government, which is not
likely to indict itself. Thanks to the conjunction of a civil court, an
independent judge with a sense of history, and a courageous family and
lawyer, a spiritual breakthrough to an unspeakable truth occurred in
Memphis. It allowed at least a few people (and hopefully many more
through them) to see the forces behind King’s martyrdom and to feel the
responsibility we all share for it through our government. In the end,
twelve jurors, six black and six white, said to everyone willing to
hear: guilty as charged.

We can also thank the unlikely figure of Loyd Jowers for providing a way into that truth.

Jowers: When the frail, 73-year-old Jowers became ill after three days
in court, Judge Swearengen excused him. Jowers did not testify and said
through his attorney, Lewis Garrison, that he would plead the Fifth
Amendment if subpoenaed. His discretion was too late. In 1993 against
the advice of Garrison, Jowers had gone public. Prompted by William
Pepper’s progress as James Earl Ray’s attorney in uncovering Jowers’s
role in the assassination, Jowers told his story to Sam Donaldson on Prime Time Live.
He said he had been asked to help in the murder of King and was told
there would be a decoy (Ray) in the plot. He was also told that the
police “wouldn’t be there that night.”

that interview, the transcript of which was read to the jury in the
Memphis courtroom, Jowers said the man who asked him to help in the
murder was a Mafia-connected produce dealer named Frank Liberto.
Liberto, now deceased, had a courier deliver $100,000 for Jowers to hold
at his restaurant, Jim’s Grill, the back door of which opened onto the
dense bushes across from the Lorraine Motel. Jowers said he was visited
the day before the murder by a man named Raul, who brought a rifle in a

As Mike Vinson reported in the March-April Probe,
other witnesses testified to their knowledge of Liberto’s involvement
in King’s slaying. Store-owner John McFerren said he arrived around 5:15
pm, April 4, 1968, for a produce pick-up at Frank Liberto’s warehouse
in Memphis. (King would be shot at 6:0l pm.) When he approached the
warehouse office, McFerren overheard Liberto on the phone inside saying,
“Shoot the son-of-a-bitch on the balcony.”

Lavada Addison, a friend of Liberto’s in the late 1970’s, testified
that Liberto had told her he “had Martin Luther King killed.” Addison’s
son, Nathan Whitlock, said when he learned of this conversation he asked
Liberto point-blank if he had killed King.

said, `I didn’t kill the nigger but I had it done.’ I said, `What about
that other son-of-a-bitch taking credit for it?’ He says, `Ahh, he
wasn’t nothing but a troublemaker from Missouri. He was a front man . . .
a setup man.'”

jury also heard a tape recording of a two-hour-long confession Jowers
made at a fall 1998 meeting with Martin Luther King’s son Dexter and
former UN Ambassador Andrew Young. On the tape Jowers says that meetings
to plan the assassination occurred at Jim’s Grill. He said the planners
included undercover Memphis Police Department officer Marrell
McCollough (who now works for the Central Intelligence Agency, and who
is referenced in the trial transcript as Merrell McCullough), MPD
Lieutentant Earl Clark (who died in 1987), a third police officer, and
two men Jowers did not know but thought were federal agents.

who witnessed the assassination, can be heard on the tape identifying
McCollough as the man kneeling beside King’s body on the balcony in a
famous photograph. According to witness Colby Vernon Smith, McCollough
had infiltrated a Memphis community organizing group, the Invaders,
which was working with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In
his trial testimony Young said the MPD intelligence agent was “the guy
who ran up [the balcony stairs] with us to see Martin.”

says on the tape that right after the shot was fired he received a
smoking rifle at the rear door of Jim’s Grill from Clark. He broke the
rifle down into two pieces and wrapped it in a tablecloth. Raul picked
it up the next day. Jowers said he didn’t actually see who fired the
shot that killed King, but thought it was Clark, the MPD’s best

testified that his impression from the 1998 meeting was that the aging,
ailing Jowers “wanted to get right with God before he died, wanted to
confess it and be free of it.” Jowers denied, however, that he knew the
plot’s purpose was to kill King — a claim that seemed implausible to
Dexter King and Young. Jowers has continued to fear jail, and he had
directed Garrison to defend him on the grounds that he didn’t know the
target of the plot was King. But his interview with Donaldson suggests
he was not naïve on this point.

Loyd Jowers’s story opened the door to testimony that explored the systemic nature of the murder in seven other basic areas:

background to the assassination;
local conspiracy;

the crime scene;
the rifle;
broader conspiracy;


James Lawson, King’s friend and an organizer with SCLC,
testified that King’s stands on Vietnam and the Poor People’s Campaign
had created enemies in Washington. He said King’s speech at New York’s Riverside Church
on April 4, 1967, which condemned the Vietnam War and identified the
U.S. government as “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world
today,” provoked intense hostility in the White House and FBI.

and fear of King deepened, Lawson said, in response to his plan to hold
the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C. King wanted to shut down
the nation’s capital in the spring of 1968 through massive civil
disobedience until the government agreed to abolish poverty. King saw
the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike as the beginning of a nonviolent
revolution that would redistribute income.

“I have no doubt,” Lawson said, “that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his assassination.”

Scott King testified that her husband had to return to Memphis in early
April 1968 because of a violent demonstration there for which he had
been blamed. Moments after King arrived in Memphis to join the
sanitation workers’ march there on March 28, 1968, the scene turned
violent — subverted by government provocateurs, Lawson said. Thus King
had to return to Memphis on April 3 and prepare for a truly nonviolent
march, Mrs. King said, to prove SCLC could still carry out a nonviolent
campaign in Washington.

On the night of April 3, 1968, Floyd E. Newsum, a black
firefighter and civil rights activist, heard King’s “I’ve Been to the
Mountain Top” speech at the Mason Temple in Memphis. On his return home,
Newsum returned a phone call from his lieutenant and was told he had
been temporarily transferred, effective April 4, from Fire Station 2,
located across the street from the Lorraine Motel, to Fire Station 31.
Newsum testified that he was not needed at the new station. However, he
was needed at his old station because his departure left it “out of
service unless somebody else was detailed to my company in my stead.”
After making many queries, Newsum was eventually told he had been
transferred by request of the police department.

only other black firefighter at Fire Station 2, Norvell E. Wallace,
testified that he, too, received orders from his superior officer on the
night of April 3 for a temporary transfer to a fire station far removed
from the Lorraine Motel. He was later told vaguely that he had been

guessed it was because “I was putting out fires,” he told the jury with
a smile. Asked if he ever received a satisfactory explanation for his
transfer Wallace answered, “No. Never did. Not to this day.”

In the March-April Probe,
Mike Vinson described the similar removal of Ed Redditt, a black
Memphis Police Department detective, from his Fire Station 2
surveillance post two hours before King’s murder.

understand the Redditt incident, it is important to note that it was
Redditt himself who initiated his watch on Dr. King from the firehouse
across the street. Redditt testified that when King’s party and the
police accompanying them (including Detective Redditt) arrived from the
airport at the Lorraine Motel on April 3, he “noticed something that was
unusual.” When Inspector Don Smith, who was in charge of security, told
Redditt he could leave, Redditt “noticed there was nobody else there.
In the past when we were assigned to Dr. King [when Redditt had been
part of a black security team for King], we stayed with him. I saw
nobody with him. So I went across the street and asked the Fire
Department could we come in and observe from the rear, which we did.”
Given Redditt’s concerns for King’s safety, his particular watch on the
Lorraine may not have fit into others’ plans.

testified that late in the afternoon of April 4, MPD Intelligence
Officer Eli Arkin came to Fire Station 2 to take him to Central
Headquarters. There Police and Fire Director Frank Holloman (formerly an
FBI agent for 25 years, seven of them as supervisor of J. Edgar
Hoover’s office) ordered Redditt home, against his wishes and
accompanied by Arkin. The reason Holloman gave Redditt for his removal
from the King watch Redditt had initiated the day before was that his
life had been threatened.

an interview after the trial, Redditt told me the story of how his 1978
testimony on this question before the House Select Committee on
Assassinations was part of a heavily pressured cover-up. “It was a
farce,” he said, “a total farce.”

had been subpoenaed by the HSCA to testify, as he came to realize, not
so much on his strange removal from Fire Station 2 as the fact that he
had spoken about it openly to writers and researchers. The HSCA focused
narrowly on the discrepancy between Redditt’s surveiling King (as he was
doing) and acting as security (an impression Redditt had given writers
interviewing him) in order to discredit the story of his removal.
Redditt was first grilled by the committee for eight straight hours in a
closed executive session. After a day of hostile questioning, Redditt
finally said late in the afternoon, “I came here as a friend of the
investigation, not as an enemy of the investigation. You don’t want to
deal with the truth.” He told the committee angrily that if the secret
purpose behind the King conspiracy was, like the JFK conspiracy, “to
protect the country, just tell the American people! They’ll be happy!
And quit fooling the folks and trying to pull the wool over their eyes.”

the closed hearing was over, Redditt received a warning call from a
friend in the White House who said, “Man, your life isn’t worth a wooden

said his public testimony the next day “was a set-up”: “The bottom line
on that one was that Senator Baker decided that I wouldn’t go into this
open hearing without an attorney. When the lawyer and I arrived at the
hearing, we were ushered right back out across town to the executive
director in charge of the investigation. [We] looked through a book, to
look at the questions and answers.”

in essence what they were saying was: `This is what you’re going to
answer to, and this is how you’re going to answer.’ It was all made up
— all designed, questions and answers, what to say and what not to say.
A total farce.”

MPD Captain Jerry Williams followed Redditt to the witness stand.
Williams had been responsible for forming a special security unit of
black officers whenever King came to Memphis (the unit Redditt had
served on earlier). Williams took pride in providing the best possible
protection for Dr. King, which included, he said, advising him never to
stay at the Lorraine “because we couldn’t furnish proper security
there.” (“It was just an open view,” he explained to me later, “Anybody
could . . . There was no protection at all. To me that was a set-up from
the very beginning.”)

Hatred and
fear of King deepened, Lawson said, in response to his plan to hold the
Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C. King wanted to shut down the
nation’s capital in the spring of 1968 through massive civil
disobedience until the government agreed to abolish poverty. King saw
the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike as the beginning of a nonviolent
revolution that would redistribute income. “I have no doubt,” Lawson
said, “that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his

King’s April 3, 1968 arrival, however, Williams was for some reason not
asked to form the special black bodyguard. He was told years later by
his inspector (a man whom Jowers identified as a participant in the
planning meetings at Jim’s Grill) that the change occurred because
somebody in King’s entourage had asked specifically for no black
security officers. Williams told the jury he was bothered by the
omission “even to this day.”

Cohen, a retired New York City police officer, testified that in 1968
he had become friendly with the Lorraine Motel’s owner and manager,
Walter Bailey (now deceased). On the morning after King’s murder, Cohen
spoke with a visibly upset Bailey outside his office at the Lorraine.
Bailey told Cohen about a strange request that had forced him to change
King’s room to the location where he was shot.

explained that the night before King’s arrival he had received a call
“from a member of Dr. King’s group in Atlanta.” The caller (whom Bailey
said he knew but referred to only by the pronoun “he”) wanted the motel
owner to change King’s room. Bailey said he was adamantly opposed to
moving King, as instructed, from an inner court room behind the motel
office (which had better security) to an outside balcony room exposed to
public view.

“If they had listened to me,” Bailey said, “this wouldn’t have happened.”

Philip Melanson, author of the Martin Luther King Assassination (1991),
described his investigation into the April 4 pullback of four tactical
police units that had been patrolling the immediate vicinity of the
Lorraine Motel. Melanson asked MPD Inspector Sam Evans (now deceased),
commander of the units, why they were pulled back the morning of April
4, in effect making an assassin’s escape much easier. Evans said he gave
the order at the request of a local pastor connected with King’s party,
Rev. Samuel Kyles. (Melanson wrote in his book that Kyles emphatically
denied making any such request.) Melanson said the idea that MPD
security would be determined at such a time by a local pastor’s request
made no sense whatsoever.

Catling lived a block away from the Lorraine on Mulberry Street.
Catling had planned to walk down the street the evening of April 4 in
the hope of catching a glimpse of King at the motel. She testified that
when she heard the shot a little after six o’clock, she said, “Oh, my
God, Dr. King is at that hotel!” She ran with her two children to the
corner of Mulberry and Huling streets, just north of the Lorraine. She
saw a man in a checkered shirt come running out of the alley beside a
building across from the Lorraine. The man jumped into a green 1965
Chevrolet just as a police car drove up behind him. He gunned the
Chevrolet around the corner and up Mulberry past Catling’s house moving
her to exclaim, “It’s going to take us six months to pay for the rubber
he’s burning up!!” The police, she said, ignored the man and blocked off
a street, leaving his car free to go the opposite way.

visited Catling in her home, and she told me the man she had seen
running was not James Earl Ray. “I will go into my grave saying that was
not Ray, because the gentleman I saw was heavier than Ray.”

police,” she told me, “asked not one neighbor [around the Lorraine],
`What did you see?’ Thirty-one years went by. Nobody came and asked one
question. I often thought about that. I even had nightmares over that,
because they never said anything. How did they let him get away?”

also testified that from her vantage point on the corner of Mulberry
and Huling she could see a fireman standing alone across from the motel
when the police drove up. She heard him say to the police, “The shot
came from that clump of bushes,” indicating the heavily overgrown brushy
area facing the Lorraine and adjacent to Fire Station 2.

Earl Caldwell was a New York Times reporter in his room
at the Lorraine Motel the evening of April 4. In videotaped testimony,
Caldwell said he heard what he thought was a bomb blast at 6:00 p.m.
When he ran to the door and looked out, he saw a man crouched in the
heavy part of the bushes across the street. The man was looking over at
the Lorraine’s balcony. Caldwell wrote an article about the figure in
the bushes but was never questioned about what he had seen by any

a 1993 affidavit from former SCLC official James Orange that was read
into the record, Orange said that on April 4, “James Bevel and I were
driven around by Marrell McCollough, a person who at that time we knew
to be a member of the Invaders, a local community organizing group, and
who we subsequently learned was an undercover agent for the Memphis
Police Department and who now works for the Central Intelligence Agency .
. . [After the shot, when Orange saw Dr. King’s leg dangling over the
balcony], I looked back and saw the smoke. It couldn’t have been more
than five to ten seconds. The smoke came out of the brush area on the
opposite side of the street from the Lorraine Motel. I saw it rise up
from the bushes over there. From that day to this time I have never had
any doubt that the fatal shot, the bullet which ended Dr. King’s life,
was fired by a sniper concealed in the brush area behind the derelict

also remember then turning my attention back to the balcony and seeing
Marrell McCollough up on the balcony kneeling over Dr. King, looking as
though he was checking Dr. King for life signs.

also noticed, quite early the next morning around 8 or 9 o’clock, that
all of the bushes and brush on the hill were cut down and cleaned up. It
was as though the entire area of the bushes from behind the rooming
house had been cleared . . .

“I will always remember the puff of white smoke and the cut brush and having never been given a satisfactory explanation.

“When I tried to tell the police at the scene as best I saw they told me to be quiet and to get out of the way.

“I was never interviewed or asked what I saw by any law enforcement authority in all of the time since 1968.”

read into the record were depositions made by Solomon Jones to the FBI
and to the Memphis police. Jones was King’s chauffeur in Memphis. The
FBI document, dated April 13, 1968, says that after King was shot, when
Jones looked across Mulberry Street into the brushy area, “he got a
quick glimpse of a person with his back toward Mulberry Street. . . .
This person was moving rather fast, and he recalls that he believed he
was wearing some sort of light-colored jacket with some sort of a hood
or parka.” In his 11:30 p.m., April 4, 1968 police interview, Jones
provides the same basic information concerning a person leaving the
brushy area hurriedly.

Stiles, who in 1968 was a senior official in the Memphis Sanitation
Department, confirmed in his testimony that the bushes near the rooming
house were cut down. At about 7:00 a.m. on April 5, Stiles told the
jury, he received a call from MPD Inspector Sam Evans “requesting
assistance in clearing brush and debris from a vacant lot in the
vicinity of the assassination.” Stiles called another superintendent of
sanitation, who assembled a crew. “They went to that site, and under the
direction of the police department, whoever was in charge there,
proceeded with the clean-up in a slow, methodical, meticulous manner.”
Stiles identified the site as an area overgrown with brush and bushes
across from the Lorraine Motel.

hours of King’s assassination, the crime scene that witnesses were
identifying to the Memphis police as a cover for the shooter had been
sanitized by orders of the police.

Probe readers will again recall from Mike Vinson’s
article three key witnesses in the Memphis trial who offered evidence
counter to James Earl Ray’s rifle being the murder weapon:
Judge Joe Brown;
Judge Arthur Hanes Jr.;
William Hamblin.

Judge Joe Brown, who had presided over two years of hearings
on the rifle, testified that “67% of the bullets from my tests did not
match the Ray rifle.” He added that the unfired bullets found wrapped
with it in a blanket were metallurgically different from the bullet
taken from King’s body, and therefore were from a different lot of
ammunition. And because the rifle’s scope had not been sited, Brown
said, “this weapon literally could not have hit the broad side of a
barn.” Holding up the 30.06 Remington 760 Gamemaster rifle, Judge Brown
told the jury, “It is my opinion that this is not the murder weapon.”
Circuit Court Judge Arthur Hanes Jr. of Birmingham, Alabama,
had been Ray’s attorney in 1968. (On the eve of his trial, Ray replaced
Hanes and his father, Arthur Hanes Sr., by Percy Foreman, a decision Ray
told the Haneses one week later was the biggest mistake of his life.)
Hanes testified that in the summer of 1968 he interviewed Guy Canipe,
owner of the Canipe Amusement Company. Canipe was a witness to the
dropping in his doorway of a bundle that held a trove of James Earl Ray
memorabilia, including the rifle, unfired bullets, and a radio with
Ray’s prison identification number on it. This dropped bundle, heaven
(or otherwise) sent for the State’s case against Ray, can be accepted as
credible evidence through a willing suspension of disbelief. As Judge
Hanes summarized the State’s lone-assassin theory (with reference to an
exhibit depicting the scene), “James Earl Ray had fired the shot from
the bathroom on that second floor, come down that hallway into his room
and carefully packed that box, tied it up, then had proceeded across the
walkway the length of the building to the back where that stair from
that door came up, had come down the stairs out the door, placed the
Browning box containing the rifle and the radio there in the Canipe
entryway.” Then Ray presumably got in his car seconds before the
police’s arrival, driving from downtown Memphis to Atlanta unchallenged
in his white Mustang.

his interview with the witness who was the cornerstone of this theory,
Judge Hanes told the jury that Guy Canipe (now deceased) provided
“terrific evidence”: “He said that the package was dropped in his
doorway by a man headed south down Main Street on foot, and that this
happened at about ten minutes before the shot was fired [emphasis added].”

thought Canipe’s witnessing the bundle-dropping ten minutes before the
shot was very credible for another reason. It so happened (as confirmed
by Philip Melanson’s research) that at 6:00 p.m. one of the MPD tactical
units that had been withdrawn earlier by Inspector Evans, TACT 10, had
returned briefly to the area with its 16 officers for a rest break at
Fire Station 2. Thus, as Hanes testified, with the firehouse brimming
with police, some already watching King across the street, “when they
saw Dr. King go down, the fire house erupted like a beehive . . . In
addition to the time involved [in Ray’s presumed odyssey from the
bathroom to the car], it was circumstantially almost impossible to
believe that somebody had been able to throw that [rifle] down and
leaave right in the face of that erupting fire station.”

I spoke with Judge Hanes after the trial about the startling evidence
he had received from Canipe, he commented, “That’s what I’ve been saying
for 30 years.”
William Hamblin testified not about the rifle thrown down in
the Canipe doorway but rather the smoking rifle Loyd Jowers said he
received at his back door from Earl Clark right after the shooting.
Hamblin recounted a story he was told many times by his friend James
McCraw, who had died.

McCraw is already well-known to researchers as the taxi driver who
arrived at the rooming house to pick up Charlie Stephens shortly before
6:00 p.m. on April 4. In a deposition read earlier to the jury, McCraw
said he found Stephens in his room lying on his bed too drunk to get up,
so McCraw turned out the light and left without him — minutes before
Stephens, according to the State, identified Ray in profile passing down
the hall from the bathroom. McCraw also said the bathroom door next to
Stephen’s room was standing wide open, and there was no one in the
bathroom — where again, according to the State, Ray was then balancing
on the tub, about to squeeze the trigger.

Hamblin told the jury that he and fellow cab-driver McCraw were close
friends for about 25 years. Hamblin said he probably heard McCraw tell
the same rifle story 50 times, but only when McCraw had been drinking
and had his defenses down.

that story, McCraw said that Loyd Jowers had given him the rifle right
after the shooting. According to Hamblin, “Jowers told him to get the
[rifle] and get it out of here now. [McCraw] said that he grabbed his
beer and snatched it out. He had the rifle rolled up in an oil cloth,
and he leapt out the door and did away with it.” McCraw told Hamblin he
threw the rifle off a bridge into the Mississippi River.

said McCraw never revealed publicly what he knew of the rifle because,
like Jowers, he was afraid of being indicted: “He really wanted to come
out with it, but he was involved in it. And he couldn’t really tell the

Pepper accepted Hamblin’s testimony about McCraw’s disposal of the
rifle over Jowers’s claim to Dexter King that he gave the rifle to Raul.
Pepper said in his closing argument that the actual murder weapon had
been lying “at the bottom of the Mississippi River for over thirty-one

Stiles, who in 1968 was a senior official in the Memphis Sanitation
Department, confirmed in his testimony that the bushes near the rooming
house were cut down. At about 7:00 a.m. on April 5, Stiles told the
jury, he received a call from MPD Inspector Sam Evans “requesting
assistance in clearing brush and debris from a vacant lot in the
vicinity of the assassination. . . . They went to that site, and under
the direction of the police department, whoever was in charge there,
proceeded with the clean-up in a slow, methodical, meticulous manner.” .
. . Within hours of King’s assassination, the crime scene that
witnesses were identifying to the Memphis police as a cover for the
shooter had been sanitized by orders of the police.

One of the most significant developments in the Memphis trial
was the emergence of the mysterious Raul through the testimony of a
series of witnesses.

a 1995 deposition by James Earl Ray that was read to the jury, Ray told
of meeting Raul in Montreal in the summer of 1967, three months after
Ray had escaped from a Missouri prison. According to Ray, Raul guided
Ray’s movements, gave him money for the Mustang car and the rifle, and
used both to set him up in Memphis.

Young and Dexter King described their meeting with Jowers and Pepper at
which Pepper had shown Jowers a spread of photographs, and Jowers
picked out one as the person named Raul who brought him the rifle to
hold at Jim’s Grill. Pepper displayed the same spread of photos in
court, and Young and King pointed out the photo Jowers had identified as
Raul. (Private investigator John Billings said in separate testimony
that this picture was a passport photograph from 1961, when Raul had
immigrated from Portugal to the U.S.)

additional witnesses who identified the photo as Raul’s included:
British merchant seaman Sidney Carthew, who in a videotaped deposition
from England said he had met Raul (who offered to sell him guns) and a
man he thinks was Ray (who wanted to be smuggled onto his ship) in
Montreal in the summer of 1967; Glenda and Roy Grabow, who recognized
Raul as a gunrunner they knew in Houston in the `60s and `70s and who
told Glenda in a rage that he had killed Martin Luther King; Royce
Wilburn, Glenda’s brother, who also knew Raul in Houston; and British
television producer Jack Saltman, who had obtained the passport photo
and showed it to Ray in prison, who identified it as the photo of the
person who had guided him.

and Pepper, working on independent investigations, located Raul in
1995. He was living quietly with his family in the northeastern U.S. It
was there in 1997 that journalist Barbara Reis of the Lisbon Publico,
working on a story about Raul, spoke with a member of his family. Reis
testified that she had spoken in Portuguese to a woman in Raul’s family
who, after first denying any connection to Ray’s Raul, said “they” had
visited them. “Who?” Reis asked. “The government,” said the woman. She
said government agents had visited them three times over a three-year
period. The government, she said, was watching over them and monitoring
their phone calls. The woman took comfort and satisfaction in the fact
that her family (so she believed) was being protected by the government.

his closing argument Pepper said of Raul: “Now, as I understand it, the
defense had invited Raul to appear here. He is outside this
jurisdiction, so a subpoena would be futile. But he was asked to appear
here. In earlier proceedings there were attempts to depose him, and he
resisted them. So he has not attempted to come forward at all and tell
his side of the story or to defend himself.”

Carthel Weeden, captain of Fire Station 2 in 1968, testified
that he was on duty the morning of April 4 when two U.S. Army officers
approached him. The officers said they wanted a lookout for the Lorraine
Motel. Weeden said they carried briefcases and indicated they had
cameras. Weeden showed the officers to the roof of the fire station. He
left them at the edge of its northeast corner behind a parapet wall.
From there the Army officers had a bird’s-eye view of Dr. King’s balcony
doorway and could also look down on the brushy area adjacent to the
fire station.

testimony of writer Douglas Valentine filled in the background of the
men Carthel Weeden had taken up to the roof of Fire Station 2. While
Valentine was researching his book The Phoenix Program (1990), on
the CIA’s notorious counterintelligence program against Vietnamese
villagers, he talked with veterans in military intelligence who had been
re-deployed from the Vietnam War to the sixties antiwar movement. They
told him that in 1968 the Army’s 111th Military Intelligence Group kept
Martin Luther King under 24-hour-a-day surveillance. Its agents were in
Memphis April 4. As Valentine wrote in The Phoenix Program, they “reportedly watched and took photos while King’s assassin moved into position, took aim, fired, and walked away.”

which juror David Morphy later described as “awesome” was that of
former CIA operative Jack Terrell, a whistle-blower in the Iran-Contra
scandal. Terrell, who was dying of liver cancer in Florida, testified by
videotape that his close friend J.D. Hill had confessed to him that he
had been a member of an Army sniper team in Memphis assigned to shoot
“an unknown target” on April 4. After training for a triangular
shooting, the snipers were on their way into Memphis to take up
positions in a watertower and two buildings when their mission was
suddenly cancelled. Hill said he realized, when he learned of King’s
assassination the next day, that the team must have been part of a
contingency plan to kill King if another shooter failed.

said J.D. Hill was shot to death. His wife was charged with shooting
Hill (in response to his drinking), but she was not indicted. From the
details of Hill’s death, Terrell thought the story about Hill’s wife
shooting him was a cover, and that his friend had been assassinated. In
an interview, Terrell said the CIA’s heavy censorship of his book Disposable Patriot (1992) included changing the paragraph on J.D. Hill’s death, so that it read as if Terrell thought Hill’s wife was responsible.

Walter Fauntroy, Dr. King’s colleague and a 20-year member of
Congress, chaired the subcommittee of the 1976-78 House Select Committee
on Assassinations that investigated King’s assassination. Fauntroy
testified in Memphis that in the course of the HSCA investigation “it
was apparent that we were dealing with very sophisticated forces.” He
discovered electronic bugs on his phone and TV set. When Richard
Sprague, HSCA’s first chief investigator, said he would make available
all CIA, FBI, and military intelligence records, he became a focus of
controversy. Sprague was forced to resign. His successor made no demands
on U.S. intelligence agencies. Such pressures contributed to the
subcommittee’s ending its investigation, as Fauntroy said, “without
having thoroughly investigated all of the evidence that was apparent.”
Its formal conclusion was that Ray assassinated King, that he probably
had help, and that the government was not involved.

I interviewed Fauntroy in a van on his way back to the Memphis Airport,
I asked about the implications of his statements in an April 4, 1997 Atlanta Constitution
article. The article said Fauntroy now believed “Ray did not fire the
shot that killed King and was part of a larger conspiracy that possibly
involved federal law enforcement agencies, ” and added: “Fauntroy said
he kept silent about his suspicions because of fear for himself and his

told me that when he left Congress in 1991 he had the opportunity to
read through his files on the King assassination, including raw
materials that he’d never seen before. Among them was information from
J. Edgar Hoover’s logs. There he learned that in the three weeks before
King’s murder the FBI chief held a series of meetings with “persons
involved with the CIA and military intelligence in the Phoenix operation
in Southeast Asia.” Why? Fauntroy also discovered there had been Green
Berets and military intelligence agents in Memphis when King was killed.
“What were they doing there?” he asked.

Fauntroy had talked about his decision to write a book about what he’d
“uncovered since the assassination committee closed down,” he was
promptly investigated and charged by the Justice Department with having
violated his financial reports as a member of Congress. His lawyer told
him that he could not understand why the Justice Department would bring
up a charge on the technicality of one misdated check. Fauntroy said he
interpreted the Justice Department’s action to mean: “Look, we’ll get
you on something if you continue this way. . . . I just thought: I’ll
tell them I won’t go and finish the book, because it’s surely not worth

the conclusion of his trial testimony, Fauntroy also spoke about his
fear of an FBI attempt to kill James Earl Ray when he escaped from
Tennessee’s Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary in June 1977. Congressman
Fauntroy had heard reports about an FBI SWAT team having been sent into
the area around the prison to shoot Ray and prevent his testifying at
the HSCA hearings. Fauntroy asked HSCA chair Louis Stokes to alert
Tennesssee Governor Ray Blanton to the danger to the HSCA’s star witness
and Blanton’s most famous prisoner. When Stokes did, Blanton called off
the FBI SWAT team, Ray was caught safely by local authorities, and in
Fauntroy’s words, “we all breathed a sigh of relief.”

Memphis jury also learned how a 1993-98 Tennessee State investigation
into the King assassination was, if not a cover-up, then an inquiry
noteworthy for its lack of witnesses. Lewis Garrison had subpoenaed the
head of the investigation, Mark Glankler, in an effort to discover
evidence helpful to Jowers’s defense. William Pepper then cross-examined
Glankler on the witnesses he had interviewed in his investigation:

Q. (BY MR. PEPPER) Mr. Glankler, did you interview Mr. Maynard Stiles, whose testifying —

A. I know the name, Counselor, but I don’t think I took a statement from Maynard Stiles or interviewed him. I don’t think I did.

Q. Did you ever interview Mr. Floyd Newsum?

A. Can you help me with what he does?

Q. Yes. He was a black fireman who was assigned to Station Number 2.

A. I don’t recall the name, Counsel.

Q. All right. Ever interview Mr. Norvell Wallace?

A. I don’t recall that name offhand either.

Q. Ever interview Captain Jerry Williams?

A. Fireman also?

Q. Jerry Williams was a policeman. He was a homicide detective.

A. No, sir, I don’t — I really don’t recall that name.

Q. Fair enough. Did you ever interview Mr. Charles Hurley, a private citizen?

A. Does he have a wife named Peggy?

Q. Yes.

A. I think we did talk with a Peggy Hurley or attempted to.

Q. Did you interview a Mr. Leon Cohen?

A. I just don’t recall without —

Q. Did you ever interview Mr. James McCraw?

A. I believe we did. He talks with a device?

Q. Yes, the voice box..

A. Yes, okay. I believe we did talk to him, yes, sir.

Q. How about Mrs. Olivia Catling, who has testified —

A. I’m sorry, the last name again.

Q. Catling, C A T L I N G.

A. No, sir, that name doesn’t —

Q. Did you ever interview Ambassador Andrew Young?

A. No, sir.

Q. You didn’t?

A. No, sir, not that I recall.

Q. Did you ever interview Judge Arthur Hanes?

A. No, sir.
it goes — downhill. The above is Glankler’s high-water mark: He got
two out of the first ten (if one counts Charles and Peggy Hurley as a
yes). Pepper questioned Glankler about 25 key witnesses. The jury was
familiar with all of them from prior testimony in the trial. Glankler
could recall his office interviewing a total of three. At the
twenty-fifth-named witness, Earl Caldwell, Pepper finally let Glankler

Q. Did you ever interview a former New York Times journalist, a New York Daily News correspondent named Earl Caldwell?

A. Earl Caldwell? Not that I recall.

Q. You never interviewed him in the course of your investigation?

A. I just don’t recall that name.

MR. PEPPER: I have no further comments about this investigation — no further questions for this investigator.

went a step beyond saying government agencies were responsible for the
assassination. To whom in turn were those murderous agencies
responsible? Not so much to government officials per se, Pepper
asserted, as to the economic powerholders they represented who stood in
the even deeper shadows behind the FBI, Army Intelligence, and their
affiliates in covert action. By 1968, Pepper told the jury, “And today
it is much worse in my view” — “the decision-making processes in the
United States were the representatives, the footsoldiers of the very
economic interests that were going to suffer as a result of these times
of changes [being actived by King].”

To say that
U.S. government agencies killed Martin Luther King on the verge of the
Poor People’s Campaign is a way into the deeper truth that the economic
powers that be (which dictate the policies of those agencies) killed
him. In the Memphis prelude to the Washington campaign, King posed a
threat to those powers of a non-violent revolutionary force. Just how
determined they were to stop him before he reached Washington was
revealed in the trial by the size and complexity of the plot to kill

The vision behind the trial

In his sprawling, brilliant work that underlies the trial, Orders to Kill
(1995), William Pepper introduced readers to most of the 70 witnesses
who took the stand in Memphis or were cited by deposition, tape, and
other witnesses. To keep this article from reading like either an
encyclopedia or a Dostoevsky novel, I have highlighted only a few.
(Thanks to the King Center, the full trial trascript is available online at http://www.thekingcenter.com/tkc/trial.html.)
What Pepper’s work has accomplished in print and in court can be
measured by the intensity of the media attacks on him, shades of Jim
Garrison. But even Garrison did not gain the support of the Kennedy
family (in his case) or achieve a guilty verdict. The Memphis trial has
opened wide a door to our assassination politics. Anyone who walks
through it is faced by an either/or: to declare naked either the empire
or oneself.

King family has chosen the former. The vision behind the trial is at
least as much theirs as it is William Pepper’s, for ultimately it is the
vision of Martin Luther King Jr. Coretta King explained to the jury her
family’s purpose in pursuing the lawsuit against Jowers: “This is not
about money. We’re concerned about the truth, having the truth come out
in a court of law so that it can be documented for all. I’ve always felt
that somehow the truth would be known, and I hoped that I would live to
see it. It is important I think for the sake of healing so many people
— my family, other people, the nation.”

Dexter King, the plaintiffs’ final witness, said the trial was about why his
father had been killed: “From a holistic side, in terms of the people,
in terms of the masses, yes, it has to be dealt with because it is not
about who killed Martin Luther King Jr., my father. It is not
necessarily about all of those details. It is about: Why was he
killed? Because if you answer the why, you will understand the same
things are still happening. Until we address that, we’re all in trouble.
Because if it could happen to him, if it can happen to this family, it
can happen to anybody.

is so amazing for me that as soon as this issue of potential
involvement of the federal government came up, all of a sudden the media
just went totally negative against the family. I couldn’t understand
that. I kept asking my mother, `What is going on?’

reminded me. She said, `Dexter, your dad and I have lived through this
once already. You have to understand that when you take a stand against
the establishment, first, you will be attacked. There is an attempt to
discredit. Second, [an attempt] to try and character-assassinate. And
third, ultimately physical termination or assassination.’

the truth of the matter is if my father had stopped and not spoken out,
if he had just somehow compromised, he would probably still be here
with us today. But the minute you start talking about redistribution of
wealth and stopping a major conflict, which also has economic
ramifications . . . “

his closing argument, William Pepper identified economic power as the
root reason for King’s assassination: “When Martin King opposed the war,
when he rallied people to oppose the war, he was threatening the bottom
lines of some of the largest defense contractors in this country. This
was about money. He was threatening the weapons industry, the hardware,
the armaments industries, that would all lose as a result of the end of
the war.

second aspect of his work that also dealt with money that caused a
great deal of consternation in the circles of power in this land had to
do with his commitment to take a massive group of people to Washington. .
. . Now he began to talk about a redistribution of wealth, in this the
wealthiest country in the world.”

went a step beyond saying government agencies were responsible for the
assassination. To whom in turn were those murderous agencies
responsible? Not so much to government officials per se, Pepper
asserted, as to the economic powerholders they represented who stood in
the even deeper shadows behind the FBI, Army Intelligence, and their
affiliates in covert action. By 1968, Pepper told the jury, “And today
it is much worse in my view” — “the decision-making processes in the
United States were the representatives, the footsoldiers of the very
economic interests that were going to suffer as a result of these times
of changes [being actived by King].”

say that U.S. government agencies killed Martin Luther King on the
verge of the Poor People’s Campaign is a way into the deeper truth that
the economic powers that be (which dictate the policies of those
agencies) killed him. In the Memphis prelude to the Washington campaign,
King posed a threat to those powers of a non-violent revolutionary
force. Just how determined they were to stop him before he reached
Washington was revealed in the trial by the size and complexity of the
plot to kill him.

King testified to the truth of his father’s death with transforming
clarity: “If what you are saying goes against what certain people
believe you should be saying, you will be dealt with — maybe not the
way you are dealt with in China, which is overtly. But you will be dealt
with covertly. The result is the same.

are talking about a political assassination in modern-day times, a
domestic political assassination. Of course, it is ironic, but I was
watching a special on the CIA. They say, `Yes, we’ve participated in
assassinations abroad but, no, we could never do anything like that
domestically.’ Well, I don’t know. . . . Whether you call it CIA or some
other innocuous acronym or agency, killing is killing.

issue becomes: What do we do about this? Do we endorse a policy in this
country, in this life, that says if we don’t agree with someone, the
only means to deal with it is through elimination and termination? I
think my father taught us the opposite, that you can overcome without

not in this to make heads roll. We’re in this to use the teachings that
my father taught us in terms of nonviolent reconciliation. It works. We
know that it works. So we’re not looking to put people in prison. What
we’re looking to do is get the truth out so that this nation can learn
and know officially. If the family of the victim, if we’re saying we’re
willing to forgive and embark upon a process that allows for
reconciliation, why can’t others?”

pressed by Pepper to name a specific amount of damages for the death of
his father, Dexter King said, “One hundred dollars.”

The Verdict

jury returned with a verdict after two and one-half hours. Judge James
E. Swearengen of Shelby County Circuit Court, a gentle African-American
man in his last few days before retirement, read the verdict aloud. The
courtroom was now crowded with spectators, almost all black.

answer to the question, `Did Loyd Jowers participate in a conspiracy to
do harm to Dr. Martin Luther King?’ your answer is `Yes.'” The man on
my left leaned forward and whispered softly, “Thank you, Jesus.”

judge continued: “Do you also find that others, including governmental
agencies, were parties to this conspiracy as alleged by the defendant?’
Your answer to that one is also `Yes.'” An even more heartfelt whisper:
“Thank you, Jesus!”

the lesson of the King assassination is that our government understands
the power of nonviolence better than we do, or better than we want to.
In the spring of 1968, when Martin King was marching (and Robert Kennedy
was campaigning), King was determined that massive, nonviolent civil
disobedience would end the domination of democracy by corporate and
military power. The powers that be took Martin Luther King seriously.
They dealt with him in Memphis.

Thirty-two years
after Memphis, we know that the government that now honors Dr. King
with a national holiday also killed him. As will once again become
evident when the Justice Department releases the findings of its
“limited re-investigation” into King’s death, the government (as a
footsoldier of corporate power) is continuing its cover-up — just as it
continues to do in the closely related murders of John and Robert
Kennedy and Malcolm X.

Morphy, the only juror to grant an interview, said later: “We can look
back on it and say that we did change history. But that’s not why we did
it. It was because there was an overwhelming amount of evidence and
just too many odd coincidences.

from the police department being pulled back, to the death threat on
Redditt, to the two black firefighters being pulled off, to the military
people going up on top of the fire station, even to them going back to
that point and cutting down the trees. Who in their right mind would go
and destroy a crime scene like that the morning after? It was just very,
very odd.”

drove the few blocks to the house on Mulberry Street, one block north
of the Lorraine Motel (now the National Civil Rights Museum). When I
rapped loudly on Olivia Catling’s security door, she was several minutes
in coming. She said she’d had the flu. I told her the jury’s verdict,
and she smiled. “So I can sleep now. For years I could still hear that
shot. After 31 years, my mind is at ease. So I can sleep now, knowing
that some kind of peace has been brought to the King family. And that’s
the best part about it.”

the lesson of the King assassination is that our government understands
the power of nonviolence better than we do, or better than we want to.
In the spring of 1968, when Martin King was marching (and Robert Kennedy
was campaigning), King was determined that massive, nonviolent civil
disobedience would end the domination of democracy by corporate and
military power. The powers that be took Martin Luther King seriously.
They dealt with him in Memphis.

years after Memphis, we know that the government that now honors Dr.
King with a national holiday also killed him. As will once again become
evident when the Justice Department releases the findings of its
“limited re-investigation” into King’s death, the government (as a
footsoldier of corporate power) is continuing its cover-up — just as it
continues to do in the closely related murders of John and Robert
Kennedy and Malcolm X.

faithful in a nonviolent movement that hopes to change the distribution
of wealth and power in the U.S.A. — as Dr. King’s vision, if made
real, would have done in 1968 — should be willing to receive the same
kind of reward that King did in Memphis. As each of our religious
traditions has affirmed from the beginning, that recurring story of
martyrdom (“witness”) is one of ultimate transformation and cosmic good


Martin Luther King‘s murderer — newly released photos and …
… when gunned down while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel. … restaurant owner was sued in civil court as part of a conspiracy to murder Martin Luther King.


  • Background to the assassination

  • Local conspiracy
  • The crime scene
  • The rifle
  • Raul
  • A broader conspiracy
  • Cover-up

Pope Francis Delivers Easter Mass – President Obama in Cuba and Argintina – Truth About Easter – The Truth About Origin of Christianity

 Story image for pope easter mass from The Inquisitr

Pope Francis preached an Easter
message of hope after a grim week in Europe, calling on Christians not
to let fear and pessimism “imprison” them.

Speaking amid tight
security at the Vatican, the Pope said: “Let us not allow darkness and
fear to distract us and control our hearts.”

His message followed a condemnation on Friday of the Brussels terror attacks.

Islamist violence is expected to be a prominent theme of his traditional “Urbi et Orbi” Easter message.

pilgrims cancelled their planned trips to Rome in the wake of the
violence in Brussels, but St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican was packed
when Pope Francis celebrated mass on Saturday evening.

The Pontiff
entered a darkened basilica with just a single candle guiding him. As
he reached the altar, the basilica’s floodlights came on to symbolise
the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Delivering his homily, Francis said: “Today is the celebration of our hope. It is so necessary today.”continue reading

Mass Live 

Air-force One over Havana


Obama lands in Cuba as first US president to visit in nearly 90 years

Barack Obama
descended on Cuba with a pomp unmatched by the Pope on Sunday, becoming
the first American president to visit Cuba in nearly a century, and the
first since a revolution led by Fidel Castro toppled a US-backed
strongman in 1959.

As he arrived, Obama used a Cuban phrase meaning “what’s up?” when he tweeted: “¿Que bolá Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people.”

“This is a historic visit,” Obama said as he greeted US Embassy staff
and their families at a Havana hotel. “It’s an historic opportunity to
engage with the Cuban people.”A giant American delegation, estimated at somewhere between 800 and
1,200, swept into Havana this weekend, intent on closing a final chapter
in cold war history and sealing the diplomatic legacy of Obama’s
presidency. Joined by first lady Michelle Obama and his two daughters, Obama toured
Old Havana by foot, walking gingerly on the slippery wet stones in front
of the Havana Cathedral. The downpour notwithstanding, a few hundred
people gathered in the square erupted in applause and shouted Obama’s
name as the first family stepped forward. . continue reading

President Obama and Family in Cuba


President R.Castro and President Obama


First Family and President Castro at baseball game

Obama Declares a New Partnership After Talks With Argintina


President Obama and President


Obama says US too slow to react to Argentina's "Dirty War"

Obama says US too slow to react to Argentina‘s “Dirty War”

BUENOS AIRES — President Obama Thursday visited a memorial in
Argentina to the thousands of people killed and disappeared during that
country’s “dirty war,” on the 40th anniversary of the coup that started

Obama used his visit to announce his plan to declassify new military and intelligence records that document the human rights violations from 1976 to 1983.

been controversy about the policies of the United States early in those
dark days,” Obama said, standing beside the Argentinian President Mauricio Macri.
“The United States when it reflects on what happened here has to
reflect on its own past…. When we’re slow to speak out on human
rights, which was the case here.”

Despite early U.S. support for the coup, Obama said U.S. diplomats,
human rights workers and reporters played an important role in
documenting the abuses that took place in the aftermath. He extolled the
likes of diplomat Tex Harris, who worked at the U.S. embassy in Buenos
Aires during the administration of then-President Jimmy Carter to
document human rights abuses and identify the disappeared. Such men did
so despite threats to themselves and their families, Obama said.http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/03/24/obama-speaks-us-role-argentinas-dirty-war/82206754/

 Truth About Easter

Reprint from: Truth on Easter

Each year in the springtime, the mainstream Christian world celebrates a
holiday called “Easter.” Many assume that this holiday originated with the
resurrection of Jesus Christ but as the information provided here will
demonstrate that this spring tradition of men is actually or an older and
far less ‘holy’ than one would imagine. The following quotes have been derived
from several valid and even scholarly sources. The purpose is to unveil the
truth about the origins of this spring ‘Christianized’ pagan holiday. When
you have read these though and discerned the truth it is our hope that you
will remain convicted and follow His lead – away from non-biblical holidays.
The crux of the matter is not so much the hidden meanings of the symbols
and story but one of how your heart is before your Creator. Do you decide
what days to observe or does God? The bible tells us that a little leaven
leavens the whole lump and with that seasonally-correct truth in mind …
Come, let us reason together.

The Origin and History of Easter

“The term ‘Easter’ is not of Christian origin. It is
another form of Astarte, one of the titles of the Chaldean goddess, the queen
of heaven. The festival of Pasch [Passover and the Feast of Unleavens] was
a continuation of the Jewish [that is, God’s] feast….from this Pasch the
pagan festival of ‘Easter’ was quite distinct and was introduced into the
apostate Western religion, as part of the attempt to adapt pagan festivals
to Christianity.”
(W.E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger, William White, Jr.,
Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, article:
Easter, p.192)

Ish·tar : Mythology The chief Babylonian and Assyrian goddess, associated
with love, fertility, and war, being the counterpart to the Phoenician Astarte.
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition.

Tammuz: ancient nature deity worshiped in Babylonia.
A god of agriculture and flocks, he personified the creative powers of spring.
He was loved by the fertility goddess Ishtar, who, according to one legend,
was so grief-stricken at his death that she contrived to enter the underworld
to get him back. According to another legend, she killed him and later restored
him to life. These legends and his festival, commemorating the yearly death
and rebirth of vegetation, corresponded to the festivals of the Phoenician
and Greek Adonis and of the Phrygian Attis. The Sumerian name of Tammuz was
Dumuzi. In the Bible his disappearance is mourned by the women of Jerusalem
(Ezek. 8.14)
.(The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001)

“There is no warrant in Scripture for the observance of Christmas and Easter
as holydays, rather the contrary…and such observance is contrary to the
principles of the Reformed faith, conducive to will-worship, and not in harmony
with the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. ” (Morton H. Smith, How
is the Gold Become Dim, Jackson, Mississippi: Steering Committee for a Continuing
Presbyterian Church, etc., 1973, p.98)

“EASTER (AV Acts 12:4), An anachronistic mistranslation
of the Gk. pascha (RSV, NEB, “Passover”), in which the AV followed such earlier
versions as Tyndale and Coverdale. The Acts passage refers to the seven-day
Passover festival (including the Feast of Unleavened Bread). It is reasonably
certain that the NT contains no reference to a yearly celebration of the
resurrection of Christ.”
(International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia,
edited by Geoffrey Bromiley, Vol 2 of 4, p.6, article: Easter)

“The term Easter was derived from the Anglo-Saxon ‘Eostre,’ the name of the
goddess of spring. In her honor sacrifices were offered at the time of the
vernal equinox. By the 8th cent. the term came to be applied to the anniversary
of Christ’s resurrection.” (International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, edited
by Geoffrey Bromiley, Vol 2 of 4, p.6, article: Easter)

continue reading


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Roman Church Create Christianity and Jesus?


 Who was Jesus?
Why is there no historic archaeological evidence of his existence?

Who wrote the Gospels?

Why were they written in Greek, rather than Hebrew or Aramaic?

How did the Christian religion come to be centered in Rome? Why were the

first Christian pope and earliest saints
all members of the Flavius Caesar

ruling family?


History of Christianity


Who Was Serapis Christ – Who Invented The Serapis Christ Cult

Ptolemy 1 Meryamun Setepenre (c.a. 367-283 B.C.E- Before Common Era)
(aka Soter) (“Soter” means savior) became the first European pharaoh of
Egypt through military force led by Alexander the Greek (a.k.a Alexander
the Great). When Ptolemy became pharaoh of Egypt, he wanted the
Egyptians to consecrate him as a god. He wanted to be called a god
because that was the title all of the pharaohs of Egypt were called
prior to him. However, the people of Egypt refused to call him a god
because they knew the only reason he became a pharaoh was through force,
so in “305 BC -Ptolemy took the title of Pharaoh, taking the Egyptian
name Meryamun Setepenre, which means “Beloved of Amun (Amun means God)
Chosen of Ra(Ra means God)”, and because of the Egyptians refusal to
acknowledge him as a God, he began killing the people of Egypt, which
caused the Egyptian priests at Memphis to give into his request by
agreeing to consecrate him to priesthood, in order to save their own

The key words in the above passage to keep in mind during your
reading: Meryamun, Setepenre, Soter, which are words that were used to
create the fictitious character of JESUS CHRIST in AD by Roman Emperor
Constantine (Meryamun, Setepenre, Soter were used in B.C).
The images of Ptolemy below, which are similar to the images that are
depicted as “Jesus” today, were forced upon the Africans and were
ordered to be worshipped by the people of Rome.

Serapis Christus Greco Roman c.a 135 B.C.E. The marble image in the
London museum is the image they use of Christ (Jesus) today. Christus
was also the nickname for Serapis.

What is Serapis? (Origin of JESUS CHRIST)

Ptolemy’s rule was to create a deity that would be worshipped by both
the Egyptians and the Greeks. He created “Serapis “, the made up
Graeco-Egyptian god that was invented in the 3rd century B.C., portrayed
as Greek in appearance, but with Egyptian accessories, representing
both wealth and resurrection.


 “Egypt, which you commended to me my dearest Servianus, I have found
to be wholly fickle and inconsistent and continually wafted about by
every breath of fame. The worshippers of Serapis here are called
Christians and those who are devoted to the god Serapis (I find) call
themselves Bishops of Christ. Hadrian to Servianus 134 AD.” 

Constantine and Arius
Constantine the Greek (a.k.a Constantine the Great) Roman Emperor
from 306 to 337, is known for being the first Roman emperor to be
converted to Christianity which strangely enough, Arius of Libya
(256-356 AD) born of African descent centuries after Ptolemy 1, had a
problem with the Roman empire teaching the Africans and the people of
Rome to worship a statue and celebrating death. He was considered a
heretic, a professed believer (of God), who maintains religious opinions
contrary to those accepted by his or her church (what the religious
authorities usually controlled by government deem as the truth). Because
he started attracting so many followers due to his teachings that were
contrary to the Romans, Constantine called the council by summoning all
the bishops to discredit Arius, The Council of Nicaea. During the time
when this meeting was called upon, there was no mention of Jesus Christ
at all; no man had ever existed by the name JESUS Christ, and an
important fact is that this all took place Anno Domino (AD) (which
Christians claim means after the death of Christ) but in Latin means ‘in
the year of the lord’. The name Jesus Christ didn’t exist before the
meeting was called (read the statements made during that timeframe). It
was only after this that they presented to the people the name JESUS

What Lord are they referring to? 

Kings have always been referred to as Lords or gods.

If Jesus Christ didn’t exist during the time this meeting took place
nor ever heard of whom are people worshipping today? Serapis Christus?

Nicean Creed – Jesus Christ is born

Continue reading to WMJ

Who Was Serapis Christ ?

Casino Magnate Sheldon Adelson looks to stamp out growing US movement to boycott Israel – The Real Truth about the Modern-day Jewish Heritage


Sheldon Adelson looks to stamp out growing US movement to boycott Israel

Billionaire gambling magnate and Republican party donor convenes
closed-door meeting to combat US university movement amid growing
Israeli alarm over growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign in
US and Europe
Northeastern protest Palestine group
Over 30 community groups in Boston protest the decision by the
Northeastern University administration to suspend the campus chapter of
Students for Justice in Palestine.
Photograph: Paul Weiskel/Demotix/Corbis 
The American gambling magnate and major Republican party donor Sheldon Adelson
is hosting a closed-door meeting of pro-Israel billionaires and
activists at his Las Vegas casino this weekend, to combat the burgeoning
movement on US university campuses to boycott the Jewish state.

The gathering comes amid growing Israeli alarm at the rise of the
decade-old Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign in the US
and Europe which the government in Jerusalem contends is antisemitic.
It says the movement is intent on the destruction of the Jewish
homeland because, among other things, some of its leaders support the
“one-state solution” of combining Israel and the Palestinian territories
into a single country with equality for Jewish and Arab citizens.

However, BDS supporters say Adelson’s involvement highlights their
cause because he is a vocal supporter of a single state – albeit one in
which Israel annexes the occupied territories and denies equal rights to Palestinians who he has derided as “an invented people”.

After years of dismissing the BDS movement as marginal and
irrelevant, pro-Israel lobby groups have recently promoted laws against
it in the US Congress and state legislatures. They include legislation
to block the EU from imposing measures against illegal Jewish
settlements in the Palestinian territories.

The issue was also injected into presidential politics last week as a
Republican candidate, Ted Cruz, denounced the boycott movement at a
dinner with Adelson.

“BDS is premised on a lie and it is antisemitism plain and simple,” he said.

Cruz, like other Republican candidates, is seeking financial backing
from Adelson, who poured $150m into the Republicans’ failed effort to
get Barack Obama out of the White House in 2012.

‘It is the strong attempting to strangle the weak’

Sheldon Adelson

Las Vegas Sands Corp chairman and CEO Sheldon Adelson. Photograph: Jeff Scheid/AP

The boycott movement has drawn inspiration from the sanctions
campaign against apartheid South Africa and has support in several
countries from trade unions, artists such as Roger Waters of Pink Floyd, and religious leaders such as former Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa.
But Israeli officials are particularly concerned about its rise on US
university campuses because they fear the erosion of support among
future leaders of the one country Israel regards as a solid ally.

Pro-Israel groups claim the rise of BDS on campus is linked to
radical Islam, that it “de-legitimises” the Jewish state and is making
Jewish students feel unsafe. But BDS leaders say support is driven by
the growing perception of the occupation as a civil rights issue in the
face of prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s rejection of a Palestinian
state and revulsion at Israel’s periodic military assaults on Gaza.

Resolutions in support of universities divesting from Israel have
passed on seven campuses this year and been rejected on eight others. In
December 2013, the American Studies Association voted to boycott
Israeli academic institutions. The BDS movement is particularly strong at the University of California, which has about 240,000 students.

Yousef Munayyer, director of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, said that the Las Vegas meeting and increased political pressure on the BDS movement is a reflection of its growing strength.

“You see a trajectory that follows that famed Mahatma Gandhi quote.
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Now we’re at the third
stage which is, then they fight you,” he said. “We’re seeing it in the
public pronouncements of Israeli officials. In the adoption of some of
those positions by American officials. We’re seeing it in legislatures
both at the state and federal level in the United States where there are
initiatives to pass laws that would make it more difficult to advance
BDS victories.”

The meeting of what the Forward, which first reported plans for the Las Vegas summit,
described as “leading Jewish mega-donors” is to be held at Adelson’s
casino and hotel, the Venetian. The Forward said that the billionaire
organisers include the Hollywood entertainment mogul Haim Saban and an
Israeli-born property developer, Adam Milstein.

Several strongly pro-Israel organisations are expected to attend,
including the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Federations of North
America. But the increasingly influential J-Street, which opposes BDS,
was not invited, probably because it is also strongly critical of

Pro-Israel groups say the BDS movement is a threat to the existence
of the Jewish state because it not only calls for an end to the
occupation but wants millions of Palestinian refugees and their
descendants, now living in Arab countries, to return to their ancestral homes in Israel.

Munayyer said the attempt to paint Israel’s existence as threatened is at odds with how it is seen by many young Americans.

“I think it’s very counterproductive what they’re doing,” he said.
“The younger generation sees Israel as a powerful oppressor using these
massive weapons of war against a stateless people. For billionaires to
get together and throw massive amounts of money to try to counter an
essentially grassroots movement that is being supported by civil society
and by student activists only reinforces that message that it is the
strong attempting to strangle the weak.”

Munayyer described Netanyahu as one of “the movement’s best allies”
after the Israeli prime minster campaigned for reelection on his
opposition to a Palestinian state.

Netanyahu attempted to backtrack on his rejection of a Palestinian
state in the face of strong international criticism, including from
Obama. But his original comments were widely seen as reflecting his true position and the White House made it clear it did not believe his retraction.

This week, Obama warned Israel that it “risks losing credibility”, adding that “the international community does not believe that Israel is serious about a two-state solution”.

That perception is strengthening calls for sanctions as a means to
pressure the Israeli government. Pro-Israel groups are pushing back by
promoting new laws to combat BDS on university campuses and beyond.

Several state legislatures are debating legislation to deter
universities from making a stand against Israeli government policy,
including through threats to funding. Illinois has already banned
state pension funds from investing in companies that boycott Israel.
The Tennessee and Indiana legislators passed resolutions condemning
sanctions as antisemitic.

Members of Congress are attempting to attach a bill to a
trans-Atlantic trade deal to block European governments from requiring
the special labelling of goods produced in illegal Jewish settlements in
the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel is concerned that the EU
measure – which then foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman likened to the
Nazis forcing Jews to wear a yellow star – will add legitimacy to the
sanctions campaign.

The influential pro-Israel lobby group, the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (Aipac) – whose $100m headquarters was paid for by
Adelson – is pushing the legislation which effectively forces the EU to
recognise the settlements as part of Israel for trade purposes.

Senator Ben Cardin, the recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars
in campaign donations from pro-Israel groups, introduced the
legislation saying the European move is discrimination against the
Jewish state.

“The United States should take a stance to make sure other countries
that want trade agreements with the United States do not participate in
BDS against Israel,” he told an Aipac conference.

Jewish Voice for Peace, a US group which supports sanctions,
condemned the legislation for “encouraging illegal settlement building
while strengthening the far right in Israel”.

“From South Africa to the grape boycott to the Montgomery Bus
Boycott, boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) tactics have been
essential tools used to create a more just society,” it said.

Although the focus is now on the BDS movement, the political battle
over the Middle East on US campuses has been going on for years.

The University of Illinois is facing a lawsuit for withdrawing the offer of an academic position to Steven Salaita over tweets critical of Israel. The university said the problem was not Salaita’s views but his “lack of civility”.

In 2011, the board of trustees of the City University of New York (CUNY) rejected an honorary degree for the renowned Jewish playwright, Tony Kushner, because his criticisms of Israel were unacceptable to one of the trustees, Jeffrey Wiesenfeld.

Under a tide of criticism, CUNY reversed the slight to Kushner.

The writer Naomi Klein has said “that far too many academic and
cultural institutions, critics of Israel find themselves on an invisible

Last month, a new website, Canary Mission, was launched to pressure pro-Palestinian students by naming them and threatening their job prospects.

“It is your duty to ensure that today’s radicals are not tomorrow’s employees,” the site warns.

Conservative thinktank the Middle East Forum has targeted university
lecturers considered too critical of Israel by encouraging students to
report teachers, books and lectures they regarded as hostile to the
Jewish state. The forum runs a website, Campus Watch, which has been accused by academics of “McCarthyesque” intimidation.

James Gelvin, a University of California history professor on the
so-called “Dirty 30” list of “radical and antisemitic professors”, has
accused pro-Israel activists of “trying to shut down debate” and ensure
“one viewpoint is going to be presented on campus”.

The Real Truth about the Modern-day Jewish Heritage
What is their true Origin?
Are They of Abraham Seed?
Are They Semitic?

The Thirteenth Tribe – The Real Jewish 


 Arthur Koestler

…but that does not alter the fact that the large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European — and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar — origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur “

This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry…
The Khazars’ sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.
In the second part of this book, “The Heritage,” Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.”

The Thirteenth Tribe:

Arthur Koestler documents the Caucasian ancestry of Ashkenazim Jews.TheThirteenthTribe. The Khazar Empire and its Heritage. Arthur Koestler. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
The vast majority of Jews in the world is of Eastern European – and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar – origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. Maybe the two world wars and the Holocaust were pretext for the New Khazaria or Israel hoax.The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.(Arthur Koestler, 
The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 17).

Old Khazaria existed from about 500 A.D. to about 1000 A.D.
Old Khazaria adopted the religion of Talmudic Judaism about 740 A.D.
Khazaria was reborn on May 14, 1948.
The most cruel hoax which man has ever perpetrated.
New Khazaria.
As long as Apostate Israel (New Khazaria) exist…there will never be any peace in the Middle East. Modern-day Jewry is of Eastern European/Aryan descent and thus they are not Semitic. Let the truth be told everywhere. Why should American Soldiers die to protect a Hoax?
Millions expect Israel to play a major role in God’s future plan for earth. Could they all be wrong? Is there a conspiracy to deceive God’s people? What is the Biblical evidence concerning modern day Israel?
Many people today consider the restoration of the Jewish nation in Palestine to be a direct and dramatic fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth, a phenomenal best seller of the last few decades, and Jerry Jenkins and Tim Lahaye’s Lift Behind, along with Bishop T.D. Jakes declares that the end of the world will come within the lifetime of the generation that saw the founding of the Israeli state in 1948, hereby applying the words of Jesus: “This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” (Matthew 24:34)
Coupled with this fascination with Israel is a novel teaching regarding the return of Jesus, called the “secret rapture.” These books and many other speaks for many today who expect God secretly to take the “church” to heaven prior to the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple on its old site where the sacred Muslim shrine, the Dome of the Rock, now stands. According to this position, after the “church” is “raptured” to heaven, there will be seven years of the worst period of famine, bloodshed, and pestilence ever experienced by man. During this great tribulation the focus will be on God’s dealings with the Jews, who are again given the responsibility for the evangelization of the world.
According to secret-rapture preachers, the battle of Armageddon will climax the end of the seven-year tribulation as the nations of the earth take sides over the future of Israel. When mankind teeters on the brink of incinerating the world, Jesus will return gloriously and save man from self-extinction. At that time Jesus will set up a literal one-thousand-year reign on earth with Jerusalem functioning as the spiritual capital of the world.
Most evangelical periodicals and pulpits teach this view today, and to those who do not know better, it might appear that this prophetic scenario, known as pretribulationism, has been the traditional teaching of the Christian church since New Testament days. Nothing is further from the truth. Be not deceived.. Did the architects of the creation of modern day Israel have any thing to do with the development of the rapture theory? Where did the Rapture theology originate? Is the crisis in the Middle East and the war in the Iraq have anything to do with the erroneous rapture theory?
Is there a master conspiracy at work
According to dispensationalists John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Ken Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, John Walvoord, Grant Jefferies, Tim Lahaye, Benny Hinn, Clarence Larkin, H. Caldwell, TD Jakes and others who teach and preach about the Rapture, Israel has two dispensations, or time periods, in which they functions as God’s special instrument of salvation. Between these two periods of time comes the dispensation of the “church”. The church received a heavenly reward at the time of the rapture, while Israel received an earthly reward at the end of the tribulation.
There is no support in the New Testament for such an erroneous view.
The chief reason why the modern state of Israel has no prophetic significance is that after the Jews as a body rejected Jesus as the Messiah, God gave to the Christian church the special privileges, responsibilities, and prerogatives once assigned to the ancient Jews. No longer were the Jews to be His special people with a prophetic destiny.
Rom.2:28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; vs.29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.
All the promises of a glorious kingdom on earth once given through the Jewish prophets to the Jewish people became void because the Jewish people as a nation did not fulfill the conditions of these prophecies. Failing to receive the glory that could have been Israel’s is probably the saddest story in literature. Placed at the crossroads of the ancient world, God furnished them with every facility for becoming the greatest nation on the earth. God wanted to reward Israel with every physical and spiritual blessing as they put into practice the clear-cut principles that He had graciously taught them through His prophets (Deuteronomy 7, 8, 28).
The Old Testament records the sad story of how the vineyard of Israel produced, not the mature fruit of a Christ-like character, but “wild grapes,” a misinterpretation and perversion of what the God of Israel was really like. “What more was there to do for my vineyard, that I have not done in it? When I looked for it to yield grapes, why did it yield wild grapes?” (Isaiah 5:4 RSV).
Even when the Jewish nation was suffering the bitter consequences of disobedience during the Babylonian captivity, God mercifully promised that a restored Israel was possible and that there was yet time to recover its special role as His representative on earth – if it would honor His law and submit to His principles. Even then the Jews could have become, if faithful, the head and not the tail, in matters physical and spiritual; all nations would have looked upon Jerusalem as not only the center of wisdom but also the spiritual capital of the world (see Isaiah 45:14; 60:1 – 11).
When the Jews returned to Palestine after the Babylonian captivity, the promises given to Abraham and expanded through the writings of Moses and other prophets would have been fulfilled; the whole earth would have been alerted for the first advent of Christ, even as the way is being prepared for His second coming today.
Missed Their Last Opportunity.
These Old Testament prophecies that picture Israel dwelling in peace and prosperity, with all nations beating a path to her doors, could have been fulfilled 2000 years ago if they had indeed prepared the world for the first coming of Jesus (see Zechariah 8:14). But instead of fulfilling their greatest assignment they missed their last opportunity, and Jesus their Lord finally had to pronounce with irrevocable judgement: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not Behold your house is forsaken and desolate” (Matthew 23:37, 38 RSV).
Those who regard the establishment of the modern state of Israel as a fulfillment of those Old Testament prophecies overlook the fact that these promises were made either prior to their release from Babylonian captivity or during the rebuilding days soon after their return. God would have fulfilled these promises if Israel had been faithful and obedient to the conditions on which the promises were made.
Although God promised a “second chance” to Israel after their failure leading up to the Babylonian captivity, He promised no “third chance” to them after their final rejection when their Lord Himself “came to his own home, and his own people received him not” (John 1:11 RSV)
But God did not give up, even though Israel as a nation had failed Him. Although corporate Israel no longer was to function as God’s special agent, the individual Jews who received and obeyed Jesus Christ would constitute the new organization through which He would now work.
Paul describes this remarkable transition in Romans 9 to 11, where he appeals to individual Jews (such as himself) to respond to God through Jesus, join those Gentiles who have found in Him the solution to their anxious, sinful condition, and together arouse the world to the simple fact that God wants to make an end to sin and its misery by setting up His eternal kingdom composed of those who have found in Jesus the promised Saviour.
Those who preach and teach this erroneous Rapture doctrine are purposely misleading multitudes. This doctrine was created by the Jesuits as an anti-reformation and anti-protestant tool to divert attention away from the Catholic and the Pope whom the reformers had identify as the anti-Christ in Revelation. Those who teach and preach the rapture theory are proxies and agents for the Kabbalists and those who want to establish a New World Order (NWO). The Rapture theory has more to do with politics than theology, more to do with mans involvement in world affairs than Gods involvement, more about Zionism than the people of Zion.

Who are the Elders?
Protocol I The Basic Doctrine
Protocol II Economic Wars
Protocol III Methods of Conquest
Protocol IV Materialism Replaces Religion
Protocol V Despotism and Modern Progress
Protocol VI Take-Over Technique
Protocol VII World-Wide Wars
Protocol VIII Provisional Government
Protocol IX Re-education
Protocol X Preparing for Power
Protocol XI The Totalitarian State
Protocol XII Control of the Press
Protocol XIII Distractions
Protocol XIV Assault on Religion
Protocol XV Ruthless Suppression
Protocol XVI Brainwashing
Protocol XVII Abuse of Authority
Protocol XVIII Arrest of Opponents
Protocol XIX Rulers and People
Protocol XX Financial Programme
Protocol XXI Loans and Credit
Protocol XXII Power of Gold
Protocol XXIII Instilling Obedience
Protocol XXIV Qualities of the Ruler

Beloved above are false religious preachers, teachers and Theological Schools as well as publishing houses. Beware my friends and study to show yourself approve.

Luciferian Rapture Doctrine Books and Conferences –
Beware of False Preachers, Teachers and Bible Schools that
promote an Anti-Christ, Anti-protestant and Luciferian Rapture Doctrine –
Beware my Friend Beware – They are not of God, but wolves in Sheep

Priest Thomas is the Head of the False Prophet Society and is the
leading authority of the anti-christ, anti-protestant and Luciferian
Rapture Doctrine. Ice is leading millions of Christians down the road of
Study to show thyself approve.

View Image

Mike Evans in Israel

ity religion BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE C. DollarEvangelical KABBALLAH theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie LongPolitics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Pentecostal qabalah rod parsleySteve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton PopePope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukensbabylon BULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. LukensTim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow InternationalJesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Sciencehinson Knight of Columbus Knight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templarThomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-eventsmunroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian CoalitionAssemblies of God branch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markell jimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jeffery history InTouchj.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of Evangelicals Oral RobertsSouthwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampenblackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry rose JesusJews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick WarrenRobert Tilton Cabbala DISPENSATION Druids Futurism hilton sutton John Nelson Darby living occult Priory Sion Reformation Rex Humbard roberth de’andreaRosicrucian susan minot ZOA Armageddon books cult false-doctrine Omega Coderapture ready Temple Barack Obama Gravel Harpazo Hillery Clinton Jeruselam Temple Joe Biden John Edwards John Mccain Middle East Conflict Mike Huckabeemind control Mitt Romey mystical rapture rapture Ron Paul Sam BrownbackTommy Thompson Armageddon cult rapture end-times Haaretz Hope of the WorldLeft Behind new thought prophecy online SECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelation ribera Ten Commandments The-Popetribulation True Israel YouTube President Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulation pre-tribulation scientology Second Coming AIPAC Anti-ProtestantBlessed Hope book Christian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary BauerHaram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern BaptistAmerica Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius Press Ignitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

False Flags Dirty Tricks and Burnt Offerings – Zionist Target Cristinia Argentina – Israel’s Apartheid Wall –

‘Apartheid Is The Path Israeli Voters Have Chosen’

It was once possible to argue that Israel’s policies were not the same as apartheid because their stated goal, however imperfectly pursued, was to end the occupation. After Netanyahu’s reelection, this is no longer the case.

 In my quarter century as Washington correspondent for Jewish newspapers, I frequently defended Israel against charges that it had created an apartheid system in the West Bank. But this week’s election, with Benjamin Netanyahu poised to serve another term with an even more hardline coalition, means that apartheid is the path Israeli voters have chosen. The inevitable results will include even greater international isolation for the Jewish state, a boost to efforts to apply boycotts and sanctions, diminished support from American Jews and endlessly intensifying cycles of violence.

The idea of apartheid suggests the intent to make separation and unequal treatment permanent, and in the past it was possible to argue that for all the expansion of settlements, Israel was still looking for ways to end the occupation.
No more.
Frightened by the last minute rise of the Zionist Union list in polls, Netanyahu unambiguously expressed what critics have long asserted was his core ideology: no Palestinian state. No territorial concessions. None. Period.
And Israel’s voters returned him to office, in what was widely reported as a resounding victory.

Netanyahu warns that deal ‘paves Iran’s path’ to a bomb

Read the full text of Netanyahu’s remarks – March 3 2015

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the US Congressrabbisagainstzionism1

Lindsey Graham Threatens To Cut UN Funding And Derail Iran Negotiations

‘Netanyahu’s Takeover Bid’… Ex-Mossad Chief To Rally Against Him… Exaggerations Now Clear For All To See…
Bibi plays on the ignorance of the American people especially Dooms Day Apocalyptic Christian Believers.  Rapture hoax preacher John Hagee is Bibi leading false preacher to promoting the erroneous doctrine Document from his own spy agency turns up and shows that his dark warnings about Iran don’t always match the facts known to Israeli intelligence.

The document in question is a 2012 memo from Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency, updating its South African counterpart on the status of Iran’s nuclear project. It’s one of several hundred classified South African intelligence documents leaked to Al Jazeera and reported February 23 in Al Jazeera and the Guardian of London. What put the Mossad memo in the headlines is the fact that it’s dated October 22, 2012, barely three-and-a-half weeks after Netanyahu’s famous cartoon-bomb speech about Iran to the United

Nations General Assembly


Netanyahu’s Legacy: A Fractured Israel and a Divided America

Recent developments in Argentina as well as bombing on Jewish establishments points to a Zionist false flag operation.

Cristina of Argentina: Target of Israeli “ false flag

VIDEO: Is Cristina Argentina‘s new Evita?

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-31519864   CachedFeb 18, 2015 · The president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, is coming under pressure as protests are expected over the government’s handling of the

Lindsey Graham Threatens To Cut UN Funding And Derail Iran Negotiations

‘Netanyahu’s Takeover Bid’… Ex-Mossad Chief To Rally Against Him… Exaggerations Now Clear For All To See…

Netanyahu’s Legacy: A Fractured Israel and a Divided America

False Flag Attacks in Argentina: 1992 and 1994, by…

Ex- Argentina Jewish minister involved in AMIA bombing

One of the stops Pope Francis made while at Mount Hertzl in Israel was at a panel with the names of 85 victims of an attack in Buenos Aires on a Jewish community center in 1994 (Victims of Acts of Terror Memorial). That attack, referred to as the AMIA bombing …. was Argentina’s deadliest bombing ever. Argentina is home to a Jewish community of 200,000, the largest in Latin America and sixth in the world outside Israel …. Over the years, the case has been marked by incompetence and accusations of cover-ups …. In 2005, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who would later become Pope Francis, was the first public personality to sign a petition for justice in the AMIA bombing case. He was one of the signatories on a document called “85 victims, 85 signatures” as part of the bombing’s 11th anniversary. And in 2010 … he visited the rebuilt AMIA building to talk with Jewish leaders. Some have opined a photo-op tug of war between Israelis and Palestinians, but given Francis’ history with the AMIA bombing case, it’s not surprising that he would want to visit this memorial. Similar AMIA Attacks by Zionist Terrorists was the King David Hotel -Beirut Marine Barracks – and 911-WTC

1983 bombing of US Marines in Beruit was an Israeli false flag

Israel did 9/11 – All the Proof in the World – YouTube

Israel did 9/11 – All the Proof in the World … 911 cover up condensed to 28mins :mainly info on the Israelis

http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/netanyahucalls-for-jewish…   CachedNetanyahu calls for Jewish mass migration to Israel … events in Paris on January 7-9.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged European Jews to move to

Netanyahu Slammed For Urging Europe’s Jews To Move To Israel


Hitlers Haavara Agreement

Hitlers Transfer Agreement also  urged Jews to immigrate to Palestine. In 1933 Zionist Hitler and the Third Reich, transferred some 60,000 Jews and $100 million to Palestine. Later in 1939, Hitler the Holocaust (burnt offering) agenda forced surviving European Jews to immigrate to Palestine.

It is apparent that the Zionist want WW3. They are doing everything possible to usher in WW3.   Muslim attacks on Christians and the Christians attacks on Muslim are all part of a orchestrated agenda by the Zionist elite to get Christian and Muslim countries to fight each other thus allowing the Zionist to reap te spoils.  Is ISIS and Boka Haram and other so-called terrorist groups sponsor by the Zionist Elite?

If Hitler and the Zionists elite were willing to sacrifice six million of their own people in-order to get Palestine, what wouldn’t the Zionist elite do today to keep all of Palestine and force a Jewish migration.

ZionistHitler Haavara (Transfer) Agreement 1933


In 1964, German Jewish author, Dietrich Bronder, documented the reason behind Nazi-Zionist collaboration in ‘Before Hitler Came – their common Jewish Heritage of Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering, Dr. Josef Goebbels, Gregor Strasser, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsminister von Ribbentrop, SS Leader Reinhard Himmler, and Hitler’s bankers, Ritter von Strauss and von Stein. The Hitler regime agreed with Chaim Arlosoroff of the World Zionist Organization to let tens of thousands of German Jews to migrate with their wealth to British occupied Arab Palestine. This agreement is known as the Haavara (Hebrew for “transfer”). The Agreement allowed 60,000 German Jews to imigrate to Palestine and settle on Arab land during 1933-1941.   The Zionist-controlled mainstream media doesn’t want the western people to know about the part the ‘World Zionist Organization (WZO)’ and the ‘American Jewish Council (AJC)’ played in the Nazi crimes against Gypsie, Christians and Jews. Both organizations were adamant that Jews emigrate nowhere else than Palestine. The Germans had tried to arrange emigration to Madagascar and Uganda but those possibilities were closed by Jewish organizations. What remained is a working relationship with the Zionist organizations Irgun and Haganah to facilitate emigration to Palestine. The British made this difficult. The economic relationship with Germany was indispensable in the creation of the State of Israel. Without Germany and the Nazis, there would have been no “aliyah” to the Holy Land,” says Black.

Hitler was a Zionist Shill – Wake Up From Your Slumber

Truth Telling Transfer Agreement Exposes Hitler as Father of Israel

Hitler Jewish African

Hitler Jewish – DNA Tests Show Dictator ‘Had Jewish Roots

The France Connection
Was Hitler a Rothschild? Who was giving Hilter his orders?


Hitler’sethnicity was Jewish but he was raised Roman Catholic. It has always been the quest of the Catholic Church to reclaim Jerusalam

“Hitler would not have been happy,” said Professor Ronny Decorte in a Google translationof theKnack‘s web-version of the story. Decorte, a genetics expert from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (a Flemish research university), says that Hitler apparently wasn’t “Aryan” — what the Nazi would have considered “pure.

The story of Adolf Hitler could be the most twisted in all of history. Add one more twist.
Responsiblefor the slaughter of millions of Jews and a hero only to self-avowed racists, DNA tests apparently show that the Nazi dictator may have had Jewish and African ancestry.
Several media outlets have reported on results published last week in Knack, a magazine in Belgium.
The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph says that saliva samples were collected from 39 Hitler relatives:
Achromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews …
HaplogroupE1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.
Hitler’s preoccupation with ancestry — including his own — has caused speculation for many years.New York Daily News points out that this research could validate a historic myth:
Hitler’s heritage has been called into question before, with some suggesting his grandfather was Salomon Mayer von Rothschild founder of the Jewish international banking dynasty. The Rothschild family financially backed Hitler’s

Hitler’s Third Reich.

Hitler aunt Betty, the half-sister of Alois, father of Adolph was married toher uncle James Mayer de Rothschild and their son Edmond James Rothschild, the Father of Israel was Hitler’s first cousin.
But this is the first claim with any scientific data to support it.
Similarreports have been made against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly denied the Holocaust and said the WWII was a pretext for the Zionist to getPalestineand make it a new Ashkenazi homeland.

An Austrian document was prepared that proved Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home… where Alois was born.”

Langer’s information came from the high level Gestapo officer, Hansjurgen Koehler, published in 1940, under the title “Inside the Gestapo“. He writes about the investigations into Hitler’s background carried out by the Austrian Chancellor, Dolfuss, in the family files of Hitler. The Rothschilds and the Illuminati produce many offspring out of wedlock in their secret breeding programs and these children are brought up under other names with other parents. Like Bill Clinton, who is almost certainly the son of Winthrop Rockefeller produced in the same way, these “ordinary kids from ordinary backgrounds” go on to be extraordinarily successful in their chosen field. Hitler, too, would have produced unofficial children to maintain his strand of the bloodline and there will obviously be people of his bloodline alive today. So which Rothschild was the grandfather of Hitler? My thanks to a website correspondent for the additional, updated, information to this article, a man has researched this story in some detail. Alois, Hitler’s father, was born in 1837 in the period when Salomon Mayer was the only Rothschild who lived at the Vienna mansion. Even his wife did not live there because their marriage was so bad that she stayed in Frankfurt. Their son, Anselm Salomon spent most of his working life in Paris and Frankfurt away from Vienna and his father. Father Salomon Mayer, living alone at the Vienna mansion where Hitler’s grandmother worked, is the prime, most obvious candidate. And Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of Salomon Mayer’s senior clerk, wrote a book, published in 1917, which said of Salomon:

“…by the 1840s he had developed a somewhat reckless enthusiasm for young girls..” and “He had a lecherous passion for very young girls, his adventures with whom had to be hushed up by the police.”

And Hitler’s grandmother, a young girl working under the same roof would not have been the subject of Salomon’s desire? And this same girl became pregnant while working there? And her grandson becomes the Chancellor of Germany, funded by the Rothschilds, and he started the Second World War which was so vital to the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda? And the Illuminati are obsessed with putting their bloodlines into power on all “sides” in a conflict?

‘Mein Kampf written by Jesuit Father Staempfle
TheFuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum, only five years before, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in ‘Mein Kampf were already realized; this book, an insolent challenge to the western democracies, was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler. For—as so many ignore the fact—it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it. The Secret History of the Jesu
German Elite in Vatican
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
(Click Book to Read Online)
Pope Benedict XVI

Current Pope when he was in Hitler Youth
His father, Joseph Ratzinger, Sr.,was an Ordnungspolizei. The Ordnungspolizei (OrPo) was the name for the uniformed regular German police force that existed in Nazi Germany between the years of 1936 and 1945. After their green uniforms, they were also referred to as Grüne Polizei (green police).

The Rothschild Dynasty is Jesuit – The Rothschilds areJesuits

Discussion about The Rothschild Dynasty is Jesuit – The … Spanish Empire.” SalvadordeMadariaga, Spanish Statesman: „The Jesuits … as the Order would do with Hitler
Guy de Rothschild was his pen pal eight years … if Pacelli was Hitler’s Pope, and Hitlerwas aRothschild … Former Jesuit Grandmaster and Knights of Malta
Guy de Rothschild, of the French House, heads this bloodline dynasty today. … Hitler, Himmler, theJesuit-trained Goebbels, and most of the major Nazis were Catholics and …
Adolf (Rothschild) Hitler (1889-1945).Dictator of Germany from 1933 to … Mein Kampf was ghost-written by a Jesuit priest named Father Staempfle.1 Hitler the dunce was the
Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, The Richest Man In The World … Rockefellers Furnsihed Hitlerwith His Gas and Oil … and Hand with the google Black Pope head of Jesuits
Hitler Used Rothschild Banker’s Typewriter … Masons, Bilderbergs, Jesuits and Zionists are all … MyWeb Del.icio.us Digg Reddi
  Holocaust | Define Holocaust at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com/browse/holocaust Dictionary.com Holocaust definition, a great or complete devastation or destruction, especially … a sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering. … “Auschwitz makes all too clear the principle that the human psyche can create meaning out of anything.
Blogger’s Note:
For many Ashkenazi Jews, the Holocaust was the darkest event in their history. The average Jews lost family members, friends, love ones but for the Jewish elite and the practitioners of Kabbalah, the Holocaust (applying the Machiavellian principle the end justify the means ) was a means to an end.
The elite can say that the sacrifice of millions of Jews during the Holocaust was the means for the creation of a Zionist state. If there was no Holocaust, there would be no Israel. The Holocaust was a necessary event for the dreams and agenda of the Zionists to be fully realize.

If I was Jewish and lost love ones during the holocaust, and the holocaust turn out to be by design by the elite Jewish Zionist, I would use all of my resources and doing everything in my power to make the elite paid for their betrayal of their own people. Can one justify the sacrifice of millions of Jews for the pseudo land of Israel? Does the end justify the means.



Luciferian Books and conference that promote the Luciferian Rapture Doctrine

Mike Evans in Israel

Thomas Ice Head of the Pretrib-Luciferian Rapture

 Beware of Books and Videos by false Religious Teachers and Preachers who promote war with Muslim vs. Christians


black burnt zionist target cristina argentina well bombing jewish points israel s false flag israeli video is new evita bbc news www uk the president kirchner under attacks 1992 1994 salbuchi expert buenos aires bombings today his development nisman public case amia he make evidence against her foreign minister hector timerman up iran attack use blamed but proved it both have in january 2013 would after years signed which became local a truth us israelis to add last out europe daughter during there back so wife their also may realized no clear similar wtc did 9 11 all proof world 911 netanyahu calls mass migration other paris prime benjamin urged european jews move for hitlers haavara agreement transfer immigrate palestine 1933 hitler third reich some 60 000 million holocaust offering agenda want ww3 doing everything muslim christians part elite get if zionists sacrifice own people t do force german before came heritage adolf hermann goebbels himmler von organization british arab land media western wzo nazi organizations emigration working relationship made germany creation state nazis says father african dna tests show dictator rothschild catholic said decorte google story research apparently could most history one millions only ancestry published daily samples called haplogroup e1b1b1 ashkenazi sephardic per cent major many into grandfather salomon mayer dynasty family alois james son first austrian living vienna time she home born information high gestapo chancellor rothschilds illuminati secret these children produced same ordinary too bloodline thanks man mansion frankfurt grandmother and book young girls police girl power mein kampf written jesuit staempfle fuhrer vatican pope ordnungspolizei green spanish jesuits guy sir evelyn de richest used banker typewriter dictionary principle event lost love ones end justify means i

Bible as Best Black History Book – Are Today Jews Related to Biblical Hebrews?

The Sons of Ham–Cush (Ethiopians) & Mizraim (Egyptians) & Phut
(ancient Lybians or Somilians) & Canaan
– “Genesis 10:6”

Are Today Jews related to the Jews of Biblical Times?

The Thirteenth Tribe – Bible Believers

In the second part of this book, “The Heritage,” Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and .


Khazaria?the Myth of Anti-Semitism Exposed at Last!!

New Genetic Research Confirms Koestler’sKhazar” Theory


Sep 12, 2012 – Koestler said that in about the 8th century AD the Khazars, a nation living in Central Urasia, converted to Judaism. They migrated to Poland and

Top Israeli scientist says Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria, not

May 8, 2013 – Elhaik says he first read about the Khazarian Hypothesis a decade ago in a 1976 book by the late Hungarian-British author Arthur Koestler,

Most Jews Are of Khazari Descent, Without Any Link to Abraham or

Sep 23, 2013 – Who were the Khazars? Where had they come from? Koestler: The country of the Khazars, a people of Turkish stock, occupied a strategic key

For years scholars, theologians, and archaeologists have debated the answer to the question, “How did the Israelites look physically?” Although the Bible and other historical documents have left much proof of the physical appearance of the biblical Israelites, much of this information is still unknown to the masses.The popular belief today among Christians, scholars and theologians, is that the people known as “Ashkenazi Jews” are the direct descendants of the biblical Israelites. Can this be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt? The answer to that is NO. The Bible, which will be used here as the main source, supported by history and archaeology proves that the Ashkenazi Jews are not the physical descendants of the biblical Hebrews. In addition, it reveals who the true descendants are. The answer may leave you in shock.Israel is mentioned in the bible over 2,500 times. The scriptures contain the Hebrews’ entire history. In fact, no other people on the face of the Earth have such an extensive recorded history, not even the ancient Egyptians. Every thing we need to know about the ancient Hebrews is contained in Scripture. So, let’s examine these facts, information that to this day remains unknown or hidden to many bible readers.

Gen.10:6 Ham’s descendants were Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.

7 Cush’s descendants were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabteca. Raamah’s descendants were Sheba and Dedan.

8 Cush was the father of Nimrod, the first mighty warrior on the earth.

9 He was a mighty hunter whom the LORD blessed.

(God’s Word Translation)

10 The first cities in his kingdom were Babylon, Erech, Accad, and Calneh in Shinar Babylonia. 11 He went from that land to Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah,

The history of the Israelite nation began in Egypt, the Land of Ham. They entered Egypt 66 in number, (not including Joseph, his wife and two sons who were already in Egypt), and left numbering over two million people. Ancient Israel spent 430 years in Egypt. For half that time they enjoyed good favor with the Egyptians, but for the remainder of those years they were enslaved and horribly mistreated by them.

One of the first facts the Bible gives us about Israel (Ysrayl in the Hebrew tongue) is in regard to their physical appearance. Throughout scripture Israel is described as looking like the sons of Ham (Khawm in the Hebrew tongue).

Ham was one of Noah’s three sons, Shem and Japhet were the other two. Noah’s descendants repopulated the Earth after the Great Flood. Ham’s descendants are traced to the families of Africa. Ham (Khawm) in Hebrew means BLACK, HOT AND BURNT.

Ham had four sons,
CUSH (Ethiopians / Cushites),
MIZRAIM (Egyptians / Khemet),
PHUT (Ancient Libyans or Somalian),
and CANAAN (Canaanite, the original inhabitants of the Land of Israel) Genesis 10:6-19.
All four of Ham’s sons and their descendants settled in and around the Continent of Africa. This includes the so called “Middle East” that is also a part of the Continent of Africa. Let us begin with the story of Jacob’s second Youngest son Joseph, and his time in Egypt. Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob (Yaaqob in Hebrew). Jacob sired Joseph in his old age, and he was clearly his favorite son. This caused Joseph’s brothers to become jealous of him. Ultimately, their jealousy resulted in Joseph being sold by Arab merchants as a slave to Egyptians.

The foundations of ancient Chaldea, were laid as early as those of Egypt. In fact they were the sister colonies of a parent state. The earliest civilized inhabitants were Sumerians. 5000 B. C. the land was full of city-states. The Sanskrit books of India, called Chaldea one of the divisions of Cusha-Dwipa, the first organized government of the world. These Sumerians were the inventors of the cuneiform system of writing, which was later adopted by their Semitic conquerors. The northern division of Babylon was called Accad, comprehending Babylon, the southern Sumer, including Erech and Ur. North of Accad were the Semitic (Hamitic) tribes which so largely made up the blood of Assyria in later days.

Gen.10:8 Cush was the father of Nimrod, the first mighty warrior on the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter whom the LORD blessed. (God’s Word Translation)
10 The first cities in his kingdom were Babylon, Erech, Accad, and Calneh in Shinar Babylonia. 11 He went from that land to Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah,

We know that Nimrod was the son of Cush. Babylon had two elements in her population in the beginning. The northern Accadians and the southern Sumerians were both Cushites. The finds of recent explorations in the Mesopotamian valley reveal that these ancient inhabitants were black, with the cranial formation of Ethiopians.

The art, science and culture of the earlier unmixed Chaldeans was Cushite.

Rawlinson speaking in his Ancient Monarchies decided that the ruins of Chaldea show Cushite origin. The names of Chaldea and Ethiopia are linked in a way to render any other interpretation impossible. The great city of the earlier period was Niffer a corruption of Nimrod. The language of the ruins is radically different from the Semitic tongue of the Assyrian empire.

Rawlinson said concerning the Babylonians said, “Though not possessed of many natural advantages, the Chaldean people exhibited a fertility of invention, a genius of energy which places them high in the scale of nations and most especially those descended from Hamitic stock.
The Chaldean Noah entered the ark with his wife and children. Upon the recession of the waters he sent out three birds three times. He built an altar and offered sacrifice.
The life of the Semitic and Hamitic races must have been closely associated after the deluge. So close is the apparent relationship, that some authorities have looked upon Abraham as Hamitic. Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldees. But he descended by direct line front a Semitic father. His mother may have been Hamitic for Abraham was spoken of as a Chaldean.

Over the course of time Joseph became Viceroy of Egypt and was second in command to Pharaoh in authority. There was a famine in Canaan, where Jacob and his sons lived. (Pharaoh had a dream which Joseph interpreted. His dream told of the forthcoming famine and gave Egypt an opportunity to prepare by storing food.) So, Jacob sent his ten sons to Egypt to buy bread. When Joseph’s ten brothers came into Egypt they were brought before him. Joseph recognized his brothers, but they didn’t recognize him (Genesis 42:1-8).

Since the biblical Egyptians were a black-skinned people, Joseph had to be black-skinned also. If he were white skinned, as over half the world’s Jews are today, his brothers would have recognized him easily among the black- skinned Egyptians, or they would have been very curious as to why this white-skinned Hebrew was ruling in Egypt. But his brothers just thought Joseph was another Egyptian.

The ancient Egyptians of Joseph time were indeed what we know today as black skinned. This is a fact attested to by many.

Gerald Massey, English writer and author of the book, Egypt the Light of the World wrote, “The dignity is so ancient that the insignia of the Pharaoh evidently belonged to the time when Egyptians wore nothing but the girdle of the Negro.” (p 251)

Sir Richard Francis Burton, a 19th century English explorer, writer and linguist in 1883 wrote to Gerald Massey, “You are quite right about the “AFRICAN” origin of the Egyptians. I have 100 human skulls to prove it.”

Scientist, R. T. Prittchett, states in his book The Natural History of Man, “In their complex and many of the complexions and in physical peculiarities the Egyptians were an “AFRICAN” race (p 124-125).

The Ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the 5th century B.C.E., saw the Egyptians face-to-face and described them as black-skinned with woolly hair.

Anthropologist, Count Constatin de Volney (1727-1820), spoke about the race of the Egyptians that produced the Pharaohs. He later paid tribute to Herodotus’ discovery when he said:

“The ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native born Africans. That being so, we can see how their blood mixed for several centuries with that of the Romans and Greeks, must have lost the intensity of it’s original color, while retaining none the less the imprint of its original mold. We can even state as a general principle that the face (referring to The Sphinx) is a kind of monument able, in many cases, to attest to or shed light on historical evidence on the origins of the people.”

The fact that the ancient Egyptians were black-skinned prompted Volney to make the following statement:

“What a subject for meditation, just think that the race of black men today our slaves and the object of our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, science and even the use of our speech.”

The testimony of the ancients, the Bible, many Egyptologists, along with archaeology confirms that the Egyptians during biblical times were a BLACK-SKINNED PEOPLE. This is important to know, as we continue, we will see that the bible on multiple occasions describes the ancient Hebrews as looking like the Egyptians.

Next, in Genesis chapter 50 verses 7-11, scripture will describes ALL the Hebrews as looking like the ancient Egyptians.

After Jacob (who’s name was changed to Ysrayl – Israel) died in the Land of Egypt, all the Hebrews and Egyptians went down to the Land of Canaan to bury him (He asked his son to bury him in the Land of Canaan with his forefathers Genesis 49:29-30).

Verses 7-8 state that all the elders of Pharaoh’s house and all the elders of the Land of Egypt along with all the Hebrews (except for their small children) went down.

VERSE 9 says, “It was a very great company.”

VERSE 11 says, that the Canaanite saw the funeral procession and said “THIS IS A GRIEVOUS MOURNING TO THE EGYPTIANS”.

But remember this was a mixed multitude of Hebrews and Egyptians going to bury a HEBREW, and the Canaanite identified them both as Egyptians. WHY? Because the Canaanites saw a great company of black-skinned people who were all probably dressed according to the customs and fashions of Egypt, and they all looked liked native (black) Egyptians.

If the Hebrews were a white-skinned people, as we have been led to believe, the Canaanite who were familiar with both the Hebrews and Egyptians would have acknowledged them both by saying, “THIS IS A GRIEVOUS MOURNING TO THE EGYPTIANS AND HEBREWS.” The scripture goes on to say that the Canaanite named the place where they saw this great mourning for a HEBREW Abel Mizraim which means the meadow of Egypt/Mizraim or Mourning of the Egyptians.

Now let’s go to the most famous story, of the Hebrews sojourn in Egypt, which would be the story of Moses. Many years after the death of Joseph, His brothers and all that generation that entered Egypt during the time he was viceroy. The Hebrew population in Egypt grew tremendously. Because of this, they were no longer looked upon as friendly neighbors. In fact, the Egyptians considered them hostile enemies and enslaved them. (Other ethnic groups were enslaved by the Egyptians during this time also.)

Because of the Hebrews’ population growth the Egyptians decided they would impose upon them their own form of birth control. Pharaoh decreed that all Hebrew males are killed at birth (Exodus 1), this brings us directly to the story of Moses.

Moses was born a Hebrew – Israelite from the tribe of Levi (Exodus 2:1-3). He spent 40 years in the House of Pharaoh (Acts 7:23) and from the time he was an infant, passed as the Pharaoh’s grandson (Exodus 2: 6, 10). This was during the same time that Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew males under the age of two to be killed. So, if Pharaoh, was a black-skinned descendant of Khawm / Ham, which he was, it would of course follow that Moses was black-skinned also.

Many Scholars say the Pharaoh who was on the throne of Egypt at the time of Moses’ birth, was Pharaoh Seti I. He was the father of Rameses II, the Pharaoh of the oppression, also known as Rameses the Great.

George Rawlinson, an English author wrote a book entitled History of Egypt. On page 252, he gives a description of Seti I. He states: “SETI’S FACE WAS THOROUGHLY AFRICAN. HE HAD A STORMY FACE WITH A DEPRESSED FLAT NOSE, THICK LIPS AND HEAVY CHIN.”

Moses had to have the same physical characteristics because again, he was raised in the house of Pharaoh, as the grandson of Pharaoh, when Pharaoh ordered all other Hebrew males to be killed at birth. If the Israelites were a white-skinned people, how could Moses the Hebrew survive (secretly) in the house of Pharaoh among black-skinned Egyptians for 40 years, and not be noticed.

Furthermore, after giving the decree (himself) to kill all Hebrew males, how could Pharaoh face and rule over his people, if he knowingly had one living in his house with all the rights and privileges of his own family? Moses survived 40 years in the palace of Pharaoh because he was a black-skinned man just as the Egyptians were. Just as the Canaanite couldn’t tell the Hebrews from the Egyptians. Pharaoh couldn’t either, or Moses would have been killed instantly.

Temple Drawing Of Pharoah Seti I 1306 B.C.E – 1290 B.C.E.

This is an actual temple drawing of Pharaoh Seti I, taken from a temple in Egypt. This is the Pharaoh who scholars identify as being on the throne of Egypt at the time of Moses’ birth. It is believed that Seti I was Moses’ “foster grandfather”.

Ancient Egyptian Queen Tiye 1391 B.C.E – 1353 B.C.E.

This is a bust of the ancient Egyptian Queen Tiye. She was the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and the mother of the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akenaton). She was also the grandmother of the boy, King Tutankhamen, more commonly known as King Tut. Below is a statue of him. This is how the Egyptians looked during biblical times.

STATUE OF KING TUT 1334 – 1325 B.C.E.

This is a statue of the boy king (King Tut), this statue was found in his tomb, among many of his treasures in Egypt, during an archaeological excavation in 1922. Scholars say king Tut was on the throne of Egypt, a few years before the Israelites’ Exodus.

One of the newly reconstructed images of King Tut

Above is one of the pictures of the reconstructed image of King Tut. This image comes from the Discovery.com website, it is from a soon to be aired program called the “Assassination of King Tut”. The image was put together from the skeleton of the King by using forensic science and sophisticated computer programs. King Tut and the Egyptians of biblical times were a black skinned people. Let the pictures tell the story. The Truth is beginning to come forth, Praise Yah.

Scripture tells us that Moses killed an Egyptian, after he saw him mistreating a Hebrew. So Moses had to flee from Egypt for his life because Pharaoh found out and sought to kill him (Exodus 2:12-15).

Moses fled to the land of Midian where he helped seven daughters of the priest of Midian water their flock, after chasing away some bully shepherds. The girls went home to their father, Reuel and told him what happened.

They told him that an EGYPTIAN saved them and watered their flock (Exodus 2:16-19). Notice they didn’t say a Hebrew in Egyptian clothing saved us, and they described Moses as a black-skinned descendant of Ham (Egyptian). Further proof that Moses was black-skinned can be found in Exodus 4:6-7.

In this passage YHWH, (The Creator’s name in Hebrew) is showing Moses miracles so that he can prove to the children of Israel who sent him. YHWH or the abbreviated Yah tells Moses to put his hand into his bosom, which he does. When he takes his hand out, it is LEPROUS (White) as snow. If Moses was already white-skinned, what would have been the miracle in turning his hand white?

But, since Moses and the rest of the Hebrews were a black skinned people, this would have been a very powerful miracle, to turn his hand (skin) the opposite color of the rest of his flesh.

Verse 7 says, Yah told Moses to put his hand back into his bosom, and it turned as his other flesh. Meaning that the rest of his body (skin) was other than white or the opposite of white, which is black.

In the book of Numbers, chapter 12 verse 1, Moses’ sister and brother, Miriam and Aaron spoke out against him because he married an Ethiopian woman, (not because she was black skinned, but because she was of another culture. / Nation) their behavior angered Yah. Verse 10 says, He TURNED MIRIAM LEPROUS, WHITE AS SNOW. Once again if Miriam, who was a Hebrew, was white to begin with, what would have been the curse of turning a white-skinned person white?


From what history has taught us concerning the Hebrews Physical appearance, it is apparent that the Hollywood depiction of Moses is at the very least inaccurate, and at the most could be viewed as a racist misrepresentation.

Donnelly affirms that Egypt, Chaldea, India, Greece and Rome passed the torch of civilization from one to another. They added nothing to the arts that existed at the earliest period of Egyptian history. These arts continued without material change until two or three hundred years ago. For all these years men did not improve, but perpetuated. The age of Columbus possessed only printing that was unknown to the Egyptians. Egyptian civilization was highest at its first appearance showing that they drew from a fountain higher than themselves. In that day Egypt worshipped only one supreme being. At the time of Menes, this race had long been architects, sculptors, painters, mythologists and theologians. What king of modern times ever
ndevoted himself to medicine and the writing of medical books to benefit mankind, as did the son of Menes? For six thousand years men did not advance beyond the arts of Egypt.

Imhotep lived during the reign of King Djoser (2630-2611BC) and was the architect of the step pyramid at Saqquara, the first pyramid ever built in Egypt. Born a commoner, he quickly rose through the ranks of the temple and court to become a vizier and high priest. As a member of the Pharaoh’s court he was an architect, scribe, priest and physician. He pioneered the building of pyramids and was later deified.

Acts 21:37-38 states that Paul, (Shaul in Hebrew) the apostle, was being led into a castle by a chief captain. Paul spoke to the chief in Greek, asking permission to speak with him. The chief captain was surprised that Paul could speak Greek and in Verse 38, asks Paul, “Are not you that EGYPTIAN?” Paul responded, (Verse 39) “I am a man of Israel (Hebrew).”

In order for this chief captain to mistake Paul (the Hebrew) for a black-skinned Egyptian, Paul had to look like an Egyptian, as scripture tells us the whole nation of Israel did. This is why in the book of Matthew 2:13, the angel of Yah told Joseph to arise and take the young child Yahshua, (The Messiah’s true Hebrew name is Yahshua) and his mother Mary (Miriam in Hebrew) and FLEE INTO EGYPT. He was told to stay there until he received further instruction, because Herod would seek the young child to destroy him.

Joseph, Miriam and Yahshua were told to flee into Egypt, (Africa) not for military protection, because during this time, Egypt was a Roman province under Roman control. They fled into Egypt because Egypt was still a “black” country, populated by a majority of black-skinned people (Egyptians). Joseph, Miriam and Yahshua would have been just another black-skinned family among many. Remember, they fled into Egypt to HIDE from Herod who was seeking to kill Yahshua.

If Yahshua and the rest of the Hebrews looked like those pictures of the “Christian Christ”, it would have been hard for him to hide in Egypt and not be noticed. NOTE: the above fact about Yahshua hiding in Egypt was attested to by a biblical scholar on a BBC produced program last year (2001).

The Program was called ‘THE COMPLETE JESUS’. The scholar stated that it would have been hard for Yahshua to hide among the Egyptians, if he didn’t look like the Egyptians, he was saying that Yahshua could not have been white skinned. He admitted in the program that Yahshua was a dark /black-skinned man.

Now back to our lesson.

He also made mention that the Israelites of the first to third centuries wore their hair in Afro’s. This is only the tip of the iceberg, you can’t hold down the truth.

Herod was put on the throne of Israel by the Romans, and Egypt was under Roman dominion. All Herod had to do was check with the Roman officials in Egypt to find out if there were any Hebrews with baby boys around. But, since the Hebrews and the Egyptians looked the same physically, it would have been hard to single out a Hebrew family among the Egyptians.

Ancient Egyptians

When Joseph, Miriam and Yahshua fled into Egypt, they were among people who look like the couple in the above picture. As was mentioned, the ancient Egyptians were the descendants of Noah’s son, Khawm, or Ham in English. Khawm means black, hot and burnt. The ancient Egyptians of biblical times called their land and themselves Khemet, which in their tongue means “THE LAND OF BLACKS.” The word Khemet is nothing but a variation on the word Khawm in the language of ancient Egypt.
In Psalm 78:51, Egypt is called “The House of Ham (Khawm).”


Psalm 105:23,27 calls Egypt the land of Khawm (Ham),



The Bible calls Egypt the land of Khawm, and remember one of the meanings of Khawm is black, so The Bible is calling Egypt “The Land of Black” which is what Khemet means. Egypt is called the land of Khawm because the Egyptians were descendants of Noah’s son Khawm. This is more than likely the reason they called themselves Khemet. The Bible supports the fact that the Egyptians were a black-skinned people.
Statue Of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II 2040 B.C.E.

Pictured above is a statue of Mentuhotep II, found in his tomb in Egypt. He unified Egypt / Khemet and relocated the capitol to Waset (Thebes / Luxor). He is the father of the princess captioned below. By now it should be clear what color the Egyptians were. Don’t forget, this is what THE BIBLE says the children of Israel looked like.

Tomb Drawing of an Ancient Egyptian Princess

Above is a tomb drawing of the ancient Egyptian Princess AU-Shead (This may not be the correct spelling, but it is how her name is pronounced). She was the daughter of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II (above). This painting was taken from the wall of her father’s tomb.

When you click on the link below, it will take you to:

Black History From The Bible

Many are surprised to discover the accomplishments of black people in the Bible because this this aspect of African History is not very well known.

The Talking Book – Callahan, Allen Dwight – Yale University Press

The Bible has profoundly influenced African Americans throughout history. Using the Bible as a foundation, African Americans shared religious beliefs,

Black People in the Bible | About the Book

Justice Randolph Jackson. His second book, Black People in the Bible, makes a case for the African origins of many

The Africans Who Wrote The Bible

Darkwah proves that Africans wrote the Bible even though your personal “King …. The Ancient Egyptians were Black people and their modern

Stories of 8 Black People in the Bible – Not Your Mama’s Religion

While the Bible mainly focuses on distinctions between believers and non-

believers, it can sometimes make a story more relevant if you can .


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Israel Steps Up Deadly Attacks on Humanity – Mission Accomplished – Is Israel in Bible Prophecy?

Binyamin Netanyahu Insane Attack on Humanity – Killing Over 1800  Palestinians

 What Netanyahu is really saying when he said Mission Accomplished

I can imagine what Netanyahu is really
saying when he said mission accomplish. Listen to his thoughts –
“I was able to kill or wound thousandsof girls and mothers who were giving birth to terrorist and I was able to kill or wound thousands of boys who was going to become terrorist.
I also was able to displace or remove one million people from the oil/gas rich Levantine basin and  pave the way for Rothschild/Israel oil to start off shore drilling for natural
gas. (The basin is value $6 billion and owned by Palestine)
I successfully terrorized 2 million Gazans and left the survivors traumatized.
Mission accomplish.
Now I must get the American goyim tax payers to re-supply my killing arsenal.  I also want to re-supply Hamas with non-lethal
rockets (Chinese fireworks) as pretext for my next operation.
The American goyim must not ever second guess me again.
American Zionist politicians and tax payers are stupid goyim fools that I can manipulate at my will.”Yours Truly

Peace Talks In Cairo… Death Toll: 1,900 Palestinians, 

The Gaza Saga Continues

With or without an infusion of massive amounts of international aid, clearing away the mess of this war will take years. Streets can be cleaned, but the wounds, both physical and mental, will not soon heal, nor will the survivors easily erase the feelings of helplessness, despair and anger with which they have been left.

Israel attack on Gaza is another chapter in the Illuminati design for World War III.

Albert Pike said “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Both WW1 and WW2 were wars of pretext to get Palestine. It is the goal of the Illuminati to usher in World War Three and cause chaos so that the world can turn to the Illuminati for order. http://www.corbettreport.com/pretexts-for-war-how-the-public-is-deceived-into-fighting/

Former President Jimmy Carter once again is getting way out in front of the U.S. government on the Middle East, co-authoring an op-ed in which he calls for Washington to recognize designated terror group Hamas as a legitimate “political actor” — while blasting Israel for its military campaign in the Gaza Strip. 
The scathing column on ForeignPolicy.com was written by Carter and Ireland’s former president Mary Robinson. 
The article called the current conflict a “humanitarian catastrophe,” and while acknowledging Hamas’ “indiscriminate targeting” of Israelis, focused its criticism on Israel. 
“There is no humane or legal justification for the way the Israeli Defense Forces are conducting this war,” they wrote. “Israeli bombs, missiles, and artillery have pulverized large parts of Gaza, including thousands of homes, schools, and hospitals.”  They said “deliberate attacks on civilians” constitute “war crimes” on both sides, though noting far fewer Israelis have been killed in the fighting. “The international community’s initial goal should be the full restoration of the free movement of people and goods to and from Gaza through Israel, Egypt and the sea. Concurrently, the United States and EU should recognize that Hamas is not just a military but also a political force,” Carter and Robinson wrote. “Hamas cannot be wished away, nor will it cooperate in its own demise. Only by recognizing its legitimacy as a political actor — one that represents a substantial portion of the Palestinian people — can the West begin to provide the right incentives for Hamas to lay down its weapons.”

Jimmy Carter: Israel’sapartheid‘ policies worse than South Africa

Why Was Gaza Power Plant Hit? – LewRockwell.com

Israel’s utterly immoral and despicable one-sided devastation of Gaza, which cannot really even be called a “war” but aggression that is taking on the dimensions of a pogrom, now includes an attack on Gaza’s power plant. Other sources of power having been damaged already, this leaves Gaza without power or largely without power. This directly affects water, sanitation systems, sewage systems and hospitals, and may lead to deaths from disease. Palestinians have no escape route from Gaza. Vast numbers of Palestinians are now displaced refugees in a very small area, and Israel has caused this result intentionally.
A flimsy rationale has appeared: “Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an Israeli military spokesman, did not comment on the explosion at the plant, but told The Associated Press that Israel’s latest strikes signal ‘a gradual increase in the pressure’ on Hamas.”
Israel brought on the rocket attacks that it has used as a pretext for launching a full-scale invasion that is out of all reasonable proportion to the initial triggering events, the pretext, and the Hamas response. For an account of that, see here.

Makow – Independent Historian Unveils Cabalist Conspiracy

Livingstone maintains that most Illuminati bloodlines, including European … The founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola, was a Marrano/Alumbrado.

Swedish party leader: Israel lead by regime of Gangsters

The European Union has to cancel its trade agreements with the regime of gangsters in Israel. This is the view from the president of the political left in Sweden, Lars Ohly.
The President of Venstrepartiet used words as «regime of gangsters» when he spoke about the state of Israel, and demanded that the European union take action against what he called extremists in the Israeli government.The Government of Benjamin Netayahu is building illegal Jewish settlements. Israel evicts Palestinians, latest in Jerusalem, and is a tragic copy of the Apartheid regime in South Africa

POLL: U.S. Zionist Lawmakers Back Israel’s Massacre… UPDATES

Fascist War Against Gaza Aims to Liquidate Palestinian

Iran Leader Calls for Arming Gaza to Fight Israel – ABC News

Gaza Live: Palestine must be armed against ‘rabid dog

http://www.firstpost.comWorld News

The First Post

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused Israel of committing “genocide” in Gaza and called on the Islamic world to arm Palestinians fighting “the .

Israel’s Airstrike Hits Gaza’s Main Hospital 

 Hitler Jewish African

Alois (Rothschild) Hitler (1837-1903).

Hitler Jewish – DNA Tests Show Dictator ‘Had Jewish Roots

The France Connection

Was Hitler a Rothschild? Who was giving Hilter his orders?

Hitler’s ethnicity was Jewish but he was raised Roman Catholic. It has always been the quest of the Catholic Church to reclaim Jerusalam

“Hitler would not have been happy,” said Professor Ronny Decorte in a Google translationof theKnack‘s web-version of the story. Decorte, a genetics expert from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (a Flemish research university), says that Hitler apparently wasn’t “Aryan” — what the Nazi would have considered “pure.

The story of Adolf Hitler could be the most twisted in all of history. Add one more twist.
Responsible for the slaughter of millions of Jews and a hero only to self-avowed racists, DNA tests apparently show that the Nazi dictator may have had Jewish and African ancestry.
Several media outlets have reported on results published last week in Knack, a magazine in Belgium.
The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph says that saliva samples were collected from 39 Hitler relatives:
A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews …
Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.
Hitler’s preoccupation with ancestry — including his own — has caused speculation for many years.New York Daily News points out that this research could validate a historic myth:
Hitler’s heritage has been called into question before, with some suggesting his grandfather was Salomon Mayer von Rothschild founder of the Jewish international banking dynasty. The Rothschild family financially backed Hitler’s

Hitler’s Third Reich.

Hitler’s aunt Betty, was married to James Mayer de Rothschild and their son Edmond James Rothschild, the Father of Israel was Hitler’s first cousin.
Betty was daughter of Salomon Rothschild and the sister to Alois, father of Adolph Hitler. But this is the first claim with any scientific data to support it.
Similar reports have been made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly denied the Holocaust and said the WWII was a pretext for the Zionist to get Palestine and make it a new Ashkenazi homeland.

An Austrian document was prepared that proved Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home… where Alois was born.”

Langer’s information came from the high level Gestapo officer, Hansjurgen Koehler, published in 1940, under the title “Inside the Gestapo“. He writes about the investigations into Hitler’s background carried out by the Austrian Chancellor, Dolfuss, in the family files of Hitler.
The Rothschilds and the Illuminati produce many offspring out of wedlock in their secret breeding programs and these children are brought up under other names with other parents.
Like Bill Clinton, who is almost certainly the son of Winthrop Rockefeller produced in the same way, these “ordinary kids from ordinary backgrounds” go on to be extraordinarily successful in their chosen field. Hitler, too, would have produced unofficial children to maintain his strand of the bloodline and there will obviously be people of his bloodline alive today.
So which Rothschild was the grandfather of Hitler? My thanks to a website correspondent for the additional, updated, information to this article, a man has researched this story in some detail. Alois, Hitler’s father, was born in 1837 in the period when Salomon Mayer was the only Rothschild who lived at the Vienna mansion. Even his wife did not live there because their marriage was so bad that she stayed in Frankfurt. Their son, Anselm Salomon spent most of his working life in Paris and Frankfurt away from Vienna and his father.
Father Salomon Mayer, living alone at the Vienna mansion where Hitler’s grandmother worked, is the prime, most obvious candidate. And Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of Salomon Mayer’s senior clerk, wrote a book, published in 1917, which said of Salomon:

“…by the 1840s he had developed a somewhat reckless enthusiasm for young girls..” and
“He had a lecherous passion for very young girls, his adventures with whom had to be hushed up by the police.”

And Hitler’s grandmother, a young girl working under the same roof would not have been the subject of Salomon’s desire?
And this same girl became pregnant while working there? And her grandson becomes the Chancellor of Germany, funded by the Rothschilds, and he started the Second World War which was so vital to the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda? And the Illuminati are obsessed with putting their bloodlines into power on all “sides” in a conflict?

Holocaust means Burnt Offering

Holocaust (sacrifice) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hebrew noun olah (עֹלָה) occurs 289 times in the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible. It means “that which goes up [in smoke]”.[2] It is formed from the active participle of the Hiphil form of the verb alah (עָלָה), “to cause to ascend.” It was sometimes also called kalil, an associated word found in Leviticus, meaning “entire”.[2][3]
Its traditional name in English is “holocaust“,[2] and the word olah has traditionally been translated as “burnt offering.”[3][4][5] The term was translated as holocauston in the Septuagint. Today, some English Bible translations render the word as holocaust, and others translate it as “burnt offering”. 

Were the millions of Ashkenazi  Jews killed in WW2 a burnt offering (sacrifice) by the Jewish elite in order to secure world sympathy for the establishment of Israel? Ends justify the means. 

Holocaust | Define Holocaust at Dictionary.com



Holocaust definition, a great or complete devastation or destruction, especially … a sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering. … “Auschwitz makes all too clear the principle that the human psyche can create meaning out of anything



By Nidal al-Mughrabi and Dan Williams
GAZA/JERUSALEM, July 28 (Reuters) – Israel sees no need for another Gaza ceasefire, an Israeli official was quoted as saying on Monday, as tensions between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and Washington flared over U.S. mediation to end the almost three-week-old war.
Fighting had subsided over the weekend, with the battered Palestinian enclave’s dominant Hamas Islamists endorsing a U.N. call for a 24-hour halt ahead of Monday’s Eid al-Fitr festival.
Yet Israel balked, having abandoned its own offer to extend a 12-hour truce from Saturday as Palestinian rocket launches persisted. Netanyahu’s security cabinet met into the early hours of Monday to debate proposals including for an escalation of the Gaza offensive in which almost 1,100 people have died.
Israeli air, sea and ground attacks have killed some 1,131 Palestinians, mainly civilians and including many children, Gaza officials say. Israel says 43 of its soldiers have died, along with three civilians killed by rocket and mortar fire from Gaza.
GAZA/JERUSALEM, July 26 (Reuters) – Israel will extend a humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip by a further four hours, a government source said on Saturday, as the number of Palestinian deaths in the 19-day war topped 1,000.
Great Britain Labour leader Ed Miliband Call Israel’s Attack on Gaza Barbarism

He continued: “The tragedy yesterday at the UN school is a horrific example of what we feared: the death, destruction and mayhem resulting from the escalation of violence. This is a cycle of violence that has spiralled out of control.”
He warned: “Hundreds have died, the great majority innocent civilians. And with every hour the casualties rise. The international community must be allowed immediate access to provide medical assistance to the wounded and in the longer term reconstruction of destroyed homes, hospitals, schools and infrastructure.
Were the world’s attention not overwhelmingly fixed on the fate of Flight MH17, it would have more to say about that of the Palestinian inhabitants of Gaza. Bombed and battered by Israeli air and firepower, they are dying in scores, victims alike of their own leadership and Israeli ruthlessness.
Some of the dead are Hamas fighters. But many others are women, children, the helpless old. Israel is exacting vengeance at its usual tariff for Hamas rocketing, and the murder of three Israeli students by terrorists. For each Israeli killed, the lives of many times that number of Palestinians are forfeit.
Israel says: they started it; we have a right to retribution. But much of the world says: the Jewish people have been historic standard-bearers for civilisation. Does Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s campaign in Gaza represent that — or instead barbarism?
Israel’s tragedy is that the only democracy in the Middle East has fallen prey to a succession of right-wing governments, which derive much of their electoral strength from Russian emigres and extremist religious parties.
A historian friend, himself a Jew and an uncommonly astute observer of the world, said to me a while back: ‘Consciously or unconsciously, Israel has decided that it prefers a state of permanent war to making the concessions to the Palestinians that would be indispensable to any chance of peace.’

‘Death and horror’ in Gaza as thousands flee

 The mass casualties in the Shejaia district in northeast Gaza were the heaviest since Israel launched its offensive on the Palestinian territory on July 8 after cross-border rocket strikes by militants intensified.
The fiercest fighting of the 13-day war in Gaza erupted on Sunday morning as Israel dramatically widened its ground offensive, sending tanks and troops into urban areas and causing thousands of panicked civilians to flee.
Images of the corpses of women and children were posted on Facebook as hospitals were overwhelmed with the dead, injured and those seeking sanctuary from the onslaught.Since the start of Israel-Hamas fighting almost two weeks ago, 505 Palestinians have been killed and 3350 wounded in Israeli air and artillery strikes, according to Palestinian health officials. A quarter of the deaths were reported since the start of the ground offensive late.  It said that since July 8, Israeli IDF  attacked 2,570 targets, including hospitals and cemeteries describing them as “terror sites”.

Israel Invades Gaza Because It Can

Israel Gaza

Israel invades Gaza because it can. Gazans, in the face of an invasion, have no ability to strike back, while Israel strikes forward. Israel has total military superiority, an air force which can knock and then bomb, a navy which can shell Gazans from miles off shore, an army which can roll tanks into Gaza nonstop. Gazans have no army, navy, or air force with which to defend. Israel, as any nation, has a right to defend itself, but it confuses offense with defense. It is on the offensive in Gaza. Israel, with its overwhelming military strength, is attacking and invading Gaza in violation of international and U.S. law. Its construction of settlements violates the Oslo agreement. Its Central Bank dries up the Gaza economy and blocks payments to Gazan civil servants. Its total control brings the Palestinians to utter subjection and total despair. Israel can kill, injure, and humiliate Palestinians at will, with impunity, which is exactly what gave rise to Hamas and strengthens Hamas’ hold in Gaza, even as the IDF advances. Israel will go door to door in Gaza in the hunt for Hamas, which comprises the government of the Palestinians and is therefore a necessary party to any peace talks. It is axiomatic that if you kill your partner for peace, you will have no partner for peace. There will be no peace, for now, as Gaza is turned into an abattoir, to collectively punish Gazans for supporting Hamas. Israel, in its attempt to divide Hamas from the Gazans, will actually multiply Hamas’ strength in Gaza and elsewhere. Israel may indeed find and kill Hamas officials. But it is not the current individuals who make up Hamas who constitute Israel’s deep dilemma, which threatens its long term security. It is Israel’s policies which gave rise to Hamas and which, if left unaltered, will spawn increased resistance no matter how many members of Hamas Israel is successful in apprehending or killing. What is the end game? To cast Gazans to the sea, where they will be met by the Israeli Navy? To push Gazans into Egypt? To eject all Palestinians to… where? This is a question relevant not only to Israelis and Palestinians, but to the entire world. There will be consequences for this invasion. The cycle of violence will widen. It will draw in friends of the Palestinians and it will affect Israel’s allies. In the U.S., as our great friend presses the attack in Gaza, there will be increasing questions among the American people as to whether the $3 billion we give Israel annually is being used to defend our ally, or whether it is buying the U.S. billions of dollars worth of problems because of the manner in which our friend “defends” itself. Since the U.S. is helping to pay Israel’s bills, we cannot avoid the consequences of paying the price for Israel’s actions against the Palestinians.

    1. Gaza under siege: naming the dead – 

      Gaza is OBAMA TEST as Diplomatic leader Biden is correct, some foreign leader is  going to try the steel of Obama, but which foreign leader will it be? Will it  be Russia, Iran, China, or North Korea? None of the  above. It will be Israel. The forces of evil have already raised its ugly head. What Obama wanted to do with world diplomacy, re-establishing the credibility of the US especially in the Muslim world, Israel is making that extremely difficult.  President Bush has already blamed the victims (Gaza) and justified the perpetrators (Israel) for the violence in Gaza. That is the same as a woman being brutally rape and the judge arrest the woman and blames her for allowing the rapist to rape her. The people of Gaza are being killed with American made and American donated F-16 fighter jets, GPS-guided GBU-39 smart bombs, and Tanks.    Why is it that every time Israel raid Gaza,  Ramallah, Hebron, or Lebanon , the United States that pays?  What was Israel doing at 911? They were in Ramallah doing the same thing that they are doing in Gaza now.  It was the unbalance America foreign policy in the Middle East that caused 911 and led the US into the Iraq war. According to Bush advisor Philip Zelikow  “the IRAQ war was launched to protect Israel.” The only problem is that Americans are giving their lives and Israel politicians are laughing all the way to the bank. This unbalance policy has also caused the US to lose its credibility and positive standing in the World as well as thousands of lives.  Is America  going to allow Israeli politicians and American Zionist Lobbyists to continue to put the American people in harms way? Yes, Muslims worldwide will continue to say “no justice no peace”  Christians worldwide should also cry out and condemn the actions of Israel.  When will the US foreign policy in the Middle East be fair and balance? When are the American politicians going to say enough is enough?  Will Obama be fair and balance? Or will Obama be controlled by AIPAC and the Jewish lobby?

      False Flag Over Ukraine and Israel’s Ground Invasion of Gaza http://kennysideshow.blogspot.com/2014/07/false-flag-over-ukraine-and-israels.html


      Shot down or blown up with a bomb or whatever, the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 has all the fingerprints of a false flag. Maybe a multifaceted one including a diversion from Israel’s ground invasion into Gaza.

      We may get distracted but we’re not being fooled. Very little the controlled media will tell us about the downed flight will be even close to the truth but they are working overtime to convince us. Israel Invades Gaza

      Initially I assumed Israel would time their ground invasion portion of the Palestinian genocide in Gaza to coincide with the Final match of the World Cup.  It appears the apartheid, rogue, nuclear armed, terror State has instead chose to step up aggression under the cover of the shoot down of a Malaysia Airlines 777 over the Ukraine.  Whether the shoot down was a false flag to be blamed on Russia in order to push us ever closer to another Rothschild bankster World War remains to be seen; But the timing seems rather convenient for the Zionist regime.

      Breaking! Malaysian Passenger Plane crashed – Blogger

      pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com/…/breaking-malaysian-passenger-… 11 hours ago – If Russia won’t take the Ukrainian bait would a false flag be the next move? …. To me it appears they are editing data to show the plane was flying … That’s Schiphol airport, a MOSSAD hotspot for intrigue, drug running, ….. Am I seeing a fake plane crash blown up in the air with already dead passengers?

      OTTAWA – The Palestinian delegation in Ottawa has asked the Harper government to talk Israel out of its land invasion of Gaza. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird instead blamed Hamas for the latest escalation in the area and urged Egypt to broker a new ceasefire. The Palestinian statement was issued hours after Israel launched its first major offensive into Gaza in five years, following 10 days of airstrikes aimed at stopping the militant group Hamas from firing rockets at Israeli cities. “For the past 11 days the world has stood by as the Palestinians of Gaza have been subjected to indiscriminate killings and collective punishment,” the statement said. “We call on the government of Canada to talk Israel back from the brink of this disaster.” The statement stressed that the Israeli ground offensive will only compound the suffering of Palestinian civilians, children in particular, saying they account for 30 per cent of the 245 people killed so far. – See more at: http://www.timescolonist.com/palestinians-urge-ottawa-to-press-israel-to-stop-gaza-attack-baird-blames-hamas-1.1211586#sthash.DjT0U7CX.dpuf
      “We call on the government of Canada to talk Israel back from the brink of this disaster.” The statement stressed that the Israeli ground offensive will only compound the suffering of Palestinian civilians, children in particular, saying they account for 30 per cent of the 245 people killed so far. – See more at: http://www.timescolonist.com/palestinians-urge-ottawa-to-press-israel-to-stop-gaza-attack-baird-blames-hamas-1.1211586#sthash.DjT0U7CX.dpuf
      “We call on the government of Canada to talk Israel back from the brink of this disaster.” The statement stressed that the Israeli ground offensive will only compound the suffering of Palestinian civilians, children in particular, saying they account for 30 per cent of the 245 people killed so far. – See more at: http://www.timescolonist.com/palestinians-urge-ottawa-to-press-israel-to-stop-gaza-attack-baird-blames-hamas-1.1211586#sthash.DjT0U7CX.dpuf
      “We call on the government of Canada to talk Israel back from the brink of this disaster.” The statement stressed that the Israeli ground offensive will only compound the suffering of Palestinian civilians, children in particular, saying they account for 30 per cent of the 245 people killed so far. – See more at: http://www.timescolonist.com/palestinians-urge-ottawa-to-press-israel-to-stop-gaza-attack-baird-blames-hamas-1.1211586#sthash.DjT0U7CX.dpuf
      “We call on the government of Canada to talk Israel back from the brink of this disaster.” The statement stressed that the Israeli ground offensive will only compound the suffering of Palestinian civilians, children in particular, saying they account for 30 per cent of the 245 people killed so far. – See more at: http://www.timescolonist.com/palestinians-urge-ottawa-to-press-israel-to-stop-gaza-attack-baird-blames-hamas-1.1211586#sthash.DjT0U7CX.dpuf

False Flag Over Ukraine and Israel’s Ground Invasion of Gaza http://kennysideshow.blogspot.com/2014/07/false-flag-over-ukraine-and-israels.html

Did Illuminati Take Down Malaysian Airline MH17 to Hide the Cure For Aids!? Getting Rid of the Cure to Keep Money in Their Pockets and Continue their Depopulation Agenda…https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=4977214272169822427#editor/target=post;postID=4836139006476026129;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=link


Israel Invades Gaza

Initially I assumed Israel would time their ground invasion portion of the Palestinian genocide in Gaza to coincide with the Final match of the World Cup.  It appears the apartheid, rogue, nuclear armed, terror State has instead chose to step up aggression under the cover of the shoot down of a Malaysia Airlines 777 over the Ukraine.  Whether the shoot down was a false flag to be blamed on Russia in order to push us ever closer to another Rothschild bankster World War remains to be seen; But the timing seems rather convenient for the Zionist regime.

Did Illuminati Take Down Malaysian Airline MH17 to Hide the Cure For Aids!? Getting Rid of the Cure to Keep Money in Their Pockets and Continue their Depopulation Agenda…https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=4977214272169822427#editor/target=post;postID=4836139006476026129;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=link


Eugenics and Depopulation: WARNING: Rockefeller/Rothschild


Global Depopulation, Eugenics Agenda and HIV | AIDS Was – Truth11



Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. discovered the United States’ secret 1971 Special Virus FlowChart in 1999 and changed the world forever.



Children killed on beach as Israel resumes Gaza


From Yahoo News: Israel intensified its bombardment of Gaza Wednesday, killing four Palestinian children when its navy shelled a beach and

  1. Journalists witness Gaza beach attack that killed 4 children…http://globalnews.ca/news/1454641/journalists-witness-gaza-beach-attack-that-killed-at-least-4-children/

    Foreign journalists were among the witnesses to an apparent Israeli strike that killed at least four Palestinian children on a beach in the Gaza Strip.
    The shelling of the beach in the city of Khan Yunis Wednesday afternoon reportedly came from an Israeli Navy vessel.

Headless Bodies. Screaming Children


Link to video: Buildings blaze as Gaza comes under fire by Israel for third day The death toll in Gaza continued to rise on Thursday as Israel‘s strikes against Hamas intensified, while residents in Tel Aviv awoke to explosions as rockets were shot down over the city by the Iron Dome defence system. Reports claimed that eight members of the same family – including five children – were killed in an air strike on two homes in Khan Younis, south of Gaza. A spokesman for the Gazan health ministry told Palestinian media that no warning was given and that most of the dead were children. Ashraf al-Qidra said the total number of Palestinians killed over the past three days now stands at 77, with over 500 people injured in the tiny coastal strip. There have been no Israeli casualties from the hundreds of rockets that have been fired by militants in Gaza. There are also claims that a missile was fired at a cafe in Khan Younis late on Wednesday night, where dozens were gathered to watch the World Cup game between Argentina and Holland – with six dead and 15 injured, according to AFP. The Israeli defence forces said in a statement that it had targeted hundreds of sites in Gaza and killed three Islamic Jihad militants. “We aimed at 322 targets in Gaza overnight, taking to 750 the total number of Hamas targets hit by the army since the start of Operation Protective Edge,” Lt Col Peter Lerner told reporters. The Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has refrained from launching a ground offensive on the strip, which was expected after tens of thousands of reserve soldiers were called up earlier this week. But he has defended the IDF’s actions in Gaza despite significant civilian casualties. Palestinian children inspect damage from Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip. Palestinian children inspect damage from Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip. Photograph: Yasser Qudih/NurPhoto/Corbis In a statement on Wednesday, he said: “Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza are firing rockets on cities throughout the state of Israel – on Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Beer Sheba, Sderot and other cities in Israel. No country on earth would remain passive in the face of hundreds of rockets fired on its cities and Israel is no exception.” He appeared to acknowledge the civilian casualties but claimed that the deaths were due to Hamas using Gazans as human shields, rather than the indiscriminate Israeli bombardment claimed by those in Gaza. “(Hamas) embeds its terrorists in hospitals, schools, mosques and apartment buildings throughout the Gaza Strip. Hamas is thus committing a double war crime: it targets Israeli civilians, while hiding behind Palestinian civilians,” he said. But international pressure is mounting as the death toll rises. The UN security council is due to hold an emergency meeting on the crisis. The secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, said on Wednesday that “Gaza is on a knife-edge” as he urged Israeli restraint, as well as a halt to rocket fire from Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups. “The deteriorating situation is leading to a downward spiral which could quickly get beyond anyone’s control. The risk of violence expanding further still is real. Gaza, and the region as a whole, cannot afford another full-blown war.” Many have been surprised by both the quality and quantity of Hamas rockets, which have been shot down as far north as Hadera, more than 100km from Gaza. In Jerusalem, the city council has opened hundreds of bomb shelters across the city, after four rockets were intercepted over the city on Tuesday night. But many have remained unused for years. Following tweets to the mayor’s account identifying locked shelters, the city council has used the information to send out teams to improve them.

Tutu calls for Israel, Palestine peace

Obama takes up pen, paper to fight for Israeli-Palestinian

Israel’s intense bombardment of the Gaza Strip has killed at least 27 people and wounded 130 others, Palestinian officials have said. Israel on Tuesday said it was ready for a long-term offensive against Hamas in the Palestinian territory after a surge in rocket attacks on Israeli towns. “We are preparing for a battle against Hamas which will not end within a few days,” Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said in a statement. Israeli said it had undertaken more than 273 airstrikes against the strip on Tuesday. The Israeli cabinet has authorised the calling up of 40,000 army reservists ahead of a possible ground offensive. At least 1,500 soldiers have already been deployed around the perimeter of Gaza.



Israel Dramatically Escalates Air Strikes On Gaza

Three Israelis ‘confess to killing Palestinian teenager‘ – The

by Peter M. Beaumont – 1 day ago – Three Israelis accused of kidnapping and burning to death a Palestinian teenager have reportedly confessed and re-enacted the murder for the …

  1. MiamiHerald.com ‎- 20 hours ago
    The arrest of six Jews on suspicion of burning to death a Palestinian teenager prompted calls Monday for soul-searching in Israel, with critics …

Beaten Palestinian youth is U.S. citizen, cousin of murdered

4 days ago – Video shows the boy being beaten by three policemen; U.S. State Department calls for a ‘credible investigation and full accountability for any ..

Town Hall ‎- 2 days ago

There’s a radical form of liberal secularism taking root in both Christian and Jewish religions that seems more interested in fashionable left-wing .




Is Modern Israel in Prophecy or a Big Hoax?


Israel‘s Link to the Rapture
Thousands expect Israel to play a major role in God’s future plan for earth. What is the Biblical evidence?

Many people today consider the restoration of the Jewish nation in Palestine to be a direct and dramatic fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth, a phenomenal best seller of the last few decades, and Jerry Jenkins and Tim Lahaye’s Lift Behind, along with Bishop T.D. Jakes declares that the end of the world will come within the lifetime of the generation that saw the founding of the Israeli state in 1948, hereby applying the words of Jesus: “This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” (Matthew 24:34) Coupled with this fascination with Israel is a novel teaching regarding the return of Jesus, called the “secret rapture.” These books and many other speaks for many today who expect God secretly to take the “church” to heaven prior to the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple on its old site where the sacred Muslim shrine, the Dome of the Rock, now stands. According to this position, after the “church” is “raptured” to heaven, there will be seven years of the worst period of famine, bloodshed, and pestilence ever experienced by man. During this great tribulation the focus will be on God’s dealings with the Jews, who are again given the responsibility for the evangelization of the world. According to secret-rapture preachers, the battle of Armageddon will climax the end of the seven-year tribulation as the nations of the earth take sides over the future of Israel. When mankind teeters on the brink of incinerating the world, Jesus will return gloriously and save man from self-extinction. At that time Jesus will set up a literal one-thousand-year reign on earth with Jerusalem functioning as the spiritual capital of the world. Most evangelical periodicals and pulpits teach this view today, and to those who do not know better, it might appear that this prophetic scenario, known as pretribulationism, has been the traditional teaching of the Christian church since New Testament days. Nothing is further from the truth.  Be not deceived.. Did the architects of the creation of modern day Israel have any thing to do with the development of the rapture theory? Where did the Rapture theology originate? Is the crisis in the Middle East and the war in the Iraq have anything to do with the erroneous rapture theory? Is there a master conspiracy at work According to dispensationalists John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Ken Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, John Walvoord, Grant Jefferies, Tim Lahaye, Benny Hinn, Clarence Larkin, H. Caldwell, TD Jakes and others who teach and preach about the Rapture, Israel has two dispensations, or time periods, in which they functions as God’s special instrument of salvation. Between these two periods of time comes the dispensation of the “church”. The church received a heavenly reward at the time of the rapture, while Israel received an earthly reward at the end of the tribulation. There is no support in the New Testament for such an erroneous view. The chief reason why the modern state of Israel has no prophetic significance is that after the Jews as a body rejected Jesus as the Messiah, God gave to the Christian church the special privileges, responsibilities, and prerogatives once assigned to the ancient Jews. No longer were the Jews to be His special people with a prophetic destiny. Rom.2:28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; vs.29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God. All the promises of a glorious kingdom on earth once given through the Jewish prophets to the Jewish people became void because the Jewish people as a nation did not fulfill the conditions of these prophecies. Failing to receive the glory that could have been Israel’s is probably the saddest story in literature. Placed at the crossroads of the ancient world, God furnished them with every facility for becoming the greatest nation on the earth. God wanted to reward Israel with every physical and spiritual blessing as they put into practice the clear-cut principles that He had graciously taught them through His prophets (Deuteronomy 7, 8, 28). The Old Testament records the sad story of how the vineyard of Israel produced, not the mature fruit of a Christ-like character, but “wild grapes,” a misinterpretation and perversion of what the God of Israel was really like. “What more was there to do for my vineyard, that I have not done in it? When I looked for it to yield grapes, why did it yield wild grapes?” (Isaiah 5:4 RSV). Even when the Jewish nation was suffering the bitter consequences of disobedience during the Babylonian captivity, God mercifully promised that a restored Israel was possible and that there was yet time to recover its special role as His representative on earth – if it would honor His law and submit to His principles. Even then the Jews could have become, if faithful, the head and not the tail, in matters physical and spiritual; all nations would have looked upon Jerusalem as not only the center of wisdom but also the spiritual capital of the world (see Isaiah 45:14; 60:1 – 11). When the Jews returned to Palestine after the Babylonian captivity, the promises given to Abraham and expanded through the writings of Moses and other prophets would have been fulfilled; the whole earth would have been alerted for the first advent of Christ, even as the way is being prepared for His second coming today. Missed Their Last Opportunity. These Old Testament prophecies that picture Israel dwelling in peace and prosperity, with all nations beating a path to her doors, could have been fulfilled 2000 years ago if they had indeed prepared the world for the first coming of Jesus (see Zechariah 8:14). But instead of fulfilling their greatest assignment they missed their last opportunity, and Jesus their Lord finally had to pronounce with irrevocable judgement: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not Behold your house is forsaken and desolate” (Matthew 23:37, 38 RSV). Those who regard the establishment of the modern state of Israel as a fulfillment of those Old Testament prophecies overlook the fact that these promises were made either prior to their release from Babylonian captivity or during the rebuilding days soon after their return. God would have fulfilled these promises if Israel had been faithful and obedient to the conditions on which the promises were made. Although God promised a “second chance” to Israel after their failure leading up to the Babylonian captivity, He promised no “third chance” to them after their final rejection when their Lord Himself “came to his own home, and his own people received him not” (John 1:11 RSV) But God did not give up, even though Israel as a nation had failed Him. Although corporate Israel no longer was to function as God’s special agent, the individual Jews who received and obeyed Jesus Christ would constitute the new organization through which He would now work. Paul describes this remarkable transition in Romans 9 to 11, where he appeals to individual Jews (such as himself) to respond to God through Jesus, join those Gentiles who have found in Him the solution to their anxious, sinful condition, and together arouse the world to the simple fact that God wants to make an end to sin and its misery by setting up His eternal kingdom composed of those who have found in Jesus the promised Saviour. Those who preach and teach this erroneous Rapture doctrine are purposely misleading multitudes. This doctrine was created by the Jesuits as an anti-reformation and anti-protestant tool to divert attention away from the Catholic and the Pope whom the reformers had identify as the anti-Christ in Revelation. Those who teach and preach the rapture theory are proxies and agents for the Kabbalists and those who want to establish a New World Order (NWO). The Rapture theory has more to do with politics than theology, more to do with mans involvement in world affairs than Gods involvement, more about Zionism than the people of Zion. I will discuss this later. New Khazaria:    

2013 October 10 « Socio-Economics History Blog

2 days ago – Albert Pike’s Satanic World War 3 Plan “The Third World War ….. New Genetic Research Confirms Koestler’sKhazar” Theory! Ashkenazi Jews …. The Hidden History of Jewish Bolshevism & Freemasonry! How Masonic Wall

  • Published on Oct  9, 2013           Thousands of Islamic extremists living in the UK could attack ‘at will’ – that’s the warning from the country’s security chief. Sharing his fears in his first speech since taking over MI5, Andrew Parker also admitted that UK intelligence services were ‘not perfect’.
  • The MI5/6, CIA, NSA, Mossad … are all western Illuminist intelligence agencies. The people at the top echelons are Illuminists ie. Satanists! As part of the Satanic World War 3 plan (read below) they intend to foment violence, terrorism throughout the world. The Satanic scumbags behind all the terrorism are the western Illuminist intelligence agencies. Don’t be taken for a ride. Snakes tell sheeple their version of the ’truth’ so as to make themselves appear as good guys, saviors of the world … ! Emphasis and comments mine:-
  • Albert Pike’s Satanic World War 3 Plan The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists (ie. terrorists see definition below) and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” 4
  • Nihilism – A diffuse, revolutionary movement of mid 19th-century Russia that scorned authority and tradition and believed in reason, materialism, and radical change in society and government through terrorism and assassination.
“In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, of Hebrew University, a biologist, published the first extensive study of DNA and the origin of the Jews. Her research found that virtually all the Jews came from Khazar blood. Not only that but Oppenheim discovered that the Palestinians—the very people whom the Jews had been persecuting and ejecting from Israel’s land since 1948—had more Israelite blood than did the Jews. In sum, the vast majority of the Jews were not Jews; some of the Palestinians were. Some of the Palestinians even had a DNA chromosome which established that they were “Cohens”—workers at the ancient Temple and synagogues of the Jews.” – Quote

The Thirteenth Tribe – Bible Believers

In the second part of this book, “The Heritage,” Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and .



Khazaria?the Myth of Anti-Semitism Exposed at Last!!

“The most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated” are the words used to describe this “Jewish” hoax or myth by a Khazar author named Arthur Koestler:.

The Thirteenth Tribe – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Koestler’s hypothesis is that the Khazars (who converted to Judaism in the 8th century) migrated westwards into Eastern Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries 


New Genetic Research Confirms Koestler’sKhazar” Theory


Sep 12, 2012 – Koestler said that in about the 8th century AD the Khazars, a nation living in Central Urasia, converted to Judaism. They migrated to Poland and


Top Israeli scientist says Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria, not

May 8, 2013 – Elhaik says he first read about the Khazarian Hypothesis a decade ago in a 1976 book by the late Hungarian-British author Arthur Koestler,

Most Jews Are of Khazari Descent, Without Any Link to Abraham or

Sep 23, 2013 – Who were the Khazars? Where had they come from? Koestler: The country of the Khazars, a people of Turkish stock, occupied a strategic key 


(Jesuit Controlled !) Scottish Rite Albert Pike WW3 agenda – YouTube

Nov 11, 2012 – Scottish Rite Albert Pike WW3 agenda ! Its ONE BIG NAZI Scheme controlled by High Level Freemasonry , The …. to their deaths, sells out to baphomet= KHAZARIAN bankers (jewish wannabes) who pave the way for satan

Torch of Truth International: Khazaria, Original Home of Modern-day


Dec 30, 2009 – Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact ….. of Freemasonry & Illuminati Bloodlines- Lucifer WW3 Tribe of Dan …. Obama Wins Over Notre Dame – Albert Pike and the New World Orde


UN Passes Palestinian Statehood – Israel Continue Terrorist Attack


Nov 15, 2012 – (Arthur Koestler, As long as Apostate Israel (New Khazaria) exist…there will never be any NWO Luciferian Albert Pike’s WW3 plan is posied to begin. ….. Mormonism and False Prophecies • Mormonism and Freemasonr

Rothschild – NWO – Israel and Masonry

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 46th Anniversary of Assassination April 4 1968 – King Conspiracy Trial

Assassination Conspiracy Trial

Reprint from the King Center:

After four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses in a civil trial in
Memphis, Tennessee, twelve jurors reached a unanimous verdict on
December 8, 1999 after about an hour of deliberations that Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. In a
press statement held the following day in Atlanta, Mrs. Coretta Scott
King welcomed the verdict, saying , “There is abundant evidence of a
major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin
Luther King, Jr. And the civil court’s unanimous verdict has validated
our belief. I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel
that justice has been well served in their deliberations. This verdict
is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for
America. It is a great victory for truth itself. It is important to know
that this was a SWIFT verdict, delivered after about an hour of jury
deliberation. The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence
that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the
conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies,
were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband. The jury also
affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James
Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.
I want to make it clear that my family has no interest in retribution.
Instead, our sole concern has been that the full truth of the
assassination has been revealed and adjudicated in a court of law… My
husband once said, “The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends
toward justice.” To-day, almost 32 years after my husband and the father
of my four children was assassinated, I feel that the jury’s verdict
clearly affirms this principle. With this faith, we can begin the 21st
century and the new millennium with a new spirit of hope and healing.”

  1. The Murder of Martin Luther King Jr.

    ABC News (blog) ‎- 6 hours ago
    Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and killed by James Earl Ray at the His death shocked a country rocked by riots, civil discord, and a controversial war.  Defender newspaper, which features the headline ‘King Murdered!
Los Angeles Daily News‎ – 21 hours ago

Revealed: Unseen film of Martin Luther King’s assassin – Daily Mail


11 hours ago – The fascinating, historical footage shows James Earl Ray (pictured) being handled by police officers in Tennessee after being extradited from .

MLK Memorial: Remembering the Dream

Martin Luther King is rightly remembered for his dream,  first articulated on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial 48 years ago  this Sunday, that the principles embodied in “the magnificent words of  the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence” would one day be  vindicated and applied to all men, regardless of “the color of their  skin.” Fewer remember that in the ensuing years before his untimely  death in 1968, King gradually abandoned the dream of equal rights and  sought instead “the realization of equality” through government redistribution of wealth.

How fitting, then, that the new Martin Luther King Memorial, unveiled  Monday on the National Mall in Washington, DC, should stand between the  Lincoln and FDR memorials—the former a tribute to the greatest champion  of the Founders’ vision of equality, the latter a monument to the  President who redefined rights and expanded the reach of government like  no one else.

The King Assassination Conspiracy: Betrayed by Judas

On April 3, 1968, Walter Bailey, the owner of the Loree Motel received a call from a member of Kings inner circle in Atlanta requesting that a specific room on the second floor be reserve for King.  (King had always stayed in a secure room on the 1st floor.) On April 4, Loree Bailey overheard a member of Kings entourage  asking him to come out of his room and speak to a small group that had assemble in the parking lot. Lorraine Bailey knew that King was in bed suffering from a severe headache but this member of Kings inner circle insisted that King come out and talk to the people. King reluctantly came out of his room to speak to the small crowd when he was shoot. Loree knew the identity of the Judas who had  Dr. King set-up to be assassinated.


Was the Judas following orders from his Masonic Master?

Loree Bailey was killed, hung in the stairwell of her motel immediately after the assassination. The official cover-up statement said that Loree Bailey had a stroke on April 4th and died a few days later.

Who was the Judas who set-up King?  Was King assassination a Masonic hit? Was a beer distributorship part of the payoff?




Complete Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr …

Complete Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial … Olivia Catling, neighborhood resident around Lorraine Motel. Mr …



Dissident Voice : Who Killed Martin Luther King?

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Across from the Lorraine Motel was Fire Station no. 2. Who ordered … to the question did Loyd Jowers participate in a conspiracy to do harm to Dr. Martin Luther King, your …


In the complaint filed by the King family, “King versus Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators,” the only named defendant, Loyd Jowers, was never their primary concern. As soon became evident in court, the real defendants were the anonymous co-conspirators who stood in the shadows behind Jowers, the former owner of a Memphis bar and grill. The Kings and Pepper were in effect charging U.S. intelligence agencies — particularly the FBI and Army intelligence — with organizing, subcontracting, and covering up the assassination. Such a charge guarantees almost insuperable obstacles to its being argued in a court within the United States. Judicially it is an unwelcome beast.

I can hardly believe the fact that, apart from the courtroom participants, only Memphis TV reporter Wendell Stacy and I attended from beginning to end this historic three-and-one-half week trial. Because of journalistic neglect scarcely anyone else in this land of ours even knows what went on in it. After critical testimony was given in the trial’s second week before an almost empty gallery, Barbara Reis, U.S. correspondent for the Lisbon daily Publico who was there several days, turned to me and said, “Everything in the U.S. is the trial of the century. O.J. Simpson’s trial was the trial of the century. Clinton’s trial was the trial of the century. But this is the trial of the century, and who’s here?”


Many qualifiers have been attached to the verdict in the King case. It came not in criminal court but in civil court, where the standards of evidence are much lower than in criminal court. (For example, the plaintiffs used unsworn testimony made on audiotapes and videotapes.) Furthermore, the King family as plaintiffs and Jowers as defendant agreed ahead of time on much of the evidence.

But these observations are not entirely to the point. Because of the government’s “sovereign immunity,” it is not possible to put a U.S. intelligence agency in the dock of a U.S. criminal court. Such a step would require authorization by the federal government, which is not likely to indict itself. Thanks to the conjunction of a civil court, an independent judge with a sense of history, and a courageous family and lawyer, a spiritual breakthrough to an unspeakable truth occurred in Memphis. It allowed at least a few people (and hopefully many more through them) to see the forces behind King’s martyrdom and to feel the responsibility we all share for it through our government. In the end, twelve jurors, six black and six white, said to everyone willing to hear: guilty as charged.

We can also thank the unlikely figure of Loyd Jowers for providing a way into that truth.

Loyd Jowers: When the frail, 73-year-old Jowers became ill after three days in court, Judge Swearengen excused him. Jowers did not testify and said through his attorney, Lewis Garrison, that he would plead the Fifth Amendment if subpoenaed. His discretion was too late. In 1993 against the advice of Garrison, Jowers had gone public. Prompted by William Pepper’s progress as James Earl Ray’s attorney in uncovering Jowers’s role in the assassination, Jowers told his story to Sam Donaldson on Prime Time Live. He said he had been asked to help in the murder of King and was told there would be a decoy (Ray) in the plot. He was also told that the police “wouldn’t be there that night.”

In that interview, the transcript of which was read to the jury in the Memphis courtroom, Jowers said the man who asked him to help in the murder was a Mafia-connected produce dealer named Frank Liberto. Liberto, now deceased, had a courier deliver $100,000 for Jowers to hold at his restaurant, Jim’s Grill, the back door of which opened onto the dense bushes across from the Lorraine Motel. Jowers said he was visited the day before the murder by a man named Raul, who brought a rifle in a box.

As Mike Vinson reported in the March-April Probe, other witnesses testified to their knowledge of Liberto’s involvement in King’s slaying. Store-owner John McFerren said he arrived around 5:15 pm, April 4, 1968, for a produce pick-up at Frank Liberto’s warehouse in Memphis. (King would be shot at 6:0l pm.) When he approached the warehouse office, McFerren overheard Liberto on the phone inside saying, “Shoot the son-of-a-bitch on the balcony.”

Café-owner Lavada Addison, a friend of Liberto’s in the late 1970’s, testified that Liberto had told her he “had Martin Luther King killed.” Addison’s son, Nathan Whitlock, said when he learned of this conversation he asked Liberto point-blank if he had killed King.

“[Liberto] said, `I didn’t kill the nigger but I had it done.’ I said, `What about that other son-of-a-bitch taking credit for it?’ He says, `Ahh, he wasn’t nothing but a troublemaker from Missouri. He was a front man . . . a setup man.'”

The jury also heard a tape recording of a two-hour-long confession Jowers made at a fall 1998 meeting with Martin Luther King’s son Dexter and former UN Ambassador Andrew Young. On the tape Jowers says that meetings to plan the assassination occurred at Jim’s Grill. He said the planners included undercover Memphis Police Department officer Marrell McCollough (who now works for the Central Intelligence Agency, and who is referenced in the trial transcript as Merrell McCullough), MPD Lieutentant Earl Clark (who died in 1987), a third police officer, and two men Jowers did not know but thought were federal agents.

Young, who witnessed the assassination, can be heard on the tape identifying McCollough as the man kneeling beside King’s body on the balcony in a famous photograph. According to witness Colby Vernon Smith, McCollough had infiltrated a Memphis community organizing group, the Invaders, which was working with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In his trial testimony Young said the MPD intelligence agent was “the guy who ran up [the balcony stairs] with us to see Martin.”

Jowers says on the tape that right after the shot was fired he received a smoking rifle at the rear door of Jim’s Grill from Clark. He broke the rifle down into two pieces and wrapped it in a tablecloth. Raul picked it up the next day. Jowers said he didn’t actually see who fired the shot that killed King, but thought it was Clark, the MPD’s best marksman.

Young testified that his impression from the 1998 meeting was that the aging, ailing Jowers “wanted to get right with God before he died, wanted to confess it and be free of it.” Jowers denied, however, that he knew the plot’s purpose was to kill King — a claim that seemed implausible to Dexter King and Young. Jowers has continued to fear jail, and he had directed Garrison to defend him on the grounds that he didn’t know the target of the plot was King. But his interview with Donaldson suggests he was not naïve on this point.

Loyd Jowers’s story opened the door to testimony that explored the systemic nature of the murder in seven other basic areas:


background to the assassination;

local conspiracy;

the crime scene;

the rifle;


broader conspiracy;


  • Background to the assassination

James Lawson, King’s friend and an organizer with SCLC, testified that King’s stands on Vietnam and the Poor People’s Campaign had created enemies in Washington. He said King’s speech at New York’s Riverside Church on April 4, 1967, which condemned the Vietnam War and identified the U.S. government as “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today,” provoked intense hostility in the White House and FBI.

Hatred and fear of King deepened, Lawson said, in response to his plan to hold the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C. King wanted to shut down the nation’s capital in the spring of 1968 through massive civil disobedience until the government agreed to abolish poverty. King saw the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike as the beginning of a nonviolent revolution that would redistribute income.

“I have no doubt,” Lawson said, “that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his assassination.”

Coretta Scott King testified that her husband had to return to Memphis in early April 1968 because of a violent demonstration there for which he had been blamed. Moments after King arrived in Memphis to join the sanitation workers’ march there on March 28, 1968, the scene turned violent — subverted by government provocateurs, Lawson said. Thus King had to return to Memphis on April 3 and prepare for a truly nonviolent march, Mrs. King said, to prove SCLC could still carry out a nonviolent campaign in Washington.

  • Local conspiracy

On the night of April 3, 1968, Floyd E. Newsum, a black firefighter and civil rights activist, heard King’s “I’ve Been to the Mountain Top” speech at the Mason Temple in Memphis. On his return home, Newsum returned a phone call from his lieutenant and was told he had been temporarily transferred, effective April 4, from Fire Station 2, located across the street from the Lorraine Motel, to Fire Station 31. Newsum testified that he was not needed at the new station. However, he was needed at his old station because his departure left it “out of service unless somebody else was detailed to my company in my stead.” After making many queries, Newsum was eventually told he had been transferred by request of the police department.

The only other black firefighter at Fire Station 2, Norvell E. Wallace, testified that he, too, received orders from his superior officer on the night of April 3 for a temporary transfer to a fire station far removed from the Lorraine Motel. He was later told vaguely that he had been threatened.

Wallace guessed it was because “I was putting out fires,” he told the jury with a smile. Asked if he ever received a satisfactory explanation for his transfer Wallace answered, “No. Never did. Not to this day.”

In the March-April Probe, Mike Vinson described the similar removal of Ed Redditt, a black Memphis Police Department detective, from his Fire Station 2 surveillance post two hours before King’s murder.

To understand the Redditt incident, it is important to note that it was Redditt himself who initiated his watch on Dr. King from the firehouse across the street. Redditt testified that when King’s party and the police accompanying them (including Detective Redditt) arrived from the airport at the Lorraine Motel on April 3, he “noticed something that was unusual.” When Inspector Don Smith, who was in charge of security, told Redditt he could leave, Redditt “noticed there was nobody else there. In the past when we were assigned to Dr. King [when Redditt had been part of a black security team for King], we stayed with him. I saw nobody with him. So I went across the street and asked the Fire Department could we come in and observe from the rear, which we did.” Given Redditt’s concerns for King’s safety, his particular watch on the Lorraine may not have fit into others’ plans.

Redditt testified that late in the afternoon of April 4, MPD Intelligence Officer Eli Arkin came to Fire Station 2 to take him to Central Headquarters. There Police and Fire Director Frank Holloman (formerly an FBI agent for 25 years, seven of them as supervisor of J. Edgar Hoover’s office) ordered Redditt home, against his wishes and accompanied by Arkin. The reason Holloman gave Redditt for his removal from the King watch Redditt had initiated the day before was that his life had been threatened.

In an interview after the trial, Redditt told me the story of how his 1978 testimony on this question before the House Select Committee on Assassinations was part of a heavily pressured cover-up. “It was a farce,” he said, “a total farce.”

Redditt had been subpoenaed by the HSCA to testify, as he came to realize, not so much on his strange removal from Fire Station 2 as the fact that he had spoken about it openly to writers and researchers. The HSCA focused narrowly on the discrepancy between Redditt’s surveiling King (as he was doing) and acting as security (an impression Redditt had given writers interviewing him) in order to discredit the story of his removal. Redditt was first grilled by the committee for eight straight hours in a closed executive session. After a day of hostile questioning, Redditt finally said late in the afternoon, “I came here as a friend of the investigation, not as an enemy of the investigation. You don’t want to deal with the truth.” He told the committee angrily that if the secret purpose behind the King conspiracy was, like the JFK conspiracy, “to protect the country, just tell the American people! They’ll be happy! And quit fooling the folks and trying to pull the wool over their eyes.”

When the closed hearing was over, Redditt received a warning call from a friend in the White House who said, “Man, your life isn’t worth a wooden nickel.”

Redditt said his public testimony the next day “was a set-up”: “The bottom line on that one was that Senator Baker decided that I wouldn’t go into this open hearing without an attorney. When the lawyer and I arrived at the hearing, we were ushered right back out across town to the executive director in charge of the investigation. [We] looked through a book, to look at the questions and answers.”

“So in essence what they were saying was: `This is what you’re going to answer to, and this is how you’re going to answer.’ It was all made up — all designed, questions and answers, what to say and what not to say. A total farce.”

Former MPD Captain Jerry Williams followed Redditt to the witness stand. Williams had been responsible for forming a special security unit of black officers whenever King came to Memphis (the unit Redditt had served on earlier). Williams took pride in providing the best possible protection for Dr. King, which included, he said, advising him never to stay at the Lorraine “because we couldn’t furnish proper security there.” (“It was just an open view,” he explained to me later, “Anybody could . . . There was no protection at all. To me that was a set-up from the very beginning.”)

Hatred and fear of King deepened, Lawson said, in response to his plan to hold the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C. King wanted to shut down the nation’s capital in the spring of 1968 through massive civil disobedience until the government agreed to abolish poverty. King saw the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike as the beginning of a nonviolent revolution that would redistribute income. “I have no doubt,” Lawson said, “that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his assassination.”

For King’s April 3, 1968 arrival, however, Williams was for some reason not asked to form the special black bodyguard. He was told years later by his inspector (a man whom Jowers identified as a participant in the planning meetings at Jim’s Grill) that the change occurred because somebody in King’s entourage had asked specifically for no black security officers. Williams told the jury he was bothered by the omission “even to this day.”

Leon Cohen, a retired New York City police officer, testified that in 1968 he had become friendly with the Lorraine Motel’s owner and manager, Walter Bailey (now deceased). On the morning after King’s murder, Cohen spoke with a visibly upset Bailey outside his office at the Lorraine. Bailey told Cohen about a strange request that had forced him to change King’s room to the location where he was shot.

Bailey explained that the night before King’s arrival he had received a call “from a member of Dr. King’s group in Atlanta.” The caller (whom Bailey said he knew but referred to only by the pronoun “he”) wanted the motel owner to change King’s room. Bailey said he was adamantly opposed to moving King, as instructed, from an inner court room behind the motel office (which had better security) to an outside balcony room exposed to public view.

“If they had listened to me,” Bailey said, “this wouldn’t have happened.”

Philip Melanson, author of the Martin Luther King Assassination (1991), described his investigation into the April 4 pullback of four tactical police units that had been patrolling the immediate vicinity of the Lorraine Motel. Melanson asked MPD Inspector Sam Evans (now deceased), commander of the units, why they were pulled back the morning of April 4, in effect making an assassin’s escape much easier. Evans said he gave the order at the request of a local pastor connected with King’s party, Rev. Samuel Kyles. (Melanson wrote in his book that Kyles emphatically denied making any such request.) Melanson said the idea that MPD security would be determined at such a time by a local pastor’s request made no sense whatsoever.

Olivia Catling lived a block away from the Lorraine on Mulberry Street. Catling had planned to walk down the street the evening of April 4 in the hope of catching a glimpse of King at the motel. She testified that when she heard the shot a little after six o’clock, she said, “Oh, my God, Dr. King is at that hotel!” She ran with her two children to the corner of Mulberry and Huling streets, just north of the Lorraine. She saw a man in a checkered shirt come running out of the alley beside a building across from the Lorraine. The man jumped into a green 1965 Chevrolet just as a police car drove up behind him. He gunned the Chevrolet around the corner and up Mulberry past Catling’s house moving her to exclaim, “It’s going to take us six months to pay for the rubber he’s burning up!!” The police, she said, ignored the man and blocked off a street, leaving his car free to go the opposite way.

I visited Catling in her home, and she told me the man she had seen running was not James Earl Ray. “I will go into my grave saying that was not Ray, because the gentleman I saw was heavier than Ray.”

“The police,” she told me, “asked not one neighbor [around the Lorraine], `What did you see?’ Thirty-one years went by. Nobody came and asked one question. I often thought about that. I even had nightmares over that, because they never said anything. How did they let him get away?”

Catling also testified that from her vantage point on the corner of Mulberry and Huling she could see a fireman standing alone across from the motel when the police drove up. She heard him say to the police, “The shot came from that clump of bushes,” indicating the heavily overgrown brushy area facing the Lorraine and adjacent to Fire Station 2.

  • The crime scene

Earl Caldwell was a New York Times reporter in his room at the Lorraine Motel the evening of April 4. In videotaped testimony, Caldwell said he heard what he thought was a bomb blast at 6:00 p.m. When he ran to the door and looked out, he saw a man crouched in the heavy part of the bushes across the street. The man was looking over at the Lorraine’s balcony. Caldwell wrote an article about the figure in the bushes but was never questioned about what he had seen by any authorities.

In a 1993 affidavit from former SCLC official James Orange that was read into the record, Orange said that on April 4, “James Bevel and I were driven around by Marrell McCollough, a person who at that time we knew to be a member of the Invaders, a local community organizing group, and who we subsequently learned was an undercover agent for the Memphis Police Department and who now works for the Central Intelligence Agency . . . [After the shot, when Orange saw Dr. King’s leg dangling over the balcony], I looked back and saw the smoke. It couldn’t have been more than five to ten seconds. The smoke came out of the brush area on the opposite side of the street from the Lorraine Motel. I saw it rise up from the bushes over there. From that day to this time I have never had any doubt that the fatal shot, the bullet which ended Dr. King’s life, was fired by a sniper concealed in the brush area behind the derelict buildings.

“I also remember then turning my attention back to the balcony and seeing Marrell McCollough up on the balcony kneeling over Dr. King, looking as though he was checking Dr. King for life signs.

“I also noticed, quite early the next morning around 8 or 9 o’clock, that all of the bushes and brush on the hill were cut down and cleaned up. It was as though the entire area of the bushes from behind the rooming house had been cleared . . .

“I will always remember the puff of white smoke and the cut brush and having never been given a satisfactory explanation.

“When I tried to tell the police at the scene as best I saw they told me to be quiet and to get out of the way.

“I was never interviewed or asked what I saw by any law enforcement authority in all of the time since 1968.”

Also read into the record were depositions made by Solomon Jones to the FBI and to the Memphis police. Jones was King’s chauffeur in Memphis. The FBI document, dated April 13, 1968, says that after King was shot, when Jones looked across Mulberry Street into the brushy area, “he got a quick glimpse of a person with his back toward Mulberry Street. . . . This person was moving rather fast, and he recalls that he believed he was wearing some sort of light-colored jacket with some sort of a hood or parka.” In his 11:30 p.m., April 4, 1968 police interview, Jones provides the same basic information concerning a person leaving the brushy area hurriedly.

Maynard Stiles, who in 1968 was a senior official in the Memphis Sanitation Department, confirmed in his testimony that the bushes near the rooming house were cut down. At about 7:00 a.m. on April 5, Stiles told the jury, he received a call from MPD Inspector Sam Evans “requesting assistance in clearing brush and debris from a vacant lot in the vicinity of the assassination.” Stiles called another superintendent of sanitation, who assembled a crew. “They went to that site, and under the direction of the police department, whoever was in charge there, proceeded with the clean-up in a slow, methodical, meticulous manner.” Stiles identified the site as an area overgrown with brush and bushes across from the Lorraine Motel.

Within hours of King’s assassination, the crime scene that witnesses were identifying to the Memphis police as a cover for the shooter had been sanitized by orders of the police.

  • The rifle

Probe readers will again recall from Mike Vinson’s article three key witnesses in the Memphis trial who offered evidence counter to James Earl Ray’s rifle being the murder weapon:

Judge Joe Brown;


Judge Arthur Hanes Jr.;


William Hamblin.


Judge Joe Brown, who had presided over two years of hearings on the rifle, testified that “67% of the bullets from my tests did not match the Ray rifle.” He added that the unfired bullets found wrapped with it in a blanket were metallurgically different from the bullet taken from King’s body, and therefore were from a different lot of ammunition. And because the rifle’s scope had not been sited, Brown said, “this weapon literally could not have hit the broad side of a barn.” Holding up the 30.06 Remington 760 Gamemaster rifle, Judge Brown told the jury, “It is my opinion that this is not the murder weapon.”


Circuit Court Judge Arthur Hanes Jr. of Birmingham, Alabama, had been Ray’s attorney in 1968. (On the eve of his trial, Ray replaced Hanes and his father, Arthur Hanes Sr., by Percy Foreman, a decision Ray told the Haneses one week later was the biggest mistake of his life.) Hanes testified that in the summer of 1968 he interviewed Guy Canipe, owner of the Canipe Amusement Company. Canipe was a witness to the dropping in his doorway of a bundle that held a trove of James Earl Ray memorabilia, including the rifle, unfired bullets, and a radio with Ray’s prison identification number on it. This dropped bundle, heaven (or otherwise) sent for the State’s case against Ray, can be accepted as credible evidence through a willing suspension of disbelief. As Judge Hanes summarized the State’s lone-assassin theory (with reference to an exhibit depicting the scene), “James Earl Ray had fired the shot from the bathroom on that second floor, come down that hallway into his room and carefully packed that box, tied it up, then had proceeded across the walkway the length of the building to the back where that stair from that door came up, had come down the stairs out the door, placed the Browning box containing the rifle and the radio there in the Canipe entryway.” Then Ray presumably got in his car seconds before the police’s arrival, driving from downtown Memphis to Atlanta unchallenged in his white Mustang.

Concerning his interview with the witness who was the cornerstone of this theory, Judge Hanes told the jury that Guy Canipe (now deceased) provided “terrific evidence”: “He said that the package was dropped in his doorway by a man headed south down Main Street on foot, and that this happened at about ten minutes before the shot was fired [emphasis added].”

Hanes thought Canipe’s witnessing the bundle-dropping ten minutes before the shot was very credible for another reason. It so happened (as confirmed by Philip Melanson’s research) that at 6:00 p.m. one of the MPD tactical units that had been withdrawn earlier by Inspector Evans, TACT 10, had returned briefly to the area with its 16 officers for a rest break at Fire Station 2. Thus, as Hanes testified, with the firehouse brimming with police, some already watching King across the street, “when they saw Dr. King go down, the fire house erupted like a beehive . . . In addition to the time involved [in Ray’s presumed odyssey from the bathroom to the car], it was circumstantially almost impossible to believe that somebody had been able to throw that [rifle] down and leaave right in the face of that erupting fire station.”

When I spoke with Judge Hanes after the trial about the startling evidence he had received from Canipe, he commented, “That’s what I’ve been saying for 30 years.”

William Hamblin testified not about the rifle thrown down in the Canipe doorway but rather the smoking rifle Loyd Jowers said he received at his back door from Earl Clark right after the shooting. Hamblin recounted a story he was told many times by his friend James McCraw, who had died.

James McCraw is already well-known to researchers as the taxi driver who arrived at the rooming house to pick up Charlie Stephens shortly before 6:00 p.m. on April 4. In a deposition read earlier to the jury, McCraw said he found Stephens in his room lying on his bed too drunk to get up, so McCraw turned out the light and left without him — minutes before Stephens, according to the State, identified Ray in profile passing down the hall from the bathroom. McCraw also said the bathroom door next to Stephen’s room was standing wide open, and there was no one in the bathroom — where again, according to the State, Ray was then balancing on the tub, about to squeeze the trigger.

William Hamblin told the jury that he and fellow cab-driver McCraw were close friends for about 25 years. Hamblin said he probably heard McCraw tell the same rifle story 50 times, but only when McCraw had been drinking and had his defenses down.

In that story, McCraw said that Loyd Jowers had given him the rifle right after the shooting. According to Hamblin, “Jowers told him to get the [rifle] and get it out of here now. [McCraw] said that he grabbed his beer and snatched it out. He had the rifle rolled up in an oil cloth, and he leapt out the door and did away with it.” McCraw told Hamblin he threw the rifle off a bridge into the Mississippi River.

Hamblin said McCraw never revealed publicly what he knew of the rifle because, like Jowers, he was afraid of being indicted: “He really wanted to come out with it, but he was involved in it. And he couldn’t really tell the truth.”

William Pepper accepted Hamblin’s testimony about McCraw’s disposal of the rifle over Jowers’s claim to Dexter King that he gave the rifle to Raul. Pepper said in his closing argument that the actual murder weapon had been lying “at the bottom of the Mississippi River for over thirty-one years.”

Maynard Stiles, who in 1968 was a senior official in the Memphis Sanitation Department, confirmed in his testimony that the bushes near the rooming house were cut down. At about 7:00 a.m. on April 5, Stiles told the jury, he received a call from MPD Inspector Sam Evans “requesting assistance in clearing brush and debris from a vacant lot in the vicinity of the assassination. . . . They went to that site, and under the direction of the police department, whoever was in charge there, proceeded with the clean-up in a slow, methodical, meticulous manner.” . . . Within hours of King’s assassination, the crime scene that witnesses were identifying to the Memphis police as a cover for the shooter had been sanitized by orders of the police.

  • Raul

One of the most significant developments in the Memphis trial was the emergence of the mysterious Raul through the testimony of a series of witnesses.

In a 1995 deposition by James Earl Ray that was read to the jury, Ray told of meeting Raul in Montreal in the summer of 1967, three months after Ray had escaped from a Missouri prison. According to Ray, Raul guided Ray’s movements, gave him money for the Mustang car and the rifle, and used both to set him up in Memphis.

Andrew Young and Dexter King described their meeting with Jowers and Pepper at which Pepper had shown Jowers a spread of photographs, and Jowers picked out one as the person named Raul who brought him the rifle to hold at Jim’s Grill. Pepper displayed the same spread of photos in court, and Young and King pointed out the photo Jowers had identified as Raul. (Private investigator John Billings said in separate testimony that this picture was a passport photograph from 1961, when Raul had immigrated from Portugal to the U.S.)

The additional witnesses who identified the photo as Raul’s included: British merchant seaman Sidney Carthew, who in a videotaped deposition from England said he had met Raul (who offered to sell him guns) and a man he thinks was Ray (who wanted to be smuggled onto his ship) in Montreal in the summer of 1967; Glenda and Roy Grabow, who recognized Raul as a gunrunner they knew in Houston in the `60s and `70s and who told Glenda in a rage that he had killed Martin Luther King; Royce Wilburn, Glenda’s brother, who also knew Raul in Houston; and British television producer Jack Saltman, who had obtained the passport photo and showed it to Ray in prison, who identified it as the photo of the person who had guided him.

Saltman and Pepper, working on independent investigations, located Raul in 1995. He was living quietly with his family in the northeastern U.S. It was there in 1997 that journalist Barbara Reis of the Lisbon Publico, working on a story about Raul, spoke with a member of his family. Reis testified that she had spoken in Portuguese to a woman in Raul’s family who, after first denying any connection to Ray’s Raul, said “they” had visited them. “Who?” Reis asked. “The government,” said the woman. She said government agents had visited them three times over a three-year period. The government, she said, was watching over them and monitoring their phone calls. The woman took comfort and satisfaction in the fact that her family (so she believed) was being protected by the government.

In his closing argument Pepper said of Raul: “Now, as I understand it, the defense had invited Raul to appear here. He is outside this jurisdiction, so a subpoena would be futile. But he was asked to appear here. In earlier proceedings there were attempts to depose him, and he resisted them. So he has not attempted to come forward at all and tell his side of the story or to defend himself.”

  • A broader conspiracy

Carthel Weeden, captain of Fire Station 2 in 1968, testified that he was on duty the morning of April 4 when two U.S. Army officers approached him. The officers said they wanted a lookout for the Lorraine Motel. Weeden said they carried briefcases and indicated they had cameras. Weeden showed the officers to the roof of the fire station. He left them at the edge of its northeast corner behind a parapet wall. From there the Army officers had a bird’s-eye view of Dr. King’s balcony doorway and could also look down on the brushy area adjacent to the fire station.

The testimony of writer Douglas Valentine filled in the background of the men Carthel Weeden had taken up to the roof of Fire Station 2. While Valentine was researching his book The Phoenix Program (1990), on the CIA’s notorious counterintelligence program against Vietnamese villagers, he talked with veterans in military intelligence who had been re-deployed from the Vietnam War to the sixties antiwar movement. They told him that in 1968 the Army’s 111th Military Intelligence Group kept Martin Luther King under 24-hour-a-day surveillance. Its agents were in Memphis April 4. As Valentine wrote in The Phoenix Program, they “reportedly watched and took photos while King’s assassin moved into position, took aim, fired, and walked away.”

Testimony which juror David Morphy later described as “awesome” was that of former CIA operative Jack Terrell, a whistle-blower in the Iran-Contra scandal. Terrell, who was dying of liver cancer in Florida, testified by videotape that his close friend J.D. Hill had confessed to him that he had been a member of an Army sniper team in Memphis assigned to shoot “an unknown target” on April 4. After training for a triangular shooting, the snipers were on their way into Memphis to take up positions in a watertower and two buildings when their mission was suddenly cancelled. Hill said he realized, when he learned of King’s assassination the next day, that the team must have been part of a contingency plan to kill King if another shooter failed.

Terrell said J.D. Hill was shot to death. His wife was charged with shooting Hill (in response to his drinking), but she was not indicted. From the details of Hill’s death, Terrell thought the story about Hill’s wife shooting him was a cover, and that his friend had been assassinated. In an interview, Terrell said the CIA’s heavy censorship of his book Disposable Patriot (1992) included changing the paragraph on J.D. Hill’s death, so that it read as if Terrell thought Hill’s wife was responsible.

  • Cover-up

Walter Fauntroy, Dr. King’s colleague and a 20-year member of Congress, chaired the subcommittee of the 1976-78 House Select Committee on Assassinations that investigated King’s assassination. Fauntroy testified in Memphis that in the course of the HSCA investigation “it was apparent that we were dealing with very sophisticated forces.” He discovered electronic bugs on his phone and TV set. When Richard Sprague, HSCA’s first chief investigator, said he would make available all CIA, FBI, and military intelligence records, he became a focus of controversy. Sprague was forced to resign. His successor made no demands on U.S. intelligence agencies. Such pressures contributed to the subcommittee’s ending its investigation, as Fauntroy said, “without having thoroughly investigated all of the evidence that was apparent.” Its formal conclusion was that Ray assassinated King, that he probably had help, and that the government was not involved.

When I interviewed Fauntroy in a van on his way back to the Memphis Airport, I asked about the implications of his statements in an April 4, 1997 Atlanta Constitution article. The article said Fauntroy now believed “Ray did not fire the shot that killed King and was part of a larger conspiracy that possibly involved federal law enforcement agencies, ” and added: “Fauntroy said he kept silent about his suspicions because of fear for himself and his family.”

Fauntroy told me that when he left Congress in 1991 he had the opportunity to read through his files on the King assassination, including raw materials that he’d never seen before. Among them was information from J. Edgar Hoover’s logs. There he learned that in the three weeks before King’s murder the FBI chief held a series of meetings with “persons involved with the CIA and military intelligence in the Phoenix operation in Southeast Asia.” Why? Fauntroy also discovered there had been Green Berets and military intelligence agents in Memphis when King was killed. “What were they doing there?” he asked.

When Fauntroy had talked about his decision to write a book about what he’d “uncovered since the assassination committee closed down,” he was promptly investigated and charged by the Justice Department with having violated his financial reports as a member of Congress. His lawyer told him that he could not understand why the Justice Department would bring up a charge on the technicality of one misdated check. Fauntroy said he interpreted the Justice Department’s action to mean: “Look, we’ll get you on something if you continue this way. . . . I just thought: I’ll tell them I won’t go and finish the book, because it’s surely not worth it.”

At the conclusion of his trial testimony, Fauntroy also spoke about his fear of an FBI attempt to kill James Earl Ray when he escaped from Tennessee’s Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary in June 1977. Congressman Fauntroy had heard reports about an FBI SWAT team having been sent into the area around the prison to shoot Ray and prevent his testifying at the HSCA hearings. Fauntroy asked HSCA chair Louis Stokes to alert Tennesssee Governor Ray Blanton to the danger to the HSCA’s star witness and Blanton’s most famous prisoner. When Stokes did, Blanton called off the FBI SWAT team, Ray was caught safely by local authorities, and in Fauntroy’s words, “we all breathed a sigh of relief.”

The Memphis jury also learned how a 1993-98 Tennessee State investigation into the King assassination was, if not a cover-up, then an inquiry noteworthy for its lack of witnesses. Lewis Garrison had subpoenaed the head of the investigation, Mark Glankler, in an effort to discover evidence helpful to Jowers’s defense. William Pepper then cross-examined Glankler on the witnesses he had interviewed in his investigation:

Q. (BY MR. PEPPER) Mr. Glankler, did you interview Mr. Maynard Stiles, whose testifying —

A. I know the name, Counselor, but I don’t think I took a statement from Maynard Stiles or interviewed him. I don’t think I did.

Q. Did you ever interview Mr. Floyd Newsum?

A. Can you help me with what he does?

Q. Yes. He was a black fireman who was assigned to Station Number 2.

A. I don’t recall the name, Counsel.

Q. All right. Ever interview Mr. Norvell Wallace?

A. I don’t recall that name offhand either.

Q. Ever interview Captain Jerry Williams?

A. Fireman also?

Q. Jerry Williams was a policeman. He was a homicide detective.

A. No, sir, I don’t — I really don’t recall that name.

Q. Fair enough. Did you ever interview Mr. Charles Hurley, a private citizen?

A. Does he have a wife named Peggy?

Q. Yes.

A. I think we did talk with a Peggy Hurley or attempted to.

Q. Did you interview a Mr. Leon Cohen?

A. I just don’t recall without —

Q. Did you ever interview Mr. James McCraw?

A. I believe we did. He talks with a device?

Q. Yes, the voice box..

A. Yes, okay. I believe we did talk to him, yes, sir.

Q. How about Mrs. Olivia Catling, who has testified —

A. I’m sorry, the last name again.

Q. Catling, C A T L I N G.

A. No, sir, that name doesn’t —

Q. Did you ever interview Ambassador Andrew Young?

A. No, sir.

Q. You didn’t?

A. No, sir, not that I recall.

Q. Did you ever interview Judge Arthur Hanes?

A. No, sir.


So it goes — downhill. The above is Glankler’s high-water mark: He got two out of the first ten (if one counts Charles and Peggy Hurley as a yes). Pepper questioned Glankler about 25 key witnesses. The jury was familiar with all of them from prior testimony in the trial. Glankler could recall his office interviewing a total of three. At the twenty-fifth-named witness, Earl Caldwell, Pepper finally let Glankler go:

Q. Did you ever interview a former New York Times journalist, a New York Daily News correspondent named Earl Caldwell?

A. Earl Caldwell? Not that I recall.

Q. You never interviewed him in the course of your investigation?

A. I just don’t recall that name.

MR. PEPPER: I have no further comments about this investigation — no further questions for this investigator.

Pepper went a step beyond saying government agencies were responsible for the assassination. To whom in turn were those murderous agencies responsible? Not so much to government officials per se, Pepper asserted, as to the economic powerholders they represented who stood in the even deeper shadows behind the FBI, Army Intelligence, and their affiliates in covert action. By 1968, Pepper told the jury, “And today it is much worse in my view” — “the decision-making processes in the United States were the representatives, the footsoldiers of the very economic interests that were going to suffer as a result of these times of changes [being actived by King].”

To say that U.S. government agencies killed Martin Luther King on the verge of the Poor People’s Campaign is a way into the deeper truth that the economic powers that be (which dictate the policies of those agencies) killed him. In the Memphis prelude to the Washington campaign, King posed a threat to those powers of a non-violent revolutionary force. Just how determined they were to stop him before he reached Washington was revealed in the trial by the size and complexity of the plot to kill him.

The vision behind the trial

In his sprawling, brilliant work that underlies the trial, Orders to Kill (1995), William Pepper introduced readers to most of the 70 witnesses who took the stand in Memphis or were cited by deposition, tape, and other witnesses. To keep this article from reading like either an encyclopedia or a Dostoevsky novel, I have highlighted only a few. (Thanks to the King Center, the full trial trascript is available online at http://www.thekingcenter.com/tkc/trial.html.) What Pepper’s work has accomplished in print and in court can be measured by the intensity of the media attacks on him, shades of Jim Garrison. But even Garrison did not gain the support of the Kennedy family (in his case) or achieve a guilty verdict. The Memphis trial has opened wide a door to our assassination politics. Anyone who walks through it is faced by an either/or: to declare naked either the empire or oneself.

The King family has chosen the former. The vision behind the trial is at least as much theirs as it is William Pepper’s, for ultimately it is the vision of Martin Luther King Jr. Coretta King explained to the jury her family’s purpose in pursuing the lawsuit against Jowers: “This is not about money. We’re concerned about the truth, having the truth come out in a court of law so that it can be documented for all. I’ve always felt that somehow the truth would be known, and I hoped that I would live to see it. It is important I think for the sake of healing so many people — my family, other people, the nation.”

Dexter King, the plaintiffs’ final witness, said the trial was about why his father had been killed: “From a holistic side, in terms of the people, in terms of the masses, yes, it has to be dealt with because it is not about who killed Martin Luther King Jr., my father. It is not necessarily about all of those details. It is about: Why was he killed? Because if you answer the why, you will understand the same things are still happening. Until we address that, we’re all in trouble. Because if it could happen to him, if it can happen to this family, it can happen to anybody.

“It is so amazing for me that as soon as this issue of potential involvement of the federal government came up, all of a sudden the media just went totally negative against the family. I couldn’t understand that. I kept asking my mother, `What is going on?’

“She reminded me. She said, `Dexter, your dad and I have lived through this once already. You have to understand that when you take a stand against the establishment, first, you will be attacked. There is an attempt to discredit. Second, [an attempt] to try and character-assassinate. And third, ultimately physical termination or assassination.’

“Now the truth of the matter is if my father had stopped and not spoken out, if he had just somehow compromised, he would probably still be here with us today. But the minute you start talking about redistribution of wealth and stopping a major conflict, which also has economic ramifications . . . “

In his closing argument, William Pepper identified economic power as the root reason for King’s assassination: “When Martin King opposed the war, when he rallied people to oppose the war, he was threatening the bottom lines of some of the largest defense contractors in this country. This was about money. He was threatening the weapons industry, the hardware, the armaments industries, that would all lose as a result of the end of the war.

“The second aspect of his work that also dealt with money that caused a great deal of consternation in the circles of power in this land had to do with his commitment to take a massive group of people to Washington. . . . Now he began to talk about a redistribution of wealth, in this the wealthiest country in the world.”

Pepper went a step beyond saying government agencies were responsible for the assassination. To whom in turn were those murderous agencies responsible? Not so much to government officials per se, Pepper asserted, as to the economic powerholders they represented who stood in the even deeper shadows behind the FBI, Army Intelligence, and their affiliates in covert action. By 1968, Pepper told the jury, “And today it is much worse in my view” — “the decision-making processes in the United States were the representatives, the footsoldiers of the very economic interests that were going to suffer as a result of these times of changes [being actived by King].”

To say that U.S. government agencies killed Martin Luther King on the verge of the Poor People’s Campaign is a way into the deeper truth that the economic powers that be (which dictate the policies of those agencies) killed him. In the Memphis prelude to the Washington campaign, King posed a threat to those powers of a non-violent revolutionary force. Just how determined they were to stop him before he reached Washington was revealed in the trial by the size and complexity of the plot to kill him.

Dexter King testified to the truth of his father’s death with transforming clarity: “If what you are saying goes against what certain people believe you should be saying, you will be dealt with — maybe not the way you are dealt with in China, which is overtly. But you will be dealt with covertly. The result is the same.

“We are talking about a political assassination in modern-day times, a domestic political assassination. Of course, it is ironic, but I was watching a special on the CIA. They say, `Yes, we’ve participated in assassinations abroad but, no, we could never do anything like that domestically.’ Well, I don’t know. . . . Whether you call it CIA or some other innocuous acronym or agency, killing is killing.

“The issue becomes: What do we do about this? Do we endorse a policy in this country, in this life, that says if we don’t agree with someone, the only means to deal with it is through elimination and termination? I think my father taught us the opposite, that you can overcome without violence.

“We’re not in this to make heads roll. We’re in this to use the teachings that my father taught us in terms of nonviolent reconciliation. It works. We know that it works. So we’re not looking to put people in prison. What we’re looking to do is get the truth out so that this nation can learn and know officially. If the family of the victim, if we’re saying we’re willing to forgive and embark upon a process that allows for reconciliation, why can’t others?”

When pressed by Pepper to name a specific amount of damages for the death of his father, Dexter King said, “One hundred dollars.”

The Verdict

The jury returned with a verdict after two and one-half hours. Judge James E. Swearengen of Shelby County Circuit Court, a gentle African-American man in his last few days before retirement, read the verdict aloud. The courtroom was now crowded with spectators, almost all black.

“In answer to the question, `Did Loyd Jowers participate in a conspiracy to do harm to Dr. Martin Luther King?’ your answer is `Yes.'” The man on my left leaned forward and whispered softly, “Thank you, Jesus.”

The judge continued: “Do you also find that others, including governmental agencies, were parties to this conspiracy as alleged by the defendant?’ Your answer to that one is also `Yes.'” An even more heartfelt whisper: “Thank you, Jesus!”

Perhaps the lesson of the King assassination is that our government understands the power of nonviolence better than we do, or better than we want to. In the spring of 1968, when Martin King was marching (and Robert Kennedy was campaigning), King was determined that massive, nonviolent civil disobedience would end the domination of democracy by corporate and military power. The powers that be took Martin Luther King seriously. They dealt with him in Memphis.

Thirty-two years after Memphis, we know that the government that now honors Dr. King with a national holiday also killed him. As will once again become evident when the Justice Department releases the findings of its “limited re-investigation” into King’s death, the government (as a footsoldier of corporate power) is continuing its cover-up — just as it continues to do in the closely related murders of John and Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X.

David Morphy, the only juror to grant an interview, said later: “We can look back on it and say that we did change history. But that’s not why we did it. It was because there was an overwhelming amount of evidence and just too many odd coincidences.

“Everything from the police department being pulled back, to the death threat on Redditt, to the two black firefighters being pulled off, to the military people going up on top of the fire station, even to them going back to that point and cutting down the trees. Who in their right mind would go and destroy a crime scene like that the morning after? It was just very, very odd.”

I drove the few blocks to the house on Mulberry Street, one block north of the Lorraine Motel (now the National Civil Rights Museum). When I rapped loudly on Olivia Catling’s security door, she was several minutes in coming. She said she’d had the flu. I told her the jury’s verdict, and she smiled. “So I can sleep now. For years I could still hear that shot. After 31 years, my mind is at ease. So I can sleep now, knowing that some kind of peace has been brought to the King family. And that’s the best part about it.”

Perhaps the lesson of the King assassination is that our government understands the power of nonviolence better than we do, or better than we want to. In the spring of 1968, when Martin King was marching (and Robert Kennedy was campaigning), King was determined that massive, nonviolent civil disobedience would end the domination of democracy by corporate and military power. The powers that be took Martin Luther King seriously. They dealt with him in Memphis.

Thirty-two years after Memphis, we know that the government that now honors Dr. King with a national holiday also killed him. As will once again become evident when the Justice Department releases the findings of its “limited re-investigation” into King’s death, the government (as a footsoldier of corporate power) is continuing its cover-up — just as it continues to do in the closely related murders of John and Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X.

The faithful in a nonviolent movement that hopes to change the distribution of wealth and power in the U.S.A. — as Dr. King’s vision, if made real, would have done in 1968 — should be willing to receive the same kind of reward that King did in Memphis. As each of our religious traditions has affirmed from the beginning, that recurring story of martyrdom (“witness”) is one of ultimate transformation and cosmic good news

Martin Luther King‘s murderer — newly released photos and …

… when gunned down while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel. … restaurant owner was sued in civil court as part of a conspiracy to murder Martin Luther King.



Fox 8 Exclusive: Who Really Killed MLK, Jr.?

Who really killed Dr. Martin Luther King? … flop house” across the street from theLorraine Motel … patsy and an unwitting participant in a conspiracy


april 4 the assassination dr martin l king who killed on 3 1968 walter bailey lorraine motel received call member kings inner circle atlanta requesting specific room second floor always stayed overheard entourage asking him come out his speak small group lot knew bed but talk people came he shoot judas her after official coverup statement said died few days later setup hit complete transcript luther jr conspiracy trial olivia catling around mr pdf voice view html across fire station no 2 ordered question did loyd jowers participate do harm www mlk in family other unknown coconspirators only named defendant never their as soon became evident court real stood shadows behind former owner memphis grill pepper effect u s intelligence agencies fbi army organizing up such charge almost its being within united states it i believe fact courtroom tv reporter beginning end week because anyone else land even went testimony given before barbara reis correspondent lisbon daily publico there several turned me everything century o j here many have verdict case criminal civil evidence much than for plaintiffs used made agreed time these point government possible put agency step would federal which thanks independent judge sense history lawyer truth occurred least more through them see forces martyrdom six black white willing hear guilty charged we also thank figure providing way into when three swearengen testify attorney lewis garrison if subpoenaed too late 1993 against public william james earl ray told story sam donaldson live asked help murder plot police wouldn t night interview read jury man produce frank liberto now deceased hold restaurant jim back door opened onto bushes visited day raul brought rifle box mike vinson marchapril probe witnesses testified involvement john mcferren arrived 5 pm warehouse shot 6 approached office phone saying sonofabitch balcony addison friend son learned didn kill done what says missouri heard tape 1998 meeting dexter ambassador andrew young meetings plan included undercover department officer marrell mccollough works central mpd clark third two men know thought agents identifying kneeling beside body famous photograph according witness smith community invaders working agent guy ran stairs right fired smoking rear down wrapped picked next best impression wanted get god free denied however purpose claim continued fear defend target ve seven basic background local conspiracy; crime broader lawson sclc vietnam poor campaign washington speech new york 1967 war identified violence world today house hatred deepened response d c shut nation capital spring massive disobedience until abolish poverty saw sanitation workers strike nonviolent revolution redistribute income doubt viewed seriously enough coretta return early violent march scene thus mrs could still floyd e newsum firefighter rights mountain top home returned transferred located street 31 needed left somebody company making request norvell wallace orders transfer threatened ever satisfactory explanation not described removal redditt detective surveillance hours to understand important himself initiated watch firehouse party including airport noticed something inspector don security nobody past assigned part team so others afternoon arkin take director holloman 25 years edgar hoover reason gave life select committee assassinations heavily farce total hsca strange spoken writers researchers doing interviewing order discredit first closed executive finally investigation you want deal like country just tell they ll and over hearing worth bottom one go open without looked book look questions answers this re going answer say a captain jerry williams stand responsible special unit officers earlier took protection couldn explained anybody very arrival some whom participant change leon cohen become morning spoke outside forced opposed moving better happened philip melanson 1991 tactical units vicinity evans why pulled assassin pastor kyles wrote any determined lived block away mulberry evening glimpse she clock corner huling north running building green chevrolet car drove gunned months off leaving opposite seen thirtyone anything how let fireman standing overgrown brushy area adjacent caldwell times videotaped 00 p m heavy looking article questioned authorities orange record person smoke ten seconds brush side from bullet sniper buildings remember then though 8 hill cut rooming having interviewed law enforcement since jones got rather believed sort 30 same information concerning maynard stiles senior confirmed near at 7 assistance clearing debris vacant called another site under direction whoever proceeded cleanup slow methodical meticulous manner cover shooter sanitized readers again recall key offered weapon joe arthur hanes hamblin brown hearings bullets added unfired found different taken circuit father decision summer canipe doorway bundle held radio prison number dropped sent state accepted credible theory bathroom mustang minutes already watching involved shooting mccraw stephens deposition lying wide close probably drinking mississippi river revealed indicted really closing argument most series 1995 montreal escaped guided money set spread photos photo private investigator passport british glenda jack saltman showed 1997 journalist woman defense appear attempted forward carthel weeden roof valentine while phoenix program cia talked military movement kept juror david morphy terrell death wife details assassinated fauntroy congress subcommittee investigated course apparent discovered sprague chief make available conclusion justice reports action attempt tennessee swat testifying stokes blanton mark glankler q by name think does yes either sir charles hurley peggy last goes news further beyond turn those murderous officials per se asserted economic powerholders represented deeper affiliates covert worse decisionmaking processes representatives footsoldiers interests suffer result changes actived verge powers dictate policies prelude posed threat revolutionary force stop reached size complexity vision work media kennedy ultimately somehow terms dealt happen issue once termination talking redistribution wealth power threatening should political killing taught reconciliation amount jesus perhaps lesson understands nonviolence marching robert campaigning domination democracy corporate thirtytwo honors national holiday releases findings limited reinvestigation footsoldier continuing continues closely related murders malcolm x odd mind sleep kind

Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Celebration – Little Rock Marade – King Assassinaton Transcript

Martin Luther King, Jr



Welcome – Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration


About the Celebration. Thirty-two years ago, a group of civic-minded citizens under the leadership of Dr. Beverly Mitchell- Brooks gathered at the Martin Luther KingMartin Luther King Jr’s Birthday is a day of honor and commemorative
events at a variety of sites in Washington, DC. Martin Luther King Jr’s
Birthday is January 15th and is celebrated each year on the third Monday
in January. In 1994, to further commemorate a man who lived his life in
service to others, Congress transformed the Martin Luther King, Jr.
holiday into a national day of community service. Here is a schedule of
special events to honor this civil rights leader and to give local
residents the opportunity to reach out to help those in need.

Martin Luther King Memorial

This weekend is a great time to visit the Memorial. National Park
Service Rangers discuss King’s role in the Civil Rights movement daily.
The National Park Service will host a wreathlaying service on January
20, 2014, 8-9 a.m. in observance of the birthday-anniversary for Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. On January 18-20, 2014, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. a Junior Ranger program will be held for kids.

2014 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service

January 20, 2014. Major service events will take place across the
country. Join a community service organization or create your own event
to serve the DC community and make a difference.

Martin Luther King Jr. Parade

January 20, 2014, 11 a.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE and Milwaukee
Place SE, Washington DC. The Anacostia parade/peacewalk includes the
Ballou Marching Band and representatives from the area’s Asian,
Bolivian, Jamaican and African American

“I Have A Dream” speech

MLK Memorial: Remembering the Dream

Martin Luther King is rightly remembered for his dream, first articulated on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial 48 years ago this Sunday, that the principles embodied in “the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence” would one day be vindicated and applied to all men, regardless of “the color of their skin.” Fewer remember that in the ensuing years before his untimely death in 1968, King gradually abandoned the dream of equal rights and sought instead “the realization of equality” through government redistribution of wealth.How fitting, then, that the new Martin Luther King Memorial, unveiled Monday on the National Mall in Washington, DC, should stand between the Lincoln and FDR memorials—the former a tribute to the greatest champion of the Founders’ vision of equality, the latter a monument to the President who redefined rights and expanded the reach of government like no one else.
Miss Black Arkansas USA & Miss Black Arkansas Talented Teen USA Pageant at MLKing Maradee  1-20-2014

Annual ‘Marade’ honors King’s legacy

Hundreds of marchers took to the streets of Little Rock Monday for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day march-parade, an annual event that pays tribute to the slain civil rights icon.

Dozens of groups, ranging from high school bands to politicians seeking office to local businesses and churches, joined in the “Marade” that started at 33rd and Chester streets and was set to end at the state Capitol.

Some marchers clutched posters of King’s face or a famous quote. One children’s group sang “We Shall Overcome” as they walked past crowds gathered on the sidewalk. A sports car in the parade blasted a recording of one of King’s speeches over its loudspeaker.

Diane Charles, coordinator for the Marade, said this marks the 31st year for the popular event.


Martin Luther King, Jr

City Year Little Rock/North Little Rock Day of Service:

MLK Day is a day on -not a day off- for young people committed to making a difference in their communities. The service event will be held at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School in Little Rock on January 21 to celebrate the power of service and community in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Service projects will include beautification projects across the campus. Read more.
  1. Martin Luther King, Jr. – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Martin Luther King,
    Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American pastor,
    activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights

Arlington MLK Celebration Announces Keynote Speaker and …


Celebrating 25 Years! The Arlington Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration has reached a milestone. In 2014, the Arlington community will commemorate 25 years of MLK .

  1. MLK Savannah Home – Welcome to MLK Celebration – …


    The 35th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Observance Day Association Celebration

    LR Family: Celebrating Dr. MLK, Jr’s lasting legacy | thv11.com


    Jan 15, 2014 · LITTLE ROCK, Ark. ( KTHV) – It’s not just one day, but an entire month dedicated to serving the community. This month of service continues King’s vision of

    MLK event features one of “Little Rock Nine”
    Indiana Statesman ·

    Ernest Green will be on campus Friday as part of ISU’s Martin Luther King Day commemorative events. Green was one of the “Little Rock Nine,” a group of African

The King Assassination Conspiracy: Betrayed by Judas

On April 3, 1968, Walter Bailey, the owner of the Lorraine Motel received a call from a member of Kings inner circle in Atlanta requesting that a specific room on the second floor be reserve for King. (King had always stayed in a secure room on the 1st floor.) On April 4, Lorrain Bailey overheard a member of Kings entourage asking him to come out of his room and speak to a small group that had assemble in the parking lot. Lorraine Bailey knew that King was in bed suffering from a severe headache but this member of Kings inner circle insisted that King come out and talk to the people. King reluctantly came out of his room to speak to the small crowd when he was shoot. Lorraine knew the identity of the Judas who had Dr. King set-up to be assassinated.

Was the Judas following orders from his Masonic Master?
Lorraine Bailey was killed, hung in the stairwell of her motel immediatly after the assassination. The official cover-up statement said that Lorraine Bailey had a stroke on April 4th and died a few days later.
Who was the Judas who set-up King? Was King assassination a Masonic hit? Was a beer distributorship part of the payoff?


Complete Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial … Olivia Catling, neighborhood resident around Lorraine Motel. Mr …
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Across from the Lorraine Motel was Fire Station no. 2. Who ordered … to the question did Loyd Jowers participate in a conspiracy to do harm to Dr. Martin Luther King, your …


In the complaint filed by the King family, “King versus Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators,” the only named defendant, Loyd Jowers, was never their primary concern. As soon became evident in court, the real defendants were the anonymous co-conspirators who stood in the shadows behind Jowers, the former owner of a Memphis bar and grill. The Kings and Pepper were in effect charging U.S. intelligence agencies — particularly the FBI and Army intelligence — with organizing, subcontracting, and covering up the assassination. Such a charge guarantees almost insuperable obstacles to its being argued in a court within the United States. Judicially it is an unwelcome beast.

I can hardly believe the fact that, apart from the courtroom participants, only Memphis TV reporter Wendell Stacy and I attended from beginning to end this historic three-and-one-half week trial. Because of journalistic neglect scarcely anyone else in this land of ours even knows what went on in it. After critical testimony was given in the trial’s second week before an almost empty gallery, Barbara Reis, U.S. correspondent for the Lisbon daily Publico who was there several days, turned to me and said, “Everything in the U.S. is the trial of the century. O.J. Simpson’s trial was the trial of the century. Clinton’s trial was the trial of the century. But this is the trial of the century, and who’s here?”
Many qualifiers have been attached to the verdict in the King case. It came not in criminal court but in civil court, where the standards of evidence are much lower than in criminal court. (For example, the plaintiffs used unsworn testimony made on audiotapes and videotapes.) Furthermore, the King family as plaintiffs and Jowers as defendant agreed ahead of time on much of the evidence.
But these observations are not entirely to the point. Because of the government’s “sovereign immunity,” it is not possible to put a U.S. intelligence agency in the dock of a U.S. criminal court. Such a step would require authorization by the federal government, which is not likely to indict itself. Thanks to the conjunction of a civil court, an independent judge with a sense of history, and a courageous family and lawyer, a spiritual breakthrough to an unspeakable truth occurred in Memphis. It allowed at least a few people (and hopefully many more through them) to see the forces behind King’s martyrdom and to feel the responsibility we all share for it through our government. In the end, twelve jurors, six black and six white, said to everyone willing to hear: guilty as charged.
We can also thank the unlikely figure of Loyd Jowers for providing a way into that truth.
Loyd Jowers: When the frail, 73-year-old Jowers became ill after three days in court, Judge Swearengen excused him. Jowers did not testify and said through his attorney, Lewis Garrison, that he would plead the Fifth Amendment if subpoenaed. His discretion was too late. In 1993 against the advice of Garrison, Jowers had gone public. Prompted by William Pepper’s progress as James Earl Ray’s attorney in uncovering Jowers’s role in the assassination, Jowers told his story to Sam Donaldson on Prime Time Live. He said he had been asked to help in the murder of King and was told there would be a decoy (Ray) in the plot. He was also told that the police “wouldn’t be there that night.”
In that interview, the transcript of which was read to the jury in the Memphis courtroom, Jowers said the man who asked him to help in the murder was a Mafia-connected produce dealer named Frank Liberto. Liberto, now deceased, had a courier deliver $100,000 for Jowers to hold at his restaurant, Jim’s Grill, the back door of which opened onto the dense bushes across from the Lorraine Motel. Jowers said he was visited the day before the murder by a man named Raul, who brought a rifle in a box.
As Mike Vinson reported in the March-April Probe, other witnesses testified to their knowledge of Liberto’s involvement in King’s slaying. Store-owner John McFerren said he arrived around 5:15 pm, April 4, 1968, for a produce pick-up at Frank Liberto’s warehouse in Memphis. (King would be shot at 6:0l pm.) When he approached the warehouse office, McFerren overheard Liberto on the phone inside saying, “Shoot the son-of-a-bitch on the balcony.”
Café-owner Lavada Addison, a friend of Liberto’s in the late 1970’s, testified that Liberto had told her he “had Martin Luther King killed.” Addison’s son, Nathan Whitlock, said when he learned of this conversation he asked Liberto point-blank if he had killed King.
“[Liberto] said, `I didn’t kill the nigger but I had it done.’ I said, `What about that other son-of-a-bitch taking credit for it?’ He says, `Ahh, he wasn’t nothing but a troublemaker from Missouri. He was a front man . . . a setup man.'”
The jury also heard a tape recording of a two-hour-long confession Jowers made at a fall 1998 meeting with Martin Luther King’s son Dexter and former UN Ambassador Andrew Young. On the tape Jowers says that meetings to plan the assassination occurred at Jim’s Grill. He said the planners included undercover Memphis Police Department officer Marrell McCollough (who now works for the Central Intelligence Agency, and who is referenced in the trial transcript as Merrell McCullough), MPD Lieutentant Earl Clark (who died in 1987), a third police officer, and two men Jowers did not know but thought were federal agents.
Young, who witnessed the assassination, can be heard on the tape identifying McCollough as the man kneeling beside King’s body on the balcony in a famous photograph. According to witness Colby Vernon Smith, McCollough had infiltrated a Memphis community organizing group, the Invaders, which was working with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In his trial testimony Young said the MPD intelligence agent was “the guy who ran up [the balcony stairs] with us to see Martin.”
Jowers says on the tape that right after the shot was fired he received a smoking rifle at the rear door of Jim’s Grill from Clark. He broke the rifle down into two pieces and wrapped it in a tablecloth. Raul picked it up the next day. Jowers said he didn’t actually see who fired the shot that killed King, but thought it was Clark, the MPD’s best marksman.
Young testified that his impression from the 1998 meeting was that the aging, ailing Jowers “wanted to get right with God before he died, wanted to confess it and be free of it.” Jowers denied, however, that he knew the plot’s purpose was to kill King — a claim that seemed implausible to Dexter King and Young. Jowers has continued to fear jail, and he had directed Garrison to defend him on the grounds that he didn’t know the target of the plot was King. But his interview with Donaldson suggests he was not naïve on this point.
Loyd Jowers’s story opened the door to testimony that explored the systemic nature of the murder in seven other basic areas:
    1. Background to the assassination

      James Lawson, King’s friend and an organizer with SCLC, testified that King’s stands on Vietnam and the Poor People’s Campaign had created enemies in Washington. He said King’s speech at New York’s Riverside Church on April 4, 1967, which condemned the Vietnam War and identified the U.S. government as “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today,” provoked intense hostility in the White House and FBI.
      Hatred and fear of King deepened, Lawson said, in response to his plan to hold the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C. King wanted to shut down the nation’s capital in the spring of 1968 through massive civil disobedience until the government agreed to abolish poverty. King saw the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike as the beginning of a nonviolent revolution that would redistribute income.
      “I have no doubt,” Lawson said, “that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his assassination.”
      Coretta Scott King testified that her husband had to return to Memphis in early April 1968 because of a violent demonstration there for which he had been blamed. Moments after King arrived in Memphis to join the sanitation workers’ march there on March 28, 1968, the scene turned violent — subverted by government provocateurs, Lawson said. Thus King had to return to Memphis on April 3 and prepare for a truly nonviolent march, Mrs. King said, to prove SCLC could still carry out a nonviolent campaign in Washington.


    1. Local conspiracy
      On the night of April 3, 1968, Floyd E. Newsum, a black firefighter and civil rights activist, heard King’s “I’ve Been to the Mountain Top” speech at the Mason Temple in Memphis. On his return home, Newsum returned a phone call from his lieutenant and was told he had been temporarily transferred, effective April 4, from Fire Station 2, located across the street from the Lorraine Motel, to Fire Station 31. Newsum testified that he was not needed at the new station. However, he was needed at his old station because his departure left it “out of service unless somebody else was detailed to my company in my stead.” After making many queries, Newsum was eventually told he had been transferred by request of the police department.
      The only other black firefighter at Fire Station 2, Norvell E. Wallace, testified that he, too, received orders from his superior officer on the night of April 3 for a temporary transfer to a fire station far removed from the Lorraine Motel. He was later told vaguely that he had been threatened.
      Wallace guessed it was because “I was putting out fires,” he told the jury with a smile. Asked if he ever received a satisfactory explanation for his transfer Wallace answered, “No. Never did. Not to this day.”
      In the March-April Probe, Mike Vinson described the similar removal of Ed Redditt, a black Memphis Police Department detective, from his Fire Station 2 surveillance post two hours before King’s murder.
      To understand the Redditt incident, it is important to note that it was Redditt himself who initiated his watch on Dr. King from the firehouse across the street. Redditt testified that when King’s party and the police accompanying them (including Detective Redditt) arrived from the airport at the Lorraine Motel on April 3, he “noticed something that was unusual.” When Inspector Don Smith, who was in charge of security, told Redditt he could leave, Redditt “noticed there was nobody else there. In the past when we were assigned to Dr. King [when Redditt had been part of a black security team for King], we stayed with him. I saw nobody with him. So I went across the street and asked the Fire Department could we come in and observe from the rear, which we did.” Given Redditt’s concerns for King’s safety, his particular watch on the Lorraine may not have fit into others’ plans.
      Redditt testified that late in the afternoon of April 4, MPD Intelligence Officer Eli Arkin came to Fire Station 2 to take him to Central Headquarters. There Police and Fire Director Frank Holloman (formerly an FBI agent for 25 years, seven of them as supervisor of J. Edgar Hoover’s office) ordered Redditt home, against his wishes and accompanied by Arkin. The reason Holloman gave Redditt for his removal from the King watch Redditt had initiated the day before was that his life had been threatened.
      In an interview after the trial, Redditt told me the story of how his 1978 testimony on this question before the House Select Committee on Assassinations was part of a heavily pressured cover-up. “It was a farce,” he said, “a total farce.”
      Redditt had been subpoenaed by the HSCA to testify, as he came to realize, not so much on his strange removal from Fire Station 2 as the fact that he had spoken about it openly to writers and researchers. The HSCA focused narrowly on the discrepancy between Redditt’s surveiling King (as he was doing) and acting as security (an impression Redditt had given writers interviewing him) in order to discredit the story of his removal. Redditt was first grilled by the committee for eight straight hours in a closed executive session. After a day of hostile questioning, Redditt finally said late in the afternoon, “I came here as a friend of the investigation, not as an enemy of the investigation. You don’t want to deal with the truth.” He told the committee angrily that if the secret purpose behind the King conspiracy was, like the JFK conspiracy, “to protect the country, just tell the American people! They’ll be happy! And quit fooling the folks and trying to pull the wool over their eyes.”
      When the closed hearing was over, Redditt received a warning call from a friend in the White House who said, “Man, your life isn’t worth a wooden nickel.”
      Redditt said his public testimony the next day “was a set-up”: “The bottom line on that one was that Senator Baker decided that I wouldn’t go into this open hearing without an attorney. When the lawyer and I arrived at the hearing, we were ushered right back out across town to the executive director in charge of the investigation. [We] looked through a book, to look at the questions and answers.”
      “So in essence what they were saying was: `This is what you’re going to answer to, and this is how you’re going to answer.’ It was all made up — all designed, questions and answers, what to say and what not to say. A total farce.”
      Former MPD Captain Jerry Williams followed Redditt to the witness stand. Williams had been responsible for forming a special security unit of black officers whenever King came to Memphis (the unit Redditt had served on earlier). Williams took pride in providing the best possible protection for Dr. King, which included, he said, advising him never to stay at the Lorraine “because we couldn’t furnish proper security there.” (“It was just an open view,” he explained to me later, “Anybody could . . . There was no protection at all. To me that was a set-up from the very beginning.”)
Hatred and fear of King deepened, Lawson said, in response to his plan to hold the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C. King wanted to shut down the nation’s capital in the spring of 1968 through massive civil disobedience until the government agreed to abolish poverty. King saw the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike as the beginning of a nonviolent revolution that would redistribute income. “I have no doubt,” Lawson said, “that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his assassination.”
For King’s April 3, 1968 arrival, however, Williams was for some reason not asked to form the special black bodyguard. He was told years later by his inspector (a man whom Jowers identified as a participant in the planning meetings at Jim’s Grill) that the change occurred because somebody in King’s entourage had asked specifically for no black security officers. Williams told the jury he was bothered by the omission “even to this day.”
Leon Cohen, a retired New York City police officer, testified that in 1968 he had become friendly with the Lorraine Motel’s owner and manager, Walter Bailey (now deceased). On the morning after King’s murder, Cohen spoke with a visibly upset Bailey outside his office at the Lorraine. Bailey told Cohen about a strange request that had forced him to change King’s room to the location where he was shot.
Bailey explained that the night before King’s arrival he had received a call “from a member of Dr. King’s group in Atlanta.” The caller (whom Bailey said he knew but referred to only by the pronoun “he”) wanted the motel owner to change King’s room. Bailey said he was adamantly opposed to moving King, as instructed, from an inner court room behind the motel office (which had better security) to an outside balcony room exposed to public view.
“If they had listened to me,” Bailey said, “this wouldn’t have happened.”
Philip Melanson, author of the Martin Luther King Assassination (1991), described his investigation into the April 4 pullback of four tactical police units that had been patrolling the immediate vicinity of the Lorraine Motel. Melanson asked MPD Inspector Sam Evans (now deceased), commander of the units, why they were pulled back the morning of April 4, in effect making an assassin’s escape much easier. Evans said he gave the order at the request of a local pastor connected with King’s party, Rev. Samuel Kyles. (Melanson wrote in his book that Kyles emphatically denied making any such request.) Melanson said the idea that MPD security would be determined at such a time by a local pastor’s request made no sense whatsoever.
Olivia Catling lived a block away from the Lorraine on Mulberry Street. Catling had planned to walk down the street the evening of April 4 in the hope of catching a glimpse of King at the motel. She testified that when she heard the shot a little after six o’clock, she said, “Oh, my God, Dr. King is at that hotel!” She ran with her two children to the corner of Mulberry and Huling streets, just north of the Lorraine. She saw a man in a checkered shirt come running out of the alley beside a building across from the Lorraine. The man jumped into a green 1965 Chevrolet just as a police car drove up behind him. He gunned the Chevrolet around the corner and up Mulberry past Catling’s house moving her to exclaim, “It’s going to take us six months to pay for the rubber he’s burning up!!” The police, she said, ignored the man and blocked off a street, leaving his car free to go the opposite way.
I visited Catling in her home, and she told me the man she had seen running was not James Earl Ray. “I will go into my grave saying that was not Ray, because the gentleman I saw was heavier than Ray.”
“The police,” she told me, “asked not one neighbor [around the Lorraine], `What did you see?’ Thirty-one years went by. Nobody came and asked one question. I often thought about that. I even had nightmares over that, because they never said anything. How did they let him get away?”
Catling also testified that from her vantage point on the corner of Mulberry and Huling she could see a fireman standing alone across from the motel when the police drove up. She heard him say to the police, “The shot came from that clump of bushes,” indicating the heavily overgrown brushy area facing the Lorraine and adjacent to Fire Station 2.
    1. The crime scene
      Earl Caldwell was a New York Times reporter in his room at the Lorraine Motel the evening of April 4. In videotaped testimony, Caldwell said he heard what he thought was a bomb blast at 6:00 p.m. When he ran to the door and looked out, he saw a man crouched in the heavy part of the bushes across the street. The man was looking over at the Lorraine’s balcony. Caldwell wrote an article about the figure in the bushes but was never questioned about what he had seen by any authorities.
      In a 1993 affidavit from former SCLC official James Orange that was read into the record, Orange said that on April 4, “James Bevel and I were driven around by Marrell McCollough, a person who at that time we knew to be a member of the Invaders, a local community organizing group, and who we subsequently learned was an undercover agent for the Memphis Police Department and who now works for the Central Intelligence Agency . . . [After the shot, when Orange saw Dr. King’s leg dangling over the balcony], I looked back and saw the smoke. It couldn’t have been more than five to ten seconds. The smoke came out of the brush area on the opposite side of the street from the Lorraine Motel. I saw it rise up from the bushes over there. From that day to this time I have never had any doubt that the fatal shot, the bullet which ended Dr. King’s life, was fired by a sniper concealed in the brush area behind the derelict buildings.
      “I also remember then turning my attention back to the balcony and seeing Marrell McCollough up on the balcony kneeling over Dr. King, looking as though he was checking Dr. King for life signs.
      “I also noticed, quite early the next morning around 8 or 9 o’clock, that all of the bushes and brush on the hill were cut down and cleaned up. It was as though the entire area of the bushes from behind the rooming house had been cleared . . .
      “I will always remember the puff of white smoke and the cut brush and having never been given a satisfactory explanation.
      “When I tried to tell the police at the scene as best I saw they told me to be quiet and to get out of the way.
      “I was never interviewed or asked what I saw by any law enforcement authority in all of the time since 1968.”
      Also read into the record were depositions made by Solomon Jones to the FBI and to the Memphis police. Jones was King’s chauffeur in Memphis. The FBI document, dated April 13, 1968, says that after King was shot, when Jones looked across Mulberry Street into the brushy area, “he got a quick glimpse of a person with his back toward Mulberry Street. . . . This person was moving rather fast, and he recalls that he believed he was wearing some sort of light-colored jacket with some sort of a hood or parka.” In his 11:30 p.m., April 4, 1968 police interview, Jones provides the same basic information concerning a person leaving the brushy area hurriedly.
      Maynard Stiles, who in 1968 was a senior official in the Memphis Sanitation Department, confirmed in his testimony that the bushes near the rooming house were cut down. At about 7:00 a.m. on April 5, Stiles told the jury, he received a call from MPD Inspector Sam Evans “requesting assistance in clearing brush and debris from a vacant lot in the vicinity of the assassination.” Stiles called another superintendent of sanitation, who assembled a crew. “They went to that site, and under the direction of the police department, whoever was in charge there, proceeded with the clean-up in a slow, methodical, meticulous manner.” Stiles identified the site as an area overgrown with brush and bushes across from the Lorraine Motel.
      Within hours of King’s assassination, the crime scene that witnesses were identifying to the Memphis police as a cover for the shooter had been sanitized by orders of the police.


    1. The rifle
      Probe readers will again recall from Mike Vinson’s article three key witnesses in the Memphis trial who offered evidence counter to James Earl Ray’s rifle being the murder weapon:

      1. Judge Joe Brown, who had presided over two years of hearings on the rifle, testified that “67% of the bullets from my tests did not match the Ray rifle.” He added that the unfired bullets found wrapped with it in a blanket were metallurgically different from the bullet taken from King’s body, and therefore were from a different lot of ammunition. And because the rifle’s scope had not been sited, Brown said, “this weapon literally could not have hit the broad side of a barn.” Holding up the 30.06 Remington 760 Gamemaster rifle, Judge Brown told the jury, “It is my opinion that this is not the murder weapon.”

      2. Circuit Court Judge Arthur Hanes Jr. of Birmingham, Alabama, had been Ray’s attorney in 1968. (On the eve of his trial, Ray replaced Hanes and his father, Arthur Hanes Sr., by Percy Foreman, a decision Ray told the Haneses one week later was the biggest mistake of his life.) Hanes testified that in the summer of 1968 he interviewed Guy Canipe, owner of the Canipe Amusement Company. Canipe was a witness to the dropping in his doorway of a bundle that held a trove of James Earl Ray memorabilia, including the rifle, unfired bullets, and a radio with Ray’s prison identification number on it. This dropped bundle, heaven (or otherwise) sent for the State’s case against Ray, can be accepted as credible evidence through a willing suspension of disbelief. As Judge Hanes summarized the State’s lone-assassin theory (with reference to an exhibit depicting the scene), “James Earl Ray had fired the shot from the bathroom on that second floor, come down that hallway into his room and carefully packed that box, tied it up, then had proceeded across the walkway the length of the building to the back where that stair from that door came up, had come down the stairs out the door, placed the Browning box containing the rifle and the radio there in the Canipe entryway.” Then Ray presumably got in his car seconds before the police’s arrival, driving from downtown Memphis to Atlanta unchallenged in his white Mustang.
        Concerning his interview with the witness who was the cornerstone of this theory, Judge Hanes told the jury that Guy Canipe (now deceased) provided “terrific evidence”: “He said that the package was dropped in his doorway by a man headed south down Main Street on foot, and that this happened at about ten minutes before the shot was fired [emphasis added].”
        Hanes thought Canipe’s witnessing the bundle-dropping ten minutes before the shot was very credible for another reason. It so happened (as confirmed by Philip Melanson’s research) that at 6:00 p.m. one of the MPD tactical units that had been withdrawn earlier by Inspector Evans, TACT 10, had returned briefly to the area with its 16 officers for a rest break at Fire Station 2. Thus, as Hanes testified, with the firehouse brimming with police, some already watching King across the street, “when they saw Dr. King go down, the fire house erupted like a beehive . . . In addition to the time involved [in Ray’s presumed odyssey from the bathroom to the car], it was circumstantially almost impossible to believe that somebody had been able to throw that [rifle] down and leaave right in the face of that erupting fire station.”
        When I spoke with Judge Hanes after the trial about the startling evidence he had received from Canipe, he commented, “That’s what I’ve been saying for 30 years.”

      3. William Hamblin testified not about the rifle thrown down in the Canipe doorway but rather the smoking rifle Loyd Jowers said he received at his back door from Earl Clark right after the shooting. Hamblin recounted a story he was told many times by his friend James McCraw, who had died.
        James McCraw is already well-known to researchers as the taxi driver who arrived at the rooming house to pick up Charlie Stephens shortly before 6:00 p.m. on April 4. In a deposition read earlier to the jury, McCraw said he found Stephens in his room lying on his bed too drunk to get up, so McCraw turned out the light and left without him — minutes before Stephens, according to the State, identified Ray in profile passing down the hall from the bathroom. McCraw also said the bathroom door next to Stephen’s room was standing wide open, and there was no one in the bathroom — where again, according to the State, Ray was then balancing on the tub, about to squeeze the trigger.
        William Hamblin told the jury that he and fellow cab-driver McCraw were close friends for about 25 years. Hamblin said he probably heard McCraw tell the same rifle story 50 times, but only when McCraw had been drinking and had his defenses down.
        In that story, McCraw said that Loyd Jowers had given him the rifle right after the shooting. According to Hamblin, “Jowers told him to get the [rifle] and get it out of here now. [McCraw] said that he grabbed his beer and snatched it out. He had the rifle rolled up in an oil cloth, and he leapt out the door and did away with it.” McCraw told Hamblin he threw the rifle off a bridge into the Mississippi River.
        Hamblin said McCraw never revealed publicly what he knew of the rifle because, like Jowers, he was afraid of being indicted: “He really wanted to come out with it, but he was involved in it. And he couldn’t really tell the truth.”
        William Pepper accepted Hamblin’s testimony about McCraw’s disposal of the rifle over Jowers’s claim to Dexter King that he gave the rifle to Raul. Pepper said in his closing argument that the actual murder weapon had been lying “at the bottom of the Mississippi River for over thirty-one years.”
Maynard Stiles, who in 1968 was a senior official in the Memphis Sanitation Department, confirmed in his testimony that the bushes near the rooming house were cut down. At about 7:00 a.m. on April 5, Stiles told the jury, he received a call from MPD Inspector Sam Evans “requesting assistance in clearing brush and debris from a vacant lot in the vicinity of the assassination. . . . They went to that site, and under the direction of the police department, whoever was in charge there, proceeded with the clean-up in a slow, methodical, meticulous manner.” . . . Within hours of King’s assassination, the crime scene that witnesses were identifying to the Memphis police as a cover for the shooter had been sanitized by orders of the police.
  • Raul
    One of the most significant developments in the Memphis trial was the emergence of the mysterious Raul through the testimony of a series of witnesses.
    In a 1995 deposition by James Earl Ray that was read to the jury, Ray told of meeting Raul in Montreal in the summer of 1967, three months after Ray had escaped from a Missouri prison. According to Ray, Raul guided Ray’s movements, gave him money for the Mustang car and the rifle, and used both to set him up in Memphis.
    Andrew Young and Dexter King described their meeting with Jowers and Pepper at which Pepper had shown Jowers a spread of photographs, and Jowers picked out one as the person named Raul who brought him the rifle to hold at Jim’s Grill. Pepper displayed the same spread of photos in court, and Young and King pointed out the photo Jowers had identified as Raul. (Private investigator John Billings said in separate testimony that this picture was a passport photograph from 1961, when Raul had immigrated from Portugal to the U.S.)
    The additional witnesses who identified the photo as Raul’s included: British merchant seaman Sidney Carthew, who in a videotaped deposition from England said he had met Raul (who offered to sell him guns) and a man he thinks was Ray (who wanted to be smuggled onto his ship) in Montreal in the summer of 1967; Glenda and Roy Grabow, who recognized Raul as a gunrunner they knew in Houston in the `60s and `70s and who told Glenda in a rage that he had killed Martin Luther King; Royce Wilburn, Glenda’s brother, who also knew Raul in Houston; and British television producer Jack Saltman, who had obtained the passport photo and showed it to Ray in prison, who identified it as the photo of the person who had guided him.
    Saltman and Pepper, working on independent investigations, located Raul in 1995. He was living quietly with his family in the northeastern U.S. It was there in 1997 that journalist Barbara Reis of the Lisbon Publico, working on a story about Raul, spoke with a member of his family. Reis testified that she had spoken in Portuguese to a woman in Raul’s family who, after first denying any connection to Ray’s Raul, said “they” had visited them. “Who?” Reis asked. “The government,” said the woman. She said government agents had visited them three times over a three-year period. The government, she said, was watching over them and monitoring their phone calls. The woman took comfort and satisfaction in the fact that her family (so she believed) was being protected by the government.
    In his closing argument Pepper said of Raul: “Now, as I understand it, the defense had invited Raul to appear here. He is outside this jurisdiction, so a subpoena would be futile. But he was asked to appear here. In earlier proceedings there were attempts to depose him, and he resisted them. So he has not attempted to come forward at all and tell his side of the story or to defend himself.”


  • A broader conspiracy
    Carthel Weeden, captain of Fire Station 2 in 1968, testified that he was on duty the morning of April 4 when two U.S. Army officers approached him. The officers said they wanted a lookout for the Lorraine Motel. Weeden said they carried briefcases and indicated they had cameras. Weeden showed the officers to the roof of the fire station. He left them at the edge of its northeast corner behind a parapet wall. From there the Army officers had a bird’s-eye view of Dr. King’s balcony doorway and could also look down on the brushy area adjacent to the fire station.
    The testimony of writer Douglas Valentine filled in the background of the men Carthel Weeden had taken up to the roof of Fire Station 2. While Valentine was researching his book The Phoenix Program (1990), on the CIA’s notorious counterintelligence program against Vietnamese villagers, he talked with veterans in military intelligence who had been re-deployed from the Vietnam War to the sixties antiwar movement. They told him that in 1968 the Army’s 111th Military Intelligence Group kept Martin Luther King under 24-hour-a-day surveillance. Its agents were in Memphis April 4. As Valentine wrote in The Phoenix Program, they “reportedly watched and took photos while King’s assassin moved into position, took aim, fired, and walked away.”
    Testimony which juror David Morphy later described as “awesome” was that of former CIA operative Jack Terrell, a whistle-blower in the Iran-Contra scandal. Terrell, who was dying of liver cancer in Florida, testified by videotape that his close friend J.D. Hill had confessed to him that he had been a member of an Army sniper team in Memphis assigned to shoot “an unknown target” on April 4. After training for a triangular shooting, the snipers were on their way into Memphis to take up positions in a watertower and two buildings when their mission was suddenly cancelled. Hill said he realized, when he learned of King’s assassination the next day, that the team must have been part of a contingency plan to kill King if another shooter failed.
    Terrell said J.D. Hill was shot to death. His wife was charged with shooting Hill (in response to his drinking), but she was not indicted. From the details of Hill’s death, Terrell thought the story about Hill’s wife shooting him was a cover, and that his friend had been assassinated. In an interview, Terrell said the CIA’s heavy censorship of his book Disposable Patriot (1992) included changing the paragraph on J.D. Hill’s death, so that it read as if Terrell thought Hill’s wife was responsible.


  • Cover-up
    Walter Fauntroy, Dr. King’s colleague and a 20-year member of Congress, chaired the subcommittee of the 1976-78 House Select Committee on Assassinations that investigated King’s assassination. Fauntroy testified in Memphis that in the course of the HSCA investigation “it was apparent that we were dealing with very sophisticated forces.” He discovered electronic bugs on his phone and TV set. When Richard Sprague, HSCA’s first chief investigator, said he would make available all CIA, FBI, and military intelligence records, he became a focus of controversy. Sprague was forced to resign. His successor made no demands on U.S. intelligence agencies. Such pressures contributed to the subcommittee’s ending its investigation, as Fauntroy said, “without having thoroughly investigated all of the evidence that was apparent.” Its formal conclusion was that Ray assassinated King, that he probably had help, and that the government was not involved.
    When I interviewed Fauntroy in a van on his way back to the Memphis Airport, I asked about the implications of his statements in an April 4, 1997 Atlanta Constitution article. The article said Fauntroy now believed “Ray did not fire the shot that killed King and was part of a larger conspiracy that possibly involved federal law enforcement agencies, ” and added: “Fauntroy said he kept silent about his suspicions because of fear for himself and his family.”
    Fauntroy told me that when he left Congress in 1991 he had the opportunity to read through his files on the King assassination, including raw materials that he’d never seen before. Among them was information from J. Edgar Hoover’s logs. There he learned that in the three weeks before King’s murder the FBI chief held a series of meetings with “persons involved with the CIA and military intelligence in the Phoenix operation in Southeast Asia.” Why? Fauntroy also discovered there had been Green Berets and military intelligence agents in Memphis when King was killed. “What were they doing there?” he asked.
    When Fauntroy had talked about his decision to write a book about what he’d “uncovered since the assassination committee closed down,” he was promptly investigated and charged by the Justice Department with having violated his financial reports as a member of Congress. His lawyer told him that he could not understand why the Justice Department would bring up a charge on the technicality of one misdated check. Fauntroy said he interpreted the Justice Department’s action to mean: “Look, we’ll get you on something if you continue this way. . . . I just thought: I’ll tell them I won’t go and finish the book, because it’s surely not worth it.”
    At the conclusion of his trial testimony, Fauntroy also spoke about his fear of an FBI attempt to kill James Earl Ray when he escaped from Tennessee’s Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary in June 1977. Congressman Fauntroy had heard reports about an FBI SWAT team having been sent into the area around the prison to shoot Ray and prevent his testifying at the HSCA hearings. Fauntroy asked HSCA chair Louis Stokes to alert Tennesssee Governor Ray Blanton to the danger to the HSCA’s star witness and Blanton’s most famous prisoner. When Stokes did, Blanton called off the FBI SWAT team, Ray was caught safely by local authorities, and in Fauntroy’s words, “we all breathed a sigh of relief.”
    The Memphis jury also learned how a 1993-98 Tennessee State investigation into the King assassination was, if not a cover-up, then an inquiry noteworthy for its lack of witnesses. Lewis Garrison had subpoenaed the head of the investigation, Mark Glankler, in an effort to discover evidence helpful to Jowers’s defense. William Pepper then cross-examined Glankler on the witnesses he had interviewed in his investigation:


    Q. (BY MR. PEPPER) Mr. Glankler, did you interview Mr. Maynard Stiles, whose testifying —
    A. I know the name, Counselor, but I don’t think I took a statement from Maynard Stiles or interviewed him. I don’t think I did.
    Q. Did you ever interview Mr. Floyd Newsum?
    A. Can you help me with what he does?
    Q. Yes. He was a black fireman who was assigned to Station Number 2.
    A. I don’t recall the name, Counsel.
    Q. All right. Ever interview Mr. Norvell Wallace?
    A. I don’t recall that name offhand either.
    Q. Ever interview Captain Jerry Williams?
    A. Fireman also?
    Q. Jerry Williams was a policeman. He was a homicide detective.
    A. No, sir, I don’t — I really don’t recall that name.
    Q. Fair enough. Did you ever interview Mr. Charles Hurley, a private citizen?
    A. Does he have a wife named Peggy?
    Q. Yes.
    A. I think we did talk with a Peggy Hurley or attempted to.
    Q. Did you interview a Mr. Leon Cohen?
    A. I just don’t recall without —
    Q. Did you ever interview Mr. James McCraw?
    A. I believe we did. He talks with a device?
    Q. Yes, the voice box..
    A. Yes, okay. I believe we did talk to him, yes, sir.
    Q. How about Mrs. Olivia Catling, who has testified —
    A. I’m sorry, the last name again.
    Q. Catling, C A T L I N G.
    A. No, sir, that name doesn’t —
    Q. Did you ever interview Ambassador Andrew Young?
    A. No, sir.
    Q. You didn’t?
    A. No, sir, not that I recall.
    Q. Did you ever interview Judge Arthur Hanes?
    A. No, sir.
    So it goes — downhill. The above is Glankler’s high-water mark: He got two out of the first ten (if one counts Charles and Peggy Hurley as a yes). Pepper questioned Glankler about 25 key witnesses. The jury was familiar with all of them from prior testimony in the trial. Glankler could recall his office interviewing a total of three. At the twenty-fifth-named witness, Earl Caldwell, Pepper finally let Glankler go:


    Q. Did you ever interview a former New York Times journalist, a New York Daily News correspondent named Earl Caldwell?
    A. Earl Caldwell? Not that I recall.
    Q. You never interviewed him in the course of your investigation?
    A. I just don’t recall that name.
    MR. PEPPER: I have no further comments about this investigation — no further questions for this investigator.

Pepper went a step beyond saying government agencies were responsible for the assassination. To whom in turn were those murderous agencies responsible? Not so much to government officials per se, Pepper asserted, as to the economic powerholders they represented who stood in the even deeper shadows behind the FBI, Army Intelligence, and their affiliates in covert action. By 1968, Pepper told the jury, “And today it is much worse in my view” — “the decision-making processes in the United States were the representatives, the footsoldiers of the very economic interests that were going to suffer as a result of these times of changes [being actived by King].”
To say that U.S. government agencies killed Martin Luther King on the verge of the Poor People’s Campaign is a way into the deeper truth that the economic powers that be (which dictate the policies of those agencies) killed him. In the Memphis prelude to the Washington campaign, King posed a threat to those powers of a non-violent revolutionary force. Just how determined they were to stop him before he reached Washington was revealed in the trial by the size and complexity of the plot to kill him.

The vision behind the trial

In his sprawling, brilliant work that underlies the trial, Orders to Kill (1995), William Pepper introduced readers to most of the 70 witnesses who took the stand in Memphis or were cited by deposition, tape, and other witnesses. To keep this article from reading like either an encyclopedia or a Dostoevsky novel, I have highlighted only a few. (Thanks to the King Center, the full trial trascript is available online at http://www.thekingcenter.com/tkc/trial.html.) What Pepper’s work has accomplished in print and in court can be measured by the intensity of the media attacks on him, shades of Jim Garrison. But even Garrison did not gain the support of the Kennedy family (in his case) or achieve a guilty verdict. The Memphis trial has opened wide a door to our assassination politics. Anyone who walks through it is faced by an either/or: to declare naked either the empire or oneself.
The King family has chosen the former. The vision behind the trial is at least as much theirs as it is William Pepper’s, for ultimately it is the vision of Martin Luther King Jr. Coretta King explained to the jury her family’s purpose in pursuing the lawsuit against Jowers: “This is not about money. We’re concerned about the truth, having the truth come out in a court of law so that it can be documented for all. I’ve always felt that somehow the truth would be known, and I hoped that I would live to see it. It is important I think for the sake of healing so many people — my family, other people, the nation.”
Dexter King, the plaintiffs’ final witness, said the trial was about why his father had been killed: “From a holistic side, in terms of the people, in terms of the masses, yes, it has to be dealt with because it is not about who killed Martin Luther King Jr., my father. It is not necessarily about all of those details. It is about: Why was he killed? Because if you answer the why, you will understand the same things are still happening. Until we address that, we’re all in trouble. Because if it could happen to him, if it can happen to this family, it can happen to anybody.
“It is so amazing for me that as soon as this issue of potential involvement of the federal government came up, all of a sudden the media just went totally negative against the family. I couldn’t understand that. I kept asking my mother, `What is going on?’
“She reminded me. She said, `Dexter, your dad and I have lived through this once already. You have to understand that when you take a stand against the establishment, first, you will be attacked. There is an attempt to discredit. Second, [an attempt] to try and character-assassinate. And third, ultimately physical termination or assassination.’
“Now the truth of the matter is if my father had stopped and not spoken out, if he had just somehow compromised, he would probably still be here with us today. But the minute you start talking about redistribution of wealth and stopping a major conflict, which also has economic ramifications . . . “
In his closing argument, William Pepper identified economic power as the root reason for King’s assassination: “When Martin King opposed the war, when he rallied people to oppose the war, he was threatening the bottom lines of some of the largest defense contractors in this country. This was about money. He was threatening the weapons industry, the hardware, the armaments industries, that would all lose as a result of the end of the war.
“The second aspect of his work that also dealt with money that caused a great deal of consternation in the circles of power in this land had to do with his commitment to take a massive group of people to Washington. . . . Now he began to talk about a redistribution of wealth, in this the wealthiest country in the world.”
Pepper went a step beyond saying government agencies were responsible for the assassination. To whom in turn were those murderous agencies responsible? Not so much to government officials per se, Pepper asserted, as to the economic powerholders they represented who stood in the even deeper shadows behind the FBI, Army Intelligence, and their affiliates in covert action. By 1968, Pepper told the jury, “And today it is much worse in my view” — “the decision-making processes in the United States were the representatives, the footsoldiers of the very economic interests that were going to suffer as a result of these times of changes [being actived by King].”
To say that U.S. government agencies killed Martin Luther King on the verge of the Poor People’s Campaign is a way into the deeper truth that the economic powers that be (which dictate the policies of those agencies) killed him. In the Memphis prelude to the Washington campaign, King posed a threat to those powers of a non-violent revolutionary force. Just how determined they were to stop him before he reached Washington was revealed in the trial by the size and complexity of the plot to kill him.
Dexter King testified to the truth of his father’s death with transforming clarity: “If what you are saying goes against what certain people believe you should be saying, you will be dealt with — maybe not the way you are dealt with in China, which is overtly. But you will be dealt with covertly. The result is the same.
“We are talking about a political assassination in modern-day times, a domestic political assassination. Of course, it is ironic, but I was watching a special on the CIA. They say, `Yes, we’ve participated in assassinations abroad but, no, we could never do anything like that domestically.’ Well, I don’t know. . . . Whether you call it CIA or some other innocuous acronym or agency, killing is killing.
“The issue becomes: What do we do about this? Do we endorse a policy in this country, in this life, that says if we don’t agree with someone, the only means to deal with it is through elimination and termination? I think my father taught us the opposite, that you can overcome without violence.
“We’re not in this to make heads roll. We’re in this to use the teachings that my father taught us in terms of nonviolent reconciliation. It works. We know that it works. So we’re not looking to put people in prison. What we’re looking to do is get the truth out so that this nation can learn and know officially. If the family of the victim, if we’re saying we’re willing to forgive and embark upon a process that allows for reconciliation, why can’t others?”
When pressed by Pepper to name a specific amount of damages for the death of his father, Dexter King said, “One hundred dollars.”

The Verdict

The jury returned with a verdict after two and one-half hours. Judge James E. Swearengen of Shelby County Circuit Court, a gentle African-American man in his last few days before retirement, read the verdict aloud. The courtroom was now crowded with spectators, almost all black.
“In answer to the question, `Did Loyd Jowers participate in a conspiracy to do harm to Dr. Martin Luther King?’ your answer is `Yes.'” The man on my left leaned forward and whispered softly, “Thank you, Jesus.”
The judge continued: “Do you also find that others, including governmental agencies, were parties to this conspiracy as alleged by the defendant?’ Your answer to that one is also `Yes.'” An even more heartfelt whisper: “Thank you, Jesus!”
Perhaps the lesson of the King assassination is that our government understands the power of nonviolence better than we do, or better than we want to. In the spring of 1968, when Martin King was marching (and Robert Kennedy was campaigning), King was determined that massive, nonviolent civil disobedience would end the domination of democracy by corporate and military power. The powers that be took Martin Luther King seriously. They dealt with him in Memphis.
Thirty-two years after Memphis, we know that the government that now honors Dr. King with a national holiday also killed him. As will once again become evident when the Justice Department releases the findings of its “limited re-investigation” into King’s death, the government (as a footsoldier of corporate power) is continuing its cover-up — just as it continues to do in the closely related murders of John and Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X.
David Morphy, the only juror to grant an interview, said later: “We can look back on it and say that we did change history. But that’s not why we did it. It was because there was an overwhelming amount of evidence and just too many odd coincidences.
“Everything from the police department being pulled back, to the death threat on Redditt, to the two black firefighters being pulled off, to the military people going up on top of the fire station, even to them going back to that point and cutting down the trees. Who in their right mind would go and destroy a crime scene like that the morning after? It was just very, very odd.”
I drove the few blocks to the house on Mulberry Street, one block north of the Lorraine Motel (now the National Civil Rights Museum). When I rapped loudly on Olivia Catling’s security door, she was several minutes in coming. She said she’d had the flu. I told her the jury’s verdict, and she smiled. “So I can sleep now. For years I could still hear that shot. After 31 years, my mind is at ease. So I can sleep now, knowing that some kind of peace has been brought to the King family. And that’s the best part about it.”
Perhaps the lesson of the King assassination is that our government understands the power of nonviolence better than we do, or better than we want to. In the spring of 1968, when Martin King was marching (and Robert Kennedy was campaigning), King was determined that massive, nonviolent civil disobedience would end the domination of democracy by corporate and military power. The powers that be took Martin Luther King seriously. They dealt with him in Memphis.
Thirty-two years after Memphis, we know that the government that now honors Dr. King with a national holiday also killed him. As will once again become evident when the Justice Department releases the findings of its “limited re-investigation” into King’s death, the government (as a footsoldier of corporate power) is continuing its cover-up — just as it continues to do in the closely related murders of John and Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X.
The faithful in a nonviolent movement that hopes to change the distribution of wealth and power in the U.S.A. — as Dr. King’s vision, if made real, would have done in 1968 — should be willing to receive the same kind of reward that King did in Memphis. As each of our religious traditions has affirmed from the beginning, that recurring story of martyrdom (“witness”) is one of ultimate transformation and cosmic good news
… when gunned down while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel. … restaurant owner was sued in civil court as part of a conspiracy to murder Martin Luther King.


Who really killed Dr. Martin Luther King? … flop house” across the street from theLorraine Motel … patsy and an unwitting participant in a conspiracy


april 4 the assassination dr martin l king who killed on 3 1968 walter bailey lorraine motel received call member kings inner circle atlanta requesting specific room second floor always stayed overheard entourage asking him come out his speak small group lot knew bed but talk people came he shoot judas her after official coverup statement said died few days later setup hit complete transcript luther jr conspiracy trial olivia catling around mr pdf voice view html across fire station no 2 ordered question did loyd jowers participate do harm www mlk in family other unknown coconspirators only named defendant never their as soon became evident court real stood shadows behind former owner memphis grill pepper effect u s intelligence agencies fbi army organizing up such charge almost its being within united states it i believe fact courtroom tv reporter beginning end week because anyone else land even went testimony given before barbara reis correspondent lisbon daily publico there several turned me everything century o j here many have verdict case criminal civil evidence much than for plaintiffs used made agreed time these point government possible put agency step would federal which thanks independent judge sense history lawyer truth occurred least more through them see forces martyrdom six black white willing hear guilty charged we also thank figure providing way into when three swearengen testify attorney lewis garrison if subpoenaed too late 1993 against public william james earl ray told story sam donaldson live asked help murder plot police wouldn t night interview read jury man produce frank liberto now deceased hold restaurant jim back door opened onto bushes visited day raul brought rifle box mike vinson marchapril probe witnesses testified involvement john mcferren arrived 5 pm warehouse shot 6 approached office phone saying sonofabitch balcony addison friend son learned didn kill done what says missouri heard tape 1998 meeting dexter ambassador andrew young meetings plan included undercover department officer marrell mccollough works central mpd clark third two men know thought agents identifying kneeling beside body famous photograph according witness smith community invaders working agent guy ran stairs right fired smoking rear down wrapped picked next best impression wanted get god free denied however purpose claim continued fear defend target ve seven basic background local conspiracy; crime broader lawson sclc vietnam poor campaign washington speech new york 1967 war identified violence world today house hatred deepened response d c shut nation capital spring massive disobedience until abolish poverty saw sanitation workers strike nonviolent revolution redistribute income doubt viewed seriously enough coretta return early violent march scene thus mrs could still floyd e newsum firefighter rights mountain top home returned transferred located street 31 needed left somebody company making request norvell wallace orders transfer threatened ever satisfactory explanation not described removal redditt detective surveillance hours to understand important himself initiated watch firehouse party including airport noticed something inspector don security nobody past assigned part team so others afternoon arkin take director holloman 25 years edgar hoover reason gave life select committee assassinations heavily farce total hsca strange spoken writers researchers doing interviewing order discredit first closed executive finally investigation you want deal like country just tell they ll and over hearing worth bottom one go open without looked book look questions answers this re going answer say a captain jerry williams stand responsible special unit officers earlier took protection couldn explained anybody very arrival some whom participant change leon cohen become morning spoke outside forced opposed moving better happened philip melanson 1991 tactical units vicinity evans why pulled assassin pastor kyles wrote any determined lived block away mulberry evening glimpse she clock corner huling north running building green chevrolet car drove gunned months off leaving opposite seen thirtyone anything how let fireman standing overgrown brushy area adjacent caldwell times videotaped 00 p m heavy looking article questioned authorities orange record person smoke ten seconds brush side from bullet sniper buildings remember then though 8 hill cut rooming having interviewed law enforcement since jones got rather believed sort 30 same information concerning maynard stiles senior confirmed near at 7 assistance clearing debris vacant called another site under direction whoever proceeded cleanup slow methodical meticulous manner cover shooter sanitized readers again recall key offered weapon joe arthur hanes hamblin brown hearings bullets added unfired found different taken circuit father decision summer canipe doorway bundle held radio prison number dropped sent state accepted credible theory bathroom mustang minutes already watching involved shooting mccraw stephens deposition lying wide close probably drinking mississippi river revealed indicted really closing argument most series 1995 montreal escaped guided money set spread photos photo private investigator passport british glenda jack saltman showed 1997 journalist woman defense appear attempted forward carthel weeden roof valentine while phoenix program cia talked military movement kept juror david morphy terrell death wife details assassinated fauntroy congress subcommittee investigated course apparent discovered sprague chief make available conclusion justice reports action attempt tennessee swat testifying stokes blanton mark glankler q by name think does yes either sir charles hurley peggy last goes news further beyond turn those murderous officials per se asserted economic powerholders represented deeper affiliates covert worse decisionmaking processes representatives footsoldiers interests suffer result changes actived verge powers dictate policies prelude posed threat revolutionary force stop reached size complexity vision work media kennedy ultimately somehow terms dealt happen issue once termination talking redistribution wealth power threatening should political killing taught reconciliation amount jesus perhaps lesson understands nonviolence marching robert campaigning domination democracy corporate thirtytwo honors national holiday releases findings limited reinvestigation footsoldier continuing continues closely related murders malcolm x odd mind sleep kind

World AIDS DAY 2013 – The Untold Story About AIDS

  • Interactive: World AIDS Day 2013
    CNN · 1 day ago

    World AIDS Day was launched in 1988 to raise awareness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, to encourage people to support those living with the condition and to remember…

  1. Presidential Proclamation — World AIDS Day, 2013 | The White …


    Nov 27, 2013 · Each year on World AIDS Day,
    we come together as a global community to fight a devastating pandemic.
    We remember the friends and loved ones we have lost …

  1. World AIDS Day – December 1 – Welcome to AIDS.gov


    Plan an Event. The 2013 theme for World AIDS Day is “Shared Responsibility: Strengthening Results for an AIDS-Free Generation.” Looking for ways you can take …

    1. World AIDS Day message 2013 – Xinhua | English.news.cn

      Xinhua News Agency8 hours ago

      Dec 01, 2013 · On this World AIDS Day—as we gather to remember friends and family lost to AIDS—we can also rejoice in incredible hope for the future. For the first …



Boyd Graves displays the 1971 HIV Flow Chart after
urging UN 
AIDS officials
…Boyd Graves(BG): The 1971 Flow Chart is the blueprint for
the development of 
Do the Elite, through
government and private sector scientists, create and distribute deadly viruses
to world populations 
1** In this highly revealing interview, renowned 
Boyd E. Graves, J.D.. It is hard to believe the public law that
authorized AIDS will be thirty one years old
“AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213”by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.
  It is hard to believe the public law that authorized AIDS
will be thirty one years old next week. Even more remarkable, that in a score
and a half, no one has ever read it!
On March 16, 1970, following significant world events both in
medicine and politics, President Richard Milhouse Nixon signed into law the
U.S. policy to protect America’s future by “stabilizing” the
population of Sub-Sahara Africa. The history leading to the politics is
relevant in our further presentation of the “research logic” 
Flow Chart of the federal virus
On April 4, 1969, President Richard Nixon did not want to be late.
He had been there many times before, but today was special. He wanted the
scientific and medical communities from around the world to hear and see his
presence as our military scientists and doctors announced, ‘they could
effectively make AIDS.’ It was Fort Detrick, Maryland and the ethnic nature of
the work would not be printed until November ’70.
Unbeknownst to the American people, the Special Virus program had
been underway since November, 1961. In a real sense, the current trillion
dollar ‘tax’ “give back” to U.S. taxpayers, is in essence the benefit
of our sharpened ability to kill humans for a better tomorrow for our financial
investment in our trust in God.
The 1971 Flow Chart proves the United States sought to co-mingle
animal viruses (Visna) that had never before been seen in human disease. Thus,
at what point did the population projections of Africa necessitate this
“long standing secret virus program?” It appears that shortly after
WW2, and the importation of the German (Operation Paperclip) and Japanese biological
experts, the U.S. State Department wrote a top secret memo under the pen of
George W. McKennan. The United States knew in 1948 it had to ‘devise a
to implant the German Visna in the human population and assist
the Black population in copulating itself into extinction.
Why? Why? Why would the ‘so-called’ greatest
“people-oriented” country in the history of the world have an Oz-like
curtain behind which reveals a twisted, evil social structure so contrary to
the very fabric of the core Constitutional foundations?
As Zbigniev Brezinski says in his classic 1978 National Security
Council Memorandum #46: “Africa’s resources remain our “highest
priority””! (Translation: If we allow the Africans to use of all
their own diamonds and gold, we won’t have anything physical to show that we
are not available for sex for others.)
So what we have done over the last fifty three years is come up
with a way to make it appear that Africa’s people are “sexually
nasty”. Thus African deaths are palatable. These people are dying solely
because of their behavior. Sort of the same thing that happened to homosexuals.
In other words, we are going to secretly make AIDS and not tell
you, so if you never stray from ‘monogamous missionary’, you won’t have
anything to worry about. Yeah, yeah, mr. government, please give us more
concocted social skills tests that end in state death. Even though you can’t
see it now, we will all be crucified.
But as it was, Nixon helicoptered back down to the Wh— House and
got busy. They were going to do it. No more White on White crime, we are going
to get those darkies. Adolph was wrong, why check for foreskins to determine
who your enemy is when you need only look toward his (face).
 Wasting no time to get to waste Blacks, in May 1969, Nixon
authorized the United Nations Association of the United States of America to
issue the first of the U.S. policy decisions carving out a U.S future world
with Africa’s resources void her people.
On June 9, The Pentagon informed the U.S. Congress and presto,
there it is. The trickster’s manifesto as to why we would quickly need
something like AIDS (which we had just made).
President Nixon’s “Special Message to the Congress on
Problems of Population Growth” 7/18/69 is the crown jewel of the ideology
of eugenics and racism. Again, though, who could possibly have known and have
been able to see through this government matrix? Reflect back that we were
distracted frequently throughout the entire decade of the 60’s and 70’s.
Kennedy, King, Kennedy (KKK) and Vietnam.
A very strong case builds that the desire to introduce Visna
(wasting) into humans is the direct result of the true tilt of the
ethnic/social landscape to the detriment of racial and social minorities.
With Nixon’s law authorizing eugenics czar, John D. Rockefeller,
III to lead the charge to cull the Black population, the U.S. Congress is
dog-tied from citizen overview of the Population Commission
(“COMMISSION”). AIDS is official U.S. policy. However, it is only
outlined until the end of the 20th Century. Our call for review is just, it isour union which is imperfect.
Join our petition call for immediate review of the 1971 Flow Chart and 15 progress reports
of the U.S. federal virus program, the Special Virus.

AidsEugenics, and the Future … up with two shattering exposes – “The Drug Story”, and “The House of Rockefeller.”


Commission on Population Growth and the American FutureMarch 27, 1972
To the President and Congress of the United States:
I have the honor to transmit for your consideration the Final
Report, containing the findings and recommendations, of the Commission on
Population Growth and the American Future, pursuant to Sec. 8, PL 91-213.
After two years of concentrated effort, we have concluded that, in
the long run, no substantial benefits will result from further growth of the
Nation’s population, rather that the gradual stabilization of our population
through voluntary means would contribute significantly to the Nation’s ability
to solve its problems. We have looked for, and have not found, any convincing
economic argument for continued population growth. The health of our country
does not depend on it, nor does the vitality of business nor the welfare of the
average person.
The recommendations offered by this Commission are directed
towards increasing public knowledge of the causes and please=””
acknowledge=”” and consequences of population change, facilitating
and guiding the processes of population movement, maximizing information about
human reproduction and its consequences for the family, and enabling
individuals to avoid unwanted fertility.
To these ends we offer this report in the hope that our findings
and recommendations will stimulate serious consideration of an issue that is of
great consequence to present and future generations.
Respectfully submitted for the Commission,John D. Rockefeller 3rd, Chairman
Lawrence A. DavisPresident, Arkansas Agricultural, Mechanical & Normal College

Dr. Boyd Graves discusses the origin of AIDS as well as the United States’ patented 
the 1950s, the Rockefellers reorganized the U.S. eugenics movement in their own
family offices, with spinoff world population control and abortion groups. The
Eugenics Society changed its name to the Society for the Study of Social
Biology, its current name. “The Rockefeller Foundation had long financed the
eugenics movement in England, apparently repaying Britain for the fact that
British capital and an Englishman-partner had started old John D. Rockefeller
out in his Oil Trust. “In the 1960s, the Eugenics Society of England adopted
what they called Crypto-eugenics, stating in their official reports that they
would do eugenics through means and instruments not labeled as eugenics. “With
support from the Rockefellers, the Eugenics Society (England) set up a
sub-committee called the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which for
12 years had no other address than the Eugenics Society. This, then, is the
private, international apparatus which has set the world up for a global
holocaust, under the UN flag.”
the AIDS, world population control connection… 
“July 1, 1970—Senate Appropriations
hearings are held for the Department of Defense and refer to eminent biologists
who believe that within 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a
synthetic biological agent (infective micro-organism), an agent that does not
naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.
“Hearings in the British House of Commons from April 8 to May 13, 1987
regarding AIDS will include the following: “Every biological scientist who has
dispassionately studied the virus and the epidemic knows that the origins of
the virus could lie in the developments of modern biology….Some who know
perfectly well what has happened are deliberately fudging scientific data to
keep the heat off them and fellow members of their molecular biological
‘club’.” – 
“In fact, it (the HIV virus) is created by a scientist for
biological warfare at an Army research facility in MD. Why has there been so
much secrecy about AIDS? When you ask where did the virus come from, it raises
a lot of flags. That makes me suspicious.”
 – Wangari Maatha
of Kenya, first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize
TEST, AND EVALUATION Department of the Army Statement of Director, Advanced
Research Project Agency Statement of Director, Defense Research and Engineering
Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING
1, 1969 SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL AGENTS There are two things about the biological
agent field I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological
surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and
eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be
possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not
naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. MR.
SIKES. Are we doing any work in that field? DR. MACARTHUR. We are not. MR.
SIKES. Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest? DR. MACARTHUR. Certainly not
lack of interest. MR. SIKES. Would you provide for our records information on
what would be required, what the advantages of such a program would be, the
time and the cost involved? DR. MACARTHUR. We will be very happy to. (The
information follows:) The dramatic progress being made in the field of
molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science
to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and
provided the following observations: 1. All biological agents up the the
present time are representatives of naturally occurring disease, and are thus
known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to
qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes. 2.
Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective
microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known
disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be
refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend
to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease. 3. A research
program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately
5 years at a total cost of $10 million. 4. It would be very difficult to
establish such a program. Molecular biology is a relatively new science. There
are not many highly competent scientists in the field. Almost all are in
university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported from
sources other than DOD. However, it was considered possible to initiate an
adequate program through the National Academy of Sciences – National Research
Council (NAS-NRC). The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC, and tentative
plans were plans were made to initiate the program. However decreasing funds in
CB, growing criticism of the CB program, and our reluctance to involve the
NAS-NRC in such a controversial endeavor have led us to postpone it for the
past 2 years. It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe
such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of
massive killing of large populations. On the other hand, without the sure
scientific knowledge that such a weapon is possible, and an understanding of
the ways it could be done, there is little that can be done to devise defensive
measures. Should an enemy develop it, there is little doubt that this is an
important area of potential military technological inferiority in which there
is no adequate research program. Funded for $10,000 000 12/8/69 (306 yes votes
330-no votes 33)
“Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.”
Smallpox vaccines triggered AIDS
On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world’s
most respected newspapers, published an explosive article entitled,
“Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.” The story suggested the
smallpox eradication vaccine program sponsored by the WHO was responsible for
unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africans living in central Africa
were inoculated by the WHO. The vaccine was held responsible for awakening a
“dormant” AIDS virus infection on the continent.
An advisor to the WHO admitted, “Now I believe
the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of AIDS.”
Robert Gallo, M,D., the co-discoverer of HIV, told The Times, “The link
between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important
hypothesis. I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for
some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can
activate a dormant infection such as HIV.” Despite the tremendous
importance of this story, the U.S. media was totally silent on the report, and
Gallo never spoke of it again.
In September 1987, at a conference sponsored by the
National Health Federation in Monrovia, California, William Campbell Douglass,
M.D., bluntly blamed the WHO for murdering Africa with the AIDS virus. In a
widely circulated reprint of his talk entitled “W.H.O. Murdered
Africa” , he accused the organization of encouraging virologists and
molecular biologists to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make
an immunosuppressive hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. From the
Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Volume 47, p.259, 1972), he quoted a
passage that stated: “An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in
fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked
into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the
infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the
virus.” According to Douglass, “That’s AIDS. What the WHO is saying
in plain English is Let’s cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell
system of man, an acquired immune deficiency.'”





AIDS baby born with heart outside stomach
Population And The American Future
The Report Of The Commission On 

million people live with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. 190 countries
around the world recognize this day to raise awareness that the battle
is not over in the fight against the world’s number one health threat.
An International Conference on AIDs will be held in Africa, December 3 through 7.

the U.S., the Black AIDS Institute is asking the Obama administration
to set up a domestic funding program for HIV/AIDS prevention
, according to BET.The
institute says this is increasingly a black issue as about half of the
over one million Americans living with HIV or AIDS are black.

women and girls are finding themselves part of the growing numbers,
with about 11 percent of newly reported AIDS cases contracted either
through sex with infected men or injected drug use. African American
woman accounted for 66 percent of the newly diagnosed cases in 2005,
according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The New York Timesin
an editorial, says that the WHO developed a mathematical model
predicting what would happen if most adults and adolescents were tested
every year for the AIDS virus, and those who were positive were treated
immediately with antiretroviral medications. The policy now is to use
the drugs after your immune system is depresse


50th Anniversary March on Washington – Dr. ML King Jr. I have a Dream Speech

50th Anniversary March on Washington

The “March for Jobs
and Justice” will take place on August 28, 2013.The following is a
detailed description of the route  (along with photographs of important
landmarks along the way) of the August 28, 2013 “March for Jobs and
Justice”.  The March is about 1.6 miles long.  Because there are many
variable, we can not tell you how long it will take.  We will be led in
this historic march by “veterans”  of the ’63 march.  Ahead of them will
be the Civil Rights Museum on Wheels – a fully restored transit
bus used during the segregation era.

stjohnsCivil Right Bus

At 8:00 am marchers will begin assembling at 600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W.  We will begin marching at 9:00 am sharp.


We will then proceed toward Louisiana
Avenue, N.W. – where we will take a right turn going toward Constitution
Avenue, N.W. There we will see the Washington Gas Building on the


At that point we will proceed to the U.S. Department of Labor – which is located at 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.  This will be our first rally point.
We will then pass by the United States Courthouse.
A water station and ambulance service will be located in this area by the Meade memorial.

August 28, 2013 citizens from across this country will converge upon
our nation’s capital to commemorate and celebrate the historic March On Washington 

Civil Rights March on Washington (History, Facts, Martin Luther King


The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. Attended by some 250,000 people, it was the larges



President Obama’s Africa Tour – Origin of AIDS Revisited

BBC News – 2 hours ago
The US president is to meet Nelson Mandela’s family during his official visit to South Africa, but will not visit the ailing ex-leader in hospital, the …

Barack Obama flies to South Africa in unaccustomed role of sideshow

Barack and Michelle Obama wave as they board Air Force One to depart for South Africa

28 Jun 2013: Nelson Mandela’s health and protests against US foreign policy dominate agenda as president makes first official visit

Nelson Mandela is a hero for the world, says Barack Obama

Barack Obama outside slave house

27 Jun 2013: US president begins tour of Africa with speech describing his personal memories of the ailing former leader of South Africa

Just remember what many Tories thought of Nelson Mandela in the apartheid years

Nelson Mandela

26 Jun 2013:Suzanne Moore: Soon we will be inundated with heartfelt speeches – but we mustn’t let those who opposed Mandela’s struggle pretend they didn’t

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — President Barack Obama on Thursday praised the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage as a “victory for American democracy” but clashed with his African host over gay rights in a sign of how far the movement has to go internationally.

Obama said recognition of gay unions in the United States should cross state lines and that equal rights should be recognized universally. It was his first chance to expand on his thoughts about the ruling, which was issued Wednesday as he flew to Senegal, one of many African countries that outlaw homosexuality.

US President Barack Obama has called on African governments to give gay people equal rights by decriminalising homosexual acts.

Mr Obama made the comments in Senegal after meeting President Macky Sall on the first leg of his African tour.

Mr Sall said Senegal was a “very tolerant” country but it was “not ready to decriminalise homosexuality”.

Homosexual acts are still a crime in 38 African countries, where most people hold conservative religious views.

In 2011, the US and UK hinted that they could withdraw aid from countries which did not respect gay rights.

Mr Obama said at a news conference that the issue did not come up in his discussions with Mr Sall.

Nevertheless, he believed that while different customs and religions should be respected, the law should treat everybody equally, he said.

Mr Obama welcomed the US Supreme Court’s decision on Wednesday to strike down a law that denied the recognition of same-sex marriages.

The ruling was a “victory for American democracy and a proud day for equal rights”, he said

Mr Sall said Senegal was still not ready to change its laws, but that “does not mean we are homophobic”.

This is Mr Obama’s third visit to Africa since he became president in 2008

He is also due to travel to South Africa and Tanzania.

Africa had made “amazing” strides in achieving democracy, Mr Obama said.

Senegal, a mainly Muslim country which has never been hit by a coup, was one of America’s “strongest partners” on the continent, he added.

“It’s moving in the right direction with reforms to deepen democratic institutions and as more Africans across this continent stand up and demand governments that are accountable and serve the people, I believe Senegal can be a great example,” Mr Obama said.

Mr Obama, along with his wife Michelle and children, is due to travel by ferry to Senegal’s Goree Island, a memorial to Africans who were caught up in the Atlantic slave trade.

The visit is expected to be emotional because Mr Obama is the son of an African and Michelle Obama is a descendant of slaves, correspondents say.

“A visit like this by an American president, any American president, is powerful,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney.

“I think that will be the case when President Obama visits and I’m sure particularly so, given that he is African American.”

On Sunday, Mr Obama is expected to visit Robben Island, where South Africa’s first black president Nelson Mandela was jailed for 18 of the 27 years he spent in prison, on the second leg of his African tour.

Vatican Official Arrested In Alleged Corruption Plot

Monsignor Nunzio ScaranoVatican ArrestCorruptionFraudGiovanni CarenzioMario ZitoVaticanReligion News

Vatican Arrest


Music Defied Nazis.. Bobby McFerrin.. Religion And DOMA.. Priest Behaving Badly.. Muslim Prayer

The Smoking Gun of AIDS: In 1977, a secret federal virus program produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS.

The Smoking Gun of AIDS: In 1977, a secret federal virus program produced 15,000
The record reveals the United States was represented by Dr. Robert Gallo and the USSR was represented by Dr. Novakhatsky of the diabolical Ivanosky Institute. On August 21, 1999, the world first saw the flowchart of the plot to thin the Black Population.


The 1971 AIDS flowchart coordinates over 20,000 scientific papers and fifteen years of progress reports of a secret federal virus development program. The epidemiology of AIDS is an identical match to the “research logic” identified in the five section foldout. The flowchart is page 61 of Progress Report #8 (1971) of the Special Virus program of the United States of America. We today, challenge world scientists to discussion of this document find.
We believe there is a daily, growing number of world experts who are all coming to the same conclusion regarding the significance of the flowchart. Dr. Garth Nicolson has examined the flowchart as well as other top experts from around the world. It is time for Dr. Michael Morrissey of Germany to examine the flowchart and report to the world. In addition, we have now examined the 1978 report . It is heresy to continue to further argue the program ended in 1977.
The 1978 report of the development of AIDS leaves no doubt as to the (“narrow result”) candidate virus sought by the United States. The flowchart conclusively proves a secret federal plot to develop a “contagious cancer” that “selectively kills.”

Following the presentation of the flowchart in Canada , the same information was presented to the United States in the rotunda of the Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland. Shortly thereafter a major African newspaper called and for four days in a row, this issue was the feature story in an uncensored press. The people of Africa already know about the U.S. virus development program. It is time for the rest of us to know.

In January, the U.S. had no response to my two page abstract submitted to the African American AIDS 2000 conference. In February, the U.S. Congress had no response to the 3000 Americans who signed signature petitions calling for immediate review of the flowchart and progress reports of the secret virus development program. We firmly believe once the dust settles from the current election marathon, reviewing the special virus program will be the single most important pursuit of the 21st Century.

More scientists and doctors must join with Dr. Nicolson, Dr. Strecker, Dr. Cantwell, Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Lee, Dr. Wainwright, Dr. Halstead and Professor Boyle. In any public debate on this issue, we will continue to present the flowchart of the secret virus development program, as the “irrefutable missing link” in the true laboratory origin of AIDS.
We have successfully navigated a federal maze and matrix and found a curtain surrounding the issue of AIDS. The 1999 discovery and presentation of the AIDS flowchart is a “smoke detector” wake up call. Society has an obligation to do more than don masks.

The History of the Development of AIDS
Chapter Excerpt from “State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS”
by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

The true history of the origin of AIDS can be traced throughout the 20th Century and back to 1878. On April 29 of that year the United States passed a “FEDERAL QUARANTINE ACT”.

The United States began a significant effort to investigate “causes” of epidemic diseases. In 1887, the effort was enhanced with the mandate of the U.S. “LABORATORY OF HYGIENE”. This lab was run by Dr. Joseph J. Kinyoun, a deep rooted-racist, who served the eugenics movement with dedication.

Two years later, 1889, we were able to identify “mycoplasmas”, a transmissible agent, that is now found at the heart of human diseases, including (AIDS) HIV.

In 1893, we strengthened the Federal Quarantine Act and suddenly there was an explosion of polio.

In 1898, we knew we could use mycoplasma to cause epidemics, because we were able to do so in cattle, and we saw it in tobacco plants.

In 1899, the U.S. Congress began investigating “leprosy in the United States”.

In 1902, We organized a “Station for Experimental Evolution” and we were able to identify diseases of an ethnic nature.

In 1904, we used mycoplasma to cause an epidemic in horses.

In 1910, we used mycoplasma to cause an epidemic in fowl/birds.

In 1917, we formed the “Federation of the American Society for Experimental Biology” (FASEB).

In 1918, the influenza virus killed millions of unsuspecting. It was a flu virus modified with a bird mycoplasma for which human primates had no “acquired immunity”.

In 1921, lead eugenics philosopher, Betrand Russell, publicly supported the “necessity for “organized” plagues” against the Black population.

In 1931, we secretly tested African Americans and we tested AIDS in sheep.

In 1935, we learned we could crystallize the tobacco mycoplasma, and it would remain infectious.

In 1943, we officially began our bio-warfare program. Shortly thereafter, we were finding our way to New Guinea to study mycoplasma in humans.

In 1945, we witnessed the greatest influx of foreign scientists in history into the U.S. biological program. Operation Paperclip will live in infamy as one of the darkest programs of a twisted parallel government fixated on genocide.

In 1946, the United States Navy hired Dr. Earl Traub, a notorious racist biologist.
A May appropriations hearing confirms the existence of a “secret” biological weapon.

In 1948, we know that the United States confirmed the endorsement of “devising a scheme” in which to address the issue of overpopulation in certain racial groups. State Department’s George McKennan’s memo will forever illuminate the eugenics mendacity necessary for genocide of millions of innocent people.

In 1949, Dr. Bjorn Sigurdsson isolates the VISNA virus. Visna is man made and shares some “unique DNA” with HIV. See, Proceedings of the United States, NAS, Vol. 92, pp. 3283 – 7, (April 11, 1995).

In 1951, we now know our government conducted its first virus attack on African Americans. Crates in Pennsylvania were tainted to see how many Negro crate handlers in Virginia would acquire the placebo virus.. They were also experimentally infecting sheep and goats. According to author Eva Snead, they also held their first world conference on an AIDS-like virus.

In 1954, Dr. Bjorn Sigurdsson publishes his first paper on Visna virus and establishes himself as the “Grandfather of the AIDS virus.” He will encounter competition from Dr. Carlton Gajdusek.

In 1955, they were able to artificially assemble the tobacco mosaic virus. Mycoplasmas will forever be at the heart of the U.S. biological warfare program

In 1957, future U.S. president, Rep Gerald Ford and others gave the U.S. Pentagon permission to aggressively deploy offensive biological agents. There are no recorded cases of AIDS prior to the 1957 creation of “Special Operation-X.” (The SOX) program served as the immediate prototype program for the Special Virus program to begin in 1962.

By 1960, Nikita Kruschev had been let in on the biological weapon. His 1960 statement will long reflect the arrogance of the secret blend of communism and democracy. The two countries would go to a November 1972 agreement to cull the Black Population.

In 1961, scientist Haldor Thomar publishes that viruses cause cancer. In 1995, he and Carlton Gajdusek informed the National Academy of Sciences that “the study of visna in sheep would be the best test for candidate anti-HIV drugs.”

In 1962, under the cover of cancer research, the United States charts a path to commit premeditated murder, the “Special Virus” program begins on February 12th. Dr. Len Hayflick sets up a U.S. mycoplasma laboratory at Stanford University. Many believe the “Special Virus” program began in November 1961 with a Phizer contract.

Beginning in 1963 and for every year thereafter, the “Special Virus” program conducted annual progress reviews at Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA. The annual meetings are representative of the aggressive nature in which the United States pursued the development of AIDS.

In 1964, the United States Congress gave full support for the leukemia/lymphoma (AIDS) virus research.

In 1967, the National Academy of Sciences launched a full scale assault on Africa. The CIA (Technical Services Division) acknowledged its secret inoculator program.

In 1969, Fort Detrick told world scientists and the Pentagon asked for more money, they knew they could make AIDS. Nixon’s July 18 secret memo to Congress on “Overpopulation” serves as the start of the paper trail of the AIDS Holocaust.

In 1970, President Nixon signed PL91-213 and John D. Rockefeller, III became the “Population Czar.” Nixon’s August 10 National Security Memo leaves no doubt as to the genocidal nature of depopulation.

In 1971, Progress Report #8 is issued. The flowchart (pg. 61) will forever resolve the true laboratory birth origin of AIDS. Eventually the Special Virus program will issue 15 reports and over 20,000 scientific papers. The flowchart links every scientific paper, medical experiment and U.S. contract. The flowchart would remain “missing” until 1999. World scientists were stunned. The flowchart will gain in significance throughout the 21st Century. It is also clear the experiments conducted under Phase IV-A of the flowchart are our best route to better therapy and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS. The first sixty pages of progress report #8 of the Special Virus program prove conclusively the specific goal of the program. By June 1977, the Special Virus program had produced 15, 000 gallons of AIDS. The AIDS virus was attached as complement to vaccines sent to Africa and Manhattan. However, because of the thoroughness of authors, like Dr. Robert E. Lee, we also learn the Stanford Mycoplasma Laboratory issues one of the first papers with AIDS in the title. “Viral Infections in Man Associated with Acquired Immunological Deficiency States.” The primary scientist, Dr. Thomas Merigan, was a “consultant” to the Special Virus program.

Progress Report # 8 at 104 – 106 proves Dr. Robert Gallo was secretly working on the development of AIDS with full support of the sector of the U.S. government that seeks to kill its citizens. Dr. Gallo can not explain why he excluded his role as a “project officer” for the Special Virus program from his biographical book. Dr. Gallo’s early work and discoveries will finally be viewed in relation to the flowchart. We now know where every experiment fits into the flowchart. The “research logic” is irrefutable evidence of a federal “Manhattan-style project” to develop a “contagious” cancer that “selectively” kills. Dr. Gallo’s 1971 paper is identical to his 1984 AIDS announcement.

Progress Report #8 at 273 – 286 proves we gave AIDS to monkeys. Since 1962, the United States and Dr. Robert Gallo have been inoculating monkeys and re-releasing them back into the wild. Thus, even government scientists are baffled that both HIV-1 and HIV-II would “suddenly emerge” from two distinct monkey ancestral relatives during the last 100 years. A 1999 Japanese study will ultimately prove the Man to Monkey origin of Monkey AIDS. The monkey experiments summary definitively proves Monkey AIDS is also man-made.

In 1972, the United States and the Soviet Union entered into a biological agreement that would signal the death knell for the Black Population. The 1972 agreement for collaboration and cooperation in the development of offensive biological agents is still U. S. policy.

In 1973, we find that world scientist, Garth Nicolson reports on his project, “Role of the Cell Surface in Escape From Immunological Surveillance.” His report is accompanied by seven published papers. Dr. Nicolson worked in conjunction with the Special Virus program from 1972 until 1978. Dr. Nicolson is considered by some to be Dr. Gallo’s “West Coast” counterpart. It is strongly held that because of Dr. Nicolson, Dr. Robert Gallo and Dr. Luc Montagnier would secretly meet in Southern California to coordinate what they would and would not say about the special virus development program.

In 1974, Furher Henry Kissinger releases his NSSM-200 (U.S. Plan to Address Overpopulation). It is the only issue of discussion at the World Population Conference in Bucharest, Romania. The men in the shadows had won, the whole world agrees to secretly cull Africa’s population. Today it is Africa and other undesirables. Tomorrow it may be you.

In 1975, President Gerald Ford signs National Security Defense Memorandum #314. The United States implements the Kissinger NSSM-200.

In 1976, the United States issues Progress Report #13 of the Special Virus program. The report proves the United States had various international agreements with the Russians, Germans, British, French, Canadians and Japanese. The plot to kill Black people has wide international support. In March, the Special Virus began production of the AIDS virus, by June 1977, the program will have produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS. President Jimmy Carter allows for the continuation of the secret plan to cull the Black Population.

gallons of AIDS.

Boyd “Ed” Graves, J.D. civil rights leader and international AIDS activist unveils the 1971 U.S. Special AIDS Virus Flow Chart to America’s scientific and medical communities October 29, 1999 at the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland Ohio. Dr. Graves is the lead plaintiff for global AIDS apology and the lead investigator of the Special Virus Flow Chart.

This Flow Chart and historic video footage is now available on-line.


Since July 2001, unbeknownst to many of us,
the United States Congress has begun review
of the U.S. Special Virus program. According
to the like of some of the world’s best experts
(Nicolsons, Horowitz, Cantwell, Strecker, etc.),
this secret federal virus program IS the birthplace
of the AIDS pandemic. The program’s thirty (30)
year old “blueprint document” is absolute evidence
of the laboratory creation, production, proliferation
and state management of the AIDS pandemic.

We the people, and our experts, have reviewed the
available twenty eight hundred (2800) pages of the
“progress reports” and “budget” and we can show their
direct correlation to the 1971 Flow Chart. The United
States has simply “manifested Visna” (wasting) virus
for primarily, the Black populations.
Do yourself a favor, take another look at page 121
of U. S. House Resolution 15090, testimony of the
Pentagon’s top microbiologist, Dr. Donald MacArthur,
given on June 9, 1969.

Remember that on April 4, 1969, Nixon and the
military (MacArthur), announced they had found
the mechanism for understanding how to use cancer
as a weapon. In this whole sequence of events, Nixon
secretly told Congress about AIDS on July 18, 1969.
It is important to understand how Nixon’s “War on Cancer”,
and end of offensive biological research, fit with our factual
understanding of the scientific evidence.

We the people can easily demonstrate the totality of
the achievement of the principles of disinformation of
the nation state. Remember, the AIDS program had begun
in 1962 and met every year through 1978. The biological
offensive research never stopped. It is not offensive research,
we have to perfect the anthrax and we have to test it,
to know how to defend against it. On that issue,
the anthrax strain pestering the biological landscape
is U.S., and by all accounts it is an enhanced strain,
similar to the anthrax strain testimony the Pentagon
gave on June 9, 1969.

Even further still on that June day, the Pentagon,
under the heading of “SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL AGENT”,
publicly entered AIDS, and its continuous development,
into a ten million ($10,000,000) dollar yearly budget
appropriation. So you have Nixon massaging your brain,
“there are too many of them already” and Kissinger
preparing your enema, “Come here little boy”.

This World AIDS Day will quickly pass and we will zoom in
on the best of centralized intelligence. Many neighbors will
fret that they may not be able to kill a tree and decorate it
better this year. Thus a sense of centralized depression emanates,
leaving that citizen and many other like him, in a sense of controlled
depression/repression, throughout the next fifty (50) days, if not longer.

The World War with the AIDS weapon continues to rage,
only truth and knowledge will defeat it. Please download
the flowchart at www.boydgraves.com and order my book,
“STATE ORIGIN: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS”
. (note: this title is backordered, reserve copies shipped on first come first served basis only).

By February my next book, “WORLD WAR AIDS”,
will be coming out just in time to assist the citizens recovering.

Please join me in New York on December 15th for my presentation
before the ELEVENTH ANNUAL AFRICAN HOLOCAUST CONFERENCE. For additional info call Joel at 785-263-1871.

This day is WORLD AIDS DAY!
In order to get the reviews of the secret AIDS program necessary to dismantle AIDS, we must first defeat the silence.

Thank you for this precious opportunity to assist in the
reeducation of humanity in our fight against “state-sanctioned”,
“domestic” terrorism. We strengthen the national security of our
country by seeking to resolve the greatest secret/mystery in the
history of the known world

Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

Human Experiments Conducted Under Depopulation Efforts for HIV Research

Susanne Posel Aug 3rd, 2012 0 Comment

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
August 3, 2012

The Obama administration has given $80 million in grants to corporations working to produce AIDS related medication ; essentially using taxpayer money to help pharmaceutical companies in an initiative called AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP).
ADAP has been demanding more and more funding while their assistance program has not been stellar, and leaves many suffering from HIV/AIDS on waiting lists with no end in sight.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) are planning a study of ADAP programs wherein they will use the data to create a more comprehensive network list of people affected by HIV/AIDS. Simply put: the US government, under the guise of developing comprehensive understanding for the purpose of assisting the drug corporations, they are creating an extensive list of all Americans afflicted with HIV and AIDS related complications.
On the east coast of America, volunteers from out-reach centers have begun going door-to-door in a community in Southwest Philadelphia telling residents to get HIV tested. They believe that by conducting these invasions of privacy for the sake of coercing more people to get tested for HIV, they can control the spread of the disease.
In Washington, DC, the International AIDS Conference (IAC) has ended. The Clinton Foundation (CF), founded by former President Bill Clinton, focused their talks on the cost of HIV-positive patients in under-developed nations. Because of their lack of access to proper medical care, their drain on their respective nations is “less than previously thought” according to the CF.
Clinton was concerned about removing children from their mothers who are diagnosed with HIV so that the spread of the virus would begin to stop in African countries like Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia.
Under the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI) begun in 2002, the relationship between drug corporations and governments has expanded and the delivery of pharmaceuticals has increased, although the incidents of HIV/AIDS have not decreased. CHAI provides more access to medical healthcare, yet the issue is still running rampant.
Globalist conferences like the IAC celebrate the eugenics connection to HIV/AIDS. In a recent study conducted by the Fenway Institute, black men in America who are homosexual are twice as likely as their white counterparts to contract the virus.
In July 2008, the mainstream media (MSM) admitted that, strangely enough, “people of African descent are much more likely to have a genetic trait that makes them more susceptible to infection with the HIV virus.”
Scientists conducting the study and working for the Wilford Hall United State Air Force Medical Center and San Antonio Military Medical Center claims: “The benefit that the Africans got from a mutation that gave them some resistance to malaria has, statistically at least, rendered them some increased susceptibility to HIV.”
While medications and vaccines were pushed a solutions at the IAC, these answers only serve to increase profits from drug corporations while more and more people continue to suffer and die at the race directed bioweapons called HIV.
The end result of the IAC was in accord that drugs at the answer to the HIV “problem”.
HIV testing was allocated as the biggest proponent of capturing the scope of the effect this eugenics directed bioweapon is making on the over-population problem. Truvada was agreed to be the best vaccine available and supported by the conference attendees as a pharmaceutical worth investing in.
The suggestion was also made that women be forced to have a vaginal ring soaked in an “HIV-blocking drug” implanted should their husbands or partners refuse to wear condoms on a regular basis.
African governments have approved the trials of US scientists working for Mircobide Trials Network and the US National Institute of Health will go into heavily populated areas and give women these rings dipped in dapivirine which is a drug that will slowly “ooze” out of the ring and lace the surrounding vaginal tissue.
The NIH-funded study called ASPIRE will force more than 3,500 women in Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe to have this test application inserted for a month. Using human experimentation, the NIH hopes to offer this solution to more under-developed nations and eventually worldwide.
The efforts into the destruction of the human immune system by the global Elite are reaching an apex, or perhaps just going into hyper drive. As long as the fact of HIV’s origin as a bioweapon is ignored by MSM and the alternative media, the possibility of stopping this eugenics-based depopulation design will continue on without serious research into stopping it.
And the endeavors of the global Elite of depopulating the planet by 90% may come true quite soon.

“AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213” President Nixon Sign Law to Create AIDS for Genocide and Depopulation

“AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213” by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.. It is hard to believe the public law that authorized AIDS will be thirty one years old




An early version of the AIDS-as-biowarfare theory was based on the work of two East German scientists, Jakob and Lilli Segal, published by the Soviet news agency Tass on March 30, 1987. The Segals claimed that HIV could not have evolved naturally, being in fact an artificial splice between visna virus (a retrovirus that infects the nervous system of sheep) and HTLV-1 (the first retrovirus known to infect humans). This splice, they asserted, was created at the notorious CBW lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and then tested on prisoners in the area.

On World AIDS Day, Doctor Says More Pediatrics AIDS Drugs Needed
Voice of America – 21 hours ago
By Joe DeCapua HIV, the AIDS virus, not only infects adults, but also affects many children. Millions have become orphans, and many are infected at birth.


33 million people live with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. 190 countries around the world recognize this day to raise awareness that the battle is not over in the fight against the world’s number one health threat.

An International Conference on AIDs will be held in Africa, December 3 through 7.

In the U.S., the Black AIDS Institute is asking the Obama administration to set up a domestic funding program for HIV/AIDS prevention, according to BET.The institute says this is increasingly a black issue as about half of the over one million Americans living with HIV or AIDS are black.

Increasingly women and girls are finding themselves part of the growing numbers, with about 11 percent of newly reported AIDS cases contracted either through sex with infected men or injected drug use. African American woman accounted for 66 percent of the newly diagnosed cases in 2005, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention.

The New York Times, in an editorial, says that the WHO developed a mathematical model predicting what would happen if most adults and adolescents were tested every year for the AIDS virus, and those who were positive were treated immediately with antiretroviral medications. The policy now is to use the drugs after your immune system is depresse




Do the Elite, through government and private sector scientists, create and distribute deadly viruses to world populations  (more)


Dr Alan Cantwell

“Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.”

On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world’s most respected newspapers, published an explosive article entitled, “Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.” The story suggested the smallpox eradication vaccine program sponsored by the WHO was responsible for unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africans living in central Africa were inoculated by the WHO. The vaccine was held responsible for awakening a “dormant” AIDS virus infection on the continent.

An advisor to the WHO admitted, “Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of AIDS.” Robert Gallo, M,D., the co-discoverer of HIV, told The Times, “The link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis. I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV.” Despite the tremendous importance of this story, the U.S. media was totally silent on the report, and Gallo never spoke of it again.

In September 1987, at a conference sponsored by the National Health Federation in Monrovia, California, William Campbell Douglass, M.D., bluntly blamed the WHO for murdering Africa with the AIDS virus. In a widely circulated reprint of his talk entitled “W.H.O. Murdered Africa” , he accused the organization of encouraging virologists and molecular biologists to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make an immunosuppressive hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. From the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Volume 47, p.259, 1972), he quoted a passage that stated: “An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus.” According to Douglass, “That’s AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is Let’s cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency.'”


Babies born with AIDS


























AIDS baby born with heart outside stomach












Depopulation (Rockefeller Foundation – UN)

Human experiments –


in the ‘free world’?

“Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the ‘safety and tolerance’ of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT. “

UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans



MUST READ: The house that AIDS built










Human experiments –
in the ‘free world’?


“Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the ‘safety and tolerance’ of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT. “UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans


MUST READ: The house that AIDS built
By Liam Scheff
This brave article deals with pharmaceutical abuse in a children’s home in NYC




It was through Maggiore that I met Mona, whose children, Sean and Dana, have tested HIV-positive. By the state’s definition, they’re not actually her children; Mona is their great aunt and legal guardian. Her niece, a long-time drug user, was unable to act as a responsible mother, so Sean and Dana were remanded to state foster care. Mona took them back to raise as her own.


When I first spoke with Mona, she was stressed and nervous. Sean had twice been sent to the Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC), a “home for HIV positive children” located in Washington Heights. First, as an infant, then again four years ago. And Dana was there until June.


“Why did they take her?” I asked.


“They said I was a negligent parent because I didn’t want to give the drugs.”

She’d been taking Sean and Dana to a naturopath. That the children were healthy didn’t matter. When city agencies found out that the children weren’t on the drugs, they took them away for mandatory treatment at a clinic and then transferred them to ICC. There, they were locked up and pumped full of drugs day and night.

“What drugs?”

“AZT, Nevirapine, Epivir, Zerit. All kinds of drugs.”

Diseases and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and huge pharmaceutical companies such as Glaxo, Pfizer, Squibb and Genentech?is to take a trip through the nightmare world of pediatric drug research.

For example, the study called “The Effect of Anti-HIV Treatment on Body Characteristics of HIV-Infected Children” is looking for the causes of “Wasting and Lipodystrophy [fat redistribution]”?by using drugs known to cause wasting and lipodystrophy.

Or consider “The Safety and Effectiveness of Treating Advanced AIDS Patients between the Ages of 4 and 22 with Seven Drugs, Some at Higher than Usual Doses.” The seven drugs in the study are all known to cause debilitating, potentially fatal side effects, yet they are administered at “higher than usual doses” in four-year-olds.

Then there’s a study with “Stavudine Alone or in Combination with Didanosine.” Stavudine plus Didanosine has killed pregnant women.

Or the vaccine study to be administered to children “12 months to 8 years” using “live chicken pox virus,” even though one of the consequences of a live virus vaccine can be the disease itself.

Another measures “HIV Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid.” Cerebrospinal fluid can only be gathered from a spinal tap, a dangerous and invasive procedure.

There’s even a study on HIV-negative children born to HIV-infected mothers that uses an experimental HIV vaccine.

Mona was never informed that Sean had once participated in clinical trials at ICC. –more

The History of the Development of AIDS


by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.. The true history of the origin of AIDS can be traced…. In 1970, President Nixon signed PL91-213 and John D. Rockefeller

1971 U.S. Special ‘HIV’ Virus Flow Chart Download Link

The Smoking Gun of AIDS: a 1971 Flowchart by Boyd E. Graves, J.D. 


The Making of the AIDS Holocaust by Dr. Boyd E. Graves March 15, 2003

Boyd Ed Graves, JD discovered the United States’ secret 1971 Special Virus 



In 1970, President Nixon signed PL91-213 and John D. Rockefeller, III became the …. Boyd Graves now believes that HIV-AIDS is probably an evolutionar

Kissinger and Rockefeller the Origins of AIDS and Ebola

Gary Allen – The Rockefeller File 439 reads. Rockefeller John D 16 reads. Boyd Graves‘ ESP-1 (HIV/AIDS) Development Timeline 121 reads 

http://www.scribd.com/…/Kissinger-and-Rockefeller-the-Origins-of-AIDS-and- EbolaThe Rockefellers and the Osborns

An important point to be made when covering these issues is that the very same families who had previously funded and popularized eugenics in America prior to World War II shifted their resources into funding and promoting population reduction and control in the post WWII era. 

Several prominent families are responsible for funding and promoting eugenics in America, namely the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman, and Osborn families. Two families, the Rockefellers and the Osborns, are particularly significant. John D. Rockefeller Sr. contributed a large amount of money to build the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the early 1900’s, which housed the Eugenics Records Office from 1910-1944. Rockefeller influence also spread overseas to Germany, where the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry, and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity resided. Much of the money used to run these facilities came from Rockefeller. [5] These institutes became centers for Nazi eugenics programs during the reign of Adolf Hitler. 

The influence of the Rockefeller family continued in 1945 when John D. Rockefeller Jr. donated the land upon which the United Nations stands in New York City. The U.N. plays an important roll in population control, a subject which will be covered shortly. 

In 1952, John D. Rockefeller the 3rd, the oldest son of Rockefeller Jr., founded the Population Council. The organizations stated goal is to seek “…better understanding of problems relating to population.” [6] The first president of the Council was Frederick Henry Osborn, who was appointed by John D. Rockefeller himself. Osborn was a prominent eugenicist who helped found the American Eugenics Society, now called The Society for the Study of Social Biology. Osborn headed the AES from 1946-1952, when he began to place greater emphasis on population control, signaling the shift of post WWII eugenicists. [7] Osborn wrote in his 1968 book The Future of Human Heredity that “Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under another name than eugenics.” 

Frederick Henry Osborn’s nephew, Henry Fairfield Osborn, carried on the banner of population control. His 1948 book Our Plundered Planet covers many of the issues that environmentalists are concerned with today. Osborn states in the book that over-population will destroy the planet and that drastic measures must be taken to curtail population growth. He takes a moment to reflect on the savage nature of his outlined proposal, but states that it will have to be done. He writes, 

“Of course, as we all know, these are momentous days and many things can happen to check population growth, even including the devastating use of atomic bombs in a new war. It is difficult to adjust one’s mind to the possibility that the present negotiations between nations could fail to prevent such a savage denial of the right to human existence, and that the problem of the pressure of increasing populations – perhaps the greatest problem facing humanity today – cannot be solved in a way that is consistent with humanity.” [8]

Steven C. Rockefeller, a fourth generation member of the family, has remained dedicated to the family’s history of philanthropy and promotion of population control. He played a central role in the writing of the United Nations Earth Charter, and chaired the Earth Charter International Drafting Committee from 1997 to 2000. He is currently a member of the Earth Charter Commission. [9] Echoing past writings of Osborn and others, he stated in an interview at Tilburg University in the Netherlands that, 

“Third, the Earth Charter recognizes that the dramatic rise in human population is putting great pressure on the resilience of ecological systems and has overburdened social and economic systems.” [10]

The Earth Charter itself says, “An unprecedented rise in human population has overburdened ecological and social systems. The foundations of global security are threatened. These trends are perilous but not inevitable.” 

Others involved in the post WWII shift

Before we look at recent examples of population reduction being funded and carried out, there are other prominent individuals who played an important role in this shift from eugenics to population control. 

Frank Notestein was one of the most prominent individuals who made the study of population an institutional practice. His bio summarizes his numerous memberships, which include the American Eugenics Society. 

“He was a member of the American Eugenics Society, the American Philosophical Society, the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Statistical Institute, the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, the Population Association of America, and the Century Association.” [11]

Notestein also served as president of John D. Rockefeller’s Population Council after Frederick Osborn stepped down. He was also the first director of the United Nations Population Division from 1946-1948. In a 1969 paper written by Notestein titled The Problem of Population Control, he outlines a strategy to depopulate target populations. Notestein admits that economic modernization would “…bring the birthrate down automatically.” However, he goes on to state that more drastic measures must be taken because in his opinion this method would not be fast enough. He writes, 

“Given existing preferences in family size, governments must go beyond voluntary family planning. To achieve zero rate of population growth governments will have to do more than cajole; they will have to coerce.”

“…to impose more drastic changes on a large scale implies many risks, not least to the regime that undertakes them. The price for this type of population control may well be the institution of a totalitarian regime.” [12]

Another individual, Guy Irving Burch, who wrote for Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review publication, also played a key role. Burch’s 1947 bookHuman Breeding and Survival combines the ideas of both eugenics and population control. He writes, 

“It appears what the United Nations needs to do is to recommend to all nations that adoption of laws which will… actually lead to the sterilization of all persons who are inadequate, either biologically or socially, and encourage the voluntary sterilization of normal persons who have had their share of children.”

Burch described plans for attaining “peace goals” and national security objectives through population control. Similar arguments and proposals are made in Henry Kissinger’s later 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200, which was influenced by the 1944 Royal Commission on Population. Burch states that, “… if we are willing to keep the focus on undesirable parentage… then sterilization can play a rather large part in the attainment of the peace goals…” 

Richard C. Reardon writes again in his Eugenics Connection work in progress regarding Burch, pointing out the shift from Galton era eugenics to Malthusian population control, 


“The ideas of Galton were becoming unpopular, so the ideas of Malthus needed to be stressed. If the public could be made to believe in the need for quantity control, they would again accept its logical extension – quality control. So in 1940, while serving as director of his Population Reference Bureau and the editor of its Population Bulletin, Burch helped found another “population” front for eugenicists – the Population Association of America.” [13]

Population reduction operations today

In 1989 research was conducted by the National Institute of Immunology in New Delhi India on the use of ‘carriers’ such as Tetanus Toxoid and Diphtheria to bypass the immune system and deliver the female hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The research paper was carried in the Oxford University Press in 1990 and was titled “Bypass by an alternate ‘carrier’ of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immunization with tetanus-conjugated vaccine.” [1] 

While hCG is required to maintain pregnancy, the injection of hCG bound to Tetanus Toxoid triggers an auto-immune response, thus causing sterilization. The NII research cited above used four women as test subjects – who had been surgically sterilized prior to the experiment – and found that multiple doses of the Tetanus Toxoid hCG carrier vaccine was required in order to achieve the desired results. The research also found that if an alternate carrier such as Diphtheria was used as a booster in combination with Tetanus the sterilization vaccine would be more effective.

The Rockefeller Foundation and the Population Council are listed in the document as giving grants for the research. 

Henry Kissinger’s 1974 National Security Memorandum 200 document cites “Injectable contraceptives for women” as a possible method of population reduction and control. Depopulation, as stated in the document, should be pursued because it would be in the “…economic interests of the United States.” 

“Wherever a lessening of population pressures… can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.”

On November 4, 1996 the publication Vaccine Weekly carried an article titled “Study Suggests Women Were Injected with Contaminated Tetanus Vaccine.” The article details an investigation that was carried out by the Philippine Medical Association into the discovery of hCG in tetanus vaccines. While the article brands the vaccine as being “contaminated”, the Rockefeller funded research cited above indicates that this is not a case of contamination. As reported, 

“Have women in the Philippines, and possibly elsewhere, surreptitiously been used as guinea pigs in an international anti-fertility campaign?

A medical study in the Philippines suggested that may well be the case. A study conducted by the Philippine Medical Association on behalf of the Philippine Department of Health revealed that almost 20 percent of the tetanus vaccine sampled positive for the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), according to Human Life International.

Vaccines containing the hormone immunize women not only against tetanus but also against pregnancy by inducing the body’s immune system to attack the hormone needed to bring an unborn child to term.” [2]

Thailand is ripe with stories of miscarriages and sterilization. According to the local population of the Akha, pregnant women are forced to receive a tetanus vaccine in order to get ID cards for their children. The vaccine often results with violent miscarriages. In the video below, Matthew McDaniel, a human rights activist who has been working with the Akha people of Thailand, speaks with two Akha women about the forced Tetanus vaccine and the resulting miscarriages. 

International AIDS Conference Attracts Eugenicists and Race 


Jul 31, 2012 – Susanne Posel | The 2012 International AIDS Conference (IAC) has attracted 40000 of the world’s leading scientists, researchers, advocates and eugenicists  They are making a final push in their finaldays trying to kill off the .

Obama Visit Rothschild’s Israel – Obama Middle East News – Origin of Modern-day Jewry

Obama’s speech: What young Israelis not only needed but wanted to hear

The U.S. president’s speech in Jerusalem redefines what it means to be a centrist in Israel. We deserve a leader like him.


Mar.21, 2013 – Haaretz.com
For Barack Obama to come to Jerusalem, and speak to Israeli students
and talk persuasively of the possibility of a secure and peaceful
future, for him to do that and garner a roaring ovation of approval, he
would have to have given one hell of a speech.
He did.
was the speech that these young Israelis not only needed but wanted to
hear. A speech that radically redefined centrism in Israel, bringing it
down to extraordinary common denominators in directions Israelis have
learned to think of as diametrically opposed.
spoke of security and peace as inextricably and necessarily linked, not
a narrow choice between options, but a conscious choice for both.
They roared.
This was not the student crowd that Obama
is used to. These students are Israelis. This is a crowd that is
world-weary, hair-trigger volatile. They have come by it honestly. In
comparison to their American counterparts, they are, by and large, older
by several years – some would say, several lifetimes. They enter
college after years in the military, often followed by the escape-valve
rehab of a marathon trek to remote continents.
They roared approval for Obama’s view of security, which was hard-edged
and unapologetic, and they roared approval for his vision of a two-state
solution that allows Palestinians to enjoy the freedoms and
self-determination Israelis know.
Not soon. Perhaps not in many years. But this is one way that change
happens. An event like this, inspiration like this, does not in the end
go to waste. It gives new strength to the world-weary and the habitually
trashed. It changes momentum. It creates momentum. It does good. It
makes way for better.
for nothing did Barack Obama cite Martin Luther King’s address on the
eve of his assassination. The image of the Promised Land as a place
Moses will not be able to reach, but one which his work will allow his
people to eventually enter, clearly resonates with a president beginning
already to see the end of his time in office.
This is not the same country after this speech.
years from now, when he hands back the White House, Barack Obama should
consider a change of direction, even a change of venue.
Let him run here. It’s about time we knew again what a real leader was like.This will not be the same country after this speech.

Obama Winds Down Israel, West Bank Visit

Voice of America – ‎4 hours ago‎

U.S. President Barack Obama waves to media as he walks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. On Thursday in a speech to university students in Jerusalem, Obama assured his audience of young Israelis that they are “not alone” in facing threats to Israel’s security. He added that peace with the Palestinians is the “only path to true security.”

Obama said Israeli leaders must recognize that “continued settlement activity” on land the Palestinians claim for a state is “counterproductive.” Obama also said he believes Israel has a genuine peace partner in Palestinian President Abbas.

President Obama met Abbas in Ramallah earlier Thursday and called on Israelis and Palestinians to begin peace talks on core issues of their conflict without waiting for those disputes to be resolved in advance

at the Muqata Presidential Compound in the West Bank town of Ramallah, 

Obama Stands Firm on Mideast Two-State Solution

READ MORE: Realism Weighs on Obama’s Mideast Peace Efforts

The president asked Israelis to consider the Palestinians’ “right to self-determination and justice” as they work toward a peaceful solution.

Israel Apologizes To Turkey Over Flotilla Deaths

Obama tells Israelis, Palestinians to negotiate


AP PHOTOS: Obama Stance Setback for Palestinians

ABC News – ‎8 hours ago‎
In eight years on the job, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has seen his share of ups and downs. Thursday’s appearance with visiting U.S. President Barack Obama looked like it was one of his lowest points. At a joint news conference, Obama delivered .

VIDEO | Israel planning more settlement units near Ramallah

Jews against Zionism – What Really Happened


Jews against Zionism
A list of websites opposed to Israel’s policies. Contrary to the
propaganda put out by Israel’s supporters, Israel is NOT supported by

Jews Against Zionism 

Historically, the vast majority of Jews were opposed to Zionism and preferred to assimilate. However, since WW2, Zionists have usurped the leadership of the

TUTU, Desmond. Anti-Apartheid Nobel Laureate slams Israeli


UK art critic, artist & author on cultural boycott of Apartheid Israel: “the situation of the Palestinians is worse than that of black South Africans under apartheid..

Israel “far worse than apartheid South Africa” says ANC chair as

Mar 11, 2013 – Ronnie Kasrils, South African minister, once said about Palestine: “This is much worse than apartheid. Israeli measures, the brutality, make


 The Real Truth about the Modern-day Jewish Heritage
What is their true Origin?
Are They of Abraham Seed?
Are They Semitic?


The Thirteenth Tribe – The Real Jewish Heritage
that does not alter the fact that the large majority of surviving Jews
in the world is of Eastern European — and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar —
origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the
Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once
believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they
are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur “

book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but
almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became
converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of
Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves
migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry…
Khazars’ sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the
Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim
onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer
movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.
the second part of this book, “The Heritage,” Mr. Koestler speculates
about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial
composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large
body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that
sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is
advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism”
would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based
“on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The
story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins
to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.”

The ThirteenthTribe:

ArthurKoestler documents the Caucasian ancestry of Ashkenazim Jews.TheThirteenthTribe. The Khazar Empire and its Heritage. ArthurKoestler.
Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and
their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern
Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in
support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the
restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be
confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since,
as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by
both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as
it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax
which history has ever perpetrated.
vast majority of Jews in the world is of Eastern European – and thus
perhaps mainly of Khazar – origin. If so, this would mean that their
ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan
but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race;
and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur
and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should
this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become
void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers
and their victims. Maybe the two world wars and the Holocaust were
pretext for the New Khazaria or Israel hoax.
story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins
to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
(Arthur Koestler,
Old Khazaria existed from about 500 A.D. to about 1000 A.D.
Old Khazaria adopted the religion of Talmudic Judaism about 740 A.D.
Khazaria was reborn on May 14, 1948.
The most cruel hoax which man has ever perpetrated.
New Khazaria.
long as Apostate Israel (New Khazaria) exist…there will never be any
peace in the Middle East. Modern-day Jewry is of Eastern European/Aryan
descent and thus they are not Semitic. Let the truth be told everywhere.
Why should American Soldiers die to protect a Hoax?
Who are the Elders?
Protocol I The Basic Doctrine
Protocol II Economic Wars
Protocol III Methods of Conquest
Protocol IV Materialism Replaces Religion
Protocol V Despotism and Modern Progress
Protocol VI Take-Over Technique
Protocol VII World-Wide Wars
Protocol VIII Provisional Government
Protocol IX Re-education
Protocol X Preparing for Power
Protocol XI The Totalitarian State
Protocol XII Control of the Press
Protocol XIII Distractions
Protocol XIV Assault on Religion
Protocol XV Ruthless Suppression
Protocol XVI Brainwashing
Protocol XVII Abuse of Authority
Protocol XVIII Arrest of Opponents
Protocol XIX Rulers and People
Protocol XX Financial Programme
Protocol XXI Loans and Credit
Protocol XXII Power of Gold
Protocol XXIII Instilling Obedience
Protocol XXIV Qualities of the Ruler

Who Are God’s Chosen People? Is Israel in Bible Prophecy? » 

Black History Month Salute – Obama Unveil Rosa Parks Statue – Carter G. Woodson – The Bible and Black History – Real Jews of the Bible



Rosa Parks statue unveiled by President Obama

KSDK –By David Jackson and Richard Wolf, USA TODAY



More than a half-century of landmark civil rights history collides Wednesday on Capitol Hill.

President Obama travels to the U.S. Capitol to help unveil a statue of civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks – shortly after, across the street, the Supreme Court holds a hearing on a law that Parks partly inspired and which made Obama’s political career possible, the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

The nation’s first African-American president told SiriusXM radio talk show host Joe Madison last week it will be “a great honor” to pay tribute to Parks, whose defiance of Alabama’s segregation laws inspires global freedom movements to this day.

“She was an inspiration not just to African Americans but to all people looking for justice,” Obama said.

Parks, who died in 2005, refused the demands of a white bus driver in Montgomery, Ala., to vacate her seat on Dec. 1, 1955. Her arrest inspired an ultimately successful boycott of Montgomery’s segregated buses, led in part by a young pastor named Martin Luther King Jr.

Today, Parks’ bus sits in the Henry Ford Museum near Detroit, where thousands of visitors board it and remember – including, in 2012, President Obama.

Parks’ example inspired countless sit-ins, marches and other protests against discrimination, paving the way for nation-altering legislation like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – part of which is being reviewed Wednesday by the Supreme Court.

In a 3-year-old case – also from Alabama – the high court is being asked to throw out Section 5, the steel spine of the Voting Rights Act.

It forces nine states with a history of racial discrimination – Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia – and municipalities in seven others to get federal approval for any changes in voting procedures.

Reauthorized in 1970, 1975, 1982 and 2006, Section 5 is viewed as a savior of black and Latino voting rights by some and an anachronistic scarlet letter by others. When Congress last voted to extend it until 2031 – by overwhelming votes of 390-33 in the House and 98-0 in the Senate – it cited about 2,400 proposed voting changes blocked during the previous quarter-century.

What most bothered several of the high court’s justices in the last challenge to the law in 2009 was the formula Congress used to populate Section 5 – one that has remained essentially unchanged for more than 40 years.

“Things have changed in the South,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote at the time, even while temporarily keeping the law intact. In his ruling, Roberts warned that the act’s days might be numbered.

“The historic accomplishments of the Voting Rights Act are undeniable,” Roberts wrote for the court, citing voter registration and turnout levels and “unprecedented” numbers of minority elected officials.

But he warned that “the act’s pre-clearance requirements and its coverage formula raise serious constitutional questions.”

In honoring Parks, Obama and other lawmakers will be honoring a pioneer whose work has inspired people across the globe.

Nelson Mandela, a former prisoner who rose to become president of South Africa, once discussed the 1989 incident in which a man in China stood in front of a government tank – he called it a “Rosa Parks moment.”

Historian Douglas Brinkley, a biographer of Parks, said the statue ceremony gives Obama a chance to tie together the story of a lone woman who confronted injustice and the universal desire to be free.

“Rosa Parks was all about fighting for people’s rights,” Brinkley said. “The fundamental right is the right to vote.”

Brinkley said it’s possible Obama may make reference to the Supreme Court during his Rosa Parks speech.

Obama certainly discussed voting rights during his recent State of the Union, telling Congress he had created a commission to look at ways to improve the voting experience in America, from long lines to broken machines.

Saying that defending freedom is not the military’s job alone, Obama said, “We must all do our part to make sure our God-given rights are protected here at home. That includes our most fundamental right as citizens: the right to vote.”

2C_G_WoodsonBlackHistoryMonthPostercartergwoodsonhistoricmarkerDr. Carter Woodson Statue

Carter G. Woodson – Welcome to Encyclopædia Britannica’s Guide

Photograph:Carter G. Woodson, 1910s. Carter G. Woodson, c. 1910s. Hulton Archive/Getty Images. Photograph:Carter G. Woodson, statue in Huntington, W.Va.

rosa parks1

Postal Service Honors Rosa Parks With New Stamp – ABC News


Dr. Carter G. Woodson Father of Black History

Never Would Have Made It Without You, Rosa Parks

The Huffington Post·49 minutes ago

I think it would mock her memory. We must remember that Rosa Parks is in history because she actively pursued social justice and never stopped challenging us and never stopped challenging the issues of injustice.

Black History and the Bible

The Sons of Ham–Cush (Ethiopians) & Mizraim (Egyptians) & Phut
(ancient Lybians) & Canaan
– “Genesis 10:6”

For years scholars, theologians, and archaeologists have debated the answer to the question, “How did the Israelites look physically?” Although the Bible and other historical documents have left much proof of the physical appearance of the biblical Israelites, much of this information is still unknown to the masses.The popular belief today among Christians, scholars and theologians, is that the people known as “Ashkenazi Jews” are the direct descendants of the biblical Israelites. Can this be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt? The answer to that is NO. The Bible, which will be used here as the main source, supported by history and archaeology proves that the Ashkenazi Jews are not the physical descendants of the biblical Hebrews. In addition, it reveals who the true descendants are. The answer may leave you in shock.Israel is mentioned in the bible over 2,500 times. The scriptures contain the Hebrews’ entire history. In fact, no other people on the face of the Earth have such an extensive recorded history, not even the ancient Egyptians. Every thing we need to know about the ancient Hebrews is contained in Scripture. So, let’s examine these facts, information that to this day remains unknown or hidden to many bible readers.

Gen.10:6 Ham’s descendants were Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.

7 Cush’s descendants were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabteca. Raamah’s descendants were Sheba and Dedan.

8 Cush was the father of Nimrod, the first mighty warrior on the earth.

9 He was a mighty hunter whom the LORD blessed.

(God’s Word Translation)

10 The first cities in his kingdom were Babylon, Erech, Accad, and Calneh in Shinar Babylonia. 11 He went from that land to Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah,

The history of the Israelite nation began in Egypt, the Land of Ham. They entered Egypt 66 in number, (not including Joseph, his wife and two sons who were already in Egypt), and left numbering over two million people. Ancient Israel spent 430 years in Egypt. For half that time they enjoyed good favor with the Egyptians, but for the remainder of those years they were enslaved and horribly mistreated by them.

One of the first facts the Bible gives us about Israel (Ysrayl in the Hebrew tongue) is in regard to their physical appearance. Throughout scripture Israel is described as looking like the sons of Ham (Khawm in the Hebrew tongue).

Ham was one of Noah’s three sons, Shem and Japhet were the other two. Noah’s descendants repopulated the Earth after the Great Flood. Ham’s descendants are traced to the families of Africa. Ham (Khawm) in Hebrew means BLACK, HOT AND BURNT.

Ham had four sons,
CUSH (Ethiopians / Cushites),
MIZRAIM (Egyptians / Khemet),
PHUT (Ancient Libyans or Somalian),
and CANAAN (Canaanite, the original inhabitants of the Land of Israel) Genesis 10:6-19.
All four of Ham’s sons and their descendants settled in and around the Continent of Africa. This includes the so called “Middle East” that is also a part of the Continent of Africa. Let us begin with the story of Jacob’s second Youngest son Joseph, and his time in Egypt. Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob (Yaaqob in Hebrew). Jacob sired Joseph in his old age, and he was clearly his favorite son. This caused Joseph’s brothers to become jealous of him. Ultimately, their jealousy resulted in Joseph being sold by Arab merchants as a slave to Egyptians.

The foundations of ancient Chaldea, were laid as early as those of Egypt. In fact they were the sister colonies of a parent state. The earliest civilized inhabitants were Sumerians. 5000 B. C. the land was full of city-states. The Sanskrit books of India, called Chaldea one of the divisions of Cusha-Dwipa, the first organized government of the world. These Sumerians were the inventors of the cuneiform system of writing, which was later adopted by their Semitic conquerors. The northern division of Babylon was called Accad, comprehending Babylon, the southern Sumer, including Erech and Ur. North of Accad were the Semitic (Hamitic) tribes which so largely made up the blood of Assyria in later days.

Gen.10:8 Cush was the father of Nimrod, the first mighty warrior on the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter whom the LORD blessed. (God’s Word Translation)

10 The first cities in his kingdom were Babylon, Erech, Accad, and Calneh in Shinar Babylonia. 11 He went from that land to Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah,

We know that Nimrod was the son of Cush. Babylon had two elements in her population in the beginning. The northern Accadians and the southern Sumerians were both Cushites. The finds of recent explorations in the Mesopotamian valley reveal that these ancient inhabitants were black, with the cranial formation of Ethiopians.

The art, science and culture of the earlier unmixed Chaldeans was Cushite.

Rawlinson speaking in his Ancient Monarchies decided that the ruins of Chaldea show Cushite origin. The names of Chaldea and Ethiopia are linked in a way to render any other interpretation impossible. The great city of the earlier period was Niffer a corruption of Nimrod. The language of the ruins is radically different from the Semitic tongue of the Assyrian empire.

Rawlinson said concerning the Babylonians said, “Though not possessed of many natural advantages, the Chaldean people exhibited a fertility of invention, a genius of energy which places them high in the scale of nations and most especially those descended from Hamitic stock.

The Chaldean Noah entered the ark with his wife and children. Upon the recession of the waters he sent out three birds three times. He built an altar and offered sacrifice.

The life of the Semitic and Hamitic races must have been closely associated after the deluge. So close is the apparent relationship, that some authorities have looked upon Abraham as Hamitic. Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldees. But he descended by direct line front a Semitic father. His mother may have been Hamitic for Abraham was spoken of as a Chaldean.

Over the course of time Joseph became Viceroy of Egypt and was second in command to Pharaoh in authority. There was a famine in Canaan, where Jacob and his sons lived. (Pharaoh had a dream which Joseph interpreted. His dream told of the forthcoming famine and gave Egypt an opportunity to prepare by storing food.) So, Jacob sent his ten sons to Egypt to buy bread. When Joseph’s ten brothers came into Egypt they were brought before him. Joseph recognized his brothers, but they didn’t recognize him (Genesis 42:1-8).

Since the biblical Egyptians were a black-skinned people, Joseph had to be black-skinned also. If he were white skinned, as over half the world’s Jews are today, his brothers would have recognized him easily among the black- skinned Egyptians, or they would have been very curious as to why this white-skinned Hebrew was ruling in Egypt. But his brothers just thought Joseph was another Egyptian.

The ancient Egyptians of Joseph time were indeed what we know today as black skinned. This is a fact attested to by many.

Gerald Massey, English writer and author of the book, Egypt the Light of the World wrote, “The dignity is so ancient that the insignia of the Pharaoh evidently belonged to the time when Egyptians wore nothing but the girdle of the Negro.” (p 251)

Sir Richard Francis Burton, a 19th century English explorer, writer and linguist in 1883 wrote to Gerald Massey, “You are quite right about the “AFRICAN” origin of the Egyptians. I have 100 human skulls to prove it.”

Scientist, R. T. Prittchett, states in his book The Natural History of Man, “In their complex and many of the complexions and in physical peculiarities the Egyptians were an “AFRICAN” race (p 124-125).

The Ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the 5th century B.C.E., saw the Egyptians face-to-face and described them as black-skinned with woolly hair.

Anthropologist, Count Constatin de Volney (1727-1820), spoke about the race of the Egyptians that produced the Pharaohs. He later paid tribute to Herodotus’ discovery when he said:

“The ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native born Africans. That being so, we can see how their blood mixed for several centuries with that of the Romans and Greeks, must have lost the intensity of it’s original color, while retaining none the less the imprint of its original mold. We can even state as a general principle that the face (referring to The Sphinx) is a kind of monument able, in many cases, to attest to or shed light on historical evidence on the origins of the people.”

The fact that the ancient Egyptians were black-skinned prompted Volney to make the following statement:

“What a subject for meditation, just think that the race of black men today our slaves and the object of our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, science and even the use of our speech.”

The testimony of the ancients, the Bible, many Egyptologists, along with archaeology confirms that the Egyptians during biblical times were a BLACK-SKINNED PEOPLE. This is important to know, as we continue, we will see that the bible on multiple occasions describes the ancient Hebrews as looking like the Egyptians.

Next, in Genesis chapter 50 verses 7-11, scripture will describes ALL the Hebrews as looking like the ancient Egyptians.

After Jacob (who’s name was changed to Ysrayl – Israel) died in the Land of Egypt, all the Hebrews and Egyptians went down to the Land of Canaan to bury him (He asked his son to bury him in the Land of Canaan with his forefathers Genesis 49:29-30).

Verses 7-8 state that all the elders of Pharaoh’s house and all the elders of the Land of Egypt along with all the Hebrews (except for their small children) went down.

VERSE 9 says, “It was a very great company.”

VERSE 11 says, that the Canaanite saw the funeral procession and said “THIS IS A GRIEVOUS MOURNING TO THE EGYPTIANS”.

But remember this was a mixed multitude of Hebrews and Egyptians going to bury a HEBREW, and the Canaanite identified them both as Egyptians. WHY? Because the Canaanites saw a great company of black-skinned people who were all probably dressed according to the customs and fashions of Egypt, and they all looked liked native (black) Egyptians.

If the Hebrews were a white-skinned people, as we have been led to believe, the Canaanite who were familiar with both the Hebrews and Egyptians would have acknowledged them both by saying, “THIS IS A GRIEVOUS MOURNING TO THE EGYPTIANS AND HEBREWS.” The scripture goes on to say that the Canaanite named the place where they saw this great mourning for a HEBREW Abel Mizraim which means the meadow of Egypt/Mizraim or Mourning of the Egyptians.

Now let’s go to the most famous story, of the Hebrews sojourn in Egypt, which would be the story of Moses. Many years after the death of Joseph, His brothers and all that generation that entered Egypt during the time he was viceroy. The Hebrew population in Egypt grew tremendously. Because of this, they were no longer looked upon as friendly neighbors. In fact, the Egyptians considered them hostile enemies and enslaved them. (Other ethnic groups were enslaved by the Egyptians during this time also.)

Because of the Hebrews’ population growth the Egyptians decided they would impose upon them their own form of birth control. Pharaoh decreed that all Hebrew males are killed at birth (Exodus 1), this brings us directly to the story of Moses.

Moses was born a Hebrew – Israelite from the tribe of Levi (Exodus 2:1-3). He spent 40 years in the House of Pharaoh (Acts 7:23) and from the time he was an infant, passed as the Pharaoh’s grandson (Exodus 2: 6, 10). This was during the same time that Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew males under the age of two to be killed. So, if Pharaoh, was a black-skinned descendant of Khawm / Ham, which he was, it would of course follow that Moses was black-skinned also.

Many Scholars say the Pharaoh who was on the throne of Egypt at the time of Moses’ birth, was Pharaoh Seti I. He was the father of Rameses II, the Pharaoh of the oppression, also known as Rameses the Great.

George Rawlinson, an English author wrote a book entitled History of Egypt. On page 252, he gives a description of Seti I. He states: “SETI’S FACE WAS THOROUGHLY AFRICAN. HE HAD A STORMY FACE WITH A DEPRESSED FLAT NOSE, THICK LIPS AND HEAVY CHIN.”

Moses had to have the same physical characteristics because again, he was raised in the house of Pharaoh, as the grandson of Pharaoh, when Pharaoh ordered all other Hebrew males to be killed at birth. If the Israelites were a white-skinned people, how could Moses the Hebrew survive (secretly) in the house of Pharaoh among black-skinned Egyptians for 40 years, and not be noticed.

Furthermore, after giving the decree (himself) to kill all Hebrew males, how could Pharaoh face and rule over his people, if he knowingly had one living in his house with all the rights and privileges of his own family? Moses survived 40 years in the palace of Pharaoh because he was a black-skinned man just as the Egyptians were. Just as the Canaanite couldn’t tell the Hebrews from the Egyptians. Pharaoh couldn’t either, or Moses would have been killed instantly.

Temple Drawing Of Pharoah Seti I 1306 B.C.E – 1290 B.C.E.

This is an actual temple drawing of Pharaoh Seti I, taken from a temple in Egypt. This is the Pharaoh who scholars identify as being on the throne of Egypt at the time of Moses’ birth. It is believed that Seti I was Moses’ “foster grandfather”.

Ancient Egyptian Queen Tiye 1391 B.C.E – 1353 B.C.E.

This is a bust of the ancient Egyptian Queen Tiye. She was the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and the mother of the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akenaton). She was also the grandmother of the boy, King Tutankhamen, more commonly known as King Tut. Below is a statue of him. This is how the Egyptians looked during biblical times.

STATUE OF KING TUT 1334 – 1325 B.C.E.

This is a statue of the boy king (King Tut), this statue was found in his tomb, among many of his treasures in Egypt, during an archaeological excavation in 1922. Scholars say king Tut was on the throne of Egypt, a few years before the Israelites’ Exodus.

One of the newly reconstructed images of King Tut

Above is one of the pictures of the reconstructed image of King Tut. This image comes from the Discovery.com website, it is from a soon to be aired program called the “Assassination of King Tut”. The image was put together from the skeleton of the King by using forensic science and sophisticated computer programs. King Tut and the Egyptians of biblical times were a black skinned people. Let the pictures tell the story. The Truth is beginning to come forth, Praise Yah.

Scripture tells us that Moses killed an Egyptian, after he saw him mistreating a Hebrew. So Moses had to flee from Egypt for his life because Pharaoh found out and sought to kill him (Exodus 2:12-15).

Moses fled to the land of Midian where he helped seven daughters of the priest of Midian water their flock, after chasing away some bully shepherds. The girls went home to their father, Reuel and told him what happened.

They told him that an EGYPTIAN saved them and watered their flock (Exodus 2:16-19). Notice they didn’t say a Hebrew in Egyptian clothing saved us, and they described Moses as a black-skinned descendant of Ham (Egyptian). Further proof that Moses was black-skinned can be found in Exodus 4:6-7.

In this passage YHWH, (The Creator’s name in Hebrew) is showing Moses miracles so that he can prove to the children of Israel who sent him. YHWH or the abbreviated Yah tells Moses to put his hand into his bosom, which he does. When he takes his hand out, it is LEPROUS (White) as snow. If Moses was already white-skinned, what would have been the miracle in turning his hand white?

But, since Moses and the rest of the Hebrews were a black skinned people, this would have been a very powerful miracle, to turn his hand (skin) the opposite color of the rest of his flesh.

Verse 7 says, Yah told Moses to put his hand back into his bosom, and it turned as his other flesh. Meaning that the rest of his body (skin) was other than white or the opposite of white, which is black.

In the book of Numbers, chapter 12 verse 1, Moses’ sister and brother, Miriam and Aaron spoke out against him because he married an Ethiopian woman, (not because she was black skinned, but because she was of another culture. / Nation) their behavior angered Yah. Verse 10 says, He TURNED MIRIAM LEPROUS, WHITE AS SNOW. Once again if Miriam, who was a Hebrew, was white to begin with, what would have been the curse of turning a white-skinned person white?


From what history has taught us concerning the Hebrews Physical appearance, it is apparent that the Hollywood depiction of Moses is at the very least inaccurate, and at the most could be viewed as a racist misrepresentation.

Donnelly affirms that Egypt, Chaldea, India, Greece and Rome passed the torch of civilization from one to another. They added nothing to the arts that existed at the earliest period of Egyptian history. These arts continued without material change until two or three hundred years ago. For all these years men did not improve, but perpetuated. The age of Columbus possessed only printing that was unknown to the Egyptians. Egyptian civilization was highest at its first appearance showing that they drew from a fountain higher than themselves. In that day Egypt worshipped only one supreme being. At the time of Menes, this race had long been architects, sculptors, painters, mythologists and theologians. What king of modern times ever

ndevoted himself to medicine and the writing of medical books to benefit mankind, as did the son of Menes? For six thousand years men did not advance beyond the arts of Egypt.

Imhotep lived during the reign of King Djoser (2630-2611BC) and was the architect of the step pyramid at Saqquara, the first pyramid ever built in Egypt. Born a commoner, he quickly rose through the ranks of the temple and court to become a vizier and high priest. As a member of the Pharaoh’s court he was an architect, scribe, priest and physician. He pioneered the building of pyramids and was later deified.

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Acts 21:37-38 states that Paul, (Shaul in Hebrew) the apostle, was being led into a castle by a chief captain. Paul spoke to the chief in Greek, asking permission to speak with him. The chief captain was surprised that Paul could speak Greek and in Verse 38, asks Paul, “Are not you that EGYPTIAN?” Paul responded, (Verse 39) “I am a man of Israel (Hebrew).”

In order for this chief captain to mistake Paul (the Hebrew) for a black-skinned Egyptian, Paul had to look like an Egyptian, as scripture tells us the whole nation of Israel did. This is why in the book of Matthew 2:13, the angel of Yah told Joseph to arise and take the young child Yahshua, (The Messiah’s true Hebrew name is Yahshua) and his mother Mary (Miriam in Hebrew) and FLEE INTO EGYPT. He was told to stay there until he received further instruction, because Herod would seek the young child to destroy him.

Joseph, Miriam and Yahshua were told to flee into Egypt, (Africa) not for military protection, because during this time, Egypt was a Roman province under Roman control. They fled into Egypt because Egypt was still a “black” country, populated by a majority of black-skinned people (Egyptians). Joseph, Miriam and Yahshua would have been just another black-skinned family among many. Remember, they fled into Egypt to HIDE from Herod who was seeking to kill Yahshua.

If Yahshua and the rest of the Hebrews looked like those pictures of the “Christian Christ”, it would have been hard for him to hide in Egypt and not be noticed. NOTE: the above fact about Yahshua hiding in Egypt was attested to by a biblical scholar on a BBC produced program last year (2001).

The Program was called ‘THE COMPLETE JESUS’. The scholar stated that it would have been hard for Yahshua to hide among the Egyptians, if he didn’t look like the Egyptians, he was saying that Yahshua could not have been white skinned. He admitted in the program that Yahshua was a dark /black-skinned man.

Now back to our lesson.

He also made mention that the Israelites of the first to third centuries wore their hair in Afro’s. This is only the tip of the iceberg, you can’t hold down the truth.

Herod was put on the throne of Israel by the Romans, and Egypt was under Roman dominion. All Herod had to do was check with the Roman officials in Egypt to find out if there were any Hebrews with baby boys around. But, since the Hebrews and the Egyptians looked the same physically, it would have been hard to single out a Hebrew family among the Egyptians.

Ancient Egyptians

When Joseph, Miriam and Yahshua fled into Egypt, they were among people who look like the couple in the above picture. As was mentioned, the ancient Egyptians were the descendants of Noah’s son, Khawm, or Ham in English. Khawm means black, hot and burnt. The ancient Egyptians of biblical times called their land and themselves Khemet, which in their tongue means “THE LAND OF BLACKS.” The word Khemet is nothing but a variation on the word Khawm in the language of ancient Egypt.

In Psalm 78:51, Egypt is called “The House of Ham (Khawm).”


Psalm 105:23,27 calls Egypt the land of Khawm (Ham),



The Bible calls Egypt the land of Khawm, and remember one of the meanings of Khawm is black, so The Bible is calling Egypt “The Land of Black” which is what Khemet means. Egypt is called the land of Khawm because the Egyptians were descendants of Noah’s son Khawm. This is more than likely the reason they called themselves Khemet. The Bible supports the fact that the Egyptians were a black-skinned people.

Statue Of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II 2040 B.C.E.

Pictured above is a statue of Mentuhotep II, found in his tomb in Egypt. He unified Egypt / Khemet and relocated the capitol to Waset (Thebes / Luxor). He is the father of the princess captioned below. By now it should be clear what color the Egyptians were. Don’t forget, this is what THE BIBLE says the children of Israel looked like.

Tomb Drawing of an Ancient Egyptian Princess

Above is a tomb drawing of the ancient Egyptian Princess AU-Shead (This may not be the correct spelling, but it is how her name is pronounced). She was the daughter of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II (above). This painting was taken from the wall of her father’s tomb.

When you click on the link below, it will take you to:

Black History From The Bible

Many are surprised to discover the accomplishments of black people in the Bible because this this aspect of African History is not very well known.

Is Modern-day Israel in Bible Prophecy? Middle East News – Video

The ThirteenthTribe:

Arthur Koestler documents the Caucasian ancestry of Ashkenazim Jews. TheThirteenthTribe. The Khazar Empire and its Heritage. Arthur Koestler. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.

The vast majority of Jews in the world is of Eastern European – and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar – origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. Maybe the two world wars and the Holocaust were pretext for the New Khazaria or Israel hoax.The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.(Arthur Koestler,The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 17).

Old Khazaria existed from about 500 A.D. to about1000 A.D.

Old Khazaria adopted the religion of Talmudic Judaismabout 740 A.D.

Khazaria was reborn on May 14, 1948.

The most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.

New Khazaria.

As long as Apostate Israel (New Khazaria) exist…there will never be any peace in the Middle East. Modern-day Jewry is of Eastern European/Aryan descent and thus they are not Semitic. Let the truth be told everywhere. Why should American Soldiers die to protect a Hoax?




Forbidden Knowledge – History of the Khazar Empire YouTube


Mar 16, 2011 – Uploaded by TheInfoWarehouse2

Forbidden Knowledge – Modern-day Jews are not of Abraham Seed – History of the Khazar Empire [Lecture by Jack Otto]. TheInfoWarehouse2·49 videos

The Talking Book – Callahan, Allen Dwight – Yale University Press

The Bible has profoundly influenced African Americans throughout history. Using the Bible as a foundation, African Americans shared religious beliefs,

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Justice Randolph Jackson. His second book, Black People in the Bible, makes a case for the African origins of many

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Darkwah proves that Africans wrote the Bible even though your personal “King …. The Ancient Egyptians were Black people and their modern

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While the Bible mainly focuses on distinctions between believers and non-

believers, it can sometimes make a story more relevant if you can .





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Obama’s Second Inauguration – Video – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2013 Celebration Day of Service – ML King Tme-line – Complete Assassination Transcript

Martin Luther King Jr. ParadeJanuary 19, 2013, 11 a.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE and Milwaukee
Place SE, Washington DC. The Anacostia parade/peacewalk includes the
Ballou Marching Band and representatives from the area’s Asian,
Bolivian, Jamaican and African American communities.


Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956)


Martin Luther King – President Lyndon B. Johnson Signs Civil

Oct. 14, 1964 | Martin Luther King Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

March 7 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches –

Funeral: Martin Luther King (1968) –

  • PSA

     “Let Freedom Ring”

    January 20, 2013, 6 p.m. at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
    The Kennedy Center and Georgetown University host a musical celebration
    featuring Smokey Robinson and the Let Freedom Ring Choir honoring
    Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy in a free Millennium Stage concert.
    Tickets are required and will be distributed the day of the event in
    front of the Concert Hall beginning at 4 p.m.

    Lincoln Memorial

    2013 Dates to Be Announced, 1:00 p.m. 23rd and Independence Ave., NW,
    Washington, DC. The National Park Service will place a wreath at the
    Lincoln Memorial, on the steps where Dr. King gave his 1963 speech. The
    recitation of the “I Have a Dream” speech will be presented by students
    of Washington, DC’s Watkins Elementary School.

    The Tribute and Musical Celebration – “HIS dream.iAct.WE change

    January 20, 2013, 3 p.m. Music Center at Strathmore,
    5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda, MD. The event will feature musical
    and dance acts, and the 2013 recipients of the Children of the Dream,
    Humanitarian and Literary Arts Awards will be announced. The annual
    celebration is free and open to the public. Tickets are required.

    News for ml king birthday

    1. Happy Birthday To Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!

      News One ‎-
      Born Michael King Jr. on this date in Atlanta to parents Rev. Michael, Sr. (later Martin Luther, Sr.) and Alberta, he would later change his name

    The King Legacy of Service

    The Corporation for National and Community Service MLK Day Legacy of Service videos feature civil rights luminaries Congressman John Lewis, Ruby Bridges, Reverend Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, and former U.S. Senator Harris Wofford remembering Dr. King and his legacy of service. The PSAs remind us of the importance of keeping Dr. King’s legacy of service alive and challenge us to make service a part of our everyday lives.

    Martin Luther King Memorial

    This weekend is a great time to visit the Memorial. National Park
    Service Rangers discuss King’s role in the Civil Rights movement daily.
    On January 20, 2013, at 12 p.m. the National Park Service will host a
    wreathlaying service in observance of the birthday-anniversary for Dr.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Volunteers on MLK Day

    MLK Drum Major for Service

    MLK Drum Majors for Service are the helping hands who perform extraordinary everyday acts of service with reliability and commitment, but who seldom receive recognition. The MLK Drum Major for Service recognition is an opportunity to acknowledge that work and share stories of those leaders in your community. Learn more.

    What is the MLK Day of Service?

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?'”

    Each year, Americans across the country answer that question by coming together on the King Holiday to serve their neighbors and communities.

    The MLK Day of Service is a part of United We Serve, the President’s national call to service initiative. It calls for Americans from all walks of life to work together to provide solutions to our most pressing national problems.

The King Assassination Conspiracy: Betrayed by JudasOn April 3, 1968, Walter Bailey, the owner of the Lorraine Motel received a call from a member of Kings inner circle in Atlanta requesting that a specific room on the second floor be reserve for King. (King had always stayed in a secure room on the 1st floor.) On April 4, Lorrain Bailey overheard a member of Kings entourage asking him to come out of his room and speak to a small group that had assemble in the parking lot. Lorraine Bailey knew that King was in bed suffering from a severe headache but this member of Kings inner circle insisted that King come out and talk to the people. King reluctantly came out of his room to speak to the small crowd when he was shoot. Lorraine knew the identity of the Judas who had Dr. King set-up to be assassinated.
Was the Judas following orders from his Masonic Master?
Lorraine Bailey was killed, hung in the stairwell of her motel immediately after the assassination. The official cover-up statement said that Lorraine Bailey had a stroke on April 4th and died a few days later.
Who was the Judas who set-up King? Was King assassination a Masonic hit? Was a beer distributorship part of the payoff?

Jesse Jackson Killed Martin Luther King. pt 1 Steve cokely – YouTube

Feb 4, 2010 – Uploaded by MrBeliveitornot

Jesse Jackson Killed Martin Luther King. pt 1 Steve cokely Your true owners keep you focused on skin

The Murder Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr – Unspoken Details – Part One


Dec 11, 1999 – That is, a mortgage for the true, not inflated, value of the homes. Jesse Jackson to replace Dr. King BEFORE King was assassinated BY THE ..

Unmasking Jesse Jackson

Mar 31, 2002 – Jesse Jackson got himself ordained two months after Martin Luther King A: No, Abernathy told the truth, and it is because of Abernathy that we So here is a guy who is in such grief from Martin Luther King’s assassination ..

Jesse Jackson set up Martin Luther King. Steve cokely

Sep 3, 2008 – Thread: Jesse Jackson set up Martin Luther King. …. a firm political and ideological base for a revolutionary: “If it is true that a revolution can ….. Saying Jesse was the set up man for King’s assassination only says he betrayed ..


May 15, 2012 – Uploaded by wrbministries

Cokely has some good true points about Rev. Jackson opportunistic behavior immediately after the King ..

Jesse Jackson Killed Martin Luther King. pt 1

youtube.comFeb 4, 2010 – 10 min – Uploaded by MrBeliveitornot
Jesse Jackson Killed Martin Luther King. pt 1 Steve cokely Your true owners keep you focused on skin

Martin Luther King Jr Assassination – New Evidence

youtube.comSep 19, 2010 – 10 min – Uploaded by MarkRadioTurner
Martin Luther King Jr Assassination – New Evidence of a Government …. anti- Vietnam and working more and

Complete Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial … Olivia Catling, neighborhood resident around Lorraine Motel. Mr …
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Across from the Lorraine Motel was Fire Station no. 2. Who ordered … to the question did Loyd Jowers participate in a conspiracy to do harm to Dr. Martin Luther King, your …


In the complaint filed by the King family, “King versus Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators,” the only named defendant, Loyd Jowers, was never their primary concern. As soon became evident in court, the real defendants were the anonymous co-conspirators who stood in the shadows behind Jowers, the former owner of a Memphis bar and grill. The Kings and Pepper were in effect charging U.S. intelligence agencies — particularly the FBI and Army intelligence — with organizing, subcontracting, and covering up the assassination. Such a charge guarantees almost insuperable obstacles to its being argued in a court within the United States. Judicially it is an unwelcome beast.

I can hardly believe the fact that, apart from the courtroom participants, only Memphis TV reporter Wendell Stacy and I attended from beginning to end this historic three-and-one-half week trial. Because of journalistic neglect scarcely anyone else in this land of ours even knows what went on in it. After critical testimony was given in the trial’s second week before an almost empty gallery, Barbara Reis, U.S. correspondent for the Lisbon daily Publico who was there several days, turned to me and said, “Everything in the U.S. is the trial of the century. O.J. Simpson’s trial was the trial of the century. Clinton’s trial was the trial of the century. But this is the trial of the century, and who’s here?”

Many qualifiers have been attached to the verdict in the King case. It came not in criminal court but in civil court, where the standards of evidence are much lower than in criminal court. (For example, the plaintiffs used unsworn testimony made on audiotapes and videotapes.) Furthermore, the King family as plaintiffs and Jowers as defendant agreed ahead of time on much of the evidence.
But these observations are not entirely to the point. Because of the government’s “sovereign immunity,” it is not possible to put a U.S. intelligence agency in the dock of a U.S. criminal court. Such a step would require authorization by the federal government, which is not likely to indict itself. Thanks to the conjunction of a civil court, an independent judge with a sense of history, and a courageous family and lawyer, a spiritual breakthrough to an unspeakable truth occurred in Memphis. It allowed at least a few people (and hopefully many more through them) to see the forces behind King’s martyrdom and to feel the responsibility we all share for it through our government. In the end, twelve jurors, six black and six white, said to everyone willing to hear: guilty as charged.
We can also thank the unlikely figure of Loyd Jowers for providing a way into that truth.
Loyd Jowers: When the frail, 73-year-old Jowers became ill after three days in court, Judge Swearengen excused him. Jowers did not testify and said through his attorney, Lewis Garrison, that he would plead the Fifth Amendment if subpoenaed. His discretion was too late. In 1993 against the advice of Garrison, Jowers had gone public. Prompted by William Pepper’s progress as James Earl Ray’s attorney in uncovering Jowers’s role in the assassination, Jowers told his story to Sam Donaldson on Prime Time Live. He said he had been asked to help in the murder of King and was told there would be a decoy (Ray) in the plot. He was also told that the police “wouldn’t be there that night.”
In that interview, the transcript of which was read to the jury in the Memphis courtroom, Jowers said the man who asked him to help in the murder was a Mafia-connected produce dealer named Frank Liberto. Liberto, now deceased, had a courier deliver $100,000 for Jowers to hold at his restaurant, Jim’s Grill, the back door of which opened onto the dense bushes across from the Lorraine Motel. Jowers said he was visited the day before the murder by a man named Raul, who brought a rifle in a box.
As Mike Vinson reported in the March-April Probe, other witnesses testified to their knowledge of Liberto’s involvement in King’s slaying. Store-owner John McFerren said he arrived around 5:15 pm, April 4, 1968, for a produce pick-up at Frank Liberto’s warehouse in Memphis. (King would be shot at 6:0l pm.) When he approached the warehouse office, McFerren overheard Liberto on the phone inside saying, “Shoot the son-of-a-bitch on the balcony.”
Café-owner Lavada Addison, a friend of Liberto’s in the late 1970’s, testified that Liberto had told her he “had Martin Luther King killed.” Addison’s son, Nathan Whitlock, said when he learned of this conversation he asked Liberto point-blank if he had killed King.
“[Liberto] said, `I didn’t kill the nigger but I had it done.’ I said, `What about that other son-of-a-bitch taking credit for it?’ He says, `Ahh, he wasn’t nothing but a troublemaker from Missouri. He was a front man . . . a setup man.'”
The jury also heard a tape recording of a two-hour-long confession Jowers made at a fall 1998 meeting with Martin Luther King’s son Dexter and former UN Ambassador Andrew Young. On the tape Jowers says that meetings to plan the assassination occurred at Jim’s Grill. He said the planners included undercover Memphis Police Department officer Marrell McCollough (who now works for the Central Intelligence Agency, and who is referenced in the trial transcript as Merrell McCullough), MPD Lieutentant Earl Clark (who died in 1987), a third police officer, and two men Jowers did not know but thought were federal agents.
Young, who witnessed the assassination, can be heard on the tape identifying McCollough as the man kneeling beside King’s body on the balcony in a famous photograph. According to witness Colby Vernon Smith, McCollough had infiltrated a Memphis community organizing group, the Invaders, which was working with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In his trial testimony Young said the MPD intelligence agent was “the guy who ran up [the balcony stairs] with us to see Martin.”
Jowers says on the tape that right after the shot was fired he received a smoking rifle at the rear door of Jim’s Grill from Clark. He broke the rifle down into two pieces and wrapped it in a tablecloth. Raul picked it up the next day. Jowers said he didn’t actually see who fired the shot that killed King, but thought it was Clark, the MPD’s best marksman.
Young testified that his impression from the 1998 meeting was that the aging, ailing Jowers “wanted to get right with God before he died, wanted to confess it and be free of it.” Jowers denied, however, that he knew the plot’s purpose was to kill King — a claim that seemed implausible to Dexter King and Young. Jowers has continued to fear jail, and he had directed Garrison to defend him on the grounds that he didn’t know the target of the plot was King. But his interview with Donaldson suggests he was not naïve on this point.
Loyd Jowers’s story opened the door to testimony that explored the systemic nature of the murder in seven other basic areas:
    1. Background to the assassination

      James Lawson, King’s friend and an organizer with SCLC, testified that King’s stands on Vietnam and the Poor People’s Campaign had created enemies in Washington. He said King’s speech at New York’s Riverside Church on April 4, 1967, which condemned the Vietnam War and identified the U.S. government as “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today,” provoked intense hostility in the White House and FBI.
      Hatred and fear of King deepened, Lawson said, in response to his plan to hold the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C. King wanted to shut down the nation’s capital in the spring of 1968 through massive civil disobedience until the government agreed to abolish poverty. King saw the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike as the beginning of a nonviolent revolution that would redistribute income.
      “I have no doubt,” Lawson said, “that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his assassination.”
      Coretta Scott King testified that her husband had to return to Memphis in early April 1968 because of a violent demonstration there for which he had been blamed. Moments after King arrived in Memphis to join the sanitation workers’ march there on March 28, 1968, the scene turned violent — subverted by government provocateurs, Lawson said. Thus King had to return to Memphis on April 3 and prepare for a truly nonviolent march, Mrs. King said, to prove SCLC could still carry out a nonviolent campaign in Washington.


    1. Local conspiracy
      On the night of April 3, 1968, Floyd E. Newsum, a black firefighter and civil rights activist, heard King’s “I’ve Been to the Mountain Top” speech at the Mason Temple in Memphis. On his return home, Newsum returned a phone call from his lieutenant and was told he had been temporarily transferred, effective April 4, from Fire Station 2, located across the street from the Lorraine Motel, to Fire Station 31. Newsum testified that he was not needed at the new station. However, he was needed at his old station because his departure left it “out of service unless somebody else was detailed to my company in my stead.” After making many queries, Newsum was eventually told he had been transferred by request of the police department.
      The only other black firefighter at Fire Station 2, Norvell E. Wallace, testified that he, too, received orders from his superior officer on the night of April 3 for a temporary transfer to a fire station far removed from the Lorraine Motel. He was later told vaguely that he had been threatened.
      Wallace guessed it was because “I was putting out fires,” he told the jury with a smile. Asked if he ever received a satisfactory explanation for his transfer Wallace answered, “No. Never did. Not to this day.”
      In the March-April Probe, Mike Vinson described the similar removal of Ed Redditt, a black Memphis Police Department detective, from his Fire Station 2 surveillance post two hours before King’s murder.
      To understand the Redditt incident, it is important to note that it was Redditt himself who initiated his watch on Dr. King from the firehouse across the street. Redditt testified that when King’s party and the police accompanying them (including Detective Redditt) arrived from the airport at the Lorraine Motel on April 3, he “noticed something that was unusual.” When Inspector Don Smith, who was in charge of security, told Redditt he could leave, Redditt “noticed there was nobody else there. In the past when we were assigned to Dr. King [when Redditt had been part of a black security team for King], we stayed with him. I saw nobody with him. So I went across the street and asked the Fire Department could we come in and observe from the rear, which we did.” Given Redditt’s concerns for King’s safety, his particular watch on the Lorraine may not have fit into others’ plans.
      Redditt testified that late in the afternoon of April 4, MPD Intelligence Officer Eli Arkin came to Fire Station 2 to take him to Central Headquarters. There Police and Fire Director Frank Holloman (formerly an FBI agent for 25 years, seven of them as supervisor of J. Edgar Hoover’s office) ordered Redditt home, against his wishes and accompanied by Arkin. The reason Holloman gave Redditt for his removal from the King watch Redditt had initiated the day before was that his life had been threatened.
      In an interview after the trial, Redditt told me the story of how his 1978 testimony on this question before the House Select Committee on Assassinations was part of a heavily pressured cover-up. “It was a farce,” he said, “a total farce.”
      Redditt had been subpoenaed by the HSCA to testify, as he came to realize, not so much on his strange removal from Fire Station 2 as the fact that he had spoken about it openly to writers and researchers. The HSCA focused narrowly on the discrepancy between Redditt’s surveiling King (as he was doing) and acting as security (an impression Redditt had given writers interviewing him) in order to discredit the story of his removal. Redditt was first grilled by the committee for eight straight hours in a closed executive session. After a day of hostile questioning, Redditt finally said late in the afternoon, “I came here as a friend of the investigation, not as an enemy of the investigation. You don’t want to deal with the truth.” He told the committee angrily that if the secret purpose behind the King conspiracy was, like the JFK conspiracy, “to protect the country, just tell the American people! They’ll be happy! And quit fooling the folks and trying to pull the wool over their eyes.”
      When the closed hearing was over, Redditt received a warning call from a friend in the White House who said, “Man, your life isn’t worth a wooden nickel.”
      Redditt said his public testimony the next day “was a set-up”: “The bottom line on that one was that Senator Baker decided that I wouldn’t go into this open hearing without an attorney. When the lawyer and I arrived at the hearing, we were ushered right back out across town to the executive director in charge of the investigation. [We] looked through a book, to look at the questions and answers.”
      “So in essence what they were saying was: `This is what you’re going to answer to, and this is how you’re going to answer.’ It was all made up — all designed, questions and answers, what to say and what not to say. A total farce.”
      Former MPD Captain Jerry Williams followed Redditt to the witness stand. Williams had been responsible for forming a special security unit of black officers whenever King came to Memphis (the unit Redditt had served on earlier). Williams took pride in providing the best possible protection for Dr. King, which included, he said, advising him never to stay at the Lorraine “because we couldn’t furnish proper security there.” (“It was just an open view,” he explained to me later, “Anybody could . . . There was no protection at all. To me that was a set-up from the very beginning.”)

Hatred and fear of King deepened, Lawson said, in response to his plan to hold the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C. King wanted to shut down the nation’s capital in the spring of 1968 through massive civil disobedience until the government agreed to abolish poverty. King saw the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike as the beginning of a nonviolent revolution that would redistribute income. “I have no doubt,” Lawson said, “that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his assassination.”

For King’s April 3, 1968 arrival, however, Williams was for some reason not asked to form the special black bodyguard. He was told years later by his inspector (a man whom Jowers identified as a participant in the planning meetings at Jim’s Grill) that the change occurred because somebody in King’s entourage had asked specifically for no black security officers. Williams told the jury he was bothered by the omission “even to this day.”
Leon Cohen, a retired New York City police officer, testified that in 1968 he had become friendly with the Lorraine Motel’s owner and manager, Walter Bailey (now deceased). On the morning after King’s murder, Cohen spoke with a visibly upset Bailey outside his office at the Lorraine. Bailey told Cohen about a strange request that had forced him to change King’s room to the location where he was shot.
Bailey explained that the night before King’s arrival he had received a call “from a member of Dr. King’s group in Atlanta.” The caller (whom Bailey said he knew but referred to only by the pronoun “he”) wanted the motel owner to change King’s room. Bailey said he was adamantly opposed to moving King, as instructed, from an inner court room behind the motel office (which had better security) to an outside balcony room exposed to public view.
“If they had listened to me,” Bailey said, “this wouldn’t have happened.”
Philip Melanson, author of the Martin Luther King Assassination (1991), described his investigation into the April 4 pullback of four tactical police units that had been patrolling the immediate vicinity of the Lorraine Motel. Melanson asked MPD Inspector Sam Evans (now deceased), commander of the units, why they were pulled back the morning of April 4, in effect making an assassin’s escape much easier. Evans said he gave the order at the request of a local pastor connected with King’s party, Rev. Samuel Kyles. (Melanson wrote in his book that Kyles emphatically denied making any such request.) Melanson said the idea that MPD security would be determined at such a time by a local pastor’s request made no sense whatsoever.
Olivia Catling lived a block away from the Lorraine on Mulberry Street. Catling had planned to walk down the street the evening of April 4 in the hope of catching a glimpse of King at the motel. She testified that when she heard the shot a little after six o’clock, she said, “Oh, my God, Dr. King is at that hotel!” She ran with her two children to the corner of Mulberry and Huling streets, just north of the Lorraine. She saw a man in a checkered shirt come running out of the alley beside a building across from the Lorraine. The man jumped into a green 1965 Chevrolet just as a police car drove up behind him. He gunned the Chevrolet around the corner and up Mulberry past Catling’s house moving her to exclaim, “It’s going to take us six months to pay for the rubber he’s burning up!!” The police, she said, ignored the man and blocked off a street, leaving his car free to go the opposite way.
I visited Catling in her home, and she told me the man she had seen running was not James Earl Ray. “I will go into my grave saying that was not Ray, because the gentleman I saw was heavier than Ray.”
“The police,” she told me, “asked not one neighbor [around the Lorraine], `What did you see?’ Thirty-one years went by. Nobody came and asked one question. I often thought about that. I even had nightmares over that, because they never said anything. How did they let him get away?”
Catling also testified that from her vantage point on the corner of Mulberry and Huling she could see a fireman standing alone across from the motel when the police drove up. She heard him say to the police, “The shot came from that clump of bushes,” indicating the heavily overgrown brushy area facing the Lorraine and adjacent to Fire Station 2.

    1. The crime scene
      Earl Caldwell was a New York Times reporter in his room at the Lorraine Motel the evening of April 4. In videotaped testimony, Caldwell said he heard what he thought was a bomb blast at 6:00 p.m. When he ran to the door and looked out, he saw a man crouched in the heavy part of the bushes across the street. The man was looking over at the Lorraine’s balcony. Caldwell wrote an article about the figure in the bushes but was never questioned about what he had seen by any authorities.
      In a 1993 affidavit from former SCLC official James Orange that was read into the record, Orange said that on April 4, “James Bevel and I were driven around by Marrell McCollough, a person who at that time we knew to be a member of the Invaders, a local community organizing group, and who we subsequently learned was an undercover agent for the Memphis Police Department and who now works for the Central Intelligence Agency . . . [After the shot, when Orange saw Dr. King’s leg dangling over the balcony], I looked back and saw the smoke. It couldn’t have been more than five to ten seconds. The smoke came out of the brush area on the opposite side of the street from the Lorraine Motel. I saw it rise up from the bushes over there. From that day to this time I have never had any doubt that the fatal shot, the bullet which ended Dr. King’s life, was fired by a sniper concealed in the brush area behind the derelict buildings.
      “I also remember then turning my attention back to the balcony and seeing Marrell McCollough up on the balcony kneeling over Dr. King, looking as though he was checking Dr. King for life signs.
      “I also noticed, quite early the next morning around 8 or 9 o’clock, that all of the bushes and brush on the hill were cut down and cleaned up. It was as though the entire area of the bushes from behind the rooming house had been cleared . . .
      “I will always remember the puff of white smoke and the cut brush and having never been given a satisfactory explanation.
      “When I tried to tell the police at the scene as best I saw they told me to be quiet and to get out of the way.
      “I was never interviewed or asked what I saw by any law enforcement authority in all of the time since 1968.”
      Also read into the record were depositions made by Solomon Jones to the FBI and to the Memphis police. Jones was King’s chauffeur in Memphis. The FBI document, dated April 13, 1968, says that after King was shot, when Jones looked across Mulberry Street into the brushy area, “he got a quick glimpse of a person with his back toward Mulberry Street. . . . This person was moving rather fast, and he recalls that he believed he was wearing some sort of light-colored jacket with some sort of a hood or parka.” In his 11:30 p.m., April 4, 1968 police interview, Jones provides the same basic information concerning a person leaving the brushy area hurriedly.
      Maynard Stiles, who in 1968 was a senior official in the Memphis Sanitation Department, confirmed in his testimony that the bushes near the rooming house were cut down. At about 7:00 a.m. on April 5, Stiles told the jury, he received a call from MPD Inspector Sam Evans “requesting assistance in clearing brush and debris from a vacant lot in the vicinity of the assassination.” Stiles called another superintendent of sanitation, who assembled a crew. “They went to that site, and under the direction of the police department, whoever was in charge there, proceeded with the clean-up in a slow, methodical, meticulous manner.” Stiles identified the site as an area overgrown with brush and bushes across from the Lorraine Motel.
      Within hours of King’s assassination, the crime scene that witnesses were identifying to the Memphis police as a cover for the shooter had been sanitized by orders of the police.


    1. The rifle
      Probe readers will again recall from Mike Vinson’s article three key witnesses in the Memphis trial who offered evidence counter to James Earl Ray’s rifle being the murder weapon:

      1. Judge Joe Brown, who had presided over two years of hearings on the rifle, testified that “67% of the bullets from my tests did not match the Ray rifle.” He added that the unfired bullets found wrapped with it in a blanket were metallurgically different from the bullet taken from King’s body, and therefore were from a different lot of ammunition. And because the rifle’s scope had not been sited, Brown said, “this weapon literally could not have hit the broad side of a barn.” Holding up the 30.06 Remington 760 Gamemaster rifle, Judge Brown told the jury, “It is my opinion that this is not the murder weapon.”

      2. Circuit Court Judge Arthur Hanes Jr. of Birmingham, Alabama, had been Ray’s attorney in 1968. (On the eve of his trial, Ray replaced Hanes and his father, Arthur Hanes Sr., by Percy Foreman, a decision Ray told the Haneses one week later was the biggest mistake of his life.) Hanes testified that in the summer of 1968 he interviewed Guy Canipe, owner of the Canipe Amusement Company. Canipe was a witness to the dropping in his doorway of a bundle that held a trove of James Earl Ray memorabilia, including the rifle, unfired bullets, and a radio with Ray’s prison identification number on it. This dropped bundle, heaven (or otherwise) sent for the State’s case against Ray, can be accepted as credible evidence through a willing suspension of disbelief. As Judge Hanes summarized the State’s lone-assassin theory (with reference to an exhibit depicting the scene), “James Earl Ray had fired the shot from the bathroom on that second floor, come down that hallway into his room and carefully packed that box, tied it up, then had proceeded across the walkway the length of the building to the back where that stair from that door came up, had come down the stairs out the door, placed the Browning box containing the rifle and the radio there in the Canipe entryway.” Then Ray presumably got in his car seconds before the police’s arrival, driving from downtown Memphis to Atlanta unchallenged in his white Mustang.
        Concerning his interview with the witness who was the cornerstone of this theory, Judge Hanes told the jury that Guy Canipe (now deceased) provided “terrific evidence”: “He said that the package was dropped in his doorway by a man headed south down Main Street on foot, and that this happened at about ten minutes before the shot was fired [emphasis added].”
        Hanes thought Canipe’s witnessing the bundle-dropping ten minutes before the shot was very credible for another reason. It so happened (as confirmed by Philip Melanson’s research) that at 6:00 p.m. one of the MPD tactical units that had been withdrawn earlier by Inspector Evans, TACT 10, had returned briefly to the area with its 16 officers for a rest break at Fire Station 2. Thus, as Hanes testified, with the firehouse brimming with police, some already watching King across the street, “when they saw Dr. King go down, the fire house erupted like a beehive . . . In addition to the time involved [in Ray’s presumed odyssey from the bathroom to the car], it was circumstantially almost impossible to believe that somebody had been able to throw that [rifle] down and leaave right in the face of that erupting fire station.”
        When I spoke with Judge Hanes after the trial about the startling evidence he had received from Canipe, he commented, “That’s what I’ve been saying for 30 years.”

      3. William Hamblin testified not about the rifle thrown down in the Canipe doorway but rather the smoking rifle Loyd Jowers said he received at his back door from Earl Clark right after the shooting. Hamblin recounted a story he was told many times by his friend James McCraw, who had died.
        James McCraw is already well-known to researchers as the taxi driver who arrived at the rooming house to pick up Charlie Stephens shortly before 6:00 p.m. on April 4. In a deposition read earlier to the jury, McCraw said he found Stephens in his room lying on his bed too drunk to get up, so McCraw turned out the light and left without him — minutes before Stephens, according to the State, identified Ray in profile passing down the hall from the bathroom. McCraw also said the bathroom door next to Stephen’s room was standing wide open, and there was no one in the bathroom — where again, according to the State, Ray was then balancing on the tub, about to squeeze the trigger.
        William Hamblin told the jury that he and fellow cab-driver McCraw were close friends for about 25 years. Hamblin said he probably heard McCraw tell the same rifle story 50 times, but only when McCraw had been drinking and had his defenses down.
        In that story, McCraw said that Loyd Jowers had given him the rifle right after the shooting. According to Hamblin, “Jowers told him to get the [rifle] and get it out of here now. [McCraw] said that he grabbed his beer and snatched it out. He had the rifle rolled up in an oil cloth, and he leapt out the door and did away with it.” McCraw told Hamblin he threw the rifle off a bridge into the Mississippi River.
        Hamblin said McCraw never revealed publicly what he knew of the rifle because, like Jowers, he was afraid of being indicted: “He really wanted to come out with it, but he was involved in it. And he couldn’t really tell the truth.”
        William Pepper accepted Hamblin’s testimony about McCraw’s disposal of the rifle over Jowers’s claim to Dexter King that he gave the rifle to Raul. Pepper said in his closing argument that the actual murder weapon had been lying “at the bottom of the Mississippi River for over thirty-one years.”

Maynard Stiles, who in 1968 was a senior official in the Memphis Sanitation Department, confirmed in his testimony that the bushes near the rooming house were cut down. At about 7:00 a.m. on April 5, Stiles told the jury, he received a call from MPD Inspector Sam Evans “requesting assistance in clearing brush and debris from a vacant lot in the vicinity of the assassination. . . . They went to that site, and under the direction of the police department, whoever was in charge there, proceeded with the clean-up in a slow, methodical, meticulous manner.” . . . Within hours of King’s assassination, the crime scene that witnesses were identifying to the Memphis police as a cover for the shooter had been sanitized by orders of the police.

  • Raul
    One of the most significant developments in the Memphis trial was the emergence of the mysterious Raul through the testimony of a series of witnesses.
    In a 1995 deposition by James Earl Ray that was read to the jury, Ray told of meeting Raul in Montreal in the summer of 1967, three months after Ray had escaped from a Missouri prison. According to Ray, Raul guided Ray’s movements, gave him money for the Mustang car and the rifle, and used both to set him up in Memphis.
    Andrew Young and Dexter King described their meeting with Jowers and Pepper at which Pepper had shown Jowers a spread of photographs, and Jowers picked out one as the person named Raul who brought him the rifle to hold at Jim’s Grill. Pepper displayed the same spread of photos in court, and Young and King pointed out the photo Jowers had identified as Raul. (Private investigator John Billings said in separate testimony that this picture was a passport photograph from 1961, when Raul had immigrated from Portugal to the U.S.)
    The additional witnesses who identified the photo as Raul’s included: British merchant seaman Sidney Carthew, who in a videotaped deposition from England said he had met Raul (who offered to sell him guns) and a man he thinks was Ray (who wanted to be smuggled onto his ship) in Montreal in the summer of 1967; Glenda and Roy Grabow, who recognized Raul as a gunrunner they knew in Houston in the `60s and `70s and who told Glenda in a rage that he had killed Martin Luther King; Royce Wilburn, Glenda’s brother, who also knew Raul in Houston; and British television producer Jack Saltman, who had obtained the passport photo and showed it to Ray in prison, who identified it as the photo of the person who had guided him.
    Saltman and Pepper, working on independent investigations, located Raul in 1995. He was living quietly with his family in the northeastern U.S. It was there in 1997 that journalist Barbara Reis of the Lisbon Publico, working on a story about Raul, spoke with a member of his family. Reis testified that she had spoken in Portuguese to a woman in Raul’s family who, after first denying any connection to Ray’s Raul, said “they” had visited them. “Who?” Reis asked. “The government,” said the woman. She said government agents had visited them three times over a three-year period. The government, she said, was watching over them and monitoring their phone calls. The woman took comfort and satisfaction in the fact that her family (so she believed) was being protected by the government.
    In his closing argument Pepper said of Raul: “Now, as I understand it, the defense had invited Raul to appear here. He is outside this jurisdiction, so a subpoena would be futile. But he was asked to appear here. In earlier proceedings there were attempts to depose him, and he resisted them. So he has not attempted to come forward at all and tell his side of the story or to defend himself.”


  • A broader conspiracy
    Carthel Weeden, captain of Fire Station 2 in 1968, testified that he was on duty the morning of April 4 when two U.S. Army officers approached him. The officers said they wanted a lookout for the Lorraine Motel. Weeden said they carried briefcases and indicated they had cameras. Weeden showed the officers to the roof of the fire station. He left them at the edge of its northeast corner behind a parapet wall. From there the Army officers had a bird’s-eye view of Dr. King’s balcony doorway and could also look down on the brushy area adjacent to the fire station.
    The testimony of writer Douglas Valentine filled in the background of the men Carthel Weeden had taken up to the roof of Fire Station 2. While Valentine was researching his book The Phoenix Program (1990), on the CIA’s notorious counterintelligence program against Vietnamese villagers, he talked with veterans in military intelligence who had been re-deployed from the Vietnam War to the sixties antiwar movement. They told him that in 1968 the Army’s 111th Military Intelligence Group kept Martin Luther King under 24-hour-a-day surveillance. Its agents were in Memphis April 4. As Valentine wrote in The Phoenix Program, they “reportedly watched and took photos while King’s assassin moved into position, took aim, fired, and walked away.”
    Testimony which juror David Morphy later described as “awesome” was that of former CIA operative Jack Terrell, a whistle-blower in the Iran-Contra scandal. Terrell, who was dying of liver cancer in Florida, testified by videotape that his close friend J.D. Hill had confessed to him that he had been a member of an Army sniper team in Memphis assigned to shoot “an unknown target” on April 4. After training for a triangular shooting, the snipers were on their way into Memphis to take up positions in a watertower and two buildings when their mission was suddenly cancelled. Hill said he realized, when he learned of King’s assassination the next day, that the team must have been part of a contingency plan to kill King if another shooter failed.
    Terrell said J.D. Hill was shot to death. His wife was charged with shooting Hill (in response to his drinking), but she was not indicted. From the details of Hill’s death, Terrell thought the story about Hill’s wife shooting him was a cover, and that his friend had been assassinated. In an interview, Terrell said the CIA’s heavy censorship of his book Disposable Patriot (1992) included changing the paragraph on J.D. Hill’s death, so that it read as if Terrell thought Hill’s wife was responsible.


  • Cover-up
    Walter Fauntroy, Dr. King’s colleague and a 20-year member of Congress, chaired the subcommittee of the 1976-78 House Select Committee on Assassinations that investigated King’s assassination. Fauntroy testified in Memphis that in the course of the HSCA investigation “it was apparent that we were dealing with very sophisticated forces.” He discovered electronic bugs on his phone and TV set. When Richard Sprague, HSCA’s first chief investigator, said he would make available all CIA, FBI, and military intelligence records, he became a focus of controversy. Sprague was forced to resign. His successor made no demands on U.S. intelligence agencies. Such pressures contributed to the subcommittee’s ending its investigation, as Fauntroy said, “without having thoroughly investigated all of the evidence that was apparent.” Its formal conclusion was that Ray assassinated King, that he probably had help, and that the government was not involved.
    When I interviewed Fauntroy in a van on his way back to the Memphis Airport, I asked about the implications of his statements in an April 4, 1997 Atlanta Constitution article. The article said Fauntroy now believed “Ray did not fire the shot that killed King and was part of a larger conspiracy that possibly involved federal law enforcement agencies, ” and added: “Fauntroy said he kept silent about his suspicions because of fear for himself and his family.”
    Fauntroy told me that when he left Congress in 1991 he had the opportunity to read through his files on the King assassination, including raw materials that he’d never seen before. Among them was information from J. Edgar Hoover’s logs. There he learned that in the three weeks before King’s murder the FBI chief held a series of meetings with “persons involved with the CIA and military intelligence in the Phoenix operation in Southeast Asia.” Why? Fauntroy also discovered there had been Green Berets and military intelligence agents in Memphis when King was killed. “What were they doing there?” he asked.
    When Fauntroy had talked about his decision to write a book about what he’d “uncovered since the assassination committee closed down,” he was promptly investigated and charged by the Justice Department with having violated his financial reports as a member of Congress. His lawyer told him that he could not understand why the Justice Department would bring up a charge on the technicality of one misdated check. Fauntroy said he interpreted the Justice Department’s action to mean: “Look, we’ll get you on something if you continue this way. . . . I just thought: I’ll tell them I won’t go and finish the book, because it’s surely not worth it.”
    At the conclusion of his trial testimony, Fauntroy also spoke about his fear of an FBI attempt to kill James Earl Ray when he escaped from Tennessee’s Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary in June 1977. Congressman Fauntroy had heard reports about an FBI SWAT team having been sent into the area around the prison to shoot Ray and prevent his testifying at the HSCA hearings. Fauntroy asked HSCA chair Louis Stokes to alert Tennesssee Governor Ray Blanton to the danger to the HSCA’s star witness and Blanton’s most famous prisoner. When Stokes did, Blanton called off the FBI SWAT team, Ray was caught safely by local authorities, and in Fauntroy’s words, “we all breathed a sigh of relief.”
    The Memphis jury also learned how a 1993-98 Tennessee State investigation into the King assassination was, if not a cover-up, then an inquiry noteworthy for its lack of witnesses. Lewis Garrison had subpoenaed the head of the investigation, Mark Glankler, in an effort to discover evidence helpful to Jowers’s defense. William Pepper then cross-examined Glankler on the witnesses he had interviewed in his investigation:
    Q. (BY MR. PEPPER) Mr. Glankler, did you interview Mr. Maynard Stiles, whose testifying —
    A. I know the name, Counselor, but I don’t think I took a statement from Maynard Stiles or interviewed him. I don’t think I did.
    Q. Did you ever interview Mr. Floyd Newsum?
    A. Can you help me with what he does?
    Q. Yes. He was a black fireman who was assigned to Station Number 2.
    A. I don’t recall the name, Counsel.
    Q. All right. Ever interview Mr. Norvell Wallace?
    A. I don’t recall that name offhand either.
    Q. Ever interview Captain Jerry Williams?
    A. Fireman also?
    Q. Jerry Williams was a policeman. He was a homicide detective.
    A. No, sir, I don’t — I really don’t recall that name.
    Q. Fair enough. Did you ever interview Mr. Charles Hurley, a private citizen?
    A. Does he have a wife named Peggy?
    Q. Yes.
    A. I think we did talk with a Peggy Hurley or attempted to.
    Q. Did you interview a Mr. Leon Cohen?
    A. I just don’t recall without —
    Q. Did you ever interview Mr. James McCraw?
    A. I believe we did. He talks with a device?
    Q. Yes, the voice box..
    A. Yes, okay. I believe we did talk to him, yes, sir.
    Q. How about Mrs. Olivia Catling, who has testified —
    A. I’m sorry, the last name again.
    Q. Catling, C A T L I N G.
    A. No, sir, that name doesn’t —
    Q. Did you ever interview Ambassador Andrew Young?
    A. No, sir.
    Q. You didn’t?
    A. No, sir, not that I recall.
    Q. Did you ever interview Judge Arthur Hanes?
    A. No, sir.
    So it goes — downhill. The above is Glankler’s high-water mark: He got two out of the first ten (if one counts Charles and Peggy Hurley as a yes). Pepper questioned Glankler about 25 key witnesses. The jury was familiar with all of them from prior testimony in the trial. Glankler could recall his office interviewing a total of three. At the twenty-fifth-named witness, Earl Caldwell, Pepper finally let Glankler go:
    Q. Did you ever interview a former New York Times journalist, a New York Daily News correspondent named Earl Caldwell?
    A. Earl Caldwell? Not that I recall.
    Q. You never interviewed him in the course of your investigation?
    A. I just don’t recall that name.
    MR. PEPPER: I have no further comments about this investigation — no further questions for this investigator.

Pepper went a step beyond saying government agencies were responsible for the assassination. To whom in turn were those murderous agencies responsible? Not so much to government officials per se, Pepper asserted, as to the economic powerholders they represented who stood in the even deeper shadows behind the FBI, Army Intelligence, and their affiliates in covert action. By 1968, Pepper told the jury, “And today it is much worse in my view” — “the decision-making processes in the United States were the representatives, the footsoldiers of the very economic interests that were going to suffer as a result of these times of changes [being actived by King].”
To say that U.S. government agencies killed Martin Luther King on the verge of the Poor People’s Campaign is a way into the deeper truth that the economic powers that be (which dictate the policies of those agencies) killed him. In the Memphis prelude to the Washington campaign, King posed a threat to those powers of a non-violent revolutionary force. Just how determined they were to stop him before he reached Washington was revealed in the trial by the size and complexity of the plot to kill him.

The vision behind the trial

In his sprawling, brilliant work that underlies the trial, Orders to Kill (1995), William Pepper introduced readers to most of the 70 witnesses who took the stand in Memphis or were cited by deposition, tape, and other witnesses. To keep this article from reading like either an encyclopedia or a Dostoevsky novel, I have highlighted only a few. (Thanks to the King Center, the full trial trascript is available online at http://www.thekingcenter.com/tkc/trial.html.) What Pepper’s work has accomplished in print and in court can be measured by the intensity of the media attacks on him, shades of Jim Garrison. But even Garrison did not gain the support of the Kennedy family (in his case) or achieve a guilty verdict. The Memphis trial has opened wide a door to our assassination politics. Anyone who walks through it is faced by an either/or: to declare naked either the empire or oneself.
The King family has chosen the former. The vision behind the trial is at least as much theirs as it is William Pepper’s, for ultimately it is the vision of Martin Luther King Jr. Coretta King explained to the jury her family’s purpose in pursuing the lawsuit against Jowers: “This is not about money. We’re concerned about the truth, having the truth come out in a court of law so that it can be documented for all. I’ve always felt that somehow the truth would be known, and I hoped that I would live to see it. It is important I think for the sake of healing so many people — my family, other people, the nation.”
Dexter King, the plaintiffs’ final witness, said the trial was about why his father had been killed: “From a holistic side, in terms of the people, in terms of the masses, yes, it has to be dealt with because it is not about who killed Martin Luther King Jr., my father. It is not necessarily about all of those details. It is about: Why was he killed? Because if you answer the why, you will understand the same things are still happening. Until we address that, we’re all in trouble. Because if it could happen to him, if it can happen to this family, it can happen to anybody.
“It is so amazing for me that as soon as this issue of potential involvement of the federal government came up, all of a sudden the media just went totally negative against the family. I couldn’t understand that. I kept asking my mother, `What is going on?’
“She reminded me. She said, `Dexter, your dad and I have lived through this once already. You have to understand that when you take a stand against the establishment, first, you will be attacked. There is an attempt to discredit. Second, [an attempt] to try and character-assassinate. And third, ultimately physical termination or assassination.’
“Now the truth of the matter is if my father had stopped and not spoken out, if he had just somehow compromised, he would probably still be here with us today. But the minute you start talking about redistribution of wealth and stopping a major conflict, which also has economic ramifications . . . “
In his closing argument, William Pepper identified economic power as the root reason for King’s assassination: “When Martin King opposed the war, when he rallied people to oppose the war, he was threatening the bottom lines of some of the largest defense contractors in this country. This was about money. He was threatening the weapons industry, the hardware, the armaments industries, that would all lose as a result of the end of the war.
“The second aspect of his work that also dealt with money that caused a great deal of consternation in the circles of power in this land had to do with his commitment to take a massive group of people to Washington. . . . Now he began to talk about a redistribution of wealth, in this the wealthiest country in the world.”
Pepper went a step beyond saying government agencies were responsible for the assassination. To whom in turn were those murderous agencies responsible? Not so much to government officials per se, Pepper asserted, as to the economic powerholders they represented who stood in the even deeper shadows behind the FBI, Army Intelligence, and their affiliates in covert action. By 1968, Pepper told the jury, “And today it is much worse in my view” — “the decision-making processes in the United States were the representatives, the footsoldiers of the very economic interests that were going to suffer as a result of these times of changes [being actived by King].”
To say that U.S. government agencies killed Martin Luther King on the verge of the Poor People’s Campaign is a way into the deeper truth that the economic powers that be (which dictate the policies of those agencies) killed him. In the Memphis prelude to the Washington campaign, King posed a threat to those powers of a non-violent revolutionary force. Just how determined they were to stop him before he reached Washington was revealed in the trial by the size and complexity of the plot to kill him.
Dexter King testified to the truth of his father’s death with transforming clarity: “If what you are saying goes against what certain people believe you should be saying, you will be dealt with — maybe not the way you are dealt with in China, which is overtly. But you will be dealt with covertly. The result is the same.
“We are talking about a political assassination in modern-day times, a domestic political assassination. Of course, it is ironic, but I was watching a special on the CIA. They say, `Yes, we’ve participated in assassinations abroad but, no, we could never do anything like that domestically.’ Well, I don’t know. . . . Whether you call it CIA or some other innocuous acronym or agency, killing is killing.
“The issue becomes: What do we do about this? Do we endorse a policy in this country, in this life, that says if we don’t agree with someone, the only means to deal with it is through elimination and termination? I think my father taught us the opposite, that you can overcome without violence.
“We’re not in this to make heads roll. We’re in this to use the teachings that my father taught us in terms of nonviolent reconciliation. It works. We know that it works. So we’re not looking to put people in prison. What we’re looking to do is get the truth out so that this nation can learn and know officially. If the family of the victim, if we’re saying we’re willing to forgive and embark upon a process that allows for reconciliation, why can’t others?”
When pressed by Pepper to name a specific amount of damages for the death of his father, Dexter King said, “One hundred dollars.”

The Verdict

The jury returned with a verdict after two and one-half hours. Judge James E. Swearengen of Shelby County Circuit Court, a gentle African-American man in his last few days before retirement, read the verdict aloud. The courtroom was now crowded with spectators, almost all black.
“In answer to the question, `Did Loyd Jowers participate in a conspiracy to do harm to Dr. Martin Luther King?’ your answer is `Yes.'” The man on my left leaned forward and whispered softly, “Thank you, Jesus.”
The judge continued: “Do you also find that others, including governmental agencies, were parties to this conspiracy as alleged by the defendant?’ Your answer to that one is also `Yes.'” An even more heartfelt whisper: “Thank you, Jesus!”

Perhaps the lesson of the King assassination is that our government understands the power of nonviolence better than we do, or better than we want to. In the spring of 1968, when Martin King was marching (and Robert Kennedy was campaigning), King was determined that massive, nonviolent civil disobedience would end the domination of democracy by corporate and military power. The powers that be took Martin Luther King seriously. They dealt with him in Memphis.
Thirty-two years after Memphis, we know that the government that now honors Dr. King with a national holiday also killed him. As will once again become evident when the Justice Department releases the findings of its “limited re-investigation” into King’s death, the government (as a footsoldier of corporate power) is continuing its cover-up — just as it continues to do in the closely related murders of John and Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X.

David Morphy, the only juror to grant an interview, said later: “We can look back on it and say that we did change history. But that’s not why we did it. It was because there was an overwhelming amount of evidence and just too many odd coincidences.
“Everything from the police department being pulled back, to the death threat on Redditt, to the two black firefighters being pulled off, to the military people going up on top of the fire station, even to them going back to that point and cutting down the trees. Who in their right mind would go and destroy a crime scene like that the morning after? It was just very, very odd.”
I drove the few blocks to the house on Mulberry Street, one block north of the Lorraine Motel (now the National Civil Rights Museum). When I rapped loudly on Olivia Catling’s security door, she was several minutes in coming. She said she’d had the flu. I told her the jury’s verdict, and she smiled. “So I can sleep now. For years I could still hear that shot. After 31 years, my mind is at ease. So I can sleep now, knowing that some kind of peace has been brought to the King family. And that’s the best part about it.”
Perhaps the lesson of the King assassination is that our government understands the power of nonviolence better than we do, or better than we want to. In the spring of 1968, when Martin King was marching (and Robert Kennedy was campaigning), King was determined that massive, nonviolent civil disobedience would end the domination of democracy by corporate and military power. The powers that be took Martin Luther King seriously. They dealt with him in Memphis.
Thirty-two years after Memphis, we know that the government that now honors Dr. King with a national holiday also killed him. As will once again become evident when the Justice Department releases the findings of its “limited re-investigation” into King’s death, the government (as a footsoldier of corporate power) is continuing its cover-up — just as it continues to do in the closely related murders of John and Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X.
The faithful in a nonviolent movement that hopes to change the distribution of wealth and power in the U.S.A. — as Dr. King’s vision, if made real, would have done in 1968 — should be willing to receive the same kind of reward that King did in Memphis. As each of our religious traditions has affirmed from the beginning, that recurring story of martyrdom (“witness”) is one of ultimate transformation and cosmic good news
… when gunned down while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel. … restaurant owner was sued in civil court as part of a conspiracy to murder Martin Luther King.


Who really killed Dr. Martin Luther King? … flop house” across the street from theLorraine Motel … patsy and an unwitting participant in a conspiracy


april 4 the assassination dr martin l king who killed on 3 1968 walter bailey lorraine motel received call member kings inner circle atlanta requesting specific room second floor always stayed overheard entourage asking him come out his speak small group lot knew bed but talk people came he shoot judas her after official coverup statement said died few days later setup hit complete transcript luther jr conspiracy trial olivia catling around mr pdf voice view html across fire station no 2 ordered question did loyd jowers participate do harm www mlk in family other unknown coconspirators only named defendant never their as soon became evident court real stood shadows behind former owner memphis grill pepper effect u s intelligence agencies fbi army organizing up such charge almost its being within united states it i believe fact courtroom tv reporter beginning end week because anyone else land even went testimony given before barbara reis correspondent lisbon daily publico there several turned me everything century o j here many have verdict case criminal civil evidence much than for plaintiffs used made agreed time these point government possible put agency step would federal which thanks independent judge sense history lawyer truth occurred least more through them see forces martyrdom six black white willing hear guilty charged we also thank figure providing way into when three swearengen testify attorney lewis garrison if subpoenaed too late 1993 against public william james earl ray told story sam donaldson live asked help murder plot police wouldn t night interview read jury man produce frank liberto now deceased hold restaurant jim back door opened onto bushes visited day raul brought rifle box mike vinson marchapril probe witnesses testified involvement john mcferren arrived 5 pm warehouse shot 6 approached office phone saying sonofabitch balcony addison friend son learned didn kill done what says missouri heard tape 1998 meeting dexter ambassador andrew young meetings plan included undercover department officer marrell mccollough works central mpd clark third two men know thought agents identifying kneeling beside body famous photograph according witness smith community invaders working agent guy ran stairs right fired smoking rear down wrapped picked next best impression wanted get god free denied however purpose claim continued fear defend target ve seven basic background local conspiracy; crime broader lawson sclc vietnam poor campaign washington speech new york 1967 war identified violence world today house hatred deepened response d c shut nation capital spring massive disobedience until abolish poverty saw sanitation workers strike nonviolent revolution redistribute income doubt viewed seriously enough coretta return early violent march scene thus mrs could still floyd e newsum firefighter rights mountain top home returned transferred located street 31 needed left somebody company making request norvell wallace orders transfer threatened ever satisfactory explanation not described removal redditt detective surveillance hours to understand important himself initiated watch firehouse party including airport noticed something inspector don security nobody past assigned part team so others afternoon arkin take director holloman 25 years edgar hoover reason gave life select committee assassinations heavily farce total hsca strange spoken writers researchers doing interviewing order discredit first closed executive finally investigation you want deal like country just tell they ll and over hearing worth bottom one go open without looked book look questions answers this re going answer say a captain jerry williams stand responsible special unit officers earlier took protection couldn explained anybody very arrival some whom participant change leon cohen become morning spoke outside forced opposed moving better happened philip melanson 1991 tactical units vicinity evans why pulled assassin pastor kyles wrote any determined lived block away mulberry evening glimpse she clock corner huling north running building green chevrolet car drove gunned months off leaving opposite seen thirtyone anything how let fireman standing overgrown brushy area adjacent caldwell times videotaped 00 p m heavy looking article questioned authorities orange record person smoke ten seconds brush side from bullet sniper buildings remember then though 8 hill cut rooming having interviewed law enforcement since jones got rather believed sort 30 same information concerning maynard stiles senior confirmed near at 7 assistance clearing debris vacant called another site under direction whoever proceeded cleanup slow methodical meticulous manner cover shooter sanitized readers again recall key offered weapon joe arthur hanes hamblin brown hearings bullets added unfired found different taken circuit father decision summer canipe doorway bundle held radio prison number dropped sent state accepted credible theory bathroom mustang minutes already watching involved shooting mccraw stephens deposition lying wide close probably drinking mississippi river revealed indicted really closing argument most series 1995 montreal escaped guided money set spread photos photo private investigator passport british glenda jack saltman showed 1997 journalist woman defense appear attempted forward carthel weeden roof valentine while phoenix program cia talked military movement kept juror david morphy terrell death wife details assassinated fauntroy congress subcommittee investigated course apparent discovered sprague chief make available conclusion justice reports action attempt tennessee swat testifying stokes blanton mark glankler q by name think does yes either sir charles hurley peggy last goes news further beyond turn those murderous officials per se asserted economic powerholders represented deeper affiliates covert worse decisionmaking processes representatives footsoldiers interests suffer result changes actived verge powers dictate policies prelude posed threat revolutionary force stop reached size complexity vision work media kennedy ultimately somehow terms dealt happen issue once termination talking redistribution wealth power threatening should political killing taught reconciliation amount jesus perhaps lesson understands nonviolence marching robert campaigning domination democracy corporate thirtytwo honors national holiday releases findings limited reinvestigation footsoldier continuing continues closely related murders malcolm x odd mind sleep kind

BIBLE TALK christianity religion BIBLEPROBE Catholic Uncategorized BIBLE C. DollarEvangelical KABBALLAH theology Charles Blake Charles Stanly church Eddie LongPolitics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Green conspiracy current events Jack Van Impe John Hagee Kenneth Copeland Mason Pentecostal qabalah rod parsley Steve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. Jakes CABALAH Floyd Flakehappy caldwell Harold Ray Kenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian Swindol T.Lahaye TRUTH TV evangelist Vatican WORD apostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironna ministry Pope John Paul II Freemason joel olsteen robert Schuller Russell Bean S. Lukens babylonBULLINGER Illuminati MUNROE NWO true worship WOODROW clarence larkin cliff ford daniel bohler drosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministriesjohn hagee zionism MURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. Lukens Tim LahayeAnti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow International Jesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministries kenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Science hinson Knight of ColumbusKnight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templar Thomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-events munroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of God branch of david Christian Word MinistriesDoug Kreiger frontier research publications Golden Dawn ice & demy jan markelljimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star Ministries NRB Olive Tree Ministriessaints harvest ministries TBN Catholicism Christian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminary garth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant Jefferies Grant Jefferyhistory InTouch j.vernon mcgee James DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord law logos publishing National Association of EvangelicalsOral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Stephen Smith Terry Risenhoover Tony Smith truthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillips DaVinci Code GOSPEL Israel jerry roseJesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic Ministry Moody Bible Institute mormanism New World Order prophecy Regent University Rick Warren

World AIDS Day 12-1-2012 – Origin of AIDS – Eugenics and The Elite Depopulation Program

More than two-thirds of the estimated 34 million people living with
HIV/AIDS worldwide are in developing countries, and nearly three-fourths
of the 2.5 million new HIV infections in 2011 occurred in these
countries. As a science-based public health and disease prevention
agency, CDC provides support to more than 70 countries to strengthen
their national HIV/AIDS programs and build sustainable public health
systems through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief<img class=”externalImg” title=”External Web Site Icon” alt=”External Web Site Icon”
CDC works side by side with Ministries of Health in these
countries and with other partners to implement sustainable HIV/AIDS
interventions and to measure their effectiveness in reducing infections
and deaths from HIV/AIDS.

Worldwide AIDS & HIV Statistics Including Deaths – 9:25pm

World HIV & AIDS epidemic statistics, including people infected with HIV and deaths from AIDS. 25 Million Dead

Region Adults & childrenliving with HIV/AIDS Adults & childrennewly infected Adult prevalence* Deaths ofadults & children
Sub-Saharan Africa 22.4 million 1.9 million 5.2% 1.4 million
North Africa & Middle East 310,000 35,000 0.2% 20,000
South and South-East Asia 3.8 million 280,000 0.3% 270,000
East Asia 850,000 75,000 59,000
Oceania 59,000 3900 0.3% 2,000
Latin America 2.0 million 170,000 0.6% 77,000
Caribbean 240,000 20,000 1.0% 12,000
Eastern Europe & Central Asia 1.5 million 110,000 0.7% 87,000
North America 1.4 million 55,000 0.4% 25,000
Western & Central Europe 850,000 30,000 0.3% 13,000
Global Total 33.4 million 2.7 million 0.8% 2.0 million

  • Scaling up treatment of HIV-positive people (“treatment as prevention”). Recent science (HIV Prevention Trials Network–HPTN 052 Adobe PDF file [PDF – 275KB]External Web Site Icon)
    has shown that when people are HIV-positive, treatment with
    antiretroviral drugs helps prevent the transmission of HIV to others.
    Effective treatment of a person living with HIV reduces the risk of
    sexual transmission to a partner by up to 96%. As of March 2012, CDC,
    through PEPFAR, helped support nearly 4.5 million men, women, and
    children on treatment.

    CDC’s High-Impact HIV Prevention Adobe PDF file [PDF – 258KB]
    strategy aims to reduce new HIV infections by using combinations of
    scientifically proven, cost-effective, and scalable interventions
    directed to the most vulnerable populations in the geographic areas
    where HIV prevalence is highest. For example, young gay and bisexual
    men, especially young African American and Latino men who have sex with
    men, have high rates of new HIV infections.

Human Experiments Conducted Under Depopulation Efforts for HIV Research

Susanne Posel

Occupy Corporatism

August 3, 2012

The Obama administration has given $80 million in grants to corporations working to produce AIDS related medication ; essentially using taxpayer money to help pharmaceutical companies in an initiative called AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP).

ADAP has been demanding more and more funding
while their assistance program has not been stellar, and leaves many
suffering from HIV/AIDS on waiting lists with no end in sight.

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) are planning a study
of ADAP programs wherein they will use the data to create a more
comprehensive network list of people affected by HIV/AIDS. Simply put:
the US government, under the guise of developing comprehensive
understanding for the purpose of assisting the drug corporations, they
are creating an extensive list of all Americans afflicted with HIV and
AIDS related complications.

On the east coast of America, volunteers from out-reach centers have begun going door-to-door
in a community in Southwest Philadelphia telling residents to get HIV
tested. They believe that by conducting these invasions of privacy for
the sake of coercing more people to get tested for HIV, they can control
the spread of the disease.

In Washington, DC, the International AIDS Conference (IAC) has ended.
The Clinton Foundation (CF), founded by former President Bill Clinton,
focused their talks on the cost of HIV-positive patients in
under-developed nations. Because of their lack of access to proper
medical care, their drain on their respective nations is “less than
previously thought” according to the CF.

Clinton was concerned about removing children from their mothers who
are diagnosed with HIV so that the spread of the virus would begin to
stop in African countries like Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia.

Under the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative
(CHAI) begun in 2002, the relationship between drug corporations and
governments has expanded and the delivery of pharmaceuticals has
increased, although the incidents of HIV/AIDS have not decreased. CHAI
provides more access to medical healthcare, yet the issue is still
running rampant.

Globalist conferences like the IAC celebrate the eugenics connection to HIV/AIDS. In a recent study
conducted by the Fenway Institute, black men in America who are
homosexual are twice as likely as their white counterparts to contract
the virus.

In July 2008, the mainstream media (MSM) admitted
that, strangely enough, “people of African descent are much more likely
to have a genetic trait that makes them more susceptible to infection
with the HIV virus.”

Scientists conducting the study and working for the Wilford Hall
United State Air Force Medical Center and San Antonio Military Medical
Center claims: “The benefit that the Africans got from a mutation that
gave them some resistance to malaria has, statistically at least,
rendered them some increased susceptibility to HIV.”

While medications and vaccines were pushed a solutions at the IAC,
these answers only serve to increase profits from drug corporations
while more and more people continue to suffer and die at the race
directed bioweapons called HIV.

The end result of the IAC was in accord that drugs at the answer to the HIV “problem”.

HIV testing was allocated as the biggest proponent of capturing the
scope of the effect this eugenics directed bioweapon is making on the
over-population problem. Truvada was agreed to be the best vaccine
available and supported by the conference attendees as a pharmaceutical
worth investing in.

The suggestion was also made that women be forced to have a vaginal ring soaked in an “HIV-blocking drug” implanted should their husbands or partners refuse to wear condoms on a regular basis.

African governments have approved the trials of US scientists working
for Mircobide Trials Network and the US National Institute of Health
will go into heavily populated areas and give women these rings dipped
in dapivirine which is a drug that will slowly “ooze” out of the ring
and lace the surrounding vaginal tissue.

The NIH-funded study called ASPIRE
will force more than 3,500 women in Malawi, South Africa, Uganda,
Zambia and Zimbabwe to have this test application inserted for a month.
Using human experimentation, the NIH hopes to offer this solution to
more under-developed nations and eventually worldwide.

The efforts into the destruction of the human immune system by the
global Elite are reaching an apex, or perhaps just going into hyper
drive. As long as the fact of HIV’s origin as a bioweapon
is ignored by MSM and the alternative media, the possibility of
stopping this eugenics-based depopulation design will continue on
without serious research into stopping it.

And the endeavors of the global Elite of depopulating the planet by 90% may come true quite soon.

“AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213” President Nixon Sign Law to Create AIDS for Genocide and Depopulation
“AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213” by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.. It is hard to believe the public law that authorized AIDS will be thirty one years old

HIV/AIDS The Untold Story. The Genecide Theory

An early version of the AIDS-as-biowarfare theory was based on the work of two East German scientists, Jakob and Lilli Segal, published by the Soviet news agency Tass on March 30, 1987. The Segals claimed that HIV could not have evolved naturally, being in fact an artificial splice between visna virus (a retrovirus that infects the nervous system of sheep) and HTLV-1 (the first retrovirus known to infect humans). This splice, they asserted, was created at the notorious CBW lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and then tested on prisoners in the area.
On World AIDS Day, Doctor Says More Pediatrics AIDS Drugs Needed
Voice of America – 21 hours ago
By Joe DeCapua HIV, the AIDS virus, not only infects adults, but also affects many children. Millions have become orphans, and many are infected at birth.
33 million people live with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. 190 countries around the world recognize this day to raise awareness that the battle is not over in the fight against the world’s number one health threat.
An International Conference on AIDs will be held in Africa, December 3 through 7.
In the U.S., the Black AIDS Institute is asking the Obama administration to set up a domestic funding program for HIV/AIDS prevention, according to BET.The institute says this is increasingly a black issue as about half of the over one million Americans living with HIV or AIDS are black.
Increasingly women and girls are finding themselves part of the growing numbers, with about 11 percent of newly reported AIDS cases contracted either through sex with infected men or injected drug use. African American woman accounted for 66 percent of the newly diagnosed cases in 2005, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention.
The New York Times, in an editorial, says that the WHO developed a mathematical model predicting what would happen if most adults and adolescents were tested every year for the AIDS virus, and those who were positive were treated immediately with antiretroviral medications. The policy now is to use the drugs after your immune system is depresse
Do the Elite, through government and private sector scientists, create and distribute deadly viruses to world populations (more)

Dr Alan Cantwell

Smallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus

On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world’s most respected newspapers, published an explosive article entitled, “Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.” The story suggested the smallpox eradication vaccine program sponsored by the WHO was responsible for unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africans living in central Africa were inoculated by the WHO. The vaccine was held responsible for awakening a “dormant” AIDS virus infection on the continent.
An advisor to the WHO admitted, “Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of AIDS.” Robert Gallo, M,D., the co-discoverer of HIV, told The Times, “The link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis. I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV.” Despite the tremendous importance of this story, the U.S. media was totally silent on the report, and Gallo never spoke of it again.
In September 1987, at a conference sponsored by the National Health Federation in Monrovia, California, William Campbell Douglass, M.D., bluntly blamed the WHO for murdering Africa with the AIDS virus. In a widely circulated reprint of his talk entitled “W.H.O. Murdered Africa” , he accused the organization of encouraging virologists and molecular biologists to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make an immunosuppressive hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. From the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Volume 47, p.259, 1972), he quoted a passage that stated: “An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus.” According to Douglass, “That’s AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is Let’s cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency.'”
Babies born with AIDS
AIDS baby born with heart outside stomach
Depopulation (Rockefeller Foundation – UN)
Human experiments –
in the ‘free world’?
“Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the ‘safety and tolerance’ of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT. “
UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans
MUST READ: The house that AIDS built
Human experiments –
in the ‘free world’?
“Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the ‘safety and tolerance’ of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT. “UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans

MUST READ: The house that AIDS built
By Liam Scheff
This brave article deals with pharmaceutical abuse in a children’s home in NYC

It was through Maggiore that I met Mona, whose children, Sean and Dana, have tested HIV-positive. By the state’s definition, they’re not actually her children; Mona is their great aunt and legal guardian. Her niece, a long-time drug user, was unable to act as a responsible mother, so Sean and Dana were remanded to state foster care. Mona took them back to raise as her own.

When I first spoke with Mona, she was stressed and nervous. Sean had twice been sent to the Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC), a “home for HIV positive children” located in Washington Heights. First, as an infant, then again four years ago. And Dana was there until June.

“Why did they take her?” I asked.
“They said I was a negligent parent because I didn’t want to give the drugs.”
She’d been taking Sean and Dana to a naturopath. That the children were healthy didn’t matter. When city agencies found out that the children weren’t on the drugs, they took them away for mandatory treatment at a clinic and then transferred them to ICC. There, they were locked up and pumped full of drugs day and night.
“What drugs?”
“AZT, Nevirapine, Epivir, Zerit. All kinds of drugs.”
Diseases and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and huge pharmaceutical companies such as Glaxo, Pfizer, Squibb and Genentech?is to take a trip through the nightmare world of pediatric drug research.
For example, the study called “The Effect of Anti-HIV Treatment on Body Characteristics of HIV-Infected Children” is looking for the causes of “Wasting and Lipodystrophy [fat redistribution]”?by using drugs known to cause wasting and lipodystrophy.
Or consider “The Safety and Effectiveness of Treating Advanced AIDS Patients between the Ages of 4 and 22 with Seven Drugs, Some at Higher than Usual Doses.” The seven drugs in the study are all known to cause debilitating, potentially fatal side effects, yet they are administered at “higher than usual doses” in four-year-olds.
Then there’s a study with “Stavudine Alone or in Combination with Didanosine.” Stavudine plus Didanosine has killed pregnant women.
Or the vaccine study to be administered to children “12 months to 8 years” using “live chicken pox virus,” even though one of the consequences of a live virus vaccine can be the disease itself.
Another measures “HIV Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid.” Cerebrospinal fluid can only be gathered from a spinal tap, a dangerous and invasive procedure.
There’s even a study on HIV-negative children born to HIV-infected mothers that uses an experimental HIV vaccine.
Mona was never informed that Sean had once participated in clinical trials at ICC. – more


The History of the Development of AIDS

by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.. The true history of the origin of AIDS can be traced …. In 1970, President Nixon signed PL91-213 and John D. Rockefeller
1971 U.S. Special ‘HIV’ Virus Flow Chart Download LinkThe Smoking Gun of AIDS: a 1971 Flowchart by Boyd E. Graves, J.D. www.boydgraves.com/flowchart/
The Making of the AIDS Holocaust by Dr. Boyd E. Graves March 15, 2003Boyd Ed Graves, JD discovered the United States’ secret 1971 Special Virus www.boydgraves.com/letters/031603.html


In 1970, President Nixon signed PL91-213 and John D. Rockefeller, III became the …. Boyd Graves now believes that HIV-AIDS is probably an evolutionar

Kissinger and Rockefeller the Origins of AIDS and Ebola

Gary Allen – The Rockefeller File 439 reads. Rockefeller John D 16 reads. Boyd Graves‘ ESP-1 (HIV/AIDS) Development Timeline 121 reads http://www.scribd.com/…/Kissinger-and-Rockefeller-the-Origins-of-AIDS-and- EbolaThe Rockefellers and the Osborns

An important point to be made when covering these issues is that the very same families who had previously funded and popularized eugenics in America prior to World War II shifted their resources into funding and promoting population reduction and control in the post WWII era.

Several prominent families are responsible for funding and promoting eugenics in America, namely the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman, and Osborn families. Two families, the Rockefellers and the Osborns, are particularly significant. John D. Rockefeller Sr. contributed a large amount of money to build the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the early 1900’s, which housed the Eugenics Records Office from 1910-1944. Rockefeller influence also spread overseas to Germany, where the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry, and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity resided. Much of the money used to run these facilities came from Rockefeller. [5] These institutes became centers for Nazi eugenics programs during the reign of Adolf Hitler.

The influence of the Rockefeller family continued in 1945 when John D. Rockefeller Jr. donated the land upon which the United Nations stands in New York City. The U.N. plays an important roll in population control, a subject which will be covered shortly.

In 1952, John D. Rockefeller the 3rd, the oldest son of Rockefeller Jr., founded the Population Council. The organizations stated goal is to seek “…better understanding of problems relating to population.” [6] The first president of the Council was Frederick Henry Osborn, who was appointed by John D. Rockefeller himself. Osborn was a prominent eugenicist who helped found the American Eugenics Society, now called The Society for the Study of Social Biology. Osborn headed the AES from 1946-1952, when he began to place greater emphasis on population control, signaling the shift of post WWII eugenicists. [7] Osborn wrote in his 1968 book The Future of Human Heredity that “Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under another name than eugenics.”

Frederick Henry Osborn’s nephew, Henry Fairfield Osborn, carried on the banner of population control. His 1948 book Our Plundered Planet covers many of the issues that environmentalists are concerned with today. Osborn states in the book that over-population will destroy the planet and that drastic measures must be taken to curtail population growth. He takes a moment to reflect on the savage nature of his outlined proposal, but states that it will have to be done. He writes,

“Of course, as we all know, these are momentous days and many things can happen to check population growth, even including the devastating use of atomic bombs in a new war. It is difficult to adjust one’s mind to the possibility that the present negotiations between nations could fail to prevent such a savage denial of the right to human existence, and that the problem of the pressure of increasing populations – perhaps the greatest problem facing humanity today – cannot be solved in a way that is consistent with humanity.” [8]

Steven C. Rockefeller, a fourth generation member of the family, has remained dedicated to the family’s history of philanthropy and promotion of population control. He played a central role in the writing of the United Nations Earth Charter, and chaired the Earth Charter International Drafting Committee from 1997 to 2000. He is currently a member of the Earth Charter Commission. [9] Echoing past writings of Osborn and others, he stated in an interview at Tilburg University in the Netherlands that,

“Third, the Earth Charter recognizes that the dramatic rise in human population is putting great pressure on the resilience of ecological systems and has overburdened social and economic systems.” [10]

The Earth Charter itself says, “An unprecedented rise in human population has overburdened ecological and social systems. The foundations of global security are threatened. These trends are perilous but not inevitable.”

Others involved in the post WWII shift

Before we look at recent examples of population reduction being funded and carried out, there are other prominent individuals who played an important role in this shift from eugenics to population control.

Frank Notestein was one of the most prominent individuals who made the study of population an institutional practice. His bio summarizes his numerous memberships, which include the American Eugenics Society.

“He was a member of the American Eugenics Society, the American Philosophical Society, the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Statistical Institute, the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, the Population Association of America, and the Century Association.” [11]

Notestein also served as president of John D. Rockefeller’s Population Council after Frederick Osborn stepped down. He was also the first director of the United Nations Population Division from 1946-1948. In a 1969 paper written by Notestein titled The Problem of Population Control, he outlines a strategy to depopulate target populations. Notestein admits that economic modernization would “…bring the birthrate down automatically.” However, he goes on to state that more drastic measures must be taken because in his opinion this method would not be fast enough. He writes,

“Given existing preferences in family size, governments must go beyond voluntary family planning. To achieve zero rate of population growth governments will have to do more than cajole; they will have to coerce.”

“…to impose more drastic changes on a large scale implies many risks, not least to the regime that undertakes them. The price for this type of population control may well be the institution of a totalitarian regime.” [12]

Another individual, Guy Irving Burch, who wrote for Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review publication, also played a key role. Burch’s 1947 book Human Breeding and Survival combines the ideas of both eugenics and population control. He writes,

“It appears what the United Nations needs to do is to recommend to all nations that adoption of laws which will… actually lead to the sterilization of all persons who are inadequate, either biologically or socially, and encourage the voluntary sterilization of normal persons who have had their share of children.”

Burch described plans for attaining “peace goals” and national security objectives through population control. Similar arguments and proposals are made in Henry Kissinger’s later 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200, which was influenced by the 1944 Royal Commission on Population. Burch states that, “… if we are willing to keep the focus on undesirable parentage… then sterilization can play a rather large part in the attainment of the peace goals…”

Richard C. Reardon writes again in his Eugenics Connection work in progress regarding Burch, pointing out the shift from Galton era eugenics to Malthusian population control,

“The ideas of Galton were becoming unpopular, so the ideas of Malthus needed to be stressed. If the public could be made to believe in the need for quantity control, they would again accept its logical extension – quality control. So in 1940, while serving as director of his Population Reference Bureau and the editor of its Population Bulletin, Burch helped found another “population” front for eugenicists – the Population Association of America.” [13]

Population reduction operations today

In 1989 research was conducted by the National Institute of Immunology in New Delhi India on the use of ‘carriers’ such as Tetanus Toxoid and Diphtheria to bypass the immune system and deliver the female hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The research paper was carried in the Oxford University Press in 1990 and was titled “Bypass by an alternate ‘carrier’ of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immunization with tetanus-conjugated vaccine.” [1]

While hCG is required to maintain pregnancy, the injection of hCG bound to Tetanus Toxoid triggers an auto-immune response, thus causing sterilization. The NII research cited above used four women as test subjects – who had been surgically sterilized prior to the experiment – and found that multiple doses of the Tetanus Toxoid hCG carrier vaccine was required in order to achieve the desired results. The research also found that if an alternate carrier such as Diphtheria was used as a booster in combination with Tetanus the sterilization vaccine would be more effective.

The Rockefeller Foundation and the Population Council are listed in the document as giving grants for the research.

Henry Kissinger’s 1974 National Security Memorandum 200 document cites “Injectable contraceptives for women” as a possible method of population reduction and control. Depopulation, as stated in the document, should be pursued because it would be in the “…economic interests of the United States.”

“Wherever a lessening of population pressures… can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.”

On November 4, 1996 the publication Vaccine Weekly carried an article titled “Study Suggests Women Were Injected with Contaminated Tetanus Vaccine.” The article details an investigation that was carried out by the Philippine Medical Association into the discovery of hCG in tetanus vaccines. While the article brands the vaccine as being “contaminated”, the Rockefeller funded research cited above indicates that this is not a case of contamination. As reported,

“Have women in the Philippines, and possibly elsewhere, surreptitiously been used as guinea pigs in an international anti-fertility campaign?

A medical study in the Philippines suggested that may well be the case. A study conducted by the Philippine Medical Association on behalf of the Philippine Department of Health revealed that almost 20 percent of the tetanus vaccine sampled positive for the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), according to Human Life International.

Vaccines containing the hormone immunize women not only against tetanus but also against pregnancy by inducing the body’s immune system to attack the hormone needed to bring an unborn child to term.” [2]

Thailand is ripe with stories of miscarriages and sterilization. According to the local population of the Akha, pregnant women are forced to receive a tetanus vaccine in order to get ID cards for their children. The vaccine often results with violent miscarriages. In the video below, Matthew McDaniel, a human rights activist who has been working with the Akha people of Thailand, speaks with two Akha women about the forced Tetanus vaccine and the resulting miscarriages.

International AIDS Conference Attracts Eugenicists and Race


Jul 31, 2012 – Susanne Posel | The 2012 International AIDS Conference (IAC) has attracted 40000 of the world’s leading scientists, researchers, advocates and eugenicists They are making a final push in their final days trying to kill off the .

Is Winthrop Rockefeller the father of Bill Clinton?
President Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III on August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas located on the 33rd Degree Parallel. Illuminati News: 33 Degrees – Number of the Master When he was four years old, his mother wed Roger Clinton, of Hot Springs, Arkansas. In high school, he took the family name Clinton.
Bill Clinton rise to power is not based on who he knows but rather who he is, a Rockefeller
There has long been speculation about the real identity of the actual biological father of the former United States President William Jefferson Clinton. According to Bill Clinton’s White House biographyhis real father was Bill Blythe III, who had been killed in an automobile accident before the President was even born; however many in Arkansas claim that Blythe had only been back in the United States for six months prior to Clinton’s birth.
William Jefferson Clinton ran for the United States House of Representatives (not the Arkansas State house) less than six month after getting his law degree from Yale Law School. He served as Jimmy Carter’s Arkansas state campaign manager, while also teaching at the University of Arkansas School of Law, and also manages to get himself elected as the Arkansas State attorney general in 1976, and elected as the governor of the state of Arkansas in 1978 (having only been in public services for less than two (2) years).This means that Bill Clinton began campaigning for the Arkansas U.S. congressional seat while he was still in law school at Yale University. The he ran a statewide campaign for state attorney general, while running another statewide presidential campaign for Jimmy Carter and taught law school when??…all at the same time. Then with less than a year experience as the state’s top judicial officer, he begins campaigning as the state’s governor and actually wins…just five years out of law school and then the youngest state governor in the United States of America.WINTHROP ROCKEFELLERWinthrop Rockefeller was son of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and Abby Greene Aldrich, and the grandson of John Davison Rockefeller, Sr. who founded the Standard Oil Company. His brothers were John D. III, David, Nelson and Laurence Rockefeller. Winthrop Rockefeller also went to Yale University, 1931-1934.
Abby G. Aldrich, was the daughter of Senator Nelson Aldrich. Senator Aldrich was instrumental in the creation of the Federal Reserve
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Israel Attack Gaza – 115 Palestinians Dead mostly Women and Children 850 wounded Update – Is Israel in Bible Prophecy?

News for latest news israel gaza

 LIVE blog: latest from the Middle East

News for israel terrorist attack on israel


  1. Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 5

    Bay Area Indymedia ‎- 5 hours ago
    as this is written is day 5. Monday when it’s read will be day 6. How
    much longer will this continue? How much more death, destruction,

Death Toll Rises To 94 Palestinians…

50 Civilians Killed… 720 Wounded…

Airstrike Hits Gaza HQ Of Local, Foreign Media…

Report: Militant Leader Dies…

Both Sides To Present Truce Conditions…

Alleged Ultimatum: Stop Rockets Or Offensive Steps Up…

75 Rockets Fired At Israel Monday…

Over 1,350 Sites In Gaza Hit…

WATCH: Blast Rattles Anderson Cooper…



Turkey’s Erdogan calls Israel a “terrorist state” – Yahoo! News


3 hours ago – “For this reason, I say that Israel is a terrorist state, and its acts are terrorist Smoke rises following an Israeli strike in the northern Gaza Strip

  • Israeli air strikes inflict bitter toll on Gaza childrenA Palestinian man kisses the hand of a dead relative
    Hamas PM condemns ‘ugly massacre’
    that wiped out 11 members of one family as onslaught continues

     At least 11 members of one family, including five women and four children, were killed when Israel bombed a house in Gaza Cityon Sunday as the five-day-old war claimed more civilian lives with no sign of a let-up in the intense bombardment.The air strike flattened the home of the Dalou family in the Sheikh Radwan district of Gaza City, causing the biggest death toll in a single incident since the offensive began last Wednesday.

    Monday morning the Israeli defence force appeared to admit the family
    had been killed by mistake. The Haaretz website quoted the army as
    saying their house was either incorrectly pinpointed or a missile malfunctioned.

    The Associated Press
    NBCNews.com ‎- 31 minutes ago
    Updated at 7:20 a.m. ET: GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — International mediation efforts gathered steam Monday as Israel bombed dozens of
New York Times

Violence a daily reality as world leaders push for IsraelGaza cease-fire

CNN ‎- 5 hours ago

But Israel said nearly 100 rockets fired from Gaza in recent days have and Hamas news organizations as well as a handful of international

IAF kills Hamas rocket commander; Obama urges Israel to avoid ground offensive

Rocket scored direct hit on Be’er Sheva home; three wounded in
attacks on south; Iron Dome intercepts rocket over Tel Aviv, car catches
fire from shrapnel; Lieberman: Cease-fire is contingent upon total
cessation of fire by all terrorist groups.


Protests denounce Israeli bombing of Gaza

A man extinguishes the fire in a car targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City

Israel Troops Gaza

Israel assassinates Hamas military chief in GazaNews – Boston.com

UN Security Council Calls Emergency Session.. Video Reportedly Shows Israel Killing Hamas Military Chief

Will Obama allow Netanyahu to Massacre the People of Gaza like Israel did in December of 2008?

Missiles fall near Hamas PM’s house as Israel intensifies attacks on

A targeted missile strike launched from an Israeli Navy warship has hit a vehicle near the home of Hamas

Egyptian PM visits Gaza as attacks continue

News: Egypt Torn Between Allies in Gaza and Treaty With Israel

Barack Obama Counsels Israel Restraint as Benjamin Netanyahu

Obama calls Israel, Egypt

Politico18 hours ago
President Obama called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in an effort to ease tensions  MAP: Gaza-Israel Crisis 2012: Every Verified Incident Mapped.The Guardian has created and is updating a map
that shows all the verified incidents reported by news sources and
wires across the region since the assassination of Hamas leader Ahmed
Jabari last week.

According to Blogger Living In Gaza City, Death Toll Climbs To 102

A Palestinian blogger living
in Gaza City is keeping a running total of all those reported
casualties in the Gaza Strip, complete with names and ages. Shahd Abusalamareports a death toll of 102 since the Israeli air strikes began on Wednesday. Video Shows Explosion At Shorouk Media Building

Al Jazeera aired footage of
the explosion at the Shorouk Media building, the second media building
to be hit by Israeli strikes on Sunday and Monday. The building houses
Al Arabiya, a Saudi-owned international TV channel, Al Aqsa TV, a local
TV channel, and Dubai TV, all of which have wide viewership in the Arab

Al Jazeera’s Nadim Baba said on location: “The other media
building which was hit on Sunday saw several journalists wounded,
including one Palestinian cameraman who lost his leg in that attack. He
had to have it amputed because of his injuries. He was working for Al
Quds TV. This building that you see on fire is home to Al Aqsa TV, which
is a Hamas TV channel that is much more closely affiliated to Hamas.”

Dramatic Photos

The Guardian’s website
published a slideshow of twenty dramatic news photographs of the
continuing conflict between Israel and Gaza.Take a look here. Large Explosion Near Anderson Cooper During Live Report In Gaza Israelis And Palestinians Plead For Peace Via Facebook GroupThe creator of the
Israel-Loves-Iran campaign launched a new project pleading with Israel
and Palestinian militants to stop the violence in Gaza.

Obama to PM: Green Light, But Watch Out for Civilians – WW-3 NWO

Arutz Sheva

So far, the world’s leaders seem to be backing Israel’s defensive action in Gaza. U.S. President Barack H. Obama and EU Foreign Policy chief ..

Israeli air strike on Hamas military chief – video released by IDF

15 Nov 2012:


(16 sec)

Video released by the Israeli Defence Forces shows the pinpoint
air strike targeting Ahmed al-Jabari, the Hamas military commander

Israel attacks on Gaza, Hamas kill Hamas leader

video.msnbc.msn.comNew20 hours ago
Video on NBCNews.com: Ahmed Al-Jaabari, commander of the military wing of Hamas has been killed by an

  1. Hamas military chief killed in Gaza air strike – Telegraph

    telegraph.co.ukNew1 day ago
    Hamas has said that Israeli air strike in Gaza which killed Ahmed Jabari, Arab League meeting
  2. Israel and Gaza’s deadly exchange continues

    guardian.co.ukNew16 hours ago
    Palestinians in Gaza parade the bodies of two men killed in air strikes as Israel continues its bombardment.
  3. Why has Israel attacked Gaza now? – video | News

    guardian.co.ukNew16 hours ago
    Jonathan Freedland considers the factors influencing the timing of Israel’s attack on Gaza.

Jaabari funeral

Egypt’s president condemns Israeli ‘aggression’

Israel continues to pound Gaza Strip after missile strike kills Hamas military leader

Israel intensifies attacks on Gaza Strip – Middle

Airstrikes target tunnels near city of Rafah as Palestinian fighters retaliate with rocket fire into southern Israel.

Israel War Crimes – The World Will Never Forget

  • Palestinian Hamas members carry the body of Ahmed al-Jabari during his funeral in Gaza City

    Gallery (18 pictures),

    15 Nov 2012:

    Deadly exchanges escalate in Gaza after an attack yesterday
    killed Hamas commander Ahmed al-Jabari. Three people have been killed
    after rockets fired from Gaza struck southern Israel, as the military
    onslaught enters a second day


Viva Obama – Obama Wins Election 2012 – Victory Speech – Video – Pictures –



Obama 332 Electoral Votes – Romney 206

US reaction: Obama and Biden celebrate after election speech

Then suddenly, it's all over.  Supporters of President Barack Obama in Chicago are overjoyed to hear that he has won  reelection against Republican candidate, Mitt Romney.  In the words of the President 'Four more years'.

Reaction roundup to the reelection

Obama’s supporters are claiming a mandate for his policies in the aftermath of Election Day.

Election celebrations: President Obama Holds Election Night Event In Chicago

Election celebrations: US President Barack Obama and his wife M
US reaction: President Barack Obama speaks at his election night party in ChicagoElection celebrations: Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak goes crowd surfing

Election celebrations: A woman reacts as election results are broadcast

Mitt Romney Concedes 

GOP Disaster.. Norquist vs. GOP ‘Fail’.. Awkward GOP.. McCain vs. ‘Jerks’.. Christie vs. Team Romney

Mitt Romney


Israeli attack on USS Liberty (US Navy ship) – YouTube

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRZSzdQuOqMMar 24, 20075 minUploaded by truthseeker911
http://www.ussliberty.org/ The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a U.S. Navy intelligence ship, USS


Palestine 1946: King David Hotel Bomb Warning Controversy

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZHHTjuv5jcApr 12, 20083 minUploaded by blu3nose
The King David Hotel bombing (July 22, 1946) was a bomb attack against the British Mandate government ..

Koch brothers threaten to fire employees if Obama wins — RT


Billionaire Koch Brothers Pressures 45,000 Employees to Vote for


The Koch Brothers Are The ‘Financial Engine Of The Tea Party

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The Real Truth About The Red Mass – Red Mass History

Cardinal Archbishop of Washington Donald Wuerl, bottom center, speaks with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, left, as Justices Elena Kagan, center right, and Stephen Breyer, top right, all talk on the steps of the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle after the 60th annual Red Mass at in Washington on Sunday Sept. 30, 2012. The Red Mass is held traditionally in Washington the day before the Supreme Court’s new term opens. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Supreme Court Justices Attend Annual Red MassHuffington Post


WASHINGTON — An American archbishop has reminded a congregation that included six Supreme Court justices Sunday to be open to the spirit of God, beg for his blessings and “strive to be instruments of a new evangelization.”

Red Mass Marks New, Unpredictable U.S. Supreme Court … by JOAN FRAWLEY DESMOND 10/01/2012 Comment … of marariage is changed at the federal level, religious freedom ..

“We must be loyal Americans by being bold and courageous men and women of faith and conviction regarding the ethical norms that guide society and its choices,” he said, paraphrasing a passage from a homily by Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore.

Six US Supreme Court Justices Present at Annual Red Mass in Washington DC

Catholic Online‎ – 12 hours ago

St. Thomas More said that he died the good servant of the King, but the the homily at a Red Mass in the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C..

In Red Mass homily, prelate recalls St. Thomas More

EndrTimes: The 60th Annual Red Mass &amp; Brunch


3 days ago – 60th Annual Red Mass &amp; Brunch Sunday, September 30, 2012 Time: ….. “Remember The Inquisition; It won’t be long before the fires are ignited

What Is The Red Mass In Washington D.C.? | Elev8 | Health Advice


2 days ago – The Red Mass is a mass celebrated annually in the Catholic Church for judges, attorneys, law school professors, students, and government .

… Breyer, top right, all talk on the steps of the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle after the 60th annual Red Mass at in Washington on Sunday Sept. 30, 2012.

WASHINGTON (AP) — An American archbishop has reminded a congregation that included six Supreme Court justices Sunday to be open to the spirit of God, beg for his blessings and “strive to be instruments of a new evangelization.”

The Archdiocese of Washington says Justices John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Elena Kagan, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Stephen Breyer were at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle for Red Mass, celebrated the Sunday before the Supreme Court begins its new term.

The Most Rev. Timothy Broglio, archbishop for the military services, said the Mass was also “a moment to pause and pray for those who serve our country and foster justice for all.”

 Cardinal Archbishop of Washington Donald Wuerl speak with U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts on the steps of the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle after the 60th annual Red Mass in Washington on Sunday Sept. 30, 2012. The Red Mass is held traditionally in Washington the day before the Supreme Court’s new term opens. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

The Red Mass was started in Washington in 1952 by the John Carroll Society, a lay Catholic group of prominent lawyers and professionals. . . .

Lynn, an ordained minister with the United Church of Christ, noted the Mass was begun after several high court decisions that were disapproved of by the archdiocese.

“They figured if they got all the justices together and chatted them up in a worship service, they might be able to convince them to see the law their way,” he said.

In 1989, a top church official used the occasion of the Mass to call for a return to “religiously based moral values” and lament the “inviolable, impenetrable and towering wall” between church and state.

In 1986, Washington Cardinal James Hickey attacked the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion. .

For the most part the Red Mass is like any other Roman Catholic Mass. A sermon is given, the message which is delivered has an overlapping political and religious theme. The Mass is also an opportunity for the Catholic church to express its goals for the coming year. The most significant difference between the Red Mass and a traditional Mass is that the focuses of prayer and blessings concentrate on the leadership roles of those present. Guidance from the Holy Sprit is asked to be bestowed on the congregants. Other blessings that are commonly requested to prevail in the minds, offices, and court rooms are Divine strength, wisdom, truth, and justice. Peace and friendship are exchanged among the congregation, the sacraments are given, and the Mass is commenced.

With over half of the Supreme Court’s justices participating in this event, at a time when the Supreme Court has and will continue to face cases involving the separation of church and state, the event is considered controversial by some, even hough it attracts leaders from different religious backgrounds. (President Bush is an evangelical Protestant, Justice Breyer is Jewish.)

The Red Mass is called such due to the red vestments worn by Royal Judges participating in the Pope’s tribunal. Additionally the use of red garments continues today because of it’s representation of the Holy Sprit in Roman Catholic ritual. The tradition of the Red Mass extends back well before the establishment of the Supreme Court, to the Medieval Era. Although it is believed that the first Red Mass was held around 1200, it was not until 1245, in Paris, that the Mass was actually documented. As of 1310 the Mass had become an annual tradition in England to commemorate the beginning of each new Court term. From England the tradition of a yearly Red Mass spread throughout Europe. The tradition was adopted in the United States in the early 20th century.

The first American Red Mass was organized to promote Vatican policies. It was held at the Church of St. Andrew in New York City in 1928. After 1928 only a few Red Masses were held. But since 1953 Red Masses have been held annually in Washington DC. One of the principal reasons the Red Mass did not gain an earlier foothold in tradition in the United States may have been because of the widespread prejudice that existed against Catholicism. Although Catholicism is now regarded as a mainstream religion, prior to the 1950’s Catholicism was treated by many Protestants as sacrilegious if not pagan. A key turning point in the way Catholicism was regarded in the United States came in the 1950s when leading Catholic thinkers became identified with the anti-Communist movement. Faced with an outside enemy Protestants and Catholics united in a show of religious tolerance and Christian unity. (The first Catholic appointed to the Supreme Court was Roger Taney, who was appointed by Andrew Jackson. At the time of the 1953 Red Mass there were no Catholics on the Supreme Court, today (2012)  there are six Catholic justices, three Jewish justices and, for the first time in history, no Protestant justices. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who came once and was so offended by the “outrageously anti-abortion” homily that she never returned.

The Red Mass Honoring the Inquisitor Thomas More

“The centennial was officially celebrated on Monday with a historical Red Mass in St. John’s Church. The Red Mass was designed to ask St. Thomas More and .

Thomas More the Inquisitor

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting“Sir” Thomas More Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThomas More overseeing

the burning of Tyndale Bibles

The Pope deemed Thomas More Patron Saint of the politicians But really he was a murderer and a very wicked man. (His wickedness is even documented in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs” in the 12th Chapter)

 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Remember, They are honoring and giving the Sir Thomas More award to people at the Red Mass. Thomas More was a murderer and had many good men and women burned at the stake, including William Tyndale who was a main translator of the Bible into the English Language.

Separation of Church and State The question has been raised, and is now much agitated, if a theocracy was good in the time of Israel, why would not a theocratical … form of government be equally good for this time?

A True Theocracy

A theocracy is a government which derives its power immediately from God. The government of Israel was a true theocracy. That was really a government of God. At the burning bush, God commissioned Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. By signs and wonders and mighty miracles multiplied, God delivered Israel from Egypt and led them through the wilderness and finally into the promised land. There he ruled them by judges “until Samuel the prophet,” to whom, when he was a child, God spoke, and by whom He made known His will.

In the days of Samuel the people asked that they might have a king. This was allowed, and God chose Saul, and Samuel anointed him king of Israel. Saul failed to do the will of God; and as he rejected the word of the Lord, the Lord rejected him from being king and sent Samuel to anoint David king of Israel; and David’s throne God established forevermore. When Solomon succeeded to the kingdom in the place of David his father, the record is: “then Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord as king instead of David his father.” 1 Chronicles 29:23.

The Throne of the Lord “Whose Right It Is

David’s throne was the throne of the Lord, and Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord as king over the earthly kingdom of God. The succession to the throne descended in David’s line to Zedekiah, who was made subject to the king of Babylon, and who entered into a solemn covenant before God that he would loyally render allegiance to the king of Babylon. But Zedekiah broke his covenant, and then God said to him:

“thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end, thus saith the Lord God; remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and i will give it him.” Ezekiel 21:25-27. See also chapter 17:1-21.

The kingdom was then subject to Babylon. When Babylon fell, and Medo-Persia succeeded, it was overturned the first time. When Medo-Persia fell and was succeeded by Greece, it was overturned the second time. When the Greek empire gave way to Rome, it was overturned the third time. And then says the word, “it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and i will give it him.”

Who is he whose right it is? “thou . . . Shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the son of the highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.” Luke 1:31-33.

“Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.”
John 18:36

Thy Kingdom Come

And while He was here as “that prophet,” a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, the night in which He was betrayed He Himself declared, “my kingdom is not of this world.” thus the throne of the Lord has been removed from this world and will “be no more, until he come whose right it is,” and then it will be given him. And that time is the end of this world, and the beginning of “the world to come.”

To the twelve apostles the Saviour said, “I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” luke 22:29, 30.

From Matthew’s account of Christ’s promise to the twelve we learn when it will be fulfilled; “in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Matthew 19:28.

In the parable of the talents, Christ represents himself under the figure of a nobleman who “went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.” Luke 19:12. And he himself has told us when he will sit upon the throne of his glory: “when the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: and before him shall be gathered all nations.” Matthew 25:31, 32.

Looking Forward

To this time the revelator looks forward when he says, “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever.” Revelation 11:15. The context clearly shows when this will take place: “the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” verse 18.

It is at the time of the final judgment, the reward of the righteous, and the punishment of the wicked that the kingdom of Christ will be set up. When all who oppose the sovereignty of Christ have been destroyed, the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ.

Then Christ will reign, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” Revelation 19:16. “and the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high.” and “the saints of the most high shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.” Daniel 7:27, 18.

Until that time the kingdom of Christ cannot be established on the earth. His kingdom is not of this world. His followers are to account themselves “strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” Paul says, “our citizenship is in heaven; from whence also we wait for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Hebrews 11:13; Philippians 3:20, R.V.

Usurping God’s Authority

Since the kingdom of Israel passed away, God has never delegated authority to any man or body of men to execute his laws as such. “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord” Romans 12:19. Civil governments have to do with the relations of man with man; but they have nothing whatever to do with the duties that grow out of man’s relation to God. Except the kingdom of Israel, no government has ever existed on the earth in which God by inspired men directed the affairs of state. Whenever men have endeavored to form such a government as that of Israel, they have, of necessity, taken it upon themselves to interpret and enforce the law of God. They have assumed the right to control the conscience, and thus have usurped the prerogative of God.

In the former dispensation, while sins against God were visited with temporal penalties, the judgments executed were not only by divine sanction, but under his direct control, and by his command. Sorcerers were to be put to death. Idolaters were to be slain. Profanity and sacrilege were punished with death. Whole nations of idolaters were to be exterminated. But the infliction of these penalties was directed by him who reads the hearts of men, who knows the measure of their guilt, and who deals with his creatures in wisdom and mercy. When men, with human frailties and passions, undertake to do this work, it needs no argument to show that the door is opened to unrestrained injustice and cruelty. The most inhuman crimes will be perpetrated, and all in the sacred name of Christ.

Foundation of Religious Tyranny

From the laws of Israel, which punished offenses against God, arguments have been drawn to prove the duty of punishing similar sins in this age. All persecutors have employed them to justify their deeds. The principle that God has delegated to human authority the right to control the conscience is the very foundation of religious tyranny and persecution. But all who reason thus lose sight of the fact that we are now living in a different dispensation, under conditions wholly different from those of Israel; that the kingdom of Israel was a type of the kingdom of Christ, which will not be set up until his second coming; and that the duties which pertain to man’s relation to God are not to be regulated or enforced by human authority.
Source: Patriarchs and Prophets, 1890, Appendix

Quotes by America’s Greatest Leaders
on the Relationship between Church and State

George Washington (First President of the United States of America.)
“Every man, conducting himself as a good citizen, and being accountable to God alone for his religious opinions, ought to be protected in worshiping the Deity according to the dictates of his own conscience.”May 1789

Thomas Jefferson (Third President of the United States of America)
“Almighty God hath created the mind free; all attempts to influence it by temporal punishments of burdens, or by civil incapacitations, tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness, and are a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, who being Lord both of body and mind, yet chose not to propagate it by coercions on either, as was in His almighty power to do.” Acts for Establishing Religious Freedom in Virginia, 1785 “I consider the government of the United States as interdicted by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, disciplines or exercises.” Words of Thomas Jefferson, Vol 5, pg 236

Abraham Lincoln (Sixteenth President of the United States of America)
“Our reliance is in the love of liberty which God has planted in us. Our defense is in the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you whave planted the seeds of despotism at your own doors. Familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage, and you prepare your own limbs to wear them. Accustomed to trample on the rights of others, you have lost the genious of your own independence and become the fit subjects of the first cunning tryant who rises among you.” Speech at Edwardsville, IL, 1858

Ulysses S. Grant (Eighteenth President of the United States of America)
“Declare church and state forever separate and distinct; but each free within their proper spheres.” Seventh annual message, Congress December 7, 1875. “Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school supported entirely by private contribution. Keep church and state forever separate.” Des Moines, IA 1875.

James A. Garfield (Twentieth President of the United States of America) “Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither justice nor freedom can be permanently maintained. Its interests are intrusted to the States and the voluntary action of the people. Whatever help the nation can justly afford should be generously given to aid the States in supporting common schools; but it would be unjust to our people and dangerous to our institutions to apply any portion of the revenues of the nation or of the States to the support of sectarian schools. The separation of Church and State in everything relating to taxation should be absolute.” Letter of Acceptance of Nomination for the Presidency July 12, 1880

Theodore Roosevelt (Twenty-sixth President of the United States of America)
“I hold that in this country there must be complete severance of Church and State; that public moneys shall not be used for the purpose of advancing any particular creed; and therefore that the public schools shall be non-sectarian and no public moneys appropriated for sectarian schools.” New York, October 12, 1915

Benjamin Franklin (Statesman, Inventor, Author)
“When religion is good, it will take care of itself. When it is not able to take care of itself, and God does not see fit to take care of it, so that it has to appeal to the civil power for support, it is evidence to my mind that its cause is a bad one.”

“Those who would renegotiate the boundaries between church and state must therefore answer a difficult question: why would we trade a system that has served us so

Introduction to the concept of separation of church and state, and the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Separation of Church and State The question has been raised, and is now much agitated, if a theocracy was good in the time of Israel, why would not a theocratical …

Systematic murder of believers the untold history of the inquisition by Richard Bennett

Listen to this article. Powered by Odiogo.com Systematic Murder of Believers

The Untold History of the Inquisition

By Richard Bennett

Most people at the present time have some knowledge of the Holocaust, the six years of

unspeakable horror and suffering to which the Jewish people were subjected under Hitler and the

Nazis during the Second World War. Few, however, are aware of the atrocities of systematized

torture and murder of Bible-believing Christians and Jews that took place during the 605 years of

the Inquisition.1

From the beginning of the Papacy to the present time, it is estimated by reputable and

trustworthy historians that tens of millions of people have been tortured and killed by Papal

persecutors for the crime of believing God’s word in the Bible, rather than the dogmas of the

Roman Catholic Church. While the majority of those who suffered were true believers, Papal

Rome also persecuted Jews, Muslims, Knights Templar, and those that she called “witches.

Through the Inquisition was demonstrated the grace and divine power that the Lord gave

to His people to survive those horrific years with their faith strengthened. Also shown was the

inner heart of ritualistic Catholicism and the lengths to which it will go to enforce its will. It is

truly a warning for succeeding generations.

In 1203, Pope Innocent III published a decree in France that

began the extermination of what the Pope called heresy. This

marked the start of the Inquisition as a distinctive Papal

institution. It was to endure until its final dissolution in Spain

and Portugal in 1808. Pope Innocent III began by

commanding armies of the Crusade to attack the Albigenses

in France. They were called Albigenses because many of

them resided in the city of Albi in southern France. They had

developed a committed Christian life, real estate, progressive

cities, and townships right across southern France. These

Christians were horrifically destroyed and butchered by the

armies of Papal Rome in their many cities, towns, and villages

across southern France. The Albigenses came from a group

that was originally known as the Paulicians, who took their

teaching from the Apostle Paul. Even their name, ‘Albigenses,’ has been deeply tarnished by

Roman Catholic sources. Not only were they slaughtered, but their memory has been practically

obliterated from the pages of history. However, from their fruits as Christians, we truly see the

character of these men and women who traced their faith back to the writings of Paul the Apostle

in the New Testament.

From the thirteenth century onwards, the machinery of the Papal Inquisition’s terrorism

was created. The Popes compelled secular authorities to co-operate under threat of drastic

penalties. Kings and princes who disobeyed the Popes’ orders were to be excommunicated and

1 The main historians that wrote on the Inquisition are Dowling, Lea, Vancandard, Maycock,

Coulton, Turberville and Scott


their subjects released from loyalty to them. In 1252, Pope Innocent IV devised in detail for the

many Inquisitors how torture was to be carried out. He did this in his decree called, At

Extirpanda. Confirmatory or regulatory decrees were later issued by Popes Alexander IV,

Clement IV, Urban IV, and Clement V. Torture was prescribed, but it was to stop short of

pulling off limbs or causing death. Disastrous punishments were enacted on all who protected or

gave help to believers. Those who applied the instruments of torture during the Inquisition were

following orders. The Popes themselves were wholly responsible for the instruments and how

they were used.

Then, in 1487, Pope Innocent VIII planned and ordered the persecution of the Vaudois

believers who had remained faithful to biblical faith since apostolic times.

Charles VIII of France agreed to raise an army for the destruction of the Vaudois.The Pope promised forgiveness of sins and a share in the goods to those who participated. The army was joined by thousands of gangsters urged on by the promise of forgiveness of sins and the

expectation of obtaining spoil from the Vaudois possessions. This army attacked the Vaudois mountain valleys in northern Italy. Thousands of Bible-believing Christians perished along with their homes while their crops were destroyed.Entire villages were demolished. Their women were raped and then viciously

murdered.True Believers: the Vaudois in Piedmont Valley For the most part, there is agreement among scholars about the history of the Inquisition.Lea’s great works, the History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages and the History of the Inquisition of Spain, embodied immense and careful research. There is little difference about facts in the writings of Dowling, Vancandard, Maycock, Coulton, and Turberville. The methods of the Inquisition were an outrage to elementary principles of justice. Anyone could be arrested

on suspicion. The trials were secret. The prisoner was not allowed to know the accusers or witnesses. The Bishops and priests who acted as judges had absolute power. The evidence of infamous persons, criminals, or perjurers was admitted so long as it was hostile. Children older than twelve were required to bear testimony. The prisoner was disallowed the help of an advocate, for anyone defending a prisoner was held guilty of the crime of heresy. A person tried by the Inquisition was scarcely ever acquitted. “In the register of Carcassonne from 1249 to 1258, comprising about two hundred cases, there is not a single case in which a prisoner was

discharged as innocent.” Tanon, a French investigator, wrote, “There is scarcely ever an acquittal, pure and simple, in the sentence of the Inquisition.”2 There were many accounts of burning at the stake across Europe. The ferocious Inquisitor, Robert le Bugre, who considered his mission was “not to convert but to burn,”

devastated much of France. In one period of about three months he is said to have thus

dispatched about fifty prisoners of either sex, and the whole number of his victims during the

several years of his unchecked career was very large.3 The notorious Conrad of Marburg caused a general panic in Germany where he was appointed Inquisitor by Pope Gregory IX. In 1520, Pope Leo X in his famous decree, Exsurge Domine, denounced the teachings of Luther with the following words, “That heretics should be burned is contrary to the will of the Spirit. The Roman Catholic scholar Lord Acton wrote,

“Rome taught for four centuries that no Catholic could be saved who denied that heretics ought

to be put to death.”

The prisons of the Inquisition were some of the most common and atrocious places. The Inquisitors could leave people in their prisons indefinitely, without trial. The Inquisitor Eymeric, in his

records called Directorium, stated that a person believed guilty “shall be shut up in prison, strictly confined and in chains. If he shows no willingness to be converted there is no need for haste for the pains and privations of imprisonment often bring about a change of mind.”5 To quote Lea, “The dungeons of the

Inquisition were abodes of fearful misery, but where there were reasons for increasing their terrors there was no difficulty in increasing the hardships. The chains and starvation in a stifling

hole was a favorite device for extracting confession from unwilling lips.”

Historians give us some detailed information about some of the prisons of the Inquisition. Even some Catholic priests complained about the prison conditions in some towns in the south of France. Historians tell that the cells were fitted up with a variety of

instruments to cause severe suffering. Many prisoners, through the severity of their torments,

lost the use of their limbs and were rendered utterly helpless.

The burning at the stake was the standard way that the Papacy disposed of believers.

This was usually done with dramatic pomp and festivity before the massive gatherings of people.

It was as if the Roman Church believed that both their bodies and beliefs would disappear into

cinders. In England, Mary Tudor, known as “Bloody Mary,” a fervent Catholic beholden to the

Pope, employed the Inquisition to burn no fewer than 288 Bible-believing martyrs. Most of

them died because they denied the Catholic dogma that Jesus Christ is really present, flesh and

blood, body and soul, divinity and humanity in the communion bread. The burning back to back

of Bishops Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley at the stake outside Balliol College Oxford, in

1555, is known to many people. So also are Latimer’s stirring last words an inspiration to

Christians over the centuries, “Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall

this day, by God’s grace, light such a candle in England as I trust shall never be put out.”

3Lea, History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages, Vol. 11, p. 116

4 Lord Acton Correspondence, Vol. 1, p. 108

5Maycock, The Inquisition, p. 157

6Lea, History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages, Vol. 1, p. 420


The Instruments of Torture

“The Rack” is one of the best known forms of medieval torture. This mechanism operated by

having the victim lie on a horizontal rack with his hands and ankles tied to rollers on opposite


The Inquisitors would perform the

interrogation while turning the rollers,

stretching the body of the suspect and

causing colossal pain.

They would stretch the body out until the joints were actually yanked from their sockets. The

ultimate intent was that of killing the victim either through shock or injuries. If the believer were

still alive, yet refused to submit, he or she was sent to be burned at the stake.

Besides the Rack, there was the torture of pulling the believer towards the ceiling with

ropes, and then with a weight on his or her feet, dropping him or her to the floor so that

excruciating pain ripped through the body.

The Inquisitors also used “Skull Crusher.” They ordered the believer’s chin to be

placed on a lower bar and a screw then forced an iron cap down on his or her head.

Their teeth could be crushed. Their eyes could be squeezed from their sockets.

It was hoped that the believer was so overcome by the extreme pain of having his

head crushed would confess his alleged errors and believe in the Holy Mother


The Inquisitors also used the “Iron Maiden.” It was a tomb-sized container

with folding doors. The spiked studded arms wrapped around the victim in such a way so as to

puncture parts of the entire body, including the ears and eyes.

The purpose of the use of Iron Maiden was to inflict pain by means of

vicious spikes and a slow death. The prickles inside were designed so that

the trapped believer was left to slowly die in the utmost pain.

A prisoner would be bidden to stand right in front of Iron Maiden prior to

torture. The spring would be touched by the executioner and the Iron

Maiden would fling open her arms, and the wretched victim would

straightway be forced within them. Another spring was then touched and the Iron Maiden closed upon her victim. Then spiky arms of the Iron Maiden slowly but irresistibly closed upon the man, cruelly goring him.

The talons Iron Maiden, sometimes called the “Iron Virgin,” were not designed to kill outright. They trapped the prisoner who was left  to slowly perish in the utmost pain. Beside these instruments of torture there were others for the tearing and ripping of one’s flesh.

The Catholic Church learned a human being could live

until the skin was peeled down to the waist. Often the

torturers heated these instruments and then used them on

women’s breasts and the genital organs of both sexes.

There were also instruments for compressing the fingers until the bones would be squeezed into

splinters. There were instruments for probing below the fingernails until pain like burning fire

would run along the nerves.

There were instruments for tearing out the tongue, for scooping out the eyes, and for rooting out the ears. There wasa bunch of iron cords with a spiked circle at the end of every whip for tearing the flesh from the back until bone and sinew were laid bare.

There were also iron cases for the legs, which were tightened upon the limb placed in them by means of a screw, till flesh and bone were reduced to a pulp.

The thumbscrews were also applied to crush prisoners’ toes, while larger, heavier devices based on the same design principle were applied to destroy knees and elbows.

The Chair of Nails Torture

The chair nails, used by Inquisitors, was studded with spikes. The victim was strapped naked in the chair and a fire was lit beneath it. Heavy

objects were placed upon the victim to increase the pain of the spikes.

Blows with mallets were also used to inflict more pain.

There were also devices to slowly and painfully remove the intestines and

other organs from the body while keeping the person alive and conscious

of the pain. Anyone of those horrors could be inflicted on anybody, i.e.,

man, woman, or child over the age of 12 that did not agree with the

teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The Inquisition was carried out in France, Holland, Germany, Spain, and Italy.

The Stocks Torture

The victims often had their feet placed in stocks. The

stocks comprised two pieces of timber clamped together,

over and under, across each leg above the ankles. The

soles of the victim’s feet were greased with lard and a

blazing brazier was applied to them. Their feet were first

blistered and then fried. At intervals, a plank was

interposed between the fire and their feet. This plank was

to be immediately removed if the victims failed to admit

that they were guilty as charged.

The Inquisition in Spain perpetrated horrors on a more terrific scale than in other

countries. Activities in Spain were more atrocious and its hecatombs of victims more numerous

than elsewhere. The atrocities of the Spanish Inquisition cannot be disputed. Torquemada, the

most infamous of the Inquisitors for ferocity, had full papal authorization. He was commissioned

by Pope Sixtus IV in 1483. He was re-commissioned by Innocent VIII in 1485. So far were the

popes from seeking to hold back Torquemada’s inhuman cruelties that we find them praising him

and encouraging him. Pope Sixtus IV wrote to him praised his zeal, saying “We commend you

in the Lord and exhort you, cherished son, to persevere with tireless zeal in aiding and promoting

the cause of faith, by doing which, as we are assured you will, you will win our special favor.”

In Spain the burnings of believers was called “Autos-da-fé” there they had peculiar pomp and

festivity. As late as 1680 there was a stunning Auto-da-fé at Madrid at which one hundred

believers were burned. The historian Turberville quotes Voltaire’s comment; “that an Asiatic

arriving in Madrid on such an occasion would be doubtful whether he was witnessing a festival,

a religious ceremony, a sacrifice, or a massacre; it was in fact all of these.”7 The Judas Chair was

also a torture device used in the Spanish Inquisition.

The Actual Judas Chair and the Art work showing Chair as it was used

The Judas Chair, also known as the Judas Cradle, was a pyramid-shaped seat. The victim was placed on

top of it, with the point inserted into their orifices, then very slowly lowered by ropes.

The purpose was to Turberville,

The Spanish Inquisition, stretch the orifice over a long period of time in extreme pain in order that the victim would renounce his or her faith. Then bishops and priests of the Inquisition used a devise for breaking a believer’s faith as he was

tied to a wheel. Clubbing and mocking would accompany this torture.

An attempt to break a believer’s faith as he was tied to a wheel Then there was the commonly used torture technique called the “Strappado.’ All that was needed was a sturdy rafter and some rope. The victims wrists were bound behind their back and the rope tossed over the beam or on a pulley. The victim was  repeatedly dropped from a height so their arms and shoulders would dislocate. This and many more torture devices were use to get the believer to renounce his or her Christian faith, and then profess his or her faith in the Roman Church. We rejoice that the believers for the most part, remained true to the Lord. We realize that  Bible believers in those horrendous years were fortified by the power of

God through faith. They experienced what the Apostle Peter wrote that as believers we are “kept by the power of God through faith.” Consequently, kept by the power of God, their faith resounded at that time before the throne of God, and it still resounds on the pages of history for those who dare comprehend the true historical accounts. The torture chambers of the Inquisition lasted 605 years and were found throughout the nationscontrolled by Papal Rome. They had their beginning under Pope Innocent III in 1203 until the

Inquisition’s final dissolution in Spain and Portugal in 1808.

Twentieth Century Inquisition in Croatia

In 1929, Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty with Pope Pius XI officially conceding Vatican

Hill to the Pope. The Papacy once again became a sovereign civil state. The legal agreement

between Mussolini and the Vatican was just the beginning. Following this, the Papacy formed

alliances in the twentieth century with Roman Catholic dictators such as Adolph Hitler of

Germany, Francisco Franco of Spain, Antonio Salazar of Portugal, and Juan Peron of Argentina.

But the alliance that proved to be the most brutal and bloodthirsty of all was that between the

Papacy and Anton Pavelic in Croatia. It was agreed that Anton Pavelic8 was to be head of the

new nation state of Croatia, which was carved out of Yugoslavia during the Second World War.

During Pavelic’s four-year reign, he and Roman Catholic

Prelate, Archbishop Alois Stepinac, pursued a “convert or

die” policy among the 900,000 Greek Othodox Serbs,

Jews, and others in Croatia. 200,000 were converted; the

700,000 who chose to die were tortured, burned, buried

alive, or shot after digging their own graves. This

appalling persecution carried out by the Ustashis included

many of the worst atrocities of history. The mutilations

were horrific, the tortures vicious, and the savagery

terrible. The Catholic Church did not leave the execution

of a religious war to the secular arm. She was there herself, openly ignoring precautions and bolder than she had been for a very long time. Wielding the hatchet or dagger, pulling the trigger, organizing the massacre, the Roman  Anton Pavelic with Archbishop Stepina Catholic priests became their own instruments of the

Inquisition.Anton Pavelic with Franciscan Monks  Many of the Ustashi

officers were priests or friars sworn to fight “with

dagger or gun,” for the “triumph of Christ and Croatia.” Priests played a prominent role in the

closing or takeover of Serbian Orthodox Churches,

the seizure of church records and the interrogation of the Serbian Orthodox clergy. They

also supervised concentration camps and organized the torture of many of the victims.

Ante Pavelic b. July 14, 1889 – d. December 28, 1959

French author Edmond Paris, who was born a Roman Catholic and has written a very thorough

account of this terrible massacre in his book Convert or Die, has said,

“It is difficult for the world to believe that a whole people could be doomed to

extermination by a government and religious hierarchy of the twentieth century, just

because it happened to belong to another ethnical and racial group and had inherited the

Christianity of Byzantium rather than that of Rome.”

The creation of the entirely Roman Catholic, independent State of Croatia during the Second

World War was accompanied by a persecution so ferocious that it is difficult to find a parallel in

all of history. The Inquisition applied to the Serbian Orthodox by the Croatian Catholics

accounted for 700,000 Serbs being tortured and killed in just four years. So while the Inquisition

ended in the nineteenth century, the same procedures and mindset were evident in Croatia in the

twentieth century. In fact, the same mindset is still officially maintained by the Papacy in the

twenty-first century. The Roman Church to this day maintains the laws that she used as her

authority to torture and murder Bible believers for over 600 years. In her present-day laws she

states her right to coerce Christian people. Thus Canon law, Canon 1311, states,

“The [Catholic] Church has an innate and proper right to coerce offending members of

the Christian faithful by means of papal sanctions.”

The Catholic Church also holds to the fact that she can demand a submission of intellect and will

as she did in the years of the Inquisition. Consequently she states the following,

“A religious respect of intellect and will, even if not the assent of faith, is to be paid to

the teaching which the Supreme Pontiff or the college of bishops enunciate on faith and


So to whatever the Supreme Pontiff or his college of bishops teach on faith and morals, a person

must submit their intellect and will. This is the same teaching that was upheld with the terrors of

the Inquisition for 600 years. While there are no sanctions in torture and death at the present

time, the same astonishing mindset is Roman Catholic law. The fact is that the Papacy still

claims the right to judge and impose chastening that has not changed since the days of the

Inquisition. In present-day Canon Law she also decrees,

Canon 1405 (Sect.1) “It is the right of the Roman Pontiff himself alone to judge in cases

mentioned in can. 1401: 1. those who hold the highest civil office in a state;…

Canon 1401 “By proper and exclusive right the Church adjudicates: 1. cases concerning

spiritual matters or connected with the spiritual; 2. the violation of ecclesiastical laws and all

those cases in which there is a question of sin in respect to the determination of culpability

and the imposition of ecclesiastical penalties.”

The Holy Spirit’s admonition to believers is to be remembered as these decrees are certified into

law, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not

entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

In past times, kings and princes and nations were supposed to tremble at her decrees.

Woe to him who resisted! Subjects were released from their oaths of allegiance; whole states

were placed under interdict. By deception regarding the Gospel and, subsequently, by force the

Papacy has held her domain together. She has only external unity, as any one who has lived

within her system and studied her decrees and history knows. It is of signal importance to realize

that the Roman Catholic Church has no other way to maintain her life than by imposition of her

external laws, because she lacks the life giving power of the Holy Spirit and unity of the One

9 Galatians 5:1.

Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. She must legislate to exist, and she needs civil powers to enforce

her decrees. It is crucial to understand that suppression and control are her main stratagems,

although at the time such are not apparent. If control by her is to be avoided, her paradigm must

be understood.

The Lord’s Final Victory

Papal Rome has asked pardon for the wrongs of the Inquisition. During a Mass on March 12,

2000, Pope John Paul II asked pardon for wrongs committed in the past by members of the

church. It was not individual members of the church, but as Lord Acton observed, it was “the

Popes in particular that caused and instigated the sufferings and persecutions, involving

themselves in detail even in the minute ways that believers were to be tortured.”

We have seen how the institutionalized Papacy and the powers of darkness have conspired

against Christ’s kingdom and His people. It is most important to know what the Lord’s anointed

has to say about His kingdom and to know that all the powers on earth cannot challenge Him.

As Psalm 2 reminds us, the Messiah reigns and His Throne is not moved, nor has His plans

changed, whatever may be the turmoil and schemes against Him. While the enemies of the

Gospel are plotting and planning how to break His bands asunder and cast His cords from them,

He has already defeated their devices and He says to them, “yet have I set my king upon my holy

hill of Zion.”10 All events are in His hands. Who can stand against the Almighty?

Things are not as they seem. It looks as if the powers that designed and implemented the

Inquisition still govern the hearts of much of mankind at the present time. The Lord God’s fixed

decrees remain and all the schemes of hell cannot efface a single part of His purpose. He reigns

by inheritance, “Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.”11 The Lord God owns Him, and

declares Him Lord and Head of the Church. The supreme government of the Church is His

responsibility and He will bring it to complete success including the punishment of His enemies.

It necessarily follows that though Papal Rome has been a rebel against the government of Christ

Jesus, the Lord God has nonetheless fulfilled His purpose through all the terrible evil that has

taken place. The truth is that through all the dreadful deeds of Papal Rome, the Sovereign Lord

Jesus Christ was entirely with His people, and He was in control of all events so that the faith

and witness of millions shone forth both in this world and before the throne of God; and will

shine forth throughout all the ages of the world to come.

From the beginning the Lord God purposed to glorify Himself “in the Church by Christ Jesus,

throughout all ages, world without end.”12 He has glorified Himself in the faith and suffering of

true believers throughout the 605 years of the Inquisition, as His Word proclaims, “the Lord

reigneth; let the people tremble.”13

The voice of the Lord thunders from the final chapters of the Bible and reverberates throughout

the world, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive

not of her plagues.”14 While the Papacy from the city of Rome continues to wax strong her final

condemnation is already written, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made

all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”15 The Lord God’s reserved wrath,

His punishing justice, and His enmity to sin, will be revealed to the entire world. The destruction

of Papal Rome will proceed from the glory of His power. “The same shall drink of the wine of

the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.”16 The

certainty of the final triumph should animate us in our efforts, and true believers in their


The frequently quoted maxim that “peoples ignorant of history are destined to repeat it” is true.

Without the knowledge of the systematic murder of believers during the Inquisition, we can fail

to see that the true Gospel is a matter of life. True believers are in real danger of compromise

with the Church of Rome. As the Apostle Paul told believers, “All who live godly in Christ Jesus

will suffer persecution.”17 The victory of the faith and courage of believers over the severest

trials is repeatedly recorded in the pages of history. As the Lord Himself proclaimed, “Be not

afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. Also I say unto

you, whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the

angels of God.”18 Where there is true faith and love of the Lord, there is in the midst of all

afflictions a joy unspeakable and full of glory. God is the only Holy Father, the All Holy One.

His holiness is the distinguishing factor in all His essential characteristics. This is the reason

why we need to be in right standing before the one and only All Holy God on the terms He

prescribes. Turn to God in faith alone, in Christ alone, for the salvation that He alone gives, by

the conviction of the Holy Spirit, based on Christ’s death and resurrection for His own, and

believe on Him alone, “to the praise of the glory of his grace.”

Source : http://www.bereanbeacon.org/SMBe.pdf

Rupert Murdoch

(Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer of News Corporation) Papal Knight of St. Gregory. Rupert was born Roman Catholic (Rupert’s geneology). His mother’s maiden name was “Greene”  In 1998 Rupert was made a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the great. Another Knight of the Order of St Gregory the Great was John J Raskob who was married to another “Greene” (Helena).

Systematic murder of believers the untold history of the inquisition by Richard Bennett

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The Untold History of the Inquisition

By Richard Bennett

Most people at the present time have some knowledge of the Holocaust, the six years of

unspeakable horror and suffering to which the Jewish people were subjected under Hitler and the

Nazis during the Second World War. Few, however, are aware of the atrocities of systematized

torture and murder of Bible-believing Christians and Jews that took place during the 605 years of

the Inquisition.1

From the beginning of the Papacy to the present time, it is estimated by reputable and

trustworthy historians that tens of millions of people have been tortured and killed by Papal

persecutors for the crime of believing God’s word in the Bible, rather than the dogmas of the

Roman Catholic Church. While the majority of those who suffered were true believers, Papal

Rome also persecuted Jews, Muslims, Knights Templar, and those that she called “witches.

Through the Inquisition was demonstrated the grace and divine power that the Lord gave

to His people to survive those horrific years with their faith strengthened. Also shown was the

inner heart of ritualistic Catholicism and the lengths to which it will go to enforce its will. It is

truly a warning for succeeding generations.

In 1203, Pope Innocent III published a decree in France that

began the extermination of what the Pope called heresy. This

marked the start of the Inquisition as a distinctive Papal

institution. It was to endure until its final dissolution in Spain

and Portugal in 1808. Pope Innocent III began by

commanding armies of the Crusade to attack the Albigenses

in France. They were called Albigenses because many of

them resided in the city of Albi in southern France. They had

developed a committed Christian life, real estate, progressive

cities, and townships right across southern France. These

Christians were horrifically destroyed and butchered by the

armies of Papal Rome in their many cities, towns, and villages

across southern France. The Albigenses came from a group

that was originally known as the Paulicians, who took their

teaching from the Apostle Paul. Even their name, ‘Albigenses,’ has been deeply tarnished by

Roman Catholic sources. Not only were they slaughtered, but their memory has been practically

obliterated from the pages of history. However, from their fruits as Christians, we truly see the

character of these men and women who traced their faith back to the writings of Paul the Apostle

in the New Testament.

From the thirteenth century onwards, the machinery of the Papal Inquisition’s terrorism

was created. The Popes compelled secular authorities to co-operate under threat of drastic

penalties. Kings and princes who disobeyed the Popes’ orders were to be excommunicated and

1 The main historians that wrote on the Inquisition are Dowling, Lea, Vancandard, Maycock,

Coulton, Turberville and Scott


their subjects released from loyalty to them. In 1252, Pope Innocent IV devised in detail for the

many Inquisitors how torture was to be carried out. He did this in his decree called, At

Extirpanda. Confirmatory or regulatory decrees were later issued by Popes Alexander IV,

Clement IV, Urban IV, and Clement V. Torture was prescribed, but it was to stop short of

pulling off limbs or causing death. Disastrous punishments were enacted on all who protected or

gave help to believers. Those who applied the instruments of torture during the Inquisition were

following orders. The Popes themselves were wholly responsible for the instruments and how

they were used.

Then, in 1487, Pope Innocent VIII planned and ordered the persecution of the Vaudois

believers who had remained faithful to biblical faith since apostolic times.

Charles VIII of France agreed to raise an army for the destruction of the Vaudois.The Pope promised forgiveness of sins and a share in the goods to those who participated. The army was joined by thousands of gangsters urged on by the promise of forgiveness of sins and the

expectation of obtaining spoil from the Vaudois possessions. This army attacked the Vaudois mountain valleys in northern Italy. Thousands of Bible-believing Christians perished along with their homes while their crops were destroyed.Entire villages were demolished. Their women were raped and then viciously

murdered.True Believers: the Vaudois in Piedmont Valley For the most part, there is agreement among scholars about the history of the Inquisition.Lea’s great works, the History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages and the History of the Inquisition of Spain, embodied immense and careful research. There is little difference about facts in the writings of Dowling, Vancandard, Maycock, Coulton, and Turberville. The methods of the Inquisition were an outrage to elementary principles of justice. Anyone could be arrested

on suspicion. The trials were secret. The prisoner was not allowed to know the accusers or witnesses. The Bishops and priests who acted as judges had absolute power. The evidence of infamous persons, criminals, or perjurers was admitted so long as it was hostile. Children older than twelve were required to bear testimony. The prisoner was disallowed the help of an advocate, for anyone defending a prisoner was held guilty of the crime of heresy. A person tried by the Inquisition was scarcely ever acquitted. “In the register of Carcassonne from 1249 to 1258, comprising about two hundred cases, there is not a single case in which a prisoner was

discharged as innocent.” Tanon, a French investigator, wrote, “There is scarcely ever an acquittal, pure and simple, in the sentence of the Inquisition.”2 There were many accounts of burning at the stake across Europe. The ferocious Inquisitor, Robert le Bugre, who considered his mission was “not to convert but to burn,”

devastated much of France. In one period of about three months he is said to have thus

dispatched about fifty prisoners of either sex, and the whole number of his victims during the

several years of his unchecked career was very large.3 The notorious Conrad of Marburg caused a general panic in Germany where he was appointed Inquisitor by Pope Gregory IX. In 1520, Pope Leo X in his famous decree, Exsurge Domine, denounced the teachings of Luther with the following words, “That heretics should be burned is contrary to the will of the Spirit. The Roman Catholic scholar Lord Acton wrote,

“Rome taught for four centuries that no Catholic could be saved who denied that heretics ought

to be put to death.”

The prisons of the Inquisition were some of the most common and atrocious places. The Inquisitors could leave people in their prisons indefinitely, without trial. The Inquisitor Eymeric, in his

records called Directorium, stated that a person believed guilty “shall be shut up in prison, strictly confined and in chains. If he shows no willingness to be converted there is no need for haste for the pains and privations of imprisonment often bring about a change of mind.”5 To quote Lea, “The dungeons of the

Inquisition were abodes of fearful misery, but where there were reasons for increasing their terrors there was no difficulty in increasing the hardships. The chains and starvation in a stifling

hole was a favorite device for extracting confession from unwilling lips.”

Historians give us some detailed information about some of the prisons of the Inquisition. Even some Catholic priests complained about the prison conditions in some towns in the south of France. Historians tell that the cells were fitted up with a variety of

instruments to cause severe suffering. Many prisoners, through the severity of their torments,

lost the use of their limbs and were rendered utterly helpless.

The burning at the stake was the standard way that the Papacy disposed of believers.

This was usually done with dramatic pomp and festivity before the massive gatherings of people.

It was as if the Roman Church believed that both their bodies and beliefs would disappear into

cinders. In England, Mary Tudor, known as “Bloody Mary,” a fervent Catholic beholden to the

Pope, employed the Inquisition to burn no fewer than 288 Bible-believing martyrs. Most of

them died because they denied the Catholic dogma that Jesus Christ is really present, flesh and

blood, body and soul, divinity and humanity in the communion bread. The burning back to back

of Bishops Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley at the stake outside Balliol College Oxford, in

1555, is known to many people. So also are Latimer’s stirring last words an inspiration to

Christians over the centuries, “Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall

this day, by God’s grace, light such a candle in England as I trust shall never be put out.”

3Lea, History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages, Vol. 11, p. 116

4 Lord Acton Correspondence, Vol. 1, p. 108

5Maycock, The Inquisition, p. 157

6Lea, History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages, Vol. 1, p. 420


The Instruments of Torture

“The Rack” is one of the best known forms of medieval torture. This mechanism operated by

having the victim lie on a horizontal rack with his hands and ankles tied to rollers on opposite


The Inquisitors would perform the

interrogation while turning the rollers,

stretching the body of the suspect and

causing colossal pain.

They would stretch the body out until the joints were actually yanked from their sockets. The

ultimate intent was that of killing the victim either through shock or injuries. If the believer were

still alive, yet refused to submit, he or she was sent to be burned at the stake.

Besides the Rack, there was the torture of pulling the believer towards the ceiling with

ropes, and then with a weight on his or her feet, dropping him or her to the floor so that

excruciating pain ripped through the body.

The Inquisitors also used “Skull Crusher.” They ordered the believer’s chin to be

placed on a lower bar and a screw then forced an iron cap down on his or her head.

Their teeth could be crushed. Their eyes could be squeezed from their sockets.

It was hoped that the believer was so overcome by the extreme pain of having his

head crushed would confess his alleged errors and believe in the Holy Mother


The Inquisitors also used the “Iron Maiden.” It was a tomb-sized container

with folding doors. The spiked studded arms wrapped around the victim in such a way so as to

puncture parts of the entire body, including the ears and eyes.

The purpose of the use of Iron Maiden was to inflict pain by means of

vicious spikes and a slow death. The prickles inside were designed so that

the trapped believer was left to slowly die in the utmost pain.

A prisoner would be bidden to stand right in front of Iron Maiden prior to

torture. The spring would be touched by the executioner and the Iron

Maiden would fling open her arms, and the wretched victim would

straightway be forced within them. Another spring was then touched and the Iron Maiden closed upon her victim. Then spiky arms of the Iron Maiden slowly but irresistibly closed upon the man, cruelly goring him.

The talons Iron Maiden, sometimes called the “Iron Virgin,” were not designed to kill outright. They trapped the prisoner who was left  to slowly perish in the utmost pain. Beside these instruments of torture there were others for the tearing and ripping of one’s flesh.

The Catholic Church learned a human being could live

until the skin was peeled down to the waist. Often the

torturers heated these instruments and then used them on

women’s breasts and the genital organs of both sexes.

There were also instruments for compressing the fingers until the bones would be squeezed into

splinters. There were instruments for probing below the fingernails until pain like burning fire

would run along the nerves.

There were instruments for tearing out the tongue, for scooping out the eyes, and for rooting out the ears. There wasa bunch of iron cords with a spiked circle at the end of every whip for tearing the flesh from the back until bone and sinew were laid bare.

There were also iron cases for the legs, which were tightened upon the limb placed in them by means of a screw, till flesh and bone were reduced to a pulp.

The thumbscrews were also applied to crush prisoners’ toes, while larger, heavier devices based on the same design principle were applied to destroy knees and elbows.

The Chair of Nails Torture

The chair nails, used by Inquisitors, was studded with spikes. The victim was strapped naked in the chair and a fire was lit beneath it. Heavy

objects were placed upon the victim to increase the pain of the spikes.

Blows with mallets were also used to inflict more pain.

There were also devices to slowly and painfully remove the intestines and

other organs from the body while keeping the person alive and conscious

of the pain. Anyone of those horrors could be inflicted on anybody, i.e.,

man, woman, or child over the age of 12 that did not agree with the

teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The Inquisition was carried out in France, Holland, Germany, Spain, and Italy.

The Stocks Torture

The victims often had their feet placed in stocks. The

stocks comprised two pieces of timber clamped together,

over and under, across each leg above the ankles. The

soles of the victim’s feet were greased with lard and a

blazing brazier was applied to them. Their feet were first

blistered and then fried. At intervals, a plank was

interposed between the fire and their feet. This plank was

to be immediately removed if the victims failed to admit

that they were guilty as charged.

The Inquisition in Spain perpetrated horrors on a more terrific scale than in other

countries. Activities in Spain were more atrocious and its hecatombs of victims more numerous

than elsewhere. The atrocities of the Spanish Inquisition cannot be disputed. Torquemada, the

most infamous of the Inquisitors for ferocity, had full papal authorization. He was commissioned

by Pope Sixtus IV in 1483. He was re-commissioned by Innocent VIII in 1485. So far were the

popes from seeking to hold back Torquemada’s inhuman cruelties that we find them praising him

and encouraging him. Pope Sixtus IV wrote to him praised his zeal, saying “We commend you

in the Lord and exhort you, cherished son, to persevere with tireless zeal in aiding and promoting

the cause of faith, by doing which, as we are assured you will, you will win our special favor.”

In Spain the burnings of believers was called “Autos-da-fé” there they had peculiar pomp and

festivity. As late as 1680 there was a stunning Auto-da-fé at Madrid at which one hundred

believers were burned. The historian Turberville quotes Voltaire’s comment; “that an Asiatic

arriving in Madrid on such an occasion would be doubtful whether he was witnessing a festival,

a religious ceremony, a sacrifice, or a massacre; it was in fact all of these.”7 The Judas Chair was

also a torture device used in the Spanish Inquisition.

The Actual Judas Chair and the Art work showing Chair as it was used

The Judas Chair, also known as the Judas Cradle, was a pyramid-shaped seat. The victim was placed on

top of it, with the point inserted into their orifices, then very slowly lowered by ropes.

The purpose was to Turberville,

The Spanish Inquisition, stretch the orifice over a long period of time in extreme pain in order that the victim would renounce his or her faith. Then bishops and priests of the Inquisition used a devise for breaking a believer’s faith as he was

tied to a wheel. Clubbing and mocking would accompany this torture.

An attempt to break a believer’s faith as he was tied to a wheel Then there was the commonly used torture technique called the “Strappado.’ All that was needed was a sturdy rafter and some rope. The victims wrists were bound behind their back and the rope tossed over the beam or on a pulley. The victim was  repeatedly dropped from a height so their arms and shoulders would dislocate. This and many more torture devices were use to get the believer to renounce his or her Christian faith, and then profess his or her faith in the Roman Church. We rejoice that the believers for the most part, remained true to the Lord. We realize that  Bible believers in those horrendous years were fortified by the power of

God through faith. They experienced what the Apostle Peter wrote that as believers we are “kept by the power of God through faith.” Consequently, kept by the power of God, their faith resounded at that time before the throne of God, and it still resounds on the pages of history for those who dare comprehend the true historical accounts. The torture chambers of the Inquisition lasted 605 years and were found throughout the nationscontrolled by Papal Rome. They had their beginning under Pope Innocent III in 1203 until the

Inquisition’s final dissolution in Spain and Portugal in 1808.

Twentieth Century Inquisition in Croatia

In 1929, Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty with Pope Pius XI officially conceding Vatican

Hill to the Pope. The Papacy once again became a sovereign civil state. The legal agreement

between Mussolini and the Vatican was just the beginning. Following this, the Papacy formed

alliances in the twentieth century with Roman Catholic dictators such as Adolph Hitler of

Germany, Francisco Franco of Spain, Antonio Salazar of Portugal, and Juan Peron of Argentina.

But the alliance that proved to be the most brutal and bloodthirsty of all was that between the

Papacy and Anton Pavelic in Croatia. It was agreed that Anton Pavelic8 was to be head of the

new nation state of Croatia, which was carved out of Yugoslavia during the Second World War.

During Pavelic’s four-year reign, he and Roman Catholic

Prelate, Archbishop Alois Stepinac, pursued a “convert or

die” policy among the 900,000 Greek Othodox Serbs,

Jews, and others in Croatia. 200,000 were converted; the

700,000 who chose to die were tortured, burned, buried

alive, or shot after digging their own graves. This

appalling persecution carried out by the Ustashis included

many of the worst atrocities of history. The mutilations

were horrific, the tortures vicious, and the savagery

terrible. The Catholic Church did not leave the execution

of a religious war to the secular arm. She was there herself, openly ignoring precautions and bolder than she had been for a very long time. Wielding the hatchet or dagger, pulling the trigger, organizing the massacre, the Roman  Anton Pavelic with Archbishop Stepina Catholic priests became their own instruments of the

Inquisition.Anton Pavelic with Franciscan Monks  Many of the Ustashi

officers were priests or friars sworn to fight “with

dagger or gun,” for the “triumph of Christ and Croatia.” Priests played a prominent role in the

closing or takeover of Serbian Orthodox Churches,

the seizure of church records and the interrogation of the Serbian Orthodox clergy. They

also supervised concentration camps and organized the torture of many of the victims.

Ante Pavelic b. July 14, 1889 – d. December 28, 1959

French author Edmond Paris, who was born a Roman Catholic and has written a very thorough

account of this terrible massacre in his book Convert or Die, has said,

“It is difficult for the world to believe that a whole people could be doomed to

extermination by a government and religious hierarchy of the twentieth century, just

because it happened to belong to another ethnical and racial group and had inherited the

Christianity of Byzantium rather than that of Rome.”

The creation of the entirely Roman Catholic, independent State of Croatia during the Second

World War was accompanied by a persecution so ferocious that it is difficult to find a parallel in

all of history. The Inquisition applied to the Serbian Orthodox by the Croatian Catholics

accounted for 700,000 Serbs being tortured and killed in just four years. So while the Inquisition

ended in the nineteenth century, the same procedures and mindset were evident in Croatia in the

twentieth century. In fact, the same mindset is still officially maintained by the Papacy in the

twenty-first century. The Roman Church to this day maintains the laws that she used as her

authority to torture and murder Bible believers for over 600 years. In her present-day laws she

states her right to coerce Christian people. Thus Canon law, Canon 1311, states,

“The [Catholic] Church has an innate and proper right to coerce offending members of

the Christian faithful by means of papal sanctions.”

The Catholic Church also holds to the fact that she can demand a submission of intellect and will

as she did in the years of the Inquisition. Consequently she states the following,

“A religious respect of intellect and will, even if not the assent of faith, is to be paid to

the teaching which the Supreme Pontiff or the college of bishops enunciate on faith and


So to whatever the Supreme Pontiff or his college of bishops teach on faith and morals, a person

must submit their intellect and will. This is the same teaching that was upheld with the terrors of

the Inquisition for 600 years. While there are no sanctions in torture and death at the present

time, the same astonishing mindset is Roman Catholic law. The fact is that the Papacy still

claims the right to judge and impose chastening that has not changed since the days of the

Inquisition. In present-day Canon Law she also decrees,

Canon 1405 (Sect.1) “It is the right of the Roman Pontiff himself alone to judge in cases

mentioned in can. 1401: 1. those who hold the highest civil office in a state;…

Canon 1401 “By proper and exclusive right the Church adjudicates: 1. cases concerning

spiritual matters or connected with the spiritual; 2. the violation of ecclesiastical laws and all

those cases in which there is a question of sin in respect to the determination of culpability

and the imposition of ecclesiastical penalties.”

The Holy Spirit’s admonition to believers is to be remembered as these decrees are certified into

law, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not

entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

In past times, kings and princes and nations were supposed to tremble at her decrees.

Woe to him who resisted! Subjects were released from their oaths of allegiance; whole states

were placed under interdict. By deception regarding the Gospel and, subsequently, by force the

Papacy has held her domain together. She has only external unity, as any one who has lived

within her system and studied her decrees and history knows. It is of signal importance to realize

that the Roman Catholic Church has no other way to maintain her life than by imposition of her

external laws, because she lacks the life giving power of the Holy Spirit and unity of the One

9 Galatians 5:1.

Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. She must legislate to exist, and she needs civil powers to enforce

her decrees. It is crucial to understand that suppression and control are her main stratagems,

although at the time such are not apparent. If control by her is to be avoided, her paradigm must

be understood.

The Lord’s Final Victory

Papal Rome has asked pardon for the wrongs of the Inquisition. During a Mass on March 12,

2000, Pope John Paul II asked pardon for wrongs committed in the past by members of the

church. It was not individual members of the church, but as Lord Acton observed, it was “the

Popes in particular that caused and instigated the sufferings and persecutions, involving

themselves in detail even in the minute ways that believers were to be tortured.”

We have seen how the institutionalized Papacy and the powers of darkness have conspired

against Christ’s kingdom and His people. It is most important to know what the Lord’s anointed

has to say about His kingdom and to know that all the powers on earth cannot challenge Him.

As Psalm 2 reminds us, the Messiah reigns and His Throne is not moved, nor has His plans

changed, whatever may be the turmoil and schemes against Him. While the enemies of the

Gospel are plotting and planning how to break His bands asunder and cast His cords from them,

He has already defeated their devices and He says to them, “yet have I set my king upon my holy

hill of Zion.”10 All events are in His hands. Who can stand against the Almighty?

Things are not as they seem. It looks as if the powers that designed and implemented the

Inquisition still govern the hearts of much of mankind at the present time. The Lord God’s fixed

decrees remain and all the schemes of hell cannot efface a single part of His purpose. He reigns

by inheritance, “Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.”11 The Lord God owns Him, and

declares Him Lord and Head of the Church. The supreme government of the Church is His

responsibility and He will bring it to complete success including the punishment of His enemies.

It necessarily follows that though Papal Rome has been a rebel against the government of Christ

Jesus, the Lord God has nonetheless fulfilled His purpose through all the terrible evil that has

taken place. The truth is that through all the dreadful deeds of Papal Rome, the Sovereign Lord

Jesus Christ was entirely with His people, and He was in control of all events so that the faith

and witness of millions shone forth both in this world and before the throne of God; and will

shine forth throughout all the ages of the world to come.

From the beginning the Lord God purposed to glorify Himself “in the Church by Christ Jesus,

throughout all ages, world without end.”12 He has glorified Himself in the faith and suffering of

true believers throughout the 605 years of the Inquisition, as His Word proclaims, “the Lord

reigneth; let the people tremble.”13

The voice of the Lord thunders from the final chapters of the Bible and reverberates throughout

the world, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive

not of her plagues.”14 While the Papacy from the city of Rome continues to wax strong her final

condemnation is already written, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made

all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”15 The Lord God’s reserved wrath,

His punishing justice, and His enmity to sin, will be revealed to the entire world. The destruction

of Papal Rome will proceed from the glory of His power. “The same shall drink of the wine of

the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.”16 The

certainty of the final triumph should animate us in our efforts, and true believers in their


The frequently quoted maxim that “peoples ignorant of history are destined to repeat it” is true.

Without the knowledge of the systematic murder of believers during the Inquisition, we can fail

to see that the true Gospel is a matter of life. True believers are in real danger of compromise

with the Church of Rome. As the Apostle Paul told believers, “All who live godly in Christ Jesus

will suffer persecution.”17 The victory of the faith and courage of believers over the severest

trials is repeatedly recorded in the pages of history. As the Lord Himself proclaimed, “Be not

afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. Also I say unto

you, whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the

angels of God.”18 Where there is true faith and love of the Lord, there is in the midst of all

afflictions a joy unspeakable and full of glory. God is the only Holy Father, the All Holy One.

His holiness is the distinguishing factor in all His essential characteristics. This is the reason

why we need to be in right standing before the one and only All Holy God on the terms He

prescribes. Turn to God in faith alone, in Christ alone, for the salvation that He alone gives, by

the conviction of the Holy Spirit, based on Christ’s death and resurrection for His own, and

believe on Him alone, “to the praise of the glory of his grace.”

Source : http://www.bereanbeacon.org/SMBe.pdf

London Olympic 2012 – Its All About Zion – Dawn of NWO – History of House of Rothschild

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The Grand Finally of the London Masonic Olympic 2012 Feature Baphomet (Dark Knight) on Front side and Phoenix on backside Descending upon the crowd

The back of the Phoenix is Baphomet (Dark Knight)

The Phoenix Firebird

The Phoenix in Masonry

lluminati 2012 Olympic stadium set up Shows Mark of the beast …


Illuminati 2012 Olympic stadium set up Shows Mark of the beast and Rise of the New World Order. (Dark Knight)

Zion symbolizes Rothschild´s NWO . Now they are using the olympic games to proclaim openly that “Zion”, the Illuminati, are the lords of the nations of the world .

2012 Olympic mascot reigns in New World Order

So it begins. The opening “ceremony” of the 2012 Olympics is upon us. A mass Illuminati ritual – encoded in the language of symbolism – masquerading as a sporting event. Billions of people will give their focus, and thus their energy, to this ritual, which involves the replication of sacred earth sites such as Glastonbury Tor, and a 23 ton bell – the largest of its kind – that will signal the end of the old world and the arrival of the New World Order.

The Olympic rings were designed by a Freemason – even the founder of the modern Olympic Games, Pierre Coubertin – to symbolize the five continents. However, in the logo of the London Olympics in 2012 and its 2 Mascots there are striking peculiarities. The mascots have one eye – like on the Illuminati pyramid.

The parts of the logo are not only the number 2012: There is a small element that can only be the dot of an “i”. If turned the logo shows the word “Zion,” which is also seen in the symbol of the 2008 Games in Beijing. The Olympic flame symbolizes Masonic Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to bring it to mankind “for mighty purposes” – as written at the Rockefeller Center. The torch symbolizes the Illuminati . According to its founder, Adam Weishaupt, they are “Lucifer´s light holders“.
Not so strange. Weishaupt´s master was Mayer Amschel Rothschild of Frankfurt. The sponsorship of the OL-Games in Londen is in the hands of Jacob Rothschild’s National Lottery.

Zionism and Israel were founded by Theodor Herzl, and Edmond James de Rothschild financed it. In the Old Testament, Zion is the capital of the world . Queen Elizabeth belong to the Zionist Merovingian House of Winsor The Olympics is a salute to her and the Illuminati. Zion is Jerusalem. Today, the building of the Supreme Court is a Rothschild-Illuminati temple with many Illuminati symbols. Zion symbolizes Rothschild´s NWO .

World Leader Outraged By Romney’s ‘Racist Statement’

Romney faces Palestinian criticism for Jerusalem remarks as he (what Romney is saying “We must keep Apartheid Alive”)…


3 hours ago – Romneyangered Palestinian leaders when he suggested that the Israeli economy had outpaced the economy of the Palestinian territories. ( the table of the Jewish master has more much more food on it than the tables of the Palestinian servants)

The Rise of the Fourth Reich … but the evil actually done by the Third Reich … The Middle East – Secret Societies – Illuminati

The Roman Goddess Aurora – Dawn
The Rise of the Dark Knight – The Fourth Reich
The Rothschild’s financed Hitler’s 1936 Olympics and Third Reich

The Illuminati. Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer. Part 8 – The Fourth Reichhttp://www.centrexnews.com/columnists/svali/2001/01/svali08 ..

Bloodlines of the Illuminati 11. Rothschild In the last article we discussed the … The rise of the fourth Reich

The 4 th Reich being the new version of the 3rd Reich of Nazi Germany. This Awareness … The United Nations which is a Rothschild organization, which is an international .

Click here for Rise of the 4th Reich – Part 1 or Rise of the 4th … Whether or not the infamous Illuminati still exists … Oil, along with Britain’s Lord Victor Rothschild
Go to fullsize image
Go to fullsize imageGo to fullsize imageGo to fullsize imageAmschel_Mayer_R…
Go to fullsize imageSalomon_Rothschild – Go to fullsize imageCarl_Mayer_Rothschild

Go to fullsize imageWas Hitler’s Grandfather Solamon Rothschild?

Is Edmond Rothschild (father of Israel)Hitler’s First Cousin?

Hitler Jewish African

Hitler Jewish – DNA Tests Show Dictator ‘Had Jewish Roots

The France Connection
Was Hitler a Rothschild? Who was giving Hilter his orders?

Hitler’s ethnicity was Jewish but he was raised Roman Catholic. It has always been the quest of the Catholic Church to reclaim Jerusalam

“Hitler would not have been happy,” said Professor Ronny Decorte in a Google translationof theKnack‘s web-version of the story. Decorte, a genetics expert from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (a Flemish research university), says that Hitler apparently wasn’t “Aryan” — what the Nazi would have considered “pure.

The story of Adolf Hitler could be the most twisted in all of history. Add one more twist.

Responsible for the slaughter of millions of Jews and a hero only to self-avowed racists, DNA tests apparently show that the Nazi dictator may have had Jewish and African ancestry.

Several media outlets have reported on results published last week in Knack, a magazine in Belgium.

The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph says that saliva samples were collected from 39 Hitler relatives:

A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews …

Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.

Hitler’s preoccupation with ancestry — including his own — has caused speculation for many years.New York Daily News points out that this research could validate a historic myth:

Hitler’s heritage has been called into question before, with some suggesting his grandfather wasSalomonMayer von Rothschildfounder of the Jewish international banking dynasty. The Rothschild family financially backed Hitler’s

Hitler’s Third Reich.. Hitler aunt Betty, the sister to Alois, father of Adolph was married to James Mayer de Rothschild and their son Edmond James Rothschild, the Father of Israel was Hitler’s first cousin.
But this is the first claim with any scientific data to support it.

Similar reports have been made against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly denied the Holocaust and said the WWII was a pretext for the Zionist to getPalestineand make it a new Ashkenazi homeland.

An Austrian document was prepared that proved Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home… where Alois was born.”

Langer’s information came from the high level Gestapo officer, Hansjurgen Koehler, published in 1940, under the title “Inside the Gestapo”. He writes about the investigations into Hitler’s background carried out by the Austrian Chancellor, Dolfuss, in the family files of Hitler.

The Rothschilds and the Illuminati produce many offspring out of wedlock in their secret breeding programs and these children are brought up under other names with other parents.

Like Bill Clinton, who is almost certainly the son of Winthrop Rockefeller produced in the same way, these “ordinary kids from ordinary backgrounds” go on to be extraordinarily successful in their chosen field. Hitler, too, would have produced unofficial children to maintain his strand of the bloodline and there will obviously be people of his bloodline alive today.

So which Rothschild was the grandfather of Hitler? My thanks to a website correspondent for the additional, updated, information to this article, a man has researched this story in some detail. Alois, Hitler’s father, was born in 1837 in the period when Salomon Mayer was the only Rothschild who lived at the Vienna mansion. Even his wife did not live there because their marriage was so bad that she stayed in Frankfurt. Their son, Anselm Salomon spent most of his working life in Paris and Frankfurt away from Vienna and his father.

Father Salomon Mayer, living alone at the Vienna mansion where Hitler’s grandmother worked, is the prime, most obvious candidate. And Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of Salomon Mayer’s senior clerk, wrote a book, published in 1917, which said of Salomon:

“…by the 1840s he had developed a somewhat reckless enthusiasm for young girls..” and

“He had a lecherous passion for very young girls, his adventures with whom had to be hushed up by the police.”

And Hitler’s grandmother, a young girl working under the same roof would not have been the subject of Salomon’s desire?

And this same girl became pregnant while working there? And her grandson becomes the Chancellor of Germany, funded by the Rothschilds, and he started the Second World War which was so vital to the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda? And the Illuminati are obsessed with putting their bloodlines into power on all “sides” in a conflict?

‘Mein Kampf written by Jesuit Father Staempfle

The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum, only five years before, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in ‘Mein Kampf were already realized; this book, an insolent challenge to the western democracies, was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler. For—as so many ignore the fact—it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it. The Secret History of the Jesu

German Elite in Vatican

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

(Click Book to Read Online)

Pope Benedict XVI
Current Pope when he was in Hitler Youth

His father, Joseph Ratzinger, Sr., was an Ordnungspolizei. The Ordnungspolizei (OrPo) was the name for the uniformed regular German police force that existed in Nazi Germany between the years of 1936 and 1945. After their green uniforms, they were also referred to as Grüne Polizei (green police).

The Rothschild Dynasty is Jesuit – The Rothschilds areJesuits

Discussion about The Rothschild Dynasty is Jesuit – The … Spanish Empire.” SalvadordeMadariaga, Spanish Statesman: „The Jesuits … as the Order would do with Hitler
Guy de Rothschild was his pen pal eight years … if Pacelli was Hitler’s Pope, and Hitlerwas aRothschild … Former Jesuit Grandmaster and Knights of Malta
Guy de Rothschild, of the French House, heads this bloodline dynasty today. … Hitler, Himmler, theJesuit-trained Goebbels, and most of the major Nazis were Catholics and …
Adolf (Rothschild) Hitler (1889-1945).Dictator of Germany from 1933 to … Mein Kampf was ghost-written by a Jesuit priest named Father Staempfle.1 Hitler the dunce was the
Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, The Richest Man In The World … Rockefellers Furnsihed Hitlerwith His Gas and Oil … and Hand with the google Black Pope head of Jesuits


Hitler Used Rothschild Banker’s Typewriter … Masons, Bilderbergs, Jesuits and Zionists are all … MyWeb Del.icio.us Digg Reddi

Blogger’s Note:

To many Ashkenazi Jews, the Holocaust was the darkest event in their history. The ordinary Jews lost family members, friends love ones but for the Jewish elite and the practitioners of Kabbalah, the Holocaust (applying the Machiavellian principle the end justify the means ) was a means to an end.

The elite can say that the sacrifice of millions of Jews during the Holocaust was the means for the creation of a Zionist state. If there was no Holocaust, there would be no Israel. The Holocaust was a necessary event for the dreams and agenda of the Zionists to be fully realize.

If I was Jewish and lost love one during the holocaust, and the holocaust turn out to be by design by the elite Jewish Zionist, I would using all of my resources and doing everything in my power to make the elite paid for their betrayal of their own people. Can one justify the sacrifice of millions of Jews for the pseudo land of Israel? Does the end justify the means?

The Real Truth about the Modern-day Jewish Heritage

What is their true Origin?

Are They of Abraham Seed?

Are They Semitic?







The Thirteenth Tribe” by Arthur Koestler.
The Thirteenth Tribe – The Real Jewish Heritage

Arthur Koestler

…but that does not alter the fact that the large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European — and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar — origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur “

This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry…
The Khazars’ sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.
In the second part of this book, “The Heritage,” Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.”

The ThirteenthTribe:

ArthurKoestler documents the Caucasian ancestry of Ashkenazim Jews.TheThirteenthTribe. The Khazar Empire and its Heritage. ArthurKoestler. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
The vast majority of Jews in the world is of Eastern European – and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar – origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. Maybe the two world wars and the Holocaust were pretext for the New Khazaria or Israel hoax.The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.(Arthur Koestler,The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 17).

Old Khazaria existed from about 500 A.D. to about 1000 A.D.
Old Khazaria adopted the religion of Talmudic Judaism about 740 A.D.
Khazaria was reborn on May 14, 1948.
The most cruel hoax which man has ever perpetrated.
New Khazaria.
As long as Apostate Israel (New Khazaria) exist…there will never be any peace in the Middle East. Modern-day Jewry is of Eastern European/Aryan descent and thus they are not Semitic. Let the truth be told everywhere. Why should American Soldiers die to protect a Hoax?

Is Modern-Day Israel in Bible Prophecy? Are Modern-day Jews of Abraham Seed?

Millions expect Israel to play a major role in God’s future plan for earth. Could they all be wrong? Is there a conspiracy to deceive God’s people? What is the Biblical evidence concerning modern day Israel?
Many people today consider the restoration of the Jewish nation in Palestine to be a direct and dramatic fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth, a phenomenal best seller of the last few decades, and Jerry Jenkins and Tim Lahaye’s Lift Behind, along with Bishop T.D. Jakes declares that the end of the world will come within the lifetime of the generation that saw the founding of the Israeli state in 1948, hereby applying the words of Jesus: “This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” (Matthew 24:34)
Coupled with this fascination with Israel is a novel teaching regarding the return of Jesus, called the “secret rapture.” These books and many other speaks for many today who expect God secretly to take the “church” to heaven prior to the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple on its old site where the sacred Muslim shrine, the Dome of the Rock, now stands. According to this position, after the “church” is “raptured” to heaven, there will be seven years of the worst period of famine, bloodshed, and pestilence ever experienced by man. During this great tribulation the focus will be on God’s dealings with the Jews, who are again given the responsibility for the evangelization of the world.
According to secret-rapture preachers, the battle of Armageddon will climax the end of the seven-year tribulation as the nations of the earth take sides over the future of Israel. When mankind teeters on the brink of incinerating the world, Jesus will return gloriously and save man from self-extinction. At that time Jesus will set up a literal one-thousand-year reign on earth with Jerusalem functioning as the spiritual capital of the world.
Most evangelical periodicals and pulpits teach this view today, and to those who do not know better, it might appear that this prophetic scenario, known as pretribulationism, has been the traditional teaching of the Christian church since New Testament days. Nothing is further from the truth. Be not deceived.. Did the architects of the creation of modern day Israel have any thing to do with the development of the rapture theory? Where did the Rapture theology originate? Is the crisis in the Middle East and the war in the Iraq have anything to do with the erroneous rapture theory?
Is there a master conspiracy at work
According to dispensationalists John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Ken Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, John Walvoord, Grant Jefferies, Tim Lahaye, Benny Hinn, Clarence Larkin, H. Caldwell, TD Jakes and others who teach and preach about the Rapture, Israel has two dispensations, or time periods, in which they functions as God’s special instrument of salvation. Between these two periods of time comes the dispensation of the “church”. The church received a heavenly reward at the time of the rapture, while Israel received an earthly reward at the end of the tribulation.
There is no support in the New Testament for such an erroneous view.
The chief reason why the modern state of Israel has no prophetic significance is that after the Jews as a body rejected Jesus as the Messiah, God gave to the Christian church the special privileges, responsibilities, and prerogatives once assigned to the ancient Jews. No longer were the Jews to be His special people with a prophetic destiny.
Rom.2:28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; vs.29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.
All the promises of a glorious kingdom on earth once given through the Jewish prophets to the Jewish people became void because the Jewish people as a nation did not fulfill the conditions of these prophecies. Failing to receive the glory that could have been Israel’s is probably the saddest story in literature. Placed at the crossroads of the ancient world, God furnished them with every facility for becoming the greatest nation on the earth. God wanted to reward Israel with every physical and spiritual blessing as they put into practice the clear-cut principles that He had graciously taught them through His prophets (Deuteronomy 7, 8, 28).
The Old Testament records the sad story of how the vineyard of Israel produced, not the mature fruit of a Christ-like character, but “wild grapes,” a misinterpretation and perversion of what the God of Israel was really like. “What more was there to do for my vineyard, that I have not done in it? When I looked for it to yield grapes, why did it yield wild grapes?” (Isaiah 5:4 RSV).

Even when the Jewish nation was suffering the bitter consequences of disobedience during the Babylonian captivity, God mercifully promised that a restored Israel was possible and that there was yet time to recover its special role as His representative on earth – if it would honor His law and submit to His principles. Even then the Jews could have become, if faithful, the head and not the tail, in matters physical and spiritual; all nations would have looked upon Jerusalem as not only the center of wisdom but also the spiritual capital of the world (see Isaiah 45:14; 60:1 – 11).
When the Jews returned to Palestine after the Babylonian captivity, the promises given to Abraham and expanded through the writings of Moses and other prophets would have been fulfilled; the whole earth would have been alerted for the first advent of Christ, even as the way is being prepared for His second coming today.
Missed Their Last Opportunity.
These Old Testament prophecies that picture Israel dwelling in peace and prosperity, with all nations beating a path to her doors, could have been fulfilled 2000 years ago if they had indeed prepared the world for the first coming of Jesus (see Zechariah 8:14). But instead of fulfilling their greatest assignment they missed their last opportunity, and Jesus their Lord finally had to pronounce with irrevocable judgement: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not Behold your house is forsaken and desolate” (Matthew 23:37, 38 RSV).
Those who regard the establishment of the modern state of Israel as a fulfillment of those Old Testament prophecies overlook the fact that these promises were made either prior to their release from Babylonian captivity or during the rebuilding days soon after their return. God would have fulfilled these promises if Israel had been faithful and obedient to the conditions on which the promises were made.
Although God promised a “second chance” to Israel after their failure leading up to the Babylonian captivity, He promised no “third chance” to them after their final rejection when their Lord Himself “came to his own home, and his own people received him not” (John 1:11 RSV)
But God did not give up, even though Israel as a nation had failed Him. Although corporate Israel no longer was to function as God’s special agent, the individual Jews who received and obeyed Jesus Christ would constitute the new organization through which He would now work.
Paul describes this remarkable transition in Romans 9 to 11, where he appeals to individual Jews (such as himself) to respond to God through Jesus, join those Gentiles who have found in Him the solution to their anxious, sinful condition, and together arouse the world to the simple fact that God wants to make an end to sin and its misery by setting up His eternal kingdom composed of those who have found in Jesus the promised Saviour.
Those who preach and teach this erroneous Rapture doctrine are purposely misleading multitudes. This doctrine was created by the Jesuits as an anti-reformation and anti-protestant tool to divert attention away from the Catholic and the Pope whom the reformers had identify as the anti-Christ in Revelation. Those who teach and preach the rapture theory are proxies and agents for the Kabbalists and those who want to establish a New World Order (NWO). The Rapture theory has more to do with politics than theology, more to do with mans involvement in world affairs than Gods involvement, more about Zionism than the people of Zion.

Visiting “The Protocols”


Who are the Elders?
Protocol I The Basic Doctrine
Protocol II Economic Wars
Protocol III Methods of Conquest
Protocol IV Materialism Replaces Religion
Protocol V Despotism and Modern Progress
Protocol VI Take-Over Technique
Protocol VII World-Wide Wars
Protocol VIII Provisional Government
Protocol IX Re-education
Protocol X Preparing for Power
Protocol XI The Totalitarian State
Protocol XII Control of the Press
Protocol XIII Distractions
Protocol XIV Assault on Religion
Protocol XV Ruthless Suppression
Protocol XVI Brainwashing
Protocol XVII Abuse of Authority
Protocol XVIII Arrest of Opponents
Protocol XIX Rulers and People
Protocol XX Financial Programme
Protocol XXI Loans and Credit
Protocol XXII Power of Gold
Protocol XXIII Instilling Obedience
Protocol XXIV Qualities of the Ruler

The Blessed Hope vs. Rapture Hoax

Many books have been written concerning the rapture and it is a billion dollar business. Is the rapture theory Biblical? or is it a mystical Harry Potter like fairy tale? What is Armageddon? Most of the books have little to do with the Second Coming or the truth relating to the events surrounding the second coming.

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Books by Tim Lahaye, John Hagee, Pat Robinson, Jack van Impe, Benny Hinn, Jerry Jenkins,Thomas Ice, Hinson, Hal Lindsey, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, R. Humbard, Grant Jefferies and most of the Armageddon and Last days events books are used to promote an anti-reformation, anti-protestant and Anti-Christ doctrine. The rapture is a Jesuits Luciferian theology used by agents of the Rothschild /Illuminati cabal.

What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second coming?

The Second Coming of Christ is often confused with the Rapture… The word rapture does not appear in the Bible but some people have often used the Greek word harpazo – caught up for the rapture.

Rapture comes from the Latin word RAPIO define as – seize by force, pillage, ravage and rape. When Jesus comes for His people he will not rape them, nor pillage or seize by force.

Jerome mistranslated the GK. word harpazo for rapio when he who was commissioned by Pope Damasus I in 382 to make a revision of the old Latin translation the Vulgate. It is unclear weather the mistranslation was a mistake or a deliberate attempt to deceive. Jesuit Priest Dr. Thomas Ice uses Jerome mistranslation to claim that the rapture is Biblical. ( RAPTURE MYTHS – by Thomas Ice – The Term “Rapture”

First of all, the word “rapture” is found in the Bible, if you have the Latin Vulgate produced by Jerome in the early 400s.)

Harpazo – caught up and second coming is the same event. Let me repeat…SAME EVENT…1Thess.4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first, 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (GK. Arpaghsomeqa, harpazO v_ 2Fut Pas Ind 1 Pl SHALL-BE-BEING-SNATCHED) The Bible is clear.. When Jesus returns… He will return the same way as He left. Act 1: 9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.

Vs.10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel:

Vs.11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

Jesus was taken or caught up in a cloud… The Greek word for caught up in Acts 1:11 is analambanO, – one being taken up.

When Jesus returns, He will come in a cloud – Rev.1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Christ return will be not be secret, nor quiet, nor will only a select group see Him… The dead or those who fell asleep in Jesus will be resurrected,

And the righteous living will be caught up with the resurrected saints to meet the Lord in the air.

1 Cor.15: 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

What happens to the wicked when Christ returns?

Rev.6:15 and the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 2 Thess. 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

The Bible is clear… the wicked living will see Christ Second Coming, they will try to hide, and be destroy with the brightness of the Second Coming.

What happens to the wicked dead when Christ returns?

Jn.5:28Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

There are two resurrections. One of life and the other is of damnation (death) The is a period of 1000 yrs that separate the first and second resurrection.

Rev.20:5-6 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years

How long will the righteous be in heaven and what will they be doing?

Rev. 21:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

What happens at the end of the Millennium?

Rev.21: 2 And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Rev.20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

2 Peter 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Rev.21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Rev.16:15-17 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

Armageddon is the place where the Lord will destroy the wicked once and for all. The whole earth will be cleansed with fire, and than it will be made new again.

Rev.21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 3And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Jesus will bring the Temple or the Tabernacle with Him at the end of the 1000 years.

In summary, the events that will take place at the Second Coming of Christ are:

The Dead in Christ will be resurrected;

The Righteous Living will is caught up;

The wicked living will be destroy with the brightness of the Second Coming;

Satan will be bound on earth with no one to tempt for 1000 years; (bound by a chain of circumstance – out of business)

The Righteous will live and reign with Christ for a 1000 years in heaven;

At the end of the thousand years,

The wicked will be part of the second resurrection, Satan will convince them to take over the New Jerusalem which they will see as the city come down from heaven;

Fire will destroy Satan, the wicked, and sin. The effects of the fire will be everlasting. Sin and sinners will be forever eradicated from the earth.

The earth will be cleansed and made new;

The Tabernacle of God (Jesus is the Tabernacle) will live with man.

The Righteous will live on the earth with Christ forever.

The Second coming is not the secret rapture, no secret snatch, no second chance, no third earthly Jerusalem temple, no seven year tribulation, no anti-Christ making a new covenant with Israel, no two plans for salvation (one for Jews and the other for non Jews), no eternal torment (the effects of the fire is eternal).

Yes beloved, in the beginning God took chaos and made cosmos… soon He will reverse His creation and take cosmos and make chaos, He will destroy this old sinful world with fire and than He will take chaos and make cosmos…

Rev. 21:4 and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away..vs.5 Behold I make all things new.

This is the New World Order… not as the man envision it but as God see it.

Study to show thyself approve… Ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.

Luciferian Rapture Doctrine Books and Conferences –
Beware of False Preachers, Teachers and Bible Schools that promote an Anti-Christ, Anti-protestant and Luciferian Rapture Doctrine – Beware my Friend Beware – They are not of God, but wolves in Sheep Clothing.

Jesuit Priest Thomas is the Head of the False Prophet Society and is the leading authority of the anti-christ, anti-protestant and Luciferian Rapture Doctrine. Ice is leading millions of Christians down the road of perdition.
Study to show thyself

Below is a partial list of Promoters of the Anti-Christ, Anti-Protestant, Anti-Reformation Doctrine as well as Agents and proxies of the Illuminati and NEW World Order

Ignatius Loyola Founder of the Illuminati

Ignatius job was to defeat protestantism as all cost and destroy the Reformation

Francisco Ribera was a deciple of Ignatius originator of the Furturist Doctrine (1537-1591) was a Jesuit doctor of theology, born in Spain, who began writing a lengthy (500 page) commentary in 1585 on the book of Revelation (Apocalypse) titled In Sacrum Beati Ioannis Apostoli, & Evangelistiae Apocalypsin Commentarij, and published it about the year 1590. He died in 1591 at the age of fifty-four, so he was not able to expand on his work or write any other commentaries. In order to remove the Catholic Church from consideration as the antichrist power, Ribera proposed that the first few chapters of the Apocalypse applied to ancient pagan Rome, and the rest he limited to a yet future period of 3 1/2 literal years, immediately prior to the second coming. During that time, the Roman Catholic Church would have fallen away from the pope into apostasy. Then, he proposed, the antichrist, a single individual, would:


    • Persecute and blaspheme the saints of God.
    • Rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.
    • Abolish the Christian religion.
    • Deny Jesus Christ.
    • Be received by the Jews.
    • Pretend to be God.
    • Kill the two witnesses of God.
    • Conquer the world.

So, according to Ribera, the 1260 days and 42 months and 3 1/2 times of prophecy were not 1260 years, but a literal 3 1/2 years, and therefore none of the book of Revelation had any application to the middle ages or the papacy, but to the future, to a period immediately prior to the second coming, hence the name Futurism.

Deciples of Ribera and agents of Illuminati

Manuel De Lacunza (1731–1801), a Jesuit from Chile, wrote a manuscript in Spanish titled La Venida del Mesías en Gloria y Magestad (“The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty”), under the pen name of Juan Josafa [Rabbi] Ben-Ezra about 1791. Lacunza wrote under an assumed name to obscure the fact that he was a Catholic, in order to give his book better acceptance in Protestantism. Also an advocate of Futurism, Lacunza’s manuscript was published in London, Spain, Mexico and Paris between 1811 and 1826.

Edward Irving(1792-1834), a Scottish Presbyterian and forerunner of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, translated Lacunza’s work from Spanish into English in a book titled Preliminary Discourse to the Work of Ben Ezra – Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty, published in London in 1827 by L.B. Seeley & Sons, which included Irving’s own 200+ page preface.

Margaret McDonald, a 15 year old Scottish girl, and member of Edward Irving’s congregation, had visions in early 1830 that included a Secret Rapture of believers before the appearance of the Antichrist. She informed Irving of her visions by letter. Irving then attended the prophecy conferences that began in Dublin Ireland in 1830 at Powerscourt Castle, where he promoted both Futurism and a Secret Rapture.

Samuel Roffey Maitland(1792-1866), scholar and librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury, further promoted and established Futurism in England after 1826, as a result of reading the work of Manuel De Lacunza.

John Nelson Darby (1800–1882), a Church of Ireland clergyman, later with the Plymouth Brethren, also promoted Futurism and a secret rapture. Darby attended the series of meetings on Bible Prophecy that began in 1830 at Powerscourt, Ireland, and at these conferences Darby apparently learned about the secret rapture as revealed by vision to Margaret McDonald, and promoted by Edward Irving, and he soon visited Margaret MacDonald at her home in Port Glasgow, Scotland. Darby later visited America several times between 1859 and 1874, where his Futurist theology was readily accepted.

Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843-1921), greatly influenced by the writings of J. N. Darby, incorporated Futurism in the notes of his Scofield Reference Bible. First published by Oxford University Press in 1909, one million copies were printed by 1930. The Scofield Bible was instrumental in firmly establishing the Futurist interpretation in the Protestant Bible schools of the United States in the 20th century.

Dallas Theological Seminary (a nondenominational Protestant school): Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871-1952), a student of Cyrus Scofield, founded Evangelical Theological College (now DTS) in 1924, which is likely the most influential seminary in the United States today. Futurism, and the secret rapture (which they call the blessed hope), are covered in articles 18-20 of the DTS Full Doctrinal Statement.

Some of the more well known alumni and faculty of DTS:

John Walvoord (Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, President of Dallas Theological Seminary from 1952 to 1986, Chancellor of DTS since 1986), author of The Rapture Question (1957), and member of the revision committee for The New Scofield Reference Bible.

Chuck Swindoll (Insight for Living), President of Dallas Theological Seminary since July of 1994.

Charles C. Ryrie (Professor Emeritus Dallas Theological Seminary), author of The Ryrie Study Bible, which has been characterized as the updated Scofield Reference Bible for the end of the twentieth century.

Hal Lindsey, (hallindsey.com – hallindseyoracle.com) author of The Rapture: Truth or Consequences (1983), perhaps the best known prophecy author of the last 30 years. Sole credited Bible authority for Trinity Broadcasting’s recent Futurist antichrist movie Omega Code. A sequel, tentatively titled Meggido (Omega Code II) is now in production by TBN and is due for release in the fall of 2001.

J. Vernon McGee (1904-1988), Through the Bible Radio series.

Kenneth N. Taylor (former director of Moody Press, founder of Tyndale House Publishing), author of The Living Bible. Tyndale House publishes the hugely popular Left Behind Futurist series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.

Thomas Ice(Executive Director of the Pre-trib Research Center), Th.M. from DTS, co-founder of Pre-trib Research Center with Tim LaHaye. The Thomas Ice collection.

Renald Showers, Most High God: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel.
Moody Bible Institute of Chicago: In 1890, C. I. Scofield began a Comprehensive Bible Correspondence Course, later taken over about 1914 by the Moody Bible Institute (Dwight. L. Moody, founder of the Moody Church, had converted Scofield, and Scofield preached and presided at Moody’s funeral in 1899).

Moody Press supplied Sunday School lessons to the Assembly of God churches about 1914, introducing Pentecostals to Futurism and the secret rapture theory.

The Ryrie Study Bible, by Charles C. Ryrie, a graduate Dallas Theological Seminary, boasts 10,000+ study notes and is listed among the best selling books published by Moody Press.

Jerry B. Jenkins, co-author of the Left Behind series, is the former vice president for publishing of Moody Bible Institute, and former editor of Moody Magazine. Currently he is Moody Bible Institute’s writer-at-large.

Western Theological Seminary (Reformed Church in America).

Alma Mater of Tim LaHaye, founder of the Pre-trib Research Center, co-author of the Left Behind series of books, by far the most popular series promoting Futurism and the secret rapture, which has sold 20+ million copies. Published by Tyndale House, at least 12 titles are planned for the series. The film version of the first book in the series has been produced by prophecy authors Peter and Paul Lalonde of Cloud Ten Pictures:
Left Behind – The Film Project
Left Behind – The Movie
Released first on video cassette, and then in theaters in early 2001, people who have seen Left Behind say it is confusing, and lacks a Gospel presentation of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, making it of little (if any) evangelistic value, much like TBN’s Omega Code.

Tim LaHaye says he was impressed by the prophecy conferences of Albury Park and Powerscourt held in Britain in the 1820’s and 1830’s and this led directly to his co-founding the Pre-trib Research Center. Edward Irving and J. N. Darby attended, and apparently greatly influenced, these 19th century British prophecy conferences where the secret rapture and futurism gained in acceptance among Protestant prophecy scholars.

Beloved above are false religious preachers, teachers and Theological Schools as well as publishing houses. Beware my friends and study to show yourself approve.

2012 olympic stadium set up shows mark beast v illuminati rise new world order dark london games it is all zion symbolizes rothschild s nwo now using nations mascot the olympics agenda so begins upon a ritual event people give their focus thus which sacred earth such 23 its end old mascots seeing eye cute creepy cnn 24 one always children we even founder modern five logo 2 there have like only number i if word also seen fire gods bring mankind mighty written rockefeller center according weishaupt master mayer frankfurt jacob zionism israel founded edmond james in testament capital zionist house her jerusalem today rothschildilluminati temple many history www go fullsize image imagego r grandfather hitler jewish african dna tests show dictator connection who his but he raised roman catholic church would said professor decorte google story research university says apparently t aryan nazi adolf could most more millions jews may ancestry several published last magazine british daily samples called haplogroup e1b1b1 western europe found well among ashkenazi sephardic 20 per cent 8 6 30 major founding own years out heritage into question before some von dynasty family third alois father son first claim any support made against president holocaust pretext make austrian prepared living vienna time she at home as soon sent born information came high gestapo under writes chancellor rothschilds secret these other almost produced same way ordinary bloodline alive thanks updated man period salomon lived mansion did live because working life paris away grandmother and wrote book developed young girls whom police girl became while germany second war power sides mein kampf jesuit staempfle fuhrer come revealed for fact society jesus programme german elite vatican video pope xvi ordnungspolizei name force existed between after green spanish empire jesuits do guy pen former conspiracy meet real priest 1 sir evelyn de richest black head th used banker typewriter zionists del to lost friends love applying justify means say sacrifice during creation state no turn doing does truth modernday what true origin are they abraham seed semitic khazar thirteenth tribe arthur koestler large majority eastern european perhaps mainly mean ancestors jordan volga canaan caucasus once believed cradle race; genetically closely related hun uigur this ancient ages converted judaism khazaria finally evidence khazars themselves jewry sea instrumental muslim spain part mr speculates ultimate faith impact racial composition social produces body meticulously detailed theory sounds convincing restraint advanced yet should confirmed term antisemitism become void meaning since based misapprehension shared both killers victims slowly emerges past look cruel hoax ever perpetrated arthurkoestler than then two wars 17 500 d 1000 religion 14 1948 long peace middle east let why bible prophecy expect role god future deceive biblical concerning day nation palestine fulfillment hal lindsey great best few jerry jenkins tim lahaye behind jakes generation saw words shall pass things fulfilled matthew teaching return rapture books take heaven prior rebuilding seven tribulation again given preachers battle armageddon over when literal reign spiritual evangelical teach view those know better appear prophetic known christian days further be thing theology erroneous work john hagee jack van impe copeland kenneth hagin walvoord grant jefferies benny hinn preach periods special salvation comes received reward earthly chief messiah longer 28 jew nor circumcision vs 29 spirit men promises kingdom through prophets conditions prophecies glory them every greatest physical put principles 7 vineyard wild grapes done looked yield isaiah 5 4 rsv consequences babylonian captivity promised faithful see 11 writings whole christ being coming missed opportunity lord how often gathered together behold release although chance leading himself him individual paul 9 sinful sin eternal doctrine antireformation antiprotestant antichrist revelation proxies agents involvement protocols of learned elders preface protocol ii worldwide press authority blessed hope business little events thomas ice promote luciferian greek harpazo caught latin rapio seize pillage rape jerome gk revision vulgate mistranslation early me 16 voice trump dead air clear returns left taken up; cloud 10 went ye rev resurrected righteous saints 15 changed must happens wicked free rocks fall hide throne destroy brightness unto resurrection damnation death rest thousand holy hath 21 sat judgment witness neither city down satan beloved peter 3 heavens perdition thief place saying cleansed passed tabernacle wipe tears eyes; sorrow crying pain write bound heaven; effects forever year making chaos cosmos study thyself approve conferences beware false teachers schools jehovah ignatius protestantism ribera began page commentary apocalypse titled & proposed immediately 1260 times futurism manuel lacunza manuscript majesty acceptance 1826 edward irving scottish l b included margaret mcdonald member visions 1830 attended ireland powerscourt promoted darby later series visited america futurist cyrus scofield greatly influenced j n notes reference million copies protestant united states century dallas theological seminary school dts 1820 emeritus 1986 author charles c ryrie movie omega code tbn 2001 director moody tyndale publishing popular pretrib institute 1914 coauthor film

St. Mark New Pastor Phillip Pointer Negative History – Steven Arnold Third Marriage – Fox 16 Special Report Bisho Steven Arnold Fall From Grace

Pastor Phillip Pointer is the New Pastor at St. Mark Baptist (COGIC) Church Little Rock Arkansas.

His Salary is $700,000 a year and an additional $50,000 for his anniversary.

It is no surprise that Phillip Pointer was chosen as the pastor to lead St. Mark. He was the only candidate who had experience of converting a traditional Baptist into a Full Gospel (COGIC) church. He will continue the conversion from traditional baptist to Full Gospel (COGIC) started by Steven Arnold and the teaching of British Israel. (Aryan Jews are God Chosen people) Based on the tenants of Full Gospel and Phillip Pointer on-line college degree – he will promote the diabolical Luciferian rapture doctrine, eternal security, and the new age prosperity religion.

I have some serious questions and concerns:

1. Did Phillip Pointer hijack St. John Baptist Church in Alexandria VA?

2. How did Pointer name get on the long list must less the short list?

3. Did the Elders of St. Mark know of Pointer’s abuse of Church members at St. John Baptist?

4. Are the Elders part of a larger conspiracy?

5. What is the Elders agenda?

6. Why did they invite Pointer to St. Mark?

7. Are the elders looking after the spiritual welfare of the church members or what they can financially gain by having a pastor with experience of stealing church assets and running off the older members?

8. Why did Pointer betray the members of St. John Baptist?

9. Are the Elders of St. Mark betraying the members by bringing a pastor with a history of being a church demolition man? (Pointer only had one church and that church has cease to exist.) 

10. Are there  masonic developers looking at St. Mark’s property?

11. Is the Little Rock research park in the picture?

12. Do any of  the elders of St. Mark belong to the Freemason cult?

13.  Are the elders of St. Mark following the orders of their white masonic masters ?

Is St. Mark the largest plantation in Arkansas?

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.

1Cor.14:33For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

2 Tim.3:1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

2.Cor.11: 13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

If what Pointer’s former members are saying about him is true, he should be behind bars at Laurel Hill Correctional facility than behind the pulpit at St. Mark.

Pointer won his lawsuit against the members of St. John. He didn’t put a nickle in the building yet he put his name on the deed and sold the building. Did he pocket the money? The St. John church building is empty as of January 2013. The original members are meeting at Lee Recreational Center where Charles Hall is serving as the pastor. St. John Baptist is looking for a church building to call home.

Why did Pointer betray his members at St. John Baptist and the Kingdom of God? 

What Kingdom does Pointer represent?

St. John Baptist Church vs. Phillip Pointer .


A Church Divided » AlexandriaNews


A Church Divided

By Alex Hampl

The History Members of St. John’s Congregation wrote a brief history of the church in Alexandria. According to that history, the “St. John Mission” was formed on N. Alfred St. in 1925. Later that year, Deacon David Askew, the chairman of the Deacon Board, wrote letters to 13 churches asking that the mission be made a church. The council approved and in 1926 the mission became the St. John Baptist Church. The church quickly grew, enough that it was able to purchase the current building, dilapidated at the time, and remodeled it. In 1948 the renovation was complete. Later, in 1973, numerous renovations were made. An educational building and a kitchen with a separate dining area were built then, and 10 years later, after the congregation had outgrown the original capacity, a 100-seat addition was built. In 1993, the church finally convinced the City of Alexandria to sell them the parking lot behind the church. The Split Providence St. John’s pastor Phillip L. Pointer. (Image from http://www.psjbc.org) In December 2000, St. John’s Rev. John W. Johnson retired as pastor, and the church formed a search committee to find his replacement. By 2002, Phillip L. Pointer, Sr. had been installed as the pastor-elect and was given the position permanently the next year. Under Pointer, several major changes were made to the church. In 2004, St. John’s was incorporated as a non-stock, non-profit organization through the State of Virginia State Corporation Commission. About one year later, the church met to appoint trustees who were then verified as legal owners of the church property in court. (St. John’s Baptist Church owns the property and the trustees make the decisions on behalf of the congregation.) This group of trustees had no intention of moving services or selling the property. Pointer, however, felt differently. After he was appointed pastor, he also named himself CEO. According to evidence submitted in the ongoing civil case, the church’s new Constitution gave Pointer total authority. However, the trustees were the only ones recognized in court as owners of the property. Pointer announced that St. John’s would be merging with Providence Baptist Church in Upper Marlboro, Md., a failing church run by his grandfather. The group of trustees led by Diggs alleges that Pointer gave the pastor of that church, his grandfather, a “generous retirement package” and also failed in his promise to maintain and operate St. John’s in Alexandria. Additionally, sources confirmed that Pointer had put up the church and Providence Baptist as collateral in order to obtain a $1.8 million mortgage on the property in Maryland. Pointer refused to comment for this article, citing his lawyer’s advice. “We elected the pastor for St. John’s, not for this church in Upper Marlboro,” Diggs said. “I understand he wants to help his granddaddy, and as Christians we are supposed to help people, but not at the expense of 80 other parishioners.” The Civil Case Services have stopped being held at the church because the group led by Pointer and Traverse Gray, Sr. is attempting Members of St. John’s Congregation are now holding services at Charles Houston Rec Center. (Photo: Alex Hampl) to sell the property. Approximately 60 – 90 congregation members are currently attending services at Charles Houston; Pointer would not say how many, if any, parishioners had followed him to Upper Marlboro. The group contends it has the right to sell the property because it transferred the deed in a sort of legal end-around. Gray signed a “Confirmation Deed” in 2006 as both “Grantor” and “Grantee” for the St. John Baptist Church. Essentially he had transferred the deed to himself. However, the Diggs group is challenging the legality of this transfer, citing that the previously approved group of trustees was still the owners of the property and that Gray’s deed was never actually approved by the Court. “The corporation that transferred the deed to Providence St. John’s was not the owner of the property at that time,” said Horace McClerkin, the lead counsel for the Diggs group. “The trustees were the owner of the property, and they do not have the authority to transfer the property without church approval.” “He [Pointer] just decided he could sign all the papers,” said Diggs. “But it’ll play out in court. It’s just not good for St. John’s, period.” The case went to court when the Diggs group filed an injunction against Pointer after the pastor had removed all of the church’s property and moved it to Providence Baptist in Maryland. “They removed all the church’s assets, which is why we filed the injunction to begin with,” said McClerkin. The Pointer group motioned to have the injunction dissolved, and the judge agreed, unless Diggs and the trustees could post a $1.4 million dollar bond, a somewhat unusual measure. “I believe the burden is not on the trustees and the fiduciaries in this case to put up the million dollar bond,” McClerkin said. “The trustees are the owners of the property.” Diggs went further, saying, “A bond was not needed and never had been installed in a case in Virginia.” McClerkin said that he has been “aggressively” pursuing discovery and has served an interrogatory request, but his requests have gone unanswered. “It’s very difficult to respond to a request for documents when you don’t have the documents and you know you don’t have them,” he said. Diggs added, “They have had 60 days to respond to discovery and they haven’t at all. They seem to think they’re above the law.” McClerkin did not seem optimistic about a settlement between the sides, given the lack of response from the Pointer camp thus far. “Unless they’re willing to return all the property they took and basically undo everything, I don’t really see settlement as an option,” he said. “It’s really too early to talk about it though, anything can happen.” Potential Buyers The sale of the church is currently at a stand-off and not just because of the disputed ownership and the pending court case. According to sources, Pointer’s group approached developer Eakin/Youngentob about selling the property, valued in 2011 at $303,419. EYA is the developer that has partnered with Alexandria Redevelopment Housing Authority to build Alexandria’s newest public housing units, many of which are mixed in with the developer’s market-rate town houses in Old Town. Specifically, Eakin/Youngentob just redeveloped the James Bland and James Bland Addition Projects into a mixture of public housing and market rate units, known as the Old Town Commons. In essence the EYA – ARHA partnership controls all the property immediately surrounding the church. According to sources, ARHA was approached by E/Y about developing on the church property but declined to get involved in the church’s ongoing struggle. EYA also had preliminary discussions with Alexandria Capital Planning Staff, who also advised them that there would be difficulties in tearing down the church. EYA now has no plans to move forward with the church property. To make matters more complicated, St. John’s sits in the heart of the Parker Gray Historic District and is protected by the Parker Gray Board of Architectural Review. Any potential buyer would face the hurdle of having the church designated as an historic site by the Board, thus preventing its demolition. The building itself has always been valued by the City at $0, and it could be deemed a historic site. This has led to the current situation where buyers are wary of the property until after the ownership case is resolved, and even then if the Pointer group is allowed to sell the property, the church may still be protected. In the Meantime For now, much of the St. John’s congregation has continued to hold services at Charles Houston, led by minister Charles Hall. It is still unusual for the parishioners, and it is impossible to not be distracted. Still, despite all the acrimony over the cancellation of services at the church and the subsequent injunction, Diggs and the others haven’t forgotten the root of their disagreement – faith.


St. John Baptist no longer exist. The 8o year church was sold and demolished. Pointer was their last pastor. The job description for a pastor is to feed the sheep not fleece the sheep, gather the flock not scatter the flock. Many members of Alexander St. John Baptist were able to walk to church. Pointer scattering of the flock, which he called merger, to another state, twenty-five away. He is the worst possible example of a pastor.

Responses to “A Church Divided”

    1. christianboi says:

      I think it is a shame that Pointer is kicking older members out of the church, some of these one that help him along and that are old enough to be elders. I have never ever heard of no Pastor in my lifetime that puts Christians out of the church because you are struggling over in Maryland and want to sell a Historic Building the heart of Alexandria to help pay your mortage that is crazy and foolish. St. John had been a pillar in the community of Alexandria and will remain. The devil tried to God always have the final answer and St. John aint going no where and he is bigger to put members out of the church because of a buck he need to be EXPOSED everybody needs to know other newspapers and the every channel news needs to know. ST. JOHN WILL STAND FOREVER UNTIL THE RETURN OF CHRIST.

    1. WorkInProgress says:

      First I want to address Christianboi, I understand that you seem to be upset about this situation but let me say this, St. John is a building and from my understanding a building does not mean that you as a christian have lost anything. Being a christian should be within you and not about a building!! I will have to say that this is a lot of Hoopla about some so called Christians that are getting all upset about a building. When you have Christ in your heart it doesn’t matter where you hold service. I know that you will probably not agree with me and that’s truly alright, we all have our own opinions and that is just what it is an opinion. Trust and believe that God will prevail over this situation and He will do what is best for all!! I am a life-long resident of Alexandria and I am aware of the St. John Church, I also am a follower of Pastor Phillip Pointer and I do know that He is truly a man of God!! The Bible says that one can not touch an anointed person of God and anything good will not come to them! I trust that this will all be over soon and the DEVIL will find his place and get somewhere and SIT DOWN!!!! Please don’t get me wrong I feel for all who are involved and I will be praying for your true strength in God and allow all this mess to be over with soon!!! So with that said, if I stepped on any toes, Oh well so be it!!! Praying for all the saints involved and may God bless all of you!!!

    1. christianboi says:

      This is some encouragements to Offical St. John Baptist Church God has not brougth u thus far from 1925 until Present to leave and forsake you. The community local church, northern va area are standing with and for you. God wont let no body tear down a church for money God build that church and it will stand. I think Rev. Hall is doing a great job in leading the congreation along with the Deacons and Trustees God is about to give everything that was taken from you and more. God is about to send u an increase in members and finaces he is about to bless this branc of Zion, so hang in there the devil tried to destroy like the bible says what God has join together let no man tear apart. We the community of Alexandria and the Northern VA are standing with you and for u. Bless You and God watch over this branch of Zion in Jesus Name.

    1. Browneskinn says:

      I hope Pointer is reading this. This is really sad and I am appalled that the members elected him as Rev. Johnson’s successor. It’s a great lesson here to be learned and that’s even the Devil knows scriptures. We have to watch what and who we chose to follow. With that being said I pray that God will not allow him to win this case. St. John Church was built on the backs of some of my friend’s great grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, aunt’s sisters and so on. The members should have realized his intent once he merged the two churches. For Pointer to attempt to remove a piece of our History from Alexandria shows his character and also supports the fact that this was his intentions from the beginning. Pointer electing himself CEO should have been another sign. If all church institutions allow the Pastor total control, we will have money hungry people building and taking churches from its members just as Pointer is trying to do. He’s young, greedy and lacks any compassion for the original members of St. John. As for the younger and newer members who support what he’s doing – you too should be ashamed. It was the elderly members of St. John that kept the church afloat for decades. I can attest to that because that’s just the way it has been for centuries. Even the church I attend it’s the tides and offerings that is given by elderly members of most churches that keep them functioning. The CHURCH has always belonged to the people. If in fact he’s a TRUE MAN OF GOD, he would back out gracefully and have faith that he can resurrect Providence Baptist Church in Maryland with his new members and leave St. John in Alexandria. I guarantee he won’t get very far. As for the remaining members GOD WILL PREVAIL. He always does.

    1. christianboi says:

      Let me address Working in Progress first of all if you read the article in the middle section and you are a follow of Pointer then youn will see where his lawyer told him do not comment on this and the word is out that he told the members do not comment on the article either because this could be use in the trial.

      Second of all I am long time resident of alexandria too almost 50 years I joined St. John in the early 70’s and no I am not mad I am very dissappointed in a man that called his self a Pastor and steals and treats elderly people so cruled thas what I have a problem with and I know the legal and law I know the bi-laws I have a whole lot of money in that church and anyway the building cannot be sold its Histroical so know whats going on then goin on hear say you don’t need to respond.

    1. christianboi says:

      @Brownskin I agree with you all the way it a shame that a man that called his self a Pastor the word is all over Alexandria, and I look for this to be in the Washington Post and all of the news channels God has the final say and I cannot wait til the trial in Janaury 2012 to see him pay for all of this. He is now very embrassed because he ha has been EXPOSED VERY BAD. St. John is going to be just find God is going to bring them back up and into the church where it was founded in 1925 and he if took everything out to sell for money thas terrible thas not annointed because if he was a true annointed man of God and fill with the Holy Ghost then he would just pray and God will send him the finances and other means to take care of the ministry. God will supply them with all BRAND NEW THINGS. Be blessed. All of alexandria and the northern va churches are here and supporting St. John.

Special Report: Bishop Arnold’s Fall From Grace – FOX16.com Little

Steven Arnold Marriage Licenses to Third Wife

Dec. 11-2012 – Marriage Licenses Steven Arnold, 52, and Regina Hildreth, 44

1Tim.3:1This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desires a good work. 2A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4One that rules well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

Special Report: Bishop Arnold’s Fall From Grace – FOX16.com Little


13 hours ago – Two years ago one of Arkansas’ most respected preachers, Bishop Steven Arnold, hit rock bottom because of an affair with the wife of a young

Special Report: Bishop Arnold’s Fall From Grace Two years ago, one of Arkansas’ most respected preachers, Bishop Steven Arnold, hit rock bottom – because of an affair with the wife of a young couple he counseled at church. Video

Origin of AIDS – Man Made for Depopulation

Do the Elite, through government and private sector scientists, create and distribute deadly viruses to world populations (more)

1971 Special Virus Flow Chart

Dr Alan Cantwell

“Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.”

Smallpox vaccines triggered AIDS

On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world’s most respected newspapers, published an explosive article entitled, “Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.” The story suggested the smallpox eradication vaccine program sponsored by the WHO was responsible for unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africans living in central Africa were inoculated by the WHO. The vaccine was held responsible for awakening a “dormant” AIDS virus infection on the continent.

An advisor to the WHO admitted, “Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of AIDS.” Robert Gallo, M,D., the co-discoverer of HIV, told The Times, “The link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis. I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV.” Despite the tremendous importance of this story, the U.S. media was totally silent on the report, and Gallo never spoke of it again.

In September 1987, at a conference sponsored by the National Health Federation in Monrovia, California, William Campbell Douglass, M.D., bluntly blamed the WHO for murdering Africa with the AIDS virus. In a widely circulated reprint of his talk entitled “W.H.O. Murdered Africa” , he accused the organization of encouraging virologists and molecular biologists to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make an immunosuppressive hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. From the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Volume 47, p.259, 1972), he quoted a passage that stated: “An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus.” According to Douglass, “That’s AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is Let’s cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency.’”

see in the ‘free world’?

“Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the ‘safety and tolerance’ of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT. “

UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans

MUST READ: The house that AIDS builtin the ‘free world’?

“Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the ‘safety and tolerance’ of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT. “

UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans

MUST READ: The house that AIDS built

Aids, Eugenics, and the Future … up with two shattering exposes – “The Drug Story”, and “The House of Rockefeller.”


Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. discovered the United States’ secret 1971 Special Virus FlowChart in 1999 and changed the world forever.


1971 Special Virus Flow Chart

The History of the Development of AIDS
Chapter Excerpt from “State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS”
by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

Boyd Graves (BG): The 1971 Flow Chart is the blueprint for the development of AIDS. It is the quintessential missing link document which provides absolute proof of the U …


The Rockefeller Foundation had long financed the eugenics movement in England … about the Planned Parenthood and Rockefeller connection to AIDS and …


The Rockefeller Foundation had long financed the eugenics movement in England, apparently … about the Planned Parenthood and Rockefeller connection to AIDS and ..
… decisive role – former New York governor Nelson RockefellerAIDS truth exposed: Un-cut exclusive footage from … … NWO Eugenics to Global Depopulation; Oligarchy’s WWF Goal ..
About Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s AIDS Comment ” Think On These ThingsUNCENSORED ” Depopulation Linked Merck Announces African … 1970, President Nixon signed PL91213 and John D. Rockefeller, III 95.10.52/racism/pooaa1. thinkonthesethings.wordpress.com/2008/03/17/about-rev-jeremiah-wrights-aids-comment/ – More from this site
down with murder inc In 1970, President Nixon signedPL91213 and John D. Rockefeller, III became the ” TheAIDS Debate. The depopulation agenda part 1. Thedepopulation agenda http://www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/site/aids.html-

AIDS baby born with heart outside stomach



Population And The American Future

The Report Of The Commission On Population Growth And The American Future

John D. Rockefeller 3rd, Chairman
March 27, 1972

The Commission


John D. Rockefeller 3rd

Vice Chairman

Grace Olivarez

Executive Director, Food for All, Inc.

Vice Chairman

Christian N. Ramsey, Jr., M.D.

President, The Institute for the Study of Health and Society

Joseph D. Beasley, M.D.

The Edward Wisner Professor of Public Health

Tulane University Medical Center

David E. Bell

Executive Vice President, The Ford Foundation

Bernard Berelson

President, The Population Council

Arnita Young Boswell

Associate Field Work Professor

School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago

Margaret Bright

Professor, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences and Dept. of Epidemiology

School of Hygiene and Public Health

The Johns Hopkins University

Marilyn Brant Chandler

Housewife, Volunteer, Student

Paul B. Cornely, M.D.

Professor, Dept. of Community Health Practice, College of Medicine

Howard University

Assistant to the Executive Medical Officer

Welfare and Retirement Fund United Mine Workers of America

Alan Cranston

United States Senator


Lawrence A. Davis

President, Arkansas Agricultural, Mechanical & Normal College

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1970 : The funding of the Bio-terrorism AIDS virus

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1970 HEARINGS BEFORE A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SESSION SUBCOMMITTEE ON DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS H.B. 15090 PART 5 RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION Department of the Army Statement of Director, Advanced Research Project Agency Statement of Director, Defense Research and Engineering Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1969 UNITED STATES SENATE LIBRARY [pg.] 129 TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1969 SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL AGENTS There are two things about the biological agent field I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. MR. SIKES. Are we doing any work in that field? DR. MACARTHUR. We are not. MR. SIKES. Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest? DR. MACARTHUR. Certainly not lack of interest. MR. SIKES. Would you provide for our records information on what would be required, what the advantages of such a program would be, the time and the cost involved? DR. MACARTHUR. We will be very happy to. (The information follows:) The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations: 1. All biological agents up the the present time are representatives of naturally occurring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes. 2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease. 3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million. 4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program. Molecular biology is a relatively new science. There are not many highly competent scientists in the field. Almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported from sources other than DOD. However, it was considered possible to initiate an adequate program through the National Academy of Sciences – National Research Council (NAS-NRC). The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC, and tentative plans were plans were made to initiate the program. However decreasing funds in CB, growing criticism of the CB program, and our reluctance to involve the NAS-NRC in such a controversial endeavor have led us to postpone it for the past 2 years. It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of large populations. On the other hand, without the sure scientific knowledge that such a weapon is possible, and an understanding of the ways it could be done, there is little that can be done to devise defensive measures. Should an enemy develop it, there is little doubt that this is an important area of potential military technological inferiority in which there is no adequate research program. Funded for $10,000 000 12/8/69 (306 yes votes 330-no votes 33)

    1. The Dome, Temple and Rock
  1. According to a commonly held belief in Judaism and Christian Zionism, The Temple Mount, is to be the site of the finalThird Templeto be rebuilt with the coming of the Jewish Messiah.View ImageKnown to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, it is also the site of two major Muslimreligious shrines, the Dome of the Rock(built c. 690) and Al-Aqsa Mosque(built c. 710). It is one of the most contested religious sites in the world. Under theJordanian rule of Eastern Jerusalembetween 1948 and 1967, Jews were forbidden from entering the Old City. Both Israel and the The Palestinian Authority claim sovereignty over the site, which remains a key issue in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Israeli governmenthas granted management of the site to a Muslim Council (Waqf).View ImageIn order for the Third Temple to be built.. the Dome will have to be demolish. This is exactly what the believers of the Rapture and Christian Zionist want to accomplish..by doing so, they would hasten Armageddon and the return of Christ.What does the Bible have to say about the Third Temple? ABSOLUTLY NOTHING..Ez. 37 predicted the regathering of the Jewish people but this had already accured..As I stated in my last article Jesus said in Matt 23:38 “Behold your house is left unto you desolate.” According to the words of Christ.. The third Jewish Temple will never be rebuilt.Proponents of the Third Temple use Daniel 9:27 to support their spurious theory. Let review it. Dan. 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.According the rapturists, they believe that the Anti-Christ will make a covenant or peace treaty with the Jews and cause the sacrifice to cease. In order to for the sacrifice to cease they must be re-instituted in the Temple. Thus you have the argument for rebuilding the Temple because of the bloody sacrifices that was done in the Temple. Historically for almost 2000 years, Bible scholars applied the He in Dan, 9:27 to Jesus…The entire prophecy of Dan.9:24-27 covers a period of seventy weeks. This is one complete, sequential block of time. Any 1st grader will tell you that 70 come after 69. So the 70th week follows the 69th week. There is no gap. A gap isn’t logical. Dan. 9:27 says nothing about the seven year tribulation or about the Anti-Christ.Jesus confirmed the covenant with many;Rom. 15:8 Now is say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the father:Matt.26:28 “This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many.”Adam Clark says (The Holy Bible with commentary by Adam Clark, vol. IV p. 602) that during the “term of seven years, Jesus would confirm or ratify the new covenant with mankind.”Jesus caused the sacrifices to cease.The 70th week was from A.D. 27-34… After 3 ½ years of ministry, in the middle of the 70thweek, Christ was crucified. When Jesus said it is finish and gave up the ghost, that very moment Matt.27:51 “the veil of the temple was rent (torn) in twain from top to bottom.” This act of God signified that all animal sacrifices had ceased to be of value. Jesus was offered up once and for all time… There is no need of another sacrifice.In the Matthew Henry Commentary vol. IV p.1095 he said concerning Dan.9:27 “By offering himself a sacrifice once and for all He (Jesus) put an end to all the Levitical sacrifices.” Why do the Anti-Christ conspirators want to give the Anti-Christ credit for what Christ did for mankind on the cross?The debate concerning pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, post-tribulation, is frivolous. It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you don’t believe in the truth.

    Jesus is the Temple…

    Mark 14:58“We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this man-made temple and in three days will build another, not made by man.’ “

    Jesus is the true Israel.

    Gal.3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. vs.29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

    Dan.9:24-27 is all about Jesus.

    The seven weeks (seventy weeks) runs consecutively without a 2000 yr. gap. The gap theory and the rebuilding of the temple are of the Devil and were formulated by Anti-Christ conspirators in high places.

    If you can see Jesus in Dan 9:24-27 than the Holy Spirit is leading you… if not than you will be like the Temple…. Jesus said “desolate,” doom for all eternity.

    2 Tim. 2:15 Study to show yourself approve unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Jesuit Priest Thomas is the Head of the False Prophet Society and is the leading … knights templar, Thomas Ice, Bishop Charles Blake, end-time-events,Dale Bronner,

No – and it’s not Dale Bronner or Gary Hawkins. I’ve been blunt about my … How To Spot A False Prophet… Studying The Bible: The “Arcing” Method


Power For Living – Bishop Dale C Bronner Ron Phillips from Abba’s House – Dr. Ron Phillips … 25I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy lies in my name, saying …


Beware my Friends of False Prophets who promote this diabolical doctrine of the … Bishop Chandler D. Owens, Bishop Charels E. Blake, Bishop Dale Bronner, Bishop Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, Paul Morton…


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