Hillary Feels the Pain of the Palestinians People – UN Strongly Condemns Israel and Urges War Crimes Investigation – Israel’s Killings Close to 1000 Gaza Citizens – Obama Appoints Hillary SOS – Cindy McCain’s Secret Love Affair Exposed – 1/2 Woman-1/2 Man Freak Pregnant – Photos – – Lady Lynn Forrester-Rothschild Wife of Illuminati Banker Sir Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild Endorse McCain – – Keating Five – The Lunacy of Jeremiah Wright and the AIDS Controversy – Obama Family Photos

Rabbi: “Israeli stupidity breaks my heart”

American Rabbi and political activist, Michael Lerner, says that the Israeli military campaign in Gaza is “understandable, but stupid.”


Bush Renews Call For ‘Two-State’ Mideast Solution In Last Press Conference

Palestinian Death Toll Tops 900|

Israeli Foreign Minister Rules Out Hamas Talks

UN Human Rights Council ‘Strongly Condemns’ Israel




Biden is correct, some foreign leader is  going to try the steel of Obama, but which foreign leader will it be? Will it  be Russia, Iran, China, or North Korea? None of the  above. It will be Israel. The forces of evil have already raised its ugly head. What Obama wanted to do with world diplomacy, re-establishing the credibility of the US especially in the Muslim world, Israel is making that extremely difficult.  President Bush has already blamed the victims (Gaza) and justified the perpetrators (Israel) for the violence in Gaza. That is the same as a woman being brutally rape and the judge arrest the woman and blames her for allowing the rapist to rape her. The people of Gaza are being killed with American made and American donated F-16 fighter jets, GPS-guided GBU-39 smart bombs, and Tanks.    Why is it that every time Israel raid Gaza,  Ramallah, Hebron, or Lebanon , the United States that pays?  What was Israel doing at 911? They were in Ramallah doing the same thing that they are doing in Gaza now.  It was the unbalance America foreign policy in the Middle East that caused 911 and led the US into the Iraq war. According to Bush advisor Philip Zelikow  “the IRAQ war was launched to protect Israel.” The only problem is that Americans are giving their lives and Israel politicians are laughing all the way to the bank. This unbalance policy has also caused the US to lose its credibility and positive standing in the World as well as thousands of lives.  Is America  going to allow Israeli politicians and American Zionist Lobbyists to continue to put the American people in harms way? Yes, Muslims worldwide will continue to say “no justice no peace”  Christians worldwide should also cry out and condemn the actions of Israel.  When will the US foreign policy in the Middle East be fair and balance? When are the American politicians going to say enough is enough?  Will Obama be fair and balance? Or will Obama be controlled by AIPAC and the Jewish lobby?  









Introduces Clinton As Secretary Of State… Clinton: Mr. President-Elect I’m Proud To Serve You… UN Ambassador Pick Susan Rice: We Need Far More Effective Institutions… Attorney General Pick Holder: We’ll Go After Criminals On The Street And In The Board Room… Biden: This Team Will Recapture The Totality Of America’s Strength… Obama: I’m Going To Be Welcoming A Vigorous Debate… The Buck Will Stop With Me… 
SLIDESHOW: Obama’s National Security Team… Read HuffPost’s Obama’s Cabinet BigNews Page

NYT: Obama’s Team Aims To Rebalance “America’s National Security Portfolio”





Done Deal: Clinton To Be Secretary Of State

Bill To Disclose Every Donor To Foundation, Library… Agrees To Nine Conditions Regarding Future Activities

Obama Family’s Thanksgiving Food Drive Visit (SLIDESHOW, VIDEO)

CHICAGO – President-elect Barack Obama and his wife took their daughters to work at a food bank on the day before Thanksgiving, saying they wanted to show the girls the meaning of the holiday, especially when so many people are struggling.            

Ten-year-old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha joined their parents to shake hands and give holiday wishes to hundreds of people who had been lined up for hours at the food bank on Chicago’s south side.


Michael Jackson’s Converts To Muslim Faith…And Becomes Mikaeel


Michael Jackson's Converts To Muslim Faith...And Becomes Mikaeel

Michael is now a Muslim with new name: Mikaeel

“Former” pop superstar Michael Jackson converts to Islam and changed his name to Mikaeel the sunreports.

Michael or Mikaeel was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness, said to have sat on the floor and worn a small hat while an imam officiated at the home of Steve Porcaro, composer from his Thriller album.

Jackson is said to have been encouraged by David Wharnsby, a canadian songwriter and Phillip Bubal, a producer, who both approached him after they spotted him looking ‘a bit down’.

A source told The Sun:

“They began talking to him about their beliefs, and how they thought they had become better people after they converted. Michael soon began warming to the idea.”

His brother Jermaine Friday, previously hinted Jackson was considering converting to the religion.

“An Imam was summoned from the mosque and Michael went through the shahada, which is the Muslim declaration of belief.” Mikaeel is the name of one of Allah’s angels.”

Jackson rejected an alternative name, Mustafa — meaning “the chosen one”.

‘When I came back from Mecca I got him a lot of books and he asked me lots of things about my religion and I told him that it’s peaceful and beautiful,’ said Friday, who embraced the faith in 1989.

Why did Michael converted to Islam? Well, maybe the real reason is for him to wear a Burkha to cover his face. LOL!


















Will Happen After Thanksgiving… AP: Two Sides Moving Quickly To “Making It A Reality”… Politico: Transition Lawyers Satisfied With Bill Clinton’s “Unprecedented Disclosures About His Finances”

Hillary – The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

The only good thing that could come out of Hillary being SOS is that she will be able to convince Israel and the Zionist worldwide to accept a Palestinian State. In 1948 the UN drew up plans for an Israel and Palestine State.. As of 2008, only half of the UN resolution was implemented. Hillary could provide Obama cover and Hillary will negotiate with Syria and Iran. If this is Obama’s goal than he will achieve a goal which no other president has achieve in the last 60 yrs. If Obama continue to carry out the Truman Doctrine, than the Middle East Conflict will continue with no end. Jimmy Carter is correct that a Palestinian State should be a priority with the Obama Administration.



Ezra Klein: This Means Obama Is Serious About Health Care Reform… Learned From Mistakes Of Clinton Administration… TNR’s Jonathan Cohn: “Perfect Role For Daschle”


Holder, who served as deputy attorney general during the Clinton administration, still has to undergo a formal “vetting” review by the Obama transition team before the selection is final and is publicly announced, said one of the sources, who asked not to be identified talking about the transition process. But in the discussions over the past few days, Obama offered Holder the job and he accepted, the source said. The announcement is not likely until after Obama announces his choices to lead the Treasury and State departments.Holder, 57, has been on Obama’s “short list” for attorney general from the outset. A partner at the D.C. law firm of Covington & Burling, Holder served as co-chief (along with Caroline Kennedy) of Obama’s vice-presidential selection process. He also actively campaigned for Obama throughout the year and grew personally close to the president-elect. Holder has not returned a call seeking comment; the Obama transition team did not respond to e-mail messages.

National Enquirer: Cindy McCain Having Affair

Pregnant Man-woman : 1/2 man – 1/2 woman -100% Freak – New Photos Revealed


BEND, Ore. — A man from Oregon is five months pregnant, according to a national  Oregon ManSays He’s Pregnant. Transgendered Man Writes In ‘The Advocate’ ..

How is John McCain’s Affair Different from John Edwards’? McCain Dump Wife (Carol) and abandon family for Rich Mistress Cindy


Go to fullsize imagejames_dobson.jpg                                                

Go to fullsize image


Cindy and John McCain, 1980


Cindy was 24; John was 41 and still living with his wife Carol who had raised his three children while he was passing time in Vietnam. McCain divorced Carol in April, 1980 and married Cindy in May, 1980. This is okay in the Republican world because Cindy was rich.

So… would you call him the heartless bastard or her the slutty home wrecker? Or neither, since we only talk about things like this when it’s the Democrats who are doing them?


John McCain: soon to be the presidential nominee of the “party of family values.

John McCain, Bigamist | Oliver Willis

When McCain was tossing aside the wife who waited out his time in Vietnam for the beauty queen many years his junior, he neglected to divorce the first .

L.A. ‘Times’ Questions McCain’s Divorce Timeline — Daily Intel 

Jul 11, 2008  In John McCain’s memoir, Worth the Fighting For, he fudged the chronology of his divorce from original wife Carol McCain and subsequent 


      The wife John McCain callously left behind | CAROL MCCAIN      


Cindy McCain photo 1

Cindy Lou Hensley McCain, 54, met John McCain in 1979 at a military reception inHawaii.  He divorced his wife Carol Shepp, a model,  in early 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior, a few months later.  The couple signed a prenuptial agreement keeping their finances separate.

In 1982 Cindy helped John to campaign for his first bid for congress.  Victorious, McCain spent the next four years in the U.S. House of Representatives from Arizona’s 1st district.  McCain was elected to the vacated Senate seat of Barry Goldwater in 1987.  He is the Senior Senator from Arizona and has served 20 years without interruption.

Carol Mccain

Carol McCain, presidential candidate John McCain’s first wife did an interview with Daily Mail back in June to talk about the reasons behind their divorce in 1980.

Carol, who was a famous beauty and a successful swimwear model when they married in 1965, was disfigured in a terrible car crash on Christmas Eve, 1969.

 McCain Chose Palin For Her Looks-My husband called it first. Then, a brilliant 75-year-old scholar and raconteur confessed to me over wine: “I’m sexually attracted to her. I don’t care that she knows nothing.”

Schwarzenegger: Palin Not Ready To Be President (Yet)



Poll: Palin Now Biggest Drag On McCain’s Candidacy
AP: Alaska Funded Her Kids’ Travel Expenses

CAMPAIGN UPDATES: Obama Has $133 Million For October… Key States Start Early Voting… Palin Apologizes For “Real America” Comment… McCain Fights To Keep Pennsylvania In Play… Georgia GOP Senator Chambliss Faces Tough Challenge… GOP Leader McConnell Blames Left For Tight Race In Kentucky…

Colin Powell Endorses Obama

Obama A “Transformational Figure,” Has “Displayed A Steadiness, Showed Intellectual Vigor”… McCain’s Negativity Has Been “Over The Top”

Palin A “Whack Job,” Top McCain Adviser Says

Top McCain Aides: ‘Palin Simply Knew Nothing About National And International Issues’


WATCH: Obama Ad Uses Winking Palin

Florida Extends Early Voting Hours After Long Lines… More Than 12 Million Have Cast Votes Across US…Wash Post-ABC News: Voters Are Democratic By Wide Margin…New Mexico GOP Sued For Voter Intimidation… GOP Voter Fraud Claims Seen As Attempt To To Undermine Election…
Read More At HuffPost’s Voting Problems BigNews Page

MORE CAMPAIGN UPDATES: Obama Leads Or Is Tied In Crucial Eight States… McCain In Florida: Aims To Link National Security With Economy… Palin Gives Energy Speech… Candidates Release Dueling Ads… Obama Goes After Winking Palin…y



WFTV Channel 9’s Barbara West puts Joe Biden Barack Obama’s “Spread the  (more)


100,000 IN ST. LOUIS





































































BLACK MONDAYon Wall Street – McCain, Bush, Palin Policy 

Obama: “Folks In Washington And On Wall Street Weren’t Minding The Store… I Do Fault The Economic Philosophy [McCain] Subscribes To”… 
World Stocks Sink… US Stocks Set To Plunge At Open… Deal: Merrill Sells Itself To Bank Of America For $44 Billion… Lehman Files For Bankruptcy… Fed Takes Emergency Steps… Insurance Giant AIG Scrambles For Cash… Banks Roll Out $70 Billion Loan Program… Greenspan: America Can’t Afford McCain’s Tax Plan…

September 11, 2001- The Day that Will Live In Infamy – 911- Photos – 7 years Later

McCain cheated for several years on his wife, Carol McCain. is a video response to CNN Talks With John McCain About His Keating Five Scandal

McCain and ex-wife
John McCain in an undated family photo with his wife Carol, Doug, Andy, and daughter Sidney.
July 10, 2008

John McCain’s First Wife Speaks Out

Guide Note: Who is Carol McCain –

Former fashion model Carol McCain was married to Republican senator andpresidential candidate John McCainfrom 1965 until 1980.1

Carol McCain also served as personal assistant toNancy Reagan during Ronald Reagan‘s 1980presidential primary campaign and ran the White House Visitors Office from 1981 to 1985.1 In August2008, lawsuit records emerged that showed that John McCain’s mother, Roberta, sued Carol in 1980.2

Fast Facts

  1. Maiden Name: Carol Shepp
  2. Born: 1937
  3. Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  4. Three children: Douglas and Andrew adopted byJohn McCain and Sidney with him
  5. Has not remarried
  6. Former director of the White House Visitors’ Center
  7. 1969: Suffered a horrific car accident
  8. Medical treatment paid for by Ross Perot1
In 1979 – while still married to Carol – he met Cindy at a cocktail party in Hawaii. Over the next six months he pursued her, flying around the country to be with her. He divorced Carol and married Cindy and one month later. The McCain children were devastated.


[TRANSLATED] 2008 DNC: Fireworks
[TRANSLATED] 2008 DNC: Fireworks
. Barack Obama and Sen. Joe Biden wave to the crowd amid fireworks and confetti at the Democratic










More than 84000 attend Obama convention speech
The Associated Press –
DENVER (AP) — More than 84000 people have jammed into Invesco Field at Mile High stadium to hear Barack Obama’s historic acceptance speech, city officials n.

AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213 – AIDS Created in Labortory at FT. DIX” Nixon sign Law creating AIDS

AIDS, NIXON and AMERICA’S FUTURE: PL91-213″ by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.. It is hard to believe the public law that authorized AIDS will be thirty one years old ..

The Creation of AIDS for Population Control (Genocide)The Real Truth


Investigate the AIDS, world population control connection…

“July 1, 1970—Senate Appropriations hearings are held for the Department of Defense and refer to eminent biologists who believe that within 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent (infective micro-organism), an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.

“Hearings in the British House of Commons from April 8 to May 13, 1987 regarding AIDS will include the following: “Every biological scientist who has dispassionately studied the virus and the epidemic knows that the origins of the virus could lie in the developments of modern biology….Some who know perfectly well what has happened are deliberately fudging scientific data to keep the heat off them and fellow members of their molecular biological ‘club’.” – Dialectics, Rockefellers, and Population Control

“In fact, it (the HIV virus) is created by a scientist for biological warfare. Why has there been so much secrecy about AIDS? When you ask where did the virus come from, it raises a lot of flags. That makes me suspicious.” – Wangari Maatha of Kenya, first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize


Take a look into the connection between world population control advocate, Margaret Sanger, and her creation, Planned Parenthood…

“In Planned Parenthood’s 1985 ‘Annual Report’ leaders of that organization proclaimed that they were, ‘Proud of our past, and planning for our future.’ How could anyone possibly claim to be proud of the organization founded by Margaret Sanger when history records that she wrote of the necessity of: “the extermination of ‘human weeds’ …the ‘cessation of charity,’ … the segregation of ‘morons, misfits, and the maladjusted,’ and … the sterilization of ‘genetically inferior races.'”

“… in 1939, Margaret Sanger organized her ‘Negro project,’ a program designed to eliminate members of what she believed to be an ‘inferior race.’ Margaret Sanger justified her proposal because she believed that: ‘The masses of Negroes …particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit…’

Nixon White House Tapes Finding Aids

Special Collections. Nixon Tapes- Finding Aids. Go to Miller Center for Public Affairs website for the Finding Aids to the Nixon White House tapes

Torch of Truth International: The Rapture Truth – Its Origin and Worldwide InfluenceIs there a connection between Catholic and Modern Israel? What is the origin of the rapture theory? Does the rapture theory have any bearing on the politics of America or world politics? How does this theory affect the middle east conflict? There is no theological doctrine that has done more damage to the Christian cause then the doctrine of the rapture. This erroneous teaching, together with all the remaining links of the Futuristic School, form a chain that the prince of darkness has used to imprison multitudes of Christian believers.

Obama Camp Braces For Race-Based Attacks by Jesuits NWO agents Freddoso and Mueller – Decision 2008 News

John Edwards Sex Scandal

National Enquirer Finally Releases John Edwards Lovechild Photos
Cleveland Leader, OH – Aug 6, 2008
The photo above is a short teaser of what’s inside the magazine. This is one scandal that Edwards won’t be able to shove under the rug anymore.

John Edwards cheated and lied about itRielle Hunter 44

John Edwards, 55, has finally fessed up to an affair with a 44 year old former campaign aide Rielle Hunter. He sat down for an interview that aired on Friday night with Bob Woodruff on ABC’s Nightline. Savvy move on his part as the rest of the world was focused on the Opening Ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics on NBC. But no matter – word will get out.

Obama Campaign Punches Back Hard Against Illuminati Agent Corsi Smears

Conservative journalist David Freddoso of The National Review Online has written the book, It is headed by former Republican operative Greg Mueller

Notes-For-News-of-HIS-Land, June 8-14, 2008-Chuck Smith

Jun 14, 2008 Calvary Chapel on the Georgetown Divide “Israel 2008: The New …. AM/ 9:00 AM Pacific – Chuck Smith / Hal Lindsey Report / Somebody Loves

Is Modern Israel in Bible Prophecy? Middle East News

Thousands expect Israel to play a major role in God’s future plan for earth. What is the Biblical evidence? Many people today consider the restoration of the Jewish nation in Palestine to be a direct and dramatic fulfillment of Bible prophecy. What does the Bible say?

The Third Jerusalem Temple, The Red Heifer and The Rock of Ages


Obama Clinches Presidential Nomination
Sky News, UK –
Barack Obama has clinched the Democratic presidential nomination, becoming the first black candidate to lead a major party into a campaign for the White

Obama’s Hawaiian Vacation (PHOTOS)***See Obama Body Surfing on Thursday*** Barack Obama is enjoying a break in…

As reported by BET News, Juanita Bynum, a televangelist who is in the middle of divorcing her husband Thomas Weeks III, admitted that she wanted to kill herself when she saw her marriage falling apart. “Suicide crossed my mind ….

Juanita Bynum Divorce Court Part Two                                                           


provide advice to a troubled couple when you are one half of a troubled couple yourself?
This is simply too irresponsible.…Juanita Bynum Divorce Court The entertainment continues as Ms. Bynum profits from what should be a tragedy in any family — divorce. Since when does going through a divorce become a springboard for “success?” This is so sad. I wonder if Paula and Randy are going to ask for cameos now?Is it appropriate to provide advice to a troubled couple when you are one half of a troubled couple yourself? This is simply too irresponsible. (more)

Bush a Closet Catholic In the White HouseRick Santorum, former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and a devout Catholic, who was the first to give Bush the “Catholic president” label. “He’s certainly much more Catholic than (Ted)Kennedy.”

Bush has also placed Catholics in prominent roles in the federal government and relied on Catholic tradition to make a public case for everything from his faith-based initiative to antiabortion legislation. He has wedded Catholic intellectualism with evangelical political savvy to forge a powerful electoral coalition.


Dr. Jeremiah Wright Video on PBS Watch & Listen | PBS

Choose Video, Jeremiah Wright, photo by Robin Holland, Trinity Church stained glass Bill Moyers interviews the Reverend Jeremiah Wright in his first

Jeremiah Wright Jr. said media organizations that circulated controversial sound bites of his sermons wanted to paint him as “un-American”
The whole Rev. Wright “controversy” is an example of the worst type of journalism, if it can be called that. Most of what he said is true, yet he is demonized as an anti-american bigot. The real purpose of this journalistic pornography is to give unrepentant bigots an excuse to feel patriotic while excersising their unfounded aversion to “brown people”- posted by Fred L.
Pastor Wright troubles the nation again Dr. Wright printing Anti-Zionist articles by Mousa Abu Marzook, which asked: “Why should any Palestinian recognise the monstrous crimes carried out by Israel’s founders and continued by its deformed modern apartheid state?”

. However, Jimmy Carter, the former US President, sat down for talks with the political leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshaal in Damascus. Carter, who He’s been villified at home for meeting the leader of a group, the US calls a terrorist organisation.However, Jimmy Carter, the former US President, sat down for talks with the political leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshaal in Damascus.Carter, who won a Nobel Prize for negotiating peace between Israel and Egypt, holds no official power, but he is an influential voice.Al Jazeera’s Clayton Swisher reports from Damascus.                                    (more)                         


























































If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!                                                           

9/11 Conspiracy – Is there Evidence to Support Pastor Wright claim that Israel Airport Security Firm gave the terrorist a free pass? Did Israel Play a part in 9/11? What is the Truth

in the 9-11 terror case in which an Israeli security company is a key defendant and in which individuals from Israeli military intelligence are suspected of being involved, was Hellerstein chosen to preside over all 9-11 victim lawsuits – and who chose him? Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company.

Israel Connection to 9/11 | Wake Up America …Don’t be Duped

This Israeli-run company is the owner of Huntleigh USA, the airport security firm that ran passenger screening operations at the airports of Boston and ..

Obama vs Wright and HIV/AIDES and the media.
The Observer, UK
There are also apparently a number of HIV/Aids experts who claim to have evidence to support Wright’s view. It’s understandable that people would question

HIV/AIDS The Untold Story. The Genecide Theory

An early version of the AIDS-as-biowarfare theory was based on the work of two East German scientists, Jakob and Lilli Segal, published by the Soviet news agency Tass on March 30, 1987. The Segals claimed that HIV could not have evolved naturally, being in fact an artificial splice between visna virus (a retrovirus that infects the nervous system of sheep) and HTLV-1 (the first retrovirus known to infect humans). This splice, they asserted, was created at the notorious CBW lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and then tested on prisoners in the area.

The False Teaching of Christian Zionism When God-fearing Judeo-Christians from thousands of churches nationwide realize they’ve been conned by political Israel’s agents, they will leave CUFI, Christian Zionism, and the hundred-year-old movement we call “Scofieldism”, to return to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Hagee…said that Katrina was a righteous heavenly punishment against New Orleans sent by God himself…False Teachers JohnHagee Heresy Lies about Jesus and promote the Illuminati and NWO agenda along with John Mccain and Hillary Clinton.

Is John Hagee A False Teacher and Agent of Zionist Israel? –

The Impact of Christian Zionism on American Policy and World Policy

Christian Zionists do not accept the statements of Christ and other early Christian leaders that criticize Old Testament practices. ( an Anti-Christ Doctrine) Instead, they project Old Testament practices and prophesies into today’s world. Consequently, they revere the Jews as God’s chosen people with a divine right to all lands promised the Jews in the Old Testament. If British politicians had not taken up the cause of restoring the Jews to Palestine. Lord Shaftsbury promoted the cause in the nineteenth century, followed by Lord Palmerston, David Lloyd George, and finally Lord Balfour, who provided an official basis for Jewish immigration to their ancestral homeland with the famous Balfour Declaration of 1917. A brand of idealism mixed easily with practical politics in the activities of these statesmen. The Hidden Hand Behind “the Kingdom on Earth Deception” Billy Graham, Robert Shuller, Benny Hinn, Jack Van Impe, Jerry Falwell, Paul; Jan Crouch of Trinity Broadcasting , Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, Rod Parsley, Fred Price, Kim Clement, John Hagee, and Kenneth Hagin among others.


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Can it be true? America in Bible prophecy-absolutely! but even more surprises await you as the bible reveals how the leading nation of the world came Can it be true? America in Bible prophecy-absolutely! but even more surprises await you as the bible reveals how the leading nation of the world came to exist and why!let’s see what biblical principles apply (more)

666 – The Beast of Revelation Identified

Mystical Rapture – It’s Catholic (Jesuits); Secret Society Connection –

This expose’ is a continuation of the Origin of the Rapture.. the rapture theory was an invention of the Catholic Church as an Anti-Reformation and Anti-Protestant doctrine.

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Critics chide Warren, ‘pastor’ of Murdoch, over porn channels

Author-pastor Rick Warren is under fire for failing to discipline media giant Rupert Murdoch for owning and expanding pornographic channels for satellite TV ..

Pastor to a Pornographer                                                           

Purpose Driven Pornography: Murdoch and Warren

Fox Network owner Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. is a major owner of DirecTV, which sells more pornographic films than [Hustler magazine founder and porn film . Rick Warren as Murdochs’ pastor, has a Biblical duty to call Murdoch to repentance and/or put him out of the church..Murdoch also is publishing Warren’s book Purpose Driven Life.

Revelation talks about 2 beasts. WorldsLastChance productions reveals the mystery of the two beasts on two separate videos. This is the first video revealing the identity of the Revelation talks about 2 beasts. WorldsLastChance productions reveals the mystery of the two beasts on two separate videos. This is the first video revealing the identity of the First Beast! (more

Obama Photo Gallery

Jesuits to Elect a New ‘Black Pope‘ – TIME

Jan 4, 2008 When one man has received the necessary majority, rather than white smoke, we’ll know there is a new “black pope” by the sound of applause

New Black Pope Pledges Obedience to White Pope Benedict XVI Aftermath News

The Black Pope – The Most Powerful Man In The World…NWO

the Khazarian Zionists (who invented the word “Jew” to disguise their adopted heritage, as distinguished from the biblical Judeans), or the role played by the Banksters (banking gangsters) controlling the economies of the world, by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Committee of 300 (the 17 wealthiest so-called “elite” families)—the Rothschild’s in England and Bronfman’s in Canada, and on and on, comprising the physical power structure of the New World Order puppets under the direction of darkly motivated, other-dimensional “master deceivers” commonly known as Lucifer or Satan and their “fallen angel” cohorts...The “Jesuit-Vatican connection” to the unfolding New World Order agenda.

What is Pope Benedict XVI, and The Ten Commandment Commission agenda? Are they going to bring back God’s True Sabbath? Or are they going to enforce Sunday

The Lords Day – Sabbath (Saturday) or Sunday? TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon…Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI implies that Sunday, the first day of the week, evangelists, preachers, and teachers will tell you concerning Sunday sacredness.

Benedict and Public Perception – Pope Watch –

I was stunned when Benedict XVI was elected. Yet now I cannot conceive of a ….. and Sunday sacredness,


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Revelation talks about 2 beasts. WorldsLastChance productions reveals the mystery of the two beasts on two separate videos. This is the first video revealing the identity of the Revelation talks about 2 beasts. WorldsLastChance productions reveals the mystery of the two beasts on two separate videos. This is the first video revealing the identity of the First Beast! (more)

  • Marc Rich, a fugitive, was pardoned of tax evasion, after clemency pleas from Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, among many other international luminaries. He was required to pay a $100 million dollar fine and waive any use of the pardon as a defense against any future civil charges that were filed against him in the same case. Critics complained that Denise Rich, his former wife, had made substantial donations to the Clinton library and to Mrs. Clinton’s senate campaign. Emails uncovered during the course of the investigation revealed that her final donation was provided a year before Scooter Libby requested that she approach Clinton for a pardon. According to Paul Volcker’s independent investigation of Iraqi Oil-for-Food kickback schemes, Marc Rich was a middleman for several suspect Iraqi oil deals involving over 4 million barrels of oil.[16]
The Clintons’ Terror Pardons                                                           

Pardons and commutations signed on final day in office

Clinton issued 140 pardons as well as several commutations on his last day of office (January 20, 2001).[12] When a sentence is commuted, the conviction remains intact, but the sentence can be altered in a number of ways. Some controversial actions include the following:

Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, April 4, 1968….

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Pastor Wright troubles the nation again Dr. Wright printing Anti-Zionist articles by Mousa Abu Marzook, which asked: “Why should any Palestinian recognise the monstrous crimes carried out by Israel’s founders and continued by its deformed modern apartheid state?”
Paula White Will Answer Senator’s Questions Tampa Tribune, FL – The founders of Without Walls International Church and Paula White Ministries apparently have decided to cooperate with a US

Responding to Wright controvery, UCC President Thomas asks, ‘What kind of prophet?’

The Rev. John H. Thomas General Minister and President United Church of Christ

Mar 17, 2008 Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ for thirty-six years and, for over half of those years, pastor of Over the weekend members of our church and others have been subjected to the relentless airing of two or three brief video clips of sermons by the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ for thirty-six years and, for over half of those years, pastor of Senator Barack Obama and his family. These video clips, and news stories about them, have been served up with frenzied and heated commentary by media personalities expressing shock that such language and sentiments could be uttered from the pulpit. Those who sifted through hours of sermons searching for a few lurid phrases and those who have aired them repeatedly have only one intention. It is to wound a presidential candidate..                                                           

But what was his real crime? He is condemned for using a mild “obscenity” in reference to the United States. This week we mark the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq, a war conceived in deception and prosecuted in foolish arrogance. Nearly four thousand cherished Americans have been killed, countless more wounded, and tens of thousands of Iraqis slaughtered. Where is the real obscenity here? True patriotism requires a degree of self-criticism, even self-judgment that may not always be easy or genteel. Pastor Wright’s judgment may be starker and more sweeping than many of us are prepared to accept. But is the soul of our nation served any better by the polite prayers and gentle admonitions that have gone without a real hearing for these five years while the dying and destruction continues?

We might like to think that racism is a thing of the past, that Martin Luther King’s harmonious multi-racial vision, articulated in his speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963 and then struck down by an assassin’s bullet in Memphis in 1968, has somehow been resurrected and now reigns throughout the land.

The Sheila Files: Bishop Thomas Weeks Pleads Guilty to Attacking … Well well well..after all that big talk that he didn’t do anything, Bishop Thomas Weeks has come clean. He has fully confessed to attacking his wife and has issued a public apology. “I want to apologize to my wife for all actions you…
Sentenced leader returns to pulpit Atlanta Journal Constitution, USA – Mar 24, 2008 Bishop Thomas Weeks III, of Pentecostal Global Destiny Ministries, preached on Easter. About 100 other worshippers seemed similarly enthralled by Weeks
USA 2008: OBAMA OK IN POLLS, HILLARY LOWEST SINCE 2001 (AGI) – Washington, 27th March – Barack Obama is steady at 49 pct popularity with the US electorate while Hillary Clinton has plummeted to 37 pct,


The decision by Mr. Richardson, who ended his own presidential campaign on Jan. 10, to support Mr. Obama was a belt of bad news for Mrs. Clinton. It was a stinging rejection of her candidacy by a man who had served in two senior positions in President Bill Clinton’s administration, and who is one of the nation’s most prominent elected Hispanics
Richardson says Clinton phone call got ‘heated’ MSNBC – PORTLAND — Bill Richardson described the conversation he had with Hillary Clinton on his decision to endorse Barack Obama as “heated” in an exclusive with .

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Title says it all. . .…Iraq war protest soldier dead freedom terrorist 9/11 UN where is the love bush Baghdad election 2008

Five Years In Iraq-The War that Should not had been Waged Washington Post, United States – The planning ministry in Baghdad explodes after being hit during the second day of US raids on the Iraqi capital March 20, 2003. . ANTI-WAR PROTEST – THE MARCH OF THE DEAD

Americans call Iraq mistake, divided over withdrawal Baltimore Sun, United States – by Mark Silva Five years into the war in Iraq, a majority of Americans surveyed say the United States made a mistake in using military force there.

Pentagon Report Documents Iraq – al Qaeda

“The U.S. military’s first and only study looking into ties between Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and al Qaeda showed no connection between the two, according to a military report released by the Pentagon.”Iraq war was about protecting Israel..All about Israel…

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The Wright stuff, Obama, truth and the Jews from a Zionist-Illuminist viewpoint

Dr. Jeremiah Wright isn’t the problem


9/11 Conspiracy – Is there Evidence to Support Pastor Wright claim that Israel Airport Security Firm gave the terrorist a free pass? Did Israel Play a part in 9/11? What is the Truth

in the 9-11 terror case in which an Israeli security company is a key defendant and in which individuals from Israeli military intelligence are suspected of being involved, was Hellerstein chosen to preside over all 9-11 victim lawsuits – and who chose him? Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company.

Israel Connection to 9/11 | Wake Up America …Don’t be Duped

This Israeli-run company is the owner of Huntleigh USA, the airport security firm that ran passenger screening operations at the airports of Boston and ..

Israel | Protocols: Chapter of Controversy of Zion

Doug Reed describes how Zionism and the New World Order took control of England during WWI. World Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann lobbied Prime Minister Herbert Asquith and Army Chief Sir William Robertson to divert soldiers from the Western Front to conquer Palestine. When the British leaders demurred, Weizmann used money and control of the press to install Lloyd George and Sir Henry Wilson in their place.
More than a million men were then diverted to the Middle East. Palestine was conquered and promised to the Zionists in a letter to Lord Rothschild in November 1917 (the Balfour Declaration). During the same week, the Bolsheviks took power in Moscow. American soldiers replaced the British troops on the Western Front. The conspiracy was firing on all cylinders.
The other people in Lloyd George’s pro-Zionist government — Lord Milner, Philip Kerr (later Lord Lothian), Robert Cecil — were all members of the “Round Table”, Cecil Rhode’s secret society dedicated to world government.

State Dept. cites new forms of anti-Semitism (USA Today) New forms of anti-Semitism are emerging around the world, promoting prejudice against Jews by attacking Israeli policy and Zionism, the philosophic underpinning of a Jewish state, the State Department reported Thursday. Apostasy: “Christian” Zionism and multi-faith False Unity Hagee has become one of America’s best known proponents of a movement with a contradictory name: Christian Zionism. It is a marriage of politics and current events as seen though particular interpretations of biblical writings,

Israeli forces have killed 120 people in the Gaza Strip, the bloodiest day for Palestinians since an uprising against Israeli occupation began in 2000
Reuters | Sunday, 02 March 2008


McCain backs Israeli Terrorist Attacts on Gaza PRESS TV, Iran – US presidential hopeful McCain lends support to Tel Aviv, saying that an attack on Israel threatens everything the West holds dear.
McCain: Israel’s enemies are ours Jewish Telegraphic Agency, NY – Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah are as much a threat to the West as they are to Israel, John McCain said. The Republican candidate for the US presidency voiced ..


THINK OF THE CHILDREN: Medics tend to a Palestinian girl after an Israeli missile strike on a house in Gaza.

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DEVASTATION: Palestinians inspect a house after it was hit by an Israeli missile.

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A Palestinian woman inspecting her destroyed bedroom after an IAF strike on Gaza (Reuters)

IDF kills 20 Palestinians in Gaza, W. Bank, including 5 children One of the many children killed in Lebanon by Israels’ Army during their invasion.. Hagee, Hillary and Mccain supported the invasion that left over 300 innocent people are now dead in Lebanon since Israel began its bombardment.



THINK OF THE CHILDREN: Medics tend to a Palestinian girl after an Israeli missile strike on a house in Gaza.

Photo 1 of 4 next previous

Christian Zionism is Deceitful Israeli Front The deceived American churches were infiltrated and new doctrine introduced unique to the 20th century which captured churches for the purpose of changing previous Christian resistance to a pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist political agenda,
Abbas: Gaza attacks ‘a holocaust’ and Terrorism The Palestinian president has accused Israel of “international terrorism”, saying its assault on Gaza constitutes “more than a holocaust”
Canada.comSaudi compares Israel Gaza offensive to Nazi crimesRIYADH, March 2 (Reuters) – US ally Saudi Arabia compared Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip to Nazi war crimes on Sunday and called on the international

Rice concerned over humanitarian conditions in Gaza The U.S Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has stated that she “had concerns” over the Israeli attacks on the Palestinian Gaza Strip, due to the recurring deaths of Palestinian civilians during the attacks.

Zionist Starvation Plan

rOver 6000 Palestinian refugees from Gaza, including children, babies, pregnant women, the sick, the elderly, and unarmed civilians have been stranded on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border of Gaza for over one month now.


State Dept. cites new forms of anti-Semitism (USA Today) New forms of anti-Semitism are emerging around the world, promoting prejudice against Jews by attacking Israeli policy and Zionism, the philosophic underpinning of a Jewish state, the State Department reported Thursday.

Arthur Koestler’s Book The Thirteenth Tribe..Who Are Modern-day Jew? Are They Semitic? Truth

The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler refutes the idea of a Jewish “race.” Moreover, he says that most Jews of the contemporary world did not come from Palestine and are not even of Semitic origin. His research shows that most Jews originated in what today is the Soviet Union. And that a group of people there became Jews through conversion, on the orders of their king. “The bulk of modern Jewry is not of Palestinian, but of Caucasian origin,” Koestler writes. “Their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus.” Arthur Koestler, a Jewish historian, in his work, “The Thirteenth Tribe”, …. they bow their knee to these super rich Kharzar Zionist communist Jews. Israel threatens to unleash ‘holocaust’ in Gaza

NewWorldOrderResearch.Org and Campaign 2008

Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it. Bill; Hillary Clinton ; the Bushes serve the same masters. ZIONISM: A BLIGHT ON THE JEWISH PEOPLE History of Modern Day Jews – Khazaria The Christian Right: Not Right, Not Following Christ Christian Right pastors and spokesmen in thousands of churches swear that Israel has a biblical right to bomb Gaza and Lebanon. They teach that to resist Israel is to interfere with God’s Plan. The normally Israeli-sympathetic network Christian Zionism: Religion as Law, Power, and Conquest Even among conservative and fundamentalist Christians, Christian Zionists represent some of the most extreme and dangerous ideologues in American religion. Unfortunately, they are also very influential in conservative Christianity; the. ..

SabbathSunday Bill Survey Shows Support – Sunday Becoming the Oficial Day of Rest in Israel Inside IsraelIsrael

MK Yitzchak Levy of the National Union party said the bill paves the way for further deterioration in the character of the Sabbath in the State of Israel. .

The Rapture Truth – Its Origin and Influence in World Affairs

Preachers and teachers like John Hagee, Jack Van Impe, Pat Robinson, Thomas Ice, Jesse Duplantis, Bennie Hinn, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop Charles Blake… Promote an Anti-Protestant, Anti-Reformation Doctrine

The Cost of ChristianZionism – Is it of God?

British Israel, The Hidden Hand Behind The ‘Kingdom of God on

Bishop Paul Morton’s Minister of Music Charged with Child Sexual Molestation and Intentionally exposing minor boy with AIDS – Morton denied charges

Phillip Britton–music minister at Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship founder Bishop Paul Morton–denied the charges — The music minister at a large New Orleans church has been charged with intentionally exposing a teen-age boy to the AIDS virus. Phillip Britton-and the two had sex more than 100 times in a year, the newspaper said.

.Ga. Preacher Pleads Guilty in Sex Case The Associated Press – Jan 16, 2008 ATLANTA (AP) — The 80-year-old leader of a megachurch pleaded guilty Wednesday to lying under oath about his sexual affairs and was sentenced to 10 years’


Fox news report about the Earl Paulk Scandal…Earl Paulk The chathedral news..


Israel And The Secret Rapture


Back To Israel with Joe Van Koevering Fast-forwarding to the apocalypse PETERSBURG – At the end of his half-hour television segment, Joe Van Koevering urges viewers to mail in their $250 checks. He sweetens his pitch with the Televangelists Living Like Kings? Read more on the probe from the CBS News InvestigativeUnit Tulsa World: Creflo Dollar and Benny Hinn lose clout on ORU’s board Paul Morton is a Kingpin in the Pulpit Pimp Racket! BBC NEWS: Tony Blair joins Catholic faith Former Prime Minister Tony Blair converts from the Anglican to the Catholic Church in a special service. Jesse Duplantis Forced to Resign from ORU Regent (KOTV 6 Tulsa) TULSA, Okla. (AP) — For the second time in a week a regent is resigning from the Oral Roberts University board of regents. ORU announced Tuesday that televangelist Jesse Duplantis is stepping down as a regent. The announcement comes after Creflo Dollar resigned as a regent last week and regent Benny Hinn lost his status as a voting member.

THE OTHER GOSPEL OF JOHN HAGEE: CHRISTIAN ZIONISM AND ETHNIC SALVATION The Threat of Christian Zionism, Politics, and John Hagee (2) In light of what has previously been said, it should be apparent that Christian Zionism has the potential to shape the beliefs and practices of its adherents in a great many arenas. Some of these will now be designated more clearly:



The Threat of Christian Zionism, Politics, and John Hagee (1) I suspect that the impact is significant enough to warrant a strong warning statement about the movement known as Christian Zionism, and the hyper-Dispensationalism which drives it, from the leaders of the evangelical Church.                                                            





Christian-Zionism.org: Telling the True Story about Christian Tulsa, OK. Night to Honor Israel Christians United For Israel Co-convened by Robert Stearns with Pastor Jack Hayford, Dr. Fred Price, Mr. Pat Boone,



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Earl Paulk: Sex Scandal Hits Atlanta-Area Megachurch The 80-year-old leader of a suburban Atlanta megachurch is at the center of a sex scandal of biblical dimensions: He slept with his brother’s wife and fathered a child by her.



Torch of Truth International: The New World Order – Religious and Political Conspiracy…

The New World Order – Religious and Political Conspiracy …. Jack Hayford, John Hagee, Joe van Koevering, Jan Hanson, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Tim Lahaye, TBN, CBN, Happy Caldwell, Jack Van Impe, Jan Markell, Bennie Hinn, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, COGIC, AOG, Full Gospel, Foursquare, Southern Baptist, Evangelical, Christian Zionism, new roberts van pat Creflo world thomas Pastor Israel ..

Albert Pike, Masons and the New World Order

Pike was a confederate general who committed the most heinous atrocities of the war his tomb is located just 13 blocks from the Capitol Building. He was a high ranking member of the Illuminati who is still revered by the New World Order Gang. The god of the Illuminati and the New World Order Gang is Lucifer. “The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. . . Yes, Lucifer is God,

Barack Obama: “We’re In This Together”




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Paula White’s Friend Bishop Hawkins Caught In A Sex Scandal

Rick Hawkins is a showman. He’s a charismatic and powerful preacher saving souls in the name of the Lord. He also shapes the lives of students at his Rick Hawkins is a showman. He’s a charismatic and powerful preacher saving souls in the name of the Lord. He also shapes the lives of students at his School of Excellence, a charter school bearing his name. Hawkins is the author of several books, including advice on relationships.

Hawkins is also a preacher with a problem. Hundreds of followers have made a mass exodus, leaving his… (more)

Sex Scandal Rocks Atlanta Church Community (CBS 46 News Atlanta)

Special to the Times Union. What’s not to like about “The Golden Compass”?. The first novel in Philip Pullman’s popular children’s fantasy trilogy …

Joyce Meyer Ministries is a target of GOP senator’s probe Among other things, the senator wants to know the tax-exempt purpose of items purchased for her ministry’s headquarters, such as a $23000 marble-topped commode, a $30000 conference table and an $11219 French clock. Bishop Weeks Apologizes To His Wife Juanita Bynum


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The Illuminati and the New World Order San Antonio Pastor Accused In Sex Scandal | WOAI.COM: San Antonio News Televangelist PaulaWhite Included In Federal Probe · Rick Hawkins’ MySpace Page · Comment on this story… The News 4 Trouble Shooters spent .. .”YouTube – PWhite’s Friend Bishop Hawkins Caught In A Sex Scandal

    “The amazing thing is that there is so much scandal going on right now compared to the …. PWhite Announces Divorce From Husband “Breaking News” …”

CHRISTIAN ZIONISM . . . THE NEW HERESY THAT SWAYS THE USLatest Juanita Bynum News – Life In Turmoil Before Attact Pastor Rod Parsley The Ultimate Zionist-Illuminati Secret Agent This is what Pastor Rod Parsley of the World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio teaches. Pastor Rod Parsley is no nonsense Tele-Evangelist preacher with TV program seen by Million viewers, he tell his 5200 worshipers at the church sanctuary

Paula And Randy White Divorce Update


SENATOR GRASSLEY LIKELY TO PROBE SIX MINISTRIES IN THREE AREAS: ECFA executive tells Church Executive Magazine what … (Eurweb)

Senate Inquiry Targets Six Televangelists, Including Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Eddie Long, Paula White, Kenneth Copeland…

Billy Graham, Robert Shuller, Benny Hinn, Jack Van Impe, Jerry Falwell, As subtitled in one of the chapters from The Union Jack below states– they House of Rothschild – New World Order – Israel and Masonry – Illuminati-Politics

Jack Hayford « Spiritual Pathways Ministries Library

Jack Hayford of the Church of the Way in Van Nuys, California, is the founding pastor. Two of his congregation just happen to be Paul and Jan Crouch of TBN (the Baloney Network). And, yes, he comes with all the frills and CHILLS of the Faith Movement with an emphasis on extra biblical revelation to the extreme. He has often cited that God speaks vocally directly to him to the point where he can “officially” say, “And, I quote”.

Jewwatch Critiques JHagee’s Heresy Frank Weltner discusses JHagee’s heresy. Will Christian Zionists listen? Not if they’ve chosen to worship Jews rather than Christ.                                            



JohnHagee’s Dual Covenant Duplicity Part Three If John Hagee really loved the Jewish people he would tell then that the savior they seek was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. He would tell them that their adherence to the Torah is worthless without a sacrifice. .. Jesuits infiltration of Protestant Churches – by Ex-Jesuit Priest                                         

Christian Updates – Freemasonry and The New World Order.

Albert Pike teaches that Freemasons of the 30-32 Degrees are to be told that Lucifer Roman Catholic spiritual The 700 Club Oral Roberts Baker tribulation.

Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), ChristianZionism-NewWorld Order



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Zionism and AIPAC a danger to everyone on earth

Challenging the False Teachings of Christian Zionism and Apocalyptic Rapture Teachings on

The Khazar Are Zionist and Illuminati

The Khazar Are Zionist and Illuminati. “It is the Khazars behind Judaism, TV preacher and Christian cult leader Pat Robertson broadcasts the American Christian Zionism: Justifying Racism in the Name of God Cyrus Scofeld, Baptist, Zionists and the Illuminati Connection

Rothschild – NWO – Israel and Masonry

israel today > Word from Jerusalem > Foursquare Church comes to Israel


How much false doctrine or practice does a false religious leader have to exhibit ….. (Catholic) Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, Jack Hayford,

The Truth About the Lord’s Day – Saturday (7th day) or Sunday (1st day) TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon Video

Congress wants to see records from flashy televangelists (Detroit News)11-14-2007- ATLANTA — In the Rev. Dollar’s chapel last week, a man in jeans and a baseball jersey bowed his head and opened his wallet. In front of him, a woman in nursing scrubs leaned on her Bible to write a check. And when the congregation stood up in prayer, some — speaking in tongues — waved collection envelopes in the air.



CREFLO DOLLAR DEFENDS HIS BAD MONEY MANAGEMENT: Pastor responds to probe on CBS’ The Early Show (Eurweb)

$23,000 Holy Toilet

Joyce Meyer’s $23,000 Toilet: A Symbol Of The Prosperity Gospel

…Monday, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, asked Meyer to provide his staff with documents detailing the finances of the Joyce Meyer Ministries, including the religious group’s compensation to Meyer, her husband and other family members, as well as an…

YouTube – Joyce MeyerLittle Gods

Joyce Meyer teaching the unBiblical doctrine that Christians are little gods.var mb1=ManyBox.register(’1′,2,’Qca1s88miNcJ’,”,’8646′,21,’Watch video’,’Hide video’) Watch video



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Creflo Dollar Interview Part 1 Televangelists’ reportedly lavish lifestyles draw senator’s scrutiny (Fort Worth Star-Telegram) Minister calls Senate probe ‘unjust’ (AP via Yahoo! News)



Kenneth Copeland Claims That Jesus Christ Was Not God’s First ...GOP Senator Investigates Spending at Several TV Ministries (Washington Post)Ex-employees: Copeland ministry followers being misled (Dallas Morning News)Minister targeted in probe of church finances calls it an attack on religious freedom (KARE 11 Minneapolis-St. Paul) Bishop Eddie Long, one of several ministers targeted by a Senate investigation into possible financial wrongdoing,                                                           

The Dome, The Temple and The Rock of Ages (part 2)



Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland FREEMASONS

The Present-Day Mason – Illumimati Theory – Rothechild’s Israel and Christianity

He, himself a Mason, reveals that Bavarian and German Masonry had been corrupted by …. Jack Van Impe, Charles Taylor, John Hagee, Peter and Paul Lalonde,

The Rothschild Internationalist-Zionist …Balfour Accord

Gave the Zionist Jews both the opportunity and the license to steal land in Palestine and establish an independent Jewish state. However, — to be fair and circumspect — The Zionists of Theodor Herzl’s day were not the terrorists that they became after they gained a foothold in The Holy Land! Patti Roberts,Richard’s First Wife Exposes Heresy of Richard and Oral.

The Truth About the Rapture, Second Coming and The New World Order

Rev.21: 2 And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out …. than help spread the truth according to God’s Word.

New Vedic Order -KKK – White Nationalism – British Israel

He also was the founder of the KKK. He writes about the plan and goal of the Illuminati or the Freemasons. Albert Pike wrote about how the Illuminati see

Torch of Truth International: The Truth Behind The Rapture

John Hagee, Zionist-Illuminati Agent – New World Order- national chairman of Christians United for Israel, What is the truth behind the Rapture? The Truth About the Rapture, Second Coming and The New World Order

Mystical Rapture – It’s Catholic (Jesuits) & Secret Society Connection

Truth, Justice and the Oral Roberts University Scandal Accusations that son squandered university coffers ‘shock’

COGIC Convocation Bishop GD McKinney, Roy Winbush, CD Owens, NW Wells, PA Brooks, LR Anderson, JN Haynes, EJ Wright, WA Hamilton, Bishop Charles Blake



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Creflo Dollar Interview Part 2





666 – Before you receive the Mark of the Beast – Know who or what the beast is.. Don’t be fool.. many false prophets are in the world teaching a false doctrine to mislead God’s People… Study to show thyself approve..



YouTube – The Truth about Freemasons and Their Secret Agenda pt2

Prophecy of the Century II

Prophecy of the Century II



Spiritual Abortionist

It was in the days of Israel leaders wanted the adoration, homage of man, Hal Lindsey, Happy Caldwell, Hilton Sutton, Jack Hayford, Jack Van Impe, The Rapture, The Dome and The Third Jerusalem Temple (part 1)

clipped from youtube.com




Barack Obama, Cindy McCain,Carol McCain, Inquirer Catholic,Sunday Sabbath, Uncategorized, Thomas Weeks,John Edwards,Reille Hunter C. Dollar, Arch Bishop Earl Paulk, Randy White,Hillary Clinton, 777, Paula White, obama, KABBALLAH, Joe Van Koevering, Heath Ledger, Gaza, JHagee False Teacher Joe Aldrich, Joe Garlington, ML KING, Gerald Falwell, Bishop Frederick Kelley Ernest Angley, Dave Breese, yes we can,John Thomas, United Church of Christ, Trinity, John legend, Music, Video,Controversy of Zion, Chuck Smith, Bob Larson,Calvin Butts, Sherlock Bally, Paul Lelonde, Peter LeLonde, Jentezen Franklin, Creflo Dollar, Worldwide Church of God Sky Angel, John Ankerberg,Eliot Spitzer, hillary, House Rothschild Larry Burkett, theology Charles Blake, MICHAEL PFLEGER, Charles Stanly, church Eddie Long, Politics Prayer benny hinn, Billy Graham, Charles Green, Phil Wogoman, AllenHunt conspiracy,Rod Parsley current events, Jack Van Impe,Bill Richardson John Hagee,COGIC, Kenneth Copeland, Mason, Pentecostal, Robert Schuller Vatican, qabalah, rod parsley, Steve Keohane, T.D. 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Lukens Tim Lahaye, Anti-Christ Doctrine,Politics, Election 2008,Vicarius Filii Dei, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, CNN, ABC-News,, CBS-News Fox-news, H.Lindsey, Jane Hanson – Aglow International, Jesuits, John Hagee Ministries,Jamie Lynn Spears, Brittney Spears, Zoey 101, Kenneth copeland ministries, kenneth hagin,Keating Five, ministries,Rod Parsley, The View, lighthouse production, lighthouse world ministries, Christian Science, hinson,McCain Hagee, George Bush, Knight of Columbus, Knight of Malta, worship, Frank Wright, knights templar, Thomas Ice, Bishop Charles Blake, end-time-events,Dale Bronner, Myles munroe, murdock,Jeremiah Wright woodrow, bullinger, meyer Roberta Combs Christian Coalition, Assemblies of God branch of david, James Harris, Carol McCain, Cindy McCain, Adultery, Family Values, Christian Word Ministries, Doug Kreiger, frontier research publications, Frederick Kelley, jan markell,R.W. 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John McCain First Wife Speaks Out about His Adultery and How He Abandoned Her and His Family – Obama Braces for Race-Based Attacts by NWO Agents Freddoso and Mueller – McCain Rejects Hagees Endorsement After Remarks about Hitler and Jews – Juanita Bynum, Its Over Divorce Final – Is President Bush a Closet Catholic? Carter Mid-East Peace Tour – Iraq War Launched to Protect Israel, Its All About Israel- Apostate Preacher and Zionist Agent of Rothschild Israel, John Hagee Endorse Mccain – Obama Family Photos – U.S. In Bible Prophecy – Pope Is Deeply Ashamed of Pedophile Priests – COGIC Bishop Guilty of Child Molestation –
Obama Moves Closer to Nomination After Delegate Dispute Settlet
Kenneth Copeland
Obama Camp Braces For Race-Based Attacks by Jesuits NWO agents Freddoso and Mueller – Decision 2008 News
IN DEFENSE OF CAROL MCCAIN..John Abandoned his Wife and Family
Gordon MacDonald
Kenneth Hagin
John Hagee and Rod Parsley Renounced by John McCain
Pastor Jeremiah Wright Jr.
Malaysia Star
Ross Perot Does Not Like John McCain . McCain Threw Wife Away for Beauty Queen| An Unfaithful Dog – The Ruth Group
Bishop TD Jakes
Grant Jeffrey
Thomas Weeks
John McCains First Wife Speaks Out
Juanita Bynum Divorce Court Part Two
9-11 terror case in which an Israeli security company is a key defendant and in which individuals from Israeli military intelligence are suspected of being involved,Huntleigh
Pastor Franklin Bell
Grant Jefferies
Global University
Notes-For-News-of-HIS-Land, June 8-14, 2008-Chuck Smith
Eddie Long
John Hagee
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John and Carol McCain Family Pics – Pictures tells all: McCharacter
Bishop Charles E. Blake
Obama Clinches Presidential Nomination
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Juanita Bynum Divorce Court Part Three
Juanita Bynum Divorce Court Part Three
Haram al-Sharif
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Obama lavishes praise on Israel, angering Palestinians
The Judicial Hijacking of the 9-11 Victim Lawsuits
Jesse Duplantis
Rod Parsley
The Third Jerusalem Temple, The Red Heifer and The Rock of Ages
Glen Plummer
Hank Hanegraaff
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Celebrity Sensitivity: Juanita Bynum
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Global Destiny
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Is Modern Israel in Bible Prophecy? Middle East News
President Bush honoured by Popes cordial Vatican welcome

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3 Responses

  1. Obama wins easily with Bill Richardson on ticket

  2. Interesting Read! Very detailed blog,thanks for sharing

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